S (~QMMf~~.~ONWi~h EfieRfo~'IowingDOfticers~Apresen~UN ON October W. G. Stacy, County J~_idge R. Gordon Morgan, Comm. F'rect # 1 T. H. Lackey, Comm. F'r•ect # 2 Glenn K. Holekamp, Comm. Gr•ect # 3 Br~.~ce Oehler, Comm. F'rect # 4 and the following proceedings were had: ORDER NO. ~ii30 CLAIMS AND RCCOUNTS On this the 13th day of October 1992, came on to be considered the vario~_ts Claims and Acco~_ints against Kerr• County and the various Commissioners Precinct, which claims and accounts approved for payment oat of General for- 5121, 113. Se, Jury for• 5686.36, Road and Bridge Additional Registration for $36,393.74, Fire Protection for 57,314.8, Road and Bridge for f62,699.27, County Law Library for' 51,416.03, J~.ivenile State Rid for 5187.5, Traffic Safety Fund for $1,373.05, Intensive Program State Aid F~.ind for- 518.49, Permanent Improvement for $76,82.19, State Funded - Gerformance Rewards for 519,6;9.00, and 85-216th District Grobation Fund 85 for $339.50, and 86-State Funded "[16th District Probation for $2,839.51. On motion made by Commissioner Holekamp, seconded by Commissioner Lackey, the Cour-t unani~ously approved by a vote of 4-0-0~ to pay said Claims and Rcco~_~nts. PRGE 759 ~.