ORDER NO. 30177 APPROVE POLLING LOCATIONS FOR MAY 12, 2007 ELECTION Came to be heard this the 12th day of March, 2007, with a motion made by Commissioner Williams, seconded by Commissioner Baldwin. The Court unanimously approved by vote of 4-0-0 to: Change the Precinct 2 polling location, for the May 12, 2007 election, to the Union Church. 30/77 ~a~~ PLEASE FURNISH ONE ORIGINAL AND TEN COPIES OF THIS REQUEST AND DOCUMENTS TO BE REVIEWED BY THE COURT. (PROPORC/ONE POR FAVOR UN4 ORIGINAL Y 10 COP/AS DE ESTE PEDIDO Y DOCUMENTOS PARR SER REVISADOS POR EL TRIBUNAL) MADE BY: Jannett Pieper Hecho por: MEETING DATE: La FECHA que REUNO. SUBJECT: (Please Be Specific) El SUJETO: (Es por favor Especifico) OFFICE: Countv Clerk La OFICINA: Emoleado de Condado TIME PREFERRED: A.M. E! TIEMPO PREFIRIO. la manana Consider and Discuss approving of the polling locations in accordance with Chapter 43 of the Texas Election Code. (Considerar Discutir y aprobar las ubicaciones que Sean de acuerdo con el Capitulo 43 del Codigo del Election de Tejas) Pct 2 -Union Church 11 Travis St. Kerrville, TX. EXECUTIVE SESSION REQUESTED: (PLEASE STATE REASON): ~-- La SESIONEJECUTIV4 SOLICITO: /POR FAVOR la RAZONde ESTADOJ NAME OF PERSON ADDRESSING COURT: Jannett Pieper NOMBRE de la PERSONA DIRIGIDA al TRIBUNAL: ESTIMATED LENGTH OF PRESENTATION: 5 minutes La LONGITUD ESTIMADA DE la PRESENTACION: S minutos IF PERSONNEL MATTER -NAME OF EMPLOYEE SI la PREGUNTA es PERSONAL - el NOMBRE DE EMPLEADO Time for submitting [his request for Court to assure that the matter is posted in accordance with Title 5, Chapter 551 and 552, Government Code, is as follows: (EI tienapo pars someter este pedido por el Tribunal para asegurar que Ia pregamta se anuncia de acuerdo con el Tltulo S, el Capitulo 551 y 552, Codigo de Gobierno, es como seguir) Meeting schedule for Mondays: 5:00 P.M. previous Tuesday E/ horario que refine para el Tunes: 5:00 manes previo DE LA TARDE THIS REQUEST RECEIVED BY: ESTEPEDIDORECIBIDOPOR: THIS REQUEST RECEIVED ON: ESTEPEDIDORECIBIDOEN: All Agenda Requests will be screened by the County Judge's Office to determine if adequate information has been prepared for the Court's formal consideration and action at time of Court Meetings. Your cooperation will be appreciated and contribute towazds your request being addressed at the earliest opportunity. See Agenda Request Rules Adopted by Commissioners' Court, Court Order ~~ No. 25722. (Todos los Pedidos del Orden del dia serbn seleccionados por la 0licina de e1 Juez de condado para determinar si information udecuuda se hu preparado para e[ Ti~ibental's de consideration y la acci6n forma/ en las Reuniones de Tribunal. Su cooperation se apreciara y wntribuira hacia su pedido para ser dirigido en la oporhmidad mbs temprana. Vea las Ordenes del Pedido de Orden del dia Adoptivas por Miembros de una comision' el Tribunal, el Tribunal de Orden No. 5722.) ORDER NO. 30172 APPROVE POLLING LOCATIONS FOR MAY 12, 2007 ELECTION Came to be heard this the 5th day of March, 2007, with a motion made by Commissioner Baldwin, seconded by Commissioners Williams. The Court unanimously approved by vote of 4-0-0 to: Approve the polling locations in accordance with Chapter 43 of the Texas Election Code as follows: Early Voting Cailloux Center Precinct 1 Riverhills Mall Precinct 2 Agricultural Extension Office Precinct 3 Cailloux Center Precinct 4 Ingram ISD Board Room ~,~ 3D l7} PLEASE FURNISH ONE ORIGINAL AND TEN COPIES OF THIS REQUEST AND DOCUMENTS TO BE REVIEWED BY THE COURT. (PROPORC/ONE POR FAVOR UNA OR/G/NAL Y /D COPL4S DE ESTE PEDIDO Y DOCUMENTOS PARR SER REV/SADOS POR EL TR/BUNAL) MADE BY: Jannett Pieper Hecho por: MEETING DATE: La FECHA que REUNO: SUBJECT: (Please Be Specific} El SUJETO: (Es por favor Especifico) OFFICE: County Clerk La OFICINA: Emnleado de Condado TIME PREFERRED: A_M. El TIEMPO PREFIRIO: [a mar7ana Consider and Discuss approving of the polling locations in accordance with Chapter 43 of the Tesas Election Code. (Considerar Discutir y aprobar las ubicaciones que Sean de acuerdo con el C'apitulo 43 del Ctidigo del Election de Tejas) EXECUTIVE SESSION REQUESTED: (PLEASE STATE REASON): La SES/ON EJECUT/VA SOLICITO: (POR FAVOR la RAZON de ESTADOJ : _ NAME OF PERSON ADDRESSING COURT: Jannett Pieper NOMBRE de la PERSONA D/RIGIDA al TRIBUNAL: ESTIMATED LENGTH OF PRESENTATION: 5 minutes La LONGITUD EST/MADA DE !a PRESENTACION: 5 minutos IF PERSONNEL MATTER -NAME OF EMPLOYEE S/ la PREGUNTA es PERSONAL - el NOMBRE DE EMPLEADO Time for submitting this request for Court to assure that the matter is posted in accordance with Title 5, Chapter 551 and 552, Government Code, is as follows: (El tiempo para someter este pedido por el Tribunal pars asegurar que la pregunta se anuncia de acuerdo con e( Tftulo 5, e[ Capitulo S51 y 552, Cddigo de Gobierne, es como seguir) Meeting schedule for Mondays: 5:00 P.M. previous Tuesday EI horario que revue para el [ones: 5:00 mares previo DE LA TARDE THIS REQUEST RECEIVED BY: ESTE PEDmo RECIBIDO POR: THIS REQUEST RECEIVED ON: ESTE PEDIDO RECIBIDO EN: All Agenda Requests will be screened by the County Judge's Office to determine if adequate inforntation has been prepared for the Court's formal consideration and action at time of Court Meetings. Your cooperation will be appreciated and contribute towards your request being addressed at the earliest opportunity. See Agenda Request Rules Adopted by Commissioners' Court, Court Order No. 25722. (Todos los Pedidos del Orden de! dia serbn seleccionados por la Oficina de e! /uez de condado para determinar si informaci6n adecuada se ha preparado para el Tribunal's de consideraci6n y la accidn formal en las Reuniones de Tribunal..Su cooperaci6n se apreciar6 y contribuir6 hacia su pedido para ser dirigido en la oportunidad mas temprana. 6'ea !as Ordenes del Pedido de Orden de! dia Adoptivas por Miembros de una comisi6n' el Tribunal, e! Tribunal de Orden No. 25722.)