PF'4'ROVRL OF TERMINPT]:ON OF- L_EPSE R~REEMEfdI" PD10N6 TI-JE CIT`I Of= N1=RF2VILLE, TEXAS, 71-iE COUNl"Y iJF KE:=RR 'FEXA,^ Ahd1] SERRYtdAN-DRRNE ENTERPRISES, 7:D1C. On this the 2nd dt+y of RErril. 1996, ~.ipon motion :Wade Liy Commissioner, s>ec.!'inded by Comm:i.ssi.oner Lehr~an, thie Cn!irt unanimously approved by a vote of 5-@-0, to terminate floe lease agreement among 'the City of I;errviale, 'feu,,}, tha C: r;~.nlty cif }',err Texa.=_. and }ier'T'yftiarl"~7Jr'ai-le Enterprises, Inc. as s~.ilamitted tia the Co:;'rt. AGRE'Et4EadT 'f0 TERMINR"fE L_F_ASE AGREEMENT RMONG THE CIT`r QF- KF"RRVILLE, TEXAS, TI-{E COUNTY t7f= KERP., TEXAS RND SERRY'MRN-DRPNE ENTERPRISES, INC. 41F{f-"REP., I_h-~e City o{` I?.er'r v:ille, "texas, (herE=af'te'r called "City">, tl'~ie Co~.n-ity of N.k?r:-~, "fexa=_, tf'IE?r'"E•d'f~t: @1' CEi7.leCI "Co~.,ii~t-y"), and Cierrymcan--Drone En$Erpriset>, Inr_. (hereafter- k:all.ecl "Les=.;ee") entered that certain LERSE PGREE'.ME=NI' dated ,7iane '7, i99i, thereafter c.=ailed "tht? Lease") aiheretay City •and Gu~.n-iCy ].eased to L<:•setee are appraximate7.y c. ~i acre tract, of land locatkad at ;:iChrEelYlel" F-1k?ld located in Kk?r r' C'o~_rnLV, 'fe.xasg and WI-IE"F.EAS, City, Co~.u'~ty, a'nd L_es=.;ee find i.'l-. to be in ttie ir~terE?'.;t of tf-~e partie!5 't t? 't4?i`Iiil.nate said leaska pr i~.~r to itik: krrxi of t-he ter-rt; set forth i.r'i the Leas:eq I+iOW TNERE(=ORI_:, C.i+. y, Co~..inty, and Les<_=+=e --~gr ee ~-.s fo1 ~t.;ws; 1. -}'I-~e t_ease sh=a 7.l ter,mi.nat.c= and t;e canceled effective Rpri7. ,.... l:n c;f the termina.ti.on of the Lease, cacti parity hk:~r---etu m~;'b Baal ly ag re4: !: tr, veleta=e and forevE=r d:i=.•charge witho~_tt: ].i.abi.lity gill other parties from L-he io~a:¢ d~_itiea hand obligations sc't forth in tt-~e Lease wl-~ict'i are d~_ie rind owing ene tc; the c;ther'. "' - ~ =<'see warrari'Cta rand .,. the person sigr~:ing on Laehal';- o't L_E.., r~epresente; tt'~at. he t~i~~s the a!;tt-:ori.ty to execute this +.ermin:at.ion agreemc-.nt en t:~et~_a1f~ of Lessee witho~_it the necE:'=,si.ty cif CJ:ity or Co~_inty that a~_kthor ity or req~..ii.ri.r:y p'r'esentat:iE;n ~f ~tr~y corEaera'i:o resol~_i~tior-r a l:;}ir~o+,ed t;y L_e<'a=,eE?. EXCCUiEL) AtJl1 hiGREED by' 'l:I-iE pctT'{;.1.e5 tlf'retU a~ ir~di.cated by the• E't r`~ar ti-~ be7.uw. C:[T'r' Qf" KcRRV:[LI_I=, l"F_'tRS n! Ct,arles F'. .Johnson it:! C:I-ar-le:: F=~. ,Johnson LZERRYhiAN--DRRNE EPJTEF2F~RISES, ;:h.'C. s; Fio~~art. B. Berryman it: RaC;ert: B. Berryman Dates Anr-:i :i. 9. 159', llate: 4/]./96 COUNTY OF F:ERR, TF_X%af3 Bv:•`s/ F2obert R. Denson ;~!:.~ Rober..t ~. Den=_~or,, f".o~_mty .J~-adgE., Date : April ~:_, 1996 A~~PROVED AS TO PORh1e /s/ F