0212071.22 COMMISSIONERS' COURT AGENDA REQUEST PLEASE FURNISH ONE ORIGINAL AND ELEVEN COPIES OF THIS REQUEST AND DOCUMENTS TO BE REVIEWED BY THE COURT. MADE BY: Pat Tinley OFFICE: County Jud MEETING DATE: February 12, 2007 TIME PREFERRED: SUBJECT: Consider, discuss and take appropriate action on proposed contract advertising rates with local newspapers and authorize County Judge to sign approved contract(s). EXECUTIVE SESSION REQUESTED: (PLEASE STATE REASON): NAME OF PERSON ADDRESSING THE COURT: County Judge ESTIMATED LENGTH OF PRESENTATION: IF PERSONNEL MATTER -NAME OF EMPLOYEE: Time for submitting this request for Court to assure that the matter is posted in accordance with Title 5, Chapter 551 and 552, Government Code, is as follows: 5:00 P.M. on the Tuesday prior to the meeting. THIS RF,QUEST RECEIVED BY: REQUEST RECEIVED ON: Al! Agenda Requests will be screened by the County Judge's Office to determine if adequate information has been prepared for the Court's formal consideration and action at time of Court Meetings. Your cooperation will be appreciated and contribute towards your request being addressed at the earliest opportunity. See Agenda .., Request Rules Adopted by Commissioners' Court, Court Order No. 25722. Kerrville Daily Times: Contact person: Shay 257-0308 Prices are listed below. IF we do not meet the minimum inches of the contract we sign, they will charge the "open rate" for the inches we do use. C. Classified Display Open Rate ..........................$10.40 ............$10.85 Annual Contract Rates Daily Sunday Inches per Year 100 inches ............. ..........$7.10 ........... ...$7.60 250 inches ............. ..........$6.60 ........... ...$6.95 500 inches ............. ..........$6.40 ........... ...$6.65 1,000 inches .......... ..........$6.15 ........... ...$6.50 1,500 inches .......... ..........$5.85 ........... ...$6.25 3,000 inches .......... ..........$5.45 ........... ...$5.55 4,000 inches .......... ..........$5.00 ........... ...$5.20 5,000 inches .......... ..........$4.90 ........... ...$S.OS 7,000 inches .......... ..........$4.65 ........... ...$5.00 Hill Country Community Journal: Contact person; Diane 257-2828 Lowest price for "non-profit" is $4.00 per column inch - no contract is needed, West Kerr Current: Contact person: Susan 367-3501 Lowest price is $4.00 per column inch - no contract is needed. They do offer a 5% discount if ad is paid for when placed. Display Adv. Rates ~n rate!$5 per col. inch (non-contract rate] Display rates Ad srae trice FuU page ... $630 Half page ... $315 uuaRCr page ... $157.50 2 col. x 2 in.... ffi20 2 col. x 4 in.... $40 '~` earned rates{icon-comet} MoathFy spats volsrnu-w(signed cmdract 214 pg ar 31.1/`L col,".......$4.50 1!3 pg or 42" .....................4.46 lit pg or 63" .....................4.40 TJ3 pg or 84" ................4.35 1 page or 126" .................4.10 2 lit page or 315"..........4.U0 Preprints Sv a ... Price Single sheet ... $45/1,000 4-16 }'age.... ~Oi 1,000 20-24 ... ~55i I ,000 28-32 ... $Pi0/',,000 classified Ads The classified raze is 30 cetris per word, or $4 per col- umn-inch. The Current will run a free I column by ? inch photograph with a paid classified advertisement; advertisers mast provide the photograph. The rate for larger photographs is the $4 pea ~nlumn-iredt rate. www.wkcurren4com Web page cost: Sanner...$100 Tile....$50 Color >~ ? mlor -- ~«} 3 color - ~ l00 2 cnlor - S80 Fvll rnbr - $'~DO {exceptioffi may apply) ad rate $2.50 5 percent -When ad is paid for when placed. Multiple prepayment diSCOUilt5 10 Percewt -When 3 or more ads are paid for ir. advaae. Volume discount Advertisers who etrorzce to be [difed for then ads wilt receive a 1U pement volume dismount if the total bill for one calendar mouth exceeds $200. D1reCtOry adS 2 cot X 2 in. ads in the business, chuedt card carne directories tnay be placed for S IOiweek with a 13-woek minimmn run. Ctrattkes in copy maybe made weekly. Special publications A West Kerr Visiwrs Guide is published in May and a Planter's Guide in October, annaal- Ileadtitte is Monday of 5 p.m. Polititai ad rates.....$s per col. in. Payable in advrauelnnaresnrausimraMt National raies......$5 Pce cel.mluontomm Tear s-teets atrGdlable trP°~ request VualMastercard accepted