1 2 9 5 6 7 2 9 10 11 12 13 14 1F 1n 17 18 19 20 21 ?Z 23 24 25 ,.,. ~^ z 1 2 3 9 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1.6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 29 25 I N D E X November 8, 1999 Commissioners' Comments 2.llolbi.}'Announce committee members - Master Plan 2.~6/pR Proposed ground lease between City/County and Stephen T. Drane for airport hangar 2.8atr~- Grant funding - HCYEC l.lo~b/U3Pay Bills 1.3a(i/Late Bills 1.96/oSRead and approve minutes 1.5,20/obApprove and accept monthly reports PAGE 3 8 10 20 22 31 43 44 46 52 63 65 65 66 67 70 71 79 83 86 94 Crossing at Flat Rock bake Park 2.12/~gNominations - Kerr Central Appraisal District Board 2.19a4~b9Canvass proposed Constitutional Amendment election results 2.7 a~Billing options -- American Express cards 2.10a~}}Olpen bids for computers & related equipment, service & maintenance .v ab~ia 4.laf~ll~ Action taken on Executive Session matters - ' Draft Agreement with law firm o~bll~" Commissioners Court recessed )V ~ ~k~. f.or Use/Development of Hill Co~.intry Youth Exhibition Center (HCYEC) 2.1~6U9~evised Personnel Policy 2.2~j,(jy~lnsurance Renewal. Contract 2.3 ~Jp-y.R~Process for evaluation k restructuring of County employees' job classifications 2.6~U9~Furniture Plan bids / brick wall parapet cap aGo`75 2.40,~(~/o~Budget amendment - Constable Pct. 3 2.5o2v d/Going out for bids - Animal Control truck 2.9~6~07 Engineering/construction - Third Creek 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 9 10 11 12 13 19 15 ]6 17 18 19 20 21 c2 23 24 25 On Monday, November 8, 1999, a Regular Meeting of the Kerr County Commissioners Court was held in the Com,t,issieners Courtroom, Kerr. County Courthouse, Kerrville, Texas, and the following proceedings were had in open court: P R O C E E D I N G S JLfDGF., HENNEKE: It's 9 o'clock on Monday, November 8th, 1999, and we'll call to order this regular meeting of the Commissioners Court. If y'all will stand and join me in prayer, and then we will pledge allegiance to the United States. (Prayer and pledge of allegiance.) JUDGE HENNEKE: Thank you. At t},is time, if there's any citizen who wishes to address the Court on an item which is not on the agenda, they may come forward and do so. Do we have anyone in the audience who would like to address the Court on an item which is not li;~ted on the agenda? Ms. Nemec? MS. NEMEC: I'd just like to say yesterday I had the privilege of attending a regional competition ir; Austin, and it's a cheerleading and gymnastics competition, and there were several children from Kerrville that were there competing. It was Regis Gymnastics and Peggy Anne and Cece Jean Dance Studio, and they each had several different squads that were there. And, all. i:he Kerrville kids placed and got their bid for national, so Kerrville was very wet] 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 :? 1 22 23 24 25 represented, and I'm proud of them. JUDGF. HENNEKE: Is there anybody in particular that we know that was there? MS. NEMEr_; Oh, I have a daughter that was there. And Tommy Tomlinson -- our Auditor's daughter was there too, so it was a lot of fun. JUDGE HENNEKE: Thank you, Barbara. Is there anyone else who would like to address the Court o,~ an item not listed on the agenda? If not, we'll proceed to the Commissioners' comments. bet's start with Commissioner Baldwin this morning. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Yes, sir. I was one of those cheerleaders that was there. (Laughter.) MS. NEMEC: I thought I saw you t}-,ere. Your skirt was too short. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I knew you were going to comment. No, sir, I don't have any comments. I understand that there is a -- Wednesday is the birthday far the Marine Corps. I can't remember how many years, 212 years or -- COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: About that. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Something like that. A lot of celebrating round the Hill Country and all over the nation. And, that's about it, sir, except one other item. I'll he leaving in about 40 minutes for a funeral. One of my 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 "' 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 7Z 24 25 ._ F life-long friends, ware going to bury him this morning, and so I'll be stepping out for a little while. I don't think very long, but a little while. JUDGE IIENNEKE: Okay. We regret that. Bill? COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Couple things, Judge. Congratulations to Sonia Mousey, a Center Point High School student, who is the daughter of Elwood and Melody Nelson. She's a finalist in the Senior Division of the Young Writer's Cowboy Poetry Contest, ar;d we wish her well.. Secondly, I had the opportunity and the privilege to present, on Saturday night, the Kerr County Commissioners Court awards to all of the 9-H'ers at the annual awards ceremony which was out at the Ag Barn, and it was really a neat evening. A lot of good-looking young folks who worked very hard in their 9-H programs to achieve, and I want to extend my congratulations to each of them, as I did Saturday on behalf of the Court. JUDGE HENNEKE: Very good. Jonathan? COMMISSIONER LET7,: A couple of comments. One, congratulations to both the Kerrville Tivy Antlers and the Comfort Aobcats for winning District. Comfort is currently ranked 7th in the state, and I think in the last -- I think they've had an undefeated season the last two years. Their record's pretty phenomenal. And, also, I think -- I can't remember his first name -- Guy Syfert's son is the sixth student -- or high school student ever to pass 6,000 yards 6 1 2 3 9 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22_ 23 24 25 rushing in a high school career, which is an amazing accomplishment. That's all classes of high school football players. And, the other item I would like to bring up is, anyone who's not been down to Flat Rock Park recently should make a trip down there. There's -- a lot has changed. The old part of the park is pretty much completed from the standpoint of dirt moving and road construction and things of that nature. The guardrails are currently being installed. And, in that regard, I'd like to thank our Road and Bridge Department and Len Odom. They spent a tremendous amount of time. I think, based on the monthly report, they put in about 361 hours, not including Len Odom's supervisory time, in construction out there, and that's something that's really not a budgeted item. They don't get any compensation for doing it; they're just doing it as they can and doing all of. their. other projects at the same time, so they should be recognized for that. They also spent a great deal of time at the Ag Barn; Len supervised a lot of man hours seal-coating that parking lot. That's another area that they really don't get any credit for, their -- their labor they put in. The materials certainly are budgeted, but there's not a separate budgeted item or line item for their time, which takes them away from their other duties. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 19 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 27 23 24 25 JUDGE HENNEKE: Good. Commissioner Griffin? COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: I wanted to add my -- Jonathan stole my thunder, but congratulations to the two football teams for making District. That's a great accomplishment, and particularly in the case of the two seasons in a row, now. Such excellence is to be rewarded. It's good to know that they're winning football teams that won this week. COMMISSIONER LETZ: The Longhorns won. COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: That -- JUDGE HENNEKE: Sooners won. COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Yeah. Thank you, Judge. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Now you know what it feels like from the Bears' standpoint. Get pounced on every week. COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: That's all. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: That's enough, isn't it? JUDGE HEN2dEKE: Well, the Judge has no comments this morning, so we'll proceed to the agenda. Buster, in light of your imminent departure, do you want to do the Master Plan at the Ag Barn first so you can announce your appointee? COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: C.Prtainly, I'd be happy to. JUDGE HENNEKE: We can do that very quickly. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: We have quite a bit of time. JUDGE HENNEKE: Do we? 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 19 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 29 25 COMMISSIONER AALDWIN: Yes, sir. 2°m going to leave at 20 minutes until 10:00. JUDGE HENNEKE: Okay. Well, let's just take a minute; let's go ahead and do Item 2.11, which is to announce the committee members of the Master Plan far use/development of the Hill Country Youth F,xhibition Center. Just to remind everyone, we set up a committee at the last meeting composed of Commissioner Letz and Commissioner Williams as co-chairs, and with Eddie Holland, Laurinda Boyd, and Glenn Holekamp as staff, and a representative from the Kerrville Convention & Visitor's Bureau, the Hill Country Junior Livestock District, the various horse interests, an appointee from each of the Commissioners, an appointee from myself, and an appointee from the City of Kerrville. The City of Kerrville has designated Mindy Wendele in the interim to be their representative, and the Convention ~ Visitor's Bureau has designated Sudie Burditt to be their representative. Hill Country Junior Livestock District Association has designated F,rnie Kaiser as their representative, and the representative for the various horse interests in the County will be Rusty Henderson. Commissioner Baldwin, who have you chosen? COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I have r}rosen t}ie Future Farmers of America teacher at Tivy High School.. His name is Kenneth Kensing, K--e-n-s-i-n-g. Ken is very, very active out I 2 3 9 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 19 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 there, has been for many years, and knows the insides and outsides of the -- of the facility, and very active and has a personal relationship with that facility out there. JUDGE HENNEKE,: Excellent. Bill? COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: I'd like to appoint Bernard Bruns, Bernie Bruns, who a lot of. people know from his many involvements in Kerr County. He's an engineer and he's had a lot of experience in terms of planning. JUDGE HENNEKE: Jonathan? COMMISSIONER LET7.: I'd like to appoint Donald Gray. He has several young kids in the program. He's very involved out there and has been for a number of years. His family's been very much involved with that facility since its inception. JUDGE HENNEKE: Larry? COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: The appointee that I have approached, who I think will answer positively, will not be back in town till. this moxniny. If I could wait until this afternoon, I just want to make sure that he's signed up. It's someone who is very familiar to the -- JUDGE HENNEKE: Suxe. COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: -- to that community. JUDGE HENNEKE: My appointee is, likewise, someone who's very familiar with the facility. Sally Thompson, who'=, co-owner of the Diamond T Stables and has two daughters in 10 1 2 3 9 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 19 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 the 9-H program, and also does various pony shows and exhibitions out there. So, that's our committee. Bill and Jonathan, it's up to you guys to get them together and go to work. I think it's going to be a good exercise. COMMISSIONER LETZ: Once we get Larry's name. JUDGE HENNEKE: Okay, good. We'll go back. The County Auditor is unavoidably absent; he's dealing with computer problems in the County Clerk's office, I believe. And, for that reason, I think we will delay the approval agenda until Tommy can be with us, and proceed directly to the consideration agenda. Item 2.1, consider and discuss adopting Revised Personnel Policy. County Treasurer. MS. NEMEC: I think each of you got copies of the proposed changes in the Personnel Policy. And, these were recommendations made from Texas Association of Counties and then just different issues that we had dealt with throughout the year since our policy had been in place that I felt would work better, or there were some policies in place that really weren't being adhered to and really no reason to, so those were deleted. And then I passed those on to t}ie Judge when I recommended them, and he looked over them and made his recommendations, and then this is what we came up with. So, this is what we propose. JUDGE HENNEKE: We circulated this to all of the elected officials and department heads and, to my knowledge, 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 29 25 Iwe didn't get any significant comments or suggestions, did we? MS. NEMEC: I didn"t receive any. JUDGE HENNEKE: All. right. COMMISSIONER BAhDWIN: I've got a couple of questions, if you don't mind. MS. NEMEC: Okay. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: The very first page, Gifts, 3.09. It says in -- in our proposed that we will not accept gifts from contractors or any of these other folks having business dealings with the County, except for minor items as part of the advertising of the their business. To me -- and I'm not debating this. Just -- it's a little unclear to me. A gift is a gift, to me, whether it's a gold watch and a dead turkey, or if it is a cap with a logo on it. I mean, why would -- why would we say no -- I mean, a gift is a gift. MS. NEMEC: Well, there's times -- like, Texas Association of Counties brings us calendars or pens and things like that. That's what this is referring to. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Advertising-type? MS. NF,MEC: It's office supplies, more or less, mm-hmm. Or -- COMMISSIONER AALDWIN: I'm sure the State law speaks to to that. I mean, it's probably pretty clear. Fine with me. 1Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 19 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Z3 29 25 COMMISSIONER LETZ: It .seems -- nn the "minor" portion, I don't know if that is a -- you know, we should put a dollar figure here, I mean, 'cause "minor" can be -- minor to me may be different than minor. to somebody else. I think it depends on, you know, what you're doing, and I think if you put a monetary value of $10 or less, something like that, it would prevent any abuse here. I don't know, just an idea. I don't know what the -- you know -- COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I've always thought the law said that you cannot accept a gift. Now, is a gift more than a $10 item' COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: 1 know the State has -- the State has a $5 limit. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Five dollars, okay. COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: If it hasn't changed in the last couple years, they have a $5 limit. They just. defined the minor gift as $5 or less. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Which really gets the cups or },ats or things of that nature. COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Cups, caps, and calendars and pens. COMMISSIONER LETZ: But just -- 7 mean -- JUDGE HENNEKE: Well, do we want to add to that, "items with a value not greater than $5 per item"? COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Sure. 13 1 2 3 9 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 JUDGE HENNEKE: Barbara? MS. NEMEC: Okay, that will work. JUDGE HENNEKE: Jonathan? COMMISSIONER LETZ: That's fine. Just --- you know, it clears it up as to what minor is. COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Right. (Discussion off the record.) JUDGE HENNEKE: Any other questions? COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: I had a couple. I meant to get them to Barbara in advance, but I got a couple language things. But, particularly, 6.01, under the proposed -- it was in the other as well, but under the proposed -- well., first of all, in all. the instances where the language says "he or she," can we get to a gender-neutr-al - can we get to gender--neutral, like, "such employee," for example. And, that's in 6.0]. I get perplexed by "he or she" or "his or hers" and this and that when we cot-tld go gender-neutral. But, the real. question is -- JUDGE HENNEKE: Are you volunteering to go through the whole policy and make all those changes? COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: I wasn't really, but -- JUDGE HENNEKE: Otherwise, you'll need to stand to be contused a little bit. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: We can change to it "'y'all." COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: That will work. Under ]9 1 2 3 9 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 29 25 proposed 6.01, Barbara? MS. NEMEC: Mm-hmm? COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: The last sentence, proposed, "Regular part-time employee should be paid out of a part-time line item," so forth and so on. My question is, is this really pertinent to the employee handbook? It seems to me to be more relevant to the department head or the supervisor as to how an employee's paid. I don't_ know that the employee particularly cares that his money or her money comes from a particular line item and if it's not paid -- if it's part-time and so forth and so on. You understand my point? I think that's -- I question whether it's relevant in this context. COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: You're talking about on Page 15, right, 6.01? COMMISSIONER WIL,LIAMS: Yes. COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Last sentence. JUDGE HENNEKE: Last sentence, regular part-time employees. COMMISSIONER WILI,IAMS: This is a personnel handbook. MS. NEMECa Well, this -- this is also for the use of the department heads. They refer back to this whenever they hire employees or -- or pay them or explain their benefits or just to see what can be done with each employee. 15 1 2 3 9 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21. 22 23 24 25 They refer back to this book to see what's in the policy that allows them to do whatever. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: That explains it. That's fine. JUDGE HENNEKE: Anything else? COMMISSIONER LETZ: I have just one and, you know, it's kind of alluded to a lot. On the first page under -- Paye 9, I'm sorry. Page 9 talks about, you know, the work week and hours that people, you know, work. I didn't see anywhere that specifically says full-time employees are expected to work 40-hour work weeks. And, I think that -- you know, I see it and it's kind of talked around that a lot. And, I was lust wondering -- I mean, it's -- I don't know. I've had a couple of occasions -- not to name any names -- when I've been trying to find people at certain times and they're gone, and I just think that needs to be clear, that people -- I know that each elected official has a certain amount of discretion in that area, but at the same time, based on the budget, 7 think all full-time employees are basically working -- you know, outside elected officials. MS. NEMEC: That language is under a different section of the policy, and it states that if you do not work a 90-hour work week, then your pay will be adjusted to such. COMMISSIONER LETZ: Okay. All right, that's taken care of. ). 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 19 15 15 17 18 19 20 27. 22 23 24 25 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Judge, I still have a couple questions. JUDGE HENNEKE: Yes? COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Let's see. I guess Page -- it says 28-29; I guess it's Page 29. Family Leave/Medical Leave program. (Discussion off the record.) COMMISSIONER AALDWIN: And then when it says 28 and 29, then you turn a page, and about halfway down it says, "Serious health condition of a spouse, child, ox parent shall be defined as a health condition which requires inpatient care at a hospital., hospice, or residential care medical facility, or a condition which requires continuing care by a licensed health care provider." What about in their personal home? MS. NEMF.C: This is taken strictly from the federal 1.s w; the language is taken strictly from there. We are not allowed to take any benefit or -- or wording out of this or add any to it. So, if it does not state that -- JUDGE HENNEKE: Rust.ex, I think that would be covered under the licensed -- COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Well, that was my question. MS. NEMEC: -- residential care. JUDGF, HENNEKE: Continuing care by licensed health care provider. If someone's at home and they have to have, 17 1 2 3 9 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 29 25 you know, nursing home -- that would he Licensed care. That would certainly cover that. CGMMISSIONER BALDWIN: All right. Again, 1 don't have the page number. Go back a whole bunch of pages, .07 -- let's see, 12.07. Let's see if I can find the page number nearby. No. "Testing Procedures." And, I think this is talking about drug testing. First of all, I assume that we're talking about all County employees, not just Road and Bridge and not just law enforcement people? MS. NEMEC: That's correct. That would be random testing, mm-hmm. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Okay. And, about -- under Testing Procedures, down at the lower part of the page, about halfway through the first large paragraph, "The Personnel Officer will employ a certified Breath Alcohol Technician..." Now, how do you pay for that? Is that -- dial we budget that? How much do they cost? Do we have them in Kerrville? Et cetera, so forth and so on. MS. NEMEC: We have them in Kerrville, and Road and Bridge and Adult Probation have more information on who they are and how much they charge and all that. We have not budgeted for that. This is something that, in the years past, that we've been wanting to put in the policy and just have not. I saw this as the beginning of being able to start this procedure if we would just get it implemented in the la 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 19 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 policy and then begin the work nn who will. be doing it and how much it will cost, and then we can start budgeting for it in the next budget. COMMISSIONER BAI,DWIN: Thank you. That's all. JUDGE HENNEKE: Anyone else? I think its a worthwhile exercise. COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Yes. JUDGE HENNEKE: A lot of time and effort's gone into it. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Sure has. MS. NEMEC: We also discussed during the budget workshops to -- and I don't think that it was done -- to budget some money for the new personnel books. And, I don't know if -- if that was done or not. I don't think so. But, once I get this incorporated into the policy, itself, I'll get bids on how much it's going to be and see what we can do about that, 'cause we are down to about 10 or 15 books. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Is your current book one that's stapled together and so forth? MS. NEMEC: It's -- it's actually a -- about -- yeah, this. (indicating) It's not stapled, it's just all -- COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Glued. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Loose-leaf, so you can plat new pages in it? COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: No. 19 1 2 3 9 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 19 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 29 25 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: I would suggest do a spiral binder so that you can substitute pages and so forth. COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Any document -- I would say that any document, Subdivision Rules and Regulations, Personnel Policies, Procurement Procedures, all of those documents need to he in a loose-leaf, three-ring binder where they can be -- where they can have page changes made to them, remove this page and insert this page. MS. NEMEC: Is that how you would like for me to request the bid to come in? Because we're going to have, like, 300 books. That -- that would be the best. It's going to be a little costly, but if that's what you want the to look at, I will. COMMISSIONER C,RIFFIN: Three-ring with the holes punched. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: You're talkir,y about this kind of binder or a spiral binder? COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: This kind, three-ring. Three-ring binder with the holes punched. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Judge, I move we adopt the Revised Personnel Policy. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: I'll second. JUDGE HENNEKE: Moved by Commissioner Baldwin, seconded by Commissioner Williams, that the Court adapt the Revised Personnel Policy as presented and amended. Any 20 .-. 1 2 3 9 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ^ 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 further discussion? If not, all in favor, raise your right hand. (The motion was carried by unanimous vote.) JUDGE HENNEKE: All opposed, same sign. (No response.) JUDGE HENNEKE: Motion carries. MS. NEMEC: Thank you. JUDGE HENNEKE: Let's go on to Item No. 2, which is consider and discuss authorizing County Judge to sign the insurance renewal contract. MS. NEMEC: This is the contract that was presented to you when the insurance representatives came and gave us an explanation of our benefits and what the proposed rates would be for this next coming year. They did not present this contract at that time; they were waiting for some other figures to come in to see if -- if they could come in below these figures, but all the other figures that came in were higher than this. So, this is, in essence, the contract that was approved a couple of months ago, and we just need the Judge's signature on it. JUDGF. HENNEKE: And this is the 19-month extension of the health insurance; is that correct? MS. NEMEC: No. (Discussion off the record.) MS. NEMEC: I'll let him take over. 21 1 2 3 9 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 19 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 29 25 MR. FINLEY: Yes, si_r? JUDGE HENNEKE: Come up and introduce yourself for the record. MR. FINLEY: I'm Curtis Finley with Bryan Finley and Associates. Ray Bothwell should be here shortly. He had understood the meeting was tomorrow, and I caught him in route to San Antonio. This is a 14-month contract. It will take us to January 1 of -- 2001? Yeah, the year 2001, as y'all requested. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: That's right. JUDGE HENNEKE: Any questions? COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I move that we authorize the County Judge to sign the insurance renewal contract. COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Second. JUDGE HENNEKE: Move~7 by Commissioner Baldwin, seconded by Commissioner Griffin, that the Court authorize the County Judge to sign the insurance renewal contract with TransAmerica Life Insurance Annuity Company, expiration date January 1, 2001. Any further discussion? If not, all in favor, raise your right hand. (The motion was- carried by unanimous vote.) JUDGE HENNEKE: All opposed, same sign. (No response.) JUDGE HENNEKE: Motion carries. Thank you, Curtis. MR. FINLEY: Thank you. 27. 1 2 3 9 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 19 15 16 17 18 ]9 ZO 21 22 23 29 25 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Tell Mr. Rothwell to continue on. MR. FINLEY: Yeah, I will. COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Do a 180 again. JIJDGE HENNEKE: Next item on the ayenda is Item No. 3, which is consider and discuss the schedule and process for the evaluation and restructuring of the County employees' job classifications and salary tables in time to support the development of the Fiscal Year 2001 budget. Commissioner Griffin. COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Yes. I put this on the ayenda because I think we need to start now to plan out how we're going to approach this this year, in that January/ February is going to bear down on us very quickly. We've got to have something going in this area to be able to support next year's budget process, because that is probably one of the biggest drivers we have, of course, in the budget. I've changed my thinking a little bit on it. I'm not sure, frankly, that we can rely on Texas Association of Counties' help in some of our own in-kind work, to be able to bang this thing out in that kind of time frame. And I see it as one of those things that may filter down where, you know, we've got a panic to support the budget and we sort of slap-dash something together with the Commissioner -- and I hesitate to raise my hand -- being put in charge of going to 23 1 2 3 9 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 19 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 do that. i have changed my thinking on that. And, maybe we need to consider consultants or some other process, but I think we need to talk that out and decide what we're going to do, and that's the reason I wanted to kick this around in Court while all of us were here, because I think we need to come up with a "maybe" on how we're going to do it. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: The County has used two different -- Allison -- no, I'm sorry about the names. This County has used two different consultants in the past, haven't they? One of them being somebody by the name of Allison -- MS. UF,CKER: Ray and Associates. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Ray and Associates. MS. UECKER: Allison and Hall from Austin. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Okay. And actually, Commissioner, I agree with you and I think that's a proper way to go about it. COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Okay. And I think that maybe what we need to do is -- is if we can identify potential consultants, for example, i.s try to get some quotes for help and -- and let them know what we want to do, what we're trying to accomplish. We can throw in any of the discussion that we've had before, but I would -- I just think we need to get going on this as quickly as we can. And, so, r 1 2 3 9 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 29 7.5 24 who would like to make those contacts to -- perhaps to get a consultant or consultants in to talk about the scope of the effort? That's -- that's question number one. Somebody -- COMMISSIONER LETZ: Barbara and Tommy, to me, would be a logical choice, but Barbara walked out when we got to this topic. COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Okay. But, at any rate -- well, I'll he glad to take it as an action item to go coordinate that with them and get this ball rolling, but I think that sort of dropping this on one of -- any one of us, seriously -- COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I agree. COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: -- to go do that is going to be a significant effort. JUDGE HENNEKE: Let's understand what we're doing. We asked each of the department heads to redo their lob classifications, so that has to be the place that we start. COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Right. JUDGE HFNNF.KE: So, we're going to have -- your thinking is to have a consultant come in to start with those redone classifications, visit with the department heads, and then refine or create classifications in a uniform system whir_h we could then, on their recommendation, add numbers to? COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Right, something like that. Now, I'rn not hung up on that part, but that is a -- that's ..,. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 19 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 not a bad outline. I think that's -- JI7DGE HENNEKE: The point I want to make is we're going to start with what our elected officials have already done. COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Yes. JUDGE HENNEKE: And then the process, however it's done, will be done in consultation with them. COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Absolutely. JUDGE HENNEKE: They're the ones who -- COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: I see one or more workshops with the consultant, wit}r the people there, where we can bang through. That's the reason I think we need to get started quickly, because we may want to iterate that a number of times. And, to be able to support our budget process, we need to have those decisions sort of worked -- pretty much finalized before we start into the budget process. JUDGE HENNEKE: So, really, what we're doing -- it's the same process we committed ourselves to, but we're adding a consultant for their expertise. COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Yes, and for the -- COMMISSIONER LETZ: Coordination. COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: -- work of putting all of that together and knowing the right questions to ask at the workshops and bang those things out, argue, discuss, whatever we have to do. 1 7. -, 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1.6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 29 25 .-. 26 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: So, we need to put out an R.F.P. for some consultants to -- f.or this proposal., correct:? COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Yes, and we probably need to -- we probably need to get the best thinking we can together on what do we want that consultant to i9o. And, the Judge has just outlined pretty much what that process will be, but then we're going to have to define a little bit further. That may require meeting with them, with those that we invite to bid. JUDGE HENNEKE: Go. COMMISSIONER LETZ: I think the other part of it is, I think that we need to -- I mean, I think we need to -- this can get to be pretty costly. We need to pretty much narrow down -- this part is done. The other thing we need to do, we spent a lot of time in the County in the past several years on figuring out what we want to be compared to, from the standpoint of do we consider similar counties? If we're going to, then I think the Court's going to have to make some decision if we want to look at the private sector in the -- in the area as to what we want to try to be comparable to or not, or just governmental entities or other counties only. I think that's important, 'cause that's variable and will greatly change the outcome, and that's a philusuphical decision that we're going to have to make, what we're going to compare to. And, I t=hink that's something that we need to have that decided before we bring the consultant on board as 27 1 2 3 9 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 19 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 to what we're trying to do, and then narrow their focus as much as possible to coordinating the information that, you know, the elected officials gave in kind of the last year, along with the direction of the Court as to where we're trying to go with our salary structure. COMMISSIONER GRIFFIN: Yes, that's exactly right. One of the other things that I think -- an underlying thing here that we would like to have come out of this exercise is, how do you build a r_ontinuin