1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 7q 25 KERR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT Special Session Monday, October 24, 2005 9:00 a.m. Commissioners' Courtroom Kerr County Courthouse Kerrville, Texas PRESENT: PAT TINLEY, Kerr County Judge H.A. "BUSTER" BALDWIN, Commissioner Pct. 1 WILLIAM "BILL" WILLIAMS, Commissioner Pct. 2 JONATHAN LETZ, Commissioner Pct. 3 DAVE NICHOLSON, Commissioner Pct. 4 O Q ~... z 1 2 3 4 5 H 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 I N D E X October 24, 2005 --- Visitors' Comments --- Commissioners' comments 1.2 Consider, discuss and approval of proposed 2006 budget for Kerr Emergency 9-1-1 Network 1.1 Review and approval of Community Plan for submission to AACOG 1.3 Consider/discuss, take appropriate action on Final Notice from 9-1-1 on addresses 1.4 Consider/discuss, take appropriate action on Water Availability Requirements, Subdivision Rules and/or modification of Court Order 29006 1.5 Consider/discuss, take appropriate action for the concept plan of Las Colinas of Kerrville in Fct. 1 1.7 Consider/discuss, take appropriate action for the Final Plat of Ledqe Stone Subdivision in Pct. 2 1.6 Public Hearing for Revision of Plat for Lots 34-37 of The Reserve at Falling Water in Pct. 3 1.8 Consider/discuss, take appropriate action for setting purchase price for copy of 2005-2006 budget at $20.00 1.9 Consider/discuss, take appropriate action to approve Contract Amendment No. 1 between Kerr County and Department of State Health Services, and authorize County Judge to sign l.ll Consider/discuss, take appropriate action on proposed Memorandum of Understanding for con- struction of the Animal Control Facility 1.10 Request approval of the Kerr County Jury selection plan as amended to reflect changes required by HB-75 and SB-1704 1.12 Consider/discuss, act on issues involving con- struction of expansion of Animal Control Facility, its parking lot and sidewalks PAGE 5 10 14 22 26 32 36 43 49 50 52 55 59 62 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 13 19 20 21 ~~ '3 24 25 I N D E X (Continued) October 29, 2005 PAGE 1.13 Consider/discuss, take appropriate action on resolution thanking Mr. Charles Lewis for his service on the 9-1-1 Board 68 1.14 Consider/discuss, take appropriate action to nominate and/or appoint new representative to Kerr County 9-1-1 Board 70 1.15 Consider/discuss, take appropriate action on Subdivision Rules & Regulations and Water Availability Requirements 72 1.16 Consider/discuss, take appropriate action on Kerr Central Appraisal District proposed budget amendment 83 1.17 Consider/discuss, take appropriate action on Termination Notice received from Mutual of Omaha with regard to Employee Health Benefits Program 88 4.1 Pay Bills 114 4.2 Budget Amendments 117 4.3 Late Bills --- 4.4 Approve and Accept Monthly Reports 122 5.1 Reports from Commissioners/Liaison Committee Assignments 123 Adjourned 128 4 1 _.. 2 3 4 5 h 7 8 9 10 11 12 __ 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ~^ 2 4 25 On Monday, October 24, 2005, at 9:00 a.m., a special meeting of the Kerr County Commissioners Court was held in the meeting of the Kerr County Commissioners Court scheduled and posted for this date and time, Monday, October the 24th, 2005, at 9 a.m. My good friend, Pastor Al Schultz, is here this morning, one of our representatives on the Library Board, and I'd like to turn it over to him for a word of prayer, if you'd please stand. (Prayer and pledge of allegiance.) JODGE TINLEY: Thank you very much. At this time, if there's any member of the audience or the public that wishes to be heard on any matters which are not listed agenda items, you're privileged to come forward at this time and tell us what's on your mind. If you wish to be heard on an agenda item, in connection with any listed agenda item, we'd ask that you fill out a participation form. They're located at the book back of the room. I think we've got plenty back there. It helps me when we get to that item to not miss you so that you have the opportunity to speak on that item. If you fail to fill one out, when we get to that 5 1 2 3 9 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 19 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 29 25 item, if you want to be heard, get my attention some way, shape, form, or fashion. Wave your arms. You can get my attention, but we'd -- we'd ask that you fill out a participation form if possible. But if there's anybody that wishes to be heard on a matter which is not listed on the agenda, well, feel free to come forward at this time. Yes, sir? Please come forward, and if you'll give your name and address so that the reporter can get it down. MR. SHOEMAKER: My name's John Shoemaker. I live at 150 Deer Park Lane in Center Point, and I have a couple of items here I'll pass out. I have some questions about some of the activities that have occurred at the airport over the last several weeks. JUDGE TINLEY: We can pass those out for you. MR. SHOEMAKER: I've got a couple extras, if someone needs one. MS. PIEPER: May I have one, please, sir? MR. SHOEMAKER.: Sure. The first one was sparked on Wednesday of, I guess, week before last. The Airport Manager instructed a licensed aircraft, piloted by a licensed pilot, not to land and refuel at the Kerrville Airport. That same aircraft and others similar to it have landed at the airport in the past. My questions are, what authority does the airport -- gives the Airport Manager the right and the power to do this? lu-d4-OS 6 1 " 2 3 9 5 r 7 8 9 10 11 12 °° 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Z4 Let me back up and tell you that I'm a pilot -- a commercial pilot, an aircraft owner, and taxpayer, and all of these things make a lot of input into my life. I believe you will notice that on every application for grants to improve the airport, that it specifically says that licensed aircraft cannot be denied use of that airport. This is what I'm asking about. Has the F.A.A., Department of Transportation, TexDOT been notified? And then I come to the question of how much federal money has the airport received in the last five years? And that leads us to number four, which is, has an airport official investigated whether or not the Kerrville Airport can be required to return all federal money for refusing landing to legal aircraft? And then the obvious, will this kind of publicity be beneficial to the airport? Most of you probably by now know that it was the Met Life blimp who was denied landing out here, and, of course, they are en route -- or they were en route to California. And we'll probably hear from Mr. Madden Monday night about the fact why you're not allowed to land here. They landed here in the past. And my concern is, when I'm flying to California, when I'm ready to land and I'm out of fuel, will some airport out there say, "No, you're from Kerrville; we don't allow people from Kerrville to land at 25 this airport"? _. us 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ~4 ?5 The ser_ond item is about the roads at the airport. They're used by automobiles, 18-wheel trucks and various unregistered vehicles, forklifts and so forth. My question is, who owns them? Who's responsible for maintenance? The section near the fuel farm is in terrible condition. In case one of those forklifts runs into me, who do I call? Who responds? Who -- who writes the tickets? Second page says, as an aircraft owner, commercial pilot, flight instructor, and taxpayer, I have several questions about the operations. Almost daily there are three or more vehicles simultaneously on the runways and taxiways. These vehicles include the Airport Manager's private truck. Monday, after I had started writing these, there were six City trucks and a lawnmower on the runway simultaneously. They were completely blocking the runways. Numerous airplanes were trying to take off and land. They would not get out of the way. The large aircraft that was trying to take off, a Challenger jet, sat there and waited as long as he could till his clearance was about to expire, and then he took off, like anybody else would have to do. His wingspan is 56 feet wide. The airstrip is 100 feet wide. Vehicles on either side of him had less than 10 feet clearance between the vehicle and the airplane that's going 200 miles an hour. Now, my questions. Is the airport -- Airport 1'J-::9-~'~5 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2g 21 22 23 29 25 Manager's personal vehicle covered by enough insurance to pay for this jet? We're not even going to talk about the loss of life and other things that ~~ould be associated with it. Do the vehicles monitor the unicorn frequency that is required according to the airport regulations? I'll come back to them in a minute also. Have the people in the trucks and on the tractors received any training on aircraft procedures, vocabulary, and responses? What are they supposed to do? Does the Airport Manager try to reduce the number of vehicles nn the runway to the least number necessary? I think I know the answer to that one. And the one that really worries me are the bottom ones. Federal officials, the F.A.A., send me a letter just about once every six months that says when I see something unsafe, I'm expected to report it to the proper authorities. If it's the Airport Manager that's being unsafe, rude, or unresponsive, to whom do I report it and what course of action can be expected? Airports are funded by taxes. And my question is, who do I go to? Which of my elected officials has the authority over the airport and its management? Where does the buck stop? I'd certainly like for some of you people to address these things. I have a copy of the old airport rules here. It's 36 pages long. The new airport rules, which I got from the City, is 83 pages long, eight pages of 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 forms which are nor used, seven pages of which are blank. Hidden in there is the information that we need to operate the airport. And I would like to see that the rules are enforced or -- or changed or edited so that they can be enforceable. Thank you. JUDGE TINLEY: Thank you, Mr. Shoemaker. Under the law that we're required to play by here, since this is not a listed agenda item, I'm sure you understand, we cannot engage in a dialogue and -- and respond to these things. But -- MR. SHOEMAKER: Yes, sir. And my purpose is to make you aware of the circumstances, and so that we can start following up some of these circumstances. Some of us have been trying, you know, rather unsuccessfully, to -- to get some of these things addressed, and that's -- that's my purpose of being here. If it requires putting it on the agenda and coming through or whatever we need to do, I'll certainly be glad to do that. JUDGE TINLEY: We -- we appreciate you beinq here today and bringing these matters to our attention. And I think I can give you reasonable assurance that they will be looked into. MR. SHOEMAKER: Thank you. JUDGE TINLEY: You bet, sir. Is there any other member of the public or the audience that wishes to be it~_a~ ns 10 1 L 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 19 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 heard concerning a matter which is not a listed agenda item? Anyone else? Seeing no one else coming forward, we will move into the Commissioners' comments. Commissioner Baldwin, do you have anything for us this morning? COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: No, sir. I'm excited about this agenda, and let's roll our sleeves up and get going. JUDGE TINLEY: Commissioner Williams? COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: I have a couple things, Judge. First of all, I'm not going to respond in-kind to what Mr. Shoemaker brought to our attention, but I am going to tell the Court that I will place on the agenda an item -- on the airport agenda an item that deals with personnel performance review of the Airport Manager. I think it's a topic that's been there before. It needs to be addressed, and -- and I will -- I will address it at -- in the proper form. I'd like to take a moment of my time here this morning, Judge, to -- to single out a couple people. A great big tall fellow who wears a black hat, and everybody knows him as the Kerr County -- former Kerr County Republican Chair, is -- stand up, Tom Mock, and put your damn hat on, will you? He is about to leave for Iraq. Now, you would wonder if anybody in his right mind would willingly go to Iraq. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: But isn't there -- . -z9-_~ 11 1 3 9 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 l~ 13 19 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ~4 25 MR. MOCK: Key word was "right mind," right? COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: That's what I was going to bring up. Plus the -- isn't there an age limit of some sort? (Laughter.) COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Not sure about that, bur_ Tom is going to go over to Iraq on the first of what he believes will be two sir.-month contracts to train law enforcement officers, and I just want to publicly thank him for his service to Kerr County and the Kerr County Republican party, and wish you godspeed. Come back safe. Thank you, Tom Mock. MR. MOCK: Thank you very much. (Applause.) COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Secondly, I'd like to introduce a lady who's going to take Tom Mock's place. She does not wear a black hat. She has blond hair. She was born in Waco, Texas. Her name is Cecile Folly -- Folley McKenzie, and -- did I tell you? I wasn't born in Waco, but I lived in Waco a long time, so that makes us -- there's a kinship there. MS. McKENZIE: Yeah, that's right. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: She obtained her doctorate from the University of Houston, taught at the graduate level at Houston Baptist, was chosen in Gray's Order, which is for those who achieve excellence, from i ~-. a U S 12 1 2 3 4 5 E 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 University of Houston. And Cecile is going to take Tom Mock's place as the Kerr County Republican Chair. Stand up, Ce~,ile; let everybody see who you are. We welcome you. (Applause.) COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Better looking, too. MR. MOCK: You're exchanging a G.E.D. for a Ph.D. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Thank you both very much for coming. Thank you, Judge. JUDGE TINLEY: Thank you. Commissioner Letz? COMMISSIONER LETZ: I just want to get back quickly to Mr. Shoemaker on his -- on his comments. In addition to what Commissioner Williams said about the listed item, our next meeting will be -- it's the first -- COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: First Tuesday. COMMISSIONER LETZ: First Tuesday of November, and I think we can answer some of these. Anyway, that will be an agenda item; we can answer a lot of these questions for you in that situation. You know, which will, I think, help, 'cause I am concerned about your issues as well. For your information, Commissioner Williams and I are the representatives from the Commissioners Court on the Airport Board. That's the only comments I have today. JUDGE TINLEY: Thank you. Commissioner Nicholson? iu-~~-us 13 1 2 3 9 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 L5 COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: The only -- I join in welcoming Ms. McKenzie to the Chair of the Republican party. Very impressive credentials. And I also lived in Waco, and I lived on McKenzie Street; may have been named after your great-grandfather. But welcome to the chairmanship. MS. McKENZIE: Thank you very much. COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: It's -- hunting season is coming up, and west Kerr County is abuzz with hunters loading up their feeders and getting their deer camps in order. And, of course, we always welcome them. They come from all over the state and even out of state, and they leave a lot of money in Kerrville and west Kerr County. I hope they'll be careful with their fires. We lifted the burn ban again, but as you know, the conditions are still pretty ripe for -- for wildfires, so we need to be careful of that. The West Kerr Chamber of Commerce annually has a hunter's barbecue on opening Saturday, the first Saturday in November, and this year that'll be held at -- it gets bigger and better every year. It's really an interesting and fun event to be at; a lot of very valuable prizes in the drawings. So -- and good barbecue, so if you have an opportunity that Saturday afternoon, get out there and join the hunters barbecue. That's all I've got. COMMISSIONER LETZ: Where will it be? iu-z? us 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: Ingram Park. COMMISSIONER LETZ: Ingram Park. JUDGE TINLEY: Thank you. I, too, want to welcome Ms. McKenzie to her leadership position in the local Republican party and wish Tom Mock good luck and godspeed, and I certainly don't envy what he has before him to do, but I'm glad we've got people that are willing to accept the challenges that he's taken on in that -- in that situation. Let's get on with the agenda, if we might. We have a timed item for 9:15; it's a bit past that now. Item 2 on the agenda is to consider, discuss, and approval of the proposed 2006 budget for the Kerr Emergency 9-1-1 Network. Mr. Amerine, good to have you with us this morning. MR. AMERINE: Thank you. Commissioners Court, citizens, I'm Bill Amerine, Executive Director for Kerr 9-1-1. Annually, I come before the Court ro present a proposed budget for review and approval by the Court. This year's budget, again, is a balanced budget. We're putting an emphasis this year on upgrading our equipment, which has -- will be 10 years old this year. No longer leading edge. I don't even think it's making a ripple in the mud pond at this point, but it works. We've allocated, over the last three years, $200,000 towards this. We'll be paying cash for this upgrade, and we'll still have an adequate capital reserve going forward for 2011, when we'll probably have to In-.'9 f15 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 'S face this again. I stand ready to answer any questions the Court has on any of the line items in our budget. JUDGE TINLEY: Anyone have any questions of Mr. Amerine? Mr. Amerine, on Phase 2 wireless -- MR. AMERINE: Yes, sir? JUDGE TINLEY: -- I know that for a significant period of time, there was considerable discussion about that possibly being a tremendous cost to local governments and local 9-1-1 jurisdictions. It appears that that didn't turn out to be the case. Can you give me an explanation for that? MR. AMERINE: In a roundabout way. JUDGE TINLEY: Okay. MR. AMERINE: I brought a fact sheet, and I think this will help out, if I can present this to the Court. Would the County Clerk also want a copy? COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Thank you. MR. AMERINE: I think the answer to the question, Judge, is that it all depends on who our wireless carriers are in our jurisdiction. And -- and perhaps, living in the hill country, specifically in Kerr County, has been an advantage to us financially as far as what the cost would be for Phase 2. I know that our districts that are northwest and east of us who have the larger carriers -- SBC, Verizon -- as their local providers of service have had t„-~~-os 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 rather hefty Phase 2 bills, and we're talking about in the tens to hundreds, and then in some cases, millions of dollars. That is to offset the cost of those providers upgrading their networks to be able to provide that location information for Phase 2. Our carriers in this area are Five Star Wireless, Verizon, Sprint, Nextel, and Cellular One. Sprint and Nextel are doing self-recovery. In other words, they're -- they're passing that cost through their bills back to the customer rather than coming to 9-1-1. We don't know quite yet what the cost recovery will be for our local carrier, Five Star Wireless. I'm working with the General Manager over there on that. We've already paid the up-front costs for Verizon. It was less than $6,000, one-time forever fee. And Cellular One is going to ask for a waiver on Phase 2; they're not quite ready in their network, so we don't quite know what their costs are going to be. So, there are some uncertainties. Where our really big costs are is in Phase 1, and that's what this fact sheet goes into some detail about. Phase 1 is a prerequisite step to getting the network ready for being able to do location information for wireless 9-1-1 calls. These will require the Kerr 9-1-1 District to have contracts for nonrecurring and recurring Tees to provide that service. Every one of the carriers seems to have a 1n ~9-~5 17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ~3 24 25 different methodology, which is allowed by the F.C.C., on what that will be. The fairest probably is based on circuit we're looking at with Sprint. That one is less fair, in my mind, but -- and quite costly. Our cost in the first year, service, and that's going to be every year, we're going to be facing a fee like that. It will get less in 2007, because there's some up-front nonrecurring fees that you pay to start that service. So, we're looking from this point forward at paying somewhere in the order of $66,000 to $70,000 a year for Phase 1 service. The only thinq that will change that is a substantial change in technology that we currently see today. However, in all fairness to the wireless providers and what we're trying to do at 9-1-1, we collect 50 cents a month from every user of a cell phone in Kerr County whose bill -- whose billing address is here. And when you look at the average across Texas, ar least, there usually is a 50/50, 60/40, somewhere in that neighborhood, split between what the district keeps of that 50 cents and what they give 18 1 3 4 5 E 7 8 9 10 11 12 1i 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 back to the wireless providers for their costs for providing that service. When you look at our formula, this $66,000 to $70,000 is about half of what we'd collect. Now, I told you I was going to come all the way around the bush. That doesn't mean that Phase ~, even though we've done all the up-front costs -- paid all the costs, is going to be free to 9-1-1. There's going to be an intermediate cost for us with T.C.S. and Entrado. These are intermediate database providers who will actually house the location information before it's sent down to our answer -- our call center. Those fees are going to run something on the order of $1,250 a month, and there's an up-front $9,000 engineering fee. So, there will be some Phase 2 costs, but it's just not nearly as much as what we had anticipated. JUDGE TINLEY: Thank you. Any other questions for Mr. Amerine? COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: I just want to be sure I understand, Bill. These are one-time costs, or recurring costs? MR. AMERINE: What you have in your hand are the Phase 1 costs, and they are recurring every year. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: They do recur? MR. AMERINE: Yes, sir. COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: I've got a couple questions. i~, _~ ue 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1<^ 13 19 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2 L 23 24 25 MR. AMERINE: Yes, sir? COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: Bill, I really appreciate this detailed -- MR. AMERINE: Thank you, sir. COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: -- summary by line item of what you've done. It makes it a whole lot easier to understand where the money's going. MR. AMERINE: I appreciate that. COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: In thinking about your staffing level, you're down to three people now. MR. AMERINE: Including myself. COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: Including yourself. And that would be expected with the near completion of the addressing project. I'm wondering -- and I look at the vision for 2006 and sort of a work plan outline of what you intend to do here. I wonder if -- how three are necessary. It's hard for me to envision what happens day-to-day -- MR. AMERINE: I understand. COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: -- in your office, and probably 'cause I just don't understand it. But compared to other systems our size, is three justified, or could it be lower? MR. AMEF.INE: Well, in all honesty, there are systems that are somewhat larger than ours that have a full-time director, a full-time GIS person, and a part-time ~u _~- ~5 20 1 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 29 25 offi~~e manager. There are also some that are about our size or smaller that have a full-time director and a part-time office manager and no GIS. In talking to the Board of office manager and our GIS position, and they were not comfortable with my estimation of the workload. Partially because we -- with this new system that we're purchasing, we're buying a mapped ALI, and what that means is that instead of just getting textual data when a 9-1-1 call comes in to the call center, there will also be a graphic map that will pop up with an icon showing the exact location of the call, or approximate location of the call if it's wireless. Our current GIS layers that we manage are going to need some work, and we're not quite sure how much work at this point. The vendor who we have selected is going to give us a roadmap to get that data migrated to the new system, so that's going to require my efforts and the efforts of the GIS person, and my Board felt let's just go ahead and keep that person budgeted for the full year. If we find by the middle of 2006 that we don't need a full-time GIS person, then we can reduce that position. The same goes with our office manager. However, I've already had conversations with her, as well as the GIS person, that even though they're flzlly budgeted for 2006 based upon the io-za-os 21 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 19 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 current workload, at any given time in that year, we might actually go to reduced hours or actually a layoff and outsource one of those jobs or do away with it altogether. I actually -- when I come to see you next year about this time, I think you'll see a full-time director and a part-time office manager. Our goal is to make sure that the maximum amount of our revenue that we collect goes back into the network to provide the best possible 9-1-1 service for our citizens. COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: That's a good answer. I can tell you thought that out pretty carefully. Second question has to do with the salaries. 110,000 for three people would -- would be a lot in Kerr County government. Can you tell me what those salaries are? MR. AMERINE: Yes, sir, I can. COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: Or approximately? MR. AMERINE: I have another fact sheet I can pass out to the Court. I'll keep one for myself so I won't lie to you. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Thank you. MR. AMERINE: You're welcome. The director's salary -- my salary is moving from 51,000 to 52,000. That's a 1.96 percent increase. There was no salary increase in 2005's budget. We maintained salaries at a frozen level for these two years. The office manager is going from 27,8 to z2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28,8, and the GIS is going from 29,000 to 30,000. COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: That's all I have. DODGE TINLEY: Any other questions for Mr. Amerine? COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Judge, I move we approve the proposed 200E budget for the Kerr Emergency 9-1-1 Network. COMMISSIONER LETZ: Second. JnDGE TINLEY: Motion made and seconded for approval of the proposed 2006 budget for Kerr Emergency 9-1-1 Network. Any questions or discussion? All in favor of the motion, signify by raising your right hand. (The motion carried by unanimous vote.) Jt~DGE TINLEY: All opposed, same sign. (No response.) DODGE TINLEY: That motion does carry. Thank you, Mr. Amerine. MR. AMERINE: Thank you. DODGE TINLEY: Let's go back now to Item 1, which is review and approval of the Community Plan for submission to AACOG. Mr. Stanton? MR. STANTON: Good morning. I'm appearing here before you this morning on behalf of the Kerr County Communit;~ Planning Committee. We've been working on trying to put together a plan to present to AACOG outlining the io-za-~ 2~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 needs that we feel li}:e are for Kerr County for this upcoming year. If you can -- I know that you're just now getting a copy of this. If you can flip to Page 8, that will outline actually the people that participated in the in committee and the planning and development of this plan. Basically, what we're doing is outlining the priorities to AACOG and to the governor's office for grant approvals. If you have any questions, I'd be happy to try to answer them. The priorities are listed out on Page 11. The priorities for the juvenile section are started out on Page 11. For victims -- victim issues, it starts out on Page 17. Law enforcement is on Page 19, and then homeland security is on Page 25. JUDGE TINLEY: Mr. Stanton? MR. STANTON: Yes, sir? JUDGE TINLEY: The plan is the basic springboard document for trying to achieve maximum points for grant funding which comes through AACOG; is that not correct? MR. STANTON: Yes, sir, depending on the placement of the priorities in each group, depending on the number of points you receive for that -- that -- during the scoring of the grant issue. JUDGE TINLEY: And the -- the ability to place an application for grant funding under your number one 1'.. 9 0 S 24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 priority in your community plan gives you greater points than if it were to fall under your section priority; is that not correct? MR. STANTON: Yes, sir. Yes, sir, that's true. JUDGE TINLEY: So, giving you a leg up, in essence? MR. STANTON: Yes, sir. JUDGE TINLEY: All right. COMMISSIONER LETZ: Is there a -- a timing reason why this needs to be approved today? Is there a grant pending? Or -- MR. STANTON: No, sir. What it is is that they have to be submitted to AACOG by October 1st. The plan has to be -- not October, I'm sorry. September -- COMMISSIONER LETZ: November. MR. STANTON: November 1st, I'm sorry. I've been working on this for so long -- November 1st. It has to be presented to AACOG by November 1st. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: And right after November is December. MR. STANTON: Yes, sir, thank you. (Laughter.) COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Is this document -- is this scored in any way? iu-~4-n, 2s 1 3 4 J 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 MR. STANTON: No, sir. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Is this just something that you use as a guideline as you go through the AACOG scoring and funding program? MR. STANTON: What we do is -- is sometime in November, I will have to present this -- this plan to AACOG, and then they -- once they start receiving grant applications, they will look at our community plan. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Uh-huh. MR. STANTON: Based on priorities. They'll assign it certain scores depending on the priorities set forth by the plan. JUDGE TINLEY: To that end, Commissioner, I can assure you, we tried to make the priority one item as broad as possible to encompass virtually anything we might submit grant applications for. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Cool. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Which is good. Move adoption of the plan as presented by Mr. Stanton. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Second. JUDGE TINLEY: Motion made and seconded for the adoption of the 2005-2006 Nerr County community plan. MR. STANTON: Thank you. JUDGE TINLEY: Any question or discussion? All in favor of the motion, signify by raising your right io-~a-us 26 1 2 3 9 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 19 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ~3 ~4 25 hand. (The motion carried by unanimous vote.) JUDGE TINLEY: All opposed, same sign. (NO response.) JUDGE TINLEY: The motion does carry. Let's move now to Item 3, if we might. Consider, discuss, and take appropriate action on final notice from 9-1-1 on addresses. Commissioner Baldwin? COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Yes, thank you. Before Mr. Amerine starts talking, I just wanted to remind you guys that this is the one more time that we're going to try to get folks to get -- get their system in place. And we have budgeted for the postage for this particular -- I can't remember how many there are. MR. AMERINE: I'll go into that. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Okay. MR. AMERINE: I'll try to be brief. I provided, back on the 10th of October, a summary of where we're at on the addressing, and I broke it out by community or exchange. And in my estimate of what I would require from the County for this final notice, I said we'd need 900 to 950, and that's an error. In actuality, even though there's 880 remaining phone numbers that don't have addresses assigned to them, you'll notice that 38~ of those are City of Ingram, and we have a different arrangement In-'n-ns z~ 1 3 9 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ~l 22 23 24 25 through an interlocal with them to handle that, so you can subtract from the nurnber of envelopes and postage that 380 from that 900, so we're looking at something on the order of 600 envelopes and postage. And just for the public's edification, if you will, 9-1-1 is not ceasing all addressing operation. We have mailed out numerous notices in conjunction with the County of kerr, as well as the City of Ingram. We've done phone call-outs. We've done any number -- I can't tell you how many notices the post office and others have mailed out trying to bring people forward to get these remaining phone numbers addressed. Both phone companies have been helpful on that. This is really our last proactive effort to reach out and touch these people to get their phone numbers appropriately addressed. However, we're finding that more and more people, seeing these blue signs go up, are coming to us on their own, and we'll continue to deal with addressing in that way for new properties, subdivisions, and these e~reptions that we find from time to time. So, I just don't want folks to think that our addressing is done when this is done. That's not the case. Any comments at all on the final wording of this letter? JUDGE TINLEY: Let me make an observation, if I might, Mr. Amerine. MR. AMERINE: Yes, sir. is z9 n~ 28 1 2 3 4 5 E 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 JUDGE TINLEY: The next to the last paragraph, which refers to if the above phone number is not dial-tone or dial-out r_apable, contact us so that we can remove it. Then the next text you have in there says, "Please contact Kerr Emergency 9-1-1 to correct this situation." In my mind, that refers to the non-dialout, non-dialtone items. I'm thinking it may be well to put in before that last paragraph to contact you that 9-1-1 needs your physical address so that emergency services may reach you without delay when you need them, and then contact us. Because the reason this is being sent is primarily for those that -- that you don't have an address on. MR.. AMERINE: Correct. JUDGE TINLEY: That's an observation, and that's just the way I happen to read the notice. MR. AMERINE: I'll be glad to add that in there. JUDGE TINLEY: Might be confusing to someone, that that refers to only the non-dialout -- MR. AMERINE: Right. JUDGE TINLEY: -- type. MR. AMERINE: I do think there's a number, and I couldn't give you even an educated guess of how many of these remaining 880 are actually going to be security keypad gate codes, that are going to be non-dialtone 1 U- ~ 4- U S 29 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 17 18 19 20 21 ~2 23 24 25 DSL-type lines, those sort of things. They're just billing numbers. They're -- they're not at all truly 9-1-1 capable lines. The reason why we have that comment in there is people need to let us know that, because the phone companies cannot or they will not let us know that those are not 9-1-1 capable, so we need some way to remove those from our emergency database. I see you crinkling your mouth, sir. JUDGE TINLEY: The -- the phone service providers are unwilling to provide that data to you? MR. AMERINE: I've asked Valor -- and Valor, I might say, has done an admirable effort. As a matter of fart, they removed over -- I don't know, 11,000, 12,000 phone numbers from our database that were pager pin codes and others. Hill Country Co-Op, on the other hand, has not been able to provide us with that information. I'll just leave it at that. We've asked them numerous times. JUDGE TINLEY: Okay. COMMISSIGNER NICHOLSON: Bill, does this mean that, for example, my computer line might be one of the problems? MR. AMERINE: If you have a dial-tone computer line that's not registered with an address, yes, sir. And let me tell you why that's important, Commissioner. A lot of folks have phones hooked up to the back of their computers, so that, because it is a regular lr-~4-u5 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 19 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 L G 23 ~9 25 phone line, they can dial out. A lot of folks will also move their computer to another room and then use that as a primary phone line. If it's dial-out capable, we're concerned that 9-1-1 -- because you might dial 9-1-1, and if it's not registered with your physical address, we get nothing at the call renter. So, we'd like those folks to give us a call. It's a simple matter if you already have a physical address, and we'll get that associated with your phone number. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: What's your timeline for this, Mr. Amerine? MR. AMERINE: As soon as we get the materials, we 're ready to send these out. Typically, we get about a 30 to 40 percent callback, as I said in this estimate. We hope to resolve in the county, not including Ingram, out o f these 500 or 600, some where on the order of 300 to 400 -- or, I'm sorry, 200 to 3 00 of those, and I think that's pretty good. Right now, compared to other counties, we' re right in the run as f ar as having compliant phone numbers . We're almost 98 perce nt between the city and the county. That's very good. COMMISSIONER LETZ: I' ll -- I'll make a motion that w e approve the letter as amended. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Second. DODGE TINLEY: Motion made and seconded for 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 the notice letter as indicated. Any question or discussion? COMMISSIONER LETZ: I do have just a brief comment, if I might. I'd like to just take this opportunity to thank Mr. Amerine and 9-1-1 for getting this addressing project done. In my mind, this is the final step in it, and we're now done. As you drive around the county, certainly in my precinct, there -- everyone is -- you know, has gone along with it. I didn't get that much complaint out of the constituents about having to change addresses, and most people are putting up the blue signs. I'd like to thank you and 9-1-1, and pass it on to your board, if you would, please. MR. AMERINE: I'll do that. Thank you. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I have a question for Mr. Amerine. Of the -- how many is left that's -- that's not registered with us? MR. AMERINE: 880. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: And, precinct by precinct, which one might have the lesser -- lesser number out of those 800? MR. AMERINE: I don't think I -- the Commissioner's here, but I think it's Precinct 1. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Precinct 1 has the least. So, what I'm hearing is that the folks in Precinct 1 are willing to participate in these government activities 1 2 3 9 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 32 and trying to save each other's lives. MR.. AMERINE: Commissioner, in all fairness to your -- your fellow Commissioners, a large part of your constituency lives in the city of F:errville, which already had registered addresses. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Okay. Let's vote. (Laughter.) No, that's a step backwards here. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: I do want to echo what Commissioner Letz said, though. Prior to Mr. Amerine's arrival in this job, I'll bet you I heard, every single week, almost every single day, complaints about 9-1-1. I haven't had a person or constituent talk ro me and complain about 9-1-1 in a long, long time. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Hear, hear. MR. AMERINE: Thank you. JUDGE TINLEY: We appreciate your efforts and that of your staff an~~ the board. Any further question or discussion? All in favor of the motion, signify by raising your right hand. (The motion carried by unanimous vote.) JUDGE TINLEY: All opposed, same sign. (No response.) JOpGE TINLEY: That motion does carry. Let us move, if we might, to Item Number 4. Consider, discuss, and take appropriate action on Water Availability iu-au-us 33 1 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Requirements, Subdivision Rules, and/or modification of was under that court order. The intent was to -- as the minutes reflect, to basically suspend the portion of Water Availability Requirements that require test wells to be drilled. The court order came out and suspended all water availability requirements, and that has caused some confusion, and I apologize for not catching this earlier. Really, it was two or three weeks ago when I finally realized where the problem was and why there's confusion between how I interpreted that suspension and how Road and Bridge was interpreting that suspension, because they were going by the court order and I was going on what the intent of the court order was. So, to rectify that situation, and based on the easiest way to solve this is to modify court order -- clarify -- I'll clarify Court Order 29006 and add that we specifically are only suspending paragraphs 1.04 and 1.05 of the Water Availability Requirements. Other than that, the Water Availability Requirements remain in force, and I will 34 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ~3 24 25 ma}:e a motion to that effect. COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: Second. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: 1.0 -- go ahead. JUDGE TINLEY: I have a motion and a second to -- to modify Court Order Number 29006 to provide that only 1.09 and 1.05 of the Kerr County Subdivision Rules and Regulations -- COMMISSIONER LETZ: Water Availability Requirements. JUDGE TINLEY: -- under Kerr County Water Availability Requirements be suspended. COMMISSIONER LETZ: Correct. JUDGE TINLEY: That'll be the modification to Court Order 29006. I think I got that right, didn't I? COMMISSIONER LETZ: Now -- yes. Now, if I can ask the County Attorney, does that solve the problem? Do you -- MR. EMERSON: Correct. COMMISSIONER LETZ: Okay. JUDGE TINLEY: Mr. Baldwin? COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: We have an agenda item a little bit later on, I can't remember which one it is, that actually has a copy of the water availability rules in it. COMMISSIONER LETZ: Right. The reason I put in-an-os 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 19 15 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 35 that -- COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: My question is, does what did we just reinstall the 1.04 and 1.05? Exactly what is that? COMMISSIONER LETZ: 1.04 was the requirement that test wells be drilled in all new subdivisions, and 1.05 required Headwaters to do some water availability analysis on community water systems, so those are the two things that were suspended. There's some other provisions in state law that -- COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: So we're taking the -- those two items and bringing them back into -- COMMISSIONER LETZ: No, we're taking those two items out. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Okay, very good. COMMISSIONER LETZ: And everything else in the Water Availability stays in. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Okay, I'm with you. JUDGE TINLEY: Any further questions or comments? All in favor of the motion as indicated, please raise your right hand. (The motion carried by unanimous vote.) JUDGE TINLEY: All opposed, same sign. (No response.) JUDGE TINLEY: The motion does carry. Let us io-a-o° 36 1 3 4 5 6 7 3 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2G 2I ,~ 23 24 25 move now to Item 5. Consider, discuss, and take appropriate action for the concept plan of Las Colinas of Kerrville located in Precinct 1. MR. ODOM: You might pass this around. You received something with -- with the agenda item, but we received this Friday afternoon. It looks like -- Greg Richards was supposed to also be here to represent, but I think Mr. Domingues is here. This concept plan was presented; it's in the ETJ of the City of Kerrville. They're planning to have community water, and they're proposing to have 57 lots, which comes to about 2.4 acres. COMMISSIONER LETZ: Average? MR. ODOM: Average. If you take the 55 -- what you received previously was the fact that Lots 56 and 57 were not shown, but actually you've got 55 lots that are going to be buildable there, and they average about 1.3 acres, but on community water, and they propose to have -- with T.C.E.Q., to have community water for this. If you take -- the average of these 57 lots is 2.42 acres, is the average. I believe that Mr. Richards and Mr. McRae were wantinq to see -- present this to the Court to see if it was acceptable. We are in the ETJ. We're not quite -- what they originally presented to us was to build the roads; that the City gave their permission to do that. In listening to what just transpired, that 5 acres is that minimum, the 37 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 29 25 divisible by. But we've had others, and I told them that this is the concept and present it to the Court so they would not spend a lot of money to -- if they have to redesign it, if that's the direction of the Court. But it is 2.4 acres, and I will turn the time over to Mr. Domingues, if he wants to add anything or delete anything. MR. DOMINGUES: I'm Charles Domingues, and you did a great job. I'm really here to answer any questions, if you have any. I believe that Mr. Odom presented everything that -- kind of like it is. There are some additional copies here. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Charles, how -- what is the -- what is the size of 56 and 57? MR. DOMINGUES: I'm not sure, sir. MR. ODOM: Around 50 acres apiece. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: 50 acres? MR. UDOM: Approximately. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Approximately. And adding -- adding those two, adding 56 and 57, 100 acres into the original plat, it averages out 2-something? MR. ODOM: 2.42. MR. DOMINGUES: 2.4. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Where is the access for 56 and 57 for a road? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 19 15 16 17 18 19 ~0 L 1 2 2 23 ~4 25 38 JUDGE TINLEY: 55 looks like it's going to come right off here. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: I see it here. JUDGE TINLEY: And 57 is a flag. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: It is indeed a flag, a huge flag. COMMISSIONER LETZ: The -- I've talked to Greg Richards daily last week on this -- on this subdivision, and I think what they've done is -- is something that I would be certainly willing to support a waiver on, which is the same as we have done on our -- on the other subdivision that was out in Precinct 4, and also in the ETJ. The problem that we're in right now is that if we can get the issue -- if we could get the issue resolved with the ETJ in the city of Kerrville, one, this would never even come to this court. But we haven't resolved that. We now have two months to get that resolved, and hopefully -- and I think the City is aware of that timeline, and we'll go towards that effort. And this certainly complies with the minimum standards in the city of Kerrville from the lot size standpoint. Additionally, this is consistent with the proposed changes to our Subdivision Rules that hopefully will be on our agenda at our next meeting, and it's consistent with the waiver we granted at the last -- at our last meeting to a subdivision near Greenwood Forest. So, I iu-z9-as 39 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ~~ ~ L 23 24 25 certainly would -- I support a waiver of the lot size for this subdivision. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I want to ask Leonard a question. In your presentation, you said something about that the City had approved the streets? MR. ODOM: No, sir. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Okay. Didn't you say that -- MR. ODOM: What I was saying was that they approved the lot size. And what they -- if memory serves me, back in August, when we first met on this, is that they wanted to come to us because they weren't going to inspect the roads. And, if you remember that discussion we had, we were talking about the layout of the roads and all. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Okay. MR. ODOM: So that's -- COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I'm with Commissioner Letz about this ETJ thing. They're either involved in it or they're not, and I -- I rani tell. I don't know. Is the City involved in this subdivision or not? MR. DOMINGUES: Mr. Baldwin, the City is involved in the fact that they want to make sure it's all in compliance with their subdivision regulations as far as extraterritorial jurisdiction regulations. The key thing that they were mostly interested in was the length of iu _~ us 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 a 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 29 25 40 cul-de-sacs, trying to maintain, or -- or as close as possible, the maximum 600 foot. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Mm-hmm. COMMISSIONER LETZ: Commissioner, just on an aside related to this ETJ issue with the City, I visited with the City Manager last week, and he has assured me that there will be a commission meeting for Commissioner Baldwin and I to attend as the court liaison before the end of this month. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Before the end of this month? COMMISSIONER LETZ: That's what he told me. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: This is October. COMMISSIONER LETZ: It's the last week. We have this week to get it done. That's what he assured me. (Low-voice discussion off the record.) COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Y'all don't share that with us. MR. DOMINGUES: He was asking about access to the -- MR. ODOM: Access to those two lots. COMMISSIONER LETZ: As the concept plan, Leonard, do we -- since this is a waiver, we probably need to do a court order to approve a waiver of the minimum lot size to a -- iu-_~-u5 41 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 29 25 MR. ODOM: Yes. COMMISSIONER LETZ: -- 2-acre average? MR. ODOM: 2-acre average. COMMISSIONER LETZ: Or greater. A minimum 2-acre average. MR. ODOM: Yeah. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Second. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Question -- go ahead. State it, Judge. JUDGE TINLEY: That was a motion? COMMISSIONER LETZ: Yes, sir, it was. JUDGE TINLEY: And we had a second here? COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Yes, sir. JUDGE TINLEY: To approve a waiver? COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Yes, sir. JUDGE TINLEY: To -- COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: From the lot size. JUDGE TINLEY: -- lot size of less than 2 acres? COMMISSIONER LETZ: 2 minimum. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: 2-acre. JUDGE TINLEY: 2-acre minimum, all right. Any question or discussion on the motion? COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: I have a question. JUDGE TINLEY: All right. 1n ~9 rv,s 42 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 29 25 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: How does this comport with what we may end up doing on Agenda Item Number 15? COMMISSIONER LETZ: This is consistent with the proposed change -- the proposed rule change. Item -- the next agenda item is -- there was some -- I wanted to make sure that we were all on the same page before I do a final version of the Subdivision R.u1es. That's why that agenda item's on here. I'm not recommending any change from what we've previously looked at, but I want to -- so, this will be consistent with what I'm recommending under the later agenda item. COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: Commissioner Letz, speculate about the -- the outcome of the dealings between the City and the County on the ETJ. After that's through, developers will only have to deal with one entity, not two? COMMISSIONER LETZ: Yes, that's correct. In the ETJ, ynu know, I'm a little less certain, after my conversation with the City Manager -- the new City Manager, but I think it's probably because he's not familiar with anything other than the changes over in the City. But the direction we have been moving is that the ETJ and the City of Kerrville will be pretty much divided out. The majority of it will be the responsibility of the City of Kerrville, but there are certain more remote areas in the ETJ that will remain the responsibility of the County. But developers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ~~ ~3 24 25 43 will only deal with either the City or the County, and there will be a clearly defined map. COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: Got you. That would be a big improvement. COMMISSIONER LETZ: Yes. MR. ODOM: Yes. JUDGE TINLEY: Any other questions or discussion on the motion? All in favor of the motion, signify by raising your right hand. (The motion carried by unanimous vote.) JUDGE TINLEY: All opposed, same sign. (NO response.) DODGE TINLEY: The motion does carry. MR. DOMINGOES: Thank you very much. JUDGE TINLEY: Let's move to Item 7. Consider, discuss, and take appropriate action for the final plat of Ledge Stone Subdivision located in Precinct 2. MR. ODOM: Yes, sir. The developer was wanting to try to get this through, and at this time he has not completed the project. I would ask the Court -- I have no problems with the final, contingent on the project being completed. He has -- the entrance and the sealcoat is not done yet. He's had it tested, but I haven't got the written results, but everything should be all right. It's a good project, but at this time, I would ask the Court to finalize i a ~s 44 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 29 25 it on -- contingent that the project is complete. I have the Letter of Credit, and for the maintenance bond and all the things, but it's just not a r_omplete project, and I -- I do not feel like I would want to sign it until it's complete, sealcoat's done. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: How long? MR. ODOM: I believe that it will be this week. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: This week? MR. ODOM: This week is what I'm hoping. COMMISSIONER LETZ: Would it, I guess, cause any kind of significant delay if we postpone approval till nest week? And what's in the back of my mind whenever we do a contingency final approval, we have one, I believe, that still hasn't been finalized. MR. ODOM: That's true. COMMISSIONER LETZ: And once we give a -- I mean, which is Buckhorn, the drainage issue. We still haven't ever -- we did a contingent approval, and we've never got it done, so I'm reluctant to do contingent final approvals. This is a little bit simpler, and -- MR. ODOM: It cleans it up if we don't do it. But they asked to put it forward, and I was hoping last week that it would get done, but -- COMMISSIONER. WILLIAMS: I thought the io-^~-~~ 95 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 stormwater issues on this one had been addressed. MR. ODOM: Stormwater? COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Stormwater. MR. ODOM: That's not the issue. COMMISSIONER LETZ: Commissioner, I was just making the comparison to the other one because we did the same thing, a contingent approval, and then things never get completed sometimes. Not that there's a stormwater issue here. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Oh, okay. COMMISSIONER LETZ: If he's -- if they're -- I have no problem really approving it. Just -- I think it's a -- MR. ODOM: I would prefer, when I come to you, that it's complete. COMMISSIONER LETZ: That's -- MR. ODOM: And I was asked to present this as such, and the only way that I could see to present it would be on a contingency that it is complete and that I feel comfortable signing off. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: What is incomplete? MR. ODOM: Sealcoat. The entrance hasn't got -- that to the highway right there is not complete yet. And the other thing is the Sealcoat. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: And I don't see the In-_4-n5 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 46 letter of credit in our packet, but you say -- I heard you say you had it. MR. ODOM: I'm sorry, it should be. But -- I do have a -- I think we received that one probably at the end of the week, before we did it. That's my copy -- I'm sorry -- to the Court, but I would -- COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Does the delay in approval -- does the delay in the approval in any way affect the developer's ability to move forward? COMMISSIONER LETZ: Can't sell any lots. MR. ODOM: Can't sell any lots till I give him a final. I mean, that's no different than where he's at now. But you start -- start setting precedents, and then we have a bunch of these, and it's hard to keep up with -- with it. I can't force him to do it. They have a year from the time we start the preliminary. So, till it's finalized is the only way to do it for the sign-off, or have the Judge sign it -- you authorize the Judge to sign it. JUDGE TINLEY: How would the developer be jeopardized if we were to put this back on the agenda for final, say, our first meeting in November, and -- MP.. ODOM: I don't think it would be -- I don't think that would -- Mike? MR. COMEGYS: Well, it wouldn't jeopardize -- we're just at a -- we're just at a point right now where io-::4-os 47 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 we're going to have to complete it this week as far as sealcoat, the road, and that's basically where we're at. The entrance is -- the front entrance is complete. That's as far as stones and everything laid up. The process is just to subgrade, which is being done right now, and hopefully by Wednesday we'll sealcoat it and we're done. And so we're trying to get our process started right now on building some projects. And we've got people waiting, and we just want to -- DODGE TINLEY: So what I'm hearing from you, then, is a -- essentially, a three-week delay would prejudice you for the period of time that -- once you're complete and Mr. Gdom tells me it's okay to sign off on the plat, if it's on conditional, and -- and the remaining portion of the three weeks, you'd be hamstrung. MR. COMEGYS: Yes, sir. DODGE TINLEY: And can't move forward with your project. MR. COMEGYS: Well, that's -- and we're just trying to get it before the slow down of the Christmas holidays. We're frying to -- we've got people waiting, and we just want -- JUDGE TINLEY: You want to get it off the books. I don't blame you. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Well, he does, and io-%4-os 48 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 lz 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 L that's a three-week delay. I'm just wondering why a conditional approval pending a final report by Mr. Odom would not be satisfactory before you sign the plat. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Make a motion; let's find out. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: That's what I just moved. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Second. JUDGE TINLEY: Motion made and seconded for conditional approval of the final plat of Ledge Stone Subdivision located in Precinct 2, subject to the condition, being Mr. Odom's approval of the sealcoating and entrance, as the final requirements before presentation. MR. ODOM: And also your authorization to sign such? COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Before he signs. You have to report before the Judge signs. MR. ODOM: Okay. JUDGE TINLEY: Mm-hmm. MR. ODOM: I have no problem with that. DODGE TINLEY: Any question or discussion on the motion? All in favor of the motion, signify by raising your right hand. (The motion carried by unanimous vote.) JUDGE TINLEY: All opposed, same sign. ~. If - _ ~ - '.~ ~i 49 1 7 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 19 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 -, 23 24 25 (NO response.) JUDGE TINLEY: The motion does carry. It is now 10 o'clock -- MR. ODOM: Before -- on this item here, may I make a comment? That Mr. Crenwelge's not here; he had an emergency that had to do with family and he had to leave, and did not have the routing slip and all like that all ready this time. So, all we're asking is that the public hearinq be held, no action be taken. And hopefully every -- I believe everything's all right, but he had to take his wife to M.D. Anderson. And I understand that she is -- it was not malignant and she's in good shape. COMMISSIONER LETZ: Too much information, but it's okay. JUDGE TINLEY: That's all we have on the agenda anyway. So, at this point, I will recess the Commissioners Court meeting, and I will convene a public hearing for the revision of plat for Lots 34 through 37 of The Reserve at Falling Water located in Precinct Number 3. (The regular Commissioners Court meeting was closed at 10:01 a.m., and a public hearing was held in open court, as follows:) P U B L I C H E A R I N G JUDGE TINLEY: Is there any member of the public that wishes to be heard with respect to the revision of the plat for Lots 34 through 37 of The Reserve at Falling zo-.n-n= 50 1 2 3 4 5 E 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Water located in Precinct 3? Any member of the public that wishes to be heard with respect to that plat revision? Seeing no one coming forward or otherwise trying to gain my attention, I will close the public hearing for the revision of plat for Lots 34 through 37 of The Reserve at Falling Water located in Precinct 3. (The public hearing was concluded at 10:02 a.m., and the regular Commissioners Court meeting was reopened.) JUDGE TINLEY: And I will reconvene the Commissioners Court meeting, and we will move to Item 8. Item 8, consider, discuss, and take appropriate action for setting the purchase price for a copy of the 2005-2006 budget at a cost of $20. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: So moved. COMMISSIONER LETZ: Second. JUDGE TINLEY: Motion made and seconded. Any question or discussion? COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: How much is it today? MS. PIEPER: A dollar per page, and it's this thick. COMMISSIONER LETZ: He's asking how much is the -- what was it last year? Is that what your question is? MS. PIEPER: $20 is what we had been setting 51 1 3 9 5 6 7 9 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 it at. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: So we have to reset it every year? MS. PIEPER: Yes, sir. COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: I don't think we can do that. I think that that's accessible under the Public Information Act, and that price is set at 12 or 13 cents a page. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: 13 cents a page? COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: It's somewhere in that -- COMMISSIONER LETZ: If they're requesting it under the Freedom of Information Act, they can -- we can charge them, but if they come in and request the budget, we charge them less. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: I think you're right. COMMISSIONER LETZ: I think that's -- MS. PIEPER: I have different -- different laws and codes that set my prices. COMMISSIONER LETZ: But I think -- I mean, I wouldn't know why we couldn't set the price of the budget, if that's -- COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: We're just -- MS. PIEPER: If you come and request a court order -- 52 1 2 3 9 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ~l ?? 23 24 25 COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: We're not trying to discourage people from looking at the budget. COMMISSIONER LETZ: We're lowering the price, nor increasing it. COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: Okay. All right, I'm good. I'm good to go. JUDGE TINLEY: I think by setting it at this price, based upon what she would otherwise have to charge under her statutory authority, it's considerably cheaper. COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: I understand. DODGE TINLEY: Okay. Any further questions or comments? All in favor of the motion, signify by raising your right hand. (The motion carried by unanimous vote.) JUDGE TINLEY: All opposed same sign. (NO response.) JUDGE TINLEY: The motion does carry. Let's move to Item 5; consider, discuss, and take appropriate action to approve the Contract Amendment Number 1 between Kerr County and the Department of State Health Services, and authorize the County Judge to sign same. MS. PIE PER: Gentlemen, this is just basically an amendment that says that Kerr County is in agreement that we will charge the -- the same rate for a birth or death certificate or marriage license that the 1 0-~ 4- u 5 53 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 State Department of Health Services is charging, which is -- by law, they set the rate anyway, so... For some reason, they're wanting this amendment signed. COMMISSIONER LETZ: Move approval, and authorize the County Judge to sign same. COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: Second. JUDGE TINLEY: Motion made and seconded for approval of the agenda item. Any question or comment? COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Question. I notice that the -- in the backup, that the last one of these that was provided to us was signed by Judge Denson in 1997. MS. PIEPER: That is correct. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Have we not done it since then? MS. PIEPER: No. This will be an amendment to this contract. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Pat Dye. Okay. It's also signed by MS. DYE: Yes. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Has the County Attorney -- does he have any thoughts about anything? (Laughter.) MR. EMERSON: That's a pretty wide-open question. i~, _G us 54 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 L [. 23 24 25 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: It is. I mean, if you wanted to discuss volleyball or anything like that, I'd -- I just kind of wanted to open it up. MR. EMERSON: Well, we can start out with that. But as far as this contract's concerned, the only other thing that's changed is the term of the contract has basically changed from a -- currently it's open-ended, to an annual contract. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Oh. JUDGE TINLEY: The -- the contract that's in existence now, the open-ended one signed back in '97, provides that Kerr County is reimbursed $1.83 per each record. I'm having a problem figuring out -- are you -- are you satisfied that that continues under the amendment? MR. EMERSON: Well, if I'm reading it correctly, we're the receiving agency, not the performing agency. Is that correct, Jannett? MS. PIE PER: That is correct. MR. EMERSON: So we're -- we were -- at that time, we were paying the State $1.83. MS. PIEPER: That is basically for us to access their re~~ords in Austin. That is the remote site. JUDGE TINLEY: Okay. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Same question, though. In the -- in the contract, is that $1.83 still in there? r.-~~-o 55 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 29 25 MS. PIEPER: I was thinkinq it was $1.80, is what we're paying. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Whatever the number is. MS. PIEPER: But, yes, that is -- that's probably in here. JUDGE TINLEY: And that will continue on an ongoing basis under this amendment? Is that your understandinq? MR. EMERSON: That's my understanding. JUDGE TINLEY: Okay. Okay. Any further questions or comments about the motion? All in favor of the motion, signify by raising your right hand. (The motion carried by unanimous vote.) JUDGE TINLEY: All opposed, same sign. (NO response.) JUDGE TINLEY: The motion does carry. Let's move to Item Number 10, if we might. Request approval of the Kerr County Jury Selection Plan as amended to reflect the changes required by House Bill 75 and Senate Bill 1704. Where's our District Clerk? Our District Clerk is not with us at this point. why don't we pass on that item for now, and we'll come back to that. We'll go to Item 11. Consider, discuss, and take appropriate action on a proposed Memorandum of Understanding for construction of the Animal in _e o°~ 56 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Control Facility. Commissioner Nicholson? COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: Previous court order contained a directive that we develop a Memorandum of Understanding between the citizen who donated the funds for the construction of the addition to the Animal Control Facility and Kerr County, and we've done that. And the County Attorney has reviewed it and approved it, and we're now bringing it bark -- the MOU back for approval by the Court. And I'll make a motion that the Court approve the Memorandum of Understanding for construction of the Animal Control Facility. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Second. JUDGE TINLEY: Motion made and seconded to approve a Memorandum of Understanding for the construction of the Animal Control Facility. I assume that includes my signature on it? COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: Yes. JUDGE TINLEY: Any question or discussion on this motion? COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Question. JUDGE TINLEY: All right. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: On the agreement itself, the next to the last sentence, I want to read that. "It is agreed that so-and-so will pay all expenses, fees and costs associated with the kennel expansion." Does that in-~a-us 57 1 G 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 include sidewalks? COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: That's a -- that's an issue for another -- another discussion on the same item. In my -- my opinion, it does not include sidewalks. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Okay. COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: It includes just the -- associated with the kennel. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Okay. And then the next -- the next sentence, "It is agreed that Kerr County will provide such services and products as are approved by the Commissioners Court," paid out of the budget. What does that mean? I don't know what that means. COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: That means that we are incurring some expenses, in-kind expenses to help out on the project. We've had Road and Bridge people out there preparing the -- preparing the site. And there won't be Road and Bridge expenses, as far as I know, unless we can get into issues of sidewalks and other -- other issues. And I think you probably know that I've asked the City of Kerrville to waive the $500 permit fee, and that's on their agenda for tomorrow night to make a decision on that. My rationale there was that was money being transferred back and forth between partners, and it would not be inappropriate to waive the fee. COMMISSIONER LETZ: Okay. in ~g ns 58 1 2 3 9 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Thank you for your explanation. JUDGE TINLEY: I think the Road and Bridge participation, at least initially, was to do some work on some fill issues that had to be done out there, and then some site work in preparation for the foundation of the structure that's going to be constructed. I believe that's all they've done to this point. COMMISSIONER LETZ: They have a maintainer stored there right now. JUDGE TINLEY: Is that correct? COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: Yeah. JUDGE TINLEY: They did a good job. It looks great. COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: The timing is good. It's -- I r_an't speak for Mr. Odom, but it's the time of year that we can more easily free people up to do that kind of work than we can during the prime road service in the season. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Super project. COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: Oh, yeah. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Great project. COMMISSIONER LETZ: Our thanks to the donor. JUDGE TINLEY: Any further question or discussion on the motion? All in favor of the motion, iu ~9-u=, 59 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 19 15 16 17 18 19 20 >1 22 ~3 24 25 signify by raising your right hand. (The motion carried by unanimous vote.) JUDGE TINLEY: All opposed, same sign. (No response.) JUDGE TINLEY: The motion does carry. Let's return, if we might, to Item Number 10. Request approval of the Kerr County Jury Selection Plan as amended to reflect the changes as required by House Bill 75 and Senate Bill 1704. MS. UECKER: That's the original, Judge. Kerr County has a -- a jury plan under Chapter 62 of the Government Code, and this is just to make the changes that were required by the Legislature to that plan. COMMISSIONER LETZ: What are the changes? MS. DECKER: One of the changes is to add duties of postponement of jurors to allow postponement. That duty's added to the clerk of the court. And that's -- that one is Chapter -- I mean Senate Bill 75 -- House Bill 75. And then the -- no, that was Senate Bill 1704. And then House Bill 75 required some designated -- the Court -- the Judge of each court to designate who their designee would be to either excuse or postpone jurors. I don't know why it wasn't in the same bill, but -- COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Neither bill addresses payment for service or anything? iii-Z9-OS Eo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 29 25 MS. DECKER: 1704 did, yes. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: 1709. I'm looking, looking, looking -- MS. DECKER: But that fee is not required to be in the jury plan itself. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I just don't see -- COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Just in the county budget. MS. DECKER: Right, just in the budget. JUDGE TINLEY: We've already taken action with regard to that particular portion of Senate Bill 74. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Tell me what we budgeted for, then. We went -- went from what to what? COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: We went from 6 to 40. That's beginning the second day of service. Is that correct? MS. DECKER: Yeah. Yeah, 12 that are actually selected. And then day. But everything else stays at 6 for report but don't serve. So, the way it didn't have to increase the budget quite thought we originally were going to have was clarified. but only for those 15 for the first those that just turned out, we as much as we to, because that COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Kind of like that -- you know, those folks come up here and serve our community, ~a .a us 61 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1 ~~ 23 24 25 and we don't even buy them lunch. MS. UECKER: Right. Yeah, it was kind of scary when the first draft said, you know, everybody gets 15 the first day and 90 the second. Of course, we're all -- the counties are going to be able to request a reimbursement grant from the state for 34 of the 40 based on the funds available. So -- COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Yeah. COMMISSIONER LETZ: Linda, I know you have no reason to -- I mean, why it's done this way, but why did the Legislature have two bills that kind of said the same thing? And, I mean, it's just -- MS. UECKER: I don't know. That's what I just said; I have -- COMMISSIONER LETZ: I know it's somewhat -- MS. UECKER: I have no idea why. COMMISSIONER LETZ: It's no wonder they don't get things done up there. MS. UECKER: One came out -- although they were actually totally different bills, one came out of the Senate and one came out of the House side. COMMISSIONER LETZ: Right. MS. UECP:ER: And I'm surprised they didn't combine them. COMMISSIONER LETZ: I move approval. 1u-79-us E2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Second. JUDGE TINLEY: Motion made and seconded for approval of the agenda item. Any question or discussion? COMMISSIONER LETZ: You're not going to want any more people to do this now, are you? Just kidding. MS. UECKER: No. COMMISSIONER LETZ: You said no. That's -- it's on the record. MS. DECKER: I realized this morning, in working on timesheets, that I have three people that get three weeks vacation a year, and I'm going, "Whoa, no wonder we've been short lately." So -- anyway, bye. JUDGE TINLEY: Any other questions or discussion on the motion? All in favor of the motion, signify by raising your right hand. (The motion carried by unanimous vote.) JUDGE TINLEY: All opposed, same sign. (NO response.) JUDGE TINLEY: The motion does carry. Let's move, if we might, to Item 12. Consider, discuss, and act on issues involving construction of the expansion of the Animal Control facility, its parking lot and sidewalks. Commissioner Nicholson. COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: I put this on the agenda in order that if there were any movement along -- on 0 - ' 9 - 0 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ~~ L L 23 24 25 63 the project that required decision making, that it'd be on the agenda. And, as it turns out, I'll just be able to give you an update, because we don't yet have our building permit. It's moving along, but there was a number of questions involved in the application that we filed, and then there continues to be questions about sidewalks and parking spaces, so I really don't have anything to offer right now. I expect, before the next meeting, that the -- that the permit will be approved and -- and I'll be able to come back and provide you more information and ask you to make decisions, if any decisions are needed. COMMISSIONER LETZ: Has the Court formally requested a waiver of the fees? I think it may be something helpful. I don't think we can do it on this agenda item. COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: It's on our agenda. COMMISSIONER LETZ: Right. COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: No, it was not formal; it was a conversation between me and the City Manager. And his response was, "I'll have to take that to the -- to the City." COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Commissioner, on that agenda item that's anticipated to be on the city agenda, is it the topic of the sidewalks and parking also, or just the waiver of fees? COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: Just waiver of fees. io->9-os 54 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 We've not yet been told by the city officials what their position is on sidewalks and parking areas. We have -- for your information, we are prepared to expand the parking lot some, because we're doing the dirt work out there. And the current parking lot was probably adequate. As you all know, it's a little tight at times getting in and out, but our plan is to, I think, approximately double it. The city zoning laws base parking lot size on square footage of the facility, and I'm not -- not yet -- don't yet have the information about whether or not our plans are sufficient to meet their formula. COMMISSIONER LETZ: I make a motion to authorize the Court's liaison to the Animal Control Facility, Commissioner Nicholson, to request any waivers as he deems appropriate with the City of Kerrville regarding the construction of the animal -- of the expansion to the Animal Control facility. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Second that. JUDGE TINLEY: Motion made and seconded to authorize Commissioner Nicholson, who is the Court's liaison to Animal Control matters, to request such waivers as he may deem appropriate with city officials in connection with this project. Any questions or discussion on the motion? Commissioner, the roadway that goes off of Loop 539 into the facility, if my recollection serves me correctly, that was, is-za-os 65 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 [. L 23 24 25 at least at one time, designated as a nonpublic roadway. I~ that still the case, as far as you know? COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: No. I've got Road and Bridge people asking that question, "What is the status of that road?" A real early plat plan indicated it was not a public road. Common sense tells me that it's very public, because athletic fields and -- and the waste facility is down that road, but that designation still may exist. I don't have the answer to that. JUDGE TINLEY: I guess my question goes to the issue of the ordinance relating to -- and this may be a nonissue by the time it gets there; I don't know. If that is the official designation of that roadway, nonpublic, how that falls or does not possibly fall under the ordinance relating to sidewalks. COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: In my discussions with the permitting officials, it was indicated to me that that road did fall under the sidewalk ordinance. JUDGE TINLEY: Under the ordinance? COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: That was very preliminary. I don't think he had had time to look up the status of the road or anything like that, so that could change. But that was part of one conversation that I've had. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: So, we're talking lu-~9-i~5 56 1 G 3 4 5 F 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 about -- we're going to build a sidewalk down the -- this road that you're addressing right now to our property line? Or how -- is that -- I didn't know we were talking about -- I thought we were talking about a sidewalk out on the loop. COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: Worst rase is we'd have to build a 5-foot-wide sidewalk down both property lines, one on the loop and one onto the road. I think it's called Landfill Road. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Appropriate. Now, is our next-door neighbor, the sewer plant -- have they -- have they gotten their sidewalk put in so we -- I don't want to build a sidewalk that just kind of goes out there to nowhere. I would want to connect onto something. COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: Commissioner, there's a lot of people that don't want to build sidewalks to nowhere; churches, developers, individuals. And the fact is that if we build one or both of those sidewalks, they'll -- they'll never be used in the foreseeable future. I can't imagine somebody wanting to stroll down to the dump to go around to the solid waste facility. I mean -- COMMISSIONER LETZ: How about mentioning in that regard that currently the sewer plant will be grandfathered; if they do an expansion, they will be required under their own rules to put in a sidewalk in front of the sewer plant, I would suspect, but I'm not sure. But 1n-2q-n_ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 67 I would note that they did require, and there are sidewalks in front of the new high school that don't go anywhere either, so it's part of the long-range plan to get sidewalks onto Loop 534, I guess. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: That may be something the Chamber of Commerce my want to consider, you know, walking tours or strolling down the sidewalks near the sewer plant and the animal shelter. (Laughter.) I'm going to give that some thought, myself. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: That would be a heck of a stroll, Commissioner. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: It would be a good stroll. Judge, I'm going to shut up. Did we need to vote or anything? JUDGE TINLEY: I'm not into strolling, Commissioner, so I'm not going to come in on that. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: What about a mosey? See, we can add mosey. JUDGE TINLEY: I'm better at moseying. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Stroll-slash-mosey. JUDGE TINLEY: Or ambling. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Ambling. See, there's no end. This is a great country. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: That would be a long amble from the Animal Control Facility to the high school. i~-.v o5 68 1 2 3 4 5 E 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 JUDGE TINLEY: Okay. We have us a motion before us. Any -- any further question or discussion on the motion? All in favor of the motion, signify by raising your right hand. (The motion carried by unanimous vote.) JUDGE TINLEY: All opposed, same time -- same sign. (No response.) JUDGE TINLEY: That motion does carry. Let us move, if we might, to Item Number 13. Consider, discuss, and take appropriate action on resolution thanking Mr. Charles Lewis for his service on the 9-1-1 Board. Which one of you gentlemen want to run with it? COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: This is Mr. Letz'. JUDGE TINLEY: All right. COMMISSIONER LETZ: As y'all will recall, we appointed Charles Lewis to the 9-1-1 Board, I believe, two terms ago to fill -- to serve two terms, I believe. He did a great job. We have since appointed him to another board, and his term expired on the 9-1-1 Board officially on September 30th, and he's agreed to serve until -- you know, until we have a replacement appointed, and that will be the next agenda item. But I thought we should recognize his service, so I offer as a motion the resolution: "Whereas for 15 years, Kerr Emergency 9-1-1 has provided emergency 1 0- ~ 4- O S 69 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 notification services for the citizens of Kerr County; and whereas oversight for policies and direction of this vital service through the years has come from a dedicated Board of Managers representing all political subdivisions and emergency service providers in Kerr County; and whereas Charles Lewis, Precinct 3, Kerr County, has provided the Board of Managers his insight and experience in all aspects of their deliberations during his years of service; now, therefore, be it resolved that Kerr County Commissioners Court does hereby extend its thanks and appreciation to Charles Lewis for his willingness to serve the people of Kerr County and his dedication to the betterment of Kerr Emergency 9-1-1. Adopted this 24th day of October, 2005." That is a motion. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Second. JUDGE TINLEY: I have a motion and a second for adoption of the resolution as into the record. Any question or discussion? COMMISSIONER LETZ: I talked to Charles this morning and invited him, but he was out working on his tractor and -- and kind of was up to his elbows in grease at that point in time, so he passed on coming, but expressed his thanks for the resolution. JUDGE TINLEY: I was going to inquire why he wasn't here with us this morning. It's always good to see iu-'9-os ~o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 him. Appreciate that explanation. Any further question or discussion? All in favor of the motion, signify by raising your right hand. (The motion carried by unanimous vote.) JUDGE TINLEY: All opposed, same sign. (NO response.) JUDGE TINLEY: That motion does carry. Let's move to Item 19, to consider, discuss, and take appropriate action to nominate and/or appoint new representative to the Kerr County 9-1-1 Board. I think that's titled the Board of Managers of the Kerr Emergency 9-1-1 Network, is the official title, isn't it? COMMISSIONER LETZ: Yeah, I believe that's correct, sir. JUDGE TINLEY: Okay. COMMISSIONER LETZ: Commissioner Baldwin and I, as liaisons to Kerr 9-1-1, took it upon ourselves to search out a new appointee to that board. And I apologize; I said I'd have a resume of the individual, but I did not receive that in time, but I'll give a brief background on the person we're recommending. We met with him last week. He's anxious to serve. It's Hugh Jons. He's known as the son of -- frequently, as Rit Jons' son. He practiced law for a while in San Antonio, and now has joined his father with the law firm here in Kerrville. He and his wife Kamme 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 71 have two children living in the county out on Scenic Valley Road. I think he will make an excellent appointee. He comes from a family with a lot of community service, graduate of Tivy High School, and I would offer Hugh Jons as a nominee to the Kerr 9-1-1 Board of Managers. That's a motion. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Second. JUDGE TINLEY: Motion made and seconded for the appointment of Mr. Hugh Jons to the Board of Managers, as Kerr County's representative to the Board of Managers of Kerr Emergency 9-1-1 Network. Any question or discussion? Mr. Baldwin, did you note that that young man is a lawyer? COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Yeah. I met with him the other day and checked his teeth and everything. JUDGE TINLEY: I see. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: He's a -- this is a young dynamo. JUDGE TINLEY: Okay. I just didn't want that to come as any surprise or concern to you. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Didn't want that to leak out in public, but okay. JUDGE TINLEY: Any other questions or discussion? All in favor of the motion, signify by raising your right hand. (The motion carried by unanimous vote.) io-za-us ~z 1 3 4 5 E 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ~l 22 23 24 25 JUDGE TINLEY: All opposed, same sign. (No response.) JUDGE TINLEY: That motion does carry. Why don't we take about a 15-minute mid-morning recess. We'll give the court reporter a break. We'll be in recess. (Recess taken from 10:30 a.m. to 10:48 a.m.) JUDGE TINLEY: Okay, let's come back to order, if we might. We were in recess for a few moments, so we'll resume with our agenda. Let's go to Item 15, consider, discuss, and take appropriate action on Subdivision Rules and Regulations and Water Availability Requirements. COMMISSIONER LETZ: I put this back on the agenda just 'cause I wanted to make sure that everyone was on the same page as to what I was going to probably have in our new draft of Subdivision Rules. I think at our next meeting I'll have it all put together. Somewhere, Kathy just gave me a copy of some other papers I was going to hand out, and I don't know where I put them, but I'll deal with that. If you look at page -- or item in the backup material, 1.03, entitled "Acreage Requirements to Meet Water Availability," this mirrors the proposed language in the new Subdivision Rules that we looked at in April, and I'll just go over it real quickly. It's a two-step process, the same In _~ o~ 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ,~ 23 24 25 73 as we currently have. If you're going to have individual water wells and individual septic, it's 5-acre minimum and a 5-acre average. If you're going with a community water system, then -- and it doesn't make any difference on the septic. Community water system, it's 3-acre average, but a 1-acre minimum. If you're in the ETJ or the area immediately around Center Point and Comfort, it's a 1-acre minimum, 2-acre average, and that's what we just did with the gentleman earlier today. COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: Commissioner, just for understanding, under A.2, you said 3-acre average, but 1-acre minimum? COMMISSIONER LETZ: Yeah. COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: Okay. COMMISSIONER LETZ: You have to look at -- Paragraph A is the average -- COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: Mm-hmm. COMMISSIONER LETZ: -- portion, and B is the minimum. COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: Yeah. COMMISSIONER LETZ: And this is -- and the -- what it's cited for, and this -- and, you know, I've talked with Gordon Morgan and Gene Williams in the audience today at some length, and I think Headwaters has seen these before. The issue that we are in is that, as I understand lu-ze-..s 74 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 19 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ~, 23 24 2 S the Headwaters' rules, they can do pumping limits, they can do spacing, but they have no authority for subdivision -- for lot size. That's just not within their authority. Our authority is -- if we base it on water availability, we do have the authority to set lot size. And I'm citing, on the previous page on 1.02, the State Water Plan by the Water Development Board, Region J's water plan, the Trinity Aquifer Groundwater Availability Model, the Edwards-Trinity Groundwater Availability Model; and also Headwaters' rules. So, we're not basing it solely on Headwaters. We're not basing it solely on anything. We're saying we're looking at overall water availability in the county, and we feel that these lot sizes -- these minimums are the best we have right now on the -- what the minimum lot sizes should be. I put it on here mainly because at the last Baldwin and, I believe, Commissioner Williams had the question as to whether -- and Headwaters came up; that if they had the -- under municipal water system, if they had a permit from T.C.E.Q., why shouldn't we let them do whatever they want, basically, to go a 1-acre minimum on both of them? And I guess the answer I have to that is that T.C.E.Q. doesn't care about water availability. They look at how much water a well can produce, as I understand their rules. There is no relationship or correlation between how iu z4 os 75 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ~~ 23 24 ~~ ~~ much water may be there. If that well produces it, they're going to give that permit, and then the well -- the community water service is going to have to work with Headwaters on pumping limits, potentially. So, they're -- they're really -- it's different. I talked with Mr. -- this is an e:cample as to how it can get really confusing when we start trying to get too complicated with this. I talked with Greg Richards about their subdivision, and he made a comment that the well they're going to be relying on is a Lower Trinity well, I believe 65,000 gallons a day. You figure all that math out; you end up with, you know, something like 1.23 or 1.2-acre lot sues, certainly more than sufficient based on that amount of water. What I told him was that if we start trying to base our lot sizes on wells and formations, then we're going to have different lot sizes for a well going into Glen Rose, a different one in Middle Trinity, a different one in the Edwards Trinity, a different one in the Edwards. If you're in the alluvial sand, it will be a different size again, and I think that will be going down a road of pure confusion in this county from a subdivision standpoint. So, I think we need to come up with -- you know, not look -- looking at the county as a whole right now. I think down the road, we're going to get to the point lr~-z9-n= 76 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 IL 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 that we're probably -- it's going to make sense to probably have different lot sizes in west Kerr County than east Kerr County because of water availability and the formation, but right now I don't think we have enough science to justify it. So, that's how I kind of came up with the lot sizes that I'm recommending. I'll just leave it at that. And, you know, this is what I'm going to pursue with -- or proceed with on our Subdivision Rules, unless y'all want me to go a different direction. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Question. COMMISSIONER BALGWIN: Go ahead. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: The issue of proving out availability, then, is gone? COMMISSIONER LETZ: Proving out individual lot sues is gone. It's been depending on the science, basically, that's been generated through the state water plan, is what we're basing it on. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: So, if a developer comes up and says, I have a parcel of land with "X" number of acres and I want to subdivide it into 1-acre lots; I have available a public water system that currently is licensed and is not up to -- not servicing sufficient patrons to reach its -- anywhere near its capacity, we don't get involved in that issue? COMMISSIONER LETZ: Mm-hmm. We just say your iu-z9-us 77 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 17 18 19 20 21 ~~ 23 24 25 average is this. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Okay. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Okay. My question is a cousin to that one, and it -- on the page -- on Page 1 of the -- this document, under General, Number (2), that says to me that -- that we are requiring people to prove that there is adequate quality and quantity of water. If I'm wrong, just tell me. COMMISSIONER LETZ: No, I'm just looking at it. I think the intent is that the way -- and I haven't -- we need to read it again, and probably read it with the County Attorney, 'cause he, I don't think -- he has not looked at this, I don't believe. The intent is saying that it -- based on the minimums that we're setting forth, you're deemed to have, in all likelihood, adequate water. There's no guarantee. I mean, till you drill a well, you just never know. But if you -- the minimums are set to make sure that there is adequate water throughout the county. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: That's the second sentence -- following up on Commissioner Baldwin's, the second sentence that kind of raises the issue again. "Failure to satisfy the Water Availability Requirements shall result in the denial of approval of the plat." So, who's going to prove out adequacy or inability to -- to provide the adequate resources? i~~-?.~_o~, 78 1 2 3 4 5 H 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Where were you reading? COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: The second sentence in 1.02. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: 1.01. COMMISSIONER LETZ: Okay, 1.02 satisfy -- Failure to COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Oh, yeah. COMMISSIONER LETZ: That says that -- I mean, as I read that, the intent is to say that -- that's giving the teeth to the County to set the lot sizes. If you don't -- I mean, if you have the lot sizes as set forth on the second page, you're deemed to have adequate water supply, based on the groundwater models for this. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Okay. COMMISSIONER LETZ: But, you know -- he gave me a thumbs-up. Wow, that's a rarity. So, that's kind of -- that's the direction we're going. And the -- I just wanted to make sure that we're all on the same page on this, because it is a change in -- I guess I failed to realize how complicated this all is, because I write this stuff and spend a lot more time on it than the rest of the Court probably does, so I just want to make sure that everyone is clear where -- you know, where we're going with our Subdivision Rules. I think they'll be on the agenda at our next meeting. iii-_a-~~s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 19 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 L S 79 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Well, I've got another question. On Page 3 at the top, under C, -- COMMISSIONER LETZ: Mm-hmm. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: -- these areas, these high-density development areas. I mean, I -- I see what you're talking about. I see how the city ETJs are established. COMMISSIONER LETZ: Right. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: But when we get down to the Center Point and Comfort area, I don't know that -- you know, I mean, who's going to come along -- when the plat's laid on the table, who's going to decide whether this property is in or out, or part of it's in or out of this -- this Center Point area, one -- 1-mile radius from 27 to Farm-to-Market 480? COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Before you answer, I have the same issue, and I had marked it. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Would you like to ask the question instead of me? COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: No, that's okay. I just want to follow up and point out that the -- that the anticipated plan for a wastewater system would be greater than a 1-mile radius from the intersection of 27 and 480. It would, in fact, go from that point to Verde Creek, and that's probably closer to a mile and a half or more. t~_- ~-ns 80 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ^"' 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ..r 2 4 25 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Those -- the reason Center Point and Comfort are listed is because they're not municipalities, so they don't have ETJs. If that distance should be a mile and a half, if it should be 2 miles, it doesn't really make any difference to me. The -- what we're saying here is that, you know, the -- development-wise, is that, one, I think from a water availability standpoint, there is a higher likelihood or a reasonable likelihood that the city of Ingram and the city of Comfort are going to get hooked up to some sort of surface water in the nett 20 years, whether it comes through the city of Kerrville, whether it comes through Canyon Lake or through the water improvement district in Kendall County, however it gets there. We're still not sure, but there's a likelihood, and surface water coming on board. And the other reasoning is that -- it's not really related to water availability, but it makes sense from a development standpoint to have it a little bit higher density in those areas. Clearly, I think that it -- everyone would agree that community water systems are better -- are better stewards of the aquifers than a bunch of individual wells, and that's why there's smaller -- or allow a greater density when there is a water system. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: I'm not debating your 10-29 a°~ 81 1 L 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1~ 13 19 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ~~ 23 24 25 logic. I just want to point out the distance would be greater than 1 mile. COMMISSIONER LETZ: In the Center Point area, you know, the -- the boundaries, you know, I think we need to make them fairly simple. But if it needs to be a mile and a half, that -- that's consistent, in my mind. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Okay. I'll measure it, and we'll know for sure. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: One more question. On the Comfort area one, you have a mile from State Highway 27 and Broadway Street, and then the note, "This intersection is within Kendall County." Are you comfortable that we are applying our rules in another county? COMMISSIONER LETZ: Our rules -- the way I interpret this -- and I'll go with Rex on this -- is that while the point that we're measuring from is in Kendall County, though it's very close to the Kerr County line, our rules only apply to the Kerr County portion. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Super. COMMISSIONER LETZ: It's just because it's not -- it's a clear intersection, as opposed to trying to pick a point on the side of the highway. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I see it now, okay. Thank you. COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: Commissioner, one 10-24-05 82 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 g 10 11 12 13 19 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ~2 23 24 25 more question on C. To qualify as high-density, you have to be in one of these four areas and have central water and sewage? COMMISSIONER LETZ: Correct. COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: So, not all of those four areas currently have current public water systems or sewage? COMMISSIONER LETZ: Correct. So if someone's going -- I guess to follow up, if someone's going to go outside of Comfort and put in individual wells, they're 5-acre average, 5-acre minimum. Doesn't change that. It's only if it's a community water system. And, as I mentioned to you before, if there's a need to add Hunt, we can add Hunt as well. There's -- there's a -- Hunt also is not an incorporated area. Just, that's -- I'll leave that up to your discretion. COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: Well, I don't know how the consensus will be out there. Probably be, "No, we don't want high-density development." COMMISSIONER LETZ: My preference, I think we -- my feeling is we should probably add it to be consistent, and if people don't want to do it or do want to do it, it's up to them; gives them the fler.ibility. You know, that's -- COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: We'll probably learn in-z9 os 83 1 2 3 9 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 something about that. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: I think -- do you want any action today? COMMISSIONER LETZ: No, I just want to make -- I just want to clarify this language a little bit. COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: There is improvement, but it's a little more clear to me, at least. COMMISSIONER LETZ: All right. JUDGE TINLEY: Anything further by any member of the Court on that particular agenda item? COMMISSIONER LETZ: But this just -- as I said before, I believe, God willing, we'll have the Subdivision Rules draft on the agenda at the next meeting, or at least to hand out at the next meeting to the County Attorney, 'cause it's going to take him probably a while to go through them and make sure we're all in compliance. JUDGE TINLEY: Anything further on that agenda item? We'll move to Agenda Item Number 16, consider, discuss, and take appropriate action on Subdivision Rules and Reg -- excuse me. Consider, discuss, and take appropriate action on Kerr Central Appraisal District's proposed budget amendment. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Judge, you're going to have to help me find the budget amendment. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Page 2 of their in z9 ns 84 1 z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 29 25 letter. COMMISSIONER LETZ: It's the letter, I think. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: The whole thing? COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: No, essentially to add the boldface underlined section. I believe it has to do with their need to appropriate some monies so they can begin the process of looking for a new location and so forth. COMMISSIONER LETZ: I think, just a general comment while we're getting started on this. My preference would be in the future to have -- both when we approve their budget and the budget amendment, to have a representative from that Appraisal Board, whether it be our designee or the Chief Appraisal -- I mean, doesn't make any difference to me. Just come so we can keep a good dialogue with that office, as opposed to -- but on this item, I visited with our representative, Mr. Lewis, and he's totally supportive of this, and it makes sense to me. And, as I understand it, what they're doing, they have acknowledged that that building is in need of either a total redo from a repair/remodel standpoint, or they plan to move at some point, and this is to allow them to start building up a reserve fund for that purpose. They had a surplus in last year's budget of $26,117, and this is -- this action would be required to move that amount of money to a reserve fund for that particular purpose. Is that correct, Judge? In-tea-ue 85 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 19 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 JUDGE TINLEY: Creating a reserve account in order to take care of whatever their building site requirements are. COMMISSIONER LETZ: Right. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: We basically had this same conversation last year. COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: Let me see if I can understand it. It says on Page 1, underlined, "This proposed amendment does not require any additional contributions from the taxing entities." Where does the money come from? COMMISSIONER LETZ: It's a surplus. Rather than refund the money to us or our account, they're going to keep it in a reserve fund. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: And set up a special account. COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: It comes from us. COMMISSIONER LETZ: Yes. JUDGE TINLEY: So, the account will be funded with surplus funds left over from the Appraisal District's 2009 operating budget. COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: But the point, as Commissioner Letz says, we can have a refund or we can approve this amendment. JUDGE TINLEY: I don't think one of the 1u-29-n5 86 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ~1 22 23 24 25 options is that they'll give us a refund. COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: That sounds familiar. JUDGE TINLEY: I didn't see that here. COMMISSIONER LETZ: As I recall, the way this works is that the entities that contribute vote on it, and if a majority of them approve it, it's passed. If a majority don't approve it, it would be refunded. So -- but bottom line is, that building is in need of work. And -- COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: They've outgrown that building. COMMISSIONER LETZ: They've outgrown it, so I think it' s a good use of tha t reserve fund. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Move approval of the budget am endment -- COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Second. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: -- for Kerr Central Appraisal District. JUDGE TINLEY: I have a motion for the approval of the budget amend ment. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Jon Let? seconded it. JUDGE TINLEY: Did you second? COMMISSIONER LETZ: I didn't, but I will. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: There it is. JUDGE TINLEY: Okay. In-~q-ns 87 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ~ G 23 ~4 25 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I knew he would. JUDGE TINLEY: I have a motion and a second for approval of the Kerr Central Appraisal District's proposed budget amendment. COMMISSIONER LETZ: Judge, they have very specific language that they would like us to use, I guess. Should we read that into the record? COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I saw that. COMMISSIONER LETZ: "To approve Kerr Central Appraisal District's budget amendment to add a reserve account for costs related to any potential building purchase or relocation, building renovation, and any associated moving or move-in costs. The account will be funded with surplus funds left over from the Appraisal District's 2009 operating budget." That was the motion I seconded. JUDGE TINLEY: Was that the motion you made? COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: I accept that. I made it. JUDGE TINLEY: Okay. As to that motion and second, did we have any further question or discussion? All in favor of the motion, signify by raising your right hand. (The motion carried by unanimous vote.) JUDGE TINLEY: All opposed, same sign. (No response.) JUDGE TINLEY: That motion does carry. We'll 10-_'9 OS 88 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 go to Item 17. Consider, discuss, and take appropriate action on termination notice received from Mutual of Omaha with regard to employee health benefits program. I placed this on the agenda very, very belatedly, just shortly prior to it being posted Thursday afternoon, as a result of, shortly before that time, receiving a copy of a letter to the Kerr County Treasurer from Mutual of Omaha titled "Termination Notice," in which letter Mutual of Omaha stated they had not received premium payment for the due date noted in the letter, and therefore, coverage has been terminated, the effective date of that termination being specified as October the 1st, 2005, some approximately three weeks prior. The letter did go forward to state that immediate steps must be taken in order for Mutual to consider reinstating that coverage, and it required, for reinstatement to be considered, the delinquency should be received by November the 3rd, 2005, and after that date, it may not be allowed. Because -- because we did not have another meeting prior to November the 3rd, I was -- I placed it on the agenda at the last moment, as you know. Since that time, there have been some other materials received in connection with this item, and I have tried to provide those to the Court. One item in particular was an e-mail from a representative of the -- of the County Treasurer's office which was received late the following lu 2q n5 89 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 morning. That e-mail appears to have been sent to virtually everyone here in the courthouse, includinq myself, and I suppose all the other -- all the Commissioners, and reference Agenda Item 17. And it reads, "Please ignore Agenda Item Number 1.17 set for Monday, October the 24th, 2005, Commissioners Court. There was no need to place this item on the agenda. If the person who received the information and placed it on the agenda had talked with our office staff, it would not have been placed on the agenda." The prediction that it would not have been placed on the agenda had that discussion occurred is incorrect. It would have been placed on the agenda anyway. As a matter of fact, it was on the agenda before the flurry of activity that subsequently occurred. The -- as all of us on the Court are aware, the Commissioners Court has no direct authority over the operations of the Kerr County Treasurer's offi~~e or its staff. We, however, do have an overall responsibility to the employees of this county in all the departments, and also to the taxpayers and citizens of this county. I am left to wonder, and I suppose the rest of you are left to wonder what, if anything, would have occurred with regard to this item had this item not been placed on the agenda. Would this Court have been made aware of it? I'm reminded of the recent I.R.S. levy that had occurred for the second time, and which we were not aware io-z9-ns 90 1 2 3 9 5 6 7 s 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 until we found out later from a third-party source, much like this, rather than from the Treasurer's office. The thing that I'm concerned about is that termination date is October the lst, as stated in the letter. What happens to claims processing? What happens to claims coverage? The premium was also for our stop loss insurance, which covers any health benefits in excess of the $90,000 stop loss. What if there had been, subsequent to October the 1st -- and there may have been; I don't know this -- an employee of this county who had incurred a serious medical problem or had an accident requiring extensive health care service? My experience on reinstatement of coverage is oftentimes when reinstatement is accomplished, there's a reservation of rights in which the provider will except to any claims which may occur during the intervening period. I'm concerned about the exposure that the County and the taxpayers were put to as a result of this activity, and I'm concerned about our employees. SHERIFF HIERHOLZER: I can tell you, Judge -- DODGE TINLEY: I would -- SHERIFF HIERHOLZER: -- just real quick -- JUDGE TINLEY: I would note that -- excuse me. I would note that in a subsequent communication from Mr. Malek with Mutual of Omaha, who I believe his title is Regional or District Representative, he indicated that he lu-'4-GS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1 22 23 24 25 91 was going to override the suspension of service on processing claims, notwithstanding the language in the termination notice. I don't know if there's a good explanation as to why this occurred. I cannot conceive of anything that would be satisfactory to me. But -- I just can't. I -- I don't know what our situation is with regard to our health benefits program. I'm advised that the -- the premiums have, in fact, been forwarded. Whether or not they've been received, I don't know that. Whether or not there's a lapse in coverage or a gap in coverage, I don't know that. As indicated, I don't know whether there's been some intervening health care issues, serious ones, which have visited our employees since October 1. I see the Sheriff nodding his head, as though we may have one of those in his situation. He's holding up two fingers, indicating maybe there are two. I don't know where we are. I'd like an explanation of how this, in fact, even occurred. MS. NEMEC: I believe you have a request from someone to speak on this issue. JUDGE TINLEY: Mm-hmm. Anybody on the Court have anything at this time? A participation form has been filed by Ms. Judy Carr from the Treasurer's office. MS. CARR: Judy Carr, Chief Deputy, Barbara Nemec, County Treasurer. In reference to the e-mail, I was directed by Barbara Nemec to send the e-mail because of all io z9 0~, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ,, 23 24 25 92 the phone calls we were receiving from concerned employees. Gentlemen of the Court, I will read a memorandum addressed to the Court dated October 24th regarding Agenda Item Number 1.17, Mutual of Omaha Termination Notice. This memorandum will be provided to the Court upon completion of my address. This memorandum will address all your concerns. I take full responsibility for the delinquency in the payment of the Mutual of Omaha insurance premiums for the months October and September 2005. The fact that the termination notice had been issued was a complete surprise to Barbara Nemec and me. We learned of this action when we read the agenda for today's court. First, ethical companies do not terminate service with a consumer without notice. This was the first notice. To-date, the Treasurer's office has not received the notice in the mail or by any other means of transmittal. Secondly, please observe that the notice states, in all caps, "If you have already mailed your premium, please disregard this notice." This is -- it is apparent that this is not the final notice for termination. The last paragraph of the notice states, "If your records do not agree with ours or if there's some misunderstanding regarding this matter, please contact Lynne Donnelly, Delinquency Coordinator, at 902-351-5834." This is exactly what I did around 8:15 a.m. Friday morning, October 21st. Ms. Donnelly iu-za-os 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 93 stated these notices go out regularly. This is not unusual; it is a formality. I state again, this termination notice was found when I read the agenda item. Ms. Donnelly reported to me that if we had not communicated with her by November the 3rd, as stated in the notice, we then would have received a final notice giving us 48 hours to pay the delinquent billings. If we did not pay within those 98 hours, the policy then would be terminated. This is how ethical business practices are conducted, with notices and an opportunity to resolve any issues. Ms. Donnelly faxed the attached letter on Friday afternoon. It explains the manner in which we will resolve these issues. And I -- for the record, I would like to read the letter that she faxed. The fax cover sheet: "Judy, here is a fax of the letter I have put in the mail today. A copy of this letter was e-mailed to the San Antonio Group Office. If something was discussed by either Karlene or myself that has not been mentioned in this letter, or you need further verification, please contact one of us as soon as you are able. Lynne Donnelly." It's addressed to Kerr County, Attention: Judy Carr. References our group policy number. It was faxed October 21st, 4:54 p.m. "Dear Ms. Carr: Per our telephone conversation this morning, we have agreed that you will overnight $45,192.53 to my attention for the payment of in-z9-ns 94 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ~2 23 29 25 your September and October medical stop loss, life, and A.D.& D. premiums. This payment is the amount previously stop any further delinquency action. We'll consider your account active, in good standing, and will not cancel your policy. We discussed the reason for the delinquency that, in part, was caused by unresolved billing issues. You had been previously instructed by Mr. Jaime Ochoa of Mutual of Omaha to submit all changes, additions, and terminations to him for forwarding to the appropriate department. This process did not work, as you stated terminated employees from April were still being billed in the months of September and October, and several new employees had yet to appear on those bills. "I instructed you to gather all information that you had previously submitted to Mr. Ochoa and e-mail or fax that information to the billing representative for your group, who is located at the home office of Mutual of Omaha. After our discussion and agreement for payment, during which we exchanged telephone and fax numbers, you were connected to that billing representative who discussed outstanding billing issues and developed an action plan with you to resolve those issues. According to your billing iu ae os 95 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 17 18 19 20 21 ~~ 23 24 25 outstandinq addition changes and terminations to her attention. Full credit will be given to all outstanding A rebilled November invoice original November invoice that was mailed to you on 10-17-05. Karlene has changed the bill run date from the 17th of each month to the 10th of each month, allowing for additional time to review your bill and submit a payment. You are to continue to pay as billed each month, submit the necessary adjustments to Karlene, and review your following bill to insure that those adjustments have been made. "In conclusion, you are to submit full are to e-mail any outstanding additions, changes, or terminations to Karlene Larson, your billing representative. Your billing date has been changed to the 10th of each month, allowing for additional time to review your billing statements. Mutual of Omaha considers your account in good standing. No delinquency or termination action will be taken. For further billing or premium issues or questions, you are to contact either the Policy Owner Service Center at 1-800-365-1181, Karlene Larson, your billing representative, or myself. You may also submit billing adjustments via fax iu ~~ , 96 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 I6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 29 25 to 402-997-1991. Please let us know if there is anything else we may do to assist you. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me direct at 402-351-5834 or call our 800-number and ask to be connected to my extension. Sincerely, Lynne Donnelly, Group Delinquency Coordinator, Policy Owner Services Division." COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: What's the date of this letter, Ms. Carr? MS. CARR: The date of that letter is October 21st, 2005. Faxed to us October 21st, 2005. JUDGE TINLEY: Any questions -- I'm sorry. MS. CARR: I'm not through, sir. A termination notice, of course, is a serious matter, something to be concerned about. If this item was not on today's court agenda, if there were different circumstances, and if -- when the Treasurer's office received the notice, I would have done exactly the same thing I did Friday. I have many years experience in accounts receivables and payables. I know what to do. Ms. Donnelly wrote in her letter and told me verbally during our phone conversation on Friday that the termination notice was e-mailed to San Antonio office and to Wallace and Associates. The letter is dated October 20th, last Thursday. The deadline for submitting agenda items, according to Commissioners Court agenda request guidelines, is 5 p.m. the previous Tuesday, which io-z9-;~~ 97 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 L1 22 23 24 25 was October 18th, two days before the date of the e-mail letter to Mr. Malek and Mr. Wallace. Judge, you have explained why there has been made -- been an exception to these guidelines. Evidently, according to Ms. Donnelly, either Mr. Malek or Mr. Wallace sent the notice to the Judge. Why was the Treasurer's office not notified by Mr. Malek or Mr. Wallace? Why are they not willing to work with our office, at least to offer assistance if needed? Ms. Donnelly told me she placed the original letter in the mail to our office, and we should receive it sometime this week. She also stated that she was surprised that our agent, Wallace and Associates, did not notify our office, but rather that of the County Judge. Please note that on October 19th, Wallace and Associates taxed a copy of the County's account summary and account detail. These documents show that, in addition to the two delinquent invoices, there is also a current invoice for November, which is due November the lst. Our office received this invoice Friday. This invoice is also referenced in the letter from Ms. Donnelly. We are not to pay this invoice and wait for a revised invoice showing all the County's credits for terminated employees. The reason I had not paid the September invoice is that I had been working with Jaime Ochoa, our account executive with Mutual of Omaha, and I was awaiting io ze ns 98 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2~ 23 24 25 an adjusted invoice. Some of the terminations dating back to April 2005 had not been taken off our billing, and we had been paying for those as far back as April. As of this date, the credit amounts to $6,202.07. This does not include the employees terminated within the month of October, which will also be claimed on the November invoice. Perhaps the reason we had not received the revised September invoice is that Jaime Ochoa is no longer with Mutual of Omaha. Kerr County employees saw the agenda -- who saw the agenda began to call our office concerned that their insurance had been canceled. This is very upsetting to employees who have claims, who have ill children, disabled family members, retirees, people with scheduled doctor visits, tests, examinations, and possibly even surgeries scheduled. A phone call or trip to our office is all that it would have taken. There was no need to put this on the agenda. Communication between us would have worked. I feel, again, this has been a personal political agenda toward Ms. Nemec. This, however, has affected me, my responsibilities, my physical, mental, and emotional health. I might add that I am currently under a doctor's care for this stress. This has affected the Treasurer's office as a whole. This has affected Kerr County, the citizens in the community, who are taxpayers, and not to mention the employees, who are also taxpayers. io ,9-ue 99 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 29 25 This type of action hurts us all. All I ask is that next time, please come talk to us. We are here as honest and loyal employees of Kerr County. Our employees, our retirees, and all the citizens in the community deserve the truth. Mr. Zeke MacCormack of the San Antonio Express News called me Friday afternoon regarding the termination notice. His article is in the Sunday edition. There was no mention of this item in the weekend edition of the Kerrville Daily Times. With all due respect, if the Treasurer's office was not continually having to defend our department, maybe then we could have time to do our jobs. I have no further comments. DODGE TINLEY: Anyone have any questions for Ms. Carr? COMMISSIONER LETZ: I have -- not for Ms. Carr, but I have a question for the County Attorney. Based on the way this is styled, is it possible for us to go into executive session on a personnel matter? MR. EMERSON: I don't think so. COMMISSIONER LETZ: You don't think so? If you would put a personnel item on our next agenda, it will be for personnel in the County Treasurer's office. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Well, I'd like to ask a question. Mr. Malek is in the audience. Given the information that we have just received with respect to io-a9-vs 1 2 3 4 5 E 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 L1 22 23 24 25 100 someone in Mutual of Omaha communicating with Ms. Carr and/or Ms. Nemec, what prompted your letter the day before that letter that she just read was issued? COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: What was your question? COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: What prompted the letter from Mr. Malek the day before the letter that Ms. Carr just read and gave us? MR. MALEK: Carey Male k, Mutual of Omaha. I -- this all started before the letter actually went out. I was trying to circumvent it, because when you get 60 days in arrears, a lot of things start to happen. They want to turn off claims, which is what I want to avoid. That's probably the worst possible thing that we could have happen. So, I'm trying to intercede before all this stuff goes out, so I just wanted to assure the Judge and everybody that we're not going to turn the claims off. That was really the purpose of -- of the letter that I wrote them. And that it's a serious matter when you are behind, and it wasn't the first time. And, you know, basically, I'll draw the parallel to a credit card, 'cause I think everybody really understands this; everybody has a credit card. If you have a credit card and you do not pay your bill, they turn the credit card off. They don't necessarily terminate your credit -- credit card. That's the second step; that's the is-;~-~5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ~~ ~~ 23 24 25 101 termination. That's what I think she was referring to when they're talking about, you know, terminating your account. What I wanted to avoid is not just terminating the account, 'cause I don't -- I didn't think we were going to get to that point. I wanted to keep you still being able to use your credit card, and so that was what prompted that. So, that's the reason why I wrote the letter. So, I hope that explains that. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Were you -- well, maybe it does, maybe it doesn't. Were you in -- in communication with Lynne Donnelly, the Group Delinquency Coordinator? MR. MALEK: Yes. Yeah, she's required to send that letter out, because she doesn't have any premium. And so she -- you know, I was trying to stop the whole termination process. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Was she aware of your letter of the 20th? MR. MALEK: Yes, she knew that I was going to -- was going to write a letter. But she's required, as the company representative from the home office, to -- to send the letter out to explain the whole process of the termination and what you have to do. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Were you aware of what she was going to write the next day? io-z~-o e. 102 1 2 3 4 5 E 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 19 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 MR. MALEK: Absolutely. I knew it was going out. It had -- it's required to go out so, you know, if there is a termination, we say, "Okay, we did notify you of a termination on that date." That's the official date that the company would use if -- if there was to be any action. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: What prompted your second correspondence to Judge Tinley dated October 20? MR. MALEK: Can I see it? I'm not sure which one that is. A couple of things went back and forth. (Document was shown to Mr. Malek.) MR. MALEK: Oh. Well, this is just basically -- I just put it in e-mail format, and sometimes that's not acceptable, so I put it into a -- a letter format. That's -- COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: But that letter doesn't say what your other one says. MR. MALEK: The -- I'm not sure which -- are you talking about the letter from the home office? COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Well, yeah. There's the letter of the 20th. That's not over your signature. MR. MALEK: I didn't write that one. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Okay. Okay. MR. MALEK: So, you know, mine's just a summary of -- hey, look, I'm not going to let this happen; iu-~~~-os 103 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 we're not going to shut off claims. You know, I just need to come and get some money, and then everything's going to be fine. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Did you get your money? MR. MALEK: I haven't seen anything yet. I'm certain that something -- some communique was done between Ms. Donnelly and the Treasurer's office, so I'm satisfied that everything's moving in the right direction. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Is the health care coverage of the Kerr County employee group in force and effect right now? MR. MALEK: Yes, it is. COMMISSIONER LETZ: Let's go back. I do have one question. The -- the reason all of this started was because the County did not make payment of this premium? MR. MALEK: Yes. You're -- you're more than 60 days in arrears. That creates a lot of panic in the home office, because things start to -- you know, termination starts to happen, so that's why these go out. We don't do very many of them. So, that's kind of why I got involved. Jaime -- Jaime left last week, or -- Friday or -- Thursday or Friday of last week, so that's the only reason I'm here. Normally he'd be handling this part of it. So -- and then I can't answer about what was going on between -- up until in z9 ns 104 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 that time, 'cause I'm not sure what it was, what he was -- who he was talking to and what he was trying to accomplish. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Is it typical or untypical that premiums may be withheld pending reconciliation of the account? MR. MALEK: I would say untypical. There is a portion of the bill that allows you to make those adjustments on it. Now, most people will say, "Oh, this person should have been off," and cross them out. And then there's a section in the back of the bill that you write out that this person's terminated, this person's added, and then you can balance it out yourself. You don't have to have a perfect bill. I mean, goodness knows that when I get my credit card, as much transactions as transpire with -- with my spouse and what we do, there's always credits on there. And I know how much I think I -- and I pay that bill, and then the next month it's usually balanced out. So, I guess I would say it the same way; you can't not pay your bill just because you don't agree with every charge that's on there. So, let's just look at it that way. I think that's an easy way to make an analogy to make it -- because the insurance laws are a little more complicated than a credit card, and there's certain requirements that you have to have done. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Recognizing that is-'9-a5 los 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 ,~, 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Mutual of Omaha is a very large company dealing with a lot of employer groups, most of which are probably larger than this one, is it typical or untypical that reconciliations of employees being taken off or added to the monthly statement would go as long as going back to April without being MR. MALEK: It's very typical. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: It is typical? MR. MALEK: Yeah. People add and drop all the time. I would say on a group of 200 people, you probably have 10 to 20 adjustments a month, so it's constantly, you know, in a state of flux. So, you never -- you can never get a perfect bill because of the timing the bills are sent out. They're sent out ahead of time, and so at the time that somebody actually would have terminated, you would have had your bill 15 days ahead of time. And now we're going to be sending it even earlier, so we're going to have even more of those occur. Now, a lot -- again, it depends on the turnover. So, you'll never get a perfect bill, unfortunately. We'd love to try to do that. We're getting more -- closer to realtime as the inter -- as the Internet and this becomes, you know, more automated. But you do have two ways to get your bill; we mail you one, and it's posted on the Internet so that you can just go and grab it off the Internet, so you have more than one source of the 0- 2 9- O S 106 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 L 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 29 25 bill. JUDGE TINLEY: How common is it for an insured to withhold complete payment because there are some adjustments to be made? MR. MALEK: It's not common. We typically will -- somebody will pay at least a partial payment. It's not exactly balanced out. They pay what they think they owe. And that's more than general. It's -- again, I'll go back to the credit card. I usually pay what I think I owe. When you see how many transactions you have, it's -- it's understandable that it's not always going to balance. COMMISSIONER LETZ: Judge, I mean, I guess I've got a lot of questions, but I really -- they're more on the personnel side, and I can't qo into them until our next meeting. I'm not trying to run off Mr. Malek, but I think we understand what happened. I think we understand. MR. MALEK: Yeah. I just -- COMMISSIONER LETZ: We're in good standing. MR. MALEK: Just everything -- no employee has been denied health care coverage. You know, I just want to make sure that everybody understands that. We have not cut claims off. Everybody's processing. We're still processing claims. We're verifying eligibility; that's still going on. Just want to make sure that you understand that. If it came to that point, I would definitely be 10 l9 US 107 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 standing here before you. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Well, the Sheriff raised his hand and indicated that there were a couple instances in his department that may be questionable in terms of a claim. Would you like to enlighten us about that? SHERIFF HIERHOLZER: Well, I know that after October 1st, I have had a spouse of one employee and a -- and an employee that are going to have some very major claims, and I just want assurance that those claims aren't going to be rejected, since it was after that October 1st. MR. MALEK: No, they're -- we have -- the payment, as I understand it, is in the mail. Check's in the mail, I guess, is the way to say it. No, everything's fine. Again, we did not lapse any of the coverages. We haven't stopped. We haven't stopped verifying coverages. So, everybody who's insured now who was insured on October 1st is going to be covered, so you have my assurance. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Okay. DODGE TINLEY: Any other questions for Mr. Malek? COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: Yeah. I want to -- I've got some comments. The -- I think what I'm hearing here is that we've averted a disaster by getting the check in the mail. We may or may not have had a satisfactory 1n-.g-ns 108 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2^ L 23 24 25 explanation of how we got more than 60 days behind on our payments. But I think I'm seeing a bigger picture here, a pattern in practice where just about every month we're dealing with some sort of a failure in the Treasurer's office. We've dealt recently with a failure to make payments to the retirement fund -- I think that's what it's called. Maybe something else. And then, looking at that, we discovered that that was the fourth time that had occurred. We've dealt with failure to make payments from payroll -- MS. NEMEC: Excuse me, Commissioner. COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: Let me finish. MS. NEMEC: No, I will not. This belongs in executive session. JUDGE TINLEY: Ms. Nemec? MS. NEMEC: County Attorney? They are talking about the performance of my chief deputy. COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: No, I'm not. I'm talking about the performance of your department. MS. NEMEC: No, of my chief deputy. Those are her duties. JUDGE TINLEY: Continue, Commissioner. COMMISSIONER LETZ: But, anyhow, I mean, I tend to agree that this is not appropriate discussion based on this agenda item. I don't think it's really -- I don't 109 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 think what he's saying should be in executive session, but I don't think that it's qualified under -- it's a very specific agenda item related to a termination notice, and I want to go down the same road. I have the same questions I think you're going towards, but I don't think we can discuss them the way the agenda item is posted. COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: Okay. COMMISSIONER LETZ: That's why I've asked for it to be on the agenda in two weeks. COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: Commissioner, I don't have any questions. I see a pattern of practice of unacceptable performance in the Treasurer's Department. Not by any one individual, by the function. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Commissioners Court? COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: It really -- COMMISSIONER LETZ: Treasurer. COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: In the Treasurer's office. And it reflects badly on the performance of Kerr County government. I'm not proud of the way we're running our government, but we're continually dealing with issues of malfeasance like this. And I think that, in addition to having an adverse impact on employees, it adversely impacts the taxpayers. We know we paid fines and penalties that we shouldn't have, and our relationship with Mutual of Omaha is damaged by it. I don't want to continue month after month iu-~9-os 110 1 2 3 9 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 19 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 to be in here resolving problems in performance in the Treasurer's Department. And I -- I understand what the state law is about being arm's distance from elected officials, so I don't have any recommendations for it, but something's got to change. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Well, the Commissioner's comment prompts another question. Mr. Male k, are there any fines or penalties attached to this? MR. MALEK: No, no fines or penalties. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Thank you. MS. NEMEC: And in defense of my employee, when she is told by a representative from Mutual of Omaha not to pay a billing and to await a -- a rebilling that will take care of all the adjustments that we've been paying in April, Marr_h, May, June, and July for terminated employees, and she is told that she will get a resubmitted billing in the mail, not to pay that one, what is she to do but to trust what Mutual of Omaha has told her? COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: That is the same personnel you just told him you didn't want to talk about. If we're going to discuss it -- MS. NEMEC: I'm not talking about her performance. I'm talking about what Mutual of Omaha has told her to do. There's a difference. JUDGE TINLEY: Well, Ms. Nemec, I don't 1 0 2 9 0 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 29 25 111 recall her saying that, except with respect to the November 'OS billing which just came out. MS. NEMEC: Exactly. That was Jaime Ochoa, who is no longer with the company, who did not submit our terminations to Mutual of Omaha. Thank you. JUDGE TINLEY: The train wreck here was September and October 'O5, which is -- MS. NEMEC: That is when she was waiting for the resubmitted billing. JUDGE TINLEY: Anything further with regard to this item? COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Yes, Judge. MS. CARR: Judge? Commissioners, I would just like to state that things like this happen. It's -- it's sad that they do. It's unfortunate that they do. My main concern is that Mutual of Omaha, our agent, and our San Antonio group office does not communicate with us. They do not try to help us. Why didn't Mr. Malek contact us and say, "Your account is past due. What's happening? Can I help?" Not a single word. We have not seen or heard from him until today. JUDGE TINLEY: Ms. Carr, when your electricity bill is not paid, you get a notice they're fixing to pull the plug. MS. CARR: Yes, sir. We got a notice, a io zv os 1 2 3 9 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 112 first notice. At that notice, why didn't he contact us? JUDGE TINLEY: If you don't get the billing at the first of the month, don't you go to scrambling and call that electric company and say, "I've misplaced my bill; I want to qet square so I'll have power this month"? MS. CARR: I was directed by Jaime Ochoa, Mutual of Omaha account executive, to not pay that bill, to make the revisions. I'd been sending him the terminations. I never received the billing. JUDGE TINLEY: The instructions which he gave you, you indicated were as to the November '05 billing; is that correct? MS. CARR: No, sir. MS. NEMEC: No. MS. CARR: That was the September billing. JUDGE TINLEY: Well, that's not what I heard you say a while ago. MS. CARR: Well, maybe I said it incorrectly. Would you like for me to reread it? JUDGE TINLEY: That's quite all right. MS. CARR: Okay. JUDGE TINLEY: Anything further from anybody on the Court? Any member of the Court have any action to offer with regard to Item 17? COMMISSIONER LETZ: I have -- sorry, I do 10-_'9-OS 113 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 have two more comments. I really don't want to answer -- to get in a dialogue here, but going back to things that were said, some of these that -- look at our mail service. The letter that -- the termination letter we got that the Treasurer's office says they have never received was sent to the Treasurer, so for some reason the Treasurer isn't getting mail that's addressed to her. That's one concern, and I don't know how we solve that. But -- MS. NEMEC: They hadn't mailed it yet, Commissioner. They had not mailed it yet. She said we'd receive it this week. COMMISSIONER LETZ: Okay. That answers that question. JUDGE TINLEY: Any other comment? COMMISSIONER LETZ: No, I'll wait till next week -- or next meeting, rather. JUDGE TINLEY: Anybody else have anything to offer with that agenda item? Let's move to item -- first off, do we have anything to cover in executive session that's appropriate for this time? COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: Did we take care of 1.5? COMMISSIONER LETZ: There was no action on it. JUDGE TINLEY: Mm-hmm. If not, we'll move on 1_-?q-05 1 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 17 18 19 20 G1 ~~ 23 29 25 114 to the approval agenda. Payment of bills. COMMISSIONER LETZ: Move we pay the bills. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Second. JUDGE TINLEY: I have a motion and second to pay the bills. Any question or comment? COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: One question, on Juvenile Detention Facility. JUDGE TINLEY: What page? COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Oh, that would be Page 21. JUDGE TINLEY: Okay. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: The last item, San Saba Cap Company for $461 for collapsible koozies. I'm -- a koozie, is that the thing you put your cold drink can in? Okay. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Is that part of the marketing budget? MR. TOMLINSON: Yes. COMMISSIONER. BALDWIN: So, they carry these things with them out to these conventions with "Kerr County" written on them? MR. TOMLINSON: Right. JUDGE TINLEY: Anything else? COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: Question on Page 18, Judge. This is our monthly $25,000 payment to the public in z9 ns 1 3 9 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 115 library. JUDGE TINLEY: Mm-hmm. COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: One-twelfth of $300,000. And my question is, is there anything more to be learned about the expenditure of our $91,400 reserves? You have asked the City questions about how -- how that result arises. Have you gotten a response? JUDGE TINLEY: I have not gotten a response from that communication, Commissioner. I appreciate you bringing that to my attention. The -- the $25,000 here, I think, was set up this way because we got a letter from the Interim Assistant City Manager, who's also the finance director, that -- actually, a bill for that amount via letter, if I'm not mistaken. Isn't that correct, Mr. Tomlinson? MR. TOMLINSON: That's right. COMMISSIONER LETZ: How much have we approved so far? What's our -- COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: I think we approved -- JUDGE TINLEY: 55. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: -- amendments for 55. COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: I misspoke. I was thinking about that. COMMISSIONER LETZ: But, I mean, are they in-,e-os 116 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ~~ 23 24 25 going to send us a -- I don't know who I'm asking, Tommy or the Judge or the -- just up in space. Are they going to send us an amount -- I mean, because the deal was, we were going to come up with this amount of money, which we have 355,000. They were going to look at the budget and see -- and then get back to us. So, are we just going to pay based on the -- on the 300,000 for a while, and then at some point we'll get a bigger invoice? Or do you have any idea? MR. TUMLINSON: I think we ought to adjust the neat levy of payments accordingly. COMMISSIONER LETZ: 355. And get -- and so we're starting to bill at 355 until we do something else? MR. TOMLINSON: Right. COMMISSIONER LETZ: That makes sense to me. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: But when we left the joint meeting with the City Council, it was my understanding that the Library Director was going to report back to both bodies what, if any, cuts could be made to adjust his -- adjust his budget. COMMISSIONER LETZ: Right. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: We haven't heard from him either, have we? JUDGE TINLEY: Based upon the shortfall difference between our 355 and what they were originally requesting from us. 10-29-OS 117 1 2 3 9 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 17 18 19 20 21 -, 23 24 25 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Yes. JUDGE TINLEY: Right. COMMISSIONER LETZ: Okay. JUDGE TINLEY: I've not heard back on that. Any further questions or comments on the motion? All in favor of the motion, signify by raising your right hand. (The motion carried by unanimous vote.) JUDGE TINLEY: All opposed, same sign. (No response.) JUDGE TINLEY: Motion does carry. Budget amendments. MR. TOMLINSON: I'm passing one out. JUDGE TINLEY: We have a Budget Amendment Request Number 1. MR. TOMLINSON: This is a request from Becky Harris at the Detention Facility, to transfer 5,482 from her Part-Time Staff line item to her Cooks line item. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: I asked the administrative assistant to put a memorandum in everybody's bor., I think, this morning from Ms. Harris that indicated the reason for this budget amendment. JUDGE TINLEY: Actually, it's eliminating one part-time position, and we're getting -- getting rid of the retirement that would be attached to that also this way by transferring that. 1~ -~9-os 1 2 3 4 5 E 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 lE 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 118 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: This doesn't change the bottom line of the budget? MR. TOMLINSON: No. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: I move approval of the budget amendment. COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: Second. JUDGE TINLEY: Motion made and seconded for approval of Budget Amendment Request Number 1. Any question or discussion? All in favor of the motion, signify by raising your right hand. COMMISSIONER LETZ: I'm still thinking, trying to figure out what we're doing here. We are increasing the step and grade of a cook at the same time? JUDGE TINLEY: Yes, you're changing the -- the compensation to one of the cooks out there. COMMISSIONER LETZ: But isn't -- I mean, I'm not in favor. I'm voting no. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I'm voting no. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Time out. Time out. Call the vote back, Judge. Time out. I've discussed with her the need to examine the pay and the grade, and, if necessary, to revise the job description to accomplish what she would like to see done, and that will be -- she's supposed to work that out with Ms. Nemec and bring it to the Court the next time. iu-ze-os 119 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ZO 21 L L 23 24 ~5 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: It's a $6,000 increase per year. COMMISSIONER LETZ: See, I think it's -- I mean, a cook is a cook. As I -- you know, under -- you know, I can see -- I can see if, due to experience level, you may -- what's the current cook at out there? Does anyone know? COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: The salary? COMMISSIONER LETZ: 16-1? COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: 19,566. I don't know the step, I'm sorry -- step and grade. COMMISSIONER LETZ: I mean, if it's -- if we need to go up to a -- you know, if we're changing -- we're changing the whole -- by doing this, we're changing the whole -- all cooks forever are going to be 17's, and I'm not sure that's what we want to do. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Well, that's the reason it's important for the job description and the slot to get changed accordingly, because my understanding -- maybe the Judge has a different understanding -- is that this person will also be doing food management, ordering, all of the stuff that goes with that. So, it's -- the total job description has changed tremendously. Not this chief cook. COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: Just coincidentally, tu-..a-os 120 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ,~ 23 24 25 I know something about executive cooks. They've got a whole lot of education/training at culinary school. If it's true -- if this person is truly an executive chef and they know about purchasing and economics and all kinds of food management things, I don't -- that does not say that I have an opinion about whether or not we need one of those people or not, but I do know that they're paid very highly. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: I'm told that's what she envisions in the new job description. That's what this individual will be doing. Am I correct, Judge? JUDGE TINLEY: Mm-hmm. In addition, elimination of waste. There's considerable savings to be had in elimination of excess food prepared, waste and so forth. COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: I'm not trying to justify the additional cost. And I really -- again, I really don't know if the individual is an executive cook or not, or if we need one. JUDGE TINLEY: My understanding of what's happening is that, rather than have one part-time, we're eliminating that part-time. This individual is absorbing that as well as some food management functions. COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: On second thought, I withdraw my second to that motion. I'm not looking for ways to increase costs at the Juvenile Detention Facility. in-~~-rs 121 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 29 25 COMMISSIONER LETZ: I mean, I'm -- I may be in favor of it, but I just don't like the way it's been presented. I think if -- you know, if it's management going in, that's kind of one thing. And -- but if it's a -- I just don't -- I would like to look at this again in two weeks or three weeks. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Well, one of my negatives -- I will vote no if I have the opportunity to vote on this. The reason is, is that it's going to impact future budgets. And we -- we say that it doesn't change the bottom line of the budget right now, and it does not; I understand that. Next year, you're going to go back in and put the same amount into the part-time line, and then the $6,000 more salary, so it does impact future budgets. COMMISSIONER LETZ: I guess the way I look at it, my logic -- what? MR. EMERSON: I may be lost somewhere in this confusion, but it's my understanding that all the positions and schedules for the employees are set by the Commissioners, and how do you change the positions and pay grades for an employee without an agenda item? COMMISSIONER LETZ: That's kind of where I am. I mean -- COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Well, that's why this needs to accompany an agenda item that has a new job io-z~-os 122 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1~ 13 14 15 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 description and an explanation. So, I -- let's just pull it today. JUDGE TINLEY: Okay. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: And come back with it in three weeks with the entire package. COMMISSIONER LETZ: But the comment would be, in my mind, if this person has extraordinary experience, maybe you'd raise the -- the grade, but leave the -- or leave the -- raise the step and leave the grade where it is, whichever one's the second number. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Let's work all those details out and come back. JUDGE TINLEY: Okay. Any more budget amendments? MR. TOMLINSON: That's all I have. JUDGE TINLEY: Do we have any late bills? (Mr. Tomlinson shook his head.) JUDGE TINLEY: I have before me monthly reports from Justice of the Peace, Precinct 1; Justice of the Peace, Precinct 4; County Clerk and District Clerk. Do I hear a motion that these reports be approved as submitted? COMMISSIONER LETZ: So moved. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Second. JUDGE TINLEY: Motion made and seconded for approval of the reports as submitted. Any question or 1 0- 2 9- U S 123 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ~~ 23 24 25 comment? A11 in favor of the motion, signify by raising your right hand. (The motion carried by unanimous vote.) JUDGE TINLEY: All opposed, same sign. (No response.) JUDGE TINLEY: The motion does carry. Do we have any reports from any of the Commissioners relative to their liaison or committee assignments? COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Only one thing I would ask, Judge, we still need some people to serve on the Senior Advisory Committee. We're not represented there at all. JUDGE TINLEY: At AACOG, you're speaking of? COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Yes, at AACOG, I'm sorry. And just -- where'd the press go when you need them? We need people to serve in that capacity. COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: Well, how old do we have to be to be a senior, Bill? COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: You can make it. (Laughter.) If you volunteer, we'll put you there. JUDGE TINLEY: We'll give you an exemption, even. COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: I'm going to get my Social Security in January; I know I'll be qualified then. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: In your case, we'll is-z9-as 124 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 make an exception. We'll take you now. COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: I've got a couple of reports. DODGE TINLEY: Okay, go ahead. COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: First, on the library, I did attend the Library Advisory Board meeting on Tuesday. And going into that meeting, I wasn't sure if the -- if the City had named their appointees to the new board or not, and they -- if they had, we didn't know about it, so we didn't -- weren't able to get started with the newly reconstituted Library Board, but we will in a future meeting. The Friends of the Library are working on resolving their charter, or whatever it is, issues so that they can appoint someone who's a member of the board to be a member of the Library Board. Other than sort of having the feeling that it's a new beginning and maybe we can iron out some -- some of the difficulties we had if we all work hard at it, there wasn't much of anything to report there. On another issue -- and I'm not a liaison to the West P:err Volunteer Fire Department, but I just want to report that all of you are aware that there's a -- a fairly significant disagreement about -- between the Emergency Service District Number 2 and the Mountain Home Fire Department about how they should work together. Some of it may have some past historical background, and some of it may lu Z4 05 125 1 7 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 be legitimate new issues, just learning what their roles are. And parties from both sides and the press, in letters to the Editor, ask for Commissioners Court involvement, or to help them out with that. I've talked to, I think, all the people that wrote letters and people on both sides of the issues on the board of the ESD and on the board of the Volunteer Fire Department, and what I've said to them -- and in my opinion as Precinct 4 Commissioner, that Commissioners Court or myself don't have any authority with those two groups, other than the appointing members to the ESD board and to make a contract with the volunteer fire department for their services. So that we didn't have -- in my opinion, we didn't have any official role in trying to help them work out their differences. I think they understand, and probably even agree with that. The upshot of it is that there's some reason to believe that they may be coming closer together or better understanding each other's concerns. There's some work going on to be more open about the records of the fire department, and that's occurring now. And I have agreed that I'll attend both of their next meetings, the fire department and the ESD, be of whatever service I can be. So, that -- that's an update where we are on that. JUDGE TINLEY: Thank you. Any other member lU-4-US 126 1 2 3 9 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 29 25 of the Court have anything to report on their respective assignments? Elected officials? Any other reports of any kind or character? COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I've got a question. Are we real comfortable that we have insurance coverage? Everybody's real comfortable with that? COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: That's what the man said. Are you? COMMISSIONER BALDWI not even sure who we have coverage the thing as a termination notice. And then we get a -- I don't know. into it, but it's just -- COMMISSIONER LETZ: v: Hell, with any It says I'm not We got a I don't -- I'm more. I read "termination." going to go back problem, is what we got. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: We got a problem. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Mr. Malek said that we had coverage. So, until we deal with the problem, we have coverage. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Part of my anger is that -- is towards him and his organization, too, though. Why send out a damn termination letter if you're not going to terminate? What is that? Is that a game of some sort to encourage you to make a payment? That's a lot of silliness in that. io z9 os 127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ?? 23 24 25 COMMISSIONER LETZ: I think it's just -- it's industry practice, and from -- to set them up for a legal position, is what it is. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Well, maybe. Maybe we need to terminate our relationship with them, then. COMMISSIONER LETZ: But it's every insurance company. Have you ever -- I mean -- COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: And Mr. Wallace? COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I'm trying. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: I know you are. COMMISSIONER LETZ: It happens. But, I mean, the bottom line is it should never get to that point. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Speaking of Mr. Wallace, I have a meeting tomorrow with Mr. Wallace and the -- his new guy here in Kerrville and the Treasurer's office. I think I do. I did up until this morning. I have that meeting set up for tomorrow to try to get us all together and get the program going. So, I may be leaving town; I don't know. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Do we know who the new guy is? COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I can't recall his name. SHERIFF HIERHOLZER: Todd Peters. JUDGE TINLEY: Todd Peters. io-z9-os 128 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 19 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ~~ 23 24 25 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Todd Peters, uh-huh. I never met him. I understand he's a nice young man, and willing to work with us. He just -- we have to get him physically over here to sit down with us for a few minutes. SHERIFF HIERHOLZER: If he's the same one I'm thinking of, Buster, he used to be a County employee. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Used to be what? SHERIFF HIERHOLZER: A County employee. COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Good. COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Really? COMMISSIONER LETZ: All right. JUDGE TINLEY: Anything further, gentlemen? We'll stand adjourned. (Commissioners Court adjourned at 12:06 p.m.) ia-z9-,~s 129 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 19 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ~~ 23 24 25 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF KERR The above and foregoing is a true and complete transcription of my stenotype notes taken in my capacity as County Clerk of the Commissioners Court of Kerr County, Texas, at the time and place heretofore set forth. DATED at Kerrville, Texas, this 28th day of October, 2005. JANNETT PIEPER, Kerr County Clerk BY : ____ _ _ _~jc~ei~-~ _ ____ _ Kathy B ik, Deputy County Clerk Certified Shorthand Reporter In-z9-as ORDER NO.29438 APPROVE PROPOSED 2006 BUDGET FOR KERR EMERGENCY 9-1-1 NETWORK Came to be heard this the 24th day of October, 2005, with a motion made by Commissioner Baldwin, seconded by Commissioner Letz. The Court unanimously approved by vote of 4-0-0 to: Approve the Proposed 2006 Budget for the Kerr Emergency 9-1-1 Network. ORDER NO. 29439 APPROVAL OF COMMUNITY PLAN FOR SUBMISSION TO AACOG Came to be heard this the 24th day of October, 2005, with a motion made by Commissioner Williams, seconded by Commissioner Baldwin. The Court unanimously approved by vote of 4-0-0 to: Adopt the 2005-2006 Kerr County Community Plan for submission to AACOG. ORDER NO.29440 TAKE ACTION ON FINAL NOTICE FROM 9-1-1 ON ADDRESSES Came to be heard this the 24th day of October, 2005, with a motion made by Commissioner Letz, seconded by Commissioner Williams. The Court unanimously approved by vote of 4-0-0 to: Approve the Final Notice Letter, as amended, for the Kerr Emergency 9-1-1 Network. ORDER NO. 29441 DISCUSS WATER AVAILABILITY REQUIREMENTS, SUBDIVISION RULES AND/OR MODIFICATION OF COURT ORDER NO. 29006 Came to be heard this the 24th day of October, 2005, with a motion made by Commissioner Letz, seconded by Commissioner Nicholson. The Court unanimously approved by vote of 4-0-0 to: Modify Court Order No. 29006 to provide that only 1.04 and 1.05 of the Kerr County Subdivision Rules & Regulations, under the Kerr County Water Availability Requirements, be suspended. ORDER NO. 29442 DISCUSS CONCEPT PLAN OF "LAS COLINAS OF KERRVILLE" IN PRECINCT 1 Came to be heard this the 24th day of October, 2005, with a motion made by Commissioner Letz, seconded by Commissioner Baldwin. The Court unanimously approved by vote of 4-0-0 to: Approve waiver of minimum lot size to a 2-acre average. ORDER NO. 29443 DISCUSS FINAL PLAT OF LEDGE STONE SUBDIVISION IN PRECINCT 2 Came to be heard this the 24th day of October, 2005, with a motion made by Commissioner Williams, seconded by Commissioner Baldwin. The Court unanimously approved by vote of 4-0-0 to: Grant conditional approval of the final Plat of Ledge Stone Subdivision, located in Precinct 2, subject to the condition, being Mr. Odom's approval of the sealcoating and entrance, as the final requirements before presentation and report to the Judge, before the Judge signs same. ORDER NO. 29444 SET PURCHASE PRICE FOR A COPY OF THE 2005-06 KERB COUNTY BUDGET Came to be heard this the 24th day of October, 2005, with a motion made by Commissioner Williams, seconded by Commissioner Letz. The Court unanimously approved by vote of 4-0-0 to: Set the purchase price for a copy of the 2005-0606 Kerr County budget at a cost of $20.00. ORDER NO. 29445 APPROVE CONTRACT AMENDMENT NO. 1 BETWEEN KERB COUNTY AND THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE HEALTH SERVICES Came to be heard this the 24th day of October, 2005, with a motion made by Commissioner Letz, seconded by Commissioner Nicholson. The Court unanimously approved by vote of 4-0-0 to: Approve the Contract Amendment No. 1 between Kerr County and the Department of State Health Services and authorize County Judge to sign same. ORDER NO. 29446 DISCUSS PROPOSED MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ANIMAL CONTROL FACILITY Came to be heard this the 24th day of October, 2005, with a motion made by Commissioner Nicholson, seconded by Commissioner Williams. The Court unanimously approved by vote of 4-0-0 to: Approve the Memorandum of Understanding for construction of the Animal Control Facility and authorize County Judge to sign same. ORDER NO. 29447 APPROVE KERB COUNTY JURY SELECTION PLAN Came to be heard this the 24th day of October, 2005, with a motion made by Commissioner Letz, seconded by Commissioner Baldwin. The Court unanimously approved by vote of 4-0-0 to: Approve the Kerr County Jury Selection Plan, as amended to reflect the changes required by HB75 and SB1704. ORDER NO. 29448 ACT ON ISSUES INVOLVING CONSTRUCTION OF THE EXPANSION OF THE ANIMAL CONTROL FACILITY, PARKING LOT AND SIDEWALKS Came to be heard this the 24th day of October, 2005, with a motion made by Commissioner Letz, seconded by Commissioner Williams. The Court unanimously approved by vote of 4-0-0 to: Authorize the Court's Liaison to the Animal Control Facility, Commissioner Nicholson, to request any Waivers as he may deem appropriate with the City of Kerrville regarding the expansion to the Animal Control Facility. ORDER NO. 29449 DISCUSS RESOLUTION THANKING MR. CHARLES LEWIS FOR HIS SERVICE ON THE KERB EMERGENCY 9-1-I BOARD Came to be heard this the 24th day of October, 2005, with a motion made by Commissioner Letz, seconded by Commissioner Baldwin. The Court unanimously approved by vote of 4-0-0 to: Approve Resolution thanking Mr. Charles Lewis to thank him for his service on the 9-I-1 Board. ORDER NO. 29450 DISCUSS NOMINATION AND/OR APPOINTMENT OF NEW REPRESENTATIVE TO THE KERR COUNTY 9-1-1 BOARD Came to be heard this the 24th day of October, 2005, with a motion made by Commissioner Letz, seconded by Commissioner Baldwin. The Court unanimously approved by vote of 4-0-0 to: Appoint Mr. Hugh Jons to the Board of Managers, as Kerr County's representative to the Board of Managers of Kerr Emergency 9-1-1 network. ORDER NO. 29451 REVIEW KERB CENTRAL APPRAISAL DISTRICT'S PROPOSED BUDGET AMENDMENT Came to be heard this the 24th day of October, 2005, with a motion made by Commissioner Williams, seconded by Commissioner Letz. The Court unanimously approved by vote of 4-0-0 to: Approve the Kerr Central Appraisal District's Proposed Budget Amendment to add a reserve account for costs related to any potential building purchase or relocation, building renovation, and any associated moving or move-in costs. The account shall be funded with surplus funds left over from the Appraisal District's 2004 Operating Budget. ORDER NO. 29452 CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS Came to be heard this the 24th day of October, 2005, came to be considered by the Court various Commissioners Precincts, which said Claims and Accounts are: Accounts Expense 10-General $ 158,051.99 14-Fire Protection $ 4,382.50 15-Road & Bridge $ 75,304.87 18-County Law Library $ 208.00 19-Public Library $ 25,000.00 20-Road Districts $ 5,724.08 31-Parks $ 45.16 76-Juvenile Detention Facility $ 21,744.98 Total $ 290,461.58 Upon motion made by Commissioner Letz, seconded by Commissioner Williams, the Court unanimously approved by vote of 4-0-0 to pay the claims and accounts. ORDER NO. 29453 MONTHLY REPORTS Came to be heard this the 24th day of October, 2005, with a motion made by Commissioner Letz, seconded by Commissioner Baldwin, the Court unanimously approved by vote of 4-0-0 the following monthly reports: J.P. # 1 J.P. #4 County Clerk District Clerk