DATE: JANUARY 2b, 1998 TO: NICKIE VALDEZ--C.E.O. ALAMO WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL AL NOTZON--EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ALAMO AREA COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS FROM: KERR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Be it resolved that the Kerr County Commissioners express their support of the Local Workforce Advisory Committee as it endeavors to provide representation for the northern counties (Kerr, Gillespie, Kendall, Bandera, and Medina) in the establishment of a full service One Stop Career Development Center in Kerrville. Wei feel that it is critical that the rural center is responsive to the unique workforce needs of the northern counties. Commissioners: .JAN-2E.-199E ['F3~ 11 ISERR'JILE ARB'~ ~ ^1= L ?1E~ 8'?b 1.'.T ~. f~~ December 5, t 997 TO: EtL IVDTZEN. II t ALAMQ AREA COUNCIt_ OF GOVE 8 FROM: SHERRY OUNNINGFiAM EXECUTtNE V1CE PRESI KERB ECQtUOMtG DEVELOPME I.tNDAT oN RE: SUBCONTRACT AGREEMENT ALAMG WURKFQRCE DEVELaPMENT AREA dear Af, We certainly appreciate the invitation to be included in your REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL for the development and management of the Northem Rural Career Center ir- the Alarnv Workforce Development Area (AWDA}_ As l rnentianed to you earlier this week, the Kerr Economic t7eveiopment Fvundatiorr Board agreed months ago to serve as the umbrella organization for the Kerr County Workforce Advisory Group in their effort to play a~ active role in the development of the Center proposed far the Kerrville ~~~ area which wilt serve Kerr, Gillespie, Kendall, and Bandera Counties. This mocning l shared the vision AACQt; has for our participation in Phis RFP as the Manager of the Northern Rural career tenter with members of the Kerr Economic Development Foundation and the Ken tlounty Workforce Advisory Committee. We see this as an opportunity to be "hands on" in developing and managing a Center that will fit the needs of employers in this four county area. Therefore. 1 am advising you that the Kerr Economic Development Foundation {KEQF} is willing tv be included in your Propos~~l as a SUBCONTRACTOR to 8evelop and manage the CAREER CENTER for the Northern tier of counties in the AWDA. We understand that if AACaG is awarded a prime contract resulting fraam this proposal, the KEbF will be awarded a suEacontrad fc:r the specific liaison services and that the award of such subcontract wilt be subsea to the approval of the KEDF and to the negotiation of mutuaf(y acceptable terms, conditions, and price. please colt me if you have any questio~is ar i# you need to discuss this in farther detain. rtea Econaanic Development F4nt~dation 17p0 51dt~cy 8alcrr Ste- l00 Kem~'rrxas 7$028 210f~t[5i ~ FdxZlU1S96-1175 TOTAL P. Q2 ~J JAf~J-2t, 1`?`~~ ~~9.1'__ ~;EF'~''.J1'_E H~F_R ~ ;_= C ~A-X COVER P~-G~ December 5, 199 ~~ •, 'y r ti ~ ~ ~'~ l=ROM; SHERRY CUNNINGHAM EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIQENT KERB ECONOMIC DE1lEL~PMENT FOUND~ITION GLC)F~IA t5 WAITIiVG FOR THIS INFORMATION -PLEASE GET iT TO HER ASAP! E4err Eco[wt[uc Devtbpment Founclalinn i7Q0 Si~ruy Baku SUc.1(IQ 1[em:ile,'it~as 78x28 210898-1 i;i7 ~ F8x 210/896-1175 DATE: JANUARY 26, 1998 TO: NICKIE VALDEZ--C.E.O. ALAMO WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL AL NOTZON--EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ALAMO AREA COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS FROM: KERR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Be it resolved that the Kerr County ~~ommissioners express their support of the Local Workforce Advisory Committee as it endeavors to provide representation for the northern counties (Kerr, Gillespie, Kendall, Bandera, and Medina) in the establishment of a full service One Stop Career Development Center in Kerrville. ~/e feel that it is critical that the rural center is responsive to the unique workforce needs of the northern counties. County Judge Bd~i~enson Commissioners: ~J r o prat°r .- - Dente p kf ~~~~ -`" ~~~ e contracts are negotiat-~ rim ~~ ~ Until th ~,vi11 not know Q ~ rCe gr ~ rators Jim ~ or~~ are ed, ce'nntucl°~ aff they n~ea Win- 1C Yv a ~antra~ts 1 hOw resident of Southw l~~e~ ~ 1E Th March Neal, P. an interview. gout 25 ~~ r from said m a e Q~rs ^ Continued as they will be ~`bh 9he 9~a~ of Hers, est winners has sam ~~7p~~' 1 ~ Centers, Some centers Southw much the ~~(( ~~// Workforce e otiated. employees, d0mg center opera- stillmust be nfor more mon- en jt'tt~ ill do as a functions in- rC~ICor~sTAM caAU the bids asked said Steve OP worK it v`' Those le into em' ByPA`rR fpTER budgeted, of the by lu`y ~' tor, Neal said. EXPRESS-NfW58U5~NE55W t than was chairman Centers rocessing pQOp referring force '~eVelo ~eia- Filipowicz, Workforce execu- clude~ n rograms,lacing them o Work org ~ Texas asked for Valdez, chief t P. Alamcked three localot one-stop boards Bidders had o er- said Nicicie o W orkforce. PIOy to training and P au- the Inc. P network bid committee. ~ million to P of have he said. to run its ectmg a of about ~ five office board does n Texas in jobs, lions subsidi- a total ters. three or- But the ask the same for to ees matte ~ centers, rel heed ate all eight cen °f the emP y Another e careerthe welfare-reap Lock royal the thority to is I m~,il1 erid whe° the ° la a wr from aerospace g Final aPP . contingent °n con- Workforce Com en ers m . ary of ob- anizations rs negotiate Dover administrav~ ommis 1 oses to do that Corp. regional) g being able to budget con- whose st take s '~ sai e Pr°p ing existing Martin o{ the chose staff meet centers ork Program ' keep The board Tuesday ad- trac s that o{ welfare-to-w by agency Inc- to Filtpowlcz said. to %v save ,,,aney training for progress for ` stra~ts+ dez said. leases. as four 5ER au one The contracts sore ~ local state the commission h Jobs trainin ana to r wi About 13_ en ro ra in San Antonio, minister B wows for the public in c~ cents It2 said a °ffices New Braunfels ~ Kelly AF e e cen ers ask Center opera- o f lus eo a each in loy- more centnd Bexar County' The board will child - P It also has emP or st Winners resent staff of Ala- welf su st ize eTrville. Seguin and San AntonnoP gouthwe. der of the tors to hire the P other private- an ~ s er ° rrector of and K offices in t do- z, region fission, ment service . It Lo tun the remain centers. m° Workforce and that are Comm - InC annedSan Antonio sector organlzatr°ns take over. ~rorkforce Pearsall. four Pl ingthe work they µ'~ e Texas . iew. three be grandfather, said in abT1ef mterv ra court «The staff would eriod of time, ur e contrac s and a specified P s ° the Texas ed for r the exact locations °{ ~ WOKKFORCEI2E ' ~ See ,~ o- ~ ~~ e~ . Su a , focus' ~ ~ S tDy 1 ~,en evelop •ties Carve o o is ,~ ~ ant career pp idea , e-op unempl0ym _ ins on ~~~ ed to file for coin ~r~ille a ~~~b, a to C~~ ~ ne not tr°e' T services th ~e plannu~ orb °~~'bv-~ ~~ but that 1 ovidea many in to be w has beent :. W ~r ~aion Pr foyers fill jobaobs. of Beta be xeaponge ~,~are ~. workforce ! to help emPoge looking for j SO' far t ~ the P ,~ Alamo met this +,~RY helps th ob search eat. As ao°zx roved bg e ~~ computerized ~ ortun The opp idea outlined and a happy ~t4. - ~ . Th to Inept Board monthly Dave p the anon and our coin- board we"11 be past week f°r ~~uans are eaay:to a t~iO,Ighout the themws~you. sn the work t. directs Inun y and B involve .issues ~ only e It C office eI aevelopme awe ~~. w_ ~ state. our Aircraft by force of the thing bar. --..,,~~,,~~..kk le o have available gecently ooney to one p81Tt at the chain ~ of ~ e ohe age ecte t e n fortunate to we want our assisted M e day Sob fair with dai19 ~ in the p~ isa A .._._ do bee sin here' era t4 be a on dates Curre Wage ears. oz t. _e o era ro- here rem dour employ hosting loyee ~~ eople ntly at and ~ ~ contra tore ant of the cit~ena ~ raOnal and eg8y identify emF had t30 P of re+~1°g d the 1Vian~acturwe mane em..~--- ~ have pe ~ to work them, They °ne inv°lved resurvey ~' era Grade' an t able teed of ha ,Phere d and every forte- or Employ artment e7ltera t access ~ 800 n~ber. in atten leased. Were ~g_ 8'x'd Mai feted the AP g,~rveY t. C rve ough a 1- changes ~ was vary P Eckert, m comp ual De bliahed to se thr many as we ve ve Jo our just ~~ Semi- hits Tri e eats is will be ant aexvicea apse is na ana staff wore i ast Jg hag O a ~e ~w ~~e, nve frogs , d the new ateand emPlOYn' em because ch legiala- er, lII th p , and an A bIg own business of Fold Packet aho day the deratan cta tti reform , . buaineggea. ter any of con known a welfare a vision of °v,ned her da both aides ork we do ~ negotiation tra Jo the pof thew up wi a working out leers. ~hatitah~l about. `~ ato end i gl1e underent cOncerna• that partmnber is keeping ea Counts "welfare reform ~ t empl°yrL' e this week s Ch demo~'phscs ~" ~ a name contr ~ road fr°m~p~~ eve the share no t has a ne"° v etar of variety ,of are haae ~e n°ost tip', long m' TW C with y a aka g I~nformati°n ag possible ount d f rtunate to h isaion, tative uea~ Rur~~a was Workforce ima ed in repreaen ,helping veteran date on req e ~ TEC, ne Stop exile emPlO~ent issues. Action It's alp b~~bto do ss ~k. . asked In exly Once the O tars with Business bar all y° a form ilia. t Cen The of the Chain busineag h s all mean Kerrv DeveloPp°en Committee of said, ~ , . week what is It Career the manage' leadership Is pr~st~Mt at b f r his busineag• a One St'°p in P1aCe and d egtabhahed, under the chairman Cunnln9h~a+ ,nra• have are ed an the Durha on the concept KeeNil a Atee cheun~ ~ coin t to r in enCi~l~co ~egr part of C hash enwot Ong a Job and imp°rt' Development Cente In am ether ~ ex•~•ville~ ewer is aimFl ~~ ~e n Win f ~ believes ple~ o of putting i The an.-., want to e~_.. aer- . O ~Iv for those p .-..".C!~~i !=.::ate ~1 /~~e ~~~~k~~~ Fr -~~~. ~,-.. _. :~Or..zor. 7~T, Execuriv~. ;~i:.~'.c:-cr~~iG•~Jr ~u:~~ ee°.; . = r~r,,;~._~3 Fi~_tr~.l Wrricfc+YCe ~e~n': ?::. "'~~i ~n ~~':2 . ,.~~•,ernb_r 2~ , 1997 A[ the :.~~.; _ Area .7txdces meetirgf you a:i';`:.~*'izeu Te t ~ rursue a :.. r :_ -.sE .a tr.? ~lamra -~~rkLc~rce De-. -:~_ r.r~:n. , int ~FP far '.C,-° iTr,.--•..,,,,rA~1~J': '."i# wcrkfcxce cEnt:_.. ~ .r, t:*;e .''~t.:~l .__,.tnt'1~_ %,-~.ache_ .,- a ~orfide:t4ial draft ~~f ~.~°i-3t :•c~ul.d be cur ter ~posa Wa al~ad to have yo;sr egm~te~nta by •,rlednasday, Ncve~ser 2~. 12:4G noun. Whet4:er we _ -~_-~H~-i wi_h .h' `fling •?f ._ ~? =r:~..:: i_r. will r~e depender_t r - .:~,sr ::,~,t:r~.e :*_~ and s;.'35est ~ .-r1~ . :'': ink ;._~.: „r7 mu^h for your gLick ~`«_~SF~or';~;a t:o our ~ ~~uesC . .1: ~~i_3S, _'.__ ~~69=1c ;:.l:nCi F::GE tl~ "~Ov :~ '~' L ~ 4Jr,r', JAr~J C Lt.:GGCAF". 2izL.~'43 '~Ui ~1QJ r" '1'be AACOC Qot SWp C~r~t~r ~~ ~ii ~Aa Cool To create ttlree rrgit~i w+~r1~4 C.ernt=rS (Ke['Mik, $e~uin ar+d burdiotna y, c uppoRCd by ei~>yt iibtzry- based :atepitea, that ~ ca~ie of mrceting the rmpioymeai arwc ~ twining tieeds of jab cericer: and em~io}~ertt ~ AWrarz. Ru-drra, C'ooasl, l;rie, (:illrspir, C,~~.datupe, Katrkr, i~xr, Median. and Vvilsea ceuatire. Cpoce~?t: During ttre twa yew of the $rapt, AAC°(.)ta wti- crate ttr„-ee worirfare C'tyters that fentute 1LNYe'IYat, itsctrnl3tlM SetviCZi fdd 3 "tyD ~[U~ liDOr" aPpr+oech. ~c n~~+~ fny~oh se~tktr_-- ~f~CLL?t rt'~ ICY r rtiQif-Iz for eee of Lhe Y.;x~er~-!ns tllc~ ,~A ~1fitF rx Food ,Ct.~~.t^~f++ [and Triinin~!^-d~~~11~Y,~i~~~K+~'n(a~ ~nert~l serf rmnl~tte~m snA rr4ini~-r~ereyt >lt" ect ~ inrsr, ClkrfB wilt 1~e zbde tD fCCtSS SCfriCCS. 1:!!SOlttCtS i0~ infprmatum rithtr nn their cwvr~ of a~tich ~cttt tram wort~c Cemar statti. Iob !e~1ttct taterestal in rme of the eiigt"tfiltiy-r~a,~ed pCn~raats will cctmQlec: z univQ'ui insaict bus will ti0t De 'CBiC>dC[1iEd. hg fTmgram alit: there will be no "TAtv'F G~ilmt~'. 'JTF'A clirttts" c~ "fEC tliertic'. ONy JOS S~KERS. Thrcx dm of sp-vi~:t will bye ttyWeblc (tyre hs+'tbcr i(luit['ati~zn, rc:fct to C'6irt A, ~tslchod), 1 ~Y.i i-l~oc s~-1CCS: ldrbtJr ~i1Tit~t iat~~ltlttiitlUA, uxtetrccxient jC>U 7oitCfl, wt7fit, sril-assr~~mcat_ ..aformuioa tpd fC fcrr~l, .i01? ardC13 ~w iub fii.n, and irtrratutt d(ssemircation (e.g. CNS and AC)A rr~a~la tx~as, .veal D,ud hxu roquirorutiaty, ctc. y . l.crat f[-Cnrenned~tt~s.~ees: Labor market iibt~y rcww'coa, essicted job >ea~~lr, arch OCOrgRric dcvrlaparent foruasu, :CS7uitxrrteat assiranee, human rcaarYr c~xtisultatia-, aad bro tcrc~i job ttytiais,$ io.~el I - ~i 5cs~icss: Empluycz rccruitttftAt, asai:Red job ~)s (ttfcluding resume bs~+e vpmer+t and intttvitw Uacimiquca), carccz cpcci6t a~tmeatt, job task anttysis, at1'cCr a csnploymcnt cacrrLSCliag, Xrvict plan dScrek7praooat, tie.:nin= refmrxels, supportive tsr~ico co~ordiaetic~n, case rnaaa~ernent, jab placemaat, huaoaat redout+ca Qoa~clc~~, :.rd ccbedinarsd o~leoemaatJropid respoase Servicecs Most job seekers eoorolkd in eiig+bility-bastd pro~ruarc wil! reari~~e Lsvet iD errvtsa. Ati other job rakers urd ernptoyers will s~ at tiu Ieve1 apprnpcixtr to tbrir ; xtd inzerrestr. Everyone will be a5te to cue ~~x welt-laid out, earryr to access ras,xsrces 9vith minimal stat>F su~ort. Self service and grcxrp sen ices; will cuastitvrt dye peojratn SlaD6'~4td, with individual~md, intensive services ~r'ovided in limiaed mezswe, Staft suiil lx availlable m answer gutxtinns, pout/ apt rrsc>urces, ~r,~ isrfara~twA and conduct u+aiuCyops tar ttveh l saes ll charts t>1d p~avide tndivud~iaiiTed servictt Ir I~ve! 114 clients. 'l'a eatvrr ~rniversai acrres ro sli three tiers cis srrvic{, a va:^~ nt infixm>ldrm a:elrrnge metlrnds wilt bte Irsred anA irrTiemerltect d~nring 4l1e gratrt~ricd, including pri~nL~d mateciaLc. vtdeK, otr-lhre access_ comi+crter, telecoryfrtanees, auut~otaxx>s Piaoae Prin. ,tnd oraveling cot3iet airy-btsed ]docks. ProvidiCg quality roStot~ service m bod+ ,amglayus arb jvb saeicexs a-iit be rtie ~rimracY gotl of all lwcxkfcme Censer stsft ttxt>a~s yael ati w~L'1 be t~eblc of an3 nartl y to ~c any c: ictrt'a ioapci in and ;stet. Ku wr~uaa ckrr,~ aaescaa so wrwg atetlt pexaoa, two, ; .il, wori~~s eenoa Asti was be ctaes- trautetf evtr::~Jggl: rhsy tsar be sssignod fo s spxific fsrocoanrJ at ca. Ghstomct str+ice for ccnployers hcgins wish ~sicing their arltiice Sad solicitirc= t~ir input it~~ Rrori~oere Center prr~rarr+s. Re;earnl Cmployer A.dviJary Crroupc wilt be cstabiasbed for c:ych C:~xr ~:se vatwot~etri +vil( bt ehWengod _1i ~~; ~9' :, .=3 ~~5915 ~~CnG F~C,E ~= ~~~~ w boob rcptcszr-t a~i work with ales tmployene is as effort to d~eV slap etae skttled v ~oric force ~Y GOt111n+3t11tit5 nom. L.o;isritt: C~rrersiip, tfeerc fie sight AWD offlcrt in tht r+tral cats. AwCYX; is ~-~oting m BcaduatJl), cn~solidate throe irtLO three Woti~flrce Centres, located i:n Ke;rvilk, tautduttort tnd ~tguin Tha ocisriag offices in Idew B:ap~nfets, Aescsall, Yenedy, Ho„trdn dad t-'trXC~vit~~ w~--1 to pbsse~i r»t! Ry rise trd of tk+su rtspe~ctive lesie agrettt+tnts ((i-30-95) with flair staff rt~tt~gtteid to the cl,+ea Wcuicfnt~ce Censer (sec S:ct~tng section?. to the eight cotlttties sviti+ex~t a Wncict~xr~t {:enter. arrargertletttc Mill Ae mods with the public lib~y(iert) to prv++ldc aq-tine acmes to t!-e Gar-i+te~rx and their ~,runc tWrinQ the 98-44 progarn year ~ of these tihru+es is sufficiently wired fcx ttttetttitt matcextivity hifQ the tibrYrsins are trz;tt~d m helpin5 patmtu u.~t t!-t~t rearxitC,e. The AI4C'OCi •+rbslu, trhii h will COglt; 08- Lae stgiuttssu+ons1y, will Wattle remtxe jgh taeicers iGd e~tvYai to mass tilost trevtls 1 shd !l servic:~S Scwne of ttaZxe, lilrE eifics+~me8t, tia bC toleple~d chrrxt~ the wWo-lte . 'tae MCO(l fauna age will cnatain mot~gtt i>slOttnitioCl SbOtII iddltitaa+tl rr~+os;rt:a a~vaiLble few! the YYtxkftmx testu.Kx to htlp the cheat dtte~rliae li a try n+attkt be bettcfi~al, t'~s stall wilt n>diaa; Seguin Worft~forte Ceaiar-~uadd~, Corral and Wilson cvuztitics, and, Jaucfisatoa Woe~fotre Cenmcr-Adatosa, Fria a,nd Kittnea aamtict. Thcac division net rcflcctiYe of the pvvvrty popalstians and the potrafial usm of il.-vc1111. tl+e eroK i:~tertaive, sen+ica in cacti area Pkssc set G'bat B, tttschod, fa justifit~n. Ha+~serlKlrr. A.aCOG win adariaittss the three ce~nlara, assttco,ittg t+tspot:stbi~sy t6r than ~ aad islcilities currently opersttd by AWD, as roquin~d in the Request i~a• Prop~oaa4. MC OG will continue w cctspluy tAc hWD >t8~ for a period of not legs thou one tar ~~~ the emnlov~se ~rieVtrs ~ other sm~ley~u ~~~. An io-house i~ogtam Manager will tsc ihi:'+e~d s>rd a sto!'~ eecvuntartt atd cleeic will De charged tb dte project. Stq~e=: The cvrre>n ADD st~f:slotation for ruzal Ssrvicea is i3 . TIM fdbwiag cuffing, pad upon information provided by AVi~D, is p~vposad b7 AACtyG_ .All c~atrdnt AWD tif-ff atmbert afro eitbtr Pro~:am 3pecislists, Job Dtvdopess oc Pcag:~pt SpetialiWl~k~ Dtveiapers. Pcoppsed ~AAC`QG pos~tians iacl;xie Clse ~+taaagetoettt SPtx%alist i ~d [[, Cu~.daacx 5avicx Rept+~aQietive t asxl ll and Ares Manager l oral [t. Whee~ auidng tttie sad tL~s(foalrtb{litJ~ rr~sci;;etrtients, AACt]G must eraau~e rates of pay and ~+orickoads that ue tt~igcntur=tc aryth ~twn's Hr~avew~ rr, Eengril±hic trauignment sr(klrc to be allo~raDlr tntlt ause Elitttted~ti~i ~ ~stz3art.l~xtiiwa.. _]lfod~t'ssttet Arm Manager i r~~ t~~±~~,~~ cr~~~list ! S.u,~titer Servic~~)1 - rev ~o Arrw Mau,ucKcr U Jau~ama Jaa~ao0oo Cis+c ',rtanallemeat Specialist 1 Jom'dst+ton Joy+daowa Cox Masiagenteat Spodaliat t ar iI Pawxt1 Jdte Button .~..r.~..---^--- - ---_ --- .;~,~OG rive ~d .. Y ~ . ='r~ *PP~~ 7 aCC~~'t? II: Q7f~ '.A2 41Q7 ~~~ euanrncr ~icr. Rs~ ! Tears~ll 1uucl:naxr rvztnmer 5erritt Rcp :I 1c~nedY lwrcl:na~, Azt~ MattaStr i! Se~uire ~R~ ~ Circ ~l~em~tt S~v~,isiist I Stgaiu SeXtiwr Gr~c Mauu~ea~wt Spe~~ialist t x It New Hl~unfcla Sew ~ Cu~tumer Serwic~c ~ i Idsw BtiwtfeL4 "-~~ r CLLltvtt~Gr Sri Y-:,e ~JCQ rI Flatsrt!!o ~+t 3 ADOtT1UNAL 'LWC P'OSI'fiONB AYAILAk3L~ `s1'ITHQtTT CHAACL ~~GE 9. f-+. ~itiw~:...~21~~~~ ~c~ I~~~ , ~e t~t~~_._~is~i~ssS~ett~t C~c Maaagcaa Atka M,suxger l cx U Ni A Jatt ~s:t TOTAI. lO~iRQAAT'tAN OFIFYC6 ~ 4 PDS! ~T~NS tAW©+ T~YC} 3bTAL AI~AII.AHLB F['H4D $TAFI~, AMID ~t• TWG =~ 26 :~ - _ ___ __. ~~COG F~GE .1, ~,v _ ' 7' C~~ ~ ~ AM 1 arC ~ G I~CC~W III QaU 'a02 414Y' ~ . ~~~~ j ti0~. ~~S i~ vCt~, YCT~" b[2'C hones 4111 Of lalj' bCiit~ tbR IL 35 tsse~r to ~ t4.1t~ Stfbtr~Ct,~ etdtni~iitcat~ ,~,~~ M~ ~s,aoa ~ y~ x 3~A s~ ~ .ssc> Accauncs~t 52S,OOl~ gar Year x 33% 5,250 C~.cxic f tS,dIOQ p~dr ~~' x 334 ~ 2.1,750 l~emefits tsa~ry x l9'S; l~.Tl~ S~xa~l ffialsr~ 29,stS3 l~filea~c SA4 miles per moatb x .ZS per msln x 4 sauntl'~~ ~ Supplies, Pb~s~, sty. 5100 per m~ooth x 4 taontirs 4J3 Space 4xa-rotiao St , t0 per yq. ~ per n _ $0(1 sy. fit, r 4 ntO~rtAs .3,~?~ Comrndoccx cases, iaclLeiag BID R, 3t 5Q pex nxxoth ~ ~ nr~aec fiAO Wt~te~t CltR~cr R:penset ~ S.07A ~r'oc~o ~-At'tx; ~dsKinisn~arloe i3~4.413 wnrtfcx e~rrti+iik 524, s,~rv z 33~ x I~3~: beec!!ts S2a,274 ~ tenp. SYLTP x .30-')x~ x 164 hwn 6,004 Stance 3 i .~ Sd (44~tatl) P~'f t~stt x 4 mex~ 5.000 Maccrials 5230 Pm awallt ~ 4 ~t,~ 1.000 Mi~cac~c 3000 miles prr rt~mth ~- 4 mocc~s x .2.` prt mile 3,!104 AciYCP,tStf>!, SZS'~ ~ fa0atb X 4 ~!ltleth3 ~~~ Cornmaaics~o:+,s, ia~cludi~ ii00d~ sad oet-liae. SS~J`J xr anoatA x 1 2,000 9abisedl lCoctfiU,e Scxtein. ~ff 31~~ x 521,001} tv~, salsty x 33 ~ x !!~ ~ laa~ies 54?, ~ 14 c fealty. S~'E7i' s~ x S7.S0Jt~ z t64 hags 6,000 s~~ ~t,sos ~ pa ~ x a m a,oz~ ~-t~ s~so ~ a>aa~ x ~ maw 1,104 Miiea~+e 30fl0 mike per maott~ : 4 aka x .2i !~. mik 3.000 !~.dtie~tisirt; SZSO per teem x d esoathS 1,000 CammW~icatioas. iacht~a~ 1200 ~' sad on-lime. S~[lE per rasatl~ x d 3,`J04 ~p~y .g~ &i6,S41 1~uri,eawa. Staff ~ pusiti~c x S2d1,000 av~, s:l~ty = 33'1. Y ll~76 ~ 7+t7,t2t S tesup. SY81'N stiff z S7.SiLboc:r x 16U Dcxtt~ ts,000 spsce fy17 (t~:~) per motdh x 1 mdnt~s 3.6blt Maisxiil.R ~iSQ per rnc!ltth x 4 maims 1.400 !Kilt+a=e 3bQ4 ~ pet tti0~$ x 1 muatlu x 23 per atlle 3,JA0 ~,Qv~,q 5290 pEr saaath x 4 ax~arhs i .000 CCfB!l9italC~ttOitt. ~c3udiaY ~4C ,~ end tra-lire, SJ~]11 p~ ~.~ttlt x 4 2.000 S1~biu'Cst laardaatga ib4.192 Tatra: Wafers Cats mut Atrailaa ~x)x~scx 5111,453 4 _li~i~i ~?~ ~~N~~~.... - 'f .. ~ «69;16 ., ~ P~~~~ ~_~ ri-+ ,L ~] ~~y~r' ^.a ~j~ LJ~:_rF;~ .~,"11 LU {~~.~171..J'7~ lY± J... ~1f ~LJ _ (}. 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InfoFinatioe ~ -- J H J eteeral ti0 _ Roots u tt34r PFOVfder a _. __ ouslotllef { -- -~ o I - --..- -~atislac~tion SVtYI~ -4 s ---- - ---- atsfomer atlsTaction opt ~r err1C6 S! YICe'.1 f Sevloe Pian I place-ttent -__- -- __- ouston~er Sttr vey ~._ .~ IMPRC?VEO EMPLOY~IIE#IT SCENAAID C____. _-- _---- Der . 5rvcs. ~,_ J ~__._ ~~~ ea rch ~CI4- _ J ss. Unit r~ ~, m w iii F- m I~~ ~= L ~ ~ u ~~~ ~ ~ ;L D~tAFT ~ ! , __, TABE.E 8: DEMQGtAirBtC FAC?OtS BFFE(:TfNGROA1GFOilCli LEYIBfI (-TTI,ILATIOiY ~ ~ Powt[ty~ s oa WdtarrJ S Uoauplo7ed/ ~ HS Dropaa~,~ ' ' ~ `~~ ~ t~- .._ 4,lir~l Ta+~l _ ~ R~r~l ---- t 8.4x41 Total- -- - ~ olsl 4r ~rwl - ----- Ao.o~sa 29.9 i t s 2v r I6 a/ i s 401 17 481 6 Ptio 19.1 i 4 601 l0 8.:: 9 ~'!' I i Kat~os 3b.S f ~ 2S ~ 7 3.9:4 JQUtDANl'iDAI QrC 3a! 's3lr 2S4r Z44, '~' I T .+ R Coal 4 i 11 12 s4 ! t0 3.: ! 24 X51 !$ ~ } li Oua;d~y~e . L7.D i 19 33 i 23 Z.4 ! 17 3l 1 Z1 ~, RiLos 2f3.7 i 8 i5 18 2.d i 6 391 9 r. ~ '" SBCCIN WC .38~ 4145 43~ 434 J c~ .. 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