ORDER NO.29594 INCREASE SPEED LIMIT ON KLEIN BRANCH ROAD Came to be heard this the 13th day of March, 2006, with a motion made by Commissioner Letz, seconded by Commissioner Williams. The Court unanimously approved by vote of 3-0-0 to: Increase the speed limit in Kerr County on Klein Branch Road from 30 mph to 45 mph. a~ s~~ • ~ COMMISSIONERS' COURT AGENDA REQUEST PLEASE FURNISH ONE ORIGINAL AND NINE COPIES OF THIS REQUEST AND DOCUMENTS TO BE REVIEWED BY THE COURT. MADE BY: Leonard Odom MEETING DATE: March 13, 2006 OFFICE: ROAD & BRIDGE TIME PREFERRED: SUBJECT: Consider discuss and take apnronriate action to increase speed limit on Klein Branch Road from 30 MPH to 45 MPH EXECUTIVE SESSION REQUESTED: (PLEASE STATE REASON) NAME OF PERSON ADDRESSING THE COURT: Leonard Odom ESTIMATED LENGTH OF PRESENTATION: 5 minutes IF PERSONNEL MATTER -NAME OF EMPLOYEE: Time for submitting this request for Cour[ to assure that the matter is posted in accordance with Title 5, Chapter 551 and 552, Government Code, is as follows: Meeting scheduled for Mondays: 5:00 P.M. previous Tuesday. THIS REQUEST RECENED BY: THIS REQUEST RECEIVED ON: @ All Agenda Requests will be screened by the County Judge's Office to determine if adequate information has been prepazed for the Court's formal consideration and action at time of Court Meetings. Your cooperation will be appreciated and contribute towards you request being addressed at the earliest opportunity. See Agenda Request Rules Adopted by Commissioners' Court. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CONCERNING REGULATORY SIGNS IN KERR COUNTY It is the intention of the Commissioners Court to set regulatory signs on Klein Branch Road in Kerr County. A public hearing will be held March 13, 2006, at 10:00 a,m., in the Commissioners Courtroom of the Kerr County Courthouse, 700 Main, Kerrville, Texas, concerning the increasing of speed limit on Klein Branch Road from 30 MPH to 45 MPH. Please run in public notices: Feb. 16, Feb 23, and Maz. 2, 2006 a„ Charge to Kerr County Road & Bridge and if you have any questions contact Truby Hardin at 257-2993 02i'3,'O6 18:06 Pis1 &30 896 1156 fiERRV1LLE DAILY 'L'IMES ~ITO1 iVQTiCE OF PUBLIC tiFARING COHCERNINp tvEptlLAtORY StpNl3 Iti KERR C'OUNT'Y li is the kiianti sn of the Cottariasmnsrs Court N ast regulatory signs en KIeIn 8rwtch Rcad in Y.err County. A public hearing VIII be hela Mflrh 73, zroa. at tu:oo a. m. mcreaekp of s oad ilmit on K!eln 6.anch Road from 3o MPH to 45 MPN. l~ ~ fA~ 3~.~ ~c,,~._.a~..s ~~~,'ti.~lj~rit-z'...