ORDER NO. 30131 REVISION OF PLAT FOR LOT 124B & 131A OF FALLING WATER Came to be heard this the 12th day of February, 2007, with a motion made by Commissioner Letz, seconded by Commissioner Baldwin. The Court unanimously approved by vote of 4-0-0 to: Approve the revision of Plat for Lots 124B & 131A of Falling Water, located in Precinct 3. ,'~J 3b131 COMMISSIONERS' COURT AGENDA REQUEST PLEASE FURNISH ONE ORGINAL AND TEN COPIES OF THIS REQUEST AND DOCUMENTS TO BE REVIEWED BY THE COURT. MADE BY: Leonard Odom OFFICE: Road & Bride MEETING DATE: February 12, 2007 TIME PREFERRED: SUBJECT: (PLEASE BE SPECIFICI: Consider, discuss, and take appropriate action to approve Revision of Plat for Lot 124B & 131A of Fallin¢ Water, Pct. 3 EXECUTIVE SESSION REQUESTED: (PLEASE STATE REASON) NAME OF PERSON ADDRESSING THE COURT: Leonard Odom/Don Voelkel ESTIMATED LENGTH OF PRESENTATION: I O minutes ,F PERSONNEL MATTER -NAME OF EMPLOYEE: Time for submitting this request for Court to assure that the matter is posted in accordance with Title 5, Chapter 551 and 552, government Code, is a follows: Meeting scheduled for Mondays: 5:00 P.M. previous Tuesday THIS REQUEST RECEIVED BY: THIS REQUEST RECEIVED ON: All Agenda Requests will be screened by the County Judge's Office to determine if adequate information has been prepared for the Court's formal consideration and action at time of Court Meetings. Your cooperation will be appreciated and contribute towards your request being addressed at the earliest opportunity. See Agenda Request Rule Adopted by Commissioners' Court. reg5 ~q6 h~ ~~ x c o~ Kerr County Road & Bridge 4010 San Mtonio Hwy Kemille, Texas 78028 TO: COMMISSIONERS COURT FROM: LEONARD ODOM DATE: January 30, 2007 RE: Revision of Plat of Lot 124B & 131A of Falling Water, Pct. 3 The public hearing for this revision was done on January 8, 2007, and Rex Emerson was asked to give his opinion on whether it met the OSSF regulations. The owner is combining two lots into one under the alternate plat process. Enclosed is Rex Emerson's letter and it appears this meets all of the requirements of the Kerr County Subdivision Rules and OSSF. At this time we ask that you approve the revision of plat as presented. Th falling water Fran:'d~LKEL ENGINEERING x302573377 2007/01%26 11:19 #OF9 P.001(004 FAX DATE: ~a~,2~ ~?.oc~`~ FROM: ~(~'V1 `~ ~ tii,~'~ FAX: ~ 1 ~c •• ~J~~ S ~; .~--~.~E,~ ~. i4~,r~r- ~~ I; tic-. D URGENT ~..I'OR REVIE~K O PLEASE COMMENT D PLEA5e REPLY Number of Pages: (Ircl~des Cover Sheet} GO~M`M"ENTS: "~1~~ t,~ ,~, c'u (:~ ~'~' ~~' t.~,~',q/" y_. `f,+~/~ t~=~ v Ytt~ h~l Vv1.. ~{ J ~ ~U~~'U: tn- F~,,.~'~' ~"y9~.~~~ -°il ~ "\~ `r 1~+ '~-' ~:U ~ ~-' ~ "t"~l l'~ Y'~ L' iC (S-vim 04ti '1`~-~ V\.t'~`~r` r1G~A~r~{.a'sL B~k'2v~~tc~ ~`~~ From:Vi~LKEL ENG[NEEkING 83Q?573377 2r~7/O1/26 11:c0 X059 P.002f004 ^~...' KERlZ COUhUTi tY ATTORNEY REX EMTERSON Courm Cou[erxousa, Sucre BA-l03 700 Marx SrREer • KERRYILLE, TExns 78028 January 24, 2007 Don R~. Voelket Voelket Hngineeting dt Surveying, P.L.L.C. 212 Clay Streit Kerrville, Texas 78028 RH: Combining two or mutt platted lots into one lot bear Don: The issue as I understand it is that when a progeny owner wants to combine two or more previously platted lots to create one large residential lot, the combination allegedly triggers the Kerr County subdivision rules and the Texas Administrative Code environmental quality rules. The Kerr Coumy Subdivision Rules were formulated to regulate the fding for rocord of subdivision plats outside incorporated towns end municipalities. The rneintenance of accurato plats and the enforcement of violations is essential to protecting the public. The combining of multiple platted Iota into a single lot is not a subdivision in itself, but does require a revision of plat in accordance with Section 6,04 of the Kerr County Subdivision Rules. Texas Admiaiatrarive Code Chapter 285 coditiea the Texas Cottrmission on Environmental Health on-sits sewage facitity(OSSF) standards. Rule 285.1 states the purpose ofthe chapter is to provide a comprehensive regulatory program for the management of OSSFs. Chapter 285 is applicable to any person with ownership interests in an OSSF, any person who participates in any activity relating to the development of planning materials, and any governmental entity designated as local agent. This chapter establishes minimum standards for planning materials for OSSFs. Rule 285,30 states that "a compleAe site evaluation shall be performed tsy eit[xer a site evaluator or a professional engineer on every tract of tared where an OSSF wilE be instaUed." The site evaluation infattnation obtained shalt be used to deterrniue the type and size of OSSF. See 28S.3f Rule 285.4 status ehat "property that wilt use an OSSF for sewage disposal shall be evaluated for overall site auitabiiity. Tht sits tvatuation is required to be submitted with the general applioatinn fnr in ivid al OSSF permit. Sae 285.3(6)(c) Mnn~ Nunmser: (830) 792-2220 Ho'r CHECKS (630) 792-2221 Far (830) 792-6228 wtbsi[e: http:/lwww.ca.lcerctx.us/attorney Fr~n:'J(1ELI(EL ENGINEERING $80~~i7~.i77 200?i'Oil26 11:21, ttf)E9 °.1i03/00~ Rule 285.x( c} addresses review of subdivision or develaptttent plans. "Before the permit process for individual OSSFs can begin, persons proposing residential subdivisions, manufactured housing cammunities, multi-unit residemial devaloptnents, business parks, or other similar uses and using OSSFs for sewage disposal shall submit planning materials for thtst daveiopmanta to the pennftting authority." The combining of two tats is not a subdivision of property, but may nigger the development clause. Each situation will be tkct apeatlc, "Development" is not det3ned in Chapter 285 so T looked to Blacks Law Di~,ttionary for a defitdtion. Hlacka daunts "development" as 1. A human-crtattd change to improved ar unimproved real estate, including buildings of other structures, mining, dredging, filling„ grading, paving, excavating, and drilling. 2. An activity, action, or alteration that changes undeveloped proptny into developed property. "Planning matctiala" is defined in Rult 285.2(51) as plans, applications, site evaluations, and other supporting materials submitted to the permitting authority for the ~oae of obtaining a e '. "Individual" is defined as a .moo living human being. See 285.2(31) CONCLL7SIOIv': Chapter 285 requires a specific approval process of individual OSSFs prior to construction. Chapter 285 also requires persons proposing residential subdivisions etc. to submit planning materials for these developments to tht permitting authority. In the situation where a preexisting subdivision plat is on ftle and lots are comhlned them is pmt a subdivision of land. In the saint situation wham thew has net been any human created change to the raw lots there is rat any development of the land. Local Government Code Chapter 232.040 states the purpose of a replat is to accurately redact the subdivision as it develops. The intent ofthe Legislature in having subdivision plans reviewed for health and safety concerns prior to approval of the subdr<7sion plat is to protect the public. Chapter 232.040(b} starts that "a lot in a subdivision may not be sold if the lot Iacks water and sewer services unless the tot i s platted or replotted." It was the intent of the legislature that it was in the public s bast interest that this determination ocau prior to the acceptanet and filing of the final subdivision plat. Certification ofthe final plat by the Kerr County OSSF administrator is required in Ken County Subdivision Rules $action 5.03.C.4.d. Whare an individual combines existing iota in a platted subdivision it may logically be presumed that prior to final plat approval tack sold lot was approved as to water attd sewer access. it the subdivision's final plat was not pre-certifrad, the Chapter 285 rtquiremants appear to raquirc subntissian of site specific plans prior to an ' ivi al permitting process. If a twenty year old individual wore to purchase two lots and combine them with the intent to build his retirement Name, there is littlb chance that a site survey conducted at time of purchase would be accurate forty yams later. The intent of the legislatuee was to protect the public's health concer°rts through two cantunent layers of"inspection. The first is at the time of tiling a final subdivision Frao:V'.ELKEL ENGINEERING ?:302573377 2007/01/26 11:21 AYJ59 P.004/004 plat for multiunit developmenE and the second is at the time of individual permitting. Many of Kerr County s subdivisions were platted and fded prior to the current requirements. The OSSF riles address this issue through requirements for individual permit applications. L respectfully disagree with the TCfiQ interpretation wherein a repkat based on wmb[ning lots is a subdivision. The reptat public hearings are to ensure that all interested subdivision parties have an opportunity to commer>t on the relaying of platted lot lines upon which the parties relied when they purchased their land. The rep[at provision encompasses both lot combinations and lot divisions. The planning materiels and app&cationa specitlcally stated itt Rule 283.4( c} are related to subdivisions and multi-unit devolopmerrts and clearly would be appHcabta to lot divisions. In contrast, the individual pernrit requieemerrts applicable to single residarnial cats are cited in a different section of Chapter 285. I have researohod the commissioners court transcripts and have net found any invent of the Court to expand the requirements of Rule 285.4( e} to include single reeidenaat lots. Nor did I find any case law applying 285.4(c) to combing lots. .Rex Emerson cc: County Judge and Commissioners Miguel Arreola APPENDIY II ROUTING SLIP FOR KERR COUNTY ALTERNATE PLAT PROCESS Name of Subdivision: Location of Subdivision: Volwue ~ Page~_~ Precinct # Owner/nP. _.. P--=~=~: pj~ ~p.~.~~"4~C•+~yc1 y(/~ Phone # ('~o~)~ `~ -`~~i~C'~ Surveyor: ~t~ V CCS~ ~K.a~ Phone # 531~a LS"I -33 l 3 AGENDA DATE TO PRESENT TO COURT & SET PUBLIC HEARING ~°/Ir AGENDA DATE for PUBLIC HEARING and FINAL APPROVAL ,~~ , 'g E ZQG 7 (First Available Court Date after 30 day time frame for Public((H~earing) Person(s) appearing before Commissioners Court k~ ln~.i~~~ I) Submit two (2) copies of Plat to the Kerr County Road & Bridge Office for review. Ten (10) working days prior to Commissioners Court Date. R&B will forward one (I) copy to the Commissioner of the precinct. _ Received b ' ~ .~ ~ ~ O f "^, ~ Kerr County Ro & Bridge Office Date 2) Submit one (1) copy of the Plat to County Clerk along with Tax Certificates and arrange for payment of fees per Ken County Subdivision Rules & Regulations, APPENDIX F. (Clerk is located or: the naairr floor of the Courthouse, 700 Mairz, Kerrville). Amt. Pd $~~_ _ Received 3) Submit one (1) copy of the Plat to OSSF. l y ~~ Date OSSF is located lra the lolver level of the Courthouse, 700 Maim, Phone # 896-9020 [ ] Pernrit application and support data for On-Site Sewage Facilities Amt. Pd $ Received By: (1 of 2) Date ICeir County SuUdivisian Rules S Regululians Appendix -Pine Iri ~~.J D ~ ~~l 4} Ff Platting includes any utility easements or changes to an existing easement, this Plat should be reviewed by the appropriate utilities companies. Signature indicates receipt of the Piat only. Utility shalt give Surv/~e~jyor/~~A.,dministra~~tor easement notes/r~equired. a} Electric Utility C.;~ee ~ /,est. ~~~f ~2G[.~~ b) Telephone Company ~' -- ~~ (This shall be added to Final Ptat if Myl pplicab e} ice. Fax copies of the sigruitu~~s are acceptable. R&B FAX # 830-896-8481 5} If Platting has access to a Texas Department of Transportation Roadway, a copy of the Plat must be reviewed by the T~70T Engineer. Signature on this form indicates receipt of Plat only, sign mylar for fmal approval. TXDOT is located at 1832 Sidney Baker N., Kerrville, Pho~se # 830-257-8444 Received by: Date This completed form and 10 copies of the Revision of Plat must be returned to the Road & Bridge Office (I O} working days before Commissioners Court Agenda Date of Public Hearing and Final Approval of Plat. This gives the Surveyor/Engineer over 30 days between the first plat review date and the final approval to make any changes and/or corrections recommended by the R&B Administrator or the Court. Kerc County Suhdivision Rules & Regulations Appendix -Page ti 91-92-2907 9A:17am From-EOG RESOURCES 7anuary 1, 2007 Voelkel Rn9 veering & Surveying 212 Clay Street Kerrville, Texas 78028 Attn: Mr. Don W. Voelkel Dear Mr. Voelkel: +361 992 2814 7-971 P.002/992 F-269 Re: Replat of Lots 124B & 131A Falling Water Subdivision Kerr County, Texas My wife & I own lots I24B & 131A that are adjacent to each ether in Falling Water Subdivision. We purchased the lots oa November 23, 2005 from Foe C. Lee, and wife, Kathy L. Lee_ We paid cash for the two lots at closieg using money fi om our savings account- We own the lots free of any liens or mortgages. Please advise if any additional information is needed. V~ Xours, / _ Brad Charl~ckwood Brenda Culp BI ckwood.~ wu~ 514 Monette Drive Corpus Christi, TX 78412 (361) 887-2680 office (361) 991-4740 home (361) 902-2814 fax brad blacltwood@eogresources.com - APPEN'191~ Ii ROUTING SLIP FOR IiERRCO9INTYALTERNATEI°L~n^'1'PIL4YQ'1~,5,5 '~'i=~/ -. -_ _ _-- Name of Subdivision _~`~""7_~} "vl,'-'~ _ l'olume ~ P~~"' ~~- t.iication of Subdivision: ~~':7~ ~ V ~ c~-('t~Wl-~_v`k Preci~ict ~r -- I )wner'1'""'~. lY: ~7 ~.J~ ~v_ ~: ~,1?e.Ci~ 1'h~~n~~ !l (~:ij)_~1 -7-1v~`~U Surveyor ~~j ~-~ _ _ Phone # 1`~~=1 L~ -~_3 ~ ~ AGhNI)A DATE TO PRESENT T(~ Ct_iURT ~~ .4 ET PT_IP,Lk' HEARI'~]G 1~~ A~iLNDA UATl~ Ibr Pl iBLIC HEARINt i and FINAL APPROVAL ,~~~. ~~ ~GCi~ 7 (First Av;tilable Covet Dute after 3U day Cane frame fog Public((H~ewin~~ Persunl s) appearing before Commissioners l'ourt k~ ~~~e~ 1) Submit two (2) copies of Plat to the Kerr County Road ~~ Bridge. Oftice fog review Ten (l I ik working days prior to Commissioners Court Date. R&B will forwm d one (1 1 a,py to the. Conunissi~ner of the precinct. / Received b}~--- ~~/~ ~02`~! /~ ~j Kerr County Ro d Sr. Bnd~e Office' Dnrc f tff 2 ~ Submit one (1) copy of the Plat to County Clerk along wid~i Tax Cert~6cate:; and an ;mt[e for payment of fees per Kerr County SuUdivision Rules & Regulations, APPENDIX P. (Clerk is located on die main floor of the Cmrrthoase, 700 Mam, k'er~ vfllel Amt. Pd $~~_ Received l l z~~7 U'.rtc 3) SuUmit one (1) copy ofthe Flat to OSSF. t_)SSP is located ui the lower lsvn( o{dn C"uurthnnse, %pU Afain, Phon~r ,`+ ii!~G Dn'll [ ] Permit application and supprnt data for ~-hr-Silo Sewage Pacilitiet, Aurt. Pd $ Received By: (1 oft) Dine keir ~oimry Sul;divi;ior, Rules S Rx~~ulaGnns Appcudi:; -Pn~~e ~n Page 1 of 1 View a Miscellaneous Payment Transaction Detail Tender Detail Receipt # CC-13276 System 79.00 Check - 6388 Date tti Sri ~ 't r;?Type nfs r;;;a; ; Amount to be Applied 79.00 Payor ~~:*r i s , ,_,,t r':+ Till ',;u4 [;",'C5tt i' Total Amount Tendered 79.00 Comment ,C~-a f~ F M I'7SIi %s:,.t; ' 7~kn?u++€ C*j Amount Applied 79 00_ Change Issued From Drawer 0.00 Transaction Balances r Use Manual Distribution Fee Schedule Amt to Apply Certified Copies --------- -- - 5.00 ---------- 5.00. +'' Certified Copies-County Clerk-10-340-400 5.00 5.00' - -- Recordmgs - 74.00 ) - 74 00 Courthouse Sercurity Fee `29-340-400(recordmg) . 2.001 2 001 Recordings`-10-340-400 52.00 52.00'; Records Archive-41-340-400(recordings) 10.001 _ 10.00''x' t 6, L`~ Totals for liis Transaction 79.00 79.00 Audit lD 4 834424 2/14/2007 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby Given that a public Hearing will be held On January 8, 2007 at 10:15 A.M. in the Commissioners' Courtroom in the Kerr County Courthouse For the Revision of Lots 124b & 131 A Of Falling Water, Volume 7 page 52, Pct. #3 Any person who wishes To protest or comment Must appear on January 8, 2007 at 10:15A.M. In the Commissioners' Courtroom Kerr County Courthouse or let it be Known by writing to the Kerr County Judge's Office 700 Main St. Kerrville, Texas 78028 Please run in the following paper: December 9, 2006 December 27, 2006 January 1, 2007 Please send bill to Kerr County Clerk's Office Any questions, please call: Nadene Alford 792-2206 T0.EPHONE Cod md~or u~nde~ _.e.,,...+'".°'~~CiIUC DaDPFR~T~' ~, GWNT~ _msta~~~ ~ac°~t~tteMd ,..sp^"""`"_ at°d.t°f dr. ofd/ tr° TF.%AS e°sein°fio °f r ietatellod m lina% °t °Wshatl 4e e~°d moif~teno~ tt0~~f uDndersTO ~o dory k~ ~R°(1° Q~sf o~~ho~~din8 ~i~'Mt sho6 b°~pa+. solo. ~tUtjve fuW~°nn food n~ ollo~ witMn s. lanes. dolne~ovan+anU ;"'~ cofnP°m m°o~hant iOra and o4f°ss 9fd~nd,oaion9 pool went aree+~fi rot n~ all o~h~ be alleys. or u4WH~ssyy °fpt of ~~eS Undergf°'a~ Tho ~° streets~Knb the east oleo of lot wpioh an nei'di ~ fr; f~~ oN ~utiFK laolpties• out- 05 ut4ities. ex ~ th8s° hpvo ~ cwd n9n~Ut itot0 ~&OM OWfOOt1On toWe%.°f void ep~d panies_aa{'the °*~ LsN °and eosa Rer'~~9u~ ~ of~~.won°ho ~suppno?is~ a~ ~~ntfacM ~t tots a+d~°f ~°cts ~ine,d. wh°uondi bnq a~~o°B3itare% supdNnaron• C11RJE G1 tC31517~09~ A R m122A8~ (1TL.~ ~ A e 122.E ~ 3.007 T > ~~g' ,15•~+^W 121.40 t„G (N59'IB'07^N 121.34') cu1N A = 42'2 R =t7 A ' t2 T ~fi~ l.C. ° (N° i (s~ 1 ~~ 7 P~ 2~ ~x xEC~S LUT N g.D1 400 O 1~ ~ GRAPHIC SCPtEi~o, gCALE= ~» c ~ ~ 5th ® N4 PARCn"^- ~CORO CND 9tItYMI NOTES: ~cT, r~'F,NERAU ~ ~~ t~t+~ THIS PROPp,ECTRIC ~" ~ ~, MI 'MUTH~N ~~ ~u ptp~T1E~R N~~ IMPIFtt~ K~~COUNN' _ dSSOCRUTIOR AN~~~~N~~g4EZ~ E OATfDY~ 2000 _.....e• u~~ PU5~D~,T G~~ `~~ MME g PAGE 3~_~, PIAT ftECOft05 gOAD MAil` TY ~~T gE~pp~SIBL~, ~~ ~ ~ °~c i sTT~T taro Wye Mln d 1 ~, ijg COv„iyis eat a an~°rdaaroo ~d,,"pt~e~ °l~ iJ~,,an aarranto~by°~6aTr °nn`t tea i~ne6 ~ er. bC8solcno tr°dRood ~U~ E8" py tormal~~o~t a~nd~u ~ ~~~y~n eut- ~roee~'y' of Wha eea°P~t~,.~e ~pOtas°ae4~ for m~ ~ ise ~ ynbdiva °n~~, oa W° atLe ~d ~ tiMeny~ peea d off prOe°rty wAtWn ~ yye toa ~O~~~adwa7~~o~aee3raoe and re4°tr ~eo¢tation am ~ ~~ ~ alp trt`~~~,(aoa a4 ap d ~ ,aaoooid ta»t•~ aqi ~~' ~pplatpst '~AF~`'m 0.1I~ uoFlaotlaa~9° ~ ~ " Ya1st~°a m y ~ ai{S'~ Q~a~lox a~,~ IiFiia° t9~aq I a +1~~ 84R1 to au A Qo?s4s°fl yttd ~ ,toy{gne at aeA~IIaaaadall ~~mo payeuA}a -"~ _..-~ e44~ Py}eQ 30 6e4 ~~ • 600z ' o6.y'- ~oPcoa }° ~tAas~~d sl'rCi eql 6E1'-sao 64asa~ Y no:s. s ~ ~ t z $ ---- stQi pazs0 -`-`a$em'aQ p°°t3~ col aA'1 ~,ooz ' •xaYj a ealla ~$e ia~ q~j pt[e~a~ app M nl ~~°~o~oa p~6 s~a84~ a c?+A S)~Taa [0.ase'4 Y iea6-OOS p~ d ¢Eqy 1`~ ~¢ soap uo~euaj 7$t ~"" 1:~~a~s d;~T ,0002 s _.....w,~ttt -yiui~in N31Nd ~ NNiD~' ~~ a~~ ~~~ ~ j :~1VaS ~l)~z ~ u ~~- ~^ ~ i m .i, ~~~nI~T7 __.~~_tt ss rS~IIA~l`LO Cl axaYal +°j puAis ~ a~a'NiCW4'!°~ ww aq7 ~w11 A ~~. L0,94.8f+N) £t.51.8SN s'i~ M N) 9Zt M„t5.Z4S5 ¢ ,~.t (,55 t ' 1 . ~Oq'lZl (•00'£a) gt : V t8'bZZ ° N ~•y9 9Z 55 q} 9a'L9 a ~t ~. V > N 6~~1) ~ tl 5ZZ} . 00.8 e 1.80, fT3 G~yS 1. ,SLt lao~ Z, = t~) t lysto) zo ~ w-vr auimvA:lKxa• 15~'TO R~ELW~N PRIVATE ~N IMAINTNNm BY A IHOM£OWN£RS ASSOCUTION AND t10T MNNTNNED aY KERB GODNiY. j HNSSURNJ~ RATE ~ NO~A8285C0200 E. MifDSJULY 9. 20~DOD "A1.1 TATS IUVE A 10~ SEIHACK ON ALL ABU7NFN5S Po ROADWAYS" REF.: VOLUME 6 PAGE 300. PLAT RECORDS THESE LOTS PRE SUBJECT TO THE RESIRIC710NS FOR FAWNG qr~q N~ MRE~CORp ISN VOLUP E~8~1 AMID f~N Vat17M~E 9~ aT PAGE 557. KERB COUNT' REAL PROPERLY RECORDS FRONT BUILDING SEr-HACK ~ 50 FT. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCrM.LN ON lafi LOT• 7F1E OWNER OF SAID LO7 SHALL CONTACT KERB COUNTr OSSF OESK?NATED REPRESEMATIVE. ALL LOTS IN THE S11BDN1SION ARE REOUIREO TO COMPLY WRH ALL CURRENT AND FUTURE OSSF R£(R11.ATIOHS ~USr ~ MADE aJ COUNIV. INOMDUAL OSSF S(S1EU SELEC110N INdVIDVALMSRE PERMLTLLNG PROCE53• IN ACCORDANCE WRH THE 30 7AC CHAPTER 205 OSSE RULES. This Revision of Plat for Falling Bator has been submitted to and ooneidered by the Commissioner's Court of Kerr County. Tezae end is hereby approved by each Court. day of _~---• 2007. Dated this a n ey County judge APPROVED by the Commissioner a Court of Kerr County, Tezas oa the , day of ~---~ 2007 by Order No. of said Court and was FILED for record on the .` day of RECORDED 2007, at __ o clock ~ Y. and was da of ,2007 at oa the _. y of the o'clock .~ ~. m Volnma 7 at Page _~ Piet Records of Kerr County, Tezas. sane spar, err oun p er AS PLgTTED VOLUME 7 PAGE 52, PLAT RECORDS VOLUME 6 PAGES 393-396, PLAT RECORDS VOLUME 6 PAGES 300-306, PLAT RECORDS I hereby oerllfy that this pbt is an accurate representation of the properly shown and described heroon oa dates iron by a survey made on the ground under my and supervision, and that all property corners ore marked as shown. (Bearing basis =True no hosed on GPS observoticns) Date surveyed: March_14, 2000 gated this ~~doy December. 2006 Land Surveyor No. 3990 RECORp CAU.S SHIwM RJ PARENTHESES STATE OF T5XA3, $ couNTlt of Knorr AA Men By Those Proaente: plait a n neon {oresubdivieion e,nd h reby adopt this plat of anbdivision and dedicate all eaeem~enta~tor purposes noted. "" ~__ o~ ~~¢~ c ° STATE OF 0 COt1N17 OP~/.4 BEFORE MB. the undera~ned authority. on this dqY Personally appeared brad Charles Blackwood. known to me to be the person whose same is subscribed to the foregoing inataumeat, and acknowledged to me ~ aconside ati n therein same tot the P therein stated. ezpressed, and in the capacity G[VEN under mp' hand and seal of office and Dated this 3~ dqy of~----~'`~--, 200!1. ,t.,.,4~,,, 8. ~w. o ~ c or a to of leiae (//~~${~'~~'ti~ EYEdYN B. VkOTHIER ~~~•' N01MY nihl~C \`jA.,/ StgTE Ji tEX46 ~+,.^'B My L.mm, EiW, Ce~tE°?6tli tAl~p341/ n ~Y.eg ~3.Op REV{SION STATE OF TEXAS ~ COtTNTF OP ~; BEFORB ME, the and d6ty peraoaally appea known to me to be subscribed to the I acknowledged to a same for fhe purpoa ezpreesed, end in t GIVEN under >~he Dated this ~_ d ~. s • yr o ary c or t y.~°' ~~~ EYELT ~ sn •'y3~ n: ;;an V-5611 ® ser~lf' amN srti:E RETARD CANS SHOWN M PARENiHESE$ DS OS ~ oast om Designated County Representative I hereby cerF3ly that this Plat Bevieion is snbjaet to complying with the rules end regulations of the State of Tezas end [err Comte On-Site 3ewege PaoDittea. mdtviduel 093E system aeleotion mast he made in conJuction witb the Site Evaluation with t to the individual site ty~ prooees, m aoeordaaea with The 90 TAC Chips E8S 033E Ralee. Dated this _ day of 2007. REVISION e %err County OSSF STATE OF TEXAS 8 COUNTY OF ~ 8 STATE OP TEXAS O coUNTY of ~ 4 Xnow All Men By These Prosenta: BBFORB ME, We undersigned authotity, on this That Ile are the owners of the land shown and day personally appeared Brenda Culp Blackwood. platted hereon for subdivision and hereby known to ma to be the parson whose name ie adopt this plat oP aubdiviaioa and dedicate subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and ell easoments for purposes noted. acknowledged to me that she eseonted the same for Ehe pntpoeae and consideration therein ezpteesed, and m the capacity therein elated. ar ea sc GIVEN under my hand and seal of office and 3presentction Dated this ~ day of 200. 1 determined ~~~p llaekw 1y direction , omens are ` ~• observations) ~ grATg pg TEXAS 0 ITotary c or e ~ Tezas , . COUNTY OP ~+ $ BEPOR6 ldH, the undersigned authority, on this ~^'° EYELYq s, VAOTNkEii )B day personally ap~~~re~ Hrad Cherlee Blackwood. ~~~ xoarn NMic known to me to 'be the person whose name u '~, sraTe o1 re,ws PLAT REVISION FOR LOTS N0. 124B & N0. 131A OF aubecrlbed to the foregoing instrument, and -3~ ~^_ `;w+^. ?.n o2~1:~eo1o acknowledged to me that he ezecuted the FALLING WATER same for the purpoeea and conaideratioa therein o. 3990 ezpreseed, and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN under my hand and anal of office and COMPRISING 6.01 ACRES OF LAND, MORE OR oi: , LESS, OUT OF WM. NAGLE SURVEY N0. 1380, e~*EgF ~ Dated this .3~ day o! 2000(. ~., ABSTRACT N0. 1500, IN KERR COUNTY, TEXAS u~u_ Va~~;;r, <<, JANUARY 2007 9oFasseo~~„~~.w' ws • /4;w~•w. OWNER/DEVELOPER: BRAD d: BRENDA BLACKWOOD ~..ss:.•~r-'~= lYisry c or e o Tezes si_~t,~„ 514 MIONETTE DRIVE CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS 78412 ~~//wp~~\~}. EVEtYN B. VAUTIIIER O o~!~ ~`~ ~'~~ gipTf Oi ifA18 (\~~/~(~)~ I(}^/`f °"R` J MYGmMn. Exp•uS9p?Ot~- rr~~y~~V~~~~jujA~~~!J! ~((~~10 qU9 ry~~~Er~jry~ ~N~ ~IN615WU1~ V7 itYWV L4 N IIIfV'~J ex 212 MY Sliarr. Wxewlr. IEXAJ ]arm. a10-26)-JJIJ ~~ DWV a