ORDER Eva. :::.:,s~t^+~- A~'F'RCIVAL aF NAMES DRAWiv FaR SALARY GRIEVANCE G01+1MI1-TG.E on this the 1?,th clay of Jan~_iar•y is?~7, ~_epon motion made by Co~_ent_y J~..~dge, seconded by Commissioner Oehler^, the C:oi_irt t-nanimously approved by a vote of ~-~-Q~, to L~ccept niT°re mcrnbe•.r^,.; fr^ort, tl-~e Grand J'~_iry List ancE se.l.ect fifteen names over^~~11. TF-Fe_ name~~ selected 43r~e ;.a t.. fol.lcaw=_.: 1. R. Don Harden 1~9~9 Wo«dstone 1',er^r^v i 1 1 e, Tx 78k's`8 E. Teak Elmore HC 1 Pox 11~ H~_~nt, Tx 7E3V~u4 9. StephE:n Hamilton 17l.~ Silver^ Saddle F'.er--r-•v i 1 I e, Tx 79~'~;~P 1~. I~:atF~leen Reed 14~ N. W. Hi 11 s Dr^. Kerrv i ]. 1 e, Tx 75@:~Ff S. Richard C•~. East land Pox c57, Rt. ;. H~_~nt, Tx 76~ca+ ~}. Roger C. Chapman k'. a. Pox 58b I-i~_int, Tx 7F3~~~4 ~. Raymond HL~rdee ::.,E~ Pearl Kerrv i I 1 e, Tx 76~~`8 E~. Mary Lora Ayala 6~~ Stephen I:errv i 1 I e, TX 7a~~:E3 7. Nell I. Sevey F'. O. Pax 44 Center E-'OlTlt, TX 7~311~ 11. Sharon C~_-r--r^y i:~.~~ Jack llr. N:er-rv i 1. 1 e, TX 784~~:_8 1:. Sandr^a Schmitt Camp Arrowhead H~_~r,t, 7X 78~~~~r 1.?,. Calvin H. T~_rttle sic Winged Foot L_n. E:er-•r-•v i 1 1 e, TX ?8~:~8 14. Cher^l in Shaw `17 F'earl St. F'terrville, T}: 7PQ~cE+ 15. R. L. Ebeling k'. a. Pox i. ~+i- Erer^rvil.Ie, TX 7P~~8-1~-4;=' 9. Ar^nold Sm1th, Jr. .V~:~ Fear-'l fit. Hier^rv i I 1 e, Tx TP~P ~' ~ !s S ;~ ] .`,'L.001 ~ectiun :~i E><'HAPTER D. WITHHOLDIIv'G COMPENSATION s ~F' OFFICER WHO ELECTS NOT TO BE PAID ]52.fr,°.1. Definition. 1.."r?.O.;L. Decision to Reduce Compensation or Not to be Paid. ;:,°.~5;t. Record of Nonpayment. 1 ~'! 0:>~! Reco~'ery of Payroll Taxes. [: ections 152.055 to 15'LA70 reserved for expansion) ~L`BCHAPTER E. SPECIAL PROVISIONS APPLYING TO SHERIFF'S DEPART11fENT 1~'L 071. Classification of Positions; Salary Schedule. 152.07'?. Petition to Increase Salaries. 15°.073. Penalty. 152.074. Longevity Pay for Commissioned Deputies. 1'2.075. Compensation for Reserve Deputy Sheriffs. [Sections 152.076 to 152.900 reserved for expansion] SUBCHAPTER Z. 111ISCELLANEOL'S PROVISIONS 152.901. Travel Expenses for Certain County Agents and Board Members. 1,12.902. Compensation for Reserve Deputy Constables. 152.903. Compensation for Interpreters Employed by Dis- trict Courts. 152.904. Compensation of County Judge in Certain Coun- ties. 152.905. Procedures far Setting Compensation by District Judges. 15°.906. Longevity Pay for Deputy Constables. SUBCHAPTER A. GENERAL PROVISIONS § 152.001. Funds From R'hich Amounts are Paid Unless otherwise provided by law, the compensa- tion, expenses, and allowances set under this code for a district, county, or precinct officer or employee may be paid from the general fund of the county in which the officer or employee serves or from any other funds that are available for that purpose. Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 149, § 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987. § 152.002. Salary Donation to County The county may accept from an elected county or precinct officer a gift or donation of all or part of the salary paid by the county to the officer. The county treasurer shall deposit a gift or donation accepted under this section in the general fund of the county. Acts 1989, 71st Leg., ch. 1259, § 1, eff. June 18, 1989. [Sections 152.003 to 152.010 reserved for expansion] A _. .. ,. ,, ~.. ~1:: b'. ,, a-.17G ...~. ..r.d ~. ,wr.1YiC..a...4'.v... - - ,~.. ,.cif ~ .a:: ,:.; ,. LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE ~, ~~: I SUBCHAPTER B. AMOUNT OF CO:'1tI'f:~aA- .{;,-:_~ TION, EXPENSES, AND ALLOWAti('F:~ GENERALLY APPLICABLE. § 152.011. Amount Set by Commissioners Court The commissioners court of a county shall set the amount of the compensation, office and tra.-el ex- penses, and ail other allowances for count}• and precinct officers and employees who are paid wholly from county funds. Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 149, § 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987. § 15'1.012. Minimum Amount of Salary The commissioners court may not set the salary of an officer or employee at an amount less than the amount of the salary in effect on January 1, 1972. The court may not set the salary of a justice of the peace at an amount Less than the amount of the salary in effect on May 25, 1973. Acts 1987, ?0th Leg., ch. 149, § 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987. § 152.013. Procedure for Setting Amounts for Elected Officers (a) Each year the commissioners court shall set the salary, expenses, and other allowances of elect- ed county or precinct officers. The commissioners court shall set the items at a regular meeting of the court during the regular budget hearing and adop- tion proceedings. (b) Before the 10th day before the date of the meeting, the commissioners court must publish in a newspaper of general circulation in the county a notice of: (1) any salaries, expenses, or allowances that are proposed to be increased; and (2) the amount of the proposed increases. (c) Before filing the annual budget with the coun- ty clerk, the commissioners court shall give written notice to each elected county and precinct officer of the officer's salary and personal expenses to be included in the budget. Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 149, § 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987. § 152.01.1. Sa_~ry Grievance Committee (a) In each county there is a salary grievance committee composed of the county judge and: (1) the sheriff, county tax assessor-collector, county treasurer, county clerk, district clerk, county attorney or crin]inal district attorney, and the number of public members necessary to pro- vide nine voting members; or (2) nine public members, if the commissioners court votes on the second Monday in January each year to have nine public members. 234 ~Hh, ~i. ~` ,,~ - `r~p ~'. . :~ . „~ z-,,; ; ~~, ~~• 9 F ) ~Y' ~.: ~i ~.i~ ~.~~ ',' ~~ vg: 3~! 'fk. ., c ~~, ~ ~~, ~; ~` i. 3~ 7 . PUBLIC OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES (b) The county judge is chairman of the commit- tee, but is not entitled to vote. (c) Public members must be residents of the coun- ty_ Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 149, § 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987, § 152.015. Selection and Term of Public Mem- bers on Grievance Committee (a) The public members of the salary grievance rnmmittee shall be selected at a meeting of the court on the second Monday of January each year. (b) Before the meeting, the county clerk shall place on a separate slip the name of each person who served on a grand jury in the county during the preceding calendar year. At the meeting the slips shall be folded, placed in an appropriate container, and mixed. The county judge shall draw at random a number of slips equal to the number of public members needed for the committee and shall an- nounce the names on the slips. A person whose name is drawn becomes a member of the committee on submitting written acceptance to the clerk. If a person refuses or is unable to serve, a replacement shall be selected at the next regular or called com- missioners court meeting by random selection of a slip from the remaining slips. This process shall be repeated until the required number of public mem- bers is selected. (c) A public member serves until a successor is appointed the following January. (d) A vacancy in a public member position shall be filled for the unexpired part of the term by random selection of a slip from the remaining slips at a meeting of the commissioners court. Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 149, § 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987. § 152.016. Functions of Grievance Committee in Relation to Elected Officers (a) An elected county or precinct officer who is aggrieved by the setting of the officer's salary or personal expenses may request a hearing before the salary grievance committee. The request must: (1) be in writing; (2) be delivered to the committee chairman within five days after the date the officer receives notice of the salary or personal expenses; and (3) state the desired change in salary or person- al expenses. (b) The committee shall hold a public hearing within 10 days after the date the request is re- ceived. The chairman shall announce the time and place of the hearing. § 152.031 (c) If, after the hearing, six or more of the mem- bers vote to recommend an increase in the officer's salary or personal expenses, the committee shall submit its recommendation to the commissioners court in writing. If six to eight members vote to recommend the increase, the commissioners court shall consider the recommendation at its next meet- ing. If nine members vote to recommend the in- crease and sign the recommendation, the commis- sioners court shall include the increase in the bud- get before the budget is filed and the increase takes effect in the next budget year. (d) The committee's authority is limited to the consideration of increases in the salaries or personal expenses of county and precinct officers. The com- mittee may not set policy of the county or add new items to a proposed county budget. Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 149, § 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987. § 152.017. Exceptions This subchapter does not apply to: (1) a judge of a court of record; (2) a presiding judge of a commissioners court in a county with a population of 2.5 million or more; (3) a district attorney paid wholly by state funds or the district attorney's assistants, investi- gators, or other employees; (4) a county auditor, county purchasing agent, or the auditor's or purchasing agent's assistants or other employees; or (5) a person employed under Section 10, Article 42.12, Code of Criminal Procedure. Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 149, § 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987. Amended by Acts 1991, 72nd Leg., ch. 597, § 89, eff. Sept 1, 1991. § 152.018. Formec Procedures Not Affected This subchapter does not affect a lawful proce- dure or delegation of authority established before January 1, 1972, for setting the salary of a county or precinct employee. Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 149, § 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987. [Sections 152.019 to 152.030 reserved for expansion] SUBCHAPTER C. AMOUNT OF COMPENSA- TION AND EXPENSES OF COUNTY AUDITOR AND ASSISTANTS § 152.031. County Auditor's Compensation and Allowances (a) At a hearing held in accordance with Section 152.905, the district judges appointing the county 235 1809 Stiorc.stc:.e .I:er:rv:ille, TX 78028 ` ~ . Chuck McCarter 2017 Vista Ridge Kerrville, TX 78028 Margaret Burgess 710 Washington Kerrville, TX 78028 /Weak Elmore '~ HC 1, Box 119 Hunt, TX 78024 ichard G. Eastland Box 257, Rt. 2 Hunt, TX 78024 Jonathan P. Letz Rt. 1, Box 71 Comfort, TX 78013 Wilbur Delmus Hesseltine P. O. Box 1057 Center Point, TX 78010 Roger C. Chapman ~~' P. O. Box 586 Hunt, TX 78024 Mae H. McMillan 522 Fairway Dr. Kerrville, TX 78028 ti'.ary Lou Ayala E05 Stepphen Kerrville, TX Douglas Knox 929 Wheless Ave. 78028 Kerrville, TX 78028 L. Bryant Williams P. O. Box 1366 ~ Kerrville, TX 78029-1366 ~- Vera L. March 902 George Kerrville, TX 78028 Melissa Burns ~ Box 140 Hunt, TX 78024 Wanda Flynn Box 97 Center Point, TX 7$010 Sidney Zirkel 3361 Medina Hwy. Kerrville, TX 78028 ~11 I. Sevey P. O. B ox 443 Center Point, TX 78010 vArnold Smith, Jr. 228 Pearl St. Kerrville, TX 78028 Mary Garces 2207 Memorial Blvd. Kerrville, TX 78028 Raymond Hardee !/ Stephen Hamilton 320 Pearl 1710 Silver Saddle Kerrville, TX 78028 Kerrville, TX 78028 ~R. L. Ebeling Kathleen Reed (/" P. O. Box 1442 140 N.W. Hills Dr. Kerrville, TX 78029-1442 Kerrville, TX 78028 Lee Brent Bates 434 Forest Ridge Kerrville, TX 78028 Ken G. Brown Rt. 1, Box 76 Comfort, TX 78013 Joe A. Hernandez 31 E. Cedar Dr. Kerrville, TX 78028 Laura Lewis P. O. Box 211 Kerrville, TX 78029-0 Willie George Boldin 909 Swigert Ave. Kerrville, TX 78028 Sylvia Lewis 117 Pearl Kerrville, TX 78028 Gina R. Buell 1214 Jack Dr. Kerrville, TX 78028 "Sharon Curry 1230 Jack Dr. Kerrville, TX 78028 Manuel Benavides 120 Holly Hill Dr. Ingram, TX 78025 andra Schmitt Camp Arrowhead Hunt, TX 78024 David H. Ellis ,C~vin H. Tuttle Raul R. Arreola 107 Cynthia 12 Winged Foot Ln. 905 Golf Ave. Kerrville, TX 78028 Kerrville, i TX 78028 Kerrville, TX 78028 L. E. Blanton ~ Joe Thomas Skeins Marcia Tinsley 802 Alamo Dr. ~ 604 E. Sha dy 2401 Birkdale Lane Kerrville, TX 78028 ~ Kerrville, TX 78028 Kerrville, TX 78028 Thomas J. Moore P.O. Box M Ingram, TX 78025 Linda L. Imel 305 Spring Mill Kerrville, TX 78028 Billie Hardee Angelita Garza 320 Pearl St. HC 1, Box 115 Kerrville, TX 78028 Hunt, TX 78024 }Felix R. Del adillo P.O. Box 115 Kerrville, TX 78028-1154 Jimmie J. Bailey Cherlin Shaw Gn''~~ I31 Sleepy Hollow Circle 217 Fearl St. Kerrville, TX 78028 Kerrville, TX 78028 pavid H. Hunt 123 Windwood Rd. Kerrville, TX 78028 David M. Hughes P.O. Box 1027 Ingram, TX 78025 COMMISSIONERS' COt1RT AGENDA REQUEST PLEASE FURNISH UIV~ uKiGINAL AND FIVE COPIES OF THia n~i~uinST r-ivu ui~CU1VIENTS TO BE REVIEWED BY THE COURT. ~1ADE B1' Patricia Dye ~1EETNG DATE: __January 13 , 1997 (A) According Committee: SLBJECT: (PLEASE BE SPECIFIC) ha~TO ti mom public members to serve on the committeeom ~ n~~T-mac ee ~-s~i~~ to Lo~~ Gs~v~ Esd e-~-~z'~1~=-C prospective members to serve on the Salary OFFICE: Kerr County Clerk TIME PREFERRED: to Loc. Gov. Code 152.014 Salary Commissioners' Court chooses to ncarc rnminR from olo~i-ca nffir~ial c J the public or have all nine ~;~z~d t~dg e-dr-at~s~-rte ~ -' ^^~ f o r Grievance Committee. E~"ECL'TIVE SESSION REQUESTED: (PLEASE STATE REASON) ESTIMATED LENGTH OF PRESENTATION: IF PERSOivfi'EL MATTER -NAME OF EMPLOYEE: N.~ti1E OF PERSON ADDRESSING THE COURT: 20 minutes Patricia Dye Time for submitting this request for Court to assure that the matter is posted in accordance with Title 5, Chapter 551 and 552, Government Code, is as follows: Meeting scheduled for Mondays THIS REQUEST RECEIVED BY: THIS REQtiEST RECEIVED ON: .~Il .-~`;enda Requests will be screened by the County Judge's Office to determine if adequate information has been prepared for the Court's formal consideration and action at time of Court Meetings. Your cooperation will .., he appreciated and contribute towards you request being addressed at the earliest opportunity. See Agenda Request Rules Adopted by Commissioners' Court. 5:00 P.M. previous Tuesday. prder N0' 23aQ4 Approval ° S 1aYYS D ri evance C°mmi.ttoe January 13, 19ay 1~ Vol. V p~