Order no. 26872 APPROVE ANNUAL ACCOUNTS AND STATUS OF INVESTMENTS TEXAS PROBATE CODE On this the 12th day of February 2001, upon motion made by commissioner Griffin, seconded by Commissioner Baldwin, the Court unanimously approved by a vote of 4-0-, to accept the Annual Accounts and Status of Investments pursuant to the provisions of the Texas Probate Code 887(b), County clerk's Office COMMISSIONERS' COURT AGENDA REQUEST MADE BY: Jannett Pieper MEETING DATE: February 12.2001 SUBJECT: (Please Be Specific) OFFICE: County Clerk TIME PREFERRED: AM Approve the annual accounts and status of investments pursuant to the provisions of the Texas Frobate Code 887(b). EXECUTIVE 5ESSION REQUESTED: (PLEASE STATE REASON): NAME OF PERSON ADDRESSING COURT: Jannett Pieper ESTIMATED LENGTH OF PRESENTATION: 5 minutes IF PERSONNEL MATTER -NAME OF EMPLOYEE Time for submitting this request for Court to assure that the matter is posted in accordance with Title 5, Chapter 551 and 552, Government Code, is as follows: Meeting schedule for Mondays: 5:00 P.M. previous Tuesday THIS REQUEST RECEIVED BY: THIS REQUEST RECEIVED ON: @ JANNETT' F'IEF'Ek COUNTY CLEkK N.Ekk C;OUN'rY KEI:kV'ILLE, 'rX 7$02$ JRNUARY 25, 2001 ACCCIUN'r N0. L'I) 06011 CUf>TOMEk N0. 40060].1--10 IN THE I`1A'r'T'EF2 OF FANL'Y J_EE SHELT'ON, R hIINOk JANNETT PIEF'Ek, COUNTY L'LEk!( ANNUAL ACCOUNT 01=' COURT' FiEGISTkY JANNETT F'IEF'ERy COUNTY CLEkY. Of" N.EI" DF THE TEXAS PROBRTE CODE: 1. The amount of the original investment on 08-03-1994 was f10,^c09.10 2. The amount of the investment at the last annual report was f12,224.21 3. Interest paid to the account to date is (430.97 4. Total balance of the investment to date is S 12, 655. 18 5. The name of the depository is Security State Bank B Trust, P. O. Box 471, Fredericksburg, Texas, 78624 6. The type of this investment is an interest bearin4 Money Market Account The undersigned requests the Court to herein approve this Annual Recount and enter such other or-ders as may be proper. Respectfully submitted, JRNNETT PIEPER KERR COUNTY CLERK BY: SAMMIE A. TUCK, DEPUTY JRNNETT PIEPER COUNTY CLERK KERR COUNTY KERRVILLE, TX 78028 (83@) 792-^c255 JANUARY 29. ^cQ~Q~1 ACCOUNT N0. CD 0E029 CUSTOMER N0. 40GE,029-10 IN THE MATTER OF GABRIELLE BAKER, A MINOR JRNNETT PIEPER, COUNTY CLERK. ANNUAL ACCOUNT OF COURT REGISTRY JRNNETT PIEPER, COUNTY CLERK OF KERR COUNTY, PRESENTS THIS EXHIBIT PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE 887 (P) OF THE TEXRS PROBRTE CODE: 1. The amount of the original investment on Q~3-31-2400 was S1E„ 39^c. 95 2. The amount of the investment at the last annual report was E. 00 3. Interest paid to the account to date is f739. 53 4. Total balance of the investment to date is 517, 132.48 5. The name of the d epository is BANK OF THE HILLS, P. 0. SOX 2002, KERRVILLE, TEXRS 78029-2002 6. The type of this investment is A FIVE YEAR CERTIFICRTE OF DEPOSIT The undersigned requests the Court to herein approve this Rnnual Account and enter- such other- orders as may be proper. Respectfully submitted, JANNET'f PIEPER KERR•COUNTY CLERF{ BY:' SAMMxE A. TUCK, `DEPUTY JRNNETT' F'IEF~'ER COUNTY CL_EF(Y. N.EFiFi L'OUN'T'Y KLF21':VILLE, TX 780£?fl (8'30) 792-2255 :1'ANUAF2Y 2.5, 2001 ACCOUNT" N(J. 2009.`':;20 CUSTOIWL-`Ft NG, 0c?00952000 III THE: IgAT'TEF2 OF' HEATHCR fiENAE ADAIhSON, A MITN(JFt JANNL--=TT F'IEF'Lli, COUNTY (:LEFiN. ANNUAL ACCOUN'T' Uf CGURT REGISTF.Y JRNNETT F'TEF'EFi, COUNTY CLEFiY. 01= Y.EFiR COUNTY, F'FtESE=1~IT5 THIS EXHIR:CT F'UFtSUANT TO THE F'FiOVISIONS OC= ARTICLE: 887 ($) OE' THE TEXA:i F'kOLiA'T'E L'C1T)E: 'l. The amount of the o•rigina'1 investment pn 08-08-2000 was 9>]., 2f,0.08 2. The amount pfi the investment at the last annua'1 repn•rt was x.00 3, Tnte•rest paid to the account to date is X7.95 4. Total balance of the investment to date is X1,268.03 5. The name ofi the depasito•ry is E 792-2255 JANUARY 25, 2@@1 RCCOUNT NO. 1@798@5 IN THE MRTTER OF ALEXANDRR COURTNEY SMALLWOOD, A MINOR JANNETT GIEPER, COUNTY CLERK. ANNURL RCCOUNT OF COURT REGISTRY JRNNETT PIEPER, COUNTY CLERK OF KERR COUNTY, PRESENTS THIS EXHIBIT PURSURNT TO THE PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE 887 (B) OF THE TEXRS PROBATE CODE: 1. The amount of the original investment on 12-16-1999 was E2,@@@.@@ 2. The amount of the investment at the last annual report was 2,@@1.48 3. Interest paid to the account to date is 896.38 4. Total balance of the investment to date is 83,646.65 5. The name of the depository is SECURITY STRTE BANK R TRUST, P. O. BOX 471, FREDERICKSBURG, TEXRS 78624 6. The type of investment is an INTEREST BEARING MONEY MRRKET RCCOUNT The undersigned requests the Court to herein approve this Annual Account and enter such other orders as may be proper. Respectfully submitted, JANNETT PIEPER KERR COUNTY CLERK Q ~_ BY: SAMMIE'A. TUCK, DEP4TY JANNETT PIEPER COUNTY CLERK KERR COUNTY KERRVILLE, TX 78028 (830) 792-2255 JANUARY 25, 2001 ACCOUNT NO. 1038843 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ROSA LINDA JURREZ, CLRUDIA MRRCEIMR JURREZ, VICTOR M JUAREZ JR, & JEROMY L JURREZ JRNNETT PIEPER, COUNTY CLERK. RNNURL ACCOUNT OF COURT REGISTRY JANNETT PIEPER, COUNTY CLERK OF KERR COUNTY, PRESENTS THIS EXHIBIT PURSUANT TO THE GROVISIONS OF ARTICLE 887 (B) OF THE TEXAS PROBATE CODE: 1. The amount of the original investment on 10-25-1993 was E5, 922. 00 2. The amount of the investment at the last annual report was E3,758.77 3. Interest paid to the account to date is E 162. 20 4. Total balance of the investment to date is E1,962.31 5. The name of the depository is SECURITY STRTE BRNK & TRUST, P. O. BOX 471, FREDERICKSBURG, TEXAS 78624 6. The type of investment is an INTEREST BERRING MONEY MRRKET ACCOUNT The undersigned requests the Court to herein approve this Annual Rccount and enter such other orders as may be proper. Respectfully submitted, JRNNETT PIEPER KERR COUNTY CLERK ~~~a ~_ BY: SAMMIE_.A. TUCK, DEPUTY JANNETT PIEPER COUNTY CLERK KERR COUNTY KERRVILLE, TX 78@28 (83@) 792-2255 JANUARY 25, 2@@1 ACCOUNT N0. 1@45459 IN THE MATTER OF RSHLEY MEISNER, A MINOR JRNNETT PIEPER, COUNTY CLERY. RNNUAL ACCOUNT OF COURT REGISTRY JRNNETT PIEPER, COUNTY CLER1'. OF KERR COUNTY, PRESENTS THIS EXHIBIT PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE 887 (P) OF THE TEXRS PROBATE CODE: 1. The amo~_int of the original investment on @1-3@-1996 was 51,5@@. 0@ 2. The amount of the investment at the last annual report was 81,61@. 39 3. Interest paid to the account to date is 529. 15 4. Total balance of the investment to date is 51, 639.54 5. The name of the depository is SECURITY STRTE BANK & TRUST, P. 0. BOX 471, FREDERICKSBURG, TEXRS 78624 6. The type of investment is an INTEREST BEARING MONEY MRRKET ACCOUNT The undersigned requests the Court to herein approve this Rnnual Account and enter such other orders as may be proper. Respectfully submitted, JANNETT PIEPER KERR COUNTY CLERK ~~Q_ ~~~ / BY: SRMMIE A. TUCK, DEPUTY JRNNETT PIEPER COUNTY CLERK KERR COUNTY KERRVILLE, TX 78028 (830) 792-2255 JANUARY 25, 2001 ACCOUNT N0. 106:,^c21 IN THE MATTER OF FELIX HERNANDEZ, R MINOR JRNNETT PIEPER, COUNTY CLERf~. ANNUAL ACCOUNT OF COURT REGISTRY JRNNETT PIEPER, COUNTY CLERK OF KERR COUNTY, PRESENTS THIS EXHIBIT PURSURNT TO THE PROVISIONS OF RRTICLE 887 (B) OF THE TEXAS PROBATE CODE: 1. The amount of the original investment on @1-1^c-1998 was $2,003.46 2. The amount of the investment at the last annual report was 52,069.95 3. Interest paid to the account to date is 537.48 4. Total balance of the investment to date is 52, 107. 43 5. The name of the depository is SECURITY STATE BRNK & TRUST, R. 0. BOX 471, FREDERICKSBURG, TEXAS 78624 6. The type of investment is an INTEREST BERRING MONEY MARKET ACCOUNT The undersigned requests the Court to herein approve this Annual Account and enter such other orders as may be proper. Respectfully submitted, JRNNETT PIEPER Y.ERR COUNTY CL/E/RK BY: SRMMIE'R. TUCK, ,,DEPUtY. JANNETT PIEPER COUNTY CLERK KERR COUNTY KERRVILLE, TX 78028 (830) 792-2255 JANUARY 25, 2x01 ACCOUNT N0. 1079482 IN THE MATTER OF TAYLOR HRRRELL, A MINOR JANNETT PIEPER, COUNTY CLERK RNNURL ACCOUNT OF COURT REGISTRY JANNETT PIEPER, COUNTY CLERK OF KERR COUNTY, PRESENTS THIS EXHIBIT PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF RRTICLE 887 (B) OF THE TEXRS PROBRTE CODE: 1. The amount of the original investment on 09-14-1999 was 89,312.08 2. The amount of the investment at the last annual report was 89, 403.33 3. Interest paid to the account to date is 8332.48 4, Total balance of the investment to date is 89,735.81 5. The name of the depository is SECURITY STATE BRNK & TRUST, P. 0. BOX 471, FREDERICKSBURG, TEXRS 78E24 E. The type of investment is an INTEREST BEARING MONEY MARKET ACCOUNT The undersigned requests the Court to herein approve this Rnnual Account and enter- such other orders as may be proper. Respectfully submitted, JANNETT PIEPER KERR COUNTY CLERK ussW-~ _'/~ BY ;,.SRMMIE A. TUCK, DEPUTY JANNETT PIEPER COUNTY CLERK KERR COUNTY I{ERRVILLE, TX 78@28 (83@) 792-2255 JANUARY 25, 2@@1 ACCOUNT N0. 1@68675 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTRTE OF ESTHA CRRTWRIGHT DAM S JANNETT PIEPER, COUNTY CLERI'. RNNURL ACCOUNT OF COURT REGISTRY JANNETT PIEPER, COUNTY CLERK OF KERR COUNTY, PRESENTS THIS EXHIBIT PURSURNT TO THE PROVISIONS OF RRTICLE 887 (B) OF THE TEXAS PRORATE CODE: 1. The amount of the original investment on @4-22-1998 was 87,158.44 2. The amount of the investment at the last annual report was f7, 573. 98 3. Inter^est paid to the account to date is 8267. 79 4. Total balance of the investment to date is E7, 841. 77 5. The name of the depository is SECURITY STRTE BANK 8 TRUST, P. 0. BOX 471, FREDERICKSBURG, TEXAS 78624 6. The type of investment is an INTEREST REARING MONEY MRRKET RCCOUNT The under^signed requests the Court to herein approve this Rnnual Rccount and enter such other orders as may be proper. Respectfully submitted, JANNETT PIEPER KER~JR%_COUNTY CL/ERK~~~ BY• SAMMIE A. TUCK, DEPUTY JRNNETT PIEPER COUNTY CLERK KERR COUNTY KERRVILLE, TX 78028 (830) 792-2255 JRNURRY 25, 2001 RCCOUNT N0. 1045178 CUSTOMER N0. 0104517800 IN THE MRTTER OF STEF'HRNIE NICOLE RDRMSON, R MINOR JRNNETT PIEPER, COUNTY CLERK. ANNUAL RCCOUNT OF COURT REGISTRY JRNNETT PIEPER, COUNTY CLERI'. OF KERR COUNTY, PRESENTS THIS EXHIPIT PURSURNT TO THE PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE 887 (B) OF THE TEXRS PROBATE CODE: 1. The amount of the original investment on 09-08-2000 was 516,600.34 2. The amount of the investment at the last annual r^e port was N/R (ACCT OGENED 09-08-2000) 3. Interest paid to the account to date is 5116.58 4. Total balance of the investment to date is 516,716.92 5. The name of the depository is BANK OF THE HILLS, P O BOX 2002, KERRVILLE, TEXRS 78029-2002 6. The type of investment is an INTEREST BERRING MONEY MARKET ACCOUNT The undersigned requests the Court to herein approve this Rnnual Account and enter such other orders as may be proper. Respectfully submitted, JRNNETT PIEPER KERR COUNTY CLERK ~2~ ~ Q. 7.~/L BY: SAMMIE R. TUCK, DEPUTY .IANNe_rr r'IF_J~~E::h. CUIJI~I'TY CL_E~FiK KE::FtF't CCJIJI~IT'Y N.I:~FtRVII._I_.L., 'T'X '%(1(~J~?ll (1:1.30) t"~fy-'C>GJJJ :1'AI~IL1f1FiY %'.'Ci, ii.'.000:)1. A(::C:(:)UI~I'F' ICI(:). :I.(i)G")•~+:I.il J.IV I NL. f`IA I ll~:ht lJF 11.1E:.Sllf-lY YL..uh21c.;:iy A PI :LI~IOR J f-tIVIVL_ I I E':LE_I-'E:.fi, 1a.11.11V I Y l.:L.lc.til'. f1NNURL. ACC;UUI~IT' qf' CC1(JFi'r FiE::(n7:~i'T'F2Y JRNIVf I I I-'Jaal-'E_h{, l:OUNrY la._I_FLI'. UI- I:I_hFi I:ULJNJY, F'RI_.kiL-:NI':3 F'1-IIL'3 L:XI-C[$:1:)' E'Uhi:iUAl~li rLl It~IE:: F'F2UVl:i.LUN:a UF' P•1Fi(:LCL_F B87 (I;) C)F lFlEi 'F'LXfaS G~'FiC1L~ATEi CC)UE_:: .1 .. T'h+:+ :zmourrb of the or:ig:ina7. :investment on :L%'--FJ`3--:L`:1`Jll wl, 1i?`a.FJ[) r_'.. (hL? anunant; oi` the i. nVe~itlllC--?llt d't; 't;h E? :L c15it: cillllllLi:L report; was 9>'7y3Elk).'ij:'i .3.. :Lrttrarest paid to the accourrb to dater is 4. )ot<•a:L ba:Lanr..e•~ of the investment to date i.s es. the Hamer of the depository is SL:CIJF~I'rY 3'i'ATE_ L;ANN. R Tr:us~r, I"'. U. I30X 4'77., 1='I'i(::Af:_R:L'(~I:aErUliG, 'rX "l6i?4 Ei. T'h+.•: type ofi' investme+rrl; is an 7:NTE:REEST' ftE~AF~a:hl(3 I*IUhIE.Y h7AFtI:E_'F' (aL:I:UIJI~II )'hc: unde•rs:ignr_~d requests thca 1.:our•l: to herein approve this Annua:L Aaaount and cent;c•r suah other orders as may lava propE~rr. FiespFactfiu:L:Ly subm:ittedy JRNNG'T"1' pIl_I'Elt KLF:1; COUNT Y G'LE~F;N. AY: SAMI'IIE: A. TUCN., DEF'U'iY JPdhlhll::.l I F'.Lliia~'I::.h la.lUl~l I Y CL..L:.I21: I:I::.hiK l.a.!I.JPI I Y 1:L:.(ihiV.LL_I_.h:.y I X /I:SlOi:.'.i:S {8.:3(7) !':1 i:'--i:'.ic'.;7::, ffdl~lUFTI'iY r_~iy i'.(d(ila. fl[::G(:Il.ll'`I'T' I`ICI„ ~+4--~+4(dt?I:L:3L1::5'73--;'.'i :I:I~I I hiL:. I"II-1 I I L-.h: l.!I° .TFdhIhIL:.I I F':LE:.E'k.hiy I:Lk:PtR l.;l.il!PI I Y l.a._k::fil: I-T:4J ;:ill:.F!lilcltl fAYI._lJli ::i l::.l._l'iht 411 I°I AI~I(`I1.1F1L. Fd(::CCII.JhI'T' (:IF I::(:Illfi'T' I~ifi:(:31F.i'T'6iY :1'fll~ll`II:::'T"T' I':I:II~'I:::f2y C:(:I1.11,1'T'Y (::I...I:::Iil'. (JI-' I:I:::I~I2 f::(]l.ll•a7'Yy I~'IiI::aI:::I~l'i'::i 'T'I"IJ:;:i G::XI-I:I:Ii:C'T' F'l.1Fi.il.hdlM'T T(:1 'C'I°If:: 1='f?C!V:[S:Ct.lI~I::i I.IF f3hi17a:L..Ei: t3til U:;) [:!t' II-11_. 11_XLI;:i 6!+ilJti(-t 1 L:. t.;UA!L:. :: L.. 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