ORDER NO.29437 MONTHLY REPORTS Came to be heard this the 11th day of October, 2005, with a motion made by Commissioner Letz, seconded by Commissioner Nicholson, the Court unanimously approved by vote of 4-0-0 the following monthly reports: District Clerk Sheriff JP #2 County Attorney JP #3 ~9y:3 ~ Monthly Reports for Commissioners Court on October 11, 2005 District Clerk ~~1~titi/-~'~ ~~ ~a CO _ ~ ~~~~ ~~#3 AUGUST Court Costs (CCC) TOTAL ACCT. # DNA testlng EMS Trauma Fund (EMS) Juvenile Prob State Traffic e Officers Fees Arrest Arrest Arrest iff Peace Officer ;ial Fund Stat Cry Cart r Carrier Weight :Payment TOTAL rt Clerk Fees t Court Fines ds Preserva8on louse Security ial Atty. Fees Criminal Fees k's Fees :riffs Fees mafive Dispute Resolution irthouse Security gent Legal Services fund to fee -all family law [e fee =all other civil Crt. Appellate fee r Library ;ords Preservatlon cords Preservation tal Civil Receipts :cellaneous Receipts TAL RECEIPTS: by check ~. Sheriffs fees m costs - Cv. fees -Civil support pd by cash (CAR, B/C) :d fees to treasurer Disbursements 1/1/201 forward 1418. s 189-120 Acct # 2005 Date of Offense 9/1/2001 8/31/1999 9/1/1997 12/31/03 8/31/2001 8/30/1999 9/1!1991 8/31/1995 89-334-310 3,106.59 clk fees Jury Admf-DTP 10-343-700 525.34 197.97 723.31 15-350-100 3,971.30 28-340-700 286.57 29-340-700 66.01 10-343-350 1,995.22 fees ~n_aan_~nn 423428 120.001 989.151 795.00111,138.43 cases = cases = $19,643.86 $660.00 $0.00 $0.00 $6,980.93 $0.00 $29,590.43 56,87 . PREVIOUS BALANCE TOTAL RECEIPTS (+) ADJUSTMENTS -Vd ck, etc (-) DISBURSEMENTS (-) END OF MO. BALANCE Int. on Now Acct. ck # 1 Int.- Trust Acct Ck # I, LINDA UECKER, District Clerk in and for Kerr County, Texas do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct report of the District Clerk General fund for the month of _ August 200t:and submitted to the Commissioner's Court of Kerr County in Kenv ville, Texa: s the 14th.day of September 2005. LINDA UECKER ./z ~p~ DISTRICT CLERK, KERB COUNTY, TEX ,q'LRIffgY~ ~ 1 _~-2~~ ~J`~ ~ a~}~ Bobbin fiurlew D E P 0 5 T '.' WA R R A N I RE(:,EId'1"'-NUMBER -- 07699 RECEIVED FROM • - DC UTS'fRICT CLERK,.:FEEu' AU8U:0T 2005 REPdR'C DATE RECEIVED - 09/28!05 ~#'* F'OS7ED #t.~ 1'i!=1TE DEL-'f7Sii'ECJ _ 09128/05 NU "(YPE-UF'-RECEIPT ~IEBI(-ACCT 1 01 - TREASURY 10-i0-«J1S P 01 - TREASURY 1'1~?~;-~00 3 0i - TREASURY:. 15-1Q3 ~~~0 4 Qil - TREASURY., 18W103-100 ' 5 01 -TREASURY ~~-.,~03-ice' G !'111 _ . TRERSURY 29-103-~f00 7 01 -TREASURY 3u-103-100 8 01 -TRERSURY 10-103-11Z~ 9 !701 - TREASURYY 10-103-1a'~0 10 01 - TREASUI?Y 10•-10:; 100 GRIDIT-ACCT AMOUNT 10-340-700 11,138.43 15-350-100 aq'~71.a0 I x--342--200 i q 841.00 28-.34.0_.700 589.07 `"- 29-.34 0 -7 0 ,_. 0 3 4 1 .0 1 1 . J~ ]~~ y~ JJ .i4!~-T00 J/ yy yy J p J~VG.50 10-345-700 921.35 i 0-34;. 700 723. 31 10-a4:,-.~:,0 1, 995. c2 BY COUNTY TREASURER D E P O 5 I 7 b! A R R A N I RECEIG''f-NUMBER - 376'`39 RECEIVED FROM -- DC DISTRACT CIERN, FEES AUGUST 2005 REPORT DRTE RECEIVED - 09/28/05 Mats=P~35TED, *~~* DATE DEPOSITED - 09/28/05 NO TY'FiE-OF-RECEIPT;.. °~ DT:BIi'-RGCI. GREDTT-ACCT AMOUNT i l 01 - TREASURY 4~-•10.',-10!~ 41A-340-700 ~ 510.00 RECEIPT-TOTAL. - '~~, 924,351.19 '- BY COUNTY TREASURER D E' G d S I T W A R R R IV T RECEIPT-NUMBER - 37700 RECEIVED FROM - DC-SF DISTRICT CLERK STATE FEES AUGUST F?00a` REPORT DRTE RECEIVED - 09!28/05 '~+ f1.OS~'FD," DATE DEPOSITEll - 09!28/05 NO TYP E-OF-REGEI{"?T:" D~~IT-AG~3' ~I'~?EDIT°AGC7 RMOUN7 1 01 -TRERSURY : ~'`$9-1~3-100 :< x+3--334-320 140.00 2 0i - TRERSURY* ,, '89-113-~ 89334-120 1,418.19 3 01 - TREA5UR'~; • ~~`t~!A~'~~l0 89-?334-130 404.00 4 01 - 1'REASUR`f "' ` 89-1 `: 00 89~~34-140 50.22 5 01 - TRERSURY~~ &9^Fl'03-~0 ,'. 8'.x'-334-170 11.35 .,_.._. 6 01 -TREASURY 89-;103-i~1td''" 89=334-190 •-- 10.88 7 01 -TRERSURY 89-10100 ' -334-160 89.49 8 01 -TREASURY 89--1.@,ry-10@-' , . 489-334-310 201. l i 9 01 -TRERSURY r~9aA3~ ;1i?- B9-334-321 1, 485.00 10 01 -TREASURY 89-103-100 89-334-322 1,170.00 BY -- COUNTY TREASURER D E P 0 5 I 7 WARRANT RECEIPT-NUMBER - 37'700 rtG.l..f.. J. V C. L' 1' Il L)Pt LH..'-:Jf LV. w.~ 1 ~ 14 1 4i-L.Rf: L11 PY L C 1-C. C.~~ HiJVt.Jtl l q:'Y.t YtJ RC:. P'9JIt 1. DATE RECEIVED - ~9J28/Q~°, ~*~^ DUSTED ~#~ DATE DcPOSiTE.D -- u}9;28/65 NO TYGE-OF-RECEIPT DEBI?--ACGT CRE1iIT-ACCT AMOUNT ii 01 - TREASURY ~'~-303-100 ~9-334-577 -- 259.8A `-` 1 RECEIPT-°TOTRL -'~ --~' 85,239.24 °-` G' BY COUNTY TREASURER D EPOS I T' W A R R R N T REGEIG>T-NUMBER - 37701 RECEIVED FROM - DC-IN1' DISTRICT CLERK - ZNTERESI" RU6UST 2~Va5 REPt"1RT DATE RECEIVED - ~b9J28JQ~5 ?~~~ €~OSI'ED +~ DATE DF_POSITED - ~29l28i05 ND 'TYPE-OF-RECEIPT DI=131T-ACCT CREDIT--ACCT AMOUNT 1 01 - TREASURY IQ!-10~-iQ~~' 1~D*3bS~~°100 „~ 946.91 -•"" ,, RECEIPT-TOTAL -'- ~- 890E.91 -% BY COUNTY TREASURER W.R. "RUSTY" HIERHOLZER, SHERIFF CIVIL PROCESS ------------------ COPIES ( 16 @ $ 3.00 each - - - - - - - - (Receipt Code 10-370-300) COPIES ( 1 @ $ 4.00 each - - - - - - - - (Receipt Code IO-370-300) KERR COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE KERR COUNTY CIVIL REPORT $1,910.00 $48.00 $4.00 ATTORNEY GENERAL PAYMENT ( @ $39.60 each) - - - - - FINGERPRINTS 37 @ $5.00 each) - - $0.00 $185.00 TOTAL $2.147.00 400 Clearwater Paseo • Kerrville, Texas 78028 • Main 830-896-1216 • FAX 830-896-7380 KCSO 1/04 THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF KERB The foregoing is a true and correct report of W. R. HIERHOLZ , Sheriff of Kerr County, Texas, for the month of , 2005 dated at Kerrville, Texas, this ~ day of , 2005. W. R. HIERHOLZE~ Sheriff J SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me this ~ day of ~~~-(i-eat/ , 2005. ,'c`~pP:?~@'"- PIAN(.~Y P. R06iSON ~. ~C'~.ti ~ ~ G~-~-ff~ ~` Ndery Pi6le, 91eee d Tame ~~~ Not ry Public =.~~oe' '•,„~;e~ OC1C)BER 30, 2006 JANNETT PIEPER County Cler, Kerr County, Texas Revised Form 01/03/2005 ---- L A W - --- E N F u R C E M E N T ----------- S Y S T E ------------------- M ------- 02:19:30pm u4 Oct 2005 THE SOFTWARE GROUP, INC. C ivil Fapers Collection Aepert For The Period 09! Vl/2005 Thru 09/30/2 V05 PAGE 1 ID # Person to Sex ve.... .. . Cause # Type of Papers... Date Rcvd Rcpt q Amt Receiv ed Amt Required Amomr Du e. 100340 BOND, MICHAEL LOUISE 9b-9832- TAX rITAT ION 09/01/2 UO ?8002± $45. 00 $45 00 $0. 00 5 E 5 5011] NATIONAL REGISTERED 02-995-T TAX CITATION 09/22/200 380054 $60 00 $60. 00 $0 00 AGENTS, INl' 26 5 64105 BURNS, W. F. a/k/a; 6281 TAX CITATION 09!12j200 380036 $60 00 $60. 00 $0 00 WINFORD FREDER ICX HDFNS 5 ]40]0 NAT IUNAL REGISTERED 04 CV 14 TAX CITATION 05/19/200 380051 $60. 00 $60. 00 $0 .00 AGENTS, INC. 8632 5 96166 NAT IDNAL REGISTERED P C 15]8 TAX CITATION 09/22;200 380053 $45. 00 $45 00 $0 .00 AGENTS, IN('. B1-!'V 5 ]6450 NATIONAL REGISTERED OS-10194 TAX CITATION 09/15/200 3b0045 $60. 00 $60 .00 $n . oo AGNETS T-H 5 ]6991 NATIONAL REGISTERED 05 3020] TAX CITATION 09/15/2n0 380095 $60 00 $60 .00 $0 00 AGENTS T H 5 ]]139 NATIONAL REGISTERED 05 SOSS] CITATION 03/15/200 380095 $20. 00 $60 . u0 $0 .00 AGENTS, INC. T-H 5 99305 NATIONAL REGISTERED 05 255 T TAX CITATION 09/22/200 180054 $60. 00 $60 00 $0 .00 AGENTS 368 5 99498 NATIONAL RF.G ISTEF ED OS 351 T TAX GITAT IDN 09/22 /2 u0 3a0054 $60. 00 $60 00 $0 .00 AGENTS 368 5 ]]611 GICX, JEFFERY R 22,20] TAX CITATION 09/09/200 380033 $60. n0 $60 .OU $U .00 5 ]8321 NATIONAL REGISTERED OS-10]26 TAX CITATION 09/15/200 180045 $60. 00 $60 .00 $0 .00 AGENTS -T-G 5 '18399 NATIONAL REGISTERED A10606-0 TAX CITATION 09/14/200 180091 $60 00 $60 .00 $0 .00 AGNETS 404 S ']9889 ROBB INS, I(ATIE WILLIAMS 13145C05 CITATION U9/01/200 380024 $45 00 $95 .n0 $0 . VO 5 ]589] MILLER, D'~ROTHY ANN 29961] WRIT 05/02/200 380025 $200 On $2UO .U0 $0 .00 5 Bn013 NARIANI, LISA 11]198 05/01/200 13]198 $5. 00 $5 .00 $0 .00 5 80014 HARRIS, DAVID 13]199 09/01/200 13'1199 $5. 00 $S .uU $0 .00 5 80015 FERGOSON, CHRISTOPHER 13]200 09/02/200 13]200 $5. 00 $5 .00 $0 00 5 80016 SHEARER, WYLIE 13]201 09/06/200 13]201 $5. 00 $5 00 $0 .00 5 80019 ESTRADA, KRYSTLE NAR IE 13]202 09/06/200 13]202 $5. 00 $5 .00 $0 .00 5 80018 BALDERAS, ARNAMDO A. JR 139203 09/06/200 13]203 $5. 00 $5 VO $0 .00 5 80019 UMFRE55, MONICA 13'1204 09/06/200 13]204 $5. 00 $5 00 $0 .00 5 80020 CONNALLY, CHRISTOPHER RAY 13'1205 09/0]/200 13'1205 $5. 00 $5 .00 $D .00 5 80021 WHITE ROGER LEE 13]206 09/08/200 13]206 $5. 00 $5 .00 $0 .00 -- L A W E N F O R C E M E N T ---------- S Y S T F. ------------------- M ------ 02:19:30pm 04 Uct 2005 THE SO FTWARE GROUP, INC C _________ ivil Papexs ___________ Collect iOn Report ___________________ Fox The Period 09! ______________ _ _ 01,2005 Thru _ _ _ _ __ 09/30 ______ /2005 _ _ _ _ PAGE 2 ID # Person to Sex ve......... . Cause # Type of Papers. Date Revd Rcpt # Amt Receiv ed Amt Requir ed Amount Du e. 5 80023 LO FEZ, MIRTHALA 380026 09/02/2up a80026 $i 00 $3. 00 $0. 00 5 80029 CHOICE POINT 38002] 09;09/200 39002] $3. 00 $3. u0 $0. 00 5 80025 BAYER, KEVIN 380028 09/07/200 380028 $3. 00 $3 Ou $0. 00 5 8002] HAWKINS, BECKY 380 U29 09/0]/200 380029 $3 00 $3 00 $0 00 5 80028 PROGRESSIVE COUNTY MUTUA L 360030 09j 08/200 380030 $3 00 $3 .00 $0. 00 INS 5 80030 YSELA FRANCES OUTFLF.ET 380031 09/08/200 380031 $2 00 $3 .00 $0. 00 5 80011 KERRVILLE ISD 380032 09;08/200 380032 $3. 00 $3 .00 $0. 00 5 80012 JOYNER, GEORGE 3An 014 05/09/200 380034 $3. 00 $3 .00 $0. 00 5 80035 KPUB 380015 09/05/200 380035 $3. 00 $3 00 $0. 00 5 80099 NATIONAL REGISTERED 20055098 CITATION 09/12/200 38003] $60. 00 $60 00 $0. 00 AGENTS 3 5 80051 FRAM, LIONEL ERNEST 13]20] 09/121200 13]20] $5 00 $E DO $0. 00 S 80053 CORREA, ERRVYE 13]208 09!12/200 13'J20P $5 00 $5 .00 $0. 00 5 80051 WE IS INGER, JERRY, HGNDO 2]]621 WRIT 09/13/200 38003N $200. 00 $200 .00 $0. 00 DIS FOSAL 5 80069 VANLINER INS 380039 09/19/200 380039 $3. 00 $3 .00 $0. 00 5 800]0 \METROPOLITAN REPORTING 380090 09/14/200 380040 $4. 00 $9 00 $0 00 BUREAU 5 800]3 BOTELLO, JENNIFER 10]6] CITATION 09/14/200 380042 $60. 00 $50 Ou $0 .00 5 800]4 NATIONAL REGISTERED 20055634 CITATION 09/14/200 380043 $60. 00 $60 .00 $0 .00 AGENTS ] 5 80083 NATIONAL REGISTERED T 968 OS TAX CITATION 09/14/200 380094 $50 00 $60 .00 $10 .00 AGENTS E 5 80092 BLANKS, AMY S. 8186 Ol HDH POENA OA/16 /200 180046 $60. 00 $60 .00 $0 .00 5 80096 MAGENHEIMEk, DALE 00000529 CITATION 09/16/200 380049 $45. 00 $45 .00 $0 .00 < 5 80119 GRAYBON, pOROTHY G 13]209 03/16/200 13]209 $5. 00 $5 .00 $0 .00 5 80115 ROLEN, RONALD 13]210 09/16/200 13]210 $5. 00 $5 .00 $0 .00 5 80116 SANS EN, ELENA KAY 13]211 09/16/200 13]211 $5. 00 $5 .00 $0 .00 5 L A W E N F O R C E M E N T S Y S T E M 02: P3:30pm 04 OCC 2005 THE SOFTWARE GAOOP, INC Civ il Papers Collection Report Fnr Tha. Per iod 09/ 01/2005 Thru 09/30 /2005 PAVE 3 ID # Person to Serve...... Guoe # Type of Papers... Date Rcvd Rcpt # Amt Receiv ed Amt Realm r ed Amount Du e. 80119 JAMS EN, EDWARD MARK 14]212 09; 1ti; 200 13]212 $S. OU $5 00 $0. 00 5 80118 MAST, JESSICA 13]213 09/16/200 13]213 $5 00 $5. 00 $0. 00 5 80119 SMITH, PAUL JR 380048 UZ; lti; 200 3A0048 $3. 00 $3 00 $0. 00 5 80120 PROGRESSIVE COUNTY MUTUAL 380050 09/19/200 380050 $3 00 $3. 00 $0. 00 5 80160 MIEAE, EDDIE LAYNE 13]214 09;19/200 13]214 $5 00 $S. UU $0. 00 5 80161 ROBINSON, JENNIFER DENISE 13]215 09;19/200 13]215 $5. 00 $5. 00 $0. 00 5 80165 FADAR, SOHN HENRY 1Y~216 09/19/200 1"s ]216 $5 00 $5. 00 $0. 00 5 801]0 RECTOR, PAULA NAR IE 11]217 u9/20; 200 13]219 $5. 00 $5 00 $0. 00 5 801]1 SCOTT, SESSE HOYD 13]218 09/20/200 13]218 $5 00 $5. 00 $0. 00 5 80220 SNAC'HEZ, DANNY 20050549 SUH PnENA 09/12/200 380055 $60. 00 $60. OV $0. 00 645 5 8022] JIMENEZ, GILH ERT 03835] WRIT 09/22;200 18005fi $200. 00 $200 00 $0. 00 5 80231 KENNEDY, WENDY 380052 051 19/200 380052 $3 00 $3. 00 $0. 00 5 80232 PROGRESSIVE COUNTY MUTUAL 38005] 09/^<2/200 38005] $3 .OU $3. 00 $0. 00 INS 5 B U2 it MECKE, HRAD 380058 05/22/200 38005] $3 .00 $3. 00 $0. 00 5 80214 HEAR EkT, PAUL LAh1AR 380059 0?/22/200 380V59 $5 .00 $5. 00 $0 VO 5 80235 RHODES', SANDRA 13219 0?/21/200 139219 $5 .00 $5. 00 $0. 00 5 80236 HTEADHAM, SHERRI ANN 13]220 09/21/200 139219 $S .VO $5. 00 $0. 00 5 8023] HOWEN, TERRY LEIGH 13]221 u9/21/200 13]221 $5 .00 $5. 00 $0 00 5 BU238 DANLEY, RICK SWAIN 139222 09/22/200 13]222 $S 00 $5. 00 $0 .00 5 80252 VANN, TIMOTHY J 01-6938 CITATION 09/23/200 380060 $60 .00 $60. 00 $0 .00 S 80282 LANIK, BONNIE K CV-OS-25 SUMMONS 09/2fi /200 380061 $60 00 $50 00 $0 .00 8 S 80285 CHOICE POINT 38D062 09/26/200 380062 $3 00 $3 .00 $0 .00 5 80286 ORONA, GDADALD PE 13]223 09123/200 13'/223 $5 .00 $5 .00 $0 .00 5 80289 WELLS, NORMAN EARL 13]224 09/23/200 139229 $5 .00 $5 .00 $0 .00 L A W E N F O R C E M E N T S Y S T E M n2:15:30pm 04 Oct 2005 THE EU FTWARE GROUP, INC. Civil Papers Collection kepert For The Pe rind 09/Ol/2G05 Thru 09%30 /2005 PAGE 4 ID p Person to SE rve .. ... ,. Cauee # Type of Papex s.. Date RcVd Rcpt q Amt Receiv ed Amt Az qui red Amount Du e 5 R02BB FATTERSUN, CHARTS AMRER 137225 09/26/200 137225 $S. OV $5 .00 $0. 00 5 H02B9 DOWER, ETHELL HOSEPH ]3226 05 l26/2n0 13'1226 $5. 00 $S .VO $0. 00 5 8V290 ADMIRE, CYIRAL WILLARD 13"1339 09/26/200 13]228 $5. 00 $5 00 $0. 00 5 80328 CHANDLER, RONALD EDWARD 139223 09 /27 /2 pn 139228 $S. VO $5 .00 $0. 00 5 80129 FLANAGAN, SDE C 13]229 p9/2c/200 1?]229 $S. VO $5 .00 $0. 00 5 80330 GOZARDO, TRAVIS LEE 1s 9230 p9!28!2 V0 139240 $5 OU $5 00 $0. 00 5 80381 \PILLGUXPILL, FRENCH IE FA 13"1231 09/30/200 139231 $5. 00 $5 00 $0 00 S 80382 EDWARDS, BRYSTAL G 13'1232 09/3C; 2V0 139232 $5 00 $5 .00 $0 00 5 80183 KOERB ER, MEL IbEA SUE 13'1233 09/30~2V0 139231 $5 00 $5 00 $0 00 5 8p384 09/10/200 $0 OU $0 Op $0. 00 5 Totals $2,142 00 $2,159.00 $10.00 81 records listed. NEW CASES FILED DISPOSITIONS: Dispositions Prior to Trial: Bond Forfeitures Fined Cases Dismissed 'total Dispositions Prior to 77ia1 Dispositions a[ Trial: Trial by Jadge Guilty No[ Guilty Civil Trials Trial by Jurv Guilty Not Guilty Civil Trials Dismissed at Trial Tutal Dispositions at Trial Cases Dismissed After: Driving S4lery Course Deferred Disposition Proof of Financial Responsibility Total Casa Dismissed ARer TOTAL DISPOSITIONS CASES APPEALED U 0 --- --- --- 0 56 18 --- --- --- 74 li 0 2 0 0 17 71 IS 2 0 0 91 0 0 --- --- 0 ___ 0 0 ___ ___ p ___ 0 I ___ ___ ___ 1 0 0 --' --- --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 o z Z ___ ___ ___ -° 2 1 0 ___ 1 ___ ___ 13 --- --- --- 13 16 U --- --- 16 --- 87 19 3 0 0 109 I 0 0 0 0 1 JOVENILE AC'TIVITY': Warnings Administered Statements Certified Detention Hearings Ilold Failure to Attend School Cases Filed Violation of Local Daytime Curfew Ordinance Cases Filed Referted to Juvenile Court for Delinquent Conduct Held in Contempt, Fined, or Denied Driving Privileges 0 q 0 0 0 0 0 OTHER ACTIVITY: Parent Contributing [o Nonattendance Cases Filed 0 Peace Rond Hearings Held 0 Class A or B Misdemeanor Complaints Accepted 0 Felony Complaints Accented 0 Examining Trials Conducted 0 Inquests Conducted Z Safety Responsibility and Driver's License Suspension Hearings Held, 0 Se.uch Warrants Issued 0 Arrest Warrants Issued: C'las's C Misdemeanors Only 8 Felonies and Class A and R Misdemeanors Only I 1 Total Arrest V6'arrants /slued 19 Magistrate Warnings Given 81 Emergency Mental Health Hearings Held I7 Magistrate's Orders for Emergency Protection 0 Conference Held Prior to Legal Action Resulting in: Criminal Civil Total Legal Action Reing Filed in Court ... ....................... 0 0 0 No Legal Action Being Taken .... .. .. .. ................ .... .. 0 0 0 Activity Report for Justice of the Peace Courts -Kerr Precinct 2 September 1, 2005 to September 30, 2005 100.0 Percent Reporting Rate' 1 Reports Received Out of a Possible'I CRIMINAL CASES CIVIL CASES Traffic Non-Traffic >mall Claims Forcible Bntry Other REPORTED AAicdP.n P~n~m AAicdnmr~n...c Odre R. rlPr~inP. ri.~il Cnirc Tl1TA1 C 90 6 1 1 I 99 Tb ~-~.I ~e~enue ~ ~5,a~'~~~i Criminal Fees Consolidated Court Costs AccouniNo Omnibase-FTA CRC Child Seat Belt State Traffic Jury Fees Peace Officer Fees TABC Arrest DPS Arrest TPW Arrest Time Payment Monthly Report of Fees JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, PCT. 2 September 2005 Date of Offense 01/01104 I 09/01101 I 08131199 09101/97 I 09101195 Forward 12131103 08131101 08130/99 08131/97 $3,120.73 $200.00 89-120 89-130 89-140 89-170 89-180 09/01191 08131195 89-334-700 89-334-400 $291.03 89-334-600 89-334-310 $172.99 i oral TAF Traffic DSC Dismissal Total JP 2 Fees Sheriff Fees JP 2 Fines Constable Courthouse Security Technology 10-343-302 $19.15 $183.76 $110.00 $150.00 $462.91 10-345-202 $709.56 10-342-302 $7,477.00 10-340-251 $104.50 29-340-302 $249.02 26-340-302 $320.12 Total Criminal Fees Civil Fees JP 2 Fees Sheriff Fees Indigent Fees Constable Total Civil Fees Monthly Payments County and State Fees Interest Overpayments Out of County Service Check No. 494 $15,286.00 493 $10.00 $464.02 $9,323.11 $15,060.00 Check No. Restitution TPW NSF L&W Page 1 REX EMERSON COUNTY COURTHOUSE, SUITE BA-103 700 MAIN STREET October 6, 2005 County Judge and Commissioners RE: Department Report September 2005 County Court at Law: Cases filed ytd- 1691 Docket disposal rate average through August - 106% Fines, fees court costs assessed - $800,000 + 2. Juvenile Court: KERRVILLE, TEXAS 78028 Average filing time ytd is 7.85 days(2004 avg was 43 days) Cases ytd - 62 new "2005" filings + repeat offenders Have Instituted policy of filing show causes for contempt on parties failing to complete judicial orders (pay fees, attend classes etc...) 3. Hot Check Fund: 2004-2005 fiscal yeaz - $285,944.60 collected for merchants Hot Check fees collected - $56,386.01 Currently working on unclaimed funds report to submit to treasurer. Anticipate turning over to County approx. $15,000 from current balance in hot check fund collected in prior budget yeaz. 4. Protective Orders: Processed l8 ytd. 5. Contract Attorney's fees: Below budget and running efficiently. Agreed to aid the State in a probate case and Kerr county should earn after Contract atty expenses $2100.00 6. Computer; no issues. 7. Public Service: Ordered teen DWI posters and educational videos for substance~abus~ecissues to made available to schools, youth groups etc. ~~ / r~D•2oa~ r d ~ n. ~ MAIN NUMBER (830) 792-2220 ~ HOT CHECKS (830) 792-2221 ~ FAX (830) 792-2228 THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF KERR Before me, the undersigned authority, this day personally appeared, CGAUDIO CASTIT.,LO, Justice of the Peace, Pct. 3, Kerr County, Texas, who being duly sworn, deposes and says that the above and foregoing report is true and correct. Witness my hand this 7th day of October ,A.D.2005, CLAUDIO CASTILLO Justice of the Peace,Precinct No. 3 Kerr County, Texas Subscribed and sworn .to on this the 7th day of October ,2005. ~;Eiv[i hi~,t~ Jann t Pieper ~` N-CY CQ `~, Kerr County Clerk o.`~ ~ ~~4j.`'~ V~ !~ ••~ ~ ~ ,_ BY: - De .Z+ ~ e ,/,r°IY11111 i~ M E U a W a ` "I of p O O R'1 H F~ ~] in O P: Q h G a ~ H b ~ z ~ a i W H F C o I` CK fn U] N ,,.~ H Q H ~ >+wz W w' U .~ H N 1-] OW Fp ~ x ~ U 0 0 C ~ o H C7WU H O ~ y~ O ~ a E -7 l D ~ O ~ " o a ~ ra O cn U N ~ b W U] N z w •~ s+ •-+ H W YI O •rl w w w w w ````\``~~a~* i i ~ ~ n3y~~'o q . ~ ;_ < 0 • • ~ • • ~ V ~ ~- cn z F- °) ~: 1 :~~ . ,Q7 ~ ...~~~F" .~, •1•. x N N rl U +~ 0 U S1 ~~ N N >+ x w JUSTICE OF THE PEACE PCT. 3 Monthly Report of Fees Month of September, 2005 Criminal Fees Consolidated Court Costs (CCC) Total Acct. NO. Bail Bond Fee (BB) DNA Testing EMS Trauma Fund (EMS) Juvenile Probation Diversion Fees State Traffce Peace Officers Fees TABC Arrest DPS Arrest TPW Arrest Fees FTA/OMNIBASE FEE Jury Fee CRC-Seatbelt(child only) Motor Carrier Weight Time Payment Total JP3 Fees Sheriff Fees JP3 Fines Constable CH Security Technology Total Criminal Fees Civil Fees JP 3 Fees Sheriff Fees Indigent Fund Constable Total Civil Total Monthly Payments County & State Fees Interest Overpayments Out of County Service Date of Offense 1-1-04 9-1-01 8-31-99 9-1-97 9-1-95 9-1-91 =onward 12-31-03 8-31-01 8-30-99 8-31-97 8-31-95 89-170 89-180 89.190 89.334.700 0.00 89.334.600 89.334.160 89.334.900 89-334-010 $2,264.11 Total $2,264.11 89.334-700 89-334-000 $367.37 89-334-600 89.334.980 89.334.230 $124.00 89-334-660 $348.00 89-334-111 89-334-310 Defensive Traffir. Safety Dismissal TAF Total $839.37 10-343-305 $226.41 $155.00 $30.00 32.00 $443 .41 10-345-205 $10 .00 10-342.305 $5,767 .00 10.340.255 $5 .00 29.340-305 $229 .42 26-340-305 $301 .87 JP Fees I Jurv $6,756.70 $12,919.00 10-340.305 $250.00 $250. 00 10-345-205 $0. 00 89-334.340 $36. 00 10.340-255 $990. 00 10-340-250 Ck # 1057 $14,195.00 1058 $24.86 Ck# Restitution TPW Cert. Mail Fees $1,276.00 $14,195.00 ail h6@ ttt :~hhht2hhtt:~ i~L50t00 1 ----- and ~.- - r ' ooorsseroce • sxade smai 3nuddn • eaaszioe o'a ssnxi. ~ xuvs ^ ~s~ss ~ixna~s ~.. ~ SaV~~OO n /. . ~/ p~ `S6l ~ $ roo G1 ~ 31VO sroiiiroslz-se V' ~50~ ezose xt'3nlnaa~ LD4 V9#'15 NItlW OOL o~iisna oian~no £# ar uNnoo aa3~ tl30tl0 3H1 Ol AVd .1i2 hh8 ttt --- ~ - ~-- ~- :~h't6t2hhtt;~ .IiBSOtOO.ii and arozscaade • uoe