~BJHabI-J 4~ l ' / ` COMMISSIONERS' COURT AGENDA REQUEST PLEASE FURNISH ONE ORIGINAL AND TEN COPIES OF THIS REQUEST AND DOCUMENTS TO BE REVIEWED BY THE COURT. MADE BY: Pat Tinley OFFICE: County Jud MEETING DATE: August 14, 2006 TIME PREFERRED: SUBJECT: Consider and discuss performing State required OSSF functions for the City of Ingram and take appropriate action on resolution from City of Ingram authorizing Ken County to perform such functions. EXECUTNE SESSION REQUESTED: (PLEASE STATE REASON) NAME OF PERSON ADDRESSING THE COURT: County Judge ESTIMATED LENGTH OF PRESENTATION: IF PERSONNEL MATTER -NAME OF EMPLOYEE: Time for submitting this request for Court to assure that the matter is posted in accordance with Title 5, Chapter 551 and 552, Government Code, is as follows: Meeting scheduled for Mondays: 5:00 P.M. previous Tuesday. THIS REQUEST RECENED BY: THIS REQUEST RECEIVED ON: All Agenda Requests will be screened by the County Judge's Office to determine if adequate information has been prepared for the Court's formal consideration and action at time of Court Meetings. Your cooperation will be appreciated and contribute towards your request being addressed at the earliest opportunity. See Agenda Request Rules Adopted by Commissioners' Court. ~.--_ ~r ~, ~~=, -~l j THE COUNTY COURT OF KERB COUNTY. TEkAS MEMORANDUM TO: Commissioners FROM: Pat Tinley DATE: August 7, 2006 RE: OSSF Compliance -City of Ingram Sometime back I had a meeting with the Mayor and Attorney for the City of Ingram in which we discussed the possibility of Kerr County performing OSSF services required under State law for the City of Ingram. Because of the small number of OSSF matters which the City of Ingram has, I advised both of them that it appeared to be a reasonable and logical thing for Kerr County to perform that function for the City of Ingram and that as faz as I knew it was doable and legal. I also mentioned this possibility to the Manager of our Environmental Health Departrnent and he wrote a memo to the Court outlining some questions and concerns which he had concerning the subject. Attached is a resolution passed by the City Council of the City of Ingram which would accomplish Ken County handling OSSF matters for the City of Ingram. The resolution is, of course, subject to approval of the Kerr CounTy Commissioners' Court. memo 080706 6-©2-~©G~~ 1-FJ3aM FROh1 qRE 83fd2~364~3? Danny R. Edwards Attorney at I,avv P, p.13ax 379 Hunt, Texas 78024 Telephone (830) 238-4925 Facsimile (830) 238-493' Date: August 2, 2006 From: Danny R. Edwards Subject: City of Ingran-lKerr Coratnty OSSF To: Honorable Pat Tinley 192-2218 Judge: Pursuant to your meeting with Mayor Jackson and myself, attaehed is a Resolukion for the County to assume enforcement of the City's C9SSF regulations. This was passed subject to the approval of the County Attorney and the Commissioners' Court. Please advise as to any steps I might need to take to impleanent this transfer. Kindest Regards, L'fanny Edwards Number of pages sent including this cover page: TW 2~ P 1 If any of the pages you receive are of poor quality, you do not receive all of the pages or you have prablams receiving any of the pages, please call Danny Edwards at (830) 238-4925. The Retum Fax is (834) 238-4937 THE INFORMATION CONTAINED iN THIS FACSIMILE MESSAGE IS ATTORNE`f PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL iNFORMA,TION INTENDED ONLY FOR THE USE OF THE INDIVIDUAL OR AGENT RESPONSIBLE TO DELIVER fT TO THE INTENDED RF_CIPIENT. YOU ARE NOTIFIED THAT ANY DISSEMINATION, DISTRIBUTION OR COPYING OF THIS COMMUNICATION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS COMMUNICATION IN ERROR, PLEASE IMMEGtATELY NOTIFY US BY COLLECT TELEPHONE. CAL' AND RETURN THE ORIGINAL MESSAGE TC) US AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS BY U, S. POSTAL SERVICE AT OUR EXPFIVSE. THANK YOU! ORICrI1~AL SI=.'~IT BY REGCIL.0.RICERT1kIED MAIL; NO 8-~J2-2FJC~6' 4 : ~9Pt1 FRDb1 DRE 83©238493 ~ P. ~' THE CITY OF 1NGRAM, TEAS RESOLUTION NO. pS~{~1_D~___ WHEREAS, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) has astablished Rules and Regulations for on-site sewage faczbties to provide the citizens of this State with adequate public heal.h protection and a minimum of environmental pollution; which. Rules are amended from time to time, and WHEREAS, the rules and regulations of TCEQ require that the City for purposes of enforcement of said rules and regulations, have a properly trained and licensed representative to oversee and enforce its or.-site sewage facility regulations, and WHEREAS, the Ingram Ciry Council has determined that it is in the best interest of and an economic benefit to the City to establish the Environmental Quality Department of Ken County, Texas as the designated representative for the City, to oversee, sarvic e and enforce the rules and regulations far the CYty on matters regarding on-site sewage facilities, and WHEREAS, all prescribed fees for the required services will be colleetnd atzd retained I,y the Environmental Quality Department of Kerr County and there will be np costs to the City of Ingram, NOW THEREFORE, be it: "RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Ingram, .hat the Environrnental Quality Department of F~azr County, Texas, should be and is hereby appointed as the Designated Representative for the City oP' Iugram, Texas, for purposes of directing, servicing and enforcing on behalf of the City of Ingram, the Rules and Regulations for on-site sewage facilities in the City of Ingram, pursuant to City of Ingram Ordinance No. 060606 as approved by the City Council on June 5, 2006 and as may be amended from time to tune hereafter. It is furiher It.esolved that t:pon any required acceptance ancL'or approval by Karr County Commissioner's Court for its Environmental Quality Department to assume the role as Designated Representative for the City of Ingram, that the Texas Cozuznission on Environmental Quality be properly notified as to the change of the City's Designated Representative." Approved by the City Council for the City of Ingram, Texas an the ~ day of August 2006. Attest- /~~~ j~__ ` ,a~' ~q H and akson, 1,-favor .~- -, annell Bullock, City Secretary