2 ~ S"5 3. ~ Item No. c. 1 Consider temporary alternate ho~_+sing for co+snty prisoners. Sheriff Kaiser addressed the Co+_irt with the County being ~_+nder• a var°iance of 63 prisoners in the jail. Mr. Wayne Gandeck addressed the co~_ir•t stating he was here to disc~_~ss temporary ho~_ising for• the pr•isoner•s. A safety issue is involved. The Sheriff has exha~_+sted placement of prisoners to oat of co~_inty facilities. The basement has some space that could be utilisivner° Lehman saw the facility in Sweetwater and stated it was a nice facility. Judge Stacy Called for a F'~ablic Hear°ing at 10:00 A. M. and heard from Constable Precinct # 2 who had questions of why one constable is being paid mare than the rest of us'' Rfter a discuss was held on the matter the Judge closed the public hearing at 10:10 R.M. with an or°der' passing to have the salaries remain as they had been =_ubmitted to the Court. ORDER NG. ~~155~F pLll_3L:[C HERRING HELD GN SRLRRY INC:RERSED FGR CERTRIN ELECTEll GFFICIRLS Gn this the '4th day of Rugust 1993, ~..ipon motion made by Commissioner Holekamp, seconded 6y Commissioner Lehman, the Court unanimously approved by vote of 4-0-0, to adopt the salaries of the Constables as submitted to the Court. Constable F'rect # 1 ~]FS,~EI'/. 00 to 18,938.00 Constable p'rect # c 10,300.00 15,000.00 Constable p'r^ect # 3 10, c0@. 00 15, 000, 00 Constable F'rect # 4 ]1,E00.00 15,000.00 F'RGE 13f