~~ i~c~~~ i~~ COMMISSIONERS' COURT AGENDA REQUEST PLEASE FURNISH ONE ORIGINAL AND NINE COPIES OF THIS REQUEST AND DOCUMENTS TO BE REVIEWED BY THE COURT. -- MADE BY: Pat Tinley MEETING DATE: October 14.2003 SUBJECT: (PLEASE BE SPECIFIC) OFFICE: COUnty Judg__ i - TIME PREFERRED: Consider and discuss rescission of Commissioners Court Order #17103 dated February 9, 1987 relating to the status of the Kerrville-Kerr County Joint Airport Board. EXECUTIVE SESSION REQUESTED: (PLEASE STATE REASON) NAME OF PERSON ADDRESSING THE COURT ESTIMATED LENGTH OF PRESENTATION: IF PERSONNEL MATTER -NAME OF EMPLOYEE: County Jude Time for submitting this request for Court to assure that the matter is posted in accordance with Title 5, Chapter 551 and 552, Government Code, is as follows: Meeting scheduled for Mondays THIS REQUEST RECEIVED BY: THIS REQUEST RECEIVED ON: All Agenda Requests will be screened by the County Judge's Office to determine if adequate information has been prepared for the Court's formal consideration and action at time of Court Meetings. Your cooperation will be appreciated and contribute towards you request being addressed at the earliest opportunity. See Agenda Request Rules Adopted by Commissioners' Court. 5:00 P.M. previous Tuesday. -~, r-- .~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ r, r Memorandum `=-~" To: Commissioner Williams From: David Motley Subject: Airport Board court order abatement or revocation Date: October 1, 2003 In response to your September 26, 2003 memorandum, perhaps I missed something at the last Commissioners' Court meeting. I thought it was the consensus of the Court that they would meet with, at least, our airport board members and advise them of our position regarding their authority. Following this meeting, I thought the Court had already decided to proceed to rescind the February 9, 1987 court order (17103) approving a resolution affirming the status of the Kerrville-Kerr County Joint Airport Board as an advisory board only. The City of Kerrville did the same in Ordinance 87-03 on February 10, 1987. I find no authority requiring such a rescission but I would recommend it in order to clearly indicate the Courts' position to current and future generations. DM/s cc: /ludge Tinley Commissioner Baldwin Commissioner Letz Commissioner Nicholson Court Administrator ....~ ~ ri a^.+a~ a .+. +.+ v.~a1 i .ia a as v KRR IAAJ(V 1 T t" lut n j . •' _ GRDEA N0. 17103 i RESOLUTIOtd AFFIR.uI2~0 STATJS GF THE }.'ERRVILLE-KERR COUNTY JOINT AIRPORT BOARD On this the 9th day of February 1987, upon motion wade by Ccmx~issioner Ray, seconded by Cor„miagioner aaldain,, the Court unanir,~c~:siy approved a Resolution affirming that the 6tntua of the KBR~VI?,LE'-KERB COU?3TY JOIZ~T AIRPORT BOARD is are advisory board only, and has no authority acting alone to lease, contract, convey, or sell land, and that arty prior authority to the contrary is hereby revoked. Passed and approved by the Conmiarioners' Court ~of ~]terr County, Texas this the 9th day of February 87. ~!~~~ County fudge, Kerr County, Texas Memorandum September 26, 2003 To: David Motley, County Attorney From: William H. Williams, Commissioner, Pct. 2 Subject: Kerr County-Kerrville Joint Airport Boazd Authority Eazlier this yeaz, during discussions regazding a new lease agreement between Joseph L. Kennedy Enterprises, Ltd., (d.b.a. Kerrville Aviation) and the record owners of the airport, i.e., Kerr County and the City of Kerrville, a question was raised as to whether or not any such lease agreement was subject to the competitive bidding process (Tex. Loc. Govt. Code Chapter 263). It was determined that competitive bidding was not required, and the lease was approved by Commissioners Court and signed by the County Judge. Subsequently, County Judge Tinley did some reseazch on the matter of airport governance. His research of county and city records dating back as far as 1967 revealed that an Airport Authority was actually approved by the voters of Kerr County after the State Legislature enabled such an entity to be created. The affirmative vote of the May 16`h, 1970 referendum was canvassed by Commissioners Court on May 22, 1970, and entered into the records of Kerr County, Vol. N, Page 156, copy attached. Prior to the election, (Feb. 1970), both the City of Kerrville and Kerr County appointed a Joint Airport Boazd. Ken County approved the joint authority in Court Order No. 11087, dated February 25, 1970. The members were nominated in March, 1970, and approved by Kerr County Commissioners Court on Mazch 13, 1970 in Court Order 11101. T'he original Texas Municipal Airport Act has subsequently been replaced by Chapter 22 of the Texas Transportation Code, but essentially reflects the same authorities for governance that were originally included in the Texas Municipal Airport Act, and contemplated and granted by Kerr County and the City of Kerrville in 1970. In 1987, for reasons best left to history, the City of Kerrville passed an ordinance purporting to "confirm" that the Joint Airport Boazd was to act merely in an advisory capacity, contrary to law and the intent of the 1970 referendum. In February 1987, Kerr County, by Resolution in Court Order No. 17103, confirmed the action of the City of Kerrville in this regard. Thus, since 1987 to date, the Kerr County-City of Kerrville Joint Airport Board has been acting in an advisory capacity, and as such has not been carrying out the responsibilities granted to it in Chapter 22 of the Texas Transportation Code. This brings us to the current happenings and activities, to wit • The Joint Airport Boazd continues to operate under the assumption that it is "advisory" only; although it is aware that the governance issue has been discussed to some extent by the airport owners of record. • Anew airport manager has been hired, and charged with the responsibility of making the airport "self sufficient." • In the pursuit of his responsibilities, the airport manager has negotiated new leases with airport tenants, and brought same to Kerr County and the City of Kerrville for "approval." • Mooney Airplane Company, under new ownership, approached the airport manager about renewing and extending its lease to facilitate its efforts in obtaining additional funding for its operations. • The airport manager advised Mooney management of certain requirements that should be incorporated into any newlextended lease agreement, i.e., connecting the Mooney facilities to the sewer collection system put in place by the City of Kerrville, remediation the industrial waste ponds on the property in accordance with Federal and/or State standards, and increasing rent on property occupied by Mooney to mazket standazds currently being paid by other tenants of the airport. This would raise Mooney's rent significantly. • A formal proposal extending the lease for 20 yeazs beyond its current expiration date of 2013, and incorporating these items was presented to David Jackson, representing Mooney Airplane Company. Needless to say, Mooney Airplane Company management is, to say the least, very unhappy with the lease extension proposal presented by the airport manager, and has made its displeasure known to members of Commissioners Court, citizens, city staff, perhaps Council members, etc. At this writing, to the best of my knowledge, Mooney management has yet to request a meeting to discuss the issues. You are familiaz with the presentation made by the airport manager and assistant city attorney, and the questions raised by members of Commissioners Court. One of the problems relayed to me by counsel representing Mooney is that management "professes" not to know with whom to negotiate. In my view, that is a ploy, however, it does bring into focus the confusion that exists regarding the autonomy and authority of the Joint Airport Board and its management representative to exclusively negotiate with airport tenants. Assistant City Attorney Ilse Bailey in a memorandum to City Manager Ron Patterson, dated April 16, 2003, concluded: "The Kerrville-Kerr County Joint Airport Board is currently the entity that has authority to lease property at the airport, pursuant to an agreement entered into between the City and the County in February, 1970. Under the terms of this agreement, the Boazd may lease airport properly without engaging in the competitive bidding process." Therefore, based on the above, and whatever else pertinent may be in the attachments provided, I am requesting your opinion regarding the following question: Is it necessary for Kerr County Commissioners Court to rescind its Court Order No 17143 dated February 9 1987 in which it affumed a City of Kerrville Ordinance chan~in~ the status of the Ken County-Kerrville Joint Airport Board to "advisory" only thereby enabling it to perform its duties and responsibilities asdetailed in Chanter 22 of the Texas Transportation Code? If you believe such an action by Commissioners Court is necessary or advisable, please communicate to me so that I can place this matter before the Court at its October 27~' meeting. I believe that given the current circumstances and confusion regarding negotiations with Mooney Airplane Company, time is of the essence. Should you have questions, or a need for additional information or documents, County Judge Tinley has a file containing other material that may be pertinent, and has offered to discuss this mater with you. Williams c. Judge Tinley and Commissioners Baldwin, Letz and Nicholson