COMMISSIONERS' COURT AGENDA REQUEST PLEASE F[JRNISH ONE ORIGINAL AND NINE COPIES OF THIS REQUEST AND DOCUMENTS TO BE REVIEWED BY THE COURT. MADE BY: Larr~Griffm MEETING DATE: Ma~24. 1999 SUBJECT: (PLEASE BE SPECIFIC) OFFICE: Commissioner, Precinct 4 TIME PREFERRED: Consider and discuss acquiring a flagpole and flags for the Ingram Courthouse Annex building. EXECUTIVE SESSION REQUESTED: (PLEASE STATE REASON) NAME OF PERSON ADDRESSING THE COURT: ESTIMATED LENGTH OF PRESENTATION: IF PERSONNEL MATTER -NAME OF EMPLOYEE: Commissioner Griffin 15 minutes Time for submitting this request for Court to assure that the matter is posted in accordance with Title 5, Chapter 551 and 552, Government Code, is as follows: Meeting scheduled for Mondays: THIS REQUEST RECEIVED BY: THIS REQUEST RECEIVED ON: 5:00 P.M. previous Tuesday. All Agenda Requests will be screened by the County Judge's Office to determine if adequate information has been prepazed for the Court's formal consideration and action at time of Court Meetings. Your cooperation will be appreciated and contribute towazds you request being addressed at the eazliest opportunity. See Agenda Request Rules Adopted by Commissioners' Court. C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\Backup 02.jpg (local) The American Legion Na1COUNTRYPOSTp 32t lM OAK ui6MN, TOMS 7aat5 hW CaaitrY Post e84 b a9anaore9 a OroVm stn wti reetal h a mar dtrPtay a Amwkart Ilps ty tln a~aflae6 peoph h ~ tMa P~~ tllat a• fkrnb ~ bl4eleae% ti qw dtY dleplsY s Mp an the tOeOtM(fp >pegaf Daotasa days Oed1 yar. riewrsrsoar M.~tojt9tyeratday Pramdansf,)ay Meatoar Dp Free Qar ~. a.v flakbrao osaron Day labor Day ~~ Day Veterans Day Heart Haebar py Ttaa prgect ros been eWwsed b/ t>om tte Gly d fnQam and the wax KM Cou±ly Chembar a Cartnrern6 To make ittk propr+rt work M aek aroi you pIR tttdmt OOraka» h aaa proQam drat vre bdbve wN ktmet a epra a paortoesm kt a a ua arq ewyona petserg !!reap! our town INS propose Bra tatbwkap b yet: Fat rMw nrar, Yaw owwrlbutlat oT 525.00. wg trw u mace a 1tp x411 faadtet h a Pnf~a kacatlon ~ eta kptt a yea psae a buehesa uvsw oho praade a wrward s X S aeg thakwaaau put ep h ate rmnarg sad trte Gown h eta wentq m wm a tna bro menaaaed days aterq the year. Phase opapleb Ifte aaaCnoa bma and rsM Osrlr bour Pear. IMlktp of dda program far raaw nlartthara bept40n Memortat Day. May 2S. 1998 Wilt a 9ryar dmplay d flaps„ rgrm h order b D~Paa wa ask nse you aoniptaae end faun no soar wren nark !tan eta aaxltad ercoerreraionn abnp wi8+ yar cbeac to cover ets trot yer res. qur maanars wu iben oantaa you b anaraga tr dta rshlaibrf a tt+a stag ahtr brarXet Ttte naps end arena vas oe cerarasy akx4d by Amerken t.egbn Peet A64. Tea tru yar taawg apvar. netOBl a tree nerewra sea and flapwah eta artodsedrg yearsteee aovaretp reyacsnss a bat aradbr aameped flaps kbnsya kn over wg e» used oy the !span to aw attgdtq sporupNalp dos toai Ingram t4pr Bcrtod adtaralia awards, vas Boy Smta eenataea, ®dys3rate. etc Correa! Tirms In tN program will a enargad f20.80, br BM yer ttterptp wen dte MsnaiW aY ~~Y• Pleaee oarilplele tae etrectrad brm and me9 beds b sax Pber. B/ the wsy. starer Sbu ~y muds br par8dpeanp h the program n wa tti89-t99B psrb6 wa ktok toeward ao Sbur rorrwd br a» uv~M ywer. A wWe partldpa90n by kgrem buak+eae peoph wortlnp wilh ua an tbh probdt b sneCipated. Rt: 3874892 Page 1 of 1