- COMMISSIONERS' OOiJRT CONVENED IN SFECIAL SESSION ON Tuesday, June "Z.B, 1994 with the following Officer present; R~iy Lehman, Comrnissionerr Prec. # ]., T. H. Lackey, Commissioner Prec. # 2, G1F~nn K. Holekamp, Cornmissiorter Prec. # 3, and Br°uce Oa°rhler, Commissiener Prec. # 4, W. G. Stacy, County ,fudge was absent and the following proceeding:; wire had: ITEM NO. 1.1 Pay Bi11s ORDER N0. 22081 CLAIMS AND ACCOtJNT:S On this the 29th <.iay of June 1994, came on to be considered the various Claims and Acr_ounts against Kerr County and the various Commi:;siouers' Prer.inrts which Claims and Accounts approved for payment out of C,enerai for $25,855.51, ,Jury for $I, 082. 52, Road and Bridge Additional Registration Fee for $'',7.80.73, koad and Bridge for 526,978,90, County Law Library - for $199.00, ,:Juvenile lntensive Program State Aid Fund for 567.2.22, 70 Perm~~~nent Improvement for 57,578.00, 83-State Bonded-216th District Attorney for $267.94, 86-State Funded- 216th District Probation for $812.49, and 87-State Funded-Community Corrections for $3,51;9.56. upon motion made t?y Commissioner Lehman, sec•oncied by commi_:sione:r Lackey, the Court unanimously approved by a vote of 4-0-0, to pay said claims and Ac•ccunts. PAGE 455