1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 KERR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT Special Session Friday, January 28, 2005 9:00 a.m. Commissioners' Courtroom Kerr County Courthouse Kerrville, Texas PRESENT: PAT TINLEY, Kerr County Judge H.A. "BUSTER" BALDWIN, Commissioner Pct. 1 WILLIAM "BILL" WILLIAMS, Commissioner Pct. 2 JONATHAN LETZ, Commissioner Pct. 3 DAVE NICHOLSON, Commissioner Pct. 4 D D 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 I N D E X January 28, 2005 PAGE --- Commissioners' Comments 3 1.1 Consider, discuss and take appropriate action/~..~~C~~~ on candidates/applicants for Information Technology Specialist Position 7 --- Adjourned 18 1-28-05 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ,._ 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 3 On Friday, January 28, 2005, at 9:00 a.m., a special meeting of the Kerr County Commissioners Court was held in the Commissioners' Courtroom, Kerr County Courthouse, Kerrville, Texas, and the following proceedings were had in open court: P R O C E E D I N G S JUDGE TINLEY: Okay. Let me call to order the special Commissioners Court meeting scheduled for this date and time, Friday, January 28, 2005, at 9 a.m., pursuant to notice properly posted. We've got a limited agenda today. Before we get started, is there any member of the Court that has any preliminary comments? Number 1? COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Judge, I do. I'd like to make a comment about a -- on Monday's agenda, Agenda Item 2.1, discuss the banking agreement with First National Bank of Omaha and Kerr County and Mutual of Omaha. I talked with the Treasurer about that, and the way she explained it to me was that this is simply an account that she transfers money into so that they can pay insurance claims. You know, that's the way she explained to it me. It seemed very simple. I didn't know we did things like that, but I'm -- it makes sense. She stated that there was a deadline of her signing the document, so -- but I don't know that deadline; I apologize for that. So, I don't know if that's important enough for us to call another meeting Sunday morning at 6:30 or something. 1-28-05 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 4 JUDGE TINLEY: We could -- we could include that on our next Thursday agenda. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Okay, that's fine with me. JUDGE TINLEY: Get in ahead of the -- get in ahead of the 14th meeting. That would certainly be a possibility. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Do you recall the deadline for her signing a document? MR. EMERSON: She didn't say anything about a deadline. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Okay, that's fine with me. That's the best I can do. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: I think what the Commissioner reports is accurate. My question was then, and is now, undoubtedly we have an account set up somewhere to satisfy the claims that worked through E.B.A. in the old system. Is there any reason why that account had to be abandoned and a new one set up? Just to make it more convenient for Mutual of Omaha or what? Just a question. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Yo no se. JUDGE TINLEY: My understanding of that account is that's largely within the control of E.B.A. And -- COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: In which case -- 1-28-05 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 5 JUDGE TINLEY: -- since we changed COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Okay. JUDGE TINLEY: -- I'll see if we can't get that on our next Thursday agenda, which is the 3rd, I believe. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Yes, sir. JUDGE TINLEY: We'll get that then. COMMISSIONER LETZ: We meet almost daily. Judge, I have a quick comment, also. JUDGE TINLEY: Okay. COMMISSIONER LETZ: Just to update the Court on an item from last Monday as well. Yesterday afternoon, the -- I guess we call it the Prescribed Burn Committee met. Everyone that was brought up at the court meeting has agreed to serve. I think it's a great idea. I think it's a model which should be done in most of the counties around here. And the rain has given us a little bit of breathing room to get it kind of -- you know, some of the policies and procedures that are -- a little bit more time to work those out. But it's going to -- it was very well received by everybody. I think it's kind of the right way to do it. And, incidentally, I mis -- I did make one misstatement; I said that the state certification program, that only one of 1-28-05 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 6 these members was a -- was probably certified. He corrected me. There is no one in the state of Texas certified, because the requirements are so absurd. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Really? COMMISSIONER LETZ: You have to have liability insurance, and the minimum policy that Lloyds will write is $50,000 worth of policy. So, it's -- obviously, the law that's there is meaningless from the standpoint of anyone using it. JUDGE TINLEY: So the ability to use that exception in the -- in the Health and Safety Code is nonexistent because no one qualifies? COMMISSIONER LETZ: Correct. JUDGE TINLEY: Okay. All right. You got anything, Commissioner 4? COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: No. JUDGE TINLEY: I didn't mean to pass over you. I thought you had mentioned what you needed to do, COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: What did I need to do? JUDGE TINLEY: Well, the -- when you followed up on his comments about the insurance. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Oh, I have nothing else. 1-28-05 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 7 JUDGE TINLEY: The item on the agenda today is to consider, discuss, and take appropriate action on candidates or applicants for the Information Technology Specialist position. The matter is posted also as an executive session item. I'll be guided by the Court. Obviously, it's a personnel item and, you know, we got a number of options at the Court's direction. It was advertised as both a part-time and full-time employee position, as well as a contract position for -- for outsourcing type arrangement, or some combination of those, I suppose. If -- if the Court wants to try and narrow down the basis upon which we want to handle that information technology, which of those options or which combination of those options first, or whether we want to go through the applications first and then come back and look at the whole thing in one capsule, you know, whatever you want to do. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I think we probably need to do both. Both of the above. It just kind of ties together. I mean, you -- you can't really make a decision on what -- what way we're going to do it without looking at the people that are involved. JUDGE TINLEY: Certainly. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: 'Cause it -- you could go both ways, I think. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: We could go both 1-28-05 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 8 ways. We could go also outsourcing, but I'm not convinced that outsourcing is the way to go, so I'd rather look at the personnel -- people who've applied and see if we can settle on some candidates for the full-time, and see where that takes us. JUDGE TINLEY: Okay. Do you have any particular druthers? COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: I agree with both of you. Makes sense. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: My only other question would be, should we go in executive session for a personnel matter? COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: I think we're going to say some pretty sensitive things about some of these people. COMMISSIONER LETZ: I have another thought, too. I'm just wondering, since the County Auditor is intricately involved in -- in the equipment that we utilize, is it not -- would it not be beneficial if he participated to some extent as well? COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: We need a picture of this. This is good. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Commissioner in training. COMMISSIONER LETZ: Right. 1-28-05 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 9 JUDGE TINLEY: Good observation, Commissioner. I don't think that -- that the Auditor is -- is available today. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Okay. JUDGE TINLEY: I don't know. Do you know whether he's available? MR. ALFORD: No, sir. I can go check, if you want. JUDGE TINLEY: Okay. Would you be kind enough to do that? We'd appreciate it. COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: Procedurally, I'm going to guess what we do today is to winnow this list down to some people that we want to talk to, so if the Auditor's not available now, then he can be available when we get down to brass tacks. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Sure. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: So, are you telling me that you don't -- you don't see us making an actual decision today? COMMISSIONER LETZ: No. COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: No, yeah. COMMISSIONER LETZ: The answer to that question is no. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Well, we need to talk about that. Today's the -- mine says 29th, and I know it's 1-28-05 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 _ 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ^ 24 25 around there somewhere. And -- and Shaun's leaving the last day of the month. How -- how big of a hole are we going to leave there uncovered? That's kind of important. COMMISSIONER LETZ: I think -- my first feeling is that, I mean, I think we have -- between Tommy and Brad and a few other people, I think the employees in the county, we can just limp along. I mean, there's got to be somebody at Software Group or someone else that can help us. I think this is too important a decision to rush into, and by my reading of these things, these are basically meaningless, in my opinion. I mean, there's no way I will make a decision based on what's on these applications. Some of them obviously have a lot of experience, have been with -- I mean, the ones that caught my eye were those that were able to -- you know, some of the retired individuals, basically, that have been either at IBM, something like that, who obviously is a good employee, 'cause it's a big corporation and they wouldn't keep them that long. But, you know, we're not talking about having to negotiate salaries. You get them in here, meet them. Probably not a bad idea to ask them to write something for us. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: I think we need to meet them and talk to them. COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: If we have to limp along and we don't have the inside capability to do that, 1-28-05 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 there's at least two firms here in town that can help us; B and B out at Ingram, and Turk over here on Highway 16. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Which one here? COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: Turk. I can't remember the name of his company. He's over there in that shopping center where the Chinese restaurant is across from Albertsons. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Okay. MR. EMERSON: Gazelle. MS. MCELHANNON: Gazelle? Is that it? COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: He's pretty impressive, and Benny Brown, B and B, is -- he's a guru when it comes to computers. COMMISSIONER LETZ: There's also 5K Laser that, you know, can do a lot of stuff out towards Ingram. COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: We can find some contract help if we needed to. COMMISSIONER LETZ: That may be a good idea, because I just think -- I hate to rush into this. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Well, it's an important decision, and I think we need to -- we need to determine who we want to speak with, who we want to interview. And my -- in looking through there last night, studying them, there are two or three that are standing out, and the rest of them are pretty low, in my opinion -- in my 1-28-05 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 view. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Well, another part of the -- part of the picture that we need to -- puzzle that we need to put together is, what -- where -- are we going to leave this department under the Auditor, or are we going to move it under the Commissioners Court? And if we're going to limp along, let's leave it under the -- COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: With the Auditor. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: -- the Auditor until that point. That's funny, but I'm also serious. JUDGE TINLEY: Well, you'd have some continuity, and that's -- COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Yeah, that's what it is. JUDGE TINLEY: That's where you're coming from. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: That's right, absolutely. JUDGE TINLEY: And I didn't mention a little bit ago when I was talking about our options, we have some -- we have some folks here in the courthouse; Brad Alford is one, of course, that is subject to call for, you know, right-now problems that he's been real cooperative in trying to help various offices with, and so we've got that available to us. But we don't want to wear out our welcome 1-28-05 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 there. If we're going to utilize that, we may want to think about some sort of additional staffing. But I -- I think we need to qo through these folks, and they may give us an idea which direction we're going, 'cause some -- some are applying part-time, some are applying full-time, and some of them even have -- are in the business. I noted one of -- one of the individuals that I think is probably more qualified, based upon my review, is in the business, and that could possibly be a contract outsource arrangement. So, we've got a bunch of options available to us. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Okay. JUDGE TINLEY: I -- the sense I get is that we go into executive session, we look at the individuals, and then, depending on how that gets winnowed down, we move from there. Is that -- COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: " JUDGE TINLEY: -- what will -- we will close the open public COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: personally don't have any problem wit staying. of trouble. I think -- I'm hearing? Well, we session at -- at 9:13. Judge, I don't -- h the County Attorney COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Not at all. COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: He might keep us out COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I don't know. 1-28-05 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 --- 2 4 25 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Rex goes, "Oh, boy, just what I wanted to do this morning." COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: I think he's decided that's becoming a bigger task all the time. COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: Let me suggest a process. Why don't we take turns indicating three or four or five that we've -- we like the best and get that recorded up there, and then see -- see if there's two or three or four that stand out. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I'm ready. COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: I'm thinking that ought to eliminate about half of them. JUDGE TINLEY: You're going to be the scribe? Okay. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I've got three. JUDGE TINLEY: Just a minute. Let me get us into executive session. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I'm sorry. (The open session was closed at 9:14 a.m., and an Executive Session was held, the transcript of which is contained in a separate document.) JUDGE TINLEY: Okay. We will reconvene in open session. It is about 10:18. Does any member of the Court have anything they wish to offer in connection with what we did in closed session? i-za-o5 15 1 '" 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: I guess -- what, move to invite certain individuals? JUDGE TINLEY: For interview before the Court? COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: I move we invite Mr. Trolinger, Mr. Swartz -- it's Ms. Artlip, is it not? COMMISSIONER LETZ: Correct. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: And Ms. Itz in for interviews to begin at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, February 1. JUDGE TINLEY: Okay. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I second that. JUDGE TINLEY: Motion made and seconded. Any question or discussion? COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I have a question. I don't know if it's the proper time to do that or not, but on that agenda, would you all be opposed to taking care of this banking -- insurance banking thing at that day, while we're here? JUDGE TINLEY: No. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Would you be opposed to Road and Bridge coming in with one agenda item? JUDGE TINLEY: I've got those both for Thursday, but now that we're doing this one, we can -- we can post it for Tuesday, two days sooner. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Okay. 1-28-05 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 JUDGE TINLEY: I'll take care of it. Any further question or discussion on the motion? All in favor -- MR. EMERSON: Can I ask one question? As long as you're adding things to the agenda -- COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Here we go. MR. EMERSON: -- can I shift my line item from February 14th to this coming one about the remodeling downstairs? So that we're not sitting on hold for three weeks? COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I have no problem with it, myself. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Sure. COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: When I got this job, I didn't know I was going to have to work five days a week. (Laughter.) COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I think it's a good idea. Let's get it done. COMMISSIONER LETZ: Do we want to tell the people to show up at 10:30, then? We're going to have some agenda items to -- or they can show up at 10:00; they can wait. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Yeah. COMMISSIONER LETZ: Get used to waiting around here. 1-28-05 17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 °~ 2 4 25 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Or she could stagger them. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: That's probably a good idea, to stagger them 10 minutes at least. COMMISSIONER LETZ: 10:30? Starting at 10:30? COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Take care of our in-house business so they can get back to work, and then get to the interviews. JUDGE TINLEY: Starting at -- well, it's not going to take too long with the first two items. The -- his item may take a little bit longer. I don't know how involved we're going to get with that. If it's just going to be looking at preliminary stuff, maybe. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: And Road and Bridge is just purchasing the Gradall, and -- JUDGE TINLEY: The other's going to be -- COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: This thing here is just a -- COMMISSIONER LETZ: 10:15, probably. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: 10:16. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: 10:30, 10:45, 11:00. JUDGE TINLEY: Let's do it at 10:00, 15-minute intervals. COMMISSIONER LETZ: Probably 10. 1-28-05 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I think 10 minutes. I really do. JUDGE TINLEY: Okay. Any further discussion on the motion? All in favor of the motion, signify by raising your right hand. (The motion carried by unanimous vote.) JUDGE TINLEY: All opposed, same sign. (No response.} JUDGE TINLEY: Is there any further business? If not, this meeting will be adjourned. (Commissioners Court adjourned at 10:20 a.m.) 1-28-05 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 STATE OF TEXAS I COUNTY OF KERR I The above and foregoing is a true and complete transcription of my stenotype notes taken in my capacity as County Clerk of the Commissioners Court of Kerr County, Texas, at the time and place heretofore set forth. DATED at Kerrville, Texas, this lst day of February, 2005. JANNETT PIEPER, Kerr County Clerk --- / a BY: Kathy Ba ik, Deputy County Clerk Certified Shorthand Reporter 1-28-05 ORDER NO. 29015 CANIDATES/APPLICANTS FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SPECIALIST POSITION. Came to be heard this the 28th day of January 2005 with the motion made by Commissioner Williams seconded by Commissioner Baldwin. The Court unanimously approved by a vote of 4-0-0 to discuss applications for the Information Technology Specialist Position. The following applicants will be called for interviews.. Mr. Trolinger, Mr. Swartz, Ms. Artlip, Ms. Itz.