COMMISSIONERS' COURT RECONVENED FROM RECESSED SESSION on Monday, Jani_iary 27, 1997 to Tuesday, J'an~-nary 28, 1997 "~ at 1:30 p. M. with all officers present and the fo).lawing proceedings were had: Item ~-. lc. Consider and discuss construction change order for- window restoration. (Coy-inty J~-edge) ORDER NO. 23833 AF'F'ROVRL OF CHANGE ORDER N0. 3 FOR COURTHOUSE REMODEL FOR WINDOW RESTORATION On this the 28th rJay of Jane-iary 1997, upon motion made by Coy-rnty J~_idge, seconded by Commissioner- Baldwin, the Coy-rrt approved by a vote of 4-1-0, with Co®missioner Lackey abstaining, the Change Order No. to repair sixteen windows and one door- for 512, 500.Q~0 by Rhodes Construction. O) ~857s ~ Item S. 1 Reports fr-oin Commissioners Commissioner Lackey reported on the well at the Ag Barn. UGRA said we co~.rld hool~ yap the well at Ag barn and use the water at the wash ract< b~.rt there wi).1 need to be a sign to inc1~-ode the following message "Not for Drinking" or any other- s~-~ch appropriate warning. Commissioner Lackey is to have the cost to hook the well bark ~-gyp by 'the next Commissioners' Meeting on Febr~_iary 10, 1997. Commissioner L-acliey reported on the a~-rtomobile bodies in third creek and Flat Rock Lake. UGRA will inspect the lake in search of s~-rb,ject ai_rto body. UGRA will approach•ville Fire Department to see if they ar•e interested to use the situation as a training exercise. UGRR will also tall< to Mr. Taylor abo~-it moving the cares out of the f).oodway of Third Creek. Commissioner Oehler reported that they will pull the pl~.rg on Ingram Dam this week. COMMISSIONERS' COURT RD,JOURNED RT ~': 1'~ F'. M. pAGF_ 41