ORDER NO. 29948 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SENDING NOTICE TO ALL HEALTHCARE PROVIDERS AND PHARMACIES AND AUTHORIZING COUNTY TO PAY INDIGENT AND MEDICAID RATES FOR CARE OF INMATES IN CUSTODY OF KERR COUNTY Came to be heard this the 25th day of September, 2006, with a motion made by Commissioner Letz, seconded by Commissioner Williams. The Court unanimously approved by vote of 4-0-0 to: Adopt a Resolution authorizing sending notice to all Healthcare Providers and Pharmacies, and authorizing the County to pay Indigent and Medicaid Rates for the care of inmates in the custody of Kerr County. :~ 99Nd' COMMISSIONERS' COURT AGENDA REOUEST MADE BY: Pat Tinley OFFICE: County MEETING DATE: September 25, 2006 TIME PREFERRED: SUBJECT: Consider, discuss and take appropriate action to adopt Resolution Authorizing sending notice to all Healthcaze Providers and Pharmacies and Authorizing the County to pay Indigent and Medicaid Rates for the caze of inmates in the custody of Kerr County. EXECUTIVE SESSION REQUESTED: (PLEASE STATE REASON) NAME OF PERSON ADDRESSING THE COURT: County Judge ESTIMATED LENGTH OF PRESENTATION: IF PERSONNEL MATTER -NAME OF EMPLOYEE: Time for submitting this request for Court to assure that the matter is posted in accordance with Title 5, Chapter 551 and 552, Government Code, is as follows: Meeting scheduled for Mondays: THIS REQUEST RECEIVED BY: THIS REQUEST RECEIVED ON: 5:00 P.M. previous Tuesday. All Agenda Requests will be screened by the County Judge's Office to determine if adequate information has been prepared for the Court's formal consideration and action at time of Court Meetings. Your cooperation will be appreciated and contribute towards your request being addressed at the earliest opportunity. See Agenda Request Rules Adopted by Commissioners' Court. #29948 Resolution A WRITTEN RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SENDING NOTICE TO ALL HEALTHCARE PROVIDERS AND PHARMACIES AND AUTHORIZING THE COUNTY TO PAY INDIGENT AND MEDICAID RATES FOR THE CARE OF INMATES IN THE CUSTODY OF KERR COUNTY On this 25n' day of September, 2006, the Kerr County Commissioners Court convened in meeting of said Court, at Commissioners Courtroom, 700 Main Street, Kerr County, "Texas with the following members present, to wit: County Judge Commissioner, Pct. 1 Commissioner, Pct. 2 Cornmissioner, Pct. 3 Commissioner, Pct. 4 Pat Tinley H.A. "Buster" Baldwin William H. Williams Jonathan Letz Dave Nicholson and among other proceedings, on motion of Commissioner Lett ,seconded by Commissioner _ Williams ,duly put and carried, having found that all prerequisites of law have been met, the following Resolution was passed. Be it resolved that, pursuant to prior Commissioner Court action and applicable law, the Commissioners' Court of Kerr County hereby resolves and authorizes that effective on October 1, 2006, Kerr County will only pay current indigent or Medicaid rates for all healthcare and drugs provided to inmates who are in the custody of Ken County and hereby authorizes the sending of written notice by the Kerr County Auditor to all healthcare providers and pharmacies notifying them that Kerr County will only pay current indigent or Medicaid rates for all healthcare and drugs provided to inmates who are in the custody of Kerr County. ADOPTED THIS 25'~ DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2006 t~. ~ca~.; c~r2~~~~,c1A. H. A. "Buster" Baldwin, Commissioner, Precinct 1 Precinct 3 Judge ySgtONEq rj ! iG9~ i'? } ` ~` -K ~99~ .....~~~+P C~UN"(Y,~ William H. Williams, Commissioner, Precinct? _..-- - __ Dave Nicholson, (Commissioner, Precinct 4 Sep iZ n6 08: 47a I H 5 936.756.6741 Indigent Healthcare Solutions Phone. ,~ ~ '/' ~ ~ ~' ~ ~ ~~-Fax: `\~. ) ~~ % ~-/ ~~ Y~j ~: From: (ROBERT BAIF;D/ BRAi3 SIBLEY , .. ROBERT CAMPBBLU KRISTIE HARR;SS~-LQNYA LUTHER - - ~- bate: ~~~/t ~~ Subject: ~_~. / / /~"~,y )f ~ ; ~ ! %~/ ~ , - - -~.~ Pages: _,_~-___ including cover page Notes: 2040 LOOP 336, SUITE 304 CONROE, TEXAS 77304 936.756.8720 PHONE 936.756.6741 FAX 800.834.0560 TOIL FREE p.l Sep 12 06 08:47a Fea Oj•/ 04 00: SOw 1 H S 336.756.6741 p•i' Fetlette Co rlutli tors 979 9G8 8501 P•t RECEIVED SEP 2 3 200.3 Otfit+s d CaurayAtbror Fayette County C'omnnissioners Court eay.roct~tcP.,ua A 14RI'TIEI~ RESOLUTION AU'I'HORIZL*7G SENDING NUTIC£ TO AI.L IIfiALTHCAPE PROV[bI-:RS AN.b PHARl41AC1L'S AND AUTHO'R171Nt; THS CUUNTY' TO PAY INDIGENT AND MEDICAID RA'fI:S FOR TKE CA(Lt, Uh fNMA1`ES IN TIIE CUSTODY OF FAYL•TTE ('VUNTY Un this the 22"'' dayol~Septeml>er, 2003, the Fayetee County CAmrr:tssioners Court convened in a ~peciat meeting of said Coun, at the Mtxiliery Cowtlrouse ,bcated-at 1 a95 W State Hwy 71, La Grange, Texas, with the following members pr~scnt, w wit: County Judge Edward Jam;cka Gotnmtsaioner Prceinct 1 David Moak Commrssioner Precinct 2 Gary Werahvhn CtntUnissioner Precinct 3 W tlbert Gross ('ommrssioner Precinct 4 Tom Mums and arnottg other pmceedtngs, or. matiun ofCommisswner Huran , seconded by Corsvnissroner . Crass duly put and carried, having found that all prrrequisues of law Lave been met, the tbllowing Resolu[pn was passed. lie it resolvtd that, pursuant to prior Commissrnner ('auri a4¢ion and applicable taw, tfte Commissurners CouR of Fayette Cvuniy hereby resalvcs and authorizes that effective on October 1, 2003, Fayette County will only pay current indigtm or Medicaid rates for all healthcare and drugs provided w irunates wtto art rn tlse custody of i~ayette County and hereby auUurrizes the sending of written awucc by the Faycno County Auditor to all htalthcare providers artd phartttacees ttotityrng ahem thal Fayette Ctronty w:il only pay current indigent or Medicaid rMCS for ail hcahhare and drugs provided to inmatts wtro arc m the custody of Fayette County Sep 12 t76 O8: 47a I H S 936.756.6741 p.3 ELLIS COUNT Y COMMISSIONlERS COURT T2F,SOLU"I'[ON NO. A WRITTEN RESOLU'T'ION AicTHORTZING SI'-NDINC: NO'I'IC[: TO ALT, HEALTHCARE PROVIDERS AND PHARMACIES AND AUT[IOR[ZINL: THE CUUN7'Y TO PAV INDiCEN'I' ANT) MEDICAIp RATES FOR THk; CAR E OF INMATES !N TFTF CUSTODY O[' ELLIS COUNTY Qn thrs the 14th day of July, ~U04, the County Commissioners Court of Lillis (:aunty, Texac, coavenal in a special meeting of wid Court, st Commissioners Counrctom, IU! West Main Street (2nd Ploor). Waxahachie,'T'axas, with the following members present, to-wi[; County Judl;e <:had Adams C'ommrssioner Precinct S] I lallic Jttc Robinson Comnussioncr Precinct t12 Larry Jnnes Commissioner Yrcctnct N 3 Jackie Miller Commissioner Precinct d4 Ron Brown and :unong other pmceedings, on motion of Commissioner _ _ __ _ , secon[icd by Commissionc:r~ __ __ ___ ,duly put and carried, having found that all prerequisites of iaw have been met, the Iollowin[t Rcsolutiou was passed' Be it resolved That. pursuant to prior Commissioner Gourt action and applicable Taw, the Commissioners CouR of Ellis County hereby resolves and authorizes that cf icctive on (}~t,~p,r,: I . 2(lU:,, Ellis County will on!}' payCUrren! mdigcict nr medicaid ratty for aE9 healthcare and tlru~s provided to inmates who are in the custody o1 fGllis Cotonty and hereby authorizes the scnoing of written notice by the- Director of Furchastng to ail hcttttltcare pmvidcrs and pbarmancs notifyin} them that Ellis County will only t,ay current indigent or medicaid rates li)t' all haaltht:are snd dncgs prov,dcd to inmates who arc m the custody aF'F.Ilis County ,.y~ ~ ~~, Sep 12 UF, OB:47a I N S 936.756.6741 p.4 /1,pprnvcil 13y: I'Giv ('aunty C'onunissiancrs ('ours un nugnsc 1 I Ih. 200:, I lonora'r•le C.i na Adants lilhs 'oun ~ Jc.dgc C'ununivsumcr l lallcc.luc hobncxc~i Pr~cncc ;/) lluumissivui'r i;cckir Miller, Sc -- I'ctcincc !/3 ~\ c c r;C l'indv P~~Ilcv _~~~ ('ounty ('lark ('nnw ssioner i,arc'v Juncs Prccuict "? Conrmissiancr R.vt Grown Prcxinc( h4