I ~~ ~aI30l.1•a~ COMMISSIONERS' COURT AGENDA REQUEST PLEASE FURNISH ONE ORIGINAL AND NINE COPIES OF THIS REQUEST AND DOCUMENTS TO BE REVIEWED BY THE COURT. MADE BY: Commissioner Williams OFFICE: Precinct 2 MEETING DATE: Febmary 13, 2006 TIME PREFERRED: SUBJECT: (Please be specific). Consider and discuss Ken County's authority under Texas Constitution and various laws to regulate and/or place restrictions on mining, rock crushing and related operations-particularly those in or neaz the flood plain of the Guadalupe River and/or its tributaries. EXECUTIVE SESSION REQUESTED: NAME OF PERSON(S) ADDRESSING THE COURT: Commissioner Williams, County Attorney. ESTIMATED LENGTH OF PRESENTATION: Undetermined. IF PERSONNEL MATTER-NAME OF EMPLOYEE: Time for submitting this request for Court to assure that the matter is posted in accordance with Title 5, Chapter 551 and 552, Government Code, is as follows: Meeting scheduled for Mondays: 5:00 P.M. previous Tuesday THIS REQUEST RECEIVED BY: THIS REQUEST RECEIVED All Agenda Requests will be screened by the County Judge's Office to determine if adequate information has been prepazed for the Court's formal consideration and action at time of Court meetings. Your cooperation is appreciated and contributes towazd your request being addressed at the earliest opportunity. See Agenda Request Rule adopted by Commissioners Court. Kerrville Daily Times • Wednesday, February 1, 2006 ` '~` Recently, Brazos County was All can share des~ tired as having a pristine been h h COncem for river ave ey waterway. T il ng battling huge gravel nth 7b the Editor: operations. They passed law that Whether you are a Republican, county commissioners had the ', I)attocrat or Independent, authority over these protects that d fl i i something is happening in Kerr ll b h ld oo t~G m n they could stop tn plain areas. If we, as residents, e ou a County we s concerned about. Gravel mining ' don't do something, it won't end on the Guadalupe River With on a little mad and stretch of the beautiful weather we are river that leads to Center Point. enjoying, go take a drive out 173 I Center Point has unfortunately " just past Commanche Tface of ! become the "stepchild about one mile and rum lefr on Kerrville and does not get fau Wharton Road (or the old River i representation. This stretch of Road rum-off). Wind your way ~ road needs to be cleaned and down, heading into the tree- kept cleaned, speed limits canopied, narrow country road. enforced and some care shown ', Go past the old apple orchards ~ for this town. I am etrdotsing and and cross over the beautiful river anssing. Go up the hill with the I David John, Piecinct Na, huge field of new heifer cows county wtmmssioner, who%s ''+ and look across and down below very active in seeing that this ai the total devastation gravel mining be stopped. happening to our beautiful river Etentually, tax dollars will be The destmcdon of needed to cleanup the mess to embankment, the clearing and the town and river if left the gravel mitring is mining this unchecked, [ am not aware of priceless stretch of river The lvlr. Williams' or Mr. ffazdrn.g~ future implications of this could concern over this or lackthem~"~ be disastrous to the natural flood precinct No. 2 and all of the Hill . plaht and environmental impact. Country residents need fo see .~ The scouring of brush and land this and vote March 7, for Dat'.I- " is going to change t[te flow and John, a concerned business force of the river The gravel owner, taxpayer and not a fat cat washes will eventually fill in a hhaan. Published in the ~ wonderful canoe kayak run. The Kerrville Daily Times are the economic im act on real estate p names and addresses of auk local value has just gone down the representatives that need to dumper know how you feel about There has been two public y~pp~g the river. hearings on these types of Heidi A. Md"mtl, companies with fitfle in Iterrv~e attendance. I ve been told that .,., state Sen. Troy Fraser has attempted to get legislation passed to put restrictions on these gravel mining.projects, that currently are licensed Yluough .: several different agencies, but tl one specific cohesive entity. k,, County needs guidelines Tb [he Editor: Myself, and I'm sure other; in Kerr County become very complacent in their everyday living. l stepped out on my porch one day and heard the roaring of equipment, the beeps, and the banging of dump tracks. I drove. Commission on Environmental Quality hearing as headlined in this week's paper I spoke to one of their representatives present. I queried him about the noise and was advised it did not fall under their jurisdiction. I asked about the water contamination and was_;,i told that it was not under their jurisdiction. For the rock- crushingpermitting procedure, only air quality is under their rules. In this meeting, the mining representative stated they would build water containment dams out of gavel. I'm not an engineer, but don't think this ±~ approach is feasible. T1ris goes -.a on an on. Unless the atizens of Kerr "'~ County get some guidelines in Dlace on this operation and other commercial operations, you, too, _. could have a similar situation next to your house. J. Trice„` Center Point ;' ~, << KERR COUNTY ATTORNEY COUNTY COURTHOUSE, SUITE BA-103 ~ 700 MAIN STREET September 19, 2005 Bill Williams County Commissioner Precinct 2 RE: Wheatcraft Quarry in Center Point Dear Bill: REX EMERSON KERRVILLE, TEXAS 78028 Please see the attached binder containing Flood Plain and 9-1-1 maps, TCEQ contact information, Health and Safety Code Sections 361 and 382, Water Code Chapter 7, and ]`dining Code Chapter 133. In reviewing Wheatcraft's permit application, multiple issues/questions were raised: a) Whether a Flood Plain pernrit has been applied for; b) Where is the 700 gallons per minute of water originating from? c) Whether an air dispersion model has been completed; d) Whether an archeological study has been completed (it is my understanding that a similar facility up the river produced a number of dinosaur bones); e) Why no particulate ambient air monitoring is proposed; f) Whether any of the primary listed crushed rocks are more prone to causing pulmonary fibrosis; g) How much sediment will run off in to the Guadalupe? h) Flow much petroleum chemical contamination of the ground will occur tiom the large volume of trucks? i) Whether the applicant has placed a sign at the proposed location pursuant to H & S code 382.056 (c). j) Whether rock crushing falls under the guidelines associated with `~ oncrete crushing"? A recent telephone conference with the TCEQ public interest counsel indic.~ ~cd concerned persons should: 1) File their comments in writing with the Office of Chief Clerk, MC-10~ TCEQ P. O. Box 13087 Austin, "fX 78717 -31187 MAIN NUMBER (830) 792-2220 ~ HOT CHECKS (830) 792-2221 ~ FAX (830) 792-2228 2) File a request for a local hearing at the above address. 3) File a request for a contested hearing at the above address. This request must contain the following information - • Person's name, address, daytime telephone number • Wheatcraft.Inc. • Permit Number 76508 • The specific statement "I request a contested case hearing" • State the specific way that you, the individual, will be affected. For example, I have emphysema and it will cause me significant respiratory distress etc... • Location and distance of your property from the facility • Description of how your use your property. i.e....I live here 4) Request to be placed on the mailing list. 5) Request a formal Ken County Commissioners Court Memorandum of Opposition, formal School District memorandum of Opposition, and get our local legislator involved. The executive director may hold a local public hearing during the comment period. However, H & S Code Section 382.056 (k) states the executive director shall hold a public meeting if a member of the legislature requests it or there is "substantial public interest". Schools are of special concern to the TCEQ. H & S Code Section 382.052 states "the commission shall consider possible adverse short-term and long-term effects of air contaminants" if the proposed facility is within 3000 feet of an elementary, junior high, or senior high. Hopefully this will help. I feel sure there are more statutory areas of concern, but given the short time and other obligations I did the best I could. Rex Emerson ~-~'" MEMORANDUM December 19, 2005 To: Rex Emerson, County Attorney From: Bill Williams, Commissioner, Pct. 2 Subject: Wheatcraft, d/b/a Rhodes Pit and 'I'NRCC See attached from Robert Ligon of Center Point. In your opinion, what would be the best way to proceed to determine which, if any, of the cited permits or sections of law are applicable to Wheatcraft's proposed rock crushing operation? Are these matters that TNRCC routinely examines, or are they in the alternative matters Kerr Coumy or some other local agency like UGRA should pursue? Rega , it la/zo ~a5- ~/_/'L`1 -~fFgS~ R,~ ~ PEwv~ i ~S /T c G?u r nC-b ©v.~r +~ e '~ G oza ~ oilers ,~~•'~ . ~ <~ OP1M~u 1? t.c~uSC~ ~oe "~r"'~' 1d~ '~ ~nczn,e. l~tt; 12.+q ~-a'ot~ v(- `rLe i ss we v9~-p C-6vbl w~u n.~CAZC ~+Yl l'Z7t~y t.u7N 'TfE~ S'7(g7 E- A 61vC~ E$ . !7s (l/lJm/'ctit /-}u ~ /'izc.v9 +* tt + 7f'i-~ ~~A.+K.rt^y LtitJ/1~J /'fi93 T1f~ S1'CZ+~~ P dU~l/S 6 u lRwT~-'~ ~o !T 3.tg 7~-fc S~c~~ . as....,. S Bill Williams From: robert [edjr~ktc.cem) Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2005 1:55 PM To: tmrilflams~co.ken.bc.us Cc: Marcy Downey; Raul & Sandy; John Monty; John Kovacs; Ken VYardlaw Subject: Information I spoke of during our mtg this tesday morning in center point TNRCC General Permit Number TXR050000 Relating to Storm Water Discharges Associated with Tndustrinl Activity TCEQ General Permit Number TXR150000 Relating to Discharges from Construction Activities Both of these permits were developed from Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES), which is the state program for enforcing Section 26.040 of the Texas Water Code and Section 402 of the Clean Water Act which was deveoped from EPA Requirements. These permits are concerned with clean water and storm water discharge requirements to be met over the life of the construction and/or facility. TXR050000 is Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC) General Permit Plan. Page 71 identifies specific requirements for Rock Crushers. TXR150000 is Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) General Permit Plnn. Both of these permits are for a General Permit to Discharge Waste. Both of these General Permits require Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWP3). The TCEQ General Permit Plnn Definitions, detail specifically Pollutants, Pollution, and Waters of The United States, among other things. These three things should definitely be concerns of someone. Waters of The United States, is defined in title 40, part 122, section 2 of the Code of Federal Regulations and identifies that concerns should encompass, "...rivers, ... which are or could be used by interstate or foreign travelers for recreational or other purposes;". This is located on page 6, Water of the United States, (cxi) of TCEQ General Permit Plan. It is my understanding that Whentcraft must hove both of these permits. It is my understanding. that Wheatcrnft must have an SWP3 plan that meets the requirements of both of these General Permit Plans. 12/15/2005 rage ~ or ~ Waters of The Uniter States, prohibits the degradation of the Guadalupe River for recreational or other purposes. Mobile heavy duty equipment running along the banks of the river, dust from equipment and facilities polluting the river and foliage, noise from the equipment and facilities, all contribute to the make the river environmentally unfriendly, which is n violation of Code of Federal Regulations and our own Texas Pollutant [)ischarge Elimination System. Would appreciate it, Bill, if you would have our County Attorneys review and determine if Whentcraft is/is not in compliance with the General Permits, the specific Code of Federal Regulations mentioned above, and Clean Water requirements and take appropriate action, if warranted. I cannot imagine that Wheatcrnft wn operate as close to the river as he is and not be considered in violation of, at least the Code of Federal Regulations, which I assume, takes precedence over our Texas Laws. Thanks, Robert Ligon 377-7944 12/15/2005 „~ -, , ~~ , RESOLUTION WHEREAS Wheatcraft, Inc., dba Rhodes Pit Rock Quany, located at 6133 Highway 27, Center Point, Texas, has made application to the Texas Commission on Endvonmental Quality, Permit No. 76508, to construct and operate a Rock Crushing Facility; and WHEREAS There is substantial public interest about the amount of"Particulate Matter" that will be discharged into the air daily that may cause harm to the health of adults and children living in close proximity to the proposed rock crushing facility; and ~y}{EREAS Center Point Independent School district has educational facilities located within 2000 feet of the proposed rock crushing facility, and WHEKEAS Health and Safety Code, Chapter 382.056 requires the TCEQ to consider the possible adverse short- term and long-term effects of Air contaminants if a proposed facility is within 3000 feet of an elementary, junior high or senior high school; and WHEREAS Other sigttificant issues and/or questions raised must be addressed by the Applicant to the TCEQ before a permit is issued such as: • Whether or not an air dispersion model has been completed; • Whether or not an archeological study has been completed; • Why no "Particulate" ambient air monitoring has been proposed; • Whether or not any of the primary listed crushed rocks are more prone to causing pulmonary fibrosis; • Where is the 700 gallons per minute of water use originating; • How much sediment will be discharged in the Guadalupe River; • How much petroleum/chemical contamination of the ground will occur from the large volume of trucks anticipated; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED "That Kerr County Commissioners' Court, meeting in Special Session on Monday, September 26, 2005 does hereby urge the TCEQ to examine carefully all aspects of the Air Quality Permit Application # 76508 filed by Wheatcraft, Inc., and insure all state laws and regulations are complied with; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED That Kerr County Commissioners' Court does hereby request the Executive Director of the TCEQ conduct a local Public Hearing and a Contested Hearing on said application at the earliest possible date; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED That copies of this Resolution of Opposition be forwarded to State Representative Harvey Hildebran, State Senator Troy Fraser, Headwaters Groundwater Conservation District, Upper Guadalupe River Authority and Federal Emergency Management Agency urging them to likewise request a Public Hearing and a Contested Hearing on this matter. ADOPTED THIS 26"t DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2005 ~t~( tl t ~~ L A. "Buster" Baldwin, Cot nissioner WVtlFfam H. Williams, Commissioner Prec' ct 2 Dave Nicholson, Commissioner Precinct 4 Revised ]0-05-05 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION FORM FOR KERR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT ~~ 3 "`' Instructions: Fiil out all appropriate blanks. Please print or write legibly. Present to the County Clerk prior to the time that the Agenda Item (or Items) you wish to address are discussed. If you are handing out any material or documents to the Court, please make sure you have one extra for the Clerk to ensure that one is put into the record. Name: ,!'~ BB ART L ~- C3D n/ Address: / ~5"J -.T L ,n ~ ~ . ( t..-~T ~_ o _ Ex,~ T- Telephone: ;~~1~ - G 3~---~(~ E3~~ Place of Employment: /C ~. t i` K ~ p Employment Telephone: ~~--"' Do you represent any particular group or organizafion? Yes ~ No If you represent a group or organization, please state the name, address and telephone number of such group or organization. Which agenda Item (or Items) do you wish to address? /`~ .Z ~ In general, aze you for or against such Agenda Item (or Items)? For ~ Against ,..~ ~ ~ Signature NOTE: Thia Public Participation Form must be presented to the County Clerk prior to the time the agenda item(s) are discussed. Once you reach the podium p lease state your name and who/what you represent clearly for the court re porter to accuratel y record who you are