The following Item No. were passed until a later date. Item # 2.5 Consider preliminary replat of Y.O. Ranchland, Tract No. 38, 46-R, and 4E-P. Item # 2.6 Consider request for variance from platting r•equir•ement far the partitioning of the Inola Bryan Estate. Item # 2.8 Request direction from the Court concerning obstructions along Saw Mill Road. R Monthly Report from the Road and Bridge Department was submitted to the Co~.irt. ORDER N0. 21198 MOTION TO RDJOURN Dn this the 1st day of December 199?, upon motion made by Commissioner Lackey, seconded by Commissioner Holekamp, the Court unani~oualy approved by a vote of 3-0-0, to adjourn. COMMISSIONERS' COURT RDJOURNED AT 10:15 R.M. pRGE 802 t