COMMISSIONERS' COURT AGENDA REQUEST PLEASE FURNISH ONE ORIGINAL AND NINE COPIES OF THIS REQUEST AND DOCUMENTS TO BE REVIEWED BY THE COURT. MADE BY: Jonathan Letz OFFICE: Commissioners' Court MEETING DATE: Febivary 26, 2001 TIME PREFERRED: SUBJECT: (PLEASE BE SPECIFIC) Consider and discuss status and funding of Hermann Sons Bridge. EXECUTIVE SESSION REQUESTED: (PLEASE STATE REASON) NAME OF PERSON ADDRESSING THE COURT: ESTIMATED LENGTH OF PRESENTATION: IF PERSONNEL MATTER -NAME OF EMPLOYEE: Time for submitting this request for Court to assure that the matter is posted in accordance with Title 5, Chapter 551 and 552, Government Code, is as follows: Meeting scheduled for Mondays: THIS REQUEST RECEIVED BY: THIS REQUEST RECEIVED ON: Commissioner Pct. #3 5:00 P.M. previous Tuesday. All Agenda Requests will be screened by the County Judge's Office to determine if adequate information has been prepared for the Court's formal consideration and action at time of Court Meetings. Your cooperation will be appreciated and contribute towazds you request being addressed at the earliest opportunity. See Agenda Request Rules Adopted by Commissioners' Court. FFY7f1 !"q:{ fJO. 83l?i99s2140 Fc.h. '1 2aE11 D8: ©~AFlf1 P2 Agenda Backup 02!26101 The putpase of this agenda item is to review the status of the Proposed temporary bridge on Hermann Sons Road and review funding options. We still do not have final cost estimates from the MRCS; however, it appears the cost may now approach $25Q,000 The county will be responsible for 25°1~ of the fatal cast. I have been in contact with the TDHCA, see attached, and a grant fi•om this agency may be an option. However, to qualify the total project cost must exceed $200,000. f.TUtil recently it was thought that the atxrottnt would be less than $200,000 and tl~e finial estimated cost will not be known until some additional engineering has been completed. T recommend we aet up a budget item under Road and Bridge -Special Projects to corer the estimated cost and will recommend where these funds will come Tram at the Commissioners Court muting. F~r~ TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF Ai:k Pom GOVB0.NO0. ^a1.y.4 Biner Exetu:tve Diuc!or. February 13, 2001 The Honorable; Frcd Hennekc Coturty Judge, Kerr County 700 Main Street Kerrville, Texas 78025 Dear Judge Henneke: Fa;•. rlo. a~,l~~gs~iar, Fey. ~i ~~~I eE:6aar^, PL J[7'n aR'h r.~ k ~ +~ ;'l . HO4'SING AI~'D COMMUNITY AFFAIRS BOAND AtFMBEaS Michoel E.;orN+. C»air ]xnee A. Daroa~ lye C/rsir Donad R &rhel Margie Lee 8iagham Roberz G. Breve: C. Kenr Coninr Pf~dra 8.1; vr.f in. PL. D. Lydio $aenz btanha L. Willienu I have recently been informed by Tim Buscha of the Naturnl Resources Cotservation Service {NAGS}, that he has arrived at an estimated dollar value of $2JO,fi00 for the damage repairs in Kerr County. If this is the total budget, then 5187,500 will be provided by NRCS and the match amount that must be covered by We caunty is $62,500. As I have mentioned to Commissioner Lctx, the match funds can be provided by our Disaster Relief Fund. rim 6uscha's figures should also include ary proposed mitigation items that his ptneram cannot fund, but may bo elieibte under our progr.~tnt. As explained to me on several xcasiona, the NRCS wilt bid out the project, oversee inspections and ~mpletion of the. mrtire project, arld then submit a final bill in the county. At That point, the county can request the 25°.~o from the contract with TDHCA. Earlier in January I mailed a copy of the Disaster Relief Application Guide to Commissiorcr Ldz. If the County d03iros assistance tllrott$h this fund, the county must submit this application to request the thatch funds needed for this NRCS project. Because 3:+ eount[es her n recently recci.wd a federal declaration in East Texas for ice elated damages. 1 caution the county to limn the request to the match amount identitied by MRCS The Disaster Relief funds for 2001 have hat been released yet and I am operating with minimum funds. Your woperation is appreciated. if I can ba of some help in the preparation of the application, plsase don't hcsiiate to reach tde at ti 12) -17~-3fi 17; Sincerely. ,~ f~u~- Gus Garcia, Assistant Manager 7cxas Community Development Program cc: Tim Busaha/NRCS 4i:ir x: on rAe u~ortd wide web ac: mvw•rdhcaasare.;x. xr so' Je atNE - Su1TE de4 • P. O. BOX 1!941 • AU971N, TEXAS?8711-$941 • (512) 475.3800 i5 rin,..i n. myeteaypn