ORDER ND. 21144 RGGROVAL TO ADVERTISE FOR BASE MATERIAL FOR CONSTRUCTION OF STONELEIGH AND ELM F'ASS On this the 13th day of October 1992, ~_~pon motion made by Commissioner Holekamp, seconded by Commissioner Lackey, the Co~.~rt unani~ausly approved by a vote of 4-0-0, to adver-tise for base material for the construction of Stoneleigh and Elm Pass, for the Road and Bridge Department. Bids to be received in the Kerr County Clerk's Office until Friday October 3@, 1992, at 5:@@ G.M. Bids to be opened and read aloud on November 3, 1992 at 1@:@@ R.M. in the Commissioners' Courtroom. Bids will be awarded or• rejjected in the Commissioners' courtroom on November 9, 1992, at 1@:@0 R. M. ORDER N0. 21145 AGGROVAL TO RDVERTISE FOR BID ON CHIGGER FOR ROAD RND BRIDGE DEF~ARTMENT On this the 13th day of October 1992, upon motion made by Commissioner Holekamp, seconded by Commissioner Lackey, the Court unani~ously approved by a vote of 4-0-0, to advertise for bid for trailer mounted brush chipper for the Road and Bridge Department. Bids to be received in the Kerr County Clerk's Office until Friday, October 3@, 199'2, at 5:@@ G.M. Bids to be opened and read aloud November 3, 1992, at 1@:@@ A. M. in Commissioners' Court. Bids will be awarded or rejected in the Commissioners' Courtroom on November 9, 1992 at 1@:@@ R.M. GAGE 77@