ORDER NO. `G9`4 AF~F~ROVAL T(] UTILIZE THE SERVICES OE GROVF_S AIVU ASSOCIATES TO REVISE FLAT ROCk. LAk•:E RARk4 F~L_AN GRARfT AF~F~L I CAT I CIN On this the iltth day ofi April 1997, ~_~pon mot :t on made by Commissioner Lets, seconded by Commissioner Baldwin, the Co~_~rt unani~ously approved by a vote of 4-0-~, to ~_itili~e the services of Gr^ove and Associates to revise Flat Rock Lake F'ark F'Ian Grant Application and to pay ~>1, 19~.~0 for these Y"eV151AT1s. COMMIS~tONERS' COURT AGENDA RLt?UEST PLEASE FURNISH ONE ORIGINAL AND FIVE COPIES OF THIS REQUEST AND DOCUMENTS TO BE REVIEWED BY THE COURT. MADE BY: Jonathan Letz OFFICE: Commissioners' Court MEETING DATE: April 14, 1997 TIlVIE PREFERRED: SUBJECT: (PLEASE BE SPECIFIC) Consider and approve continuing to utilize the services of Groves and Associates to revise Flat Rock Lake Park plan grant application and determine the allocation of funds to Uay for these revisions. EXECUTIVE SESSION REQUESTED: (PLEASE STATE REASON) ESTIMATED LENGTH OF PRESENTATION: IF PERSONNEL MATTER -NAME OF EMPLOYEE: NAME OF PERSON ADDRESSING THE COURT Commissioner Pct. #3 Time for submitting this request for Court to assure that the matter is posted in accordance with Title 5, Chapter 551 and 552, Government Code, is as follows: Meeting scheduled for Mondays THIS REQUEST RECEIVED BY: THIS REQUEST RECEIVED ON: 5:00 P.M. previous Monday. All Agenda Requests will be screened by the County Judge's Office to determine if adequate information has been prepared for the Court's formal consideration and action at time of Court Meetings. Your cooperation will be appreciated and contribute towards you request being addressed at the earliest opportunity. See Agenda Request Rules Adopted by Commissioners' Court. GRt~11'E t3~ ~tS~~C~C:,~A' ;3. it'±lt,. 100 R4~7-jMCrNC SAN ANl"dNlO, TEa(A5 78:.'05 (210} 22~-2922 FAk (210) 226-8497 Ij :i March 26, 19~'l Jonathan Lenz ! :. P~ $~Q-792-2218 Canc~`mi+seionelr Precinct No. 3 , ; ~ , Kerr County, ri~exes ! , 700 Main Kerrville, TX 78Q28 Mr. Letz: Per our meeting of March 25t~x, T have prepared the fallowing itemized ~os't for revision o~the~pl~n ~d grant application for F'latrock Lake Park: . Revise pl na (per our meeting) sad caaculate quanti#l~es ~r nevv cost estimates (5 hrs. x $80.00} $ 400:0' Revise grant application to match {6 hrs. x $30.00) 180.00 ]~evisiolps ~ plan fimteg (2 hrs. ~: ~$aQ.t}0) ~: ! ~6~:f11U! Provid 15rropies of grant application to client (1~ C~a $~O.OQ) 450.Ob ~btal~ ~ ~ $x.,190.00 I have enclosed a devised Tabular summary to re#~ect the items we discussed at our meeting. 'lease forward any documentation oa the existing nathre areas adj acerit to! the site and I wi1.I discuss these with Parks and Wil~ife officials. I suggest that we; move ahead as a~oon as possible. The Parks and ~V~li~ife Department jwotild like to have the agplication t~vo weeks prior td he deadjine. i , ; ; ~; Sj"sere I W !+ Walter H. Herd, ~SLA Landscape Ar~hit~ct ~`'"'-----~..__ ~, WHHlmly 'i e i ;1 GON+91~LT1N(3 ENQINEERS ~ AACHiTECTS ® PLANNERS ~ LANDSCAPE ARCHITEC75 ~ g~pyEypR~ +~ I i .. ~ .i - -1 R„7.. ..".. - ..: G i FL~~`RC}CK LA~~ CCf Cllv'~'Y P~~i.K ~'.ABTJLA~.2 SifiMMARY OF PRCJEC'P ELEMENTS A~TD COST I.' Professional ~rv~ces Pre A greeme~ht C A. Site Pl ~g and Application Preparation $ 6, I90 B. Cents ources Survey and/or 404 Permit $ 6,000 (If Req ed) Construction larislSpecifications and Inspections A. By Co ult~nt $ 52,300 Subtotal $ 64,490 II Construction ; . After oj~ct Approval ' A. Site Pr par'ation $ 14,000 `; B. Utiliti ~, 1. star $ 3,500 2. I~ 1ect~rical 10,000 3. anitiazy Sewer 4,000 C. Roads x, ys~m add $ 19,800 2. h arking 38,000 D. Buildi 1. ~st~ooms (2) $ 24,000 E. Recrea~ ion~l Facilities 4 1. Ifi icni~ Units (X2) $ 18,400 2. wing Beach Access to Lake nank Stabi]i2,ation 18,000 {' 3. and Bike Trail (8' x 6850') 54,800 I 4. ede~trian Bridge 45,400 5, p 'ishing Fier (120' x 10') 24,000 6. ~ and'~ Volleyball {4) 24,000 7. R jiultx-Use Fields 15,000 8. layground 52,000 9. 1 ~'ature Area 4,5Q0 F. Miscell aneous 1. I iand~cape and Irrigation $113,404 ~ 2. igh~ing (30 Area Lights? 30,400 i 3. gram Signage 1,000 ~ ~ III. Contingency ; Cr~AND Tt7TAL '~ $ 513,000 10,004 $ 687,490 ~; i ~: i. i° i TOTAL P.02 Order N0. 23924 Approval to Utilitze the Services of Groves and Associates to revise Flat Rock Lake Park Plan Grant Application April 14, 1997 Vol. V, Page 109