CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT OF RELEASE OF LIENS AIA Document G 706 A TO OWNER: COUNTY OF KERR (Name mid Address) 700 MAIN STREET KERRVILLE, TX 78025 PROJECT: KERRVILLE COUNTY COURTHOUSE (Name andAd.t1cKJ~ L T ~S. """'°1=-'' p1 ~` (Prmtedname ondenlel ~~"• Vii" ~. LINDANEMEf-HENNIG ivfY pMpd(SS'fON EXPIflES 1 i°,$~ v' •r p, t,.• Oecetnber 11,2063 Subscribed and sywyo/,1m to b/eY'ore'ym'~e ion this date: ~~7 W- Notary Public: !,.,/) [.n~4 C,( (te iv~.(~..Lr ~ ~.v~..wl , I' LINDA NEMEC HENNIG .~" My commission expires: 12/11/03 AIA DOCUMENT G706A. (O\TRAC(OR'S 4FFIU.4V11 Oh' Rt:1.E,4Sh' OF t.3ft'\4. 1994 ELN ('3'RON1C SPRF:111SHEb; I' N'lll'f10R, :11 A.7994. fH5 411 P;RIC.4v IN61'T]U I W' OY 4RCHI I NA"1'S, 1"135 NEW PORK V'O'1 A PHOEl3COPA' 44'EN C11, N\V, wAtiHI\(;1 ON. U.C. 200116-52`I? G706A-1994 CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT OF RELEASE OF LIENS AIA Document G706 A TO OWNER. KERR COUNTY, TX INanee and Addrer,.y 700 MAIN ST'IffiET KERRVILLE, TX 78028 PROJECT: PHASE 3 RENOVATIONS TO (Name and Addrreai KF.RR CTY COURTHHOUSE ANNEX 700 MAIN STREh: I' KERRVILLE, 'fX owNER [1 ARCHI"1'ECT [ ] CONTRACTOR I] SURETY [] OTHER I I PRO.IECT NO.: C'ONTRAC'I~ FOR: PHASE 3 RENOVS CONTRAC T DATED: 02/08/99 STATE OF. COUNTY UF: The undersigned hereby certifies that W the best of the undersigned's knowledge, information and belief, except as listed below, the Releases or Waivers of Lien attached hereto include the Contmetor, all Subcontractors, all suppliers of materials and equipment, and all performers of Work, labor or services who have or may have liens or encumbrances or the right to assert liens or encumbrances against any property of the Owner arising in any manner out of the performance of the Contract referenced above. EXCF,PTIONS. PAYMENT OF . 9345.00 SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED HERETO: I Contractor's Release or Waiver of Liens, wndi[ional upon receipt of final payment. 2. Separate Releases or Waiver of Liens from Subcontractors and material and equipment suppliers, [o the extent required by [he Owner, accompanied by a list thereof a << aI w' t;t ~ ~tucot.. Ct7~ItK •tu+~ SUB CONI"RACTOR: GIINCKEI. MILLWORK (Narnc and Addre•.crl Bl': lSi aluren rthur~zeJ repree~enmbve) Prrnlcd name and tnlrl 1 n }~ UNDANEMEGNENNIG MV COMMI5SIDN E%PIAES W ~i~c December 11 ~ 2003 I- Subscribed and s~wo©rn to before me on,thyi~s date: '~~~(,/~~1~~' Notary Public jJy ~~~ ~/ I (.L~' ~'~ V INUA NEMEC HENNIG My commission expires: 12/1 I/03 AIA DOCUMENT G706A. CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT OF RELEASE OF LIENS. 1994 ELECTRONIC SPREADSHEET' EDITION, AL4.1994.TH F. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF.4RCHITEC'TF, 1935 NF:W' \'ORK NOT .4 PHOTOCOPY AVF:NUE,NW, WASHINGTON, D.C. 2110065292 G706A-1994 CC)NTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT OF RELEASE OF LIENS AIA Document G 706 A TO OWNER: KEAR COUNTY, TX IA'amr and Addre.vrj 700 MAIN STREET KERRVILLE. TX 78028 PROJECT: PHASE 3 RENOVATIONS TO 6vame a,~d Add.~•.~.~j KERR CTY COURTHHOUSE ANNEX 700 MAIN STREET KERRVILLE, TX OWNER (] ARCHITECT [ ] CONTRACTOR [J SURETY [ J OTHER [ ] PROJECT NO.: CONTRACT FOR: PHASE3RENOVS CONTRA( T DATED: 02/08/99 STATE OF: COUNTY OF: l~hc undersigned hereby certifies that w the best of the undersigned's knowledge, intbrmation and belief: zxcept as listed below. the Raleascs or Waivers of Lien attached hereto include the Contractor, all Subcontnetors, all suppliers of materials and equipment and all performers of Work, labor or services who have or may have liens or encumbrances or the right to assert liens or encumbrances against any pmpem~ of the Owner arising in any manner out of the pcrtilrmance ofthc Contract referenced above. EXCIiP'11ON5: PAYMIiN'f OP : 9345.00 tCF L F CO. QTiRK '17Tr1/~ Slll'I'UR'I'ING DUC'IIMI?N'I'S A~FI'ACI TED Illili P: IY): SU6 CONI'RACI'Oli: Gl1NCKISI. MILLWORK Murnc,mAdJArc~,i I Qminwnx s Iieloaae or Waiver of Lmns, conditiun:d upon receipt of final payment. 2. Scpamte Releases or Waiver o(Liens from Subamuactors and material and cyuipment suppliers, m the eslent rcywred by the Owner, accompanied M u list Ihemof. I3Y tAi amn~rr a rthurr_ed reprercuralrrrl l rnuc•Amm~o wed btlcl Subscribed and sworn to before me on this date: I U ~° y/~V W_ Notan' Public: 1- My commission expires: ~ /~ ` ~ 5~ 2 O D Z AIA DOCUMENT G706A. CON'TRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT OF RELEASE OF LIENS. 1994 ELECTRONIC SPREADSHEET EDITION, AIA.I994.THE AM1IERICAN INSTITCTE OF ARCHII'EC.TS, 1735 NEW YORK NOT A PHOTOCOPY AVENUE, NW, WASHIN'OTON, D.C. 200065292 ~ 4pPY P~9 y~ :2~ <°y4r G706A-1994 ~ _ _ Ruth M. Wolford Notary wniic, state m toms y~ s e Arty Commission E~ires 1095-2001 I~~0~1F oi' iei'Pf CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT OF RELEASE OF LIENS AIA Document G706 A TO OWNER: (Name and Addres') PROJECT: (Name and Address) STATE OF: COUNTY OF: COUNTY OF KERB 700 MAIN STREET KERRVO,LE, TX 78028 KERRY ILLE COUNTY COURTHOUSE PHASE 3 RENOVATIONS OWNER [ ] ARCHITECT [ ] CONTRACTOR [] SURETY [ ] OTHER I 1 PROJECT NO.: CONTRACT FOR: KC3 CONTRACT DATED: The undersigned hereby certifies that to the best of the undersigned's knowledge, information and belief, except as listed below, the Releases or Waivers of Lien attached hereto include the Contractor, all Subcontractors, all suppliers of materials and equipment, and all performers of Work, labor or services who have or may have liens or encumbrances or the right to assert liens or encumbrances against any property of the Owner arising in any manner out of the performance of the Contrail referenced above. EXCEPTIONS: d/. w L~ NONE lug p Y ® CF). QBRIC 7'LV13~ ~Y ~ n3, SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED HERETO: SUB 1. Contractor's Release or Waiver of Liens, conditional upon receipt of final payment. 2. Sepamie Releases or Waiver of Liens from Subcontractors and material and equipment suppliers, m [he a#en[ requved by [he Owner, accompanied by a list thereof. Ft'IDOF;SE^,flEPaT HEREOF CONSTITUTES PAY~ci'+y I;E CULL 01= ANY AND ALL SUS4'a~d0~l~~ p Cp STRUCTRON CO. U' "' - CONTRACTOR: GUNCKELARCHH'ECTURALMIl.LWORK (Name and Address) BY: t5ignarire nfavrhorized repres tative) (]'anted name and ddeJ W- I- Subscribed and sworn to before me on this date: y~ n /' Notary Public: ~~C~ ~ 1~ ~/'. ~.t ~ ~' L A INE C HE I J My commission expires: 12/11/03 AIA DOCUMENT G706A. CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT OF RELEASE OF LIENS. 1994 ELECTRONIC SPREADSHEET EDITION, AIA.1994.THF. AMERICAN INSTTLUTE OF ARCFHTECTS 1'735 NEW YORK NOT A PHOTOCOPY AVENUE, NW, WASHLYGTON, D.C. 20006-5292 w r."~., IJNDANEMEC-HENNIG ,~~ ~~` tdY GOMMIS610N EXPIRES 35,,, ~F Uerambar 11, 2003 G706A-1994