Ili.! (l C7hl I-[) FJGLE_P"t E: h1(=~L..OYEE T l: ME:':iHF_E: ! - L_:(.LL_:CGIV t±fllJCl_:. :CiJ Tl-I F= C:OIJivT'i C;LLF2F:"S UI-1'=7CE LJn t:hi.=s the end day of Fet~,'•~.tary 7.91;;, came on to t;e consid~=,^ed the m~l:•ter of the proper vac:,~tion time ~-'rudit !1~.te to Elr~.;ce wt,:iJ.e e.mpl.nycd wi.±:t-. tt-ie Co~.mty C:'lert< of-" Kerr l:o~..u~,t v. fl'Fter t, the evi.dence;• F:?r'esc.r~tecJ the Court deems and rinds tt,e followi„ga 1. l: t: t,a=s .j~_tri.cli.ction and ven~_te i.n t;F,is matter. ~.. t)~_te ancJ I:~roper no~ticc_• aaa. given 'to all intnr•ested par'•t :i. e s. .-5. G~11 neces~.ary and proper p,:,rt a(ipearecJ befc;re the Cn~n^~t except [-iri_tc_e. 4. E:vi.dence was pre sentecJ and testimony was taken. 5. I_i.11i<_rn k'•r~_tce deft I'~a11-time employment of Kerr Cu~_mty Clerk's•:• on hlovemt?er'~3Q~, 1.9`31, o'r her own accnr•d. 6. R't ti're +,ime of t_ill.ian P•r~_tce's ter-mina'tinn of employment as a empaoyee, she had accr~_ted 40 t,o~_trs of v.~ca't:ion time and was n~:rt i~oml:,cr~sa'ted for• it. 7. was 7.ater- emp7.oyed by the 4:err Cc?~_tnty Clerk to wcr•k ass a part..-.time. (less tf,:-a~n ~'N I-~n~_trs) I',o~arly employee. fl. Wt,a.le a par'i:--'time employee t*Is, f+r~_tce wa a].lowecJ to take 4Vi hai_trs vacation ~_,nd was cnmpensatt-zd for i;hrt time. B. I-'6Y'sOi,Ttel (=~oi.i.c:y in effect at tt',e ti.rne of tt,i=.; var:e,tion, stated tn<:~'t a par~t~-time employee worl an overpayment for- whu.,.h the ,~ ni-y Ls d~..te. reimt:u-mec•ment. t~ motion was ther•c:for~e made by secnr,deri 6y C:ortim:Cssinner- Clei-t1er, approved 6y a vote of 4-0-0, ti~~,t- hn~.n^s due M=s. E+r~.t~•e eq~_tals: tht:~ comF;ensated vacation time. taper, Dart-time emp:tcryef•, t?n~th ^ar•ties Ca~_tnty and M=,. Rr-ttce tat;e r, [' !-lolekamp, the Co~srt- unanimously sim::,e 'the %aN ~.tnt_uml:aer,s