ORDER NO. ~E14~4 LRTE BILL/ISSUE HRNDCHECI'~ FRED HENNEKE (INVOICE #~911~5/CONFERENCE REIMBURSEMENT) On this the 8th day of November- 1999, upon motion made 6y Commissioner^ Let z, seconded 6y Commissioner^ Griffin, the Cour^t unanimously approved 6y a vote of 3-0-0, issuing a handcheck in the amo~.~nt of 5157.6E to Fr^ed Henneke far^ r^eimb~_~rsement of Juvenile Judge Conference expenses on 11/~D1/~~. •~~~~~ ............................a ~_~~ ..............................1 I FOR AUDITOR'S OFFICE USE ONLY I • Y 2614 VENDOR # INVOICE # PAID TO: FRED HENNEKE AMOURT: $157.66 EXPENSE CODE• 10.426.485 DESCRZPTIOR reim for Juv Judge conference on 11/1/99 Inv. No. 991105/conf reimb Inv. Date 11/5/99 Date Aec'd 11/3/99 Date Paid 11/8/99 ( PLEASE PAY AS A LATE BILL ON 11/8/99)