ORDER Nd. ~3~'t r'_~E FtF'p~ROVAL dF= L_E.RSE RE3RE=EMEhJ'r BETWEEN CITY' OF= F:EcP.RVILL_E RhJD COLJNI"Y' GF I;ERF2 RS LESSORS RND F<.ti RV:[riTIOhJ, Ihl[:. t=tS L.ESSEE r'tN1:7 CIT`f dF F•;E.RRVILL_E. AEJI) ddUNTV dF= t:ERR AS I_. E:S'SC7R S, RIVD S R S R'.1 [ RT I CIIV On thi=s t:he Bth day of Jl.ily i.9~.if:, r.ipon motion made by dammissiEaner NoleLamp, sec~unded by Commissioner' L_et,mt3n, the dourt r_manimor_isly approved by a vote of 4-0-0, to apprc;ve {: I"~E, )eci Ei E? agr'e E?1'll ei, t: La E:t WE?e ll [. ]. {:V Cr 'r F:E t'T V1 ).)E? aild L.:O Uilty Gf Kerr as Lessor s Land I{X Gov 1=~t li]i,, .[nc.. a5 L._E?550"'E' rand City rrF F!err'vi.lle and Cor_nlty of t~.err as ).c•sscrrs, and S h S Aviation and ar_rthori~ze the Co~_ir~ty ,Ir..ldge to sign said document. F1SS I ONh4EN'I' RND ASSUMF'T I dN CdUhJTV dF KERP, ) THIS ASSIGtJME:hJT RNL' ASSUME=~TICiPJ, execr.ited and deliver-~E?d a= of the day of _, 1~9L, by arrd be=tween R. R. WddDWRRI7 E=N'rEF.4='RISES, INC., a Te•.xa=_ hr.t e; i.nes=_ C0t'p Ci r'atl Oil, ("Rssignor"), acrd KEHRVILL_E AVL=~I':[dN, INC., a Texas L-,~.1=.inE?ss corporation ("f-~1>S1L]P,E?e"); RECITRLS 4JHF_REAS, Assignee desires to acq~.Eire all of ilssignor^'s r'igtlt, t It ). E? Gild lilt E?rE•.5t ]. 7l ai;d tU t:he t:)c•.1GW dE?507'1 toed ). E3a5E? al]r ePin eY, {; 'i and amf?ndmf?rlt'_ and addendram' S ther•et4J, !i l,.lb leer t11 file teem=_ and conditions of ttli=. RssignmE?nt and Rssr.imption; and WHERERS, Assignor- de=_ires to t:ransfer-, as=_;ign, C_OilVe4 8nd set: uvE~r all ni` flssignor-'e r-i ght, title and int eyes{; i.n cand to t!-ic he).ow descr-~lbecl lease agreements arlcl amendments and addendr.im's tflerr?to to R=.signee, sr_ibiec=t to tt,e terms anri condition= oi- ttl i.s AE:Sl gnmeilt and Rserxm ptiong arrd KX Rviation Lease Rgreement WHEREt=tS, the City of F''.err'v:ille, as hlrsnicipa.l corporation ).oc:atE?d in P:err Cc,l_Inty, Texa=_, anc9 COUNTY dF F:ERR, "rEXAS, h4?r'e lnFi l't 8T` 001143 (7 t'1VE'1'y called "LE?sscr", and I;X Rviation, Inc. a Texas cor-~Froratior~, as L_eJSGG, err t:E?r'ed 1T1tG ±:hat c=rrtai.n LE?RiiE? t-7r3reement dated R~_IgE.ESt 4, 19&:s, a copy of which h; as ss beery heretofore f~_tr nisheci t:o RSSa. gyre E?j and 4JI)E:E?ERS, on hJoveinL;er 14, 1983, the I_..e,sor i.n sai.d I__e:_;<.>e Flgreement and E:i; F'-1vi~a~.Gr,, Inc, entered into a "F~~ir-st Rmencimer~t to t-Easr. Agreement," a copy of wt,ich ha= been irk=r-etGfore f~_t'rnist,ed tG Assi.gnee; and WHFRFRS, on Octot~er ~'9, 198~k, tt,E L...es~nr in said L.Ease Agreement and t;}: Rviation, Inc., ente:r'ed into ar. "I';7; Flviation L_.ease -- Sec:und (i,nendment, a F_Gpy of which ha= LEEn heretGfor-e f~.kr'nished to Assignee; ar~d 411-IERFi=~;~, Gn P.IUVem!;er c9, 1'3 t3~+, the Lessor in >aic9 I_e;:a=E~ Rgr~eemf?rrt ernd K}; rlvi.ati.Gn, Inc., f?rrter'E?d i.i,to are "t:}: k'=lviatiGn I_ea,F= ~~~ Third Amenr+~ment, " a ropy of which has 6e En hEr'etofore f~_rr-ni.stred to r=1>=_iyneE?; ar~d WI-IE-~REf1S, or. J~_rl.y 1~, 7.986, t:hE L_e=.=.or in saic:l LeaSE RgrF?emE?rrt and Kk l7v i;_itinn, :[nc., Fa rat er`Ed into are "Fo~irth L_ea<.se Addendum 6986)," a copy of which tress keen t,E?r`ttGfG}'c? f~.rr-nishecl to A:asiynee; and WHEREAS, Gn Octobe'r 1`;, 1986, =.aid L_.case Agr cement anti arnEndments and addend~_un thereto }acre a'saigned to R, R. irlGOdward E'ntErpt'i.ser:>, ]:nc., Fn.krs~.ear~t: tG that U7,E CErta17, R.asignmEnt and As=.e_~.unptiGn by find nk?'rweF=e, F•:k q>,,i~ition, Inc. and R. R. Woodward E_ntEr nri.sES, Inc. and consent tt'lei"EtG by the City Gf h:err~~ville, C:o~.u,ty of I:k?rr- and I;er-rville~--Kerr Co~.anty JGi.nt A~.rpor't: Hoard date?d Fetrr`~.Fary 14, 19399 nand WHEE?f=AS, Gr. May .'8, 1985, Lessor and S 8~ S Aviation, Ir,c., a Te/.a= Cor''por'iitior~, as Lessee, E.>r,tEY"eCi into that cer't:ain Lease i=i l3reFZmFZn{; da't ed hiav "~:f3, 19t3 t5, copy is{- Wt,lC`h ha=_ 6eer~ hF?r etGfor`e f~.kr-nished to fa.=.,si.gnEe; and 41HFREAS, on A~iy~rst 15, 198 ~, Les=_or in said Lei:,=e F-igreement t_;nd S i ~ Avieatian, ]:rye., as LE?S SEE s?ntcred into a "S Li S Aviation Lease ~- Fir.llk?"'KE?'r`r' CO~Ir'lty .TGint RirpGr't Hoard dated Fehr~.rary 14~, 1.989} and WhiEREi=~ti, Gn Rpri1 ;_[, i989, tl-,e Le=.sUr in said Lea.=. E? RgrEemr-nt .:>rui F7. Ft, WGOdwar`ri Ei,t Pi'prises, TnC. E'nt er ECi into Ea "'fh i. rd Amendment .. R S k~lviat ion Lease dated h16ay .'8, 193':1," a copy GF wtri.ct, bees=s t:7EEi, tier"e~tofGre f~_Frr~i.shed to ~~Yssir~.nee. (The I__ease i=agreements and amendment=. and .eddend~_tmp __ the'r'eto clescr-ibed i. s} the for E?go i.ng RE•c i.tal~s s=hril. 1. L7 E• CO 11E:Ct1VE31y hr?reinaftr:r referred to as tl-.e "Lease Agreement+a,•;. RGREENEN"f NOW, THEREFORE, for ~}red iri consideration of l:E}e furE"going r ec ].tals; rand the agrE?ements and covenants h}ereir~ >et: forth, together with {;I-~e .=.~_Im of ~rE.N F'+ND NO/iN6•l r`Biv1.410) DOt_I_i=aRS ar~d otheryood ar~d val~aat;le c:~onsideratior~ this day paid Eared delivered by AssiElr~ee to Assigner`, tho receipt and sufficiency of wh?.ch ]. __ F~E~rct;y ccmfE•ssed artd EiCYCnCi4JledgE•d by Assigr~ror, Assignirr doe=_ hereby ASSIGN, TRAhiSF'IF7, SEa' OVF_F2ar}d L7EI_:CVFiR ~_Ir~ito Assignee, Ae;=.:igr~eep S E;IICCe~'~SGT"Ei and ~assiyns, wi.ttto~_It warranty or reco~ars.e, expres•..> i?r iriiplied, ar~d ilpor~ tl-~e trarrin E:n'i cl pr~~ovi.si. ors Eset for-~th herein, tt}B i_.BaSe Ayr eemertt s, and all i;hr= r-igt}1-=„ 1-~er~efits ar}d privileges oi= Assignor t'ha?re~_mder, t:i~.tt s~.lbject to all. terms, pr ovisions, conditions, re=_ervation , and limitations =_et forth i.n i:he L_e.:a=:t= f-lgreement<:. In C'G7"~'nBCtlhn therE?with, ar;d wi~tho~_rt: limiting tt}e generality of the ferEgoing, bait in addition tt}ereti=~, A,>signor ext:;r essl.y ASSICaNS eared TRAfJSF'ERS to A:.signE:e arty alyd .11 claims, c~a~.t=.e's o~f' :;~caion and rii;Ehl:~~_. ;!" t=rs~=i.nnor in, try z~r;d corder the Lease Agreements, W].thGltt 44ar'r 8r7ty' err r eco!~.r-s.e, exprer:= or' implied, and watt] the: ~anderstanding that s~acn 1_essor teas consented to this Assignment and Rssclmption i.n writing. ~Tt}e pantie=. luldE•r=,t~r,nd and e.grEe ghat t;y execution ar~d acceptance of tF}is (-is:<.;igr~men;: and Assumption, i=ira=_iE.ai~ee h}erc•t;y ,as =.urties a17. of Rs=. i.gnorp=_: liability and eagrees to per-~form all of Assignor"p s dirtiE~<., and obl:igatior~<= clr~der the Lease Age eement:s. The parties fc[r t:her age ee that, after ttte date her'eo'F, %-~~=signor sl-~r_.11 have no ~1=llrther' liat;ility 'Lo discharge or perform Einy duty or ci til i.gat ion} or comply Iw i.tt} E:tt}y ter rn, covenant, condition or :~g rf?t In E?nt set 'Earth ire the Lease Agr'eernents. Ire Ci:rt}i}E•Ct:a07} ttleY"-E=.Wltt1, on and after the dates hereof', Assignee t}ere6y :indemni'Fi.e., ;and agrees to .:._,'..e sand ha7.d harmle=.s Ftss>,gi}ar from and again=_. t: any and a7. 1. lr,ss, damages, liabii.ity, claims, and car.lses of =action of any natcrr'e 47tt Eat SUe Ver arising out of or' r'elat ed t:a tt}e LE?asB Fagr E'F.me: i}t~ or' Assignee" 'FWARD, f='res:ident or= R. R. WoaE:Iw~ar~d E:rrterpri.ses, i:nc., a Te;;a=~ b~_t=i.r~es, corporation, as tP-~e ar7t ar~~d deed oi= =_aid cnr-por-taier-~ and ire tt~~e c=sE~acity tt'i E?rE?ln St at Ed. TI-IF_ Sl"Al'Fi OF" TEti6l3 i i CC:iUNT'r OF= N,ERP, i Notary 4'~.ablic, State of l"taxes<.: Tl-ai.s i.n=..tr~_tment wa=_ acknowledged before me thi=_~ ___ day of , 19'11>, by F?CIBI::_F71- R. 41ClOi>W(1P.D, 4='rt=••sider~i- of I',er-r-vil7.e Aviati~ry Inc. a Texa=> b~_tsi.ness corpcrratior~, a=_ tFae act and dtaed rf said :_orporation and in the capacity therein stated. Notary 4'~ablic, Staate rf ley._itt. FOSTER, t_EWIS, t?.NGLEY, GARDNER (k BANACK NCORPORPTEO ATTORNEYS AT LAW 100 WESTON CENTRE 2 EAST PECAN STREET SAN ANTONIO, TExA$ 78205- 533 RALPH IANGLEY EMERSON BANACK, JR. CHARLES R ROBERtS EDWARD KLIEWER III RICHARD L. KERR WILLIAM T. ARMSTRONG III KENNETH L MALONE RON PATfERSON SCQTT E. BREEN MICHAEL R. GARATONI DALE WILSON MARK S. HELMKE JAMIE M. WILSON JAMES K. LOWRY PETER L KILPATRICK ROGER D. KIRSTEIN D. CRAIG WOOD ROBERT CARL JONES (2 10)226-3 I 16 TELECOPIER l2101226~ 106$ June 27, 1996 AusrlN OFFICE 100 CONGRESS, SVITE 2100 AOSTIN, TEAS ~8~01 IS 1219693695 TELECOPIERIS 2)469-6335 OF CODNSEL A. J. LEWIS. JR A. J. LEWIS III BEN F FOSTER (RETREDI A J LEWIS 11902 19811 PAT M. GARDNER (RETIREDI Ms. Thea Sovil Administrative Assistant 700 Main Kerrville, Texas 78028 Re: Request for consent to assign the following: Lease Agreement dated August 4, 1983, by and between City of Kemille and County of Kerr, as Lessors, and KX Aviation, Inc., as Lessee, as amended; and Lease Agreement datedMay 28, 1985, by and between City of Kerrville and County of Ketr as Lessors, and S&S Aviation, as Lessee, as amended. (collectively, the "Leases"). Dear Ms. Sovil: Pursuant to our telephune cunversation of this date, and as we advised you, this firm represents R. R. Woodward Enterprises, Inc. dba Kerrville Aviation. As its legal counsel, our client has requested that we forward this letter to your attention for the purpose of requesting, and please consider this letter as our client's formal request, that the County Commissioners of the County of Kerr consent to the assignment of the Leases to Kerrville Aviation, Inc. The Airport Advisory Board and City Council for the City of Kerrville have already approved the transaction and the form of the enclosed Assignment and Assumption Agreement. You can verify this approval by contacting Mr. Jim Dower at 257-8000. D1Cjones\CLIENTS\WOODWARDVCERR AVI\Comty COmmissoners ltr wpd Page .., -,. In connection with our client's request, and pursuant to our telephone conversation of this date, we have enclosed information relating to Kemille Aviation, Inc. and the proposed Assignment and Assumption Agreement. Kemille Aviation, Inc. is a Texas business corporation whose shareholders are the same as those who hold all outstanding and issued shares of R. R. Woodward Enterprises, Inc. All assets of R. R. W. Enterprises, Inc. dba Kemille Aviation will be transferred to Kemille Aviation, Inc. in connection with this transaction. Based on the foregoing, our client requests that this request for approval of the foregoing assignment be submitted to the County Commissioners along with a request that they authorize the County Judge to sign the Assignment and Assumption Agreement as indicated. Please submit the enclosed information and this request to the County Commissioners for approval at the next regularly scheduled meeting. Further, please provide me with notice of the date and time of the meeting and let me know whether I should attend the meeting as I did the Airport Advisory Board. If you have any questions or need any additional information regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me at the address and phone number on this letterhead. Thank you in advance for your prompt attention to this matter. Sincer~ c~^"""/T Robert Carl Jones V cc: Mr. Robert R. Woodward, President R. R. Woodward Enterprises, Inc. P. O. Box 630 Kemille, Texas 78029 D \Cjones\CLIENTS~WOODWARDVCERR AVI\COUnry Commissoners hr wpd Page 2 ~" _~~ i M ~ ~ I. ^~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~~e ~ Cafe of ~extts ~erretarv of Mate "rc.d. 2v, lvvb FJSTcQ lEn'[S La\GLE'( - 'OSE~T CARL JUVES 112 E ~S T PcCi. '+, STE . LitiG S9~i Ci.T%NI`l ,TX 78[05-1~3J F. r- K=R?VILL"t t~VI^.TIu~~, IBC. C:-IARTE;~ `n1n;;E?. C138vd~2-DQ IT HAS 9EEP+ UUR PLcaSL'FE TU APPROVE AND PLACE ON RECORD THE ARTICLES Or T`+CC?P04,1T?U~ THA7 C?E~T=] Y'JU~ CO?P;IRATIUN. IiE ExT'EfvD GUR EtEST ,.. - F+ISHES FOR SUf,CESS I:V Y•:,UR ^iEvl VcNTURE. LS "- CU~P;;.Z:TI7V, Y%U „'<= SU3JECT T'~ ST~TE TA'( LAwS. SUYE NUN-PROFIT CORaO~AT[nNc Arc EXEMPT F2G^! THE PAYHEYT DF F2ANCHISE TAXES AND ,MAY AI_S^ PE- EXEr!PT FRCf1 THE PAYMENT OF SAL=S AND USE TAX ON THE PURCHASE Ur TAXAHLE ITE1S. IF YOU F'=EL TH4T UVU=ic T4i"c L:1w YOUR CU3?ORaTIuN IS E'~TITLL-C TO 3E =x'.MPT YDU MUST APPLY TO THE CO?1P7RULLER CF PU9LIC AC- CUUNTS FOR THE EX=M PTIUV. THE SECRcT~RY ~F STATE CAV"+OT MAKE SUCH D=TERyIyaTIU;J FCR YOUR CORPOR4TIOV. IF .JE CAN 9= OF F!JRTnEP, SERVICE AT .Af•iY 71:1E, PLEASE LET US K^JUd. ~i ~~\` - r'1, ~:-,: ~~. ~ i ~ ~~~~.: .:'•~ j~__ - --~ '. ~~ __, VERY TRULY YOURS, „\^~~/, ;, ` _, t\\ \~~% i ~ ~ O ~`\ / Antonio O. Garza, Jr., Secretary of State \.. _.r. ... }. ~ j, i. i .~~,. ~1hP ~fHtP Of ~fXtIB ~ecrefttrt7 of ~tttte c~Y OF STATE, .:tiC BY VIRTUE U~ T.1- ~'JTHr)~ iTY /~STL--~ f'v TH5 Scf=.. T.1,