~, ., -~- ~.: °~ 1 3 4 J E 7 8 ,~ 1 C1 i1 iz 13 14 15 16 17 f8 i'~ <<> :~ 1 ii :'_3 ':'_~ iJ F-::EF,'R COUNTY ~= OMM T 5S I ONEF:S ~ OURT Special Session Monday, March .~, 1~~5 6:3~~ p.m. Commissioners Courtroom k:err County Courthouse h:errville, Texas PRESENT; FREDERICk:: L. HENNEk~E, County Judge FI. A. "BUSTER" BALDWIN, Commissioner Pct. 1 WILLIAM "BILL" WILLIAMS, Commissioner F'ct. 2 JONATHAN LETZ, Commissioner Pct. 3 LAF'RY GRIFFIN, C:ommissic~ner Pct. ~# o;dw 7~"a /'~ 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 ,~ 14 it it 13 14 15 lE 17 1$ 1'3 i~~ i1 .Gi s'3 24 :-,c .t. J I N D E X March ~.ti,__1'3'=i`-J Page C:ommissic~ners' ~=omments: Commissioner Letz ,,,,rr q Cammissic~ner ~~riffin 1. 1 ow~9~'ay Dills i . 2 Budget Amendments ,1,,,sB0O, •lS"$O/, .Z.ti 80.x.. 1.3A/a.-2 Late Dills 1.~a3'So3 Approve and Accept Monthly Reports '.1.7.~4~~ Resolution contratulating Tivy Mac E:: Trial Team '_.2 ~sg~Child Abuse Prevention Month - April 2.3~~0~ C:elebratian of Animals Day - April 17, 1'3'3'3 ~.4~'~ Time Capsule 2444 - h:err ~=aunty Women's Chamber 2,5'-or~G Airpcrrt Director - infcrrmatianal repr_,rt ':'.61~•'~~ Library Directerr - infcrrmatianal report 2.7 ~aA~ First Respr_,nders - quarterly repcrrt 2.8/JOa~ County participation - golf course maintenance 2.'3 ~loa~ k:err Emergency ~~11 - infarmatianal report <'_. 14 N•~£ Burn Ban aR 2.il~t Award annual bids - Road S< Bridge Dept. 2.12 ~o9Approval of revised Investment Policy/Strategy 2.13~~~Reorganization of Maintenance Dept., Animal Shelter &< Solid Waste; develop Facilities Use Policy 2. 14/-a~~'Purchase of computer/software - court repr_,rter 2.15~q~~ Authorize additional funds -- asbestos 2.16~Alo~Testimany policy - F~::err City. employees 2.17 ~o~ Request far vehicle - F'ct. 2 constable Ad.j our ned 4 J E 7 lv iv 18 '~4 28 J "T 46 53 57 6t> S~ 55 147 148 ii4 lA5 1'<'6 1 ~ ~? iJ7 /"` J 1 2 3 J 6 7 S 5 1 C~ 11 1~ 13 14 1v 1E 17 18 15 L `_~ ~1 '~3 ~~ ::J On Monday, Marr_h 22, 1'35, at 6:3t> p. m. , a Spe+_ ial Sessic+n of C:r_,mmissianers C:c+urt was held in the C:c+mmissioners C:ourtrc+c+m, k~err County C:+~urthouse, k:errville, TeY;as, and the fc+llc+wing prc+ceedings were had in open rr_+urt: f" R O ~= E E D I N >> S JUDGE HENNEk~E: Sac+d eveninU and welcome to the March Special C:ammissic+ners C:c+urt meeting. It's gratifying to sit up here -- I spea4:: an behalf c+f all c+f us -- and lc+c+k out and see so many pec+ple whc+ are here and are interested in your C:c+unty gc+vernment. We certainly en.jay having the benefit c+f all of yc+ur assistance, and I would invite y+•u bac4~: again during c+ur regular meetings fc+r the rest c+f the year. This is nc+t li4cE> church; yc+u can't +.+.+me .just c+n+.e and satisfy yr_,ur oblipatic+n. CLaughter:~ Once you get a taste of actually being part of your C:c+unty gc+vernment, yc+u may very well become addicted to it. Sc+, at this time, we'd li4:e to begin with the invocation, tc+ be c+ffered by reverend Pill P1 acF:burn. Pill REV. PLACk:PUF.'N: Thank yc+u. May we .jc+in together in prayer' CF'rayer and pledge c+f allegiance. JUDSE HENNEk::E: At this time, we'll begin with the visitors' input. Any citizen wishing tc+ speat; an an item not listed on the regular agenda, whc+ has filled c+ut a fc+rm for cc+nsiderati+~n, may cc+me forward and speak at this time. Is ~"` ~„"`. /~~ 1 i 3 J 6 7 8 ,~ 1 C~ 11 1~ 13 14 15 1E 17 18 1~ 2U 21 ~II t .L.3 iY ~J there anyc+ne who we+uld 1 ike tc+ spea4:: c+n an item nc~t c+n the regular agenda'' CNo respcrose.) JUDGE HENNEk;E: 04,ay. One me+re time, is there anyc+ne here whc+'d like tc+ speak c+n an item n+~t c+n the regular agenda-' If nc+t, we'll move intc+ the ~=r_,mmissic+ners' cc+mments. ~=c+mmissicmer Baldwin' C:OMMISSIONEF,' BALDWIN: I have nc+ne, sir, thanFr yc+u. JUDGE HENNEk:E: Mr . Williams':' COMMISSIONEF; WILLIAMS: I won't delay the prc+ceedings, Judge. I'll have plenty tc+ say as the night goes on, thank ycai. ', JUDi~E HENNEk::E: Mr . Let ~'? COMMISSIONER LE7Z: I have three brief c+nes -- hopefully brief. One, I'd like to point c+ut that Harvey Hilderbran has apps+inted --- has submitted and filed a bill in support c+f the V. A. He+spital. I'm not sure everyone in the community is aware of that. We've done quite a bit locally in support of the V. A. It's HiR 1C>2, I believe, and it's just a basic, general support of the V. A. Hospital. It's being sent off to Washington, so I wanted to pc+int that out. Another item, k~:err i=:r_,unty F:~=: u D has been --•- I guess several months ago, we announced tc+ the paper that we were g+.+ing tc+ put tc+gether -- c+r tc+ hire office staff, c+r a person, and open up an c+f f ice. It's gc+ing tc. be -- it is J ~~ /mot 1 2 3 4 J 6 7 S S 1 f--~ 11 12 13 14 15 1E 17 18 1'3 ~C~ 21 2'~ .i 3 i'T iJ open nc~w. It's at U. G. F.A.'s office building. They were able tc~ give us an office space free. And, the main purpose cif it is t~~ facilitate grant writing in the County. It's something that probably k;err County will use t.. dc. serious wort: r_,n same cif the fee structures, some of the other funding issues. We're worFiing on same grants right now to get that whole office fully equipped with computers, stuff of that nature. Rut, anyway, that is available now to the public. And, the final item is .just infr_,rmative. It's regarding Hill Country Youth Er,hibition Center. There's not going to be a report, really, on that tonight, and Hill Williams and I have been trying to schedule some meetings out there with --- mainly with •the Stc~c4: Shaw Assor_iation. I talE:ed with Ernie kaiser, and he has requested that we postpone until they have their officers election this month, and they're going to appoint a committee to wor4; with Rill and I to get a long-term plan out there to work: with us cm some of the facility's, you -,naw, rreeds out there, and so I want to let everyone F::now that. JUDuE HENNEk;E: Very good. Commissioner ~r i f f in':' C:OMMISSIONEF ~3FIFFIN: Just ane item. The Department of Emergency Medical Technr,logy at the University of Texas Health Science i=enter in San Antr_,nic~ has announced they're going to have a Texas Flood Fescue Summit here in k;errville, March 3i~th t~~ April 3d. There will be three days 6 r^ /"` 1 i J 5 6 7 8 r~ 1 Cr 11 1~ li 14 15 16 17 18 1 '~ ~~.,tr t1 ii t J 24 .~ J ...f on -water training that will be given the 1st, :Zd, and 3d of April, and that will be on LaFse Ingram. They have invited -- they'll probably have in the neighborhood of ~Cr students or so. They have invited all of the citizens who would like to come and see how that training is done to .loin them on LaF::e Ingram r_,n any of thane dates. And, I've got same of the infarmati~~n that they've put out f~~r publicity can that that I'll be glad to share with anyone who's interested after the meeting tonight. JUDUE HENNEk:E: All right. At this time, we'll move into the approval agenda. First thing can the item is to pay the bills. floes anyone have any comments, questions or camrnents on the bills'? One item which I need t.,. mention, at cur last meeting we deferred payment cif a ~t'_,5t?C> bill to Harold Danfcrrd for attorney's fees in connection with the Mark Shaw transaction. Mr. Shaw did submit an Affidavit of Indigency, and that attorney fee was approved by Judge Ables. Mr. Shaw was ordered tr_. repay that dollar amount as part of his probation, and sc. we ultimately will recoup those fees. Erut, as part of the payment .±f the bills before us today, we need tc~ include in that -- in those bills `b:c,~C_)C_) to Har~~ld Danford that we did not taF::e action an at the last meeting. r_OMMISSIONE~: E~ALDWIN: I move we do sc~, sir. rOMMISSIDNER LETZ: Second. JUDC;E HENNEk;E: It's been m~~ved by f:ommissioner 7 i^'~ /~~ 1 4 5 6 7 8 ,~ 1 C~ it 12 13 14 15 lE 17 18 15 2C~ :' 1 :'.~ '~3 ~4 ~5 Baldwin that we pay the bills, including the ~2,5~~C> tc~ Harald Danford deferred from the last meeting, and seconded by ~=commissioner Lets. Any further discussion? If not, all in favor, raise your right hand. CThe motion was carried by unanimous vote.: JUDGE HENNEk;E: All opposed, same sign. CNo response.) JUDGE HENNEt:E: Mr_,tion carries. Budget amendments. Tammy':' MF'. TOMLINSON: Yes, I have three budget amendments. I thinF: yc~u have copies in the file. First cane is between Commissioners Court and Nondepartmental, and it's to transfer ~~,9~?3.88 from the Capital Outlay line item in the C:r_•~mmissioners Court to Nandepartmental, and the bill is attached. It's from Software Group, Inc., and it's for the payment of an external hard drive for computer system. JUDGE HENNEk:E: Which r_omputer system's MF:. TOMLINSON: The mainframe. JUDGE HENNEk::E: The mainframe'? MF,'. TOMLINSON: Yes. JUDGE HENNEkE: Anyone have any yuestians regarding that budget amendment? C:OMMISSIDNE~: LETZ: Is the other one broF;e gar something, crr did we .just need it -- MR. TDMLINSON: No, we ran cut ~~f space. 8 ~"', ~" ~~ 1 2 3 4 J 6 7 8 9 1~~ 11 i'< 1~ 14 15 lE 17 18 1 `~ •;?i> '.:1 ~~ ~4 tJ COMMISSIONER LETZ: Out c.f spa+.e. Gc+od reason. Sc. moved. CUMMISSIDNER BALDWIN: Second. JUDC;E HENNEt;E: Moved by Commissic+ner Letz, seconded 6y C:ommissioner Baldwin, that we approve the budget amendment request from Nandepartmental. Any further discussicm ^ If not, all in favor, raise your right hand. tThe mr_,tion was carried by unanimous vote.? JUDGE HENNEt<:E: A11 opposed, same sign. CNo respc+nse. y JUDC;E HENNEk~E: Budget amendment is passed. MR. 7UMLINSON: No. '~. I'll call on ~~lenn Wale4:amp, the Maintenance Supervisor, to answer any questions yc+u might have about this c+ne. But, the request is from -- from he and the Sheriff's Dffice to transfer ~1,:~CrO from Jail Repairs and Maintenance to Capital Uutlay, and it's far the purchase c+f three r_c+mmercial-grade washing machines fc+r -- for the .jail. The washers that are in there at the current time are .just totally worn out, and they -- they have maintenance people c+ut there on a weet~ly basis trying tc+ E:eep them going. So, his plan is to -- to buy three of the -- I won't call them residential-grade, but they're commercial- grade washers so we can see what 4~:ind r_,f track: recc+rd we might have with these, rather than •the ones we have now. The ones we have now were purchased when the .jail was completed, /'` /".. 1 2 3 4 J 6 7 S ,~ 1 ~~ 11 1 ' 13 14 15 16 17 1 ~i 1'3 aL `_~ ~1 ~2 i J ~4 LJ and to replace these it's about ~S,Oi_~i~ per washer. They're -- I think they're very complicated to operate, and we have -- we have inmates that operate those constantly. And, so, for this plan we -- we're hoping that maybe by -- I don't know abc!ut calling them disposable washing machines, but --• but if they'd last -- if they'd last us a year, until next budget year, then that's great. C:UMMIS5IONEp WILLIAMS: I had occasion tc~ visit with Sheriff kaiser about this matter and the fact that they do use these machines extensively and that they have been prablemati~=. And, I suggested it might be beneficial if we, over the long-term, tool; a lo~..~k at perhaps entering into an interlocal servir_e agreement with the Veterans Administration. We have a ~5 million laundry out there that is vastly underutilized. And what we need tr_. dc. in terms cif wr_,rliinq with the Sheriff would be to find out whether c!r not the V. A. , one, WC ~Lll d 1 1 ke to d%i 54, and t WC~, ~=oU1 d do ~ 5i? 1 n a timely fashion and return -- return merchandise bacl; to her or materials bacl, to her sc~ that it doesn't create any problems aver there. And then there are some unique considerations ab~~ut -- about the need tc~ dc~ certain amounts of laundry immediately after a prisoner is taken into custody. tint, you know I thinl: it's something we probably ought tr_. tape a look: at aver a long-term haul, that it might be beneficial not only •t.. the I_aunty, but tc~ the Veterans 1 C> ~' 1 i J 4 J 6 7 B .~ 1 Ct li 12 iJ 1 ~# iv 1 E, 17 18 15 ',•?f 21 ~'~ 23 ~~ 25 Administration as well. C:OMMISSIDNE~ BALDWIN: Tommy, were these washers -- were they purchased new with the .jail'? MR. TOMLINSON: Yes, they were. ~=OMMISSIONER BALDWIN: And how aId is that': Three years' Five years^ M~:. TOMLINSON: Almost five years cold. C:OMMISSIONE~: BALDWIN: Five year s'7 This is -- could be cane of those things, if we start tal4~ing about 3-year budgets, to start trying to take a l~ao}i at dawn the read. JUDGE HENNEF~E: Excellent. GOMMISSIONEF? O~IFFIN: Absolutely. C:OMMISSIONEF: LET'Z: Now, something doesn't add up. ~=OMMISSIONEF,' BALDWIN: What is it, r:c~mmissioner Let z':' C:OMMISSIONEF: LETZ: I heard they were five years old, thereabr_,uts, when the new .jail was done. We moved into that jail when I came on the C:aurt. I've only been on the i=Dart two years, sc~ I don't understand -- I don't understand hc,w they can be five years ~~ld and be purchased with the new jail. JUDrE HENNEt~::E: Three years old, the jail is. They moved cut there administratively cm April ist. Almost three years. ~"'` ii ,-.. /" /'` 1 3 4 J 6 7 S '3 1G li 1~ 13 14 iv i E., 17 18 1'~ ~G i1 ti i..l 23 ~4 .t J ~=OMMISSIONE~' LETZ: Almost three years. Well, how are they five years c+1 d, still':' MF:. TOMLINSON: I thought they were. I mean, I was -- I thought it was 'S~. That's -- it was 'S5, that's right. JUDGE HENNEh:E: She needs washers. ~:OMMISSIONEF: GF'IFFIN: I'll me+ve we pass that. C:OMMISSIONEF: E~ALDWIN: I sect+nd. JUDGE HENNEF~::E: Moved by C:c+mmissic+ner Griffin, sectdided by Cummissic+ner E~aldwin, that we apprc+ve budget ammendment Nc+. ~. Any further discussic+n'? If nc+t -- C:OMMISSiONEF' LETZ: Yeah. I go ba+. k: -- my questic+n is --- I mean, I've gc+t a pre+biem with buying 'bE,,GC~C~ -- ~S,GC~C~ washing machines and, y+.+u 4:nc+w, nc+t using them. And i f they're sc+ bad that we -- I mean, we can lc+o F; at the manufacturer fc+r sc+mething if they're defective. Or if they're .just being abused, maybe we she+uldn't have prise+ners using them. I mean, I don't like the idea c+f .just writing c+ff very ey:pensive washing machines that are relatively new, and certainly she+uld last mare than -- tc+ me, than three years. I agree with Etill, we need tc+ look into something in the lc+ng-term. ThinF; the V.A. c+ptic+n is really gc+c+d. It .just, you F:now, seems c+dd tc+ me that we're do+ing this midyear. And we need -- if the c+t her c+n es are not usable, sure, we need to do sc+mething at the V. A., do the laundry c+ut there. ii /'"~ !"`' i 2 3 4 J 6 7 8 r~ 1 C> 11 it 1~ 1 ~# 15 1S 17 18 1 `~ :'C~ ~1 :' 3 ~4 ._ J MR. 70MLIN50N: According to Glenn, the maintenance I~ bills on -- the monthly maintenance on these things are --- are more than what -- what they're worth at this paint. The nearest repair or service people are in Houston. We have -- we have to call people from Houston to wor4; cin these washing machines, C:OMMISSIONEF WILLIAMS: All right. Another point to r_onsider, trm, when we look fcrr a long-term solution, and it might involve the V.A.; she has ongoing daily needs that have to be met. COMMISSIONED: LET'Z: Oh, sure. We need --- I'm .just more concerned about -- what I've heard is the age of the machines, and the -- if they don't wort::, certainly, I think: they need laundry done im+nediately. I don't have a problem with doing that. I'm .just ---- I .just hate walking away from something liF.e this and basically wasting so much money, is what it loots like we're doing. And, you t;now, enough said. JUDGE HENNEk:E: None cif us are going tc~ disagree with that. MR. TOMLTN50N: There has to be a better solution than --- than •t he kind of --- of machine we have now. COMMI55IONEF: LETZ: One last comment. i guess this is a -- would tie into a purchasing agent, possibly, which I think: Commissioner Williams may be bringing up later on. I thinkk we need to have sc~mecme in charge in the C:c~unty c.f all to ~"'~ /v, i t. J ~# J 5 7 S 9 1 C> 11 1~ i~ 1 ~~ 1v 15 17 18 1 '3 2C~ 21 i c_ ~'3 2~ 2v equipment purchased so that we don't, in the future, buy washing machines that have to have service cut of Houston. ~=OMMTSSIONER WILLIAMS: ~~c~od paint. C:OMMISSIONEF; C;F,'IFFIN: Excellent. JUDUE HENNEk:E: It's been moved and seconded. Any further discussion? If not, all in favr_,r, raise your right hand. (The motion was carried by unanimous vote.:> JUDGE HENNEk::E: All opposed, same sign. tNo respcm se.) JUD~~E HENNEI=:E: Budget amendment No. 2 is passed. Do do we have a third cme, Tommy'' MF?. TOMLINSON: Well, it's a letter from Vance Elliott. JUD~~E HENNEk:E: fight. MF:. TOMLINSON: F:equesting tc. add an additional line item to his budget. And it would be item ':'15, which is Employee Training, tc. establish that line item, He wants to move ~2C~C~ frr_~m this F'ar't-time Salary line item ~tc~ that. C:OMMISSIONEF: BALDWIN: The line item 215 is 215 throughout the entire budget system? ME'. TOMLINSON: Yes. C:OMMISSIONEF BALDWIN: All departments' And we can create it':' It's okay to create a -- create a brand--new line in the middle r_~f the year'? 14 .~ 1 i 3 4 J 6 7 8 ,~ 1 C~ 11 1:' 13 14 15 16 17 18 15 .cQ 21 i 3 ~~ <5 MP... TOMLINSON: Fine with me. It's up to yai_i. ~~OMMISSIONEF: EsALDWIN: I nave we dc. sr_., sir. ~~OMMISSIONEF,' Uf~IFFIN: 5ecand. JUDvE HENNEk:E: Moved by Gc~mmissianer E~aldwin, seconded by ~:c~mmissianer Griffin, that we approve the budget amendment request by J. F'. 1. Any further discussianr C~OMMiSSIONEF. LETZ: Q4t1CF•`. questir_,n. Da the other J.F'.'s have a training budget? MFG. TOMLiNSON: Na, they don't. LrOMMISSIONEP, LETZ: Is there any reason why he feels he needs it and the others don't need it's MP... TOMLINSON: Well, his eplanatian to me was that he wanted to have same someone carne in-hawse tc~ train he and -- he and his clerF: an same Windows '95, same Microsoft software that they had. There's not a line item in his budget that will fit that description, sc. -- ~~OMMISSIONER UF'IFFTN: He .just got a new system. COMMiSSIDNEF: LETZ: Da the other J.F'.'s use the same system' MF.'. TOMLINSON: No, they don't. ~~OMMI55IONEF,' i3F'IFFiN: Nc~. They'd have to have it •-- he had that in the budget, but ha didn't have the training in the budget, sa he had to move same money into there. JUDC;E HENNEk~E: Any further discussion"~ If nc~t, all in fav~~r, raise your right hand. lv r" ..~^, 1 1 3 4 J 6 7 8 5 1 C> 11 1i 13 1~ 1 `, 1E 17 18 1 '~ i~~ i1 2.e: i3 .~4 i_J CThe matic+n was carried by unanimous vc+te.) JUDGE HENNEk:E: All c+ppc+sed, same sign. CNo respcm se.? JUDGE HENNEk:E: Mc+t icm carries. Do we have any 1 at e b i l i s, Tammy':' MF,'. TOMLINSON: No. JUDGE HENNEkE: 01~ay. Dc+ I have a me+t ion tc+ apprc+ve and accept monthly reports'? i_OMMISSIONE~' WILLIAMS: Sc+ me+ved. ~~OMMTSSTONEF: HALDWIN: Second. JUDGE HENNEk;E: Moved by G'ommissioner Williams, seconded by C:c+mmissic+ner Letz, that we apprc+ve and accept the monthly reports. Any discussi+.+n~? If n+?t, all in favor, raise your right hands. CThe motic+n was carried by unanimc+us v~~te.) JUDGE HENNEk.E: A11 c+pposed, same sign. CN~~ respc+nse. j JUDGE HENNEk:E: We now move into the consideration agenda. First item c+n the agenda, pla+_ed +.+n by myself, is a YeSC+lUtlon hcmc+ring the outstanding 13'x•3 Tivy High School Mc++.Fc Trial Team. k:atie, bring your trc+c+ps up here, c+kay' I (.Mc+c k: Trial Team came to front of courtrr_•eom.) JUDGE HENNEk;E: It's my pleasure to present to yc+u all the 1'3'3 Tivy High Schc+ol Mc +cF~ Trial Team, which has won the State ~=hampir_mship f.+r the seccmd year in a row, k::atie 16 /r, .r'"` 1 3 J 6 7 8 ,~ 10 11 12 io 14 iv 16 17 18 1'3 i~~ 21 ii i ~ ~4 i~ is the captain. I'm g+~ing tr_+ as4: yc+u to intro+du+.e yc+ur teammates, and then we'll read and hopefully me+ve r_,n the resolution, c+Fsay'' MS. SWEETEN: My name is k::atie Sweeten, and this is Emily ~=rc+-zier; she's an att+.+rney c+n the team. This is k;eith Henne4:e; he's a witness this year. This is David Dentc+n; he's an attc+rney +.+n the team. This is Alexis Lc+ri+. E;; she's be+th an attorney and a witness ft~r the squad this year. This is F.achel Mehendale; she's a witness fc+r the team. Marsha Graham is also a witness. Alisc+n Brown is a witness, and 3ustin Barbc+ur is an attorney fc+r the team. tApplause:> JUDGE HENNEk:E: At this time, what I would liF:e to d.. is t+a read the ~'esc+lution, which I thinL: will represent tc~ you all again the nature of these young pec+ple's incredible accc+mplishments. "Whereas, since forming a Mc+cFi Trial Team in 1'x'31, the Tivy High Schc+c+1 Mo+. 4:: Trial Team has advanced to the Texas State ~:hampic+n ship in eight c+ut c+f nine years; and Whereas, the 1'3'3'3 Tivy High 5chc+c+1 Mor_-, Trial Team repeated as the Texas State Champic+n ship Mc++.}:: Trial Team; and Whereas, Tivy High Schc+c+1 is only 'the third schc+c+l to repeat as State champions; and Whereas, Tivy High Schc+c+1 is the curly 4-A high school to win the Texas State C:harnpionship; and Whereas, Tivy High School is the c+nly high school c+f any ~it.e tc+ finish in 17 /^ e~~ 1 z 3 4 J G 7 8 ,3 10 it it 1" 1~ iv 16 17 18 19 ~U 'i .l"_ J '~~ .i J 'the tc+p three for three cc+nsecutive years; and Whereas, the 1595 Tivy High Schoc+l Mock Trial Team is cc+mprised of Mollie Abler, Justin E~arbour, Allisr_+n Eirown, David Denton, Emily Crozier, k:atie Sweeten, Rachel Mehendale, Martha Graham, Ale.v,is Lorick., and Keith Henneke; and Whereas, the faculty adviser far the Tivy High Sr_hc+c+l Mc+c F; Triai Team is E~obbie Murray and the attorney adviser+~ include Judge Steve Ables, Judge k;arl Prc+hl, David Jac4::son, k::eith Williams, F'restan Doug 1 ass, Fir uc e C:ur r y, and Lw~ y C:avaz c+s; "Now, therefore, be it resolved by the Kerr County Commissioners C!~Urt that the ~=~+mmissic+ners C~+UYt congratulates and cc+mmends the 1999 Tivy High 5choc+l Moc~i Trial Team on its State Champic+nship, and the Commissioners Court wishes the 19'39 Tivy High Sr_hc+c+l Mc+c F: Trial Team the best of luc4: at the National Mc +.. 4; Trial Champic+n ships to be held in St. Louis, Missouri, c+n May 7-8, 1999." COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Hear, hear. JUDGE HENNEk::E: Dc+ I hear a mot ion'' COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: I'll me+ve the resc+lu~tion be apprc+ved. JUDGE HENNEt~::E: Tt's been moved by C:ommissic+ner Will Tarns COMMISSIONER GRTFFIN: Seccmd. JUDGE HENNEk;E: -- and seconded by Cc+mmissic+ner Griffin that we approve the resolution. All in favc+r, raise 18 ~"` 1 i J J 6 7 8 ,~ 1 ~~ 11 12 1" 14 lv 16 17 18 19 20 21 ~~, ~'3 24 .~ J your right hand. The me+tic+n was carried by unanimous vate.:~ JUDi~E HENNEk:E: All opposed %' CNc+ respc+nse. ) JUDGE HENNEk:E: Carries unanimc+usly. Than4: yc+u all. We appreciate your being here. CApplause.:f JUDuE HENNEk;E: You're welcc+me tc+ stay. We' 11 ne~:t talr.e up Item Nr_+. ~, which is put on by myself and F'am Traver, which is a Prc+clamation on behalf c+f Child House Prevention Mc+nth. MS. TF.AVER: it's Child Abuse Prevention Mc+nth. JUDIiE HENNEhE: C:h i l d Abuse, yeah. MS. TRRVER: And I hope that yc+u have the c+riginal. I sent the original Proclamation --- MS. EtAP,E+EE: We do. MS. TF,'AVEF:: -- tc+ be signed. OF;ay. And, I don't E::now he+w you want tc~ dc+ this. Wc+uld yc+u li4~e to read it May I read it? JUDC;E HENNEk::E: Why don't you give us just a brief deS+.r ipt I. C+n MS. TF,'AVEF,': 0}::ay. JUDtGE HENNEk~E: -- cif the organization and the situation and read the F'rc+clamatic+n, and we'll act on it. MF:. TF;AVER: Well, I'm the i=hild Prc+tective 1'3 ~. O" 1 i 3 4 J 6 7 8 ,~ 1G 11 1 <: 13 1~ 15 16 17 18 1'3 iC) ~: i 12 i3 ~~ L J Services Supervisr_+r with the Texas Department !~f Prc+tertive and F'egulatory Services. Yc+u do+n't have tc+ repeat that; it's a mouthful. I am here, alc+ng with Amy Stewart Blan4:s and Alice McDaniel. They are be+th members c+f the k;err Gaunty Child Services Beard and, c+f cc+urse, they als+a are Executive Directors for fC--Star Emergency Shelter and Gc+unseling, and Amy Stewart Blanks is the new Executive Director for c+ur new kids Advc+cacy F'lace, which is the new advocacy center that we've .just c+pened in the last few m+~,nths. And, so, we wanted to come a little bit early, a little bit befc+re April, and tell yc+u that April is Child Abuse Prevention Mc+nth. Nc+rmally, the Child Services Board camel forward in April and makes sort c+f a yearly reps+rt to the Gc+mmissioners, and -- .just sort c+f a status as to sc+me of c+ur activities. And we are alive and well, and hopefully helping tc+ meet the additional needs c+f children from k::err C:c+unty whc+ have been abused and neglected, sc+me wh+.+ have been removed from their homes because c+f the abuse and that are placed outside c+f their he+mes a~t this tirne. And, Buster Baldwin is our Gaunty C:ammissianer whc+ is sc+rt c+f our 1 iaisc+n with c+ur Board and yc+ur grc+up. And, I submitted tc+ yc+u, alc+ng with the F'rc+clamatic+n, sc+me child abuse statistics and a little bit cif infc+rmatic+n abc+ut child welfare boards. Our Child Services Board is about -- is one c+f approximately ':'C>C~ child welfare boards across the state c+f i~) /"'~ /"* 1 3 4 J 6 7 8 ,g 1~~ 11 ly 1~ 14 15 16 17 18 iS 2i_> 11 i~ 3i :'^ .~ :'4 :: J Texas. The k;err County ~=:hild Services Board was created in 1'~F37, I believe, through a charter. It's an agreement that we have -- contract that we have between my agency and k;err County Commissioners. And, the members of the k:err County Child Services Board are appointed by you and represent the County. We have approximately 15 members at this time. The Beard wor4::s to provide public awareness and information abr_,ut child abur=~C~; we passed out 3,C>C~r~ last year. And, so, we encr_~~.~rage everybody to wear them f~~r that month so ---- you F:now, tc. remind everybody ~~~f ':_ 3 ,,.,, ~'^~ i 3 J 6 7 8 ,g 10 11 12 13 1 ~# Sv 1E 17 18 19 2ca :' 1 22 i 3 ~4 iJ that Fr eventic~n of Child Abuse Month. JUDGE HENNEF:E: ThanF: you all. We'11 asF:: C:ommissic~ner E~aldwin tc. read the the resolution. COMMISSIONER EsALDWIN: "Proclamation. Whereas, nearly 3i_~,i~C~i~ cases of child abuse and neglect were confirmed in Te:~as in fisr_al year 1998; Whereas child abuse prevention is a community resp~~nsibility and finding solutions depends ...n involvement among all people; Whereas, communities must make every effort tc. promote pr~~grams that benefit children and their families; Whereas, effective child abuse prevention programs succeed because of partnerships among agencies, schools, religious organizations, law enforcement agencies, and the business community; and Whereas, everyone in the community should became more aware of r_hild abuse prevention and consider helping parents raise their r_hildren in a safe, nurturing environment; "Nc~w, therefore, I, Fred HenneF::e, Kerr C:c~unty Judge, do hereby pror_laim the month r_,f April 1399 to be Child Abuse Freventir_,n Month in k.err County, and urge all citizens to work together to help reduce child abuse and neglect significantly in the years to came." I move that we adopt that proclamation. JUDGE HENNEk;E: Is there a second C:UMMISSIUNER GRIFFIN: Second. JUDGE HENNEI~E: Moved by Commissioner &aldwin, 24 r,..~ 1 z J 4 5 6 7 8 S i i.~ 11 1 1~ 14 15 16 17 18 19 ~~~ 21 t• .L J ~4 iJ secr_,nded by C:c+mmissic+ner Griffin, that we adc+pt the F•rc+clamatic+n cm Child Abuse Prevention M+~nth. Is there any further discussic+n'? If nc+t, all in favc+r, raise your right hand. CThe motion was carried by unanimc+us vc+te.i JUDGE HENNEk:E: All opp+ased, same sign. CNc+ response. 1 JUDGE HENNEk:E: ThanF; yc+u. MS. STEWART PLANES: Thank: you. COMMISSIONER PALDWIN: Yc+u're gc+ing to get a note, C:ommissic+ner Williams, tc+ request the blue ribbons arc+und the trees. MS. STEWAF'T PLANES: First thing in the me+rning. C:OMMISSTONER PALDWIN: ThanF; yr_+u. JUDGE HENNEk;E; We' 11 next take up Item Nc+. 3, which is, again, by myself and Pam king, which is tc+ ec+nsider and d15CU55 proclaiming April 17th, 1'99, Celebration of Animals Day. Ms. k'ing':' MS, k:ING: Thank yc+u, Yr_,ur Honor and Gommissic+ners. It's the first time I've ever been to a meeting. I've seen all of you arc+und the courthc+use, but particularly Cc+mmissic+ner Paldwin; I see yc+u in ki.E.P. all the time. We seem tc+ 1 il~e the same chicF:en. Put I -- Yc+ur Hcmor, I'd 1 iF:e t +J .- - COMMISSIONER PALDWIN: Don't tell them abc+ut iJ f /`~ 1 ~, L 3 5 6 7 8 9 1 C> 11 1~ 13 14 iv 16 17 18 1'3 2~~ ~1 r.~ t~ 23 ~4 iJ Walmart. MS. k::INi~: OF;ay. I haven't been there yet, haven't tried their chicFien. Your Honor and C:c~mmissioners, I'd liF.e to have myself joined at the podium by the president cif the Humane Society, Fenny Eic~wman, and Judy Phillips, the Vice President. I'm a fairly new member of the Humane Society, so I will rely on them for the tradition and history cif the Humane Society, but today we're here requesting proclamation r_,f April 17th ...f this year, 1.3'35, and thereafter, the third Saturday of April of each year, as C:elebraticm of Animals Day. I thinF: cur Froclamaticm pretty much says it all. "Whereas, in celebration of all creatures great and small; Whereas, in gratitude fc~r all the unccmditional lr_,ve I they give; Whereas, fc~r all the therapeutic effect their presence has in enriching cur lives; Whereas, in celebration and gratitude for all the car et a4;ers of all the creatures great and small, the Humane Society r_,f k:err ~=runty sponsors the C:elebratian of Rnimals Fest on April 17th, ig'3'3." And, therefore, we're as4:ing this Court t... proclaim that day as Celebration of Animals Day. This is the second annual Celebration of Animals Day that we have held, and I'm going to defer to Fenny E~owman to tell us a little about it and the Commissioners Court a little bit about the festivities that we will have that day. MS. EOWMAN: We started this last year and were 26 r^ ,~"` ~~"` 1 J 5 6 7 8 ,~ 10 it 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1'3 •:'p 1 ~z .~ iJ i'T f.5 very happy with the turnout. We prc+bably had approximately 5r7 people, and 3t> of the+se were oat our Bc+ard members, which it was --- it was nice to have the cc+mmunity c+f k::errville to .jc+in us. It actually is a doq walk. We have a long walFc fc+r big do+gs and a short walk:: fc+r smaller do+gs. We have a lc+t ~~f activities which have a lc+t c+f demc+nstratir+n. We have a blessing c+f the animals in the me+rning. We will have a vet c+n-call that people can gc+ as4: questions. What -- this is nc+t a fundraiser that we make Tats c+f money an. We charge ~7.5ir fc+r a doq to walk with us with their owner. They get a T-shirt c+ut r_,f that. If they dc+ not have the ~7.5C>, they can bring a can of do+g faced ar cat fac+d. If they cannot affc+rd that, they can .just came and wa1Fi with us. We're trying tc+ let people k:naw what the Humane Society dies. We have ir_,ts of prc+gr.~ms, and a lot c+f people are n~:+t aware c+f what we actually do put bac4c into the community. Our biggest prc+gram is the Pet Therapy, which is our visits tc+ the nursing homes. We visit every nursing hc+me, the State He+spital, the V.A. He+spital. We .just started with k:-Star two months agc+ -- I think about twc+ months ago. We visit every c+ne of them once -- every Tuesday c+f the month. We take four tc+ sir; animals. We als+.+ have Fc+r F'et's 5aE::e, which we war F: with Dietert Claim far shut-ins that receive Meals on Wheels that are feeding their do+gs their foc+d. If we -- the driver will let :'7 f''"` /"~ r 1 i :3 J Fs 7 8 9 1 C~ 11 ii 13 14 lv 16 17 18 1 '~ C) 21 i2 L'.:i ~4 :,~ iJ us knew, we supply food tc~ these people. So, there's a lot of different education to headstart. And we think if we can get the community involved with us, then maybe we'll have more and more volunteers and maybe this can work: into something where, two years from now, a year fr~~m now, we have a vet on call that does rabies shots for a dollar a piece, which we desperately need in k:err County. And, so, we .just want something that we can start getting people aware of what we actually do for the community. Not a lot of people knew there's a Humane 5c~ciety; it's been a well-F:ept secret. In the last three years, we have worked very, very hard to let people know we're here. JUDGE HENNEk::E: Well, hopefully, this will break the secret out of -- cut cif the shackles it's been in. MS. POWMAN: We hope sr_.. ~~, JUDC;E HENNEKE: Any questions"' Any further discussion':' I'd entertain a motion to approve the Fr~,r 1 amat icm . COMMISSIONEF tk'.IFFIN: I move that we approve the F'r oc 1 amat i ...n as r ead . C:UMMISSIONE~' WILLIAMS: Second. MS. M;INU: And your name is correct, sir. JUDGE HENNEk;E: Moved by Commissic mer C;r i f f in, seconded by C~~mmissic~ner Williams, that we adopt the GS ~~ ~~, i 3 4 J 6 7 8 ,~ 1 C> 11 1 iJ 14 lv 16 17 18 19 i ~~~ 21 +._' r•] ~., ;4 L5 Frc~clamati!~n in favor ...f Celebration of Animals Day. All in favor, raise your right hand. (The mc~ticm was carried by unanimous vote.: JUDtE HENNEh::E: All opposed, same sign. tNc~ response. ? JUDC;E HENNEF•::E: Mot ion carries. MS. BOWMAN: I f yc ~t_l guys do ~ not have do cgs, we' 11 furnish dogs for you to come out and watt. COMMISSIONEF' WILLIAMS: I did have cane question. MS. BOWMAN: Ol::ay. C:OMMISSIONEF? WILLIAMS: You said yc~u had a long walls for big dogs -- MS. E-sOWMAN: Big dogs. C:OMMISSIONEF WILLIAMS: -- and a short wall: for little dogs. D~~ yc~u have a circle the bed once and fall down for English bulldogs'' MS. BOWMAN: Yc~u bet. I'll pu•t that on the agenda. Thant; you. JUDvE HENNEk:E: Thank: you. Next item on our agenda is Ttem No. ~#, which is a request from the k:err County Women's Chamber tr_. bury a time capsule, to be buried on January 1st, Year 2i_>~=>C>, on the courthouse grounds. Del Or es, welcome. MS. LIVINGSTON: Appreciate your time an your busy schedules tonight. This is a new project that the Women's r~ t ~''"~ ~~ 1 aryl 4 5 6 7 8 ,j 10 S1 12 1;3 1 ~# 15 1E 17 18 1'3 LU 21 is 23 2 `# t J Chamber wr_,uld 1 ike to undertaF:e this year. Not .just as a project of the Women's t~hamber, Gut we would liF::e it to be a total community project; the City, the C:oun•ty, and all the small towns. We want to call this project Time t~:apsule 2000. We'd liF:e to get all c.f k;errville and t~.err ~_ounty involved, the governing councils from the City and the County, the sch~~c~ls, the churches, the civic groups, the histr_,rical societies. In other words, everything and everybody that maF:es this a great community. We plan to collect statistics, pictures, maps of the city -•- cif the city and the county, ne~dspaper articles, names of our governing bodies as of January 1st, 2000. We want to get the schnc~l r_hildren involved. We'd liL;e tc~, probably with about the 3d ar ~#th grade, have them have a ccmtest of what they thinF: are the l0i_~ most important things that have happened in the last ic~~~ years, and what they envision will happen --- will happen in the next 100 years. This time capsule needs to be put in a prominent place, sc~ that iC>0 years from now, somebody will 4:nc~w it's there and it will be opened. So, we thinE: that the mast prominent place fc~r it would be on the caurthc~use grounds, probably somewhere out here close to the fountain or the monument. We would put a plaque can it, a bronze plaque on it that says "Time Capsule 2c.>OC>, to be opened January 1st, 2100." And as many people as there always are here, someone's bound to 3~~ ~^ P'` ~~ 1 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 1 ~_> 11 ii to 14 15 15 17 18 18 2C7 ~1 i i L3 ~~ rVJ nr_,tice it; whereas, if we put it in a mare remote place, it might not ever get opened. And I thinE, it would have been a great idea if, bacL: on January ist, 1'3i~i~, somebody had buried cme far us to open an January 1st, ~i_~i_ua. ~=DMMISSIDNEF' PALDWIN: They might have; we don't know where it is. MS. LIVINC;STDN: That's it. You might nat. And there -- there'll be sc. many changes, I -- we thin4: we're such a modern society and what is there left to dc.'? Put in the ne t 1~>C~ years, there's --- it will be beyond anything we can dream af, I'm sure. We would liE::e, an that day, an January 1st, '~4<.~~7, tc~ --- whir_h is a Saturday, which is a gaud day to have a ceremony here an the courthouse lawn, and have the County Judge and the ~=ity Mayor throw in the first shovels of dirt tc~ bury the capsule. We ---- we want to set up a ..~.mmittee, nc~t .just of Women's Chamber, but we would 1i4::e a representative from the C:c~unty and the City, the Historical Satiety, and probably several tither groups, sa that we could put this pac4::age together and have it all ready to be gene through by the 1st of October and give us a couple months then to make the decisions as we gc~ through the material as to what goes in and what won't. Pecause space will be --- you 4:nr_,w, will be limited. We want to wc~r l:: with same ey:p arts r_~n preservation, hc~w we need tci seal the capsule, what we need to do sa that it won't .just be ~1 1 J 4 J E 7 8 '3 10 11 is 13 1~ 15 lE i7 18 19 2C~ ~1 s?:~ ~~,, i"t i J crumbled paper when they open it in 1C~0 years. Anyhow, that is a project that we wr_,uld 1 iE~:e to do, and we would 1 iF;e your support r_m it. JUDGE HENNEt~:E: Any questions':' Any discussion'' COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Just a comment ar twv, Ms. Livingston. I r_ommend you and your organization far your desire tci do this. It's very important that these whr_~ r_c~me after us have a little bit of sense of what we were about and what we did and why we did what we did, and I thin4i that's truly a part of the -- of our history and our heritage. It is not an easy tasFt. MS. LIVINi3STON: It's not an easy tasFc. ~=OMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: It is really a very ma.j~~r undertaFking. MS. LIVIN~~STON: A big task. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: There's a lady in this audien~.e that I F:nnw really intimately well, having -- having done a lot cif things with her fc~r 4C> years, and she and I have the same name. MS. LIVINuSTON: Oh, c~Fcay. i_`OMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: She went through this --- COMMISSIONEF,' E~ALDWIN: Your wife's here. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Yeah, I ~tnr_,w that. She went through this one time at an~~~ther day, another place, when we helped our town commemorate its 3UC~th anniversary, ~~ 32 /" ,r-~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 19 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 and she would be willing to talk to you. I'm not volunteering her services; I stopped doing that a long time ago, but I know she would be willing to share with you some of her experiences, some of the pluses and the minuses, and -- and hopefully steer you away from some of the pitfalls of how to preserve those items and how to sort through the many items you're going to receive. MS. LIVINGSTON: Right. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: And -- MS. LIVINGSTON: I've already been cuttting newspaper items. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Her name is Lew; she's sitting right there in the second row. That's all I'm going to say. JUDGE HENNEKE: Any further discussion? Any further questions? COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I just think it's a terrific idea. MS. LIVINGSTON: I really think, you know, that we need a representative from the County and one from the City, and -- COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Mr. Williams would love to participate in that. He is -- he's kind of our -- MS. LIVINGSTON: He's already volunteered his wife. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: You know, you might as well nn JJ /'~ 1 i J 4 J 6 7 8 .j 1 C> 11 1 ~: 13 1 ~# lv 1E 17 18 1'3 LV '~ 1 ii ~'3 :Z4 .:: J get two-fnr-cane here. (Discussion off the record.> COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I think: it's a terrific idea. I want my family to participate for sure. MS. LIVIN~~STON: We won't be here. I mean, we're talEr.ing about great- and great-great-grandchildren that are going to do th15, yell k:nc~W. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Great idea. JUD~~E HENNEk:E: Dc. we need tci taE.e any formal action this evening~•.' I don't F:now whether you -- MS. LIVIN~STON: We felt -- we've been ready to gc~ on this for twG months, but the main thing we have to 4;now before we can put any publicity c.n anything is that we're going to bury it on the courthouse lawn. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Judge, might I suggest that we develop a plan or help wort; with them in developing a plan in terms of what it's going tc~ be, where it's going to be, the locaticm, decide all those good things, and once all that's put together we came back to Court^- C:OMMISSIONEF' LETZ: That, or we could, you know, so they can get started, say we'll pass a mc~tian here that they're going tc~ put it in a spot on the courthouse -- MS. LIVINUSTON: F'ut it at the courthouse somewhere. JUDrE HENNEk~:E: I thinF: that would probably be '~~ J ~` i J J 6 7 8 '3 10 11 1 1J 1~ iv 16 17 18 i'3 <'C> ".'.1 .Gt. iJ ~4 -. c:J useful. COMMISSIONER LETZ: I'll make a motion that we commit tc~ finding a location c.n the cc~urthc~use square to bury the time capsule. COMMISSIONER GRIFF"IN: Second. JUDGE HENNEk::E: Moved by Commissioner Letz, seconded by C:ommissinner Griffin, that the Court c~~mmit to finding a place on the courthouse square to bury the time capsule for the January i, ~i_~i~i_~ project. Any further discussion? If not, all in favor, raise your right hand. CThe motion was carried by unanimous vc~te.:~ JUDGE HENNEK:E: All opposed? CNc~ response. ) JUDGE HENNEk::E: Motion carries. MS. LIVINGSTON: ThanFz you. JUDGE HENNEk:E: Than4c you, Delores. The next item is Item No. 6, which is an informational rep~~rt from the Airport Director regarding issues being disr_ussed by the Airport Euard. COMMISSIONEF: WILLIAMS: ~.5. JUDGE HENNEk;E: ~.5, sorry. Mr. Williams'' C:OMMISSIONEF; WILLIAMS: Judge, as I, along with t=c ~mmissioner Griffin, am 1 iaisr_~n tc. the Airp~ art Eioard, we thought it might be informative and interesting tr_. the Court and to the public at large if we heard from Megan Caffall ~~ 35 ~`` 1 2 3 4 5 E 7 8 ,3 1U 11 1~ 13 1 ~# 15 16 17 1B 13 ~a 21 ii. 23 i t'.5 some c.f the details. Not extensive, but s~_me cif the details about the Master Plan that they --- the E~oard, Airport Advisory E{oard and her staff have been worE::ing on for some time now. So, we welcome you. M5. ~=APPALL: Well, thanF: y'all for having me. I'd like to start with .just a thumbnail history of the airport, which there are things that I didn't F;nc~w up until I g~!t involved with the airport. E~ut, in 1'33'3, the airport was moved from the location west of tr_,wn to where it is nc~w, and k:errville Flying Services provided pilot training and 1::ind of tc Kok us through W~ ~r 1 d War I I . In 1'353, Mr_,c~ney Aircraft moved from Wichita, k:ansas, here tc~ k;errville and started maF:ing airplanes. by 1'357, they'd expanded large enough to where they occupied the entire leasehold they're can now, and k;errville Flying Service -- k:errville Aviation moved over to the side of the airport they're on now and established that ramp area. In 1'j61, the City deeded half-interest in the airport to the County, and in 1'378 the ~=~ity anne:.ed the airport and surrounding areas to provide single management of operations under the City's .jurisdiction, with financial support by both the City and the County. The airport management is advised and guided by the .joint City/C~~unty Airport Eic~ard, and I guess the Master Flan is cur most comprehensive item that's been on the agenda fnr rn,~ .~~ P 1"'` 1 i J 4 J 6 7 8 r~ 10 li 1 ~:' 13 1 ~# 15 16 17 18 1 '"~ •~:c~ ~1 ~'~ -,., i. J '~4 i~ the last year. The Master Flan is the tool that the F.A.A. and Te~:DOT Aviation Division -- TexDOT Aviation Division is our gateway tci the F.A.A. nc~w. In years past, you could get funding directly from the F.A.A., but nc~w any request we have for permits ~to do constructicm or grants c.r any cif the administrative things that the F.A.A, handles, we g., through TexDUT Aviation, They handle cur all cur business thr~~ugh Austin. And, the Master Flan is the guide that ~~utlines where the airport wants to go, typically in a lC>-year period. Our last Master Flan was done in 1~~88. And, the main items that were identified in that Master Flan was that our airport was e::periencing an increasing amount of jet and commercial jet traffic, and that plan pr~_vided for the i,C>Gi~-foot runway extension. That brought us up tc. 6,~.wc> feet cm cur primary runway, which is 1C~~~ feet wide and is large en~~ugh to a~=commr_,date fairly large ..lets, and indicated the need for precision instrument landing aids. That item has been in the last three Master Plans, and sc• far we are not there. So, the Master Flan that we're in the process of developing now, it's been a fairly lengthy process. We had to take a 3-month hiatus fc~r the cr±nstructic~n last summer, which added some other options to the plan that we had not anticipated. L-sut, the plan has evolved tc. the paint where it has identified the fact that we are now acknowledged as J7 ,~^ r~ 1 i n J 4 J 6 7 8 9 1 C~ 11 i' 1~ 14 15 1 E, 17 18 1'~ 2i_) 21 2~ 23 i`T 25 having business .jet and commercial .jet traffic coming in and out of our airpcrrt. Previous to now, and even currently now, we are classified as an airport reference classification H--i, which means small aircraft up try twin-engine small planes. The Master Flan, when it is accepted, will change the classi f icat icm of our main runway, the E, i_~C~C~-foot runway, to A.F.'.G. Classification C:-~~, which indicates that we get aircraft and .jets up to ~C~,C~UC> pounds in weight, which is about the sire of a small Lear .jet, king Air, your larger 8-, 12-pers~~n passenger aircraft. As Mr. Griffin I'm sure knr_,ws, and any of y'all whc, have been at the airpc~r•t when F'arlcer Drilling is having one of its functions, ~~r .just some of our local people that come in and out, we get up tci Gulf Stream 5's in and out of our airport. We have an uncontr~~lled airport. They -- they 4;naw what we have listed in our airport reference, and they can cr_,me and go as they please. Our current pavement strength is rated -- or is supposed to be designed for the small aircraft which weigh up to 12,500 pounds, so there's a pretty significant difference between where we're supposed to be now and what we're going tc~ be classified as when this Master Plan is accepted. The Master Plan also includes our Airp~~rt Layout Plan, which is a required map that the F.A.A, keeps cm file, and they use it to determine our dimensional criteria, how far 3B /'~ /^~ 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 ,~ 1 ~'~ 11 1~ 13 14 15 16 17 18 1~ iL~ 21 L.G -,-, ~~ i ~1' ii5 things are frc+m the active runways, he+w -- whether we have things in our air space that shouldn't be there, c+bstructic+ns, things like that, and any changes that we maF:e c+r buildings that we put up we have tc+ submit to the F.A.A., and they check: our Airport Layout Flan and approve these things. We will be getting a new Airpc+rt Layc+ut F'lan with this Master Plan, and this whole document will be accepted by the F.A.A. and will govern the growth that the airpc+rt will have in the neY;t '~~~ years, whir_h gives us an indication that there's some pretty significant improvements that need to be do+ne c+ut there befc+re we can meet all the dimensional criteria that upgrading us to a ~:-2 classificatic+n on the main runway is gc+ing tc+ mean; that we need larger runway prc+tection zc+n es, wider separation in tay:iways, runways, and greater pavement strength. We alsc+, almost immediately upc+n being reclassified as ~_-~, are gc+ing tc+ have tc+ displace c+ur threshh+,ld on F,'unway 1~ -- that's c+ur main runway and clc+sest tc+ Mooney Aircraft -- by 1,iC~r~ feet, which will effectively shorten that runway to 4, 9C>C~ feet fc+r anything landing that way. Our current navigatic+n al aid that we have -- c+r landing aid that we have at the airpr_,rt is a lc+c aliaer, which is c+n the c+ther end; if yc+u're landing fr~~m the ether end tc+wards i~~mfc~rt r_,n the main runway, we have a lc+cal i~er apprc+ach can that. 3~j ~~ P"' 1 rJ ~# 5 6 7 8 ,~ in 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1'3 i ~.~ ~~ 1 n, Li i 3 ~4 .•.5 We also have same problems if we're classified as ~_--:~, which they determine that by determining that we have aver 1,~>Cu=> .jet ~~peratic~ns -- business .jet ..r aver 3i_~,i~t7C~ pounds, between 1~ and a half to 3~~,00~~ pounds -- operations a year, which they have determined that we have that, sc. we're -- whether we want it or not, we're going tc• be classified as ~.-2. And, that raises the problem that our airport entrance read is too close to the end of the runway. If you've got - during the construction period, when I was cut there can the runway, it's pretty darn scary when a large .jet starts to land on you from that end. And, there is the possibility that if a car or truck were in the road at the time when a large .jet were tc~ have a major malfunction coming in, yc.u F:now, it would be pretty hairy. So, to meet the r_lassification standards fcir that, we're probably going to have to, in the ne.vt five years, move that airport read, which will inv~~lve buying -- buying land and acquiring mere navigation easements for the runway protection zone. Sn, all this is F~:ind of -- it's not cast in stone yet, but that's where we're headed at this point. The other item an the Airport Board agenda that has .just come up recently is the average budget for the airport for operations only is about ~13t~,U~>0 a year. The revenues of the airpcmt are about X90, G>C>~~. The difference is made up by a 5C~/5C> split between the ~_ ity and the r:c aunty. Any 4c~ ~, 1 z 3 ~f J 6 7 8 ,~ 1 C> it 1 i. 13 14 15 iS 17 18 1'~ .~~~ ~1 22 LJ' i"l J improvement projects that we do that are grant-funded -- and in the last two years, we've either spent or been --- been awarded over ~1 millicm --- the grant funding, we have to match 1~> percent. We have been included in the next fiscal year, which Starts in August of this year, fc~r a lighting grant far wunway 0'~0, which is cur crosswind runway which goes by Mo~~ney, for lighting and landing aids on that runway. After a runway was closed last summer and we had an associated incident where our airport was unlit due tc~ the canstructian, I sent a letter to --- to TexDOT Aviation requesting that before we did anything else, we put runway 1 fights on 0~2i_~. Ttre 1 fights that were replay=ed last year in ouY Yep=~-~nstYU~-t1!~n pYa.ject that Was completed WeYe originally intended to go on our crosswind runway, but our lighting system went completely dawn cm the primary runway, so they let us replace those lights. But, that will be a `~3°i(.1,t1C_lf_1 grant, and our portion of it will be ~35,pi~c~. So, in the next year -- ne~:t budget year when I'll be coming back: to y'all presenting the airport budget, there's gr_,ing to be a bigger match this year between City and County, because we're going to have mare grant match expenses, The Board, at the last meeting, considered raising our fuel -- we only have two sources c.f income at the airport; our land leases, or we have one property that is actually owned by the airport out in --- the old Cibson's warehouse ~# 1 /~ i" 1 L 3 J 6 7 8 ,~ 1 i_~ 11 1 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ~C~ :i 2~' _~ L..i i ~} ::J building reverted tc~~_ity/~:ounty ownership and we rent that at a competitive rate, but all other leases out there, including Mooney, are land leases that were -- land leases that were established 2~~, ~0 years ago. Sc., our revenues from our leases from -- are fr~~m cur field flowage fees. The Board approved a 3-cent ins=rease in our v-•cent per gallon fuel flowage fee, which will impact --- it might impact our budget as much as an additional ~1~,~~4?C~. It's not a terribly significant amount, but every little bit at this point helps. But, that we have to pass through our legal department and decide --- there's some far_tors in that, but the Board did consider raising the fuel flowage fee. We surveyed 7U surrounding airports of cur similar size and whatever, and that's kind of an average fuel flowage fee. So, our airport is a wonderful airport. We get a lot of -- we were Airport of the Year in 1'x'33. We qet a lot cif positive recr_~gnition and feedbac4i from pe~~ple who use the airport. But, it basically is our respcrosibility and our expense tc ~ F:eep it up. Dc ~ y' al l have any quest is ins' ~:OMMISSIONE6: vRIFFIN: Oo ahead. C:OMMISSIONEF~ LETZ: The question I have, I guess I'm surprised it doesn't lose mr_,re money. I mean, I'm -- is this •-- is that •--- I guess I was under the impressicm ...r thought it was -- the airport did not make even ~~~?,i_~~~i~, Is that pretty standard fc~r an airport this si tc+ ~4C>, C>~=~C~, Gr are we better than r_,r worse than me+st Gthers'? MS. CAFFALL: We're about -- we're abc+ut nGrmal. What isn't facts+red intc+ that is that Mc+c~ney Aircraft do+es pay bGth Gity and C:c+unty taxes, and thGSe dGllars gc+ intc+ the varic+us funds, and that's a fairly significant amc+unt. If we en+.c+urage the envirc+n mental -- EIC: is putting the water and sewer -- has funded water and sewer Gut tc+ the airpc+rt, tr_+ serve be+th Mc+c+ney, and then, in pc+ssibly a future prc+.ject, the rest c+f the airpc+rt. Once we have water and sewer c+ut there., we can encourage further cc+mmercial development. COMMISSIONER uRIFF"IN: I thinFc that's an imps+rtant pc+int, because there is leasable land there, but we've -- water and sewer will ma4ie a big difference in whether c+r nc+t that land could be pc+tentially leased. And that c+_~uld prc+b ably put us ahead c+f -- at least we he+pe that might put us ahead c+f me+st airpc+rts Gf this caliber and size and financial structure. COMMISSIONER LETZ: There's a lat c+f Iand Gut there. COMMISSIONER UF,'IFFIN: Yeah. MS. C:AFFALL: We figure for every do+llar yGU spend at the airport, it returns tc+ the community at least a dollar and a hal f in assc+c fated me+ney spent in the community. Sc+, it'S -- lt'S -- ~#3 .~'` r" 1 2 3 J 6 7 S ,~ 1 Cr I1 1 13 1~ lv 1E 17 18 iS .irk it ~~ ~3{{ ice! is J COMMISSIONER HALDWIN: There was same talk: of a new hangar or two or three at one paint. MS. CAFFALL: We have in our -- in our last year, we used some of our maintenanr_e money to clear a site for T-hangar development. I constantly get requests from people looking to build things out there or wanting to rent hangars; that's the Number item E get, everyone wants to rent a T-hangar. Hut, we have some proposals in front of the Hoard, and they're being investigated. There are also other alternatives. Hut, we hope to see in the nest -- I'd say the ney:t year, I'd love to see at least two put cut there with an option for an additional twc~. There's a real demand all over Tey:as. We surveyed 7Cr other airports and there wasn't one vacancy in any of the desirable locations. If you want to be in west Teas, you L:now, far out, yciu might find someplace to -r.eep your airplane, but if you live in the Austin/Houston/San Antonia area, you're not pc~ing to find anyplace tc~l:eep your plane. COMMISSIONER HALDWIN: I F:now of one family that had ccmtacted me that wanted to move to k.'errville and move their operations here. They had three airplanes, and didn't -- didn't maE:e it here because it didn't have anyplace tc~ put their airplane. MS. CAFFALL: And, unfortunately, there's no place surrounding here that they can find a place, and I get thr_,se ~4 r'"` f 1 J 5 6 7 8 9 lir 11 1 ':' 13 1~ 15 1 f/ 17 18 1 '3 LCD 21 %ii :. 3 ~4 ~5 Find c.f requests all the time. But they're not looFiing to build; they're .just loc~k:ing for a home. But, it's -- any anticipated -- any hangar space that we can --- we can build will be filled. I_OMMISSIONEF LETZ: Are you -- is the Airport Board or the 1=ity/county going to build the hangars, c.r try to get private investors or private industry tc~ build -- MS. C~AFFALL: We have a proposal in front of the Airport Beard which, as an advisory board, will approve or recommend that City Council and I_c~mmissioners I_ourt consider it, a group of private individuals that want to build 16 eight--unit T--hangar buildings. C:OMMISSIONEF LETZ: It's private industry doing it'~• MS. 1APPALL: Fight. I thinlt that we would explore every alternative. It's about ~3~>0,~>C>C> t... do that project, and grant funds are not available for this. I mean, with a ~i31~,0U~1 budget, we do well to keep our paving uncracEied and everything marF;ed and in c~~mpliance with the F.A.A. requirements. The grant funding is how we do just about everything else. C:OMMISSIONEF LETZ: You dc. a very goad .job out there. MS. C:AFFALL: ThanF; you. COMMISSIONEF' LETZ: My final question is, toc~, can the -- when we go up to the higher r_Iassificaticm, is that ~J /'"~ 1 i 3 4 J 7 8 ,g 1 C~ li 12 13 14 lv lE 17 18 19 i~~ i1 nr, cc i3 ~4 •~ J going to open up more grants'' It s~~unds liEie we're going to have a major -- I guess a number of major expenditures coming in 1C~, ~~C> years, when we get that new classificatic+n. Is it easy -- is it gc+ing tc+ open more doers for mare grants"' MS. C:AFFALL: It's 4;ind of a ~=atr_h '22. We have tc. 6e classified tc+ be eligible far that money. Nc~w, in the Master Flan, as it's printed right nr_,w, they say they've included in that the lighting c+n i_~~•~C~ and the installation, and I've already got that. And, they -- our airport has an excellent reputation. We're only 6C1 miles from San Antonio. The associated Bevel+~pment that has come in around here has specifically said part of the reasc+n they're coming here is ber_ause c.f the airp+.+rt facilities. So, I anticipate, you know, the process will probably take five years tr_+ get -- it's 4;ind ~~f a slow but steady prc+cess. Put, they'll definitely wc~rF: with it. And if funds are available, which, you know, the Legislature right nc+w -- that's arr item, you 1:now --- the Airport Trust Fund is -- is s~~mething that's been used by 'I I everybody else for years. And -- I mean, this --- they don't spend it, but it's there and it's F::ind of a funny-money situation. Put, dependent c+n funding, I thinF; that we're as eligible or more than anyone else. C:OMMISSIONE LETZ: great, thanF: you. COMMISSIONEF' WILLIAMS: Than4: yc~u, Megan. ~^ T' - - ~---- -. _.-- ----- ~E /1 1 J 4 J E 7 8 ,~ iQ 11 1~ 1~ 14 15 16 17 18 19 <:u ~~ 1 iJJi .LJ 2~ iJ C:DMMISSIONEF~ BALDWIN: Thant; you, Megan. JUD~;E HENNEk;E: Thant; yau. The next item we' 11 ta~.e up is Na. 6, which is an informational report from the Library Director regarding issues being discussed by the Library Board. CUMMISSIONEF,~ WILLIAMS: In addition to our participating with the airport, Judge, for the public's information, we likewise participate with City of k::errville funding the operating and capital budget of the library, which also en.jc~ys a very fine reputation throughout the southwest. It's a pleasure tc~ intr~~duce Antc~nic~ Martinez, whr_~ is the new Director of the Butt-Holdsworth Library. Thant yc~u far coming. M~:. MAf~TINEZ: Thant: you. Commissioners, if I could start cut by giving yc~u same reading material. CDMMISSIONEF' BALDWIN: Thant: yc~u. MF:. MARTINEZ: I couldn't get them all in one color. I was here six months ago being introduced to you as the new Library Director. It seems unbelievable that six mcmths have elapsed already. I've g~~t a slightly clearer picture of same of the hist~ary, same c.f the needs, some c.f the cr_,ncerns, some of the problems. I'm not going to elaborate c.n everything in there. I'll leave yau tc. read some r_,f that, but I do want to highlight some of the items in each cif the documents. 47 .-~ r-.. .I"~ 1 i 3 4 J 6 7 8 ,~ i C> li 1~ 1~ 1~ 15 16 17 18 1'3 2c7 it i.i 23 2~ .tJ E~eginning with the first cane, Notes on Library Funding. That gives you a history of the cooperative arrangement between the ~_ity and County tc~ support library services. There's a lot of interesting history and detail there. The main item I want to point clot to you is cm the last page, that in the year "3'3, we will be celebrating 3~~ years of this partnership. And I thin: that's a very significant accomplishment far city and County tr_. have cooperated for ~2 years in supporting library services in this community. The next item -- the ne::t document is a City budget, and I would like to paint out tc. yc~u can page 2'36 c.f that dog=ument, the total amount of funds available -- the line towards middle there at the tc~p. And that would give yciu a ~--year history of what the total funding has been for the library. That's a qui~.F: way tc~ loc~F:: at what we've done for the past five years. On the next page, at the very top, yc~u will see the C:r_~unty contributions, page 257. The subsidy from kerr County is, again, laid out fc~r five years. And, as in the operation at the airport, this operation wor4:s on a fifty-fifty basis. The library operates as a City division with several ma.jc~r departments within that division, and the i=ity budgets the mr_,ney, the County reimburses 5C> percent c.f that amount. S~~ that's the v-year history on the County contributions there on page 2'37. ~8 /" ~'~. ~~ i J 4 J 6 7 8 .3 1 ~> it 1 13 i~ lv 16 17 18 1'~ (_1 '~ 1 ii iJ z4 .iJ I f, at any point during this, yc~u wish tc ~ asF: a question, make sure and stop me. Otherwise, I'll keep going here. On page '::'3~, again, Gity budget. We have the names of the departments within the library division, .just for your information. Those consist of Administration, Patron Services, Adult Services --- I'm sorry, Patron Services, C:irculaticm Services, and Technical Services. Within each of those departments are --- there are further breakdowns, but I won't go into all that detail right now. This is .just tr_~ give you a general idea all the different subdivisions within the library operation that rnak:e the --- everything work. Moving onto page X01, I was asF:ed tc~ address in particular any ~~utstanding car capital improvement-type items, and to give yr_,u same sort of forecast on what we're expecting in that area. far the current year, the only item that was funded was replacr=ment of elevator. That gc~t to a fairly critical paint. It is at a fairly criti~.al point right nr_,w. That elevator may go any day. It's ancient, it's falling apart, and I'm in the process of collecting dc~cumentatic~n tc~ submit cur request fc,r proposal, go through the bid process to replace that, and hoping that ~38,~++7i+ will be enough to replace it. One of the things that will help us is that we do have an existing shafit, mechanical roam, a lot of other things that would add significantly tc. the price if we did not have ~~ ,,,"~ ~"', 1 3 4 J E 7 8 9 1 C~ li 1~ 13 14 iv 1E 17 iS 1'3 2C~ '<:1 '22 '~3 ~~~ siJ them. 50, he+pefully, this will pay fc+r just the installation. One c+f the things that I'm finding c+ut, the+ugh, is that elevate+rs, as any other mechanical/technical thing, have evolved intc+ very cc+mpler: computer-driven operati~~ns, and there will be +.c+mputer equipment rise+ciated with this elevate+r. There are a couple c+ther concerns that I have. One is that we have se+me problems F:eeping pee+ple from having access tc+ that within staff areas, and he+pefully we'll be able te+ address that and have sc+me pre+gramming an that cc+mputer-driven elevate+r allc+ws tc+ you 1c+cFc out access tc+ unauthr_,rized per+~c+ns dawn in c+ur basement level. At any rate, that is the c+ne capital item in the current r~ity budget, and yc+u are participating in paying fe+r that. The ner:t page, 0~~~, ..iust to point out tr_+ you that each +.+f the library departments has a 5-year gc+al sectie+n, and I am c+nly gc+ing tc+ point c+ut the administration c+ne fc+r yc+u. Each department has a little secti+.+n liE:e this that indicates the desired 5-year activity. In this case, in Administratic+n, c+ne was tc+ replace the elevator. Anc+ther r_+ne is tc+ imprc+ve cm handicap access; we have atrocious handi+_ap access. It is a really bad situation in terms c+f anybc+dy with a wheelchair c+r any other disability trying tr_+ enter that building. Even a healthy persc+n has tc+ a%ert a little bit c+f effc+rt cc+ming up that hill frc+m the par4;ing area. The c+ther 5-year goal is tc+ imprc+ve staffing and _+__ 4 5V r /^ i 2 J C J E 7 S 1 C~ it 1~ Su 13 iv 1E 17 18 1 'fit .ti ~J '.~ 1 i tt i3 G~ i J salaries and establish s+_+me sc+rt of ladder system. That is proceeding at the Human ~'esources Department c+f the City. There i<~ research being do+ne +_+n all +=ity p~~sitians t!+ +_c+mpare tr_+ cc+mparable-sire cities. I have really had no partir_ipatic+n in that, sc+ I really can't give yr_+u a whale lc+t mare about that. That was a prc+.ject that was already underway when I arrived, and we will prc+b ably hear a lr_+t me+re about that at the budget preparation time. Tc+ continue c+n to the neY;t document, r_+ne is titled Capital Item Needs Identified f~ ~r ' ~~7-' ~~8 E+udget F:equest . This was a grc+cery list presented at the last City budget cycle. As you can see from there, the c+nly item that was funded was the elevator, sc+ we still have all the+se c+ther items that are listed there that are still existing needs. game have be+.c+me further aggravated by the length c+f time that has elapsed. We have nc+ activity -•- fc+r instance, winds+w cault:ing and repair. We have water cc+ming in .just about every window. Just about every caulking comps+nent in the library needs tc+ be stripped and replaced. That's a major cc+ncern when you're ta14::ing about thousands, perhaps millions c+f d+_+liars of contents inside a building, One other item that's not listed in here that has Find c+f surfaced in the past eight me+nths c+r sr_+ is that the rr_+c+f is also leaking, and that, again, is a ma.jr_,r cc+st item. The last library I we+rked at, we replaced the rr_+c+f there, to the 51 1 i 3 5 E 7 S ,~ 1 C~ 11 1 13 1 ~# 15 1E 17 18 1'~ s~ ~) ~~ 1 .~ i uJ i~ i5 tune c,f about ~7~>,UC~C~ tc, ~8~>,L>Gi>. I don't 4;n ow what conditic,n this one is in, so I could nc,t give you an estimate c,n that. But, these are all large capital-type items, and they're still there; they still need tc, be addressed. One ether one I will pc,int c,ut tc, yc,u again, handicapped ar_cess; we really need an automatic front door. It's almc,st impr_,ssible for a pers~~n in a wheelchair tc, open our doors. We also need restroom remc,deling to came up to A.D.A. standards. We are probably grandfathered in and don't have to comply, but I thinE:: it would be in -- you F:nc,w, in the interest c.f serving the community and addressing the needs of people that need tc, have access to c,ur restroc,ms. The light fixtures, that's a fairly solid estimate. It may have increased by now. We are loc,f~ing at total replacement of every lamp and every ballast in the building. And, it's -- right now, at this point, we're operating at abr_,ut a third of our light fixture availability. We've probably gc,t about two-thirds c,f them burned c,ut or with same Find of problem with the ballast. The others are -- perhaps could be termed cr_,smetic, but they dc, need tc, be addressed also. Windc,w blinds are falling apart. We have a prc,blem with light coming in from the setting sun, in particular. The terrace and balcc,nies, the rust situation. If that's not addressed, we'll be Ioc,F;ing at replacement, whi~.h will be a much higher cast. The i- Ji ~~ /^ 1 s 3 J E 7 8 ,~ 10 11 1~ 13 1 ~# iv 1E 17 18 1'3 ~C~ ~1 22 ZJ '~~ iJ Circulation DesF: is crowded, cramped, nc~ accommodation made fc~r computers bac4: when it was designed, and, of course, we operate with a lot of computers naw. At any rate, that's what was presented last year. Again, these items are still needed items this year. Now, the very last document is what the staff did last year, and this was a brainstorming sort of session. They sat around and listed everything they could thin4: of that needed to be addressed with budget money, and the short list evolved from this longer list. So, I thought I would give you the 1~~nU list tc. see where we started out at and what we narrowed down to. Now, I realize -- I'm realistic enough to 4~now that we can't address everything, but we will be doing the same process this year; we'll be lool::ing at a lc~nq list and then we'll be narrr_,wing dawn, prioritizing to a short list, and we'll be presenting that at the City budget cycle. And, I w~~uld invite all of you, individually and c~~llectively, to, you F::now, be involved with this. I'll be glad tr_. keep you updated c.n that process. Any questions:' COMMISSIONEF LETZ: Excellent report, thanF. you. COMMISSIONEf~ ~~~'IFFIN: Excellent report. COMMISSIONE~~ LETZ: Mr. Martinez, I know you've had a lr_,t c.f experience with grants when you were in Victoria. Are some of thane improvements --- are there grants available through the State? Are yc~u fixing to address some of them'-' JJ ~~ ,,,"~ ./"~ 1 .~, 3 J E 7 8 '3 i C~ 11 li 13 1~ lv 1E 17 18 19 i1.~ it LL irl 24 .~ iJ MF'. MAF?TINEZ: The federal and State money for building improvement, that's pretty much been eliminated. There is no further State .,r federal money available fc~r that. Mast of the money available far library grants is far computer operations, automated processes, that sort of thing. C:OMMISSIOINEF,' LETZ: Li1;e elevators'' MR. MARTINEZ: Not elevators. We do use a lot of private and foundation money. We get a lot of contributions. A couple ether projects that are underway now, the internet pru.ject to briny internet to the community, to the public, was funded by the Texas Infrastructure Fund, and we received about ~58,~~~Ji_~ towards that prc~.j ect. We would not be able tc~ do internet cc~nnecticm otherwise. Sr_., that will be made possible through a grant. The Histr_,ry Building F'ro.iect is also another example cif grant and private money. I.E.P. Foundation contributed to the building. Peterson Foundation contributed mcmey towards the rest~~ratian and building casts. So, we need gaud counsel fr_,r grants and private donor money, but we never have quite enough ...f any c,f the particular funds. C:OMMISSIONEF~ WILLIAMS: Antonio, thank you fcrr being our guest, sir. MF'. MAF.'TINEZ: Yes, sir. ~=OMMISSIONER PALDWIN: ThanF~ you, sir. JLlDi~E HENNEk;E: The next item an our agenda is Item J~ rte' 1 J 4 J 6 7 8 r~ 1i> 11 1< 10 14 15 16 17 18 1'3 z i_r ~1 ~'~ GJ ~4 L5 Nu. 7, which is the report from First F;espy:nders. Mr. Baldwin? C:OMMISSIONEF; bALDWIN: Yes, sir. Mr. Derric4::, I think, is -- has been before the i=ourt before, and I had him scheduled on a quarterly basis. We have arrived at that time. And, as you knew, he's an employee of the City of I;errville Fire Department, wears many hats in that capacity, and one of those that we're involved in is the First F,'esponders program. So, Mr. DerricE::, thank you for coming. Appreciate it. MF.. DEF:F.'ICk:: Thank: you for inviting me. Just to give yc~l-1 a little overview of what's going on, cm the total EMS system, we're -- again, this year, our call percentage has gene up apprc~r:imately '3.6 percent. In the year of 'r~8, we ran just under 6,UC>tr calls, and approximately 60Cr of those calls are using i_ounty First F~esponders. And, the -- real quir_4:, the way we deemed a call as using First F:esponders, those are life-threatening calls, and those are -- are determined by medical priority dispatch at the dispatch center, the communications center that we have. One little caveat to the dispatch center is we are --~ we're upgrading the communications ~~enter at the police department, and through '311, to -- to get everything up to a higher standard. I went tc~ class fr_,r a wee4:: in Florida; it was tough, but I endured it. And, anyway, I became a ~^ cc JJ /"` /^ 1 J 4 J 6 7 8 '3 1 C~ it 1~ 13 1 ~# iv 1E 17 18 19 ~i_~ ~i _~ si 3 '~~ s~J certified instructor through AF'i0, which is a pr~~~fessional organization of communir_ation officers, and I can teach the classes. And, we've already -- it's a threefold class. We've already taught the first cme, and the seccmd phase of it comes up in April. Then the third phase, which is emergency medical dispatch, will come up -- lilie, it's going to come up in June. Sc~, that will even enhance the system, the way we use First F.esponders in the county. Our numbers have -- I'm happy to announce, have increased since the last time we've tal4~ed tc~ you. We have put on three new First responders. We still do have a small problem out in the k:errville South/Turtle Creek: area, but we do have -- before we had n~~ne, but now we have two; one in the F::errville South area and one out towards the Turtle Creek: area. Sc~, we --- we d~a have coverage in that area. One of the things that we've also dr_,ne is the -- the administrati~~n of the AED programs in the County. We --- we do have cane in the Center F'oint area. We have twc~ in the Hunt area. We've been neg~~tiatiny, per se, with the Ingram -- Marshal's Department in Ingram to put one in Ingram. That unit has already been purchased. Those units were purchased through money that we yc~t thrr_,ugh Senate Bill iC~~. This money is given to counties. It came tc~ y'all thrc~uyh Tammy over here. He disburses it tc:~ us, and we spent the first round nn First F,esponders. We spent the second round cm the 56 r'"` ~^• f 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ,~ 1 C~ 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 yC~ i1 Gi. .:~ i. Jaa i'Y s:J EMS purchasing same equipment. L-~ut, that AED gees --- the first round of AED we bought with that money. We also have a grant cut r fight now; it's a ~6, 5~7i~ matching-funds grant for the purchase of AED's. We've got -- what a matching fund is is Texas Department c.f Health put up ~6,5~~C7; we got to come up with ~6,5C>0. We've -- through private dc~natic~ns, we have gotten approximately half of that, so we're still see4::ing -- I talF:ed to a gentleman from the Fsiverhiils ~_lub Association today, and they are tal~;ing about assisting in this prr_~gram, whir_h I thinF: is a real good -- real gc~c~d idea, and I've got a meeting set up tc~ furnish them with some documentation and some -- some paperwor4; on that. So, that's -- that's getting tc. be a -- getting to be a program that that is increasing all the time. And we have used the cane cut in Center Point. Mr. Scott Gross -- lots cif y'all F:now Scott in the Center F'oint area. I-ie is ~ one of c cur real enthusiastic First F'espc enders out in the Center F'oint area. He has one of our AED's; he's already used it three times. And, one of the times that he did shockk a person, unfortunately, that person had already expired. E~ut -- but it was there. If there was any possibility ...f this person surviving this heart attac4::, it would have happened with the AED in the First F;espc~nder's hand. So, it's a real good program. Other than that, I'll be coming to y'all here in the v7 //"~` ,~"` ~~ 1 J 4 5 E 7 8 5 1~~ 11 is 13 14 15 16 17 18 1S •~i ~ 21 '~ J '~~# ~J neat -- the next quarter with some budget requests. We need to lr_~o4:: at -- COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: We can s4 li ii 13 14 15 1E 17 18 1'3 L~ ' i i i :~3 ~4 iJ This request seems like it is a desirable sc+luti~~n towards maintaining Scott Schreiner Golf C:curse in the future. After the reccm struction going cm with the new r_c+urse, it she+uld be c+ne c+f the finest c~+urses in the area. As you're presently aware of, I'm sure, that there's a lc+t of work: gr_,ing on cover at the golf course, and in fact it will be closed +?n April the 1st fc+r a peric+d c+f abc+ut two me+nths, or even more than that. And, that's essentially what I'm here fc+r. I'd liF:e t+~ -- when we dc+ get final figures, I'd liF::e to come 6ackk and give them to you sc+ you might have an idea c+f what -- what we're requesting. And, I want to thanF:: yc+u again fc+r allowing me the time to cc+me before yc+u. If there'+~ any questions, I'll be glad tc. ask them -- answer them. JUDGE HENNEk:E: Anybr_,dy have any yuestic+ns':' ~:OMMISSIONEF,' WILLIAMS: I .just have c+ne. I appreciate yc+u commenting an the elimination c+f the disparity in rates between city players and county players. I'm wondering also whether yc+ur Rate C~c~mmissic+n has ey:amined c+ne other element c+f disparity, and that is the ability tc+ reserve tee-times in accordance with the rules c+f thie course. And c+ne way that that can be corrected would be t+.+ install a computerized tee-time reservatic+n system so that r_ounty players are assured c+f having equal c+ppcrrtunity and -- better oppcrrtunity than the+se frc+m outside the r_c+unty, but equal 60 1 i J 4 5 E 7 8 9 1 Cr 11 12 13 1 ~# 15 16 17 18 1 '3 ~~t~ '~ i ti r '3 ~4 L5 /'~". c+ppc+rtunity fc+r reservatic+n tee-time<~. MFv. MUF;PHY: That's c+ne c+f a number +~f things c+ver there that's happening at the gc+lf +.c+urse that need tr_+ be cc+rrected. The+se are things we're gc+ing tc+ we+r 4: c+n and we are we+rkinq +~n at the present time, al~~ng with the rest of what we're doing. Thank yc+u very much. C:DMMISSIONEF'. WILLIAMS: ThanL:: you, Jim. COMMISSIONEF; LETZ: Jim, we'd like tc+ thanF:: yc+u fc+r all the we+r k.: you've do+ne in the +.c+mmuni•t y. Y+_+u've gc+t -- fc+r years and years, have been invc+lved in i do+n't k:nc+w he+w many things, and I appreciate all yc+u do+. M~:. MURPHY: Thank: yc+u. i_OMMISSIONEF, RALDWIN: ThanL:: yc+u, sir. ~:Discussi~~n off the recc+rd.:> JUDi3E HENNEk::E: At this time, it's my inclinatic+n tc+ ta1;e a brea4: until 8 o'clock:. Let's be back promptly at 8 r_+'clc+cFc, when we'll ta4::e up the next agenda item, which is an informational report from the k:err Emergency '311 Netwc+r F:. (F'ecess taken frc+m 7:51 p. m. to 8:C>i~ p.m.:~ JUDC;E HENNEk~E: We'll now resume this special sessic+n c+f the k::err ~=c+unty C:ommissic+ners ~=Dart and ta4;e up the next agenda item, which is infc+rmatic+nal reps+rt from the k::err Emergency '311 Network:. Whc+ is here c+n behalf of '311 tc+ maF;e a reps+rt'~' Mr. Sandi in, are yc+u the c+ne making the repc+rt-' 61 r"^- T` 1 3 J 6 7 8 ,j 1 f_> 11 ii ii 14 15 16 17 1 £i 19 ~i~ '~ 1 ii. a J 2~# J MF,'. SANDLIN: I assume so. JUDi~E HENNEt~::E: Yc.u' r e up . MF. SANDLIN: All right. I brought same big diagrams. I'm going to try to be brief for y'all and give you same infr_,rmation cm where we are in ~~ur process right now. I have a few of these etra I'll pass around. I had no idea how many people would be here. LiF::e I said, there's nc~t a place for me to hold up my big poster, sc~ I .just won't. CDiscussi~~n off the record.) MR. SANDLIN: Judge, what I've presented to yc~u is what is generally accepted as the major steps cif the road-naming and addressing process. Several states, including Ter.as, use this general form. There's ii.~ steps there. The first is to establish -- establish a road-naming, addressing committee. We've done that. That's what we call our ~~IS ccmmittee. The committee establishes general road-naming guidelines and specific addressing guidelines. Other than probably putting into a correct format, I think: that's done. And then, cane thing that we as4i is that the County and each municipality, if possible, appoint a liaison person to wor4: with us, particularly cm developing -- and I'lI get into this in just a minute -- same of the specifics regarding the roads, specific road name guidelines. Who actually names the roads, how are we going to gr_• about renaming those that need Vi ~` i uJ 4 J 6 7 8 ,3 10 it iZ 13 14 1~ 16 17 18 1'3 iL~ ~i 2L .i J '~4 J to be renamed, et cetera. When that's through, '311 E~oard reviews and adapts these read-naming/addressing guidelines, or standards cir whatever people call them. And, then, the nest step would be to encourage the ~-aunty and municipalities tc~ enact these --- enact ordinances in support r_,f these, and then we get on with the process of naming and renaming unnamed roads and ma~;ing the necessary changes. Of course, that is the final authority of the Commissioners i~ourt and the governing bodies of the municipalities; that is not 911. We'll certainly help in any way we can with identifying these. Nest step is to review and approve an address map -- I'm sorry, s4::ipped one. Number 8, we as4: that the County and municipalities provide an inventory of krrown addresses on the base map to 911. ~=enter F'oint and Ingram have already done that and we're wr_,r4:ing on some revisions cif that. And, we have collected what we thinF:: are 'the ~:nawn addresses in k~err C•aunty. I won't say it's absolute; we don't have any way of F:nowing that at this paint. When that's done, we'll review and approve that address map, and then we -- hopefully, when that's all done, yc~u go into the maintenance, which is just the daily upF::eep cif addresses and stuff li~;e that. Where we are right now -- and I'm sorry I didn't get it over here with errr_,ugh copies. Sc• that y'ail can see where we are right now --- I've just got three; I will get y'all some ~~ ~J r ~1 1 2 J 4 J 6 7 S .~ 10 li ii 13 1~ iv 16 17 18 1'3 2i_i <1 '~2 23 .i. "1' iJ mcrr e. These are a draft, and I emphasise the "draft." Find of a convictic+n statewide is that when 911 agencies are used t+:, per form the addressing in the cities of the c..+unty, it's me+re ..•r less left up to them tc+ develc.p the -•- the technical part r_.f it. What's the read fr+antage interval? At what point dc. we assign separate unit numbers and stuff'? And that's explained. It's -- technically, it's a fairly simple process. Politically, it's sometimes compared with land mines. We can, of course, cc+me up with sc+me what we thinlt are appropriate guidelines based ..n information provided by the United States Postal Servir_e and U. S. Census t-~ureau, National -- I'm going tc+ -- I may say this wrr_+ng. The National C•iIS Data Transit Authority, which is in the process of gathering infc+rmatic+n c.n all the roads. Their main cc+ncern is hr_.w they're going to do cal l be+~.es, l inear referencing fc+r ac+=idents and a bunch c+f stuff, but these are all people that are users of the '311 map, as well as UPS delivery people, sr_+mec+ne delivering packages, trying to determine areas of location for precincts and r_,n and on, stuff y'all kknow. So, we have developed s..+me generic normal guidelines. You I::naw, you put in the guidelines there will be no duplicate names and what defines a duplicate name and stuff, and that's in the stuff befc.re you. And, we're at that point 6~# ,~"' /" 1 J 4 J E 7 S r~ 1 C> li li 13 1 ~# iv 1E 17 18 i'~ ~~~ ~J 1 L i ~3 ~~ GJ nr_,w, quite franE:ly, where I'd hoped to be several weeks ago, but unf~~rtunately I have ether things to dc., to where we need tc. get with y'all or the liaison and see what process we're going to identify in these guidelines. For instance, if we find a duplicate read nc~w, how are we going to rename it'"' What process do we dc~ the renaming':' I have conferred with several states, I've c~~nferred with several counties in Texas. I've got piles and piles cif their drafts and s~~me of their guidelines or pc~rtic~ns that they've used, and I've tried to use that for a basis. I have, aver these past many months, listened to many people in my office; people putting in subdivisions, people living in subdivisions, people wanting specific address requests, vanity addressing and that type of stuff. A little aver three years ago, when I came intc~'311, it was -- there was a different story. There was a lot of F.R. worE:: to be done. There were a lc~t cif pe~~ple coming into my office abr_~ut the fact that we're going to have to deal with duplicate read names and duplicate addresses. I thinFc everybody realizes that. They're very reluctant, at this point, to cc~c~perate. I don't 4::nnw really what these various people's mind-set was --- crr I understand some of their relu~stance •tc~ i•t. And I've had presidents cif hr_~mer_,wners associations, two years agcy, coming in, pounding on my desk, "You're not going to dc. this. You're n~~t going tc~ dc. this." ~~ 65 ~~ 1 3 4 J E 7 8 g 1 C> li 1' 13 14 iv 1E 17 18 13 ~c7 21 ii _~ .LJ '~~# 'i J They've seen that we're not cut tc~ tear up anything, and they're nr_,w coming back: to me and saying, "What can we do to help"' What can we dc. in our subdivision tv help'•."' Just to give you a quicFc example -- and same of these are out in the field right n~~w. I have provided these with some of the homeowners. And, to answer s~~~me questions that I have derived from the press, this is .just a partial map of an area outside of Ingram. Rnd, look: at all the information. It doesn't look real impressive, but when you get to the data behind it, this is people's lots and plats, and with the informat ion tied tc ~ whr_~ r_~wns them. Up until .just a few weeks aqr_~, this is wasn't available tc~ us for the Ingram area. There's still a lot c.f •the area cif the c!~unty that this type of information isn't available to us. The people that are doing the actual political drawing for this is F•:err ~:entral Appraisal District, and David Oehler and his crew out there have been doing cme bang--up .job; they have really been busting their buns to help us and themselves. You know, people came to me and say, "Why hasn't this been dome'"' Well, this isn't in '311's bailiwicEi to do this, and why it hasn't been done is cc~n.jecture on my part. All I can say is it is now being dome. It was something that's -- Harris ~=aunty, Travis ~=aunty, same of the larger counties and some smaller counties did this many, many years agcy, and that Hind of information is available to Ali for lr_,oation and ~' 6E i'^ ~~ i .~ 3 J 6 7 8 ,~ 1U 11 1 SJ 14 lv 16 17 18 irk ~i_~ z1 :'_ ~3 s: ~} LJ terminatir_,n and stuff. Unfortunately, that's .just now being developed for F=:err C:r_,unty. And, 1 ik:e I say, David Oehler and his bunch out there have been mast helpful with it. That particular sheet there, one of the Ingram ~:ity Councilmen carne tc~ me and said -- said, "Wow ~.an we help c.n this'"' It was he and tiffs Public Works Director. I printed cut a bunch c.f maps ...f Ingram. They went and 4::nc~cF::ed c.n dar_,rs -- they went uut and did field checF::s, helped verify what was there. Now I've got Borne infc~rmatian tc~ tie to it. That will help us sort out some stuff. Put, that's the Find cif service that we're needing. And, in that handout I gave you, where we are in ~_~ur guidelines right now, is a part that is highlighted -- I can't say it's highlighted; it's gray highlighted. That's I the sticky part where yc~u fo1L;s need to tell me what you want ' in there. I -- Sii doesn't have the power to name or rename reads; that's properly relegated tc~ the cities and counties. Put, in these guidelines -- it's been suggested to me many times from people who've been this road befc:~re that it needs to be spelled out in the guidelines fc,r the public. what they're going to encounter car how these read names and changes can occur, and that's a very important phase. It sounds easy. I have, li4ce I say, stacF.s and stacks of these from around ttre country, the different ways people handled it. Some states are very specific on it. IVcirth 67 i-~- ,rte 1 i J 4 5 E 7 8 y i ~~ 11 12 i~ 14 15 16 17 18 15 G ~.) :~ 1 2~ 23 24 i. J C:arr_,l ina, for instance, an their DOT names, all F::inds c.f rules. County Commissioners can suggest a DOT name in North Carolina, what they want a new read name tc~ be, but they've gat same very specific parameters. We don't have those specific parameters in Texas. If y'a11 didn't get this -- and -- you 4::now, I hate to hand these things out sometimes because sc,unds 1i4::e I'm trying to threw down the gauntlet c.r something. I'm certainly not. I .just don't 4~now if all c.f y'all -- I k:n~~w Jonathan and Duster got this, but this was part of the pacF:et of our -- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to -- c:Discussion cuff the record.: MP,. SANDLIN: This is part of the pacF::et that y'all have seen, and I just highlighted some areas there, because I F:eep these in my office fc~r -- people have questicros abr_~ut these sometimes, and sometimes this helps. You can 4reep one. If anybody else wants one, they can certainly pass them -- spread them out. Basically, it tells what cur duties and what our mandates are and that kind of stiff. One thing that 'cause I 4:now y'all me, and I'll try to diagram that may be I'm doing; I have a exactly haw you add -- and I'm going to do this real quick:, have probably gc~t a lc~t of questicros for be brief in answering them. This is cme included in the -- the guidelines that bunch of diagrams with them that shows Tess a cul de sac or a split road crr an ~~ Es ~^ ~~ 1 i J J 6 7 8 .~ 1 t~ li 1:' i~ 1 ~# lv 16 17 18 1'3 2U '~ 1 i1i :~J ~4 iJ eyebrow, different things liF::e that. I left them out for brevity now, but in this example, this Purple Cow subdivision is a, needless tr_~ say, fictiti~+us subdivision, but everything I've depicted in this thing has really occurred, particularly in the last couple years. Just using this as an example, and if I may, I'll -- I will try tc~ hurry thr~~ugh thi~~. I'm .just trying tc~ highlight to y'all what we've encountered and same c.f what we're trying tc~ lay the pathway fc~r in the guidelines. What I'm going to -- if y'all excuse me, I don't mean to be rude, I'm going to face the people a minute. (Holding up a chart.) Li4::e I say, this is fictitious. Mr. uriffin, if you recognize any cif that, I'm sr_,rry. It doesn't have anything to do with them. Some of this was --• specifically comes from an area we're both familiar with. In this instance, Purple Cow subdivision was devel~~ped, and those big highlighted numbers where lots were ---- these are large lots, which can accommodate many houses -- were pre-addressed. In other wards, befr_,re any structures ~~r anything were built, they were pre-addressed. These particular mar~;s along the road, we address -- and we're taF::ing account that this was a new road, and we went in and put the tick: or address marE:s every JG.B feet, which supposedly allows for expansion in case ~~f multiple dwellings and stuff. If y'all can see up here, IVo. 18 came in and brught Lnt 65 /"` r^ ~~ 1 .i 3 4 J 6 7 8 ,~ 1~~ 11 1~ 13 14 1v 16 17 18 15 ~C~ 'i ~~ '~ 3 '~~ i J No, 1 and the lot a+=rc+ss the street, put sc+me 1 ittle +=abins in here alc+ng the creek:, uses them far rental cabins. This gentleman right here c+n Nc+. 5, if y'ail can folk+w alc+ng with the Cc+mmissic+ners, came in, named his he+use 1':!7. He built a service raced, where it should have been 1~5 leading tc+ his he+use. That's nc+ big deal; that's within a duple numbers. What happened, the+ugh, was that he ~~wns Lc+t and Lc+t ~. He then cc+mes in and replats the frc+nt plat where he's living and divides it int+:, twr_+ and gives each half tc+ his children. Initially, ..lust divided the frc+nt lc+t, and they were fighting c+ver where they were gc+ing to put their trailer he+uses and spent many weeks in my c+f f ice. Anyway, yc+u can see we wind up getting in a mess here. Where the mess came up here was that this guy, 1'~7, and his -- he abandoned this road and built a driveway c+ut here, this big, black: circle. Well, he wanted tc+ maintain himself as 1'~7, but pc+st his address c+ut here ..n the drive intersect i+.+n with whatever this road is, Purple Cow Road, and he's blc+cF.ed in by a big ridge c+f trees; yc+u can't see him from the rc+ad. Then they came in and decided that they wanted specific numbers put tc+ N+~. ~~ and Nc+. 4, and, I brought their lawyer into my c+ffir_e and I e:~plained the addressing process system t c+ them. E~ut then, lc+ and behc+l d, Nc+. 3 alsc+ gets moved into. This gentleman's daughter was divcrrced and moved in, and he 7C~ E'`` i^. 1 ., 3 J 6 7 8 .j 1 C~ li 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 i'3 2C> 21 •2•-, i s.3 it4 J put a little trailer there for her. What we had initially agreed --- and this sounds humerous and silly sometimes, but, fo14;s, this is the stuff I'm having to deal with daily. This guy is insistent, because he was pre-addressed at 127, he's going to maintain his address as 127, and me and no Commissioner or City C:r_~uncilman's going to tell him any different. So, I tried to explain to him that he really -- if he's gc,ing to bring his driveway out here, he needs tr_. ma4:e it 1=~1 fc~r the road name continuity for ambulances and fire trur_4:s tc~ find him. Well, since 127 is already used up, and that's in the bloc 4: where No. ~# was, we agreed to use 129 for Nc.. 4. And this gentleman wanted 131 -- he insisted can 131 for this trailer, and it's within that range, so we said o4::ay. And, we didn't imagine that there was en~~ugh roam tc. put a single-wide in there, but when his daughter moved in, she ta4::es number 133. Second page of the handout, gentlemen -- I'm really trying to shut this dawn; I 4;now everybody wants tci get out of here. This is what it loo4:s like to a First Responder, and I'm s~~rry Ron Derric4; didn't get to stay. As you're going down the road, the way those addresses fall loo4:s o4::ay till yc~u yet up here. Yc.u get to Nn. 129 -- now, let's say you've been dispatched to 1~7 for whatever reason. You're going down the road, lights and siren, "wo~~-woo." 129, 133, 71 ~--~ ~~, 1 ._, J J E 7 8 ,~ 10 li 1~ 1., 1~ 15 16 17 18 19 l> ~1 -~ .ZJ ~~ L: J 1 -- w+:+r.p5. Now, everybody says, "You mean mean your First F'espcmders aren't smart enc•ugh tc. gc. ..n do+wn the rc+ad and look f..r that'?" Well, yes they are, but they're expecting -- this is what we sc+me•times refer tc. as linear referencing. They expect +_+dd numbers on one side, even on the other, and they expect them to progress. This is what happens when we don't allow enough room sometimes for lot and block addressing. But, c+ne of the basic tenets of '311 has always been -- and yc.u r_an see my point c.n this c+t her side. Where the smaller lots are, it doesn't make that much difference; it's the larger lr_+ts that Causes us prc+blems. One of the basic tenets -- the previous dire+_t ion of this Commissioners Court has been that we address dwellings. We haven't insisted that they be finally built, but if someone could, you F::now, staF::e us out ...r something or show us where •they're gc+ing to put the pad or something, we'd g!+ out and address it for them. You know, there's a lot c.f pressure cm pec+ple needing addresses. You go get your driver's license, you go try to get a meter pc+le ~~r something 1 ike that put in, and k:F'UB c.r DF'A or whomever yc+u're dealing with wants a physical address. They don't care that there's miles and miles c+f your territory out there. And, so, we're trying to accammodate them. And c+ne thing we're trying to write in that ma4:es 7i i'^~ ~/'1 1 .i 3 .} J E 7 8 rj 1 ~> 11 1L 13 1 ~# 15 1E 17 18 19 2v .~ 1 ~~~ '~3 2~ i J sense int+_~ the rules -- into the guidelines is how we're going to handle this, because in the situation I showed you where the man moved his driveway, we're going to have to have some clause in there that we can force -- or try enfr_,rcing, that if yr_,u d... any ma.jc~r altercations that affect part ~~f the read naming, then there needs to be an address change that we run intr_.. Another thing, tc~ give you an idea --- and I'm --• this isn't -- we're nc~t -- I'm nc~t here tc. throw r~~cF:s at anybody. Flease d~_~n't misunderstand me. I was elated -- I knew you probably have gcit a copy c.f thi~~. I was elated when I felt liF:e I had a full Commissioners Court ready to jump behind me and get these reads done, and I certainly hope that's the way it is. This is a letter cents to me by a 1~W~ca1 developer, and I'm .just trying to paint out the confusion that eY:fists aver some of these matters. He sent me the letter. One ..f his devel~~pers nod visited my office a few weeks ago -- it was actually about 13 days ago, concerning sr_,me street names in this development, and he needed tc~ get them approved. So, he came, sat in my office, and we dug up the maps and the read name list, and we agreed on four names which were unique for these -- he told me new roads that he's putting in the subdivision, and that are not duplicated elsewhere in the county. I signed off a little paper saying that he'd been tc~ 911 and, you k:nc~w, as far as we were 7.:. f /^ f 1 3 J 6 7 8 ,j 1~ 11 12 13 1~ 15 1E 17 18 19 ~~~ ii ii 3. _~ .GJ i~ :.J concerned, it was approved. And he wanted to k:nc~w what his neY:t step was. Does he have to go to Commissioners CourtP' I said, "Well, I would thinE, so, but why dr_,n't you cher_k with them?" That seemed only proper to me. I realize, under the Loral f~~~vernment Cade, what it states about the abilities of a Commissioners Court to name and address, and I get that thrown in my face daily by some of these developers. but, apparently he's caught in that runaround circle. I .just want to find a way tci brea4:: him cut of it. This is nr_,t an unusual happening; it's just apparently a communication breakdown cir s~~mething. It's not up tc~ 911 to determine finally who names these roads. Who is the f final authority c.n naming these reads'-' I assume -- and I'm assuming; I can't make the declaration that y'all would be the final authority ~~n that. Commissioners i=Dart, under various statutes, have general authority over all roads in the county. And, under the old ~:oad and bridge Act cif 1983, it gives -- ~:Discussicm off the record.:> MF:. SANDLIN: And I know the Commissioners know this; they have to live with this daily. but, I dcm't knew how many times in the past month I've had developers -- do y'all want a copy cif ~this'~' And, again, this -- we're not here chastising anybody or saying anybody goofed up or anything liF:e that, but this .just indicates -- and there is 7~ 1 3 4 J E 7 8 .~ 1 t~ it 12 13 1 ~# iJ 1 E, 17 18 1 '3 •~c, 21 ii 23 a'i. ~'f i5 only one small sectic+n ~~ut of the law that deals with what Commissioners do, but you can see it's somewhat ambiguous. One developer that was in my office the other day .jumping up and dawn says that these standards only apply to any new public read that is established, .just as it states there. His position is ~=:c+mmissicmers Cca~rt do+esn't have any say-sc+~~ver his, at this paint, conceived development. And I told him -- you 1:nc+w, friend of mine. I said, "That's not my decision. ~3o speaF:: tc+ the ~=ammissioners Court." And, all he wanted to F:naw was, are you going to approve these road names c+r not'-' And I said, "Yeah. When yc.u get past the concept plan, if you'll show me same lines on a plat where you're gc.ing to put it, give me sc+me sugge<~ted road names." E~ut I said, you know, I don't I::now -- he wanted to F:now if he could .just go ~~ut there and put the+se names up, is that legal =' I don't thinl; that's a determination for me to ma4::e. E~ut, that's .just some of the things we're facing. And, I certainly hope that the Cc+mmissianers Court -- and I will be gc+ing tc+ the City's also --- will ..c+nsider at this point -- I don't mean this instant, but in tt~e ne:.t weet:: ar sa, if they wouldn't mind appointing a liaison tc+ meet with c+ur VIS committee, ar if y'all want to came over. We need some help c.n this, f+alk.~s. C:OMMISSIONEF: LETZ: We've qot a liaison. MFG. SANDLIN: Okay. 75 f ~~ ~` 1 3 4 J E 7 8 ,j ih 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 `~ Li_~ :21 '~ 2 i3 <4 iJ C:OMMI55IDNEF? ~3F'IFF•IN: We have twc~. We're ready for same quest ir_,ns now, I guess' MF?. SANDLIN: All-nighty. COMMISSIONEF; vRIFFIN: Let me bacF:: up and let's taFie a sort c.f top-down view. MF.'. SANDLIN: Yes, sir. ~=OMMISSIONER ~~F;IFFIN: Let's first ccrosider .just the 911 response, itself. What percentage, in your estimation, c.f the people in F;err County that can get to a fired telephone, not a cellphcme -- MF:. SANDLIN: Fight. C~OMMISSIONEF; uF:IFFIN: -- can call 911 and be responded to through the system that's in place dawn there in your facility, the -- MR. SANDLIN: You're talking ab~~ut --- COMMISSIONEF; taF:IFF'IN: Your p~~p-up and all that }::ind of --- what percentage do we have? Is it 5O percent, 9U percent r' M~'. SANDLIN: It's iC~i_~ percent. COMMISSIONEF: i~F,'IFF IN: OF::ay, it's 1t>i> percent. And please don't -- let me keep the -- I'm trying to keep the questicros short, if you'll 4::eep the answers short. Okay. 50, we're dying pretty good can 911 response. Now, un this chect::l ist -- MF,'. SANDLIN: Mm-hmm'? 76 r^^ ~, 1 y J J 6 7 8 .~ 1 ~~ 11 1:' 1~ 1 ~# iv 1E 17 18 1'3 y(_1 ~1 2 :c3 ~a z J r:OMMISSIONEF: i3F,'IFFIN: --- which I have absolutely no argument with whatsoever; it lc~c~F::s li4;e a pretty gc„~d prc,cess tc, gc, thrc,ugh. Why are we only dawn to No. :'. after 11 years=' Why -- you E;nc,w, I mean, I I::nc~w that's not all on y~~ur watch, but why have we only g~~tten down tc, the second step an a fairly simple checE:l ist':' MR. SANDLIN: I really -- COMMISSIONER uRIFFIN: Why haven't -- we could do all c,f this in a mc,nth. We cc,uld get all of the right people, the right liaiscm s, we could all sit around the table, and we cc,uld say, "Hey, 1c,c,F::, this is the criteria." We can use examples from c,ther municipalities c,r counties, we can use examples c,f numbering systems, but we could sit dc,wn in an afternc,c,n and decide that. vuaranteed. Nr_,w, nc,t everybody will be happy, but --- when we publish that, not everybody is gc,ing tr_, be happy. They're going tc, say, "I want my street tc, stay the same name," ,.,r "I want my number tc, stay the same." And, in sc,me rases we might have to say, "We're sc,rry, that' i=:OMMISSIONEF,' vF~IFFIN: Put, we can do that. Put -- you Finow, I read a subdivision regulation that says that you will as=sign -- and I E;nc=w it's our regulation, but it says you will assign the -- or you will approve the naming of the street=~, which, by the way, in new development is dcme by the developer, nc,t us. He proposes it. If you say it's okay, it's fine with us, because it fits within the '311 system. ~~_ 78 ~-. ,,~'~ 1 3 4 J E 7 8 ,~ iii 11 11 13 1 ~} iv 1E 17 18 1'~ .y~~ :' 1 ii _~ ~~ L'~ i J MR. SANDLIN: Fight. COMMI55IONEF: uF:IFFIN: There stlc+uldn't be a whole lot c.f questicm abc+ut that. The existing reads, particularly out in the county, what we're going to have do is perhaps some renaming c+r adding prefixes or suffixes, which we can d+~. And -- and the map that you showed us at the we+rkshop that's multi colt+red -- northwest, southeast, that one -- is not a bad idea. I live on a road that has a duplicate in the county. This one could be --- I cc+uld live on Fiver Road West, because that's where that is, and the one that's over here can be River Road East, ar wherever it is. We could -- I thinE: suffixes would worF; in that case. I don't mind living on River Raad West instead of River Road. Hut, I thin4: we can cut tc+ the chase on this, and .just say, "LooF::, let's decide what we're gc+ing t.. do+," and gc+ cic+ it. And we don't have to debate it. We don't have to --- it's going to be hard in some cases. Well, .just go do it. I had my say. I didn't ask: many quest is+ns, did I'"' Except -- C:OMMI55IONER HALDWIN: TaF:e a breath. I C:DMMISSIDNEF:~3RIFFIN: Except for the fact that I F:now that I speak: for a lr_.t c.f people in the ..c+unty when 1 say that -- that we should have gc+tten farther down the list than we have, but let's gc+ d~~ it now. Let's g... do it n~~w and figure out a way to do it, and we can dc~ it. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: I have a question. Mr. ~' 79 /."` 1 3 5 6 7 8 ,~ 1 ~? 11 ii I~ 1 ~# 15 16 17 18 19 ~i~ '~ 1 '~• i ~3{{ tiT :.5 Sandlin, the last time -- last time I tal4:ed t... the Sheriff's Department about the ability to automatically display an address on their console when a call comes in, I was advised -- and if this has been corrected, please tell me. I was advised that that's not possible because we have twr, different telephone companies operating in k~err County. One ~~f them provides the enhanced capability where the address is displayed cm the console, and the other does not. Is that r_orrect'~' MF:. SANDLIN: Basically, yes, sir. C:OMMISSIONEF: WILLIAMS: Then why is it that it was reported, then, in the San Antonio Express News that we -- the residents of k'errville and, I guess, k~err ~_ounty -- they're not just saying k:errville --- have en.jcryed enhanced 911 which autc~matir_ally displays originating lor_ation'•.' Are we referencing .just k:errville-' MP.. SANDLIN: No, sir. i_OMMISSIONEF: WILLIAMS: Are we talking about k::err County's MF.'. SANDLIN: Ta1F:ing about k:err ~=aunty. And I'm not trying -- COMMISSIONEF: WILLIAMS: Then this is an errcmeous statement in the newspaper that was provided by 911'' MR. SANDLIN: Well, maybe, and maybe they didn't quote me right, either. They misquoted me cm cane thing. 80 .~^'~ 1 2 J 4 J 6 7 8 .3 1 C~ li 12 10 14 15 16 17 18 1 '3 2U '~ 1 t i 23 2~# J They quoted me as saying that I thought that the road-naming and addressing would taF:e place in si months. That's not what I told them. I told them I was disappointed that getting these guidelines out was taking more than sir months. Let me e!plain something here, gentlemen. And I -- I hope you don't mind; I didn't reveal any stuff there. GOMMISSIONE~' ~3f?IFFIN: Mm-hmm. MR. SANDLIN: And this has been capable sinr_e 19'32. And I .just did this for myself and Mr. i3riffin, 'cause I happened to remember his phone number. It will display -- and it's been -- the definition used by NINA, State, and all those people for basic 911 and enhanced 911, let me make a quic4: clarification here. "L~asic 911" means somewhere, someone will pick up the phone when you dial 911. And if we provide that service tc~ k;err County, we have satisfied cur 5tat llt OYy obligations. We've gone farther, far beyond this. I would not be satisfied with that. "Enhanced '311" systems mean that, not only does the 911 phone ring, a 7-digit -- or more nc~w --- phone number paps up with basically what you'd call "basic caller ID" now. This wasn't available a few years ago. It pops up and will give a 1~!~=atic~n address. So -- you F~:now, the location address is something that can be hotly debated. Like, for instance, if I call -- if I were tr_. call '311, it gives an address for T. Sandlin, Hunt, 26~D21ir3. That's as legal an address as anything else. I ~~ 81 r~ ,r"~ 1 rl J 6 7 8 9 1 C~ 11 1 13 14 15 1E 17 18 19 •~~) '1 ii _^ LJ 24 25 happen tc. know what it is, 'cause I used to w~~rF:: fcir the telephone company; I recognize the cable address. I know what route to go dawn and I could find the green box where the phone's ccmnected. That doesn't do dc~c~dly-squat when we're out there trying to find a fire or when we're trying to get to a heart attach call cm something li4:e that. Rut, to say that the system is not fully c~peratic~nal, not fully capable of operating or is not fully operational, as required by State definition, is also --- and all this stuff, is also an erroneous statement. If you think: I'm satisfied with a number li4:e this popping up, nc~, I'm not. Rut there are many, many things that have to happen in that. quite frankly, in the last year ~!r so, there have been a lc.t c.f things happening. One thing that delayed me somewhat in presenting these guidelines -- bear in mind, I have to deal with some other entities; I have to deal with the State, too. A move about --- I'm not going •tc~ g... into detail. There's a move about at State level to provide ane big database for the state with a communications firm called SCt: out of Boulder, Colorado. You may be familiar with it. Instead cif the twc~ telephone companies downloading to me information every day, nr San Antonia Southwestern Rell or whatever, it will all be deposited in this building somewhere in Colorado, and then we will be able to have that transposed to us daily. How they structurE~ their data right now, 8.L 1 3 ~# J 6 7 8 .~ i ~7 11 ii 13 14 1~ 16 17 18 1 '3 sir 21 ii ~3 :~4 G J they're talF:ing about using -- I'll throw same acronyms out -- NINA 3 format. That's spec=ific, how many data blocF:s for the name, address, sc. on and sc ~ forth. So, we want to maF::e sure that, whatever we do now, we won't have to come bac4:: and l~~c~k at rearranging or anything I ike •that. C~OMMISSIONEF: uRIFFIN: Can I interrupt just a sec r_~nd'•.' MR. SANDLIN: Sure. i_OMMISSIONEF: GRIFFIN: And I understand what you're saying. I understand the technical side of that. Eiut, every '311 system in the state may have tc~ do same -- MR. SANDLIN: Adjustment. COMMISSIONEF.' i~RIFFIN: -•- ad.iustments tom! fit intc. that system where it could be adopted. I think where we are right nc~w is that we need to get same of the basic •-- the very basics cif this, and if it's -•- if it has to do with enhanced service fc~r the entire county, we need to do •that. And if we had the -•- if we had the naming and addressing done, that solves same c.f the problems, even, I would submit to you, for cellphcmes, because at least if we F:now what an address is, a pers~~n on a cellphc~ne can tell yc~u where I am. MF:. SANDLIN: You see a mailbox; crr a number. C:OMMISSIONGR VRIFFIN: ~ River F:c~ad West. And that ought to tell somebody something. Sc., it seems it's a matter of priorities. I mean, if we're going to w!~rry about S3 ~' /-. ~~ 1 2 3 4 J 6 7 8 ,~ 1 t~ 11 li 13 1~ lv lE 1 '7 18 1'~ 2C~ '~ 1 tti 23 24 J going tc. a new system, that's going to be hard, a new database or processor. But, if we 4:naw where we live, if everybody F;nc~ws where we 1 ive and the system -,n~_~ws where we live, we can handle these 4~rind of problems. I .just thin4~: we need to get -- we need tci pric~riti•ze this in a way that makes sense to all of us, as well as makes sense to the system, of course. MF'. SANDLIN: Sure. ~=OMMISSIONEFr i3F:IFFIN: But that's where we are. And I don't ~:now -- I don't want to try to dominate this discussion here, but we a~_ight tci be able tc. do better than we're doing, and we aught tc~ be able to do it quic4~ly. i_OMMISSIONEF: LETZ: T., yc~u handed us this. This has been approved by the vIS ~_~ ~mmittee and your Beard':' MF:. SANDLIN: Nc~, it says "draft" ~:,n there. COMMISSIONEF: LETZ: Well, I know it says "draft," but are yc~u ready far us to act c.n it without your Board and GIS Committee laak.inq at it MR. SANDLIN: Nc., because that gray area in there is not ready, as far as I'm -- GOMMISSIIONEP. LETZ: I know, but yc~u said you wanted us to make that decision. MR. SANDLIN: About the gray area. COMMISSIONEFr LETZ: Fright. COMMISSIONER ~~RIFFIN: We've gat to have something s~ .^ 1 .i J J E 7 8 '3 1 C> 11 12 l~ 14 15 16 17 18 1'g 2C~ '~ 1 22 _ ~, G J 24 .GJ tc wc~rFi with. COMMISSIONER LETZ: We need a document tc loc4; at and review and approve. Anti this isn't it yet'=' MF,'. SANDLIN: Well, y'all need to tell me. It's up to the -- C~OMMISSIDNER LETZ: Dc~ you want us to do the gray area, or do ycu want us to -- MF'. SANDLIN: wive me sane input can what you would I i4:e in that gray area ar haw you want me tom., put it. I' m not --- COMMISSIONER LETZ: We're .just -- I wanted to find r_,ut what we need tc dc. ne.r;t to get done. And i f we need tc. lock: at the gray area and, say, rewrite it or dc~ what we want i, with it, we'll dc. that. At our ner:t meeting, I think. we can dc. it. MR. SANDLILN Other than that, we -- if that area is cleared up and then I put the little diagrams back in, refcrmat it pretty, it will gci to the committee and to cur Beard. And I think they are ready to adept it cnce that issue is clarified. t:OMM I SS I ONEF' LETZ : Sc~, ycu want us -- COMMISSIONER uF.'IFFIN: Wculd ycu feel -- let me as4:: a quid: questir_,n. S!~rry tc~ interrupt, Jc~n. But, wculd yc~u feel ccmf~~rtable with this written .just the way it is':' I mean, if that's what we decided, if that's what we thcught ~~, BJ ~'. F'~ 1 i 3 4 J 6 7 8 '3 1 t~ 11 1 ~: 1~ 1 ~# 15 lE 17 18 1 '3 2i.~ ~1 .G .•l iJ .L `~ ~J was good'•.' MR. SANDLIN: Yeah. I just put it in there as a suggestion from examples I gc~t. I g~~t a lnt of them. COMMISSIONER vRIFFIN: If that were acceptable tc~ this Court, would you feel cc~mfc~rtable with it"' MR. SANDLIN: If you're comfortable with it, I'm comfortable with it. COMMISSIONER C;F:IFFIN: DFcay. CDMMISSIONEF: WILLIAMS: Is it what yciu need? MR. SANDLIN: Yes. C:DMMISSIONER UF.'IF"FIN: Would it fulfill the need:' That's what I'm really ashsing. MR. SANDLIN: And I have same ether examples I'll be glad to share with you. Yc~u 1::now, I'll Xerox them, give them to yc~u, whatever. And, cane thing -- and I want tc. ta1::e .just a moment here to give an explanation. I'm going to try tc ~ be real real brief here, and then I'll get c gut of yc cur way. And Mr. Chairman may have -- Mr. Burch, Chairman of the i~IS ~:ommittee, is here, and also Mr. Teer and Mr. Russum cif our Board. When I came on board in 1'35, I had specific instructions from my Board. First of all, I was to get that State grant situated for the new PSAF equipment, these fire pagers and all that E:ind of stuff. And, "Don't worry about anything else; get that done." Meanwhile, try and continue ~~ eE 1 i 3 4 J 6 7 8 ,~ in 11 1: 1.:, 14 1~ 16 17 18 19 '~t~ ~1 iL ~3 i "1' ~J supplying pet+ple with addresses anti stuff. That was quite a timely procedure. That tooF~: almost a year. Meanwhile, I'm trying tc+ clean up administrative matters. They never had a full-time directc+r, anybc+dy full-time in the c+ffice befc+r e, and they were getting tc+ the pc+int where that was gc+ing tc+ be a prc+blem. ~:ight c+n the heels c+f that, that we were in a timeframe -- it had been been started befc+re I -- lc+ng before I g+~t there, but they were about t.. run c+ut c+f time to apply fr_+r that money and then tc+ put it in place. I had 't+.+ ta4ce about three c+r fc+ur years, compress it tc+ 18 me+nths, and I did. And, 1 iF:e I say I've cc+me t+.+ this C:c+urt many t imes before and asked y'all to come over and lar_,k at equipment systems, see c+ur mapping and all that. I'm better equiped tc+ answer some c+f your questions c+n an individual basis. And al+~c+ put befc+re me was --- and ~c+mmissi~~ners ~=c+urt, some c+f you may recall, were, I don't k:nc+w, wanting it or wanting t+.+ explc+re it. I don't 4:nr_+w, but there was lots c+f talk. about a consolidated communications center. So, follc+winq the direction c+f my Esc+ard, I did what I +.+.+uld c+n that. I've more c+r less satisfied them tc+ the fact that I r_an pr+_+ve that we can fa+=ilitate it in c+ne r_+r mr_+re ways. I'm not pushing fcrr a cc+nsc+lidated center; I'm just telling you what went c+n. And I F::nc+w all this stuff ab~:ut this rc+ad-naming and addressing sc+unds sc+ simple, and I the+ught, 87 r ~`'. 1 J J 6 7 8 ,~ 1 C~ it li 1~ 14 15 lE 17 1S i'~ 2C~ '~ 1 ii ~~3 ::4 '~5 Man, in sir: months we'll have all this done that will give time fur discussions and all that, and -- r=OMMISSIONEE' WILLIAMS: Let me take you back: tc~ what I asked a moment ago. MF. SANDLIN: Sure. COMMISSIONEF: WILLIAMS: If we have two telephone r_ompanies that provide servi~.e -- MF:. SANDLIN: Mm-hmm. ~=OMMISSIONEF' WILLIAMS: -- cane cif them is in compliance and one cif them is not, when is your best er;pectatic~n that both telephone companies will provide the same type of information to the Sheriff's Department's r_ommunications ccnsc~le? MF:. SANDLIN: OF:ay. First of all, .just -- r=OMMISSIONEF' WILLIAMS: I' m nc ~t identifying -- I'rn sayin4 -- MF'. SANDLIN: Nc~. Nc~. C:OMMISSIONEF; WILLIAMS: I'm picF::ing up cm where we left the questicm. MF,'. SANDLIN: I hate for this word to came up, because sometimes it reads cut badly. Both phone companie<~ are in compliance. One's providing an address that you and I understand, and ~~ne's providing an address that everybody doesn't understand. To get it to where it*s a -- a normal computer would --- I call a "street address," first let's get s8 1 J J 6 7 8 ~j 1Q it iL 1J 14 15 16 17 18 1 '3 GC1 ~i nr, ~~ v J '2~# J this rr_+ad name situati+_+n straightened c+ut sc+ we can gc+ add them, put in the little lines c+n the rc+ad, and assign the ticL, marF~:s and all that. That's nc+t magi+_; we have the equipment t+~ dc+ it. It needs .just time. Abc+ut a year agc+, we did a quicF, study, sr_,me guys fr+:,m -- a guy frc+m Spe+=ia1 Data uraphics came d~~wn t~+ assist me ~~n this free c+f charge. And, at that time, we estimated that the t+utside c+f the immediate t~::errville area, the part that we d+_+ sitting in the +_~+mputer rc++_+m, we +_+~uld d+1 in abc+ut ~~ days. I thinl; that wtuld prc+bably be clc+ser tc+ 3~~ c+r 35 days n+~+w, because we've had quite a pc+pulati+.+n influx. Once we get tc+ that part, then Hill C:c+untry Telephc+ne has assured me that they will we+rk side-by•-side with us. We've already started do+ing sc+me things, li4:e this H -- H~E5D21i.~~, we're trying t+a put that gec+graphically sc+mewhere c+n the map fc+r reference. I suspect it will taF::e sc+mewhere between 18 and 24 months f+~r it all tc+ be finally d+~ne to where everyc+ne is that way. It cr_+uld be a shc+rter time span c+n l+~t +.+f things, but I thinE:, realistically, we're talE:ing at least 18 me+nths, 'cause there's a lc+t -- there's still a lc+t of pr~?perties fc~r us tc+ identify that we d~+n't really have any way c+f identifying. We do+n't have the database. We F:nc+w there's a he+use ~+ut there. We can see it with bins+cular s, we can see a pc+wer pc+le gc+ing t~ it, but I dcm't have anything that really tells me whc+se it is. That's r s~ .-- f 1 J 4 5 6 7 8 •~ in 11 1~ 1~ 1 ~# 15 1E 17 18 19 ii 22 -.-, L u~~{7 .:.'T '~J names. 04:ay. I've done, I thinF., my part; '311 approved the names and it went through. If y'all remember on some of the subdivision process, the part about the lot and hlocl; numbering, I do have paperwor4t at the office. We requested that there be, you F:nc~w, a couple of things in there -- car not be in there. And, apparently, through typographical err~~r c.r whatever error, it got in there. We're still trying to accommodate these people as best we can, but when they come to me and say, "Who's the final authority' Who do we have to finally see to have these read names finally approved'-'" we can say, "They're n~~t duplicate within our guidelines, but other than that, we have nc. auth~~r ity to name a read. " JUDC;E HENNEk::E: Well, that's a confusion that I have that we need to address. COMMISSIONEF: uPIFFIN: You've got a report in the rules and Subdivision F:egs that says when you sign that sheet on the plat, that yc~u -- as far as '311 is concerned, that the read names and numbering are o~:ay. You're -- you certify that on the plat. When that plat comes tr_. us, we see that and we say, "Well, gosh, as long as they haven't used dirty words or something to name the streets, that's oF::ay, because it's oF:ay with '311. " That's the way the process ~~ught to wclr 44 MF'. SANDLIN: And we've been doing that. It's ~' '~~ ~'`, /"` i .; i 3 5 6 7 8 r~ 1 ~:> 11 i 1~ 14 15 1E 17 18 1'~ C> ti ~' :,~ c.:, ~4 i5 .just -- C:OMMISSIONEF,' GF'IFFIN: Except fc+r lc+t numbers. AUDIENCE: I disagree that yc+u've been doing it, because y. +u say JUDGE HENNEw::E: Excuse me, sir. Sir'-' Sir, yr_+u can discuss that with Mr. Sandlin outside the meeting. I think, unless anyc+ne else has any cc+mments, we've gc+tten a gc+od repr_,rt. We appreciate yr_+ur c~~ming. Anyc+ne else have anything before we me+ve alc+ng'=' ~:Discussic+n c+ff the recr_+rd.:~ JUDGE HENNEk::E: Okay. ThanF:: you, T. Thank: yc+u, Jack . C:OMMIS5IONER GRIFFIN: Thanks for coming. JUDGE HENNEk:E: We' 11 nc+w me+ve to the agenda Item Nc+. 1(~, which is cc+nsider and discuss e:aending the burn ban resc+lutic+n. At this pc+int, failing a me+tic+n tc+ extend the burn ban, the resc+lutic+n having expired c+n its +.+wn, I will cc+nsider this item dealt with, and me+ve alc+ng. COMMISSIONER LETZ: Nc+ c+b.ject is+n. JUDGE HENNEF::E: All right. COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Burn ban has expired"' JUDGE HENNEk;E: Burn ban expires automatically i~ days after it's been implemented. Next number is Nc+. li, cc+nsider re+.ommendatic+ns and award or reject bids fc+r annual bids. Mr. Jc+hnstc+n. 10t~ ~"'` /"' 1 .i 3 4 5 E 7 8 ,~ 1 t~ li 1:'_ 13 14 15 16 17 18 1.3 ~(:> 21 2' ~.~ i Jii i"1' ~5 MF:. JOHIVSTON: These are the bids that were opened at the last meeting. Our recommendation for awarding anrrual bids are as fc~llvws: Corrugated metal pipe: Wilson, all low bids. The Emulsirn, all the various categories: company is Champion. They had the lowest --• lowest bid on all these. On Aggregate, all the bids will be ccrosidered, depending cm the .job location. The freight sometimes is as much as the material price. The ones that we give preference to on Type A would be k:err Materials. Of all of them, they had the lowest bid. And can Type P material, Wheatcraft. On Pase Material, it similarly depends on location and the freight involved. They're all bid freight f.o.b. plant. Preference is given to, on Type A, Wheatcraft; Type N, F:err Materials; and Type ~_, Priour Construction. Equipment by the hour: all bids will be considered. On Par_4::age A -- we give preference to the one that we feel is the best bid, which means they have the equipment specified and the lower bid. F'ac4;age A, Edmund Jensch4:e Incorporated. If they can't dc. it, we back up that up with Masters Construction. F'ac4:age E+, Schwartz Construction would be the priority, backed up with Jenschk:e and Masters Construction, And, the Lease of the 6ac4chc~e with F'ur~=hose r_,f a Hammer, which was an air hammer, hydraulic hammer: Hr_,lt Equipment is low bid. lf_>1 !"~~ 1 i J 4 J E 7 8 .~ 1U 11 1~ 13 14 lv 1E 17 18 1'3 ~i_~ ~1 :'1 ._,~ LJ i~} LJ ~=:OMMISSIONEF~ LETZ: I move we accept the bid recommendations as presented. COMMISSIONEF,' PALDWIN: Second. JUDGE HENNEk:E: It's been moved and seconded. Any discussion':' On the equipment rental per-hour, F'acE::age A, you Yecommended Jensch4~e'? MFG. JOHNSTON: Yes, sir, They were the only ones that really met the specificatir_,ns on F'ac4::age A. JUDGE HENNEk;E: Well, your spreadsheet here indicates that Masters met the specifications on one, two, three, four, five categories, and they were the lc~w bidder on one, two, three, four, five of these --- all five of those i_ at eQc ~Y 3 e5. MF'. JOHNSTON: Some of the k:ey equipment didn't meet the spec, li4~e -- JUDGE HENNEk;E: All I have is what's in front of me. MFG. JOHNSTON: Fight. JUDGE HENNEk;E: And Jenschk:e had -- I mean Masters had three bids that did not meet the specifications. Dn each of their -•-c.f the five bids they had that did meet the specifications, four were lower than Jenschl::e, and one was the same. And they were significantly lower than JenschF::e. ~ 15 an hr_,ur for C:at D7, ~~ 1 an hour f c •r Cat 140G, ffi:~5 an hour lower for tract:: loader, ~ii~ an hour lower for DW 2i~ roller, r^'` 1 ~r2 1 J{ T J 6 7 S ,~ i L~ 11 ii 13 14 15 16 17 18 1'3 t_i '~ 1 ti .~ iJ .t t'-J and ~2i~ an he+ur lc+wer fc+r l~a~-•tc+n rc+ller. i need a 1 ittle eplanatic+n. Either they meet the specs c+r they do+n't, c+r is there sc+mething here that I'm nc+t aware +_+f' MF,'. JOHNSTON: All these are tc+gether. They're nc+t really individual -- they w~~rk: tc+gether as a pacE::age, nc+rmally, c+n a ccrostructic+n prc+.ject. If they do+n't meet this specs c+n the size of the blade c+n the asphalt distribut+.r, sc+me +_+f the+se items, yc+u 4:nc+w -- we really can't picF~ and chc++.+se one item from each categc+ry and have them wr_+r F, together. JUDvE HENNEk::E: Why don't we bid it as a unit, then, instead c+f specific equipment pieces, if we're gc+ing tc+ evaluate the bids as a unit'' MFr. JOHNSTON: Weil, we +.c+uld d+~ that. COMMISSIONEFr LETZ: We do. Don't we bid it as -- I mean, as a pacE~age, the pacF:age c+f equipment~~ JUD~~E HENNEk~E: There's no --- there's no evaluation c+f -- of the bids as a pacF.age. i_OMMIS5IONEF~ i~F'IFFIN: What yc+u're saying is c+ne number fc+r the whc+le --- JUD~3E HENNEk::E: Fright. COMMIS5IONEFr GF'IFFIN: In essence, r_r_+me up with c+ne number for a pac4;age. :OMMISSIONER LETZ: Yc+u yc+u we+uldn't E::nc+w until you got -- 1'~~ 1 C>~ ~^ r-,. 1 J 5 6 7 8 .~ 10 11 1 iJ 14 15 16 17 18 iS 2f~ ~1 .s. J ~4 i J COMMISSIONER ia~~IFFIN: Y~~u still have t.. breal; it dawn. E~OMMISSIDNEF: LETZ: -- until you got the project. You wouldn't k.n~~w -- you may not need the D7; you may need, you 4~now, a roller and a main -• - COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Whether it's higher or lower, right'? C:OMMISSIONEF: t_ETZ: Whether it's higher or l ower. ~=OMMISSIDNEF: WILLIAMS: Which rate would we be paying.-~ COMMISSIONER LETZ: Hopefully, all we're going to need on a .jc~b is a -- 1 itte, a maintainer, and JenschF::e sper_ified --- or we put in a Cat 140 maintainer. Fie put in -- it has 14~>~:i, which is eY:actly what we have, X76 an hour, and Masters put a 710A at X55 an hour. If that was the only two -- I mean, if we needed -- I don't F;now how big a 710 is, if it's equivalent c,f a 140 r_,r -- MR. JONNSTON: It's a smaller unit. COMMISSIONEF: LETZ: Smaller. You F;now, there's some leeway there, but the problem is i't's very difficult to -- you finow, when only one contractor has heavy equipment, it's real difficult to -- •to dc. it. I understand what y'aIl --• I went thrr_,ugh this two years agcy, trying to figure this cut . MR. JOHNSTON: It's a difficult trade-off with the /" 1 V z1 /"~ i i 3 4 J S 7 8 ~~ 1G 11 1 13 14 iv 1 E, 17 18 1'3 2Q ~1 L3 <4 tom. J equipment specs and the price. the r_,ther. You can't just 1004; at one c.r JUDC;E HENNEk;E: E~ut, my point is that -- MR. J04iNSTON: I knew same are lower. JUDi3E HENNEk:E: -- if Masters dr_,esn't meet the specs, don't tell me they meet the specs. MF'.. JOHNSTON: Well, they meet same, but not all. JUDUE HENNEk::E: Now, to be honest, I didn't review the bid pac4::age; I don't 4::now if we bid this as if we were asl.:ing you t... provide all of the foil~~wing equipment, but we need the per--unit cost; car if we're asking to you bid un the fc~llc~wing equipment c.n a per-unit cast. Which -- what's your bid pa..4:age say? MF:. JOFiNSTON: Well, we break: it dawn per equipment, but it's a pac4;age-type thing. It will either wc~r 4:: or i t wan' t . JUDUE HENNEk:E: Da we have a copy of the bid pac4:age anywhere? I.:OMMISSIONEF,~ UF:IFFIN: I have a question in the same regard, but -- I'm going through part of your identification process, but, on the backup with Masters, are yc ~u precli_ideci from going tc~ them unless the primary doesn't have a particular piece of equipment available"' C:OMMISSIONEF,' LETZ: I thin4:: it's time -•- a combination of timing and availability. 1U5 ~. s^ 1 i J 6 7 8 5 iC~ it 12 12 14 15 lE 17 18 19 2C~ 21 i4 .o i 1J it'Y ~J COMMISSIONER UF,~IFFIN: Fright. Sc., there are going to be occasions where you would use --- you're going to use Masters f~~r same of this':~ MFr. JOHNSTON: Right. We'll use them bath. COMMISSIONER LETZ: Use both. 1f you used -- a lot of what this really is is .just hourly rates they're going to charge fcm their equipment. We're going to use all three c.f those companies. MFr. JOHNSTON: When you need an actual job done, you c a 1 1 up --- I.:OMMISSIDNEF: vRIFFIN: I'm trying to understand this, because -- COMMISSIONER LETZ: It's like if they got, like, to the maintainer situation, if a 71Ci is all we need -- if we specify equipment specs with L:at 14UV, you 4cnow, if all we need is a Champion 71C~A model, that will d... the .job, I'm sure they're going to go tr_. that at a lower prir_e, rather than going with JenschE;e's larger, mare eY:pensive mar_hine. JUD~~E HENNEt=::E: but, that's one that was shown as not meeting •the specs. C:OMMISSIONEF,' LETZ: Well, it's -- the difference is it's a smaller machine. JUD~;iE FiENNEF~~E: If it didn't meet the spec for what we asked for --- COMMISSIONER LETZ: I agree with you, that we be .~-. 1 C>6 ~^ ~^ 1 L J J 6 7 B .j 1 C> 11 1 is 1.:, 14 Sv 1E 17 18 1'3 ~i~ ~1 LL .~,~ ' J 2~# .:: J able to change -- we should .just bid an hourly rate for all machines, and we picF, and chc+r+se ac+.c+rdingly. COMMISSIONEF.' GRIFFIN: Maybe that we+uld be the better way c+f putting it togetf~er. Just lay c+ut the machines and have them -- everyb~~dy bid the machines, and then yc+u --- C:OMM I SS I ONEF: LETZ : Based c+n what we need c+n a .jc+b. COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: -- pi+. 4: and chc+c+se c+n what we need c+n a .jab. C:OMMISSiONEF.' LETZ: But I think: that's essentially -- what they end up do+ing, generally, is looking at the .job, and then .just basing these r,c+urly rates and award it accardingly. MR. JOHNSTON: This gives Lec+nard the flexibility, when he needs that piece +_+f equipment, he can call up that contractor and .just use him cm an he+urly basis. JUDGE HENNEF~;E: I hope he ~_ises Masters a lot, then. C:OMMISSIONEF: LETZ: Masters doesn't have much equipment. JUDGE HENNEk::E: But they've got the lower price. C:OMMISSIONCR LETZ: I F~:nc+w, but do you want the rc+ads done c+r dc+ yc+u want dc+ wait fc+r a lc+wer price=' JUDGE HENNEF~::E: I d~~n't want t+n wait fc+r someone. If he doesn't have a machine available, we can't wait far him to have a machine available. But, if Jenschke has a machine !~'~ 107 r^ ~"~ i .t J 4 J 6 7 8 ,~ 10 11 1~ 1a 14 1~ 16 17 18 1 '3 ~~~ ii cii i3 '~ ~ ~J at ~1~>~> an hour and Masters has a machine which meets cur specs and will dc. the .j~~b at X85 an hour, I hope Masters' phcme is ringing. MF.'. JOHNSTON: Well, we --- we wor}:: with all these contractors and we }inr_~w what their capabilities are. We knew that Masters has a lot of his equipment out of state at particular times wor};ing on pro.)ects. JUDGE HENNEk:E: We need to put in the bid pac}::age the availabilty factor. COMMISSIONER LETZ: I --- you -~now, I've been through thi~~ two years ago; they ware me dr_,wn, finally. JUDGE HENNEk:E: Any further discussion'% It's been moved by Cc ~mmissic ~ner Griffin and secs Winded by -- COMMISSIONER LETZ: Moved 6y me. JUDGE HENNEk;E: Mr_,ved by Commissii;ner Lets and seconded by C:ommissir_,ner Williams that we approve the bids as presented and evaluated by F:oad and Bridge. All in fav~~r, raise your right hand. (Commissioners Baldwin, Williams, Lets, and Griffin voted in favor of the m~~tion.:> JUDGE HENNEk::E: All opposed, no. (Judge HenneF::e vr_,ted against the mc~tion.:~ JUDGE HENNEk:E: Than}~ you, Fran}::1 in. Ner:t item is No. 1~, which is consider and discuss the approval of revised Investment F'olir_•y and Investment Strategy. Barbara' MS. NEMEC: O}:ay. If y'all all have a copy of the /"` in8 i"'~ s"~ 1 2 4 J 6 7 e .~ 1 t> li li 1~ 1~ 1v 16 17 18 1'3 '~C> it n ti ~3++ i"I ~J Investment F'.al icy anri the Investment Strategy'' The Investment Lc+mmittee, which consists of myself, Judge HenneFie, and c+ur ~=c+unty Audits.r, Tc+mmy Tuml insc+n, had a meeting several weeks ag+-+, and in reviewing the Investment F'~+1 icy and the Investment Strategy, we felt that it was in compliance with the Lc+c al vovernment Fublic Funds Investment Act. There was c+ne change, however, that we discussed and thought that it would be of benefit to include in our policy, and that's on page '~~~~~, Diversification. And, that language would be, "diversification requirements can be fully met thrc+uqh the use of an authr_~r ized investment pc+ol . " We currently invest with Logic, which is an investment pool, and they dc+ diversify in that pool, and fc+r 'the past si ~ me+nths c+r me+r e, in monitoring the yield that Logic has been paying, they've been paying anywhere frc+m '~~~ to ~5 basis pr_+ints more than any other type of investment that is in our policy. So, we felt that, by putting that language in there, we can invest all the funds in Logic and still be diversified, and that we+uld cover us. Are there any question s'? (Discussion +::+f f the record.:> JUDC;E HENNEKE: If there are no questir_,ns, we'd entertain a motion tc+ apprc+ve. C:OMMISSIONEF.' WILLIAMS: 5c+ move. i=:OMMISSIONEP, vF,'IFFIN: Secs+nd. ~' 1 Ct9 ~. 1 3 4 5 E 7 8 ,~ 1 C~ 11 1~ i~ 14 15 16 17 18 i'3 2C> i1 i i .~ It J ~4 G5 JUDGE hiENNEt':E: Moved by ~=0mmissic ~ner Williams, seconded by Commissioner Griffin, that we approve the Investment Policy and Investment Strategy as revised. Any further discussion-' If not, all in favor, raise your right hand. :The motion was carried by unanimous vote.> JUDGE HENNEk:E: All c~ppased, same sign. tNo response.:> JUDGE HENNEk:E: Mot i~ ~n carries. MS. NEME~=: ThanF~: you. JUDGE HENNEt~:E: Thank yc~u, E~arbara. Next item is No. 13, which is consider and discuss reargani~ing the Supervisor of Maintenance Department, Animal Shelter, and Sr_,1 id Waste, and esta6l fishing a F~ac it it ies Use F'ol icy. Commissioner Williams. C:OMMISSIONEF.' WILLIAMS: Judge, in the only meeting I missed this year, which was in January, the ~_c~urt instructed me to take 0n the -- the onerous task. of realigning the Maintenance Department, pr~~viding some guidelines fc~r supervision, and there was same suggestions given t~~ me that perhaps we would want to separate Animal Shelter and Solid Waste from Maintenance. And, all of this came ab~~ut as the Court extended the Interim Supervisor, Mr. Halekamp's, tenure by three mr_~nths while this toc~E; place. I was also instructed tc. take a 1004; at facilities use and tc~ /~'~ 1 1 C~ r"'~ /"~ 1 2 3 4 J E 7 8 '3 1U li 12 13 14 15 1G 17 18 19 ~C1 11 2 l3 ~~ iJ come up W1'th sC+me Ye+_GmmendatlC~nS a5 to h.+W ~=+llr facilities are used, how we knc+w they're being used, what happens when they're being used, what happens after they have been used, and what we wi 11 al 1 c+w and what we wi 11 nc+t allow, and s+.+ forth and sc+ c+n. I have do+ne that, and I have put before you a package c+f recc+mmendatic+ns as to what I thinF: might be appropriate in terms c+f having tallied tc+ a lc+t c+f pec+ple, taking a lc++.+k' at what we do now, what we dr_+ nc+t dr_+, and these rec_+mmendations are in front c+f the C~c+urt for its considerat is+n. The Court now can adc+pt some c+f them, nc+ne +!f them, +~r ali r_,f them, amend some c+f them, none c+f them, or all c+f them, and we can me+ve can. Put, they're in frc+nt of you fc+r your consideration. JUDGE HENNEk:E: We have had -- thanl; yc+u, Pill. We've had c+ne citizen, Mr. Henderson, sign l_lp tc+ speak: c+n this issue. If yc+u'd lit?e tc+ at this time, please +.c+me fc+r war d" MF:. IiENDE~'SON: Goad evening. I brc+ugtlt yc+u sc+me papers tc+ study. JUDGE NENNEF~:E: Yc+l.l need tc+ identify yc+urself. MR. HENDER50N: I'm Aubrey Henderson. If yc+u wr_~uld pass those, Poster, around, sir? COMMISSIONEF: PALDWIN: I will, sir. Mfg. HENDEF:SON: Thant: you, Punter. What I'm here /`~ 111 ,~'^, e~~' 1 3 4 J E 7 8 ,~ 1 C> it 1:~:' iJ 14 15 16 17 18 19 i~~ ~1 L i 23 ~4 i •t c+ speak abc+ut tc+night is, c+f c+_+urse, the St+.+c k: Shc+w building and the barn do+wn there, and palmy. Fc+r 1~# years I've been going in there and, twig= a year, putting on the rc+de+.+. Once ', is in April, c+n+.e in Nc+vember, first beginning with the rodeo many years agc+ with the Lic+n's C:lub, which was a '~-day rc+dec+. It was always held the first or second weekend in April. And the ~=rimestc+ppers rc+de+1, which is always held in Nc+vember. At this t irtre, they have abc+l fished them fc+r reasons c+f liquor liablity, which we all F::nc+w is a t+_+uchy sub.je+.t. They bailed out years agr_+ and I -~ept up the annual event. But, as yc+u see in front +.+f yc+u right nc+w, there are now policies that have changed with the County. We have +=+_+ntracts nc+w tc+ lease the building. This is •the first •time in 14 years that I've seen a +.c+ntra+.t, what the+se are, wL~ich I'm not here tc+ debate c+n the price +.+r the rent cc+ncessic+ns, et cetera. But, what I am here tc+ talk: abc+ut is the spc+nsc+r ship me+ney that has tr+ q.+ tci put ~+n a biq event. There's only three events that gc+ intc+ the Stc+c E:: Show building a year that are probably paid events where we have special events and we as4: fc+r attendance and paid admissi+.+n, and also we have the Stc++. L; Show. The St+~+. F. Show, the fair, and my rc+dec+s twice a year. But, n~+w we have been as4~ed to put the dept+sits up way in advance, and at this time I have called Laurinda and t~+ld her that I +_anceled the April rc+dec+. The contra+.t that y.+u see in front +.+f yc+u, the April one 112 r"'" 1 2 3 4 J E 7 8 ~~ 1 Cr 11 12 13 14 15 1E 17 18 19 2U 21 i ti ii3 24 iJ which is highlighted there, .just says April the IC>th. The rndec+ was April 9th and iC>th, but that doesn't maF:e any I told her to cancel the rodeo, and the reasc+n why I'm here t+.+night telling y~~u I have canceled the rndec+ is my 5pon5oY5 will nc+t give me any span scm ship money. Mc+st of us, when we solicit sponsorship, they don't give us c+ur money till the week c+f, c+r maybe even after a set event, whether it be the Easter bike run, c+r whether it be a fc+c+tball game, Jon, c+r whether we asF; for spc+nsc+r ship far anything; most r_,f c+ur sp+.+nsc+r ship me+ney doesn't came. Nc+w, my big sponsc+rs, whether it be a beer company c+r a dealership, threy've all said n+.+. Fc+r me tc+ came in there and pay a dept+sit way in advance --- whic~~ I don't have a prr_,blem paying a deposit, but i f yc+u' 1 1 1 c+c+1: r+n the ba+. F:: page cm the November -- ft-+r the November rodeo+, if you'll flip the page over, it says fc+r Nc+vember rc+dec+, half the pro needs --- :[ mean half the spr_,nsc+r ship me+ney needs t+,+ be paid by February the 1st, 1'399. Now, there's a pretty big difference between February the 1st and a rodeo that's being held in November. Arrd fc+r me t%+ g'=+ ask. my spc+nsor5 t%+ give rrle 5p%+n si_+Y Sh ip me+ney fC+Y a '--day rc+dec+ in April, and alsc+ to ask them -- they're asking fc+r be+th rndec+s to be ir7 -•- my sp+!nsc+r ship money tc+ be all paid by February 1st, that was a month ago -- ~+ver a month ago. And my spc+nsr_~rs said there's n+.+ way. Sc+, I asked you fry 113 .~'~ ,~"~ ~\ 1 3 J 6 7 8 .~ 1 to 11 1~ 13 14 iv 16 17 18 1'3 2~~ ':'_ 1 ~'~ i3{{ i'Y ~ J to 1C~oF: into the pC~licy of the county Can the rent c.f the building. And, as you'll also loC~G; on the rent c.f the tables, we're paying for •tables, which -- you know, I've had a good rapport and good worE:ing relationship with the StoC1: Show Assc~ciatiCm and the i_aunty, but the Gounty owns the building, the StocF; Shr_,w Assar_iation owns the chairs and tables, which is a sticky sub.jeCt. I r_ould .just suggest -- and I'm just here to suggest, if the i=aunty cca~ld b~.ty the •tables and Chairs, because it's going to put -- when we have to do twr_, money Orders and we have tc. give one to the Stock 5hc~w Association and one tc~ the County, it -- it brings up problems. And then, if you'll loot: there, if I did an event, Etuster, and I did a dance, it wasn't at C:r i der s and we did i t at the St c~c t: Show Assc ~c i at i on and we had E~>ii r_hairs, which there are, at `rc.i Cents, that's 3C>i~ buCt:s. If we use all hundred tables at ~4 each, then that's ~7Cr~=~, ~4~>0 fc~r tables. The rent on the building is ~15c). We're up to ~85s~. The security's another ~3C>C>. And then if we as4a .just a mediocre band to rC~me in there, it's another thousand, so we're up to ~2,1GU. There's nr.:~bc~dy -- nc~ prr_,duCer or promoter of any t:ind that Can qr_. in there ---- and I have no problems with paying fC~r the building of ~15~:>, but when you 'tag .,.n fr_~r the tables and chairs, because it's a different organisation -- why can't the C:c~unty buy the chairs and tables and let's maF:e a 114 /~, ~"` ,^ 1 2 3 J 6 7 S ,g 1 C> 11 1~ 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 '3 'Cr ~1 .iii ~. v J ~4 i J dea17 Yau 4;nc~w, ber_ause we cannot 4;eep ~~n doing that, because I cannot ask: my sponsors and I cannot ga in there and put a radec~ ~~n. I visited with the Chamber today, I visited with the i:~ity t~~day, and they're appalled. It's can the Internet fc~r ttre radec~, and it's canceled after 14 years. This is the 14th annual -- 198, it started. And I -- the infr_~rma•tic~n is in front of you. I hope that y'all will discuss it, because -- and I have n~~ problems with paying the deposit or anything like that, but not February the 1st far a November rodeo. I'm sr_,rry. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Let me comment. Jonathan had mentioned earlier that he and I have a meeting, it's in the ma4~ring, that's going to be dealing with tables and chairs and other things of importance 'tc. us. MF:. HENDEF.'SON: Fright. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Sa that -- we haven't had the chance to start that. We recognize it*s a problem; we're going tc~ get around tc. s~~rting it out. MF:. HENDERSON: Yes, sir. COMMISSIDNEF: WILLIAMS: I think: the paint yc~u maE:e -- at least you're mating, as far as I'm cr_,ncerned, is the need fc~r a uniform Facilities Use F'c ~l icy, cn~ie that everybody understands, for all of the County facilities, no matter wha uses them. liJ 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 ,~ i C> 11 12 13 1~ 15 16 17 18 iS i~~ '~ 1 i J .L J MF:. HENDEF.•SON: Exactly. C:OMMISSIONEF: WILLIAMS: Whatever their purposes, if they're allowed purposes, we E;nc~w what the ground rules are gainy in, we E::nc~w wt,o's goinq to administer them, and we know that they're the same for ycit_t if yc~u prodt.tce a rodeo, or the same for me if I decide to produce a rodeo, without any exceptions. I hope that we're able tci yet tc~ that. That's what we're striving to yet to in that regard. Aubrey was in earlier t~~day, and I suyyested if he wanted tc. ..c.me and chat with yc~l.t tonight, he was welcome to do sa. Hefore we finish, however, I wat_tld li4:e tc~ read tt,e rec~~mmendation intc~ the record. Hender son'-' JUDGE HENNEk:E: Do we have any questions for Mr. COMMISSIONEF: LETZ: My curly comment is that the chair issue is cane that's been going on, and it's a matter -- for years, and we're aware of that. It's strange situation. And I will say Commissioners Court, several years agcy, bef~~re I was an the C:r_~Urt, declined tc~ purchase the tables and chairs, whist, is why we have the situation we have. Hopefully, that will be remedied this year in the next budget. MR. hiENDEF:SON I wr_,t_tld hope they would. Like, with this, if that contract is right --- whist, I didn't sign it, because the rodeo's not in effect. Hut, if that is true, 11E ~`' i .-, 3 4 J E 7 8 .~ 1U 11 1~ i ..v 1'# 15 16 17 18 1 `~ 2C1 21 .ti i .Ct J ~~~ .t J that February the ist for a November rc~der_~, that every event in between February 21st and November, that everybody should have their deposits up, according •tc~ that. C:OMMISSIONEF' LETZ: F.'ight, I agree. If yc.u -- Mf-,'. HENDEF,'SON: And i f that is n. .t sc ~, then I would appreciate you checking into it, because I do not thinE; that is right. ~=OMMISSIONEF.' LETZ: I agree. MR. HENDEF'SON: One for all and all fc ~r ane. I•t's not the Musketeers, but I agree. I mean, we have tc~ dc. something. C:OMMISSIONEF' t_ETZ: That needs tc. be a uniform p!~1 icy. We're -•- as Bill said, we're wc~r4: ing on developing that. MF,'. HENDEF:SDN: Than4~: you. JUD~3E HENNEF~::E: Thank: yc~u, Mr. Henderson. ~=OMMISSIONEF: UF,'IFFIN; I have a question. Dc. we have a pcilicy nr_,w fc~r deposit<~ and hciw far in advanr_e they be made, c.r -- JUDUE HENNEk:E: as part r_~f the --- C:OMMISSIONEF' t_E JUD~~E HENNEk:E: MF'. HENDEF'SON: know up front where we're That's -- I thrink: that was r_oming TZ: Yeah, it's --- -- fee schedule. Mr. vriffin, as long as we would going. 117 ~^", /'"'~ 1 .-, 3 4 5 6 7 8 y 10 11 1 ' 1~ 14 15 16 17 18 19 ~i~ ~1 ~< -,., ~~ '~# ~5 C:OMMISSIONEF: GF:IFFIN: Fight. MF. HENDEF:SON: I have na idea. This is the first time I've seen a contract in 14 years; it's always been a gentlemen's agreement. And that's -- there's nothing wrong with change. Time changes, •there's nothing wrong with that, I agree. And, if a contract is what the County agrees on, then .just show me on paper that this is the policy and that is in effect car whatever, it's the Building A and Building Ei and what we're going tc. pay. And then we all understand each other. C:OMMISSIONEF,~ BALDWIN: I agree. M~. HENDERSON: ThanF; you. C:OMMISSIONEF: WILLIAMS: Judge, fr_~r the record, the recc~mmendatic~ns cm •this whole matter --- which is the rather inr_lusive matter a lot +_.f them deal with: 1. We want tci rename the department tr_~ the Facilities Maintenance and Use Department and consolidate the administratir_,n of facilities use •therein. ~. To etablish Animal ~=ontrol and Environmental Waste as twc~ separate departments with separate supervision. ~. Appoint ulenn Holekamp to head Facilities Maintenance and Use Department, and Mr. HoleF;amp will detail for the Commissioners C:aurt his proposed supervisory structure and budget realignments, if any. 4. Appoint Marc Allen supervisor of Animal Ccmtrol and ~^ T__ r-.- ,_ _ -- -- 118 /'` `.~ ,~'"~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Local Health Authority for rabies and Animal Control, effective October 1, 1999. 5. Permit Mr. Holekamp to exercise oversight of Animal Control and Solid Waste for the remainder of this budget year to assist the Commissioners Court in evaluating the supervisory realignment. 6. Consolidate for budget year '99-'00 those expenses contained in 10-510, 10-642, 10-640, and 10-666. 7. Rewrite lob descriptions as needed, and copies are attached of those as Mr. Holekamp has redeveloped or fit into this particular package. And, lastly, No. 8, All requests for maintenance, custodial services, outside services, supplies, and equipment must be written and signed by an elected official or department head, and forwarded to Facilities Maintenance and Use Department for fulfillment. The Facilities Use Policy is a proposal and it can be added to or taken away from. Establishing a policy for County facilities should include: (a) Advance notification, date and time, to determine the facility's availability. (b) Requirements of use; that is, the number of people, tables, chairs and/or special audio-visual equipment or other types of equipment. (c} Prohibition of food and drink, except at Hill 119 ,~'` 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Country Youth Exhibition Center. (d) Appropriate custodial fee for after-hours use. (e) The appropriate tee for grounds cleanup, if required. (f) Rental setup fees, if any. (g) All offers by public and/or organizations to permanently place items such as statuary, trees, et cetera, on County facilities or grounds must receive prior approval of Commissioners Court or Commissioner-liaison to the Facilities Maintenance and Use Department. That's the package of recommendations. As they say in basketball, the ball's in your court. JUDGE HENNEKE: Who wants to dribble? COMMISSIONER LETZ: I'll go first. Bill, I'd like to thank you. You did a really good job here with all this. It's something we've needed for, I know, two years; probably longer than that, really, to tackle this. I'm glad you did it. The Maintenance -- I guess let's do it in two parts; the Maintenance portion, then Facilities Use portion. I have no problem at all. I think it's a great plan for the Maintenance Department, that restructuring. My only concern comes from that area on the budget side of it. Looking at your numbers, the table you had in here, I was a little confused at how it all worked. And I don't know if you want to explain it now, or we're going to -- ii~1 ~~ ~,^ ~' 1 .-, 3 4 J 6 7 8 ,~ 1U 11 1 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 '3 iLr 21 2'~' ~3 .ytj tJ C:OMMISSIDNEF: WILLIAMS: Just t+.+ shed a 1 ittle bit c+f light _+n it, fc+r six mr_,nths we've c+perated the way it currently is structured, and there are s+,+me me+nies in certain line items that have nc+t been expended. While that chart i indicates that the expendit~_~re f+.+r '•3S-''3.3 would be greater than was budgeted, that really is nc+t the case, because f+_+r six m~~nths we have nc+t expended +_ertain me+nies -- Certain line items. Mr. Hc+lek•amp can add me+re informaticm to that if you desire. Fr_+r the next budget year, whi+.h we --- which is c+f equal impc+rtance t~+ the prc+pc+sal, really, there'll be abc+ut a ~~ii,i~C~i~-a-year c+verall savings by the +.c+nsc+lidati+an. ~=OMMISSIDNEF: L.ETZ: Fc~r -- Judge, a quick: cr_,mment. Judge, d+.+ y+.+u want tc+ spend a lc+t c+f time on this? Or -- I mean, I think: it's apprr_,achinq '3:3i_i, Ber_ause, I mean -- JUDGE FiENNEk:E: We can dc+ whatever we 1 iF::e. I mean, I'll defer tc+ L~.ill, whether we need to actually take acti+~+n tc+night, r.+r whether we want tc~ .just rest+lve this and bring it bacE:: at the next meeting. What's the C:c~urt's desire' C:OMMISSIONEF: WILL_IAMS: Let me respc+nd. It is a big package, and I dr_,n't k.nc+w he+w --- t+.+ what extent everyb~+dy's had a chance tc+ get their teeth intc+ it and thinlt it ~a_~t. And there may be others in the audience who have sc+me input they wish tc+ give to us about it. We w~~uld weld+me that. I'm nc+t pushing fcrr it t+_+ be resolved tonight. 121 /"` 1 J 4 5 6 7 >3 ,j 10 11 1~ 1~ 14 15 15 17 1 >3 iS i4~ .` 1 L L LJ 24 ii J It's c+n the table. It's nc+w a matter c+f the re+.c+rd. This is s+.+methiny yc+u've asl::ed fc+r us to dr_+, I we+uld suggest we F::ick it arc+und and chat abc+ut it, get me+re input, and briny it back: at a later date. ~=OMMISSIONER v~:IFFIN: I'd be in favc+r c+f that. i C:OMMISSIONE~: LETZ: That's gC+C+d. There was a questic+n I had regarding the budget; it could get a little bit lengthy. I might be asleep befc+re I'm dome. JUDI~E HENNEk:E: Mr. --- MS. NEMEL:: Judge, I don't know if this is yc+iny tc+ be br+.+ught ba+. 4:: c+n the next cc+urt date and i f that date is probably going to be befc+re payrc+ll, but there is a Cc+urt Order that Mr. He+le4:amp get paid an additional salary thrc+uyh March, this being the last pay period in March, sc+ if that is still gc+ing tc+ he+ld thrc+ugh the middle r_,f April, then there has tc+ be a C:c+urt c+rder to that effect. And, li4~e I said, I do+n't F::nc+w if it I~as tc+ be do+ne nc+w c+r if it can wait till the ne xt cc+urt date. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: That's a pr_,int tc+ be +.c+nsidered. ThanF~ yc+u, Parbara. I think: we c+ught to cc+mmend Mr. He+leL:amp fc+r his +.+,+ntribu•tic+n. C:OMMISSIONEF: LETZ: I agree with that. COMMISSIONER uRIFFIN: Yeah. COMMISSIONEF: WILLIAMS: Stand up, taF;e a bow back: there. 12 r'` r 1 2 AJ "I r J 7 a 3 iii 11 i'~ 13 14 15 1E 17 18 19 i~1 21 .L.L: ..., i •J ~~ i J i_OMMI55IDNEF: LETZ: Are y+.+u gc+ing tc+ dt+ it for free f+_+r a wh i 1 e'-' MF:. HDLEt~:AMF': Whatever the i_:c+urt wishes. JUDGE HENNEk.:E: Dc•es anyone have any -- I'm hearing a cr_,nsensus that we we+uld li4ke t+~+ Uive ourselves a little mr_+re time tc+ --- C:OMMI55IONEF.' UF'IFi"IN: Yes. JUDi~E HENNEk.:E: Dc+es anyc+ne have any spec i f it comments c+r questir_,ns at this time th<1t might help Pill and ulenn we+r 4:: on any -- I talked earlier with C:c+mmissic+ner Williams, and I'm a little bit unclear about e~.actly where the Sol id Waste Department stc+c+d as part ..f this, and I think: that's sr_,mething that might -- you 4~:nc+w, as we ta14::ed about earlier, it might ta4:e a little more development. I'm always apprer_iative of the savings. It appears li4r.e the savings are being acct+mpl fished wi•thc+ut sacrificing any control +.r any -- any performance, which, c+f course, is what we -- we expect c +ut c+f the -- c+ut + ~ f our Cc+unty emp l cryees, and al s~ ~ get . So, I believe Mr. Henderscm brc+ught tc+ our attention sc+me very significant concerns about scheduling and use. C:OMMI55IDNEF;' WILLIAMS: Jc+nathan and I have the meeting +.c+minq up in a couple days. I.:OMMISSIONEF' LETZ: And I believe, in defense of Laurinda, the cc+ntra+.t is mandated pretty much from myself, and that we had tr_+ dc+ this. We needed to have contracts. I 1~J f ~~ /"~. r 1 J 4 J 6 7 8 ,~ 1 Cr 11 1' 13 14 iv 1E 17 18 1'~ tit 21 2:~. i3 ~4 i J was sc+mewhat appalled that we are +.+perat ing cm a handshat:e in this day and time, considering the liability the i_c+unty is expo+sed tr_+ +,+ut there. F+,+rm c+f the +.c+ntract needs tc+ be discussed further, I thinE::, and I think: the fee structure, certainly. The ~c+urt has been advised c+f that structure; even the+ugh we have ncit formally apprc+ved it, we are aware that is the structure. The depc+sit peri+!d, I presume that's being enfryrced unifc+r ml y. I he+pe it is. It certainly she+uld be. JUDi3E HENNEF:E: And since we may have c+ther facilities that +.+.+me under i_c+unty scheduling, particularly Unic+n i;~hurch in the next year c+r sc+, that's a very apprc+pr iate time tc+ tak•e up gl+~+bal schedul ing and use fac i 1 it ies pc+1 icy and prc+cedures. Sc+, hear ing nc+ c+b.ject itn, we' 11 table this and -•- and 1 ..c+4¢ ~tc+ C:c+mmis+~ic+ner Williams 't+~ put it bac1; on the agenda at the next apprc+priate time. And, I thinF:: it's an excellent first step. COt11"IISSIONEt:' C;F'IFFIN: Esefore we leave the subject, E~arbara -~- bar_F; t~~ E~arbara's pc.int. Will we meet again -- I haven't lc+c+k:ed at that time calendar, but will we meet again befc+re the next pay perk+d-' i=OMMISSIONEF,' WILLIAMS: We need tc+ figure c+ut hr_,w to deal with that point. L~OMMISSIONEF: t_ETZ: i an I make a me+tic+n tc+ extend the current +.c+ntra+.t anc+ther 3C~ days'? The current -- 124 /"` ~~ 1 .-, 3 4 S E 7 8 .~ 1 Cs it 11 1~ 14 15 16 17 18 1 `3 2ir 21 s?J 24 .' J ~=COMMISSIONER i~F,'IFFIN: I would sec and that. JUD~3E HENNEk::E: Moved by Cr_,mmissinner Lett and seconded by C:e~mmissirner vriffin that we extend the current temporary contract with Mr. HaleF;amp as Supervisor ...f the Maintenance Department for an additional 30 days. Any discussion'? All irr favor, raise your right hand. The motion was carried by unanimrus vote.j JUDt;E HENNEk::E: All opposed, same sign. (No response.) JUDVE HENNEk':E : Mc~t i an carries . COMMISSIDNER LETZ: I think: we pr~~bably ought ~tr get this resolved in 3t_> days. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: I hope s~~. COMMISSIONER LETZ: Not too much tc. dc~, in my mind. JUD~~E FiENNEFCE: Next item i s Item N.... 14, which i s consider and discuss approval of purchase r_~f computer and software for Llse by the Commissioners ~_aurt reporter. Mr. Uriffin. COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: I've warF:ed ttris issue for the last wee4:: and a half pretty hard, trying to yet price<~ dawn and that sort of thing, and what I've came to -- and, Jc+nathan, you're going tc~ laVe this, but What I've came tc~ is that, because cif the cast involved, whir_h I thought we could pr~~bably get dawn blew the number you see in the backup material, I think what we r_,~rght to do is ma4~:e this a budget itJ ~' /~ r 1 J J 6 7 8 ,~ 1 t_r 11 1' 13 1.} iv 16 17 18 19 2C~ 21 i i y~ ' J i iJ item fc+r next year. And if we can get that intc+ the budget with an October 1st buy of the equipment and sc+ftware, we'd have 3 me+nths tc+ get rid c+f the nc+n-Y'~k;-+.c+mpliant machine that the reporter nc+w has and get this installed, which still we+uld give us ample time, but we defer this tc+ the ne:%t budget year and make it a budget input. GOMMISSIONEF? E+ALDWIN: Hear, hear. ~.OMMI55IDNEF; LETZ: I thought I was gc+ing to be the bad guy tonight. ThanFc you, Larry. JUDGE HENNEfE: Withc+ut any c+b.jectic+n -- ~=:OMMISSIONEF, C;F:IFFIN: Set that one up and k:nocF::ed it r_,ver real easy, JUDGE HENNEF~:E: Withc+ut any objection, we'll table Item No. 15 and bring it back: as part c+f c+ur budget decisi+.+ns for the summer. Actually, that's No. 1~#, Nc+. 1~, I put c+n myself. It's consider and discuss au~thc+rizing add itic+nal funds for additional services perfc+rmed by Baba-F;istner ~_~orl5ultants %+n t_c+llYthc+USe Yenc~Vatlc+n. As yc+u all may remember, the cc+ntract with Jupe C.r_,mpany •t+.+ d.. the asbest+..s rem+.+val went up from approximately ~if~,~~~~U tc+ approximately 'b^c4,i~C~C~. This addition fc+r Fraba-k:istner is fc+r the wor4:: that they did in identifying the additic+nal asbestc+s that had tr_+ be remc+ved. So, it is an additir_+nal service performed that wasn't covered under the first contract with ..,ur asbestc_+s cc+nsulting firm, sc+ we bring it 126 /^ r- ,~" 1 i 3 4 J 6 7 8 r~ 1U li i' 13 14 lv 16 17 18 19 L17 21 ~2 r 3 24 .: J bar_E:: tc+ the C:c+urt fc+r apprc+val c+f these additional funds. It's ~2, 10s~. t:OMMIS5IDNER LETZ: Sc+ moved. i_OMMIS5IDNEF: GF:IFFIN: 5ecc+nd. JUDGE HENNEk:E: Mc+ved by Cc+mmissi~~ner Letz, secc+nded by ~:c+mmissicmer Ur i f f irr, that we apprc+ve the additional +.c+ntra+.t with F,'aba-k:istner C:c+nsultants, Inc. Any further discussion'-' ~=OMMI55IONEF: LETZ: These funds --•- Tommy isn't here-' Tc+mmy is here. These funds will +.ome c+ut c+f the C:c+ntingen+.y in the --- ~:OMMISSIONEF: GF'IFFIN: F:enc+vatic+n. JUDGE HENNEIwE: F:enc+vatis+n i_~~ntingen+.y. MFG. TOMLINSON: Permanent Imprr_+vement. GDMMISSIONEP LETZ: Permanent Imprr+vement. E~ut there's -- o1:ay. JUDGE HENNEk~E: It's been me+ved and seconded. All in favc+r, raise yc+ur right hand. c:The me+tic+n was carried by unanimc+us vc+te.7 JUDGE HENNEk'E: All c+ppc+sed, same sign. JUDGE HENNEk;E: Mc+t is+n carries. Ne.r:t is Item 16, put c+n by myself, which is to consider and discuss approving the p+±l icy regarding tes•timc+ny by empl+.+yees c+f k::err C:c+unty before the Ter;as Legislature, U. S. L:c+ngress, cr_,mmittees c+f 1'Z7 r^, 1 3 4 J 6 7 8 ,~ 1 C> 11 1 ' 1~ 14 15 16 17 18 1'3 ~i_~ '<:1 .~ ice. ii J ~4 :: J the Texas Leg xsl at ure ...r U. S. l_ongr ess, crr agencies oY depaYtments of the State r_,f Texas uY the United States of America. I put this can the agenda simply tc~ foYmal is a the proceduYe whereby employees of k;err County aYe enco~lraged to participate in their governmental pYOCess at all levels, but, at the same time, they aYe not placed in the uncomfoYtable pc~Slt 7.! m of C~=~minitt 1nQ or --- ! ~Y appeaY ing to c6mmlt the County, as a sepaYate political entity, on any specific piece cif legislation. There's been some discussion about Mr. Duncan's' testimony before the Legislature, which was covered -- which was discussed in the last meeting, and expenses fc~r that apprr_,ved. Fiis appearance befr_,re the Legislature falls squarely under the policy. His appearance was approved in advance by his supervisor, Judge Spencer Brawn, and Judge Brown authr_,rized that the travel expense fc,Y Mr. Duncan come from Judge Brawn's travel budget. The pc~l icy basically says that no one can commit f~:err County as a political entity without the approval of the Commissioners Court. Any elected official may testify an -- in their capacity as an elected official or as a Yepresentative of their lobbying or tYade group. All we as4:: is that they provide us with copies of any written testimony. Any employee may testify with the appYOVal of their department supervisor, and any travel ---- any funds for 128 /"~ 1 3 J 6 7 8 .j 1 C~ 11 is 13 1~ 15 1E 17 18 1 '~ 2ii 21 22 23 24 J reimbursement c+f that emplc+yee's travel we+uld c~~me fr~~m that department's travel budget. We dc. require that that emplc+yee prc.vide the ~=c+ur•t with a copy of any written testimony. Any employee may testify on any subject matter. They -- if they're not do+ing it under •-- with the approval the department head, they are required to take var_ation sc. that they are testifying ~.n their own time, and there will be no reimbursement for their travel ey;penses. We also require that they -- that in their testim+~ny, either written or oral, that they clearly identify they're testifying in their c+wn capacity, and n..t as an employee .,r representative c.f c+f k:err C:c+unty. There arc a l..t c.f bills swirling around in the Legislature, as well as in ~:ongress. There may be signi f icant differences +~f r_~pinion as to how these would affect the County. I'd like to have some prc+tection in place so that we dr_+ nc+t unwittingly put ourselves in the politic+n where we are standing a circle and shoc+t ing ea+.h other. That's the genesis of this. Any questicros c.r cc+mments^ ~:OMMISSIONEF; LETZ: He always looks at me first. JUDGE HENNEF:::E: I' m .ji_ist scanning the hor iron here, as well as the clc...Fi. ~=:OMMISSIONEF' LETZ: My questic+n, it seems that the-- 1 is so broad, Item 1, where it says, "Rny employee of h::err Cc+~.inty, including elected official+~, may testify c+n 1 ~'~ ~"` i''` /'~ 1 J 4 J 6 7 8 '3 1 C~ 11 i t. 13 1 ~# 15 1E 17 18 1'3 '~0 cl 22 23 24 ~5 behalf c.f k::err County curly after re..eiving the prier approval of Commissioners C:c~urt." I have a hard time envisioning how any ..f cur elected officials, yc~u Finow, could testify and nc~t have an impact c.n t=:err Cr_,unty. I mean, it's --- I F:nc~w there's a little bit ..f an out in the second paragraph, doing it in their +_.ffisial capacity. But if, for example, the Sheriff is in Austin •testifying on something regarding law enfcrrcement, that's still going to affect County business, potentially. JUDGE HENNEk::E: It could. But what -- what I am reluctant tc~ have anyone do is to say, "k::err %:ounty has the position that we should approve this bill requiring X, Y, or Z, " bey=ause k::err County is a separate entity. CDMMISSIDNEF: LETZ: Fight, I agree. JUDGE HENNEk::E: It's a pal itir_al subdivision. It can sue, it c.an be sued. COMMISSIONER LETZ: C~~uld we n,_~t .just say, then, something -- you L::now, that no k:err County employee or elected official can represent they're testifying on behalf of k:err County without the Commissioners Court -- JUDGE HENNEk:E: Tha•t's what it says. C:OMMISSIONEF,' GF:IFFIN: On behalf of k::err County is, I think:, the underlying thing, because can -- mast c.f the time, they're not testifying on betial f of k::err C:aunty; they're testifying on behalf of -- of the --- 13i_r 1 i r! 4 5 6 7 8 r~ 1~~ 11 1:' 1.; 1~ 15 1E 17 is 1 '~ •~i ~ 21 22 23 24 ~.:5 M5. NEMEC:: Of the association that they belong to, li4;e the Treasurer's Associatir_,n. C:OMMISSIONEF'~~~IFFIN: Our impact for what Treasurers dc~ c.r whatever -- yc~u knew, they're nr_,t saying that in k::err C:r_~unty, we d~~ so-and-so; we treat all employees this way, and that's the way it is. Thrat's not -- that's usually nc~t what they're •testifying. JUDGE HENNEk:E: I would be reluctant for anyone, myself included, tc~ go the Legislature and testify that k::err i=aunty thinks the new Ccm stitution should be adopted. C:OMMISSIONEE' LETZ: I agree with that. I mean -- JUDGE HENNEk::E: So, I mean -- Linda'' Ms. Ueck:er'~' MS. UECk,E~~: I'm Linda Uecker, the District Clerk. And, number one, I have a question as to where the hell did this Come frc~m•? I mean, Jesus Christ. There are many times that --- and let me also say that I'm Legislative Chair for all the District Clerks in the State cif Texas. And, having wc~rk.ed with the legislative ~_ommittees cif all of the other associations, including the C:c~unty Judges and C:+_~mmissic~ner s, we don't always agree on what's best for the District C:lerk:'s office car what's best fc ~r the ~=aunty, in general . I think, second of all, you need to give us a little more credit than you have, in that if I gc. to Austin and testify on behalf ~ ~f k::err County, I' m sure as hecE:: nr_,t g. ping to do so without a resolution from the County so that I --- 101 1 J J 6 7 8 1 ~> 11 12 1~ 14 15 16 17 18 1'3 i 5.~ '1 ii ~3 ~~ t J because you need tc. give a little bit mare credit to the Legislature, because that's the first thing they're g+~+ing to asFc fc+r when you stand up there and testify c.n behalf o f F~;err County. They're going to say, "Where's your resolution front the C~~mmissioners Cc+ur~t'~"' I we+uldn't d+_+ that. And I do+n't thinkk anybody else in here we+uld, either. And as far as oFiaying the ey:penses, I think: ycua've already dome that when yc+u apprc+ved travel in October. Dcm't try to micr+_+-manage separate 1 ine items. I f yo~_~'re gc+ing to do that, then you need to relook: the poli..y altogether. Several years ag+_+, this Cc+mmissicmers Cc+urt passed the resolution for consolidation of City and County government, that every other elected official in the County vic+lently r_+pposed, but the Commissioners ~_aurt passed that resaluti~~n anyway, regardless o•F what the ~+ther elected officials wanted. I'm an independent elected official, separate and apart from the Cc+mmissicmers Court. I have a right t+~ my opinion, and I have a right to what I thin4c the District ~=:lerF;'s --- well, it's wheat's best for the District ClerF:. And if it invc+lves fees, that's a revenue f~_+r Cc+unty. If I'm going tc+ go dc+wn there and testify an behalf of this Commissioners Court, as would anybody else, we're going tc+ have a resolution and I'm going to ask: yc+u fc.r a resolution supporting me there. And I think: this policy is ludir_rous. I thin4: it's ..c+ming !+ff the wall somewhere; I'm 132 r-. ~._ 1 2 3 9 5 6 7 8 9 IO 11 12 13 19 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 not sure where it came from, but I would be interested to know how. And I would ask that you either table it, or let's look at it again, or forget it altogether is the idea. And I -- COMMISSIONER LETZ: Linda, why don't you tell us how you feel? MS. UECKER: Sorry, what? COMMISSIONER LETZ: Why don't you tell us how you feel? MS. UECKER: Just ask me. I'll tell you. JUDGE HENNEKE: Well, Linda, there's nothing in this policy which prevents you from doing anything which you've just discussed. MS. UECKER: That's right. But why should I -- you know, I've been Legislative Chair for a long time, and there's a possibility that one of you could be on the Legislative Committee for County Judges and Commissioners. JUDGE HENNEKE: That's right. MR. UECKER: I know how it works down there. And I know that we have been opposite each other on many, many occasions, as we are on a bill right now. And if you think that I'm going to come in here and reveal my testimony to someone who opposes my position, forget it. JUDGE HENNEKE: Well, I wasn't aware that I opposed your position, 'cause I'm not aware of the bill you're /"~ n n J J f !"~ i i J ~~ E 7 8 .~ i r_~ 11 12 13 14 iJ 16 17 18 1'~ ~C~ ~1 C G 23 24 tJ spent:ing c.f. MS. UEC:k::EF:: Wel 1 , I' m nc+t spent; ing c+f any one in parti+=ulcer; I'm .just telling you that in the siY: years that I've been Legislative Chair, it's r_•ome up many times. JUD~3E HENNEk::E: And there's nc+ one whc+'s ast:ed tc+ you come in and reveal your pc+sition. MS. UECt:::E~': Fight here it says, Any eler_~ted official will submit to the Commissioners Court copies c+f the written submission. I'm nc+t going to d.. that, What are you going to do if 1 don't, spant; me ;' JUDGE HENNEk::E: It says --- if I may read the correct version, it says, "Elected officials are requested to prc.vide cc+pies of any written submission t!~ the Commissioners C.c+urt." It does not say when. It dr_,es not say you must. It does nc+t say yc+u must say "Mother, may I". MS. UEC:F~::EF.:: But I' m nc+t gc+ing to do it in advance. JUDGE HENNEf~:E: I t do+esn' t say advance . Dc .n' t read words in there that aren't in there. MS. UECw:EE': Why is it even in there, then? JUDGE HENNEF:E: ' Cause I' d 1 i t:e tc + t::now, far one, what you're testifying about. N~~t necessarily that I want to -- MS. UEC:t~::EF': Just ast:: me and I' 11 tell you. JUDGE tiENNEk:E: Y~~u do+n't always ast:: me when yc+u go to testify. iJ4 ~~ ~~ i 3 J E 7 8 ,~ 14 li 1 '~ J 1^ 14 iv 1E 17 1$ iS fir ~1 ~0 24 z J MS. UEC:k:EF:: Well , i f it involves you, yes, I do. Didn't I provide you witty a copy of the C:onstitution~•.' JUDGE HENNEk;E: When I as4::ed fcrr it, yes. MS. UEC:k::EF:: Sure. And, I .just --- I dcin't want to d... that. I won't d... that, sorry. ~=OMMISSIONEF: LETZ: Yc~u .just think: it's unnecessary'' MS. UEC:k;ER: Absolutely. I mean, most of us have a lot mare tc. d.. than that. Evidently, somecme needs something to do. COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: E~ut it does say that you're requested tc~ provide copies. That means if you choose tc ~; you don't have to. MS. UEC:k~ER: That's fine. C:OMMIS5IONEF.' GRIFFIN: Accc~rdinca to the way it's Written. C:OMM I S5I ONEF: LETZ : I guess my cur l y --- go ahead . COMMISSIONER GF:IFFIN: And I was .just going to say, I -- I have to agree with the Judge, that I don't thinF; this does anything ether than lay dawn pr_~Iity, essentially what we're doing already. And I thin-:: even Linda .just said the same thing, that you wouldn't gc. and try tc~ represent the C:r_~unty unless you did what was in Paragraph 1. You. would came and asF:: fc~r a resolution. 50, that is with prier approval of Commissioners C:c~urt. IJJ ~` i MS. UEC:k;EF': Then that policy needs to be ~1 J z} J 7 8 3 1~~ 11 lc 1~ 14 Sv 16 17 1 £3 19 •~i ~ ~1 .i "v -,~ i J i~ ~J clarified. C:OMMISSIONEF' WILLIAMS: We need to work orr it. COMMISSIONEF; LETZ: I guess my ~~pini~~n is I don't see it's needed, persr_,nally. I mean, I don't have a real problem with i•t. Yc~u can dc~ -- everything Linda wants to dc., she can do; every emp 1 oyee can do ~ i t . Ftut , I .just don't see why. I mean, I -•- I mean, I don't think: they're going to gc~ and -- if there's ever been -- if there had been an instance when s~~mec~ne actually went and testified c.n behalf -- ~~r said they were from k::err County car on behalf cif Ferr ~:c~unty, I'm not aware of it. I .just don't thinF: that's going tc~ happen. And I think:, you 4;nc~w, if -- if they dr_. do it, you k:nc~w, the Legislature is probably going to probably call them on it. I mean --~ MS. UECk::ER: They wi 1 1 . C:OMMISSIONEE' LETZ: Just seems c~dd to me; I don't see a need for it. I don't see i•t as anything bad, but .just an unnecessary rule. COMMISSIONEF: WILLIAMS: Well, I don't see it as bad, either. I thin4: the intent is to attempt to prevent sr,,mebody from g~~ing to the Legislature on a bill that is ..f particular concern or interest to that individual, for whatever reason, and represent ~-•- uni iL=:e Linda depicted, represent that, "I'm from t=::err County, and this is the way /~ 13E r'"` /"~ i i 3 4 5 E 7 8 rj 1U !i 1 t: 13 14 i; 16 17 1$ 1~ ~~i ii ii.r G3 ~'~4 iJ k:err C:c~unty feels." Linda's print is valid and well-taken. If it's something that she wishes to generate support for and really push •Fc~r it, the best way tc~ dr_. it is by having a resolution come thrrr~ugh this Court, and which the first thing you can dr is whip it cut and say tr your committee chair, "My County believes that ttris is a valid point." I thinL.: the intent, really, is tc~ prevent somebody from ..just gr~ing up there acrd standing up and saying, "This is the way my Crunty feels about thus-and-such." I don't read into it anything that would try tr_. irrhibit an elected official from testifying. MR. UEC:k~EF:: E.;ut this pol icy wouldn't prevent that from happening, anyway. JUD+~E HENNEk::E: E~ut the pol icy, i f they were an employee rf k:err County, would require them to say, "I'm here in my individual rapacity." MS, UEC:k;E~: OF;ay. Just lock: at Item 3 again. You're talking about employees. If thley're an employee, they're going to have •t r. get approval fr~~m the department head, anyway, JUD%iE HENNEk::E: Item 4 gives them the ability, which they have, tc. gc~ aver there independently and testify, regardless of what their department head wishes. Elut it requires them tr identify themselves as testifying on his --- in his or her own rapacity, and not r_•~n behalf of k~:err County ~,, 1,:.7 /"• r^ 1 3 4 C J 6 7 8 .~ 10 11 It iJ 14 1~ 16 17 18 1 '3 ~i_~ ;' 1 .ii ~J ~4 +: J car the department. MS. UECk;EF': That applies fryr -- a checF::er at Walmart's nc~t going try drywn there and testify r_~n behalf c.f FCerr Cryunty. I mean, what are yr_~u prying try dry, write a pc ~l icy fc~r them'? JUD~~E HENNEk;E: We don't have any --- MS. NEMEC: I thin4; here -- what it is here is No. 1 is saying that if we're going try gr_. or cane cif ryur empl~~yees is going t~~ gc. and testify cm behalf cif h::err County, then we have to come to C:c~mmissioners Court. If we're g.. ing t., use the w~~rds _unty. " But, i f I m k:.er r C:.. , going t.. give my employee permission tc. gc~ testify on behalf ryf my department, then all I have tc~ dry is give her my permission; we don't have to ~=ryme to yr_~u, COMMISSIONEP..i~RIFFIN: That's right. JUDrE HENNEk::E: E actly. MS. UEC:F::EF': Lc ~ci ~•'. at 3. LoryF:: at 0. It's nc ~t saying that at all. MS. NEMEC:: It's saying that they're requesting that we give them -- M~'. UECh:ER: No, 3 says, "written submissiryn will be" -- MS. NEMEC:: Tc. the department head or elected ryfficial. MS. UECk:EF: Nn, it says, "C:vpies of any written ,/`` 1.:,8 ~`. 1 r i 3 4 J E 7 8 .j lei 11 li 1J 1~ lv 16 17 18 1 '3 it/ ~1 ~~ z3 ~4 i.J 5L1bm15slc~n will be provided t.. the Commissioners C:c~urt." MS. NEMEC:: Oh. Well, that -- M5. UEC:k:EF?: Which is in direct conflict with 2. AUDIENCE: You need to table it. MS. UECk;EF,': I don't have any problem with the policy. I .jL4st think: we need tr_. looE: at it and -- and be realistic about the policy, COMMISSIOI+IEF' E~ALDWIN: Well, I have a problem with the policy. I don't thing: in any way that this C:ommissi!~ners Court should be requiring the elected r_~fficials to do anything, anyway. That they have --- they have the freedom, and I trust every one of them, that they would not go to any government entity and represent F;err County in any -•- any way that they should not. I don't thin4:: that they have to get permissir_~n from this C:ammissi~~ners Court tc. g.. anywhere, any time, to do anything. And as far as their employees are concerned, they're in total charge of them, and they have every right to do what they want to with their employees. We set the budget for their travel. If they choose 'tc. send their employees tr_. New Yort~ City to attend a meeting, that's their business. It's ncme of ours. To me, •this is micro-management, and l.:ounty governments through the years are trying to move away from this type of thing. We're trying to --- we have always been trying to get to a place to where we approve the budget and then, hopefully, we'll see ~,'"` 1 J ~~ /"~ i i 3 5 6 7 8 ,~ 1 c:> 11 li 13 1'•# 15 1E 17 iB i '3 tC~ ~1 .;~ LJ ice} ::. J y'all next year. Not have you in here every ether week telling you -- or giving you permission to drive to Austin or Washington car any other place. 50, I'm totally ~~pposed tc~ the whole thing. We can put it in the trash can, as far as I'm c~~ncerned. M5. NEMEC:: I .just don't want this tc. be a negative, in that when we do need to came tc~ your i_c~urt, you tell us, "Oh, na, y'all didn't want to submit anything." Because, I mean, I can see where there would be a lr_,t of times where we might want to come and --- and get your support as the Court. C:OMMI55IDNER E+ALDWIN: Well, sure. M5. NEMEC:: I can see this going bath ways. T'OMMISSIONER BALDWIN: The --- MS. UECk:Ef•.: But if I dc~ that, you 4:n~~w, extending on what Eiarbara's' saying, it's going tr_. be for the benefit c.f k;err i=aunty and you're going to be glad that I came, and you're willingly gr_~inU to enter --- I mean sign a resolution and send it with me. I would never gc. dawn there and •testify cin anything negative to t<:err C:r_~unty. I mean, my god, what Find of elected official wc~~_ild I ber' JUDGE HENNEk::E: Anything else? COMMISSIONEF' WILLIAM5: Judge, may I suggest that we ta4;e a look at same c.f the things that are of concern, like we're doing with the Maintenance Facilities policy, and 14i> P"'~ i J 4 J E 7 8 9 1G 11 1 13 1 ~# 1~ 16 17 18 1 '3 '~) 11 22 ~3{{ i'T ._,~ L J run it bacF; thrc~ugh~-' JUD~~E FiENNEk:E: Sure, that's no problem. Ne:~t item is Item No. 17, request fc~r vehicle and equipment for Constable Office, F~recinct '~. i_c~mmissic~ner Williams. COMMISSIONED.. WILLIAMS: This is my night. Pefore Constable Williams speaks, let me say this. That, unlike his previous appearance here, he and I have had an opportunity t~:, sit down and discuss the issue that is of cc,ncern toniq_ht. I am, however, gr_~inq to let him make his presentation. I think the C:c~urt hears enough from me. At least we talked this time before we arrived at this paint. Mfg. WILLIAMS: Yes, very good. I 4:now it's late; I'm going tc~ cut this real short. I know everybody's had a lr_,ng day. It's time to go home and qo to bed. I'm Constable i_arl Williams, k::err C:c~unty. I was in here recently requesting a vehicle. On this particular requet;t tonight, I have three options; what I did is went high to low, right bacE; tc. the same thing I as4::ed for --- requested for la~~t time. I have my own personal vehicle and insurance, which I've had for, un and off, twc~ different vehicles for iC> years. A lot of people in h~:err County -- I found out now, since this last meeting; same things were in the newspaper -- have contacted me. They had no idea that I owned my own personal vehicle, that constables weren't furnished vehicles by the 141 ,~'`_ 1 3 4 J 6 7 8 ,~ i s_i 11 12 i~ 14 15 16 17 18 1 '3 ~O i1 i t-' r~ L J i4 f5 County 1iF::e the Sheriff's Department, As y'all can see, 1iG;e I say, I'm Uoing to cut to the chase here, 'rouse I think everybody's tired. If you --- if you get back over to page 4, there's a tt~tal ct~st tin the first vehicle I've asFied fcrr. The reason I asF:ed ft~r that vehicle --- it's, yes, a high price, but what I'm trying to do is gc. from high to low. Mr. Paldwin asF::ed me last time during the meeting in reference to totals, and alsr_~ I've had him and another Cnmmissir_~ner ash:: me about presenting this stuff during budget year. I made a copy tm page number '3 of what I requested on my budget this year, and if you look at all the line items, everything remained the same. Dawn at the hottr_~m, yr_~u'l1 see where I requested a 15'36 Chevrolet Caprice for ~18,itt~t_~. The last meeting I was here, I requested a vehicle frr_~m UF'S, which is a 1.3'3 ~:hevy Caprice with around it'~O,C>i~i~ miles. Tht~se cars are F;ept up, very well-maintained. They're li4ie brand new, okay' They're fi~;ed up liii~ percent, fr~~m front to back, t~~p tc. bottom, before the i=:aunty purchases them. And, you have t... purchase; I can't do it. That's a new law that's came into effect with Austin and DRS. You'll see the figure there of ~8,4~~c). That's quite a lt~t cheaper than ~18,ii~>ii, ~~F:;,~y• LiE::e I say, I'm going to .jump around. Then, if you have any questions, you tan as4c me. If you Utz bat k: to page Q, 14 r'"` /'~ 1 :' 3 4 5 E 7 8 .3 1 C~ it ii 1~ 1 ~# 15 1E 17 18 19 i r_~ ~1 .-, -, tt iJ{{ iT ~5 yc+u' 11 see where I've put all this par4;age t+.+gether, including the equipment. Is everybc+dy there'-' Y+au'11 see that I have a tc+tal of equipment c+f ~1,35'~.57 that invc+lves a radic+, interic+r lights, deco; lights, grill lights and decals f+.+r the car. O4;ay. I d+_+ have sc+me c+f my c+wn equipmentt that I'll put on that car that belt+ngs tc+ me. Yc+u lc++.+4:: down, you see A, which is the 1'39'3 i_hevrc+l et Tahc+e. The reasc+n I asked for that car is I dc+ a lc+t of c+ff-rc+ad st~.tff; I chars a lr_+t c+f animals fc+r the L.+.+unty, c+4;ay'' I get a lot of calls for cc+ws c+ut, sheep out, goats cut, pigs c+ut I've even chased sc+me pretty gc+c+d-size pigs, c+4:ay-' The reason I did that is to show y+.+u this would we+r 4:: here, c+4::ay-' This is a ~--- a vehicle that can last fc+r fc+ur ..r five years if yc+u treat it right. 04::ay. Jumping over t+.+ B, you' 11 see that 1'395 f_:hevy i_apr ice, and I al+.;+.+ put the 1996 Fc+rd t~:rown Vic in there, tc+tal price with the equipment. I want tc+ take a few minutes nc+w --- I contacted the -- cc+ntacted Jennings Andersc+n in Rc+erne, whc+ does sc+me leasing f+,+r +.+ther cc+unt ies. Mr . --- c+r i r_+mmissic+ner Williams and I ta14::ed abc+ut this today; it's sc+mething we're gc+ing tc+ we+r 4: r.+n, and then he can get with y'all c+ri it. Yau can see that a 1599 F-c+rd Grc+wn Victoriai, which is a pal ice pac4:age vehicle, Interceptor engine, ey;actly what you're buying for around $~i_~, t~0i> right now fcrr the Sheriff's Department, yc+u can get a lease program for four years at ~5,557.3a^ a year. Of course, ~^ 1'1 1 c 3 4 J Er 7 8 9 iir it 1 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2V ii ~2 . ; ., ~~, '~4 G J it totals out, if you keep it four years, cif ~2~,c:,::9.3:t at 7.3 percent. You lease that vehicle fc~r nne year; you pay that up front, ~J,JJ7.JJ. When yc~u come up to budget again, then you have that lease program with them. If the car is shot, you get rid of the car. There's a buy-off package and you start ever again, o4~:ay'' We've discussed that tFris afternoon. That*s something fc~r the f~.rtr_rre; I'm not as4~ing fcrr that today, but it's something that can happen. It's a low -- when you're purchasing five cars -- I'm going tc. say five cars, for the money you're purchasing fcir, you can get quite a few more vehicles for this lease prvgrarn, and that's nc~t just the Sheriff's Department or me; that could be F'.oad and Bridge or whatever. Whatever you want to d~~ with it. OE:ay. The reason I'm here, again, is some questions that were brought up last time about the last budget in reference to the car that I requested fc~r ~18,i>irr;~. I'm trying to get something as reasc~na6le as I can, gentlemen, because I own a 1987 Dr_,dge Diplomat that's 1~ years old, li~:e I told you before; it's falling apart. I tnoFi the re~~ponsibility cif this .job 1i_ri.~ perr_ent ten years agr_~, and I feel 1 ike I've dune a pretty goad .j~~b with this ~~r~Unty. I think: I've d~~ne enough to warrant a vehicle. I'm using money out of my own poc~;et to d~± things a~t this paint in time, because c.f the liability insurance. There's got to be a breaking paint here s"'~ 144 .-~ r" i i J 4 5 E 7 8 r~ lU 11 1:Z iS 14 15 iS 17 18 iS i ~•+ ii .. •7 rJ d4 .~J sc~mewher e. The other constables -- each one of you ether +=ommissic~ners, ether than Mr. Williams, has y.±ur c~wn constable. Tf they want a vehicle, they need to came to you and tal4:: tc. you about it. I've done that with my ~-gmmi55iOner nr_iW, Sr. lt'S 5r_~mething, yciu 4;noW, if we need to ta14, ab! gut it in the future, fine. Put I' m tal king about C:. Y. A., o4~:ay':' We're tal4:ing about a personal vehicle that belongs to me, is insured by me, and I transport prisoners, I transpr_,rt .juveniles an different occasions for interviews to the Sheriffs Department nr whatever. I get called cut at night by the Sheriff's Department. I dr_. run code, do get calls. If I T-bone somebody in thra prnr_ess c.f that, they're going to come tr_. me first and they're gr_,ing to get absolutely zero. 04:ay. They're going ~=came t.. the +=oun~ty -•- +~~OMMISSIDNE~' PALDWIN: What does T-bone mean'? MF:. WILLIAMS: Zern means that I have nc. way cif being sued. +=OMMISSIONEF: PALDWIN: No, T-bone. MF,'. WILLIAMS: T-bane means if 1 hit sc~meb~~dy in the side and 4~i11 the individual in that vehicle, they're gr_~ing tc. lo~~k: at the car, •they're U~~ing •tc. l~~c~4; at my insurance, and they're going to came after the County. COMMISSIONEF,' PALDWIN: T--bane-' MF... WILLIAMS: Yc~u dcm't watch C:c~ps and all that on 14.°., ~~ /^, 1 .r i 3 4 J E 7 8 8 to 11 12 13 14 1v lE 17 18 19 i~~ ii 2 :~ 3 :'4 .[. J TVr' COMMISSIONEF.' BALDWIN: No, I don't. I have a life. MF,'. WILLIAMS: I'm sorry. That's ~::ind of a policeman's talk:, you 4::nr_~w, and I apologize. It's when you hit sameb~~dy head-~~n ...r inside car -- whatever. 5.,., that's the main reason I'm here, I drive a vehicle that belongs to me; I do i=ounty business in it. I serve papers, I serve warrants. MR. BALDWIN: Well, all I I::nc~w is I spaF::e with my constable about it to seek: his counsel ---- the Bible says there's safety in having many counselors -- and he's nc~t interested. M~'. WILLIAMS: That's his opinion. Whatever he wants tc~ d..., Mr, Baldwin, is up to him. GOMMISSIONEk. BALDWIN: That's r_orrect. MF'. WILLIAMS: I don't believe he's patrolling or being called out at night to back: up the Sheriff's Department. C~OMMISSIONEF~ LETZ: My comment is that this is, you F::now, mainly something that needs to be handled at budget ~-- next year's budget, MF'. WILLIAMS: That's e ~actly why I put page '3 on there, Mr. Letz, tc. show you •that I requested this vehicle. I've requested it many years in the past. COMMISSIONEF' LETZ: OF::ay. And the i_c~mmissi!~ners ~'` 1 ~#6 ~~ ~• /'~-. 1 3 4 J 7 8 .~ 10 11 1' 1 1 ~# 15 i~ 17 18 1'3 i~~ 21 J ~~ i:J C:+:,urt, last summer during the budget, decided we were nc~t going to dc~ the cars. We lr_~r,}red at the priorities rf the cars in the Sheriff's Department and ether departments, and we made a decisicm, and the decision was not tc~ give ccrostables a car. Another paint, I thin}c, if yru go bac}:: -- you reminded me, when I -- ar actually Mindy researched several years. On your budget page, gr back to ''3b-"37. Your salary was increased, from ''36-' ~7 to ''~8-'':J'j, by almost `65,x=~i~C~. The rea~~~~n Gc~mmis~ic~ners i=~~urt did that at the time WdS because, Since we dr not prrvide cars fc~r ccm stables, tc~ help offset that expenditure. Yc~u }cnr_~w, we gave all c.f them a very -- equalized their salaries trc~, I thin};. Sc~ that to say we haven't done anything fc~r the ccrostables is art true. We did a great deal two rr three budget years ago tr bring up your salaries. Yc~u also have a travel allowance, and your salary right now is, yc~u know, plus car minus, a little ewer ~~~#,i~i~i~ with •travel allowance. MF'. WILLIAMS: It's ~z1,377. ~=:OMMISSIONEF.: LETZ: F'lus ~1,8~>i~ a year travel':' MF'. WILLIAMS: That's gr_,ne, sir, the first of the year. When that -- when that budget canes rut, I ta}ce ~1,G7ii frr lietbility insurance immediately --- immediately r_,ut rf that. ~=OMMISSIONEF,' LETZ: Garl, it's yrur pay; it's in yrur pay, correct? ~: 147 /rte, f" ~^ 1 L 3 J 6 7 8 ~~ 1 C~ 11 1~ iJ 14 15 lE 17 18 1'~ 1i~ 11 <. r,~ ._. a 14 .;~ LJ MF,'. WILLIAMS: I realise that. :OMMISSIONER LETZ: Sr_., you~re being paid aver X24, GC>~~ a year's MFG... WILLIAMS: I realise that. What r_an you buy for 'b5, C_r(:~i r;~ ~=OMMISSIONER LETZ: I'm saying don't tell me that you're, yc~u 4:nc~w, rna4::ing ~21,~rc=~i_~ when you're ma4::ing cover '1;14, OCU:~. MR. WILLIAMS: 04€ay. Well, I understand that, Mr. Letz, and, you 4::now, I'm not going to argue with yc~u about i t . I mean , you make aver ~1E4, i u1i ~ a year . r_OMMISSIONEF: LETZ: Fright. MF:. WILLIAMS: You don't endanger your life, oF:ay^ Other than coming bac4a and f~~r~th. :OMMISSIONEF: LETZ: That has nothing to dr_. with this discussion. Nc., it has nothing tc~ do with i•t. MF:. WILLIAMS: That's fine. Li4:e I say, I .just want people be aware that I furnish my ~~wn vehicle tr_. do pr_,lice wor4:: f~~r this Gaunty. 04::ay. The liability is there tii them, nc~t just t... yr_~ld, and that's the reasc.n I'm d%~lnQ th15. C:OMMI55IONEF' LETZ: And I'm trying to remind you and the public and the ~:c~mmissic~ners Court that we raised your salary ~S,U~r~r several years ago with this in mind, and hopefully you prcwide the funds to buy yourself a new car. 1~8 7 1 i 3 4 J E 7 8 10 li 1' io i .} 15 16 17 18 lg ~~i ~i i.L r,., c ..3 ':'4 .:~ ~. J MF'. WILLIAMS: And because the C:e~unty was equalized tc~ is>, i_~i u? crr mare population, and that was coming whether you 1i4::ed it car not, everybody had to be equalized. C:OMMISSIONEF' LETZ: Nr_~, it's not. JUDi~E FiENNEr:E: Does someone else have any comment -' C:OMMISSIONEF, WILLIAMS: Yeah, let me see if I can sum this up. At the risk: r_~f stepping between friend Jr_,nathan and my constable and getting shot here, let me see if I -- MF'. WILLIAMS: I only have one bullet, ~ommissic~ner Williams. C:OMMISSIONEF,' WILLIAMS: 4_et me see if I can get a little ~~rder cut of it. The constable and I 1•~ad a long ta14:: this afternc~c~n with his deputy; we tal4::ed fc,r about an hour car sc~, recognizing -- hopefully, recognizing the same c.f the problems that the ~=uurt faces. They are threefold -- r_~r at least twofold. First of all, it's the middle .,f a budget year; kind of hard to say, Well, we're going tc~ dip into the budget c.r the surplus in somebody else's budget and find the dollars fc,r a single r_crostable, and not do the same fc~r other constables, even if yours is not interested. That's cm e paint. Second thing is, I thin4:: that it's important that we recognize --- I personally recognize that if the C:r_,unty's going to require its employees and its elected officials to dc• a specific .job, I have a basic feeling that we probably 1~~ /^ r^ 1 2 J J E 7 8 '3 1U 11 i i. 13 14 15 16 17 18 i~ ~O ':' i ,•, .~ iJii i? :rJ should find the tools for that individual tc~ do the .job. But that's at the beginning of a budget year, and not in the middle cif a budget year. F had the opportunity to speaE: at great length to Sheriff F::a i ser about ai_i•t vmc ~b i 1 es and use c. f veh i..1 es and sc. forth, and we .just spo4::e philosophically. But, there is same merit to ci:~nsidering, r_~ver the lr_,nger haul --- nc~t trying tc. salve this problem tonight, but in the longer haul, cc ~n57.der 11'iQ our pc ~1 ].cy, Wh lch 15 In eY:lStence nOW, of p+.~rchasing vehicles when we can scrape together enough dollars on a capital basis tc. dc~ that, as apposed tc~ leasing the vehicle and setting up a program by which the Sheriff's Department gets new vehicles when theirs are in need of going out of service at a prescribed time. Because we have leased them, we've got sc. many coming into service, we've gr_,t sc~ many going out of servir_e. And you could even -- you cc~ulci even write a p..l icy with same of these dealers, and you 4~n~~w this 'cause you've spc~k:en with sr_~me of these dealers, that would provide us an option where we can take some out c,f service a little early and let them gc~ dawn to ethers whc~ might need them; i.e., cr?nstables. But, that's something that's going to tat::e sc~rne time to wr_,rt:: c gut . MF:. WILLIAMS: Right, we ta1F::ed about that. COMMISSIDNER WILLIAMS: We'll have •tc~ dc. a little ~~ 157 ~~ 1 .-, J 6 7 £3 ,~ iii 11 1 to 1 ~# iv 16 17 i t3 1 '3 ~i~ ci i s~ .:: J ~4 ._,~ i J loc~F;ing at it, evamininy the numbers, finding out what the capital requirements are for the ne~:t year and so fr_,rth. It's nvt something we'll salve tonight. ~=:~_~nstable, I think: if you want to bear with this subject and war4~: with us, help us find a way that gets tYiings done and in an orderly basis, it's possible. MF'. WILLIAMS: Well, we're -- my deputy, of course, had tr_. leave; he had a jc,h to go to tonight, but we're lr_,o4;ing into some --- some grants. We tal4;ed about this this afternoon --- C:OMMISSIONEF' WILLIAMS: That's another thing. Abs~•lutely. M~'. WILLIAMS: --- that we're lc~ok.inq intc~ with AACDu. C:OMMISSIDNEF,' WILLIAMS: Absolutely. M~:. WILLIAMS: Lout, li4~e I say, my deal is that I want tr_. ma4:e people aware that this is nc~t -- this is nc~t the i_c~~.anty's ~=ar, c~k:ay, i't's my car. OF:ay-' L:OMMISSIDNE~~ WILLIAMS: I thinF:: the Court understands that. MF'. WILLIAMS: Okay. JUDi~E HENNEt~~E: We haci a request from Mr. Tc~m Weltner to spent::. Mr. Weltner, dr_. you want the address us at this p~~int'? MR. WELTNEt?: I want to go home, too. 151 1^ Imo` 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 ,j 10 11 1 ':: 13 14 15 16 17 la 1 '~ •~ f ) '1 it .~ t J <4 J ~=OMMISSIONEF; DALDWIN: S.. d~~es everyc+ne else. MF:. WELTNEF:: I' 11 hand yc+u this, and since this lady's typing s.. fast over here, I'll give her +~ne, 'cause it's exactly what I'm gc+ing to say, a few remarks on this. I the+ught I can .jr..~st r.±11 thrc+ugh it and Ieave; I had nc+ idea we were last. 5c+, anyway, here we gc+. iDiscussic+n c+f f the re+.c+rd.:~ JUDGE HENNEk;E: We dc+ have a 3-minute time limit. I we+uld suggest that yc+u not read this, but that yc+u summarize it fc+r us. II M~:. WELTNEF: I went thrc+ugh it pretty yuicFc. I' 11 gc+ thr+.+ugh everything I can in three minutes, if yc+u'd like. C:OMM I SS I ONEF,' DALDW I N: Yc+u rehearsed? JUDGE HENNEk::E: Yc+u have three minutes. M~:. WELTNER: Duster, I swear, I went -- I fc+llc+wed the clc+c F: and went down tc+ it. Here we gc+. uc+c+d evening. My name -- goad evening, everyc+ne. My name is T+.+m Weltner, and I love living c+n the river in i=enter Faint. My tharr4::s to everybc+dy in this rc+c+m f+.+r being here. We'd all prc+bably rather be sc+mepla+.e else tr_+night, s+:.~ I'll ma4e this as brief as passible. I have sc+me comments I'd li4;e tc+ read, and then I'm g+.+ing tc+ get +~ut of here and go c+ut tr_+ eat somewhere. A +.c+uple weeks ag+a I was ~~n the phc+ne with a news directc+r friend, and she as4::ed me about this cr_+nstable and 15 ~, ~'^~ 1 i 3 J 6 7 .j 10 i! 1 i~ 1~ 15 1~ 17 18 19 '.:C> '~ 1 ~ll CJ ~4 ~J his car ~thinc~. I didn't }::nc~w what she was tal}::ing about, so I chec}:ed out this story in the Mountain Sun. It kind of concerned me, sc~ I thol.lght, what the hell, I'll call up old ~~onstable 1=art Williams and see what's going on. He was nice enough t~~ answer his phone at horse, and after talking with him for a while, I thought, "Wow, this guy is really frustrated." 5~~, him being cur constable over in Precinct '~, I said, "I'll tell yc~u what, Carl. I'm going tc~ write a letter to the Editor and see if we can't stir up some interest in this issue." And, by the way, after tal}::ing with him, I figured out he's really a pretty nice guy, but just has a lot of frustration on the .job right nr,w. I bet we've all been there at ~ one time ~ ~r anr_,ther . I'm going tr_~ sk:ip a few. Here we go. I went through a Leadership F•:err 1=aunty thing a while bac};. This is paraphrasing. They told us a concept called "thin}::ing outside 'the bc~x." Here's my thinking c~u•tside the boy;. I don't believe Karl Williams is alone in his frustration. I haven't talked tc. any of the ether constables car Sheriff's deputies, but it would nc~t surprise me to hear similar 5ltuatlons. Twenty-three-something years agcy, I war}::ed at the China La};e Naval Weapons 1.:enter in southern 1 alif~arnia. It was a wonderful place to work: and the pay was pretty good for a i'~-year -c.ld }::id, and y±~u get to play with rr~r}lets and stuff 1 J.~3 1 i 4 5 6 7 '3 1 s_> 11 12 1J 1 ~# 1~ 16 17 iB 1'~ '~C> ~1 :~2 iJ i. ~~ t J like that c,ut there. We lacked fc~r not a thing when it came tr_. equipment and supplies. The best companies I have wor4;ed fc~r have had the very same policy. Yc~u .just sign your name on a log, and you can have anything and everything you need tc. dc. your .jc~b. As long as you really, truly needed it, you could have it. This pc~lir_y made for lets of happy campers in the worF;place. Why can't we try that in k::err l.:c~unty'% For these law enforcement guys and gals, let's have this ~~ecure storeroom at the Law Enforcement l=enter staffed with a good clerk, and at least four yr five cif every kind cif gi~ma these •folk:s carry in their cars or wear on their br_~dies. Then you're prepared for anything to happen. "Oops, I dropped my Motorola radio in the river!" "Here, give me your wet radio; I'll give you a brand-spanF:ing new one out of the bc~x I got cm the shelf, and we'll send the c~theY one C~llt t~~ be repaired." "Hey, my pun is starting to .jam every now and then." "wive me your gun" ~-•- par dcin me. "l~1Ve me yC~l.lr Qun; tier e'S another r_,ne. I F:now this c+ne wc~r4cs because it .just cartle right out c.f the box. And here's a box of fresh bullets, tc~c~. bring me back your old ones later and we'll donate them to the Officer's Practice Range." "My radar unit's acting funny these days." "Yank: that thing out c.f your car, give to it me. Here's a god+d one, and 154 ~`` 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 ,~ 1 C> 11 12 iJ 14 15 16 17 18 1'3 ~1 ii .~ i r1 ~4 :=5 we're going t+_~ send that ether c one t~ ~ Aus•t in and get it calibr<-tted sc. we dr_,n't have any trouble in court." We're g~~ing tc~ s4::ip a few here. We might even need a helicopter and a pilot in uniform to fly the dang thing. This County is huge. Have yc~l.r ever driven from Hermann Sons Rand over near the tendall County line, and then out tc~ the springs at the Headwaters'"' E have many, many times. JUDO F HENNEF~:E: Th i r t y sec or•ids. MF'. WELTNEF,': This is tr,ugh, Fred. Here we go. I hope y'all's phcmes ring off the walls. Some people will call and some people w~~n't, bt.it everybody's watching and listening. We have the best system of government on this planet, and if folks would .)us•t use it and participate in the process, it r_an even be fun and done with l~_~ts of smiles all arc~unci for everyone concerned. Than k:~~ for listening, and have a good evening. JUD~~E HENNEh~:E: Than4: y~ ~u. i::OMMISSIONER PALDWIN: Than4:s, Tom. MR. WELTNER: And this guy's going tc~ get a c~_~py tc~c~, if I can help it. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Good. He's a g~~c~d one tc. ~"'\ ri i--- qet it to. JUDGE HENNEw;E: Does anyone else have any comments'? COMMISSIONER LETZ: My comment is that --- I mean, once again, I hope we, you 4::now, would lc.c+1; at it at budget SJJ r~~ ~~ 1 ii J 4 J E 7 8 ,~ 1 ~~ 11 1~ la 14 15 16 17 18 1 '3 ~~+ ~1 LG 13 ':'4 L-J time. JUDGE HENNEt:;E: One c+f things I'd li4:e to say is that if we lc.c+k: into this E;ind c.f purchase fr_.r r_c+nstables, I thint< that we need tc+ have same hard, verified statistics as t+~ the use c.f the vehicle. Number c+f calls respc+nded tc+, number ...f warrants served, number c.f civil prr_~cess served. C:OMMISSIONE~' LETZ: Speeding ticF:ets. JUDGE HENNEF:::E: Speeding t i c t::et s, pr i sc +ner s transported, .juveniles transported. I thinF:: if we're going to step up to this t:ind of a -•- c+f a level, that we need to have somethinU that we can ~tatie t~~ the vr_+ters and say, "hiere's what yc+u're getting for your me+ney." The c+ther thing I'd say is that if we were tc+ cc+nsider providing vehicles and equipment, we might also have to consider an adjustment -- negative adjustment in the actual dollar compensation, sc+ that we cic+n't end up blowing the budget on both ends. E+ecause, as Jonathan painted out, it was a salary increase done over the last several years in lieu ~~f vehicle. If we're going tc+ prc.vide a vehicle, we may have to relc+q F, the salary structure, as well. +=OMMISSIONE>'' HALDWIN: Sc+me c+f these other cc.unties that dr_+ prc+vide autamc+biles, they pay very, very, very Ir_+w salaries. JUDGE HENNEk;E: Randera pays about ~E, ~++:>O. They do provide a vehicle, but the salary is about ~S,i_+i+~>. Sc+, I 15E, i 3 .~ 5 6 7 8 ,j 1 i_i 11 1~ 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 '~C ~ '1 i i 23 '~~ 5 thinE, if we're going t... get intc~ that at budget time, we're going t.. need to 1ooF: at bath the use of the vehicle fc~r Gc~i_inty purposes, ver i f ieci use, as well as the ~ ~veral l cr_,mpensation, taking into consideration that we're providing a vehicle. C:OMMISSIONEF' LETZ: I agree. Mfg. WILLIAMS: pan I say one thing, Judge, since I'm not thrr_,ugh':' If y'all do that, remember one thing; that I work: this .job --- I'm cm duty ~4 hours a day, 365 days a year. All right'' JUDUE HENNEF-::E: As we all are. MF,'. WILL.IAMS: And understand that most c.f those c,•_~ns~tables over in Erandera ~_ounty dr. not patrol. They serve civil process and serve warrants, period. And when you do that, remember that y~~u're .jec~pardi~ing the people in my precinct that I gc~ out for. There's no way I can go r_,ut and back: up the Sheriff's Department and dc. the .jnb that I do for ~6, OUC> a year . JUDUE HENNEk.E: Well -- MR, WILLIAMS: Dl::ay-' And I care tell you right nc~w, and I'll be through, it costs me a whole lc~t more than ~S,C~C>C> a year tc~ keep myself going, ,just in expenses. I F:now we d~~n't have time -- it's time tr. gc~ home, but I have family that live with me that watr_h what I do. Dk:ay. And I know we're cut o~P time, oE:ay. 157 1 .i 3 4 5 6 7 8 ,~ 1 i_~ 11 ii 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 •~i i ~1 i. L •y n ' ~l i iJ 3UD~.~E HENNEk:E: I don't disagree with anything yc~u say. We have an obligation to keep a budget within reasonable parameters. We also have an obligation tc. maFte sure that a vehir_le provided at i:ounty expense is used appropriately, and for County purposes. MF,'. WILLIAMS: I agree with you. ~=OMMIS510NEF,' E~ALDWIN: I have vne final question. The ccrostable said that Mr. Lets maF~es ~28,i_~i~i_a a year. 1 want to F:now why he maF;es sc. much more than I dc.. Hc~w did that happen:' tLaughter:> MP... WILLIAMS: I've gnt it right here, L-~uster; it's your C:ommissianers Court budget right here. JUD~3E HENNEK:E: I am aware of no reason for an Executive Session this evening. Therefore, without any c~b.jection, we stand ad.j~_+urned at three minutes after 1~~:~~t~. ThanW you all. c:C:r_,mmissic~ners Court adjourned at i~~:i_~3 p.m. ) 1 158 r" /~'~ 1 3 4 J 6 7 8 9 1~~ 11 i :~ 13 14 15 1E 17 18 1~ •~i ~ '~ 1 .ti iJ <'i .~ J STATE OF TEXAS i_OUNTY OF k~::EF:F: The above and fc~regc~ing is a true and ~=~~mplete transcripti~~n of my stenotype notes tak::en in my capacity as ~=aunty Clerk: ~~f the ~=:commissioners Court c.f k::err County, Texas, at the time and place heretofore set fcrrth. DATED at k:errville, Texas, this 3i_~th day c.f March, ir~9'3. JANhJETT F'IQEF~'EF:, C:c~unty ~=1erk~ EsY: fn~~~iu_ ~vr~ k~::athy nik:, Deputy County C:lerka Certified Shorthand (;'epc~rter