092905 SPECIAL COMMISSIONERS' COURT AGENDA THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2005, 4:00 P.M. COMMISSIONERS' COURTROOM KERR COUNTY COURTHOUSE KERRVILLE, TEXAS 7802$ THIS NOTICE IS POSTED PURSUANT TO THE TEXAS OPEN MEETINGS ACT. (TITLE 5, CHAPTER 551, GOVERNMENT CODE AND TITLE 5, CHAPTER 552, GOVERNMENT CODE.) This Commissioners' Court will hold a meeting at 4;00 P.M., Thursday, September 29, 2005, at the Kerr County Courthouse in the Commissioners' Courtroom. CALL MEETING TO ORDER I CONSIDERATION AGENDA: (Action may be taken on Items listed below) 1.1 Consider, discuss and take appropriate action to accommodate Texas Youth Commission's request to house juvenile residents at Kerr County Juvenile Detention Facility on an emergency basis for up to 6 months (minimum 3 months) at a per diem rate $95.00 and approve a plan of action. F,~~,~gs rmrex.~wtco. 'ru~3~ 4r (/h