ORDER NO. 27131 BUDGET AMENDMENT IN JUSTICE OF THE F'EACE F'CT #1 On this the 23rd day of July 201, upon motion made 6y Commissioner Griffin, seconded by Commissi.oner~ Let: , the Co~_{r^t unanimously appr^oved by a vote of 4-~-~D, to tr•ansfer• 541.91 fr^om Line Item No. ia-455-v15 Rooks, G'~_iblications, Dues to Line Item No. 10-45~-565 Computer S~_tpplies in J~_istice of the F'eace Rct. #1. COURT ORDER # ~ ~' /~~,~ # /(y (07/23/01) BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST FORM DEPARTMENT NAME: Justice of Peace, Pct #1 UNEXPENDED REQUESTED EXPENSE CODE LINE ITEM DESCRIPTION CURRENT BUDGET CURRENT EXPENSE BUDGET BALANCE AMENDMENT INCREASE/( DECREASE 10-455-565 Com uter Su lies $200.00 $69.98 $28.07 + $41.91 10-455-315 Books, Publications, Dues $350.00 $163.25 $41.91