ORDER NO.29537 DISCUSS ROAD NAME CHANGES ON PRIVATELY MAINTAINED ROADS IN PCT. 4, IN ACCORDANCE WITH 911 GUIDELINES Came to be heard this the 23rd day of January, 2006, with a motion made by Commissioner Nicholson, seconded by Commissioner Baldwin. The Court unanimously approved by vote of 4-0-0 to: Approve the list of road name changes that are proposed, with the exception of the first one (delete Pfiester Lane West), and change the spelling of the seventh one to Paisano: None to Roddy Tree Ranch Road West New Road to Durst Doell None to Pecan Springs Farm Road West None to Storybook Lane West None to Petticoat Lane West None to Shady Grove West None to Paisano Circle West ags37 ~~1~ COMMISSIONERS' COURT AGENDA REQUEST PLEASE FURNISH ONE ORIGINAL AND NINE COPIES OF THIS REQUEST AND DOCUMENTS TO BE REVIEWED BY THE COURT MADE BY: Truby Hardin OFFICE: ROAD & BRIDGE MEETING DATE: January 23.2006 TIME PREFERRED: SUBJECT: Consider, discuss and take appropriate action for road name chances on privately maintained roads in Pct. 4, accordance with 911 Guidelines EXECUTIVE SESSION REQUESTED: (PLEASE STATE REASON) NAME OF PERSON ADDRESSING THE COURT: Trubv Hardin/Len Odom ESTIMATED LENGTH OF PRESENTATION: 5 minutes IF PERSONNEL MATTER -NAME OF EMPLOYEE: Time for submitting this request for Court to assure that the matter is posted in accordance with Titte 5, Chapter 551 and 552, Government Code, is as fo-lows: Meeting scheduled for Mondays: 5:00 P.M. previous Tuesday. THIS REQUEST RECEIVED BY: THIS REQUEST RECEIVED ON: addressed at the earliest opportunity. See Agenda Request Rules Adopted by Commissioners' Court. All Agenda Requests wilt be screened by the County Judge's Office to determine if adequate information has been prepared for the Court's formal consideration and action at time of Court Meetings. Your cooperation will be appreciated and contribute towards you request being Pfiester _------' None ~_----_~ ,E New Raad --~--' None __--- None ~~ None __--- `= None _...-- None i 1 Road N ame Changes That DO NOT Require Public Hearing x x o ~ ~ Location of Road ~ o N ~ Re uested Name Chan e W HN,y 41, Kemp Rd ie Ln W Lavender Ln Off Hwy 39, just before Looker Rudy Tree Ranch Rd W W Hwy 41, Kemp Rd W Rd purst Doell Off Hwy 39, just before Looker Pecan Springs Earm Rd W t before Looker W us Off Hwy 39, j Ln Storybook Off Hwy 39, just before Looker Ln W Petticoat Off Hwy 39, just before Looker Grove W Shady Off Hwy 39, lust before Looker Circle W Paisaro Presented CC to Commissioner Ghan9~, ^.~--,-~^ 112312006 Nicholson 112312~ Nichoison ------ 1123120`~~ ..,..~. h o 112312006 Nicholson 1~3f2006 Nicholson 1!2312006 Nicholson 12312006 Nicholson 1123!2006 Nicholson Kerr County Application for Rgad Naming "` Existing Road Name 'f3~ {C ~'~"e.~-. LN W RZ\Ja~'e 1~AD - - _____ Suffix IJirectlonal Rcyuas[ad Name Change LY~J2. t\1rq?~(2. ___ 1._.N W Reason forReyuest ~taV1~(Z l~.eo~esreD Suffix DirecUOnal Locafiun of Road Yrs~ Pa[Nun Submitted? Map yr Drawing Submittetl? l,. ~s Name of Su4diwsidn N 'A __~ Volume N1jq- Page hl t~- Applicant Information Dale of Request ~ ~ ~.3 Name NZONc..~-c,. ~-. ~-c~.\Ie.ND~ Enory AddreSS _~ a_o ~~ies'' fr~.~. ,_~ w c'h f(~Ot9 [aT'0.1N tt0 rte 2 1 ?~ zip Phony C$30) `p feb ^~J ~Z©~ ~ma1r Kerr 9-1-~ Recommendations This application conforms with Road tQam[ng and Addressing Guide{ine of Kerr 911 (9-1-1 Rapresentallve) (Date) `. County Use Only ~ ° County Pubhr: Pnvata Res[ncted 9990 TXDOT Maintained - Access Road _ ~! Access Map Grid f0# Commisstoner Date Recervzd 9'I 1 Approval ~T 99l Approvcl Oafs Datn of Public Hearing Presented to CG for Considerauon Court Order Approving GC Approval Daro Considerations: R8B ForM911 b100 Ronald Lavender R63379, ~__. DCICCTFR { N W 0.3 0 0.3 _ _ 0.6 Miles N W E S n1i05 'UU U9:Ut FAR 79 Z582J hERR-A!1 OPFTCE ~I1i Marsh Weiershausen 95 Crowd Road Weatherford, TX 76067 (917)441-6725 December 29, 2005 Kerr Emergency 911 Network 613 Watar Stree"_, Suite 27G Kerrville, TX 78Q28 Attn: Mr. ,'~merine ~~~ r~~ooG• Ned and I met to discuss the naming of the road again. We have signed the papers as you presented with the new access road highlightwd in yel:ow. Aa I discussed vith you in person, the "Dale Durst"' road is a valid road, hed and 1 would like that the "Dale Durst'" road be left as is far a couple of reasons. Gne, the road is a valid access point tc our properties. Twc, at the junction of "Dale Durst" and "Durst poell" road stands a locked, high game fence gate that is a major separation between the two roads. We still want the new road r_o he named "Durst Doell' road. One historical fact around the names of these roads is the long standing fax,lly history that still exists in this _~ area. Alex Durst, August Doell, and Dale Prior were settlers of this area many years ago. Ned and T feel ~aery strongly about the ability to have our family names present in modern timers. So, we would appreciate the courts granting "Durst Doe11'" as the name for this road. Sincerely, ~l ~1 Marsh Weiersha+rsen o KEflR-85.1 UFFICE C~r!5 01/OS~U6 09:nh FAA ?9.592) !parr County ~ppiikation for Raad Naming .». l;uaunp Reed Nemc S1t~s? tom' P,,~dai+~ ~nS4 1t,PO~. l~"E~ 1r.1 ~"C Sul(,c ~~ Raquaacab hams Cnanpa ~1RST ~pc(,j,„ '~ Roni.on tot RagUasC~^(~ N~„~~ SUfriY 1'4~..;GOT j Maipialned ~ Aceasr Road Accexs `^ __~ MaP tafld Ibl{ Cornm~asioner Gau+ Re:a,vaa fii t Approval gt ~ ApproYrai Oxe oafs of pudic Heanng Presenxrd ttl CC - /or Conrwaerauon Court OtSer Approving CC Apprbvu C~a[a f55' ^' ~~- ~dn hs~rvS~) 5.00 FAk Email S 01 X10; t18 25:.QJ F.4X 795929 KERR-911 OFFICE `~ U2 Karr 4oUnty AppliCasian foC ROaa Naming --. Exia4nC Roaa Name { yjf ~~.. ....'i Pr'ua g„~;Y I~,i6e onal ~~ R.ryucaaa Nama Chnnoa ~ rn ikhri~'+-- - Faason tat Raauest ••~~~rrr., _ ~ 1 L. r~ ~ ~ ~; 5 5ulfit piracuan;u i l.ocatwn of Ruau ~.~YL~ r i ~ i i Var/Na Nauaa~ 5ubmmw,t? tarp or prarmg 3ubm4atd9 ~ 1 riamn at Sundivuyon Vduma Pet7b ,Applicant 6nfaatuttian ~___ _,,_ _ ~ //~ /~'- =:---- Nama tnary AdorMta j CrtY I Phana . "Yj~~- ,.~ Kerr 8-t-1 l'r~~ $ L.~'.Jr p J !±'VDiJ Rncomntrndatlons Fhi5 application conforms with Road Narnin®anq Addressing Guideline of Karr 911r - ~r ~ T ~ ~~p (9-1-1 Reptesentauve) (Data} i Cou~tty Usr Unly ~i County Public Privala i Mointainad ~ ACCbSS Roil Rairtnctad 1080 'fYUO? 4ccads Map G!d ~,_ IDtc Gorncnissioner t 91l Appravrl Cnlb or Public tta'dnr'•~ Date Rsc~vad s1 t Approval Dzez Pr®sanWd :o CC tqr GOnGCefalJOn Coua tJrdar Agprgving CC npwaval Data Cansi06ratiattS: f?iJki Frant/b 11 6106 ~ / F.tk Em:ll Q H O 9 .[ rv p i! N N :n m ro A R7 A7 7J m r- +] n m 4 •r e\VrV( I:YV 1\PI IY 1111V ~ta2 KERR-911 OFFICE U1, ].0/U8 i5: 05 i'AF. 79259?3 Kerr County Application for Road Naming "° F~c~awty Road Name i Re:;uettad Name Cnanp~ RaaSdn t0c RNCtuae .~ ) LocaGOn of Road Vaa/Na ~ NBme ai Subdivlsan ~A _...lican[......_...._.....-.... s PP atontution --~~3n,(F-~--- ~!`r ~ ~ Tnf ,P Y ~.tzn r Peraion SUbmiaW]7 Map or Ornwing Submit[ed7 Name Entity I Addresa C9y i Phana ,-'S/n /~-- -`r" Kerr 9•t-t _ It ,1r«c ~i~ell}1.-~ Recommendatbns This application conforms with Raad Naming and Addressing Gt+iddttttE of Kerr 9St ~~~' ~~ (&-t•t Repreaemativa) CDale) Caunly Use dNy ! Cou~tq M9inlav+id i PutNlc Prrva:a Ree[tittAd 1940 7XDC?T Accfas Road AGCe6& Mep G(id ~ IOA Gommiae+oner p11 Approval OnW a( Public ttt6[inS CaUK Otdtr ApptO>hn9 Gansiderahans: Volume Ur~ro~d)lonaf J~Xc- ~ DI(ICL.aS14{ Page Dam of ReGu'est / f j0 /v CO ` Date RsCWVed 911 Approval bale Presentee to CC fOr CaOxiaCtapOn CC Approval Data i i r ~r"- ___~_ --- i --^-i--°°-- -- p&8 ~orM911 61(]6 Ix ~] d FAX Email OL%10%UB 15:15 FA[ 792592) ItFRR-911 OFFICE G/~ mns t~n2 ul.'10: 08 15: A7 FAX 7325927 KERB-311 OFFICE i\krf CiOl+t1~ Application {or Road Naming FxfiOng ROSH Nanff ~ ~ n ~' ~L Fty~~.iauad Nmne Chanps t~~t-fr ~r.~~=- h'aS6on for Requott ~~ (tl~~ h i~ r Locas~on v(Roso YruNo Name p(8uG2iYW10n into fltWitiun t°duUOn Subminrd? Dn'cC ~ rtel i i Sulfilc D.. ecuvny i Mug or fJrnvring 5ubm~nav? Valume page I Date oFR~...._....__...... ...._......._....-_ t equaW ~ l~Q f Q ~ ) Nama / ~- i Entity / J . ~~/.SR~L-C_ adareas ~ ~ ~._x~ C ~' Phony ~~_ .,J}i ~ { F:N: k"mki t(.itrr B-5.5 Yi'fE~"TS ~! ILA /A7FA~ Recomnlanaatiuns 7nis applicedon confomts »ith Road Naming and Addressing Guideline of Kerr 9S1 ~____ i (9-1•t Represemailvel (Date) Counq• Use Only County public Privaln Reiuictsd MeintDlnHd ~ AcLtias Fcbd Access 5090 tXROT ` Map Gfitl ~ 16a COmfnKdlOnbf i)flrb ReoNVa^ d15 ApDro~d ~ 917 Approvy~ iJ:ca - i Cnlii al pubLC Neannp Presanwd Co CC --- for Consioefauon Court Order ApDtawnp CC Approval Date Ci On Sldldfatt0 n S: _. . e l tta[S Fac*./5~5 e10a n w w N .~ x {S~ h CJ W N Ci N d, iL C N ti 9 .y .-J O KERB-911 OFFICE ~ 02 U1!lt)in8 15: SU FAR 792592) Read Name k~:arr Caunry Application for Road Kaming Su Ku Rsqueacad N4rna Ch4na4 - -~ /_.,,. , a44yon for t¢equvst l_/SuKlhVa e LocaUOn OI !?Oed i Va,c7Na P4ti4on SubmRtnU7 Mop or OrevVing SuomiReO? Nnmo of 9ubdivrB~Or Applicant Intormatior Name Entry Go7r'v't r~~ G r ndare4a r ary >Jp !~ Prwna ~~~'~ f FAk Ema1 Kerr fi•t-t ~I~'~~~Lr-7a~~~ 'Z 1 Recommendations "'-' This applrcation contorms with Road Nwminp and Aadrosaing Guideline of Kerr 97't (9-t- Representairva) (Date) CrGWlty Use ORry Cdunry PubGC Private Reseric!do ~ggp 'fXppT Maintained Access Road Aeeirs - MaP Gfltl IDtr Commraeionar DaW Recar+ed 9i t Appravn4 ~ all repro+W Ouse 6atn of Pubic Hearing ~ Pfacent.d ra CC tOr ConsitltraUOn `~. ' GourtOrderApprd~ing _~ Cr'tpW~orolOa;e Considoratigtls: - -'- i VOlume _ i Dii a;'onn - OirncWnel i I Pdya ~ - Darz nt Requesr I/~U ~O~ R56 Pnmv$i1 O; uO U1/lUitl3 15:5tl F9% ?925927 KERB-911 OFFICE ~ OS KERR-911 OFPIGE ~ 0` UlilU/OR 15:55 FA% 7925925 Ifsrr bounty Applicatiart far Ro:sd t~amill~ .. _._E.z~sir~il Riau NBM1+O _ ~ V~~- ................... Sutfi> i pu.cuen.: ~eq~as<~a name ~I„~,~~ o _ _ _ ~a i S a n C [ 2, ~ Raasan roc Raquetlc t ' m J ~ ~1•~~0 (,~ ~ G S Su!frr; orcecuun~d i W:Auwt pl F.J3J !~ V esrNJ w! OraWin n y auC G4 Ma Retl9 P U f 0 p wiq¢ iuuu u nl~ ~ Nm,ne J! 3uouir~smn valume PaJtl iA~ph.JUURforntagon ~~} palecFRequebc IVailly ~~n [: (~CC .J ?L~1~~ ,1 I G.L. / `~ p2 Enury ..gyp t~_V~Q~ b~ /.~i.~.-~J~~Ic~C C-L ~~ry !l ~.~ , 7~x ZS Lp ~~-0 i Pnuna `~/~~. ~]y.l'7~ Pte. l.lnsil Kerr d-t-1 ~~L~T~ ("7 ~11~~! 1 ) -"S Racommantlaaons f This applica[iun contocros wan Ru~4 Naming and Addressing Guida{il)e of Karr 51'i ~~ ~~ (g•'. •S R[+prasan[a0ve) ~Da[a) h Cuunry usa Only i COUnh Puai4 Privaro Raaucc[vd 1`300 'IaGbT i Ma~nnlNaa AG63tl5 RVAO AGCO$$ Msp 31id _~ II;B Comm~ss~onar Dale Racarvau I - ' 81 t wl)proral 911 Apprc+a~ pJW Lace vl PubUC lirocing Presanldq tJ CC for Canslcarauou CGUftOrderAppNV