ORDER N0.29106 KERB COUNTY JUVENILE FACILITY KERR COUNTY JUVENILE PROBATION DEPARTMENT Came to be heard this the 28~' day of March 2005 with a motion made by Commissioner Williams, seconded by Commissioner Letz. The Court unanimously approved by vote of 4-0-0 the Join Community Service Program Proposal for the Kerr County Juvenile Facility and the Juvenile Probation Department. ~ I ~~ `~i~~~~ COMMISSIONERS' COURT AGENDA REQUEST PLEASE FURNISH ONE ORIGINAL AND NINE COPIES OF THIS REQUEST AND DOCUMENTS TO BE REVIEWED BY THE COURT. MADE BY: ~~,1G1I~e~ ~~(~ OFFICE: ~~C~~ MEETING DATE: 3, ~~ ~ ~ J TIME PREFERRED: A I / j`] SUBJECT: ~~~n~ ~~-VVI~I~ f ~J ~~~~ ~J ~ ~~~Q.~ EXECUTIVE SESSION REQUESTED: (PLEASE STATE REASON) NAME OF PERSON ADDRESSING THE COURT: ESTIMATED LENGTH OF PRESENTATION: IF PERSONNEL MATTER -NAME OF EMPLOYEE: Pm~4~ Time for submitting this request for Court to assure that the matter is posted in accordance with Title 5, Chapter 551 and 552, Government Code, is as follows: Meeting scheduled for Mondays: THIS REQUEST RECEIVED BY: THIS REQUEST RECEIVED ON: 5:00 P.M. previous Tuesday. All Agenda Requests will be screened by the County Judge's Office to determine if adequate information has been prepared for the Court's formal consideration and action at time of Court Meetings. Your cooperation will be appreciated and contribute towards you request being addressed at the earliest opportunity. See Agenda Request Rules Adopted by Commissioners' Court. Kerr County Juvenile Facility and Kerr County Juvenile Probation Department Joint Community Service Program Proposal Introduction Kerr County juvenile services are embarking on a major collaboration to positively affect the quality of behavior modification of juveniles in the Kerrville community. Kerr County Juvenile Facility (KCJF) and Kerr County Juvenile Probation (KCJP) are proposing to implement several fundraising activities where the residents of KCJF, clients of KCJP, and the citizens of Kerrville benefit. Proposed fundraising activities include: • Planting a community garden ("Growing Towards Tomorrow") - a project where KCJF, KCJP, and adult probation are currently pooling resources • Providing a car wash for local law enforcement vehicles while accepting donations (tentatively scheduled for May) • Organizing a first annual community SK ("Paving the Right Path") in downtown Kerrville (tentatively scheduled for June or July) • Planning a chili cook-off (possibly in early fall) between juvenile services, law enforcement services, local government, mental health services, and drug prevention services KCJF and KCJP are depending largely on donations from the community and profits from proposed fundraising activities to fuel the community service program. Other profits from the activities listed above may also be used to prepare for the juveniles' education (such as GED exams /SAT and ACT exams) or transition tools (such as clothing to interview for jobs). Another possibility in the future is a Kerr County Juvenile Probation Scholarship where the juvenile must meet certain requirements and follow an application process. Not only will a stronger community service gene increase visibility of the services that KCJF and KCJP provide in the community, but the juveniles who participate will gain knowledge and skills that will endure for years to come. Program Objectives The overall objective of this project is to provide juveniles associated with KCJF and KCJP an opportunity to earn community service hours court-ordered by their county of origin and to promote these two county agencies within the community. The completion of the community service projects will accomplish the following: • Provide visibility to KCJF and KCJP within the Kerrville community -Many Kerrville citizens do not even realize that a need for juvenile probation services exists. Furthermore, many are not aware that a secure, lock-down facility for juveniles resides in their own backyard. KCJF and KCJP believe that once the community is exposed to the needs of their at-risk youth, support and understanding are soon to follow. Also, many believe that juveniles who are involved in the juvenile justice system are "bad kids" and don't have much of a life to be salvaged. The proposed community service projects will allow the community to see their at-risk youth working hard to better their own lives and giving back to the community what they once took away. • Afford many opportunities for juveniles to learn through hands-on experiences - The juveniles that KCJF and KCJP service are severely lacking in life skills, social skills, coping skills, and confidence. They come from broken homes, drug and alcohol addiction, abuse, gangs, and poverty. What activities these juveniles consider to be a favorite pastime at home is usually destructive to themselves and others. The proposed community service opportunities allow these juveniles to come together in a setting where they will learn team-building skills, positive methods of interaction, respect for investing time and hard work, and a sense of confidence that comes with attaining a goal. The lessons learned through community service are far greater than any lesson learned in a classroom. • Increase the marketability of KCJF to outside counties -Presently at KCJF, the juveniles do not have an outlet to participate in community service. Once these juveniles are released to go home, the obligation of earning community service hours per their court order is both overwhelming and discouraging. Offering community service while these juveniles are detained at the facility is beneficial to the juvenile, to KCJF, to the county of origin, and to the community. The juvenile feels that his/her time at KCJF was useful and his/her contribution to the community may be reaped by many. Methodolo~y This project will be accomplished through the collaboration of key agencies in the area - KCJF, KCJP, and adult probation. These agencies are presently working together to acquire donations, plan and forecast, share knowledge, and gather support for the proposed community service program and community involvement. Project Highlights: 1. "Growing Towards Tomorrow" - At the forefront of the proposed program is the task of planting a community garden on KCJF property. This is a project where KCJF, KCJP, and adult probation are currently their pooling resources to acquire the materials necessary through corporate sponsors and local businesses. Garden supplies (tools, seeds, and fertilizer) will be provided by KCJP. However, once the donations of dirt, fencing, railroad ties, and an irrigation line have been made, adult probation will provide the manpower to prepare the garden for planting. The juveniles will plant the seeds and cultivate the garden until ready for harvest. Once harvested, the vegetables from the garden will be donated to correctional facilities, retirement homes, and sold at a local market if enough vegetables remain. 2. Car Wash -The second proposed project is a car wash where the juveniles detained at KCJF and juveniles on probation will wash the cars of local law enforcement officials. The car wash will be at no charge, however, donations will be accepted. The purpose of this project is for the juveniles to gain a new perspective on law enforcement as people (most juveniles have much hostility towards authoritative figures) by interacting with them in a way that does not involve punishment or suspicion. This project is scheduled tentatively for May and the location is currently unknown. 3. "Paving the Right Path" -The third proposed project involves organizing a community SK in downtown Kerrville (tentatively scheduled for June or July). Staff from both KCJF and KCJP are meeting with the Main Street Office to plan a route, a definite date, and traffic control for the SK. Also, plans are forming for a registration process and vendor participation, such as event t-shirts, event promos/media coverage, and food vendors. Involvement for the juveniles includes SK set-up and trash pick-up. KCJF and KCJP hope for a successful participation level as we hope to make this SK an annual event. 4. Chili Cook-Off -The last proposed project is a chili cook-off (possibly in early fall} between juvenile services, law enforcement services, local government, mental health services, and drug prevention services. This event presents the opportunity of networking within the community to better help our at-risk youth and an opportunity for the community to become familiar with the services of participating agencies. Conclusion Juvenile services of Kerr County are proposing to implement a joint community service program within the Kerrville community. Ken County Juvenile Facility (KCJF) and Ken County Juvenile Probation (KCJP) hope to create several fundraising activities where the residents of KCJF, clients of KCJP, and the citizens of Kerrville benefit. KCJF and KCJP are depending largely on donations from the community and profits from proposed fundraising activities to fuel the community service program. Hopefully, profits my also help juveniles to further their education, prepare for their future, and provide a scholarship from KCJP. Not only will a stronger community service gene increase visibility of the services that KCJF and KCJP provide in the community, but the juveniles who participate will gain knowledge and skills that will endure for years to come.