COMMISSIONERS' COURT AGENDA REQUEST PLEASE FURNISH ONE ORIGINAL AND NINE COPIICS OF THIS REQUEST AND DOCUMENTS TO BE REVIEWED BY THE COURT. MADE BY: H.A. "Buster" Baldwin MEETING DATE: June 10.2002 SUBJECT: (PLEASE BE SPECIFIC) TIME PREFERRED: Consider and discuss appeal to Commissioners' Court regarding OSSF real property transfer. EXECiITiVE SESSION REQUESTED: (PLEASE STATE REASON) NAME OF PERSON ADDRESSING THE COURT: ESTIMATED LENGTH OF PRESENTATION: OFFICE: Commissioners' Court Commissioner Pct. #1/W.G. Stacy 10 Minutes IF PERSONNEL MATTER -NAME OF EMPLOYEE: Time for submitting this request for Court to assure that the matter is posted in accordance with Title 5, Chapter 551 and 552, Govemment Code, is as follows: Meeting scheduled for Mondays: THIS REQUEST RECEIVED BY: THIS REQUEST RECEIVED ON: 5:00 P.M. previous Tuesday. All Agenda Requests will be screened by the County Judge's Office to determine if adequate information has been prepared for the Court's formal consideration and action at time of Court Meetings. Your cooperation will be appreciated and contribute towazds you request being addressed at the eazliest opportunity. See Agenda Request Rules Adopted by Commissioners' Court. t ee r. ~' ~~~ 1 d;{ $' q S M ~31v Nii 1, ~ ~ .::: * ~ { ~ .e k ~~~ h~ .~ ~~ ,.,~ y_ `Xr~~.r~er' ~~1 P -a .w w-LTj _.. } ~. ~ , ~. t ~ j , IFj ~~ ~~ S (F: ,.. '; i f ;~ .,. ~ f n ,• ~~ i.~__ n ;~~ ~+ !, i ~a ~ { t ~ ~~" N] YY ~Y Iv; t,. ` /i: v/ >/: ~ / % %/ //'~ '~~' ,. ; ~~, ~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~-~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ANOTHER DIMENSION IN ENERGY CONSERVATION CONCRETE MASONRY "DOWN UNDER" CAN BE DOWNRIGHT BEAUTIFUL, COMFORTABLE AND ECONOMICAL. Earth sheltered design adds a whole new dimension to the concept of concrete masonry architecture. The combination of earth sheltering and concrete masonry mass can deliver nearly stable interior temperatures year 'round, reducing both heating and cooling costs. Earth sheltered concrete masonry structures are not "caves," but bright, inviting spaces, as the examples pictured in this special issue readily demonstrate. 1983 J National Concrete Masonry Association STRUCTURES Built in 1968, this concrete masonry earth sheltered home was a decade ahead of its time. This pioneering earth sheltered concrete masonry home is situated at the base of the magnificent Grand Teton mountains into which the Frank Lloyd Wright inspired design blends perfectly. The house was designed and built for the architect's own use. His reasons for choosing concrete masonry are interesting indeed. "I use a great deal of concrete masonry in my work, and prefer it for reasons not usually publicized. It is almost always desirable to avoid disturbance of the natural site conditions here, landscaping being expensive and visually silly in the midst of generally spectacular natural landscapes:'Architect Lee's earth sheltered home, reminiscent of Frank Lloyd Wright's Prairie Houses, is constructed of standard 8x8x16" concrete masonry D ~ ~ n ~ ~ The same concrete ARCHITECT/ VINCENT R. LEE ~ ILJI\\~IJI masonry units were used exposed for the interior of the JACKSON HOLE, WYOMING residence. TEMPE, AR120NA ARCHITECTS ECO GROUP Overall view of the house with its wide overhangs and recessed windows. In Summer, heat is vented through the roof Although 68°~o earth sheltered the house is bright and avy Earth sheltered concrete masonry design Provides cooling and heating despite 30 daily temperature swings. h:en thnuyh 6H°o ~~t tYas n. anr~ i;'h ¢hr~IterNh t!~.e ~1E?~,,~~n, "~~l~u~ L•~~n,~~i ~ture~- ~.~tn ~,uu~~~ ~rnri 113 ,. -s' to t~einN ~r~:~e~inr, r ~~ . , i„ _, ~;artn ~h~Yere~l ¢u; ~'I1t~ %I. IC.'li da~H r1I CC ii: y'P,1~ Sul.. .. ~.i i.t .-',i'1_7 '~~~. F~. 1:. ~,'.~P,~ i~i i, iii, .,r'(i ~L II'-•v' . .~~.i~ ail }~" fHr, (.. ~ B~j ~.uln 'i'I n. ii !F,f~ r~ r'f'~ '~` In . ii,• ~~, ~~ ^n.,a alrc ~)e. ~~ .. _ .. ~r~-e ~.~ ,~ •~...rx%Y.'^P6vu~2e¢ ::i4vdW 'e41N:f.~-. .~: •t ~'.~ivAa.. ..~ +r.~x.anw.[yh+Wfd).iWYAW:: yr R+MAWJJ:TSAML1YlV4NT!/V~Mi[hL'4..YAw Y.'vlWAne':..1tWClS~I~M4... I~ The dining area. The file /loonng and vau/t act as a heat sink The concrete masonry walls prowde a natural design element and thermal storage F The kitchen showing the exposed concrete masonry walls which prowde thermal mass Tor heat storage Passive heat gam meets 8,5°o el the winter healing load The living room with an accenting column o/ concrete masonry The /fireplace provides the only supplementary heat required ^r ~:*>3. ~-.x' w.v~x+aee•.++re.ueaa s M;.:~ra~~rc~,.urmr~s«xxsuaw n~esx.~:pzaaurnazi:aai.r~a~r+rasptimreaaonanrOmm,~:iuaaovwa.:~nuu~m~:.wnnwars:' ~ rear cony e e nasrnr~ iE sign 'e lib E?fs filu I if [ht hE 9hr ~) . r~ k ece ;sat, for omfor ~~,,le liv nq the ~ a~ rtly YHlft ( ~f h,1GF Ill) t r; r~I'~n~~ S ,w0 ,~ ~ ~~ r ~ , jYL"i~6' ~i+~: _ '' 4y `~ ~ y` ~''~rl' The Curvefl concrete masonry ~ ` ~^ ~ ~ re7a~rnng wall under [ fi , ° • = 7~ ~" - ruc on _- . s ARCHITECT/ RONALD A60 (Now Abo Gude and Assoc.) may. ,~ ~' ~ ~~-:~ ~' ;i y Po~.~r ; ~,~~ ~'4 ' w~ ~ . ~'f •i,. .. q ! ,. ~. - - .i { I 't~ r y.:a ~,.-:,,-, j ', l e~w~ ~ . i• ft The /finished home. The curved retaining wall, built of 12"reinforced concrete masonry, provides structural integrity QD~~~~l ~0~~~ r :~:; ~' .;,'~ ~:~ Overall view o/ the home showing earth bermrng and the design which blends sa well into the desert setting. Concrete masonry earth sheltered design "...was more cost effective." This concrete masonry earth sheltered home is very much al home in ds desert site Its handsome design, executed in concrete masonry, is about as far from a tract house as you can get. The architect comments 'Due to structural qualities required, and local labor familiarity with the system, concrete block walls were selected in keeping wdh conventional bwlding techniques. It was more cost eftectwe than 'higher tech systems for a project of this scale " The completed house and a construction photograph showing the concrete masonry walls belore earth bermrng. Exterior walls were built with 12" reinforced concrete masonry. and interior walls and partitions are 8' block. G°~I~~~DI~~IC~~ T~~fwCAY A~~7AYA wOl~u1TCPTlwmwer~nva~nuc~ wr _, ~ i ~ A ~ - ~. _I ~ ~ ~ _ ~_. _ ~_ - -l KERRVILLE, TEXAS DESIGNERi6UILDER/ WILLIAM G. STACY A comfortable home without a back-up heating or cooling system. A concrete masonry Trombe wall helps do the job. The house is reported to be the only one ~n Texas constr!,cted wdhout ether a central heating or coolrng system The owner desgner reported that the passive solar earth bermed design worked so well, rt was necessary to ,ion sweaters during the Wrnter only dunnq a stretch Of Overcast days The owner comments. "There w~+s no other choice but to use concrete block because of lower cost and [o give us the cooling as well as solar heating the (concrete masonry) Trombe wall is designed to catch the sun during the Winter months The concrete masonry walls were surface bonded " View of the earth berming and the root-top clerestory windows which furnish sunlight to the concrete masonry Trombe wall. Sur/ace bonding being applied to the concrete masonry walls The house under construction. The concrete masonry Trombe wall is in the center 10 The south /acade of the house. t-~ ~~ ~ ~ BENONA TOWNSHIP, OCEANA COUNTY, MICHIGAN ARCHITECT/KENNETH NEUMANN & ASSOCIATES Minimal additional heating or air conditioning required for this earth sheltered concrete masonry home. A little gem of a house bwlt of heavily reinforced 8" concrete masonry with earth berming on three sides. The architects comment. "Materials were selected to satisfy special needs and then were honestly exposed Concrete masonry, heaviy reinforced was selected to withstand the excessive hiorizontal thrust The pleasant and human scale of stacked concrete block is exposed inside and out " Top Vrew from Lake Michigan The house is constructed entirely o/ concrete masonry and is earth bermed Middle The home received an F_xcellence m Masonry Dcsryn Award lrnm the Masonry Institute of Michigan. Right Concrete masonry was also used exposed rr the interior G r w Z O w PUBLISHED BY NATIONAL CONCRETE MASONRY ASSOCIATION, 2302 HORSE PEN ROA BOX 781, HERNDON, VIRGINIA 22070 PRINTED U S.A.