ORDER NO. 30261 APPEAL BY J. NELSON HAPPY TO PERMIT FOR MARTIN MARRIETTA MATERIALS SOUTHWEST, LTD. Came to be heard this the 14th day of May, 2007, with a motion made by Commissioner Williams, seconded by Commissioner Letz. The Court unanimously approved by vote of 4-0-0 to: Move that the Kerr County Floodplain Development Permit #F07-002 to Martin Marietta Materials Southwest, Limited, as referenced in Mr. Happy's appeal, be suspended until the County Attorney has had an opportunity to review everything and all other agencies who have any overview have submitted their findings, in writing, back to this Court, to meet all requirements of our Court Order that was passed in 2000. -` COMMISSIONERS' COURT AGENDA REQUEST PLEASE FURNISH ONE ORIGINAL AND NINE COPIES OF THI5 REQUEST AND DOCUMENTS TO BE REVIEWED BY THE COURT. MADE BY: Commissioner Williams OFFICE: Precinct 2 MEETING DATE: May 14, 2007 TIME PREFERRED: SUBJECT: (Please be specific). Consider, discuss and take appropriate action on Appeal by J. Nelson Happy of issuance of Kerr County Floodplain Development Permit No. F07-002 to Martin Marrietta Materials Southwest. LTD EXECUTIVE SESSION REQUESTED: NAME OF PERSON(S) ADDRESSING THE COURT: Commissioners Williams, J. Nelson ~, HaPPY~ ESTIMATED LENGTH OF PRESENTATION: IF PERSONNEL MATTER-NAME OF EMPLOYEE: Time for submitting this request for Court to assure that the matter is posted in accordance with Title 5, Chapter 551 and 552, Government Code, is as follows: Meeting scheduled for Mondays: 5:00 P.M. previous Tuesday THIS REQUEST RECEIVED BY: THIS REQUEST RECEIVED All Agenda Requests will be screened by the County Judge's Office to determine if adequate information has been prepazed for the Court's formal consideration and action at time of Court meetings. Your cooperation is appreciated and contributes toward your request being addressed at the eazliest opportunity. See Agenda Request Rule adopted by Commissioners Court. J. Nelson Happy PO Box 464 Center Point, Texas 78010 Cell: 830 285 2626 Home: 830 257 7675 April 23, 2007 Kerr County Commissioner's Court Kerr County Court House 700 E. Main St. Kerrville, Texas 78028 Re: Appeal of Kerr County Floodplain Development Permit Nu. F07-002 Gentlemen: On February ] 5, 2007 the Ken County Floodplain Administrator issued the captioned permit (attached) to Martin Marietta Materials Southwest, LTD. I hereby appeal the issuance of the permit pursuant to Sections D (2) and (3) of the Kerr County Flood °-- Damage Prevention Order, Order No. 26463, approved by this Court on June 26, 2000. I became aware of Martin Marietta's intention to do construction in the floodplain yesterday, Sunday Apri122, 2007, when its employees were conducting excavation anc. hauling activities next to our property. I have previously "pre-appealed" from the granting of this permit because of errors in the requirements, decisions and determinations made by the Floodplain Administrator in granting this permit as set out in my letter to Commissioner Bill Williams dated November 3, 2006, (attached). Based on this appeal, I would appreciate it if you would order the Floodplain Administrator to revoke Permit No. F07-002 until this Court has had an opportunity to make an independent determination of whether a Floodplain Development Permit should be granted to Martin Marietta Materials, Southwest, LTD. Also, I would respectfully request an opportunity to be heard concerning Martin Marie to Materials expressed intention of "correcting" the FIRM map to redefine the flood plain in such as way as to permit future mining activities "for areas described as I00-year floodplain in the current FIRM map." See, correspondence from Ryan K. DeBarros of Martin Marietta Materials to Leonard Odem dated December 21, 2006, attached. I believe that Kerr County should be overseeing the process of any proposed revision of -°- the current FIRM map, as private corporate interests do not protect the public interest i_1 describing floodplain boundaries. ~~~< 2, ~ 200r r ~~wt~~' Finally, I would also respectfully request that the Court direct the Floodplain Administrator to determine if Martin Marietta Materials and Wheatcraft Materials are currently carrying on mining activates within the designated floodplain and if so, if the:>e activities are properly permitted by Kerr County. Very truly yotvs, s ~~~~ ' 3. elson Happy E closures cc. Leonard Odom, Floudplain Administrator ATTACHMENTS 1. Letter dated Nov. 3, 2006 from J. Nelson Happy to Ken County Commissioner Bill Williams, citing reasons to deny a pernut to Martin Marietta to alter the flood plain, and including an appeal to the Kerr County Commissioner's Court should such a permit be given. 2. Letter dated December 21, 2006 from Martin Marietta Materials to Leonazd Odem, Kerr County Flood Plain Administrator, requesting a "floodplain development permit for a commercial project, stating that "submittals to the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) aze pending in order to correct the FIRM map representations." 3. Ken County Floodplain Development Permit No. FOS-022, dated 11!2$105, for "GRAVEL MINING NOT IN STREAM CHANNEL, NO BANK MODIFICATION", which expired on 11128/2006. 4. Kerr County Floodplain Development Permit No. F07-002, dated February 15, 2007, allowing construction of an access road on the flood plain and other stipulations which clearly are in preparation for mining activity, the granting of such a permit cleazly being in error in fact and law. J. Nelson Happy PO Box ~ib4 Center Point, Texas 78010 830-257-7675 Ce11830-Z85-2626 November 3. 2006 Commissioner Bill Williams Kerr County Court House 700 E. Main St. Kerrville, Texas 78028 Re: Proposed Martin Marietta Floodplain Permit Dear Bill: On November 28, 2005 the Kerr County Floodplain Administrator issued a "Kerr County Floodplain Development Permit" No. FOS-022 to Martin Marietta Materials S W Ltd. for a period of one (I) year. By its terms, it will expire on November 27, 2006. On March 3, 2006 Martin Marietta Materials Southwest Ltd. (Martin Mazietta) sought an amendment of this permit, seeking permission to allow for exploration of a portion of property it is leasing north of River Road. My wife, Mary Matthews Happy, and I own the 100-acre H. M Naylar Ranch. Our ranch adjoins the prope!-hr that Martin Marietta seeks to Crrst explore and then mine. (Maps, Attachments 1(a) and (b).) In addition to sharing the property tine at our ranch's northeast corner, the proposed mine would he located in a northeasterly direction very close to our home. For most of the year, strong prevailing winds fiom the northeast sweep up to our property, thus warsening the effects on the ranch house from noise and dust which would be generated by the mining activity. According to Martin Manetta~s application, "{i] t is anticipated that Martin Marietta Materials may move is mining operations north of River Road in approximately 5 to 10 years" thus placing the entire sand and gravel processing activity very near our ranch house. My review of the file at the office of the Kerr County Floodplain Administrator Leads me to believe that Martin Marietta's request for a permit amendment has not been acted upon. However, on August 14, 2006 representatives of Martin Marietta made a presentation at the Kerr County Commissioners Cows. During that presentatian, the presenters testified that Martin Marietta intends to mine this leased property in such a .- way that it will obliterate "a creek that exists on the property.'" (Minutes of August 14, 'OOb Session, pg. 31, lines 19-22, Attachment 2.) According to Attachment 2 to their permi[ amendment request, this creek is identified as "Nowlin Creek." (Attachment 3}. -- Nowlin Creek is a major source of water for our ranch and has been rmuting through the land since time immemorial The wetland on our property is fed by Nowlin Creek and has been known as Nowlin Hollow since the settlement of Ken• County. Nowlin Creek and Nowlin Hollo~+- are named for Dr. James Crispin Nowlin who came to Kerr County in 1856, the year of its organization. He had an extensive medical practice in this frontier community, and in 1870 he was appointed surgeon to a company of Texas Rangers commanded by Capt. John W. Samson and stationed at Camp Verde. [n 1872 and 1873 Dr. Nowlin commanded a company of minutemen. Flis house was moved to Kerrville in the 20sh century, but was probably original}y located on the proposed mine's site. Prior to his death in Center Point in 1898. he donated the land on with the Center Point public schools are located and also the land on which the Christian church stands. The entire 100 acres of the H. M. Naylor Ranch has been determined to be eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places by the Texas State Historic Preservation Officer. (Letter, rlttaclunent 4). Therefore, as FEMA`s dessgnee to grant tloodplain development permits, pursuant to Public Law 89-66~, National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 { 16 USC 470, et seq.) Sec. 106. Kerr County must obtain Cultural and Historical Resource Approval from the Texas State Historical Preservation Officer prior to granting a Floodplain Development Permit to Martin Marietta for the property adjoining the H. M. Naylor Ranch. .-- Furthermore, on June 26, 2000 the Kerr County Comsnissiouer's Court approved a Flood Damage Prevention Order, Order No. 26463. In the Order, the Kerr County Judge or his/her assign is appointed the Floodplain Administrator to implement the provisions of the order "and other appropriate sections of 44 CFR (National Flood Insurance Program Regulations) pertaining to floodplain management." (Order, Art. 4, Sec. A (2).) Section B (4) of the Order requires the Floodplain Administrator to: "Review permits for proposed development to assure that all necessary permits have been obtained from those Federal, State or local governmental agencies ... from which prior approval is required." Section C (2) of the Order provides: "Approval or denial of a Development Permit by the Floodplain Administrator shall be based on all of the provisions of this order and the following relevant factors:... (d) The compatibility of the proposed use with existing and anticipated development; ... (j) The relationship of the proposed use to the comprehensive plan for that area." Based on these provisions of the Order, instead of granting any new Floodplain Development Permit to Martin Marietta concerning their leased property adjoining the H. M. Naylor Reich, the County must: 1. Obtain Cultural and Historical Resource Approval from the State of Texas. '_. Comply with Federal Executive Order 11990. Protection of Wetlands, because "` Martin Marietta plans to obliterate portions of Nowlin Creek. 7 3. Deny the permit, as mining is incompatible with "existing and anticipated development" ircludirg development of Louis Schriever Field and the Airport Commerce Park (Attachments 5 and 6), and Kerr County's need for land to build a road through the proposed mine as mentioned at the August 14, 2006 session. (Minutes, pgs. 39-40.) 4. Deny the permit because the proposed mining activity is incompatible with the City of Kenville's Comprehensive Plan, as the proposed mine is located in the City's Extra'I'erritorial 3urisdiction. Section D (2) of dte Order states: '`The Kerr County Commissioner's Court shall hear and render judgment on an appeal only when it is alleged there is an error in any requirement, decision or determination made by the Floodplain Administrator in the enforcement or administration of this order." Because the Order does not specificalh~ provide for public notice ~f the granting of a Floodplain Development Permit, and because 1 might not be notified of such an action, if the Floodplain Administrator should grant such a permit to Martin Marietta, l hereby appeal such action pursuant to Sec. D (2) of the Order because the issuance of a permit will be in error in fact and taw for the reasons set out herein. 1 also request that this appeal be placed on the agenda of the Kerr County Commissioner's Court at the eazliest practicable time if the Floodplain Administrator grants the proposed permit. truly yours, ~• - .~. N son Happy Attachments ce: Paul Hoffmann, City Manager, City of Kerrville Rex Emerson, Esq. Kerr County Attorney Leonard Odom, Ketr Count~• Floadplain Administrator U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Enforcement Section. Ft. VI~'orth Patrick L. Hughes, Esq., Haynes & Boone, Houston Martin Marietta Materials C: San Antonio District 5710 W. Hausman Rd, Suite 121 San Antonio, Texas 78249 Telephone (2 t 0) 208-4400 Watts (800) 683-2500 December 21, 2006 Mr. Leonard Odem Ketr County Road and Bridge 4010 San Antonio Hwy Kemilte, Texas 78028 Subject: BEDROCK I04 ACRE TRACT -HAUL ROAD DEVELOPMENT PERMIT MartSn Marietta Materials Southwest, Ltd -Bedrock Quarry Kerr County Appraisal District Identification Number. R 60261 Near 5529 Highway 27, Center Point, Kerr County, Texas 78010 Dear Mr. Odem: On behalf of Martin Marietta Materials Southwest, Ltd, (MIvIM) I am submitting the attached floodplairt development permit for a commercial project The 5400 application fee is also included in this submittal. This cover teller serves to describe the proposed project. MMM proposes to construct a haul mad across Zone A (no base flood elevations determined} of the 100-year flood plain at the above referenced property. The Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIItM) referenced is Map Number 4826500273 E, effective date July 19, 2000. The haul road will be constructed as shown on the attached figure. The proposed haul road wilt cross a drainage ditch located an the eastern fence -ine of the property. United States Army Corps of Engineers (USAGE) Nation Wide Permits allow this crossing without notif ration based on the minimal amount of impact (less than I/10 of an acre) to the drainage ditch. Therefore, no pre-construction correspondence with the USAGE is regnired_ The banks of the ditch in the area of the haul mad will be graded to a safe slope for the mobile equipment. This proposed project specifically excludes mining and p}acement of fill (other than for the haul road} in the 100-year flood plain. Future mining activities are planned for areas described as ?00-year floodptain in the current FIRM map. Submittals to the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP} are pending in order to correct the FIRM map representations. :~5.f S~.;Siis `J~~•:j^ry ii,,, nw~•y~`.p~. .;•iw~:4 :~.. :~~%:':::h4r+f 'f, Y''rke yiC•!u~ .. 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LA1j ( rlr3 fi)N,P ap[ ~ 'rf"a ` ~ <+1 ii °7.ii~~) `1, r ~ t O ~ i ! ••'' ~ ~ :i, 1 `.~~IiE +' yir as+'A+} =yi e~ ~vrr ~ t's.. 1 stj•• I~~~s '''fY P + o s(' 23" r ,nom n i N't 1Pa r r ~.r' tea.:` ,, ^,y. .. ~ '~ . f1+%~j v t. (t +.4 < a~ s •: , 1i ~.~_Y •~•*a'` '= r.? -.ar f( r i c f rNg4t (N11+/w lYAat ~r °' I n Y~;i,.. '7j:~} a <-: ~< >~' ` ~+•. ~r• rS ^' t ~.^1 r -Y«. <-£~ i}} YrfV N ~ r ~(,f" 3<~4. 'x v1'ik / t rs ii.i> < rr. 1£~' ! ~~'v.E p: ,~~ rya 1 s .;n+:.. .. '. ~~ e. a ~•>•~. r'~drurk C ~mpler.d"•~ RI.() U,i-U3.9G aet'r ~, soutawn,t aNgon ~' a+w oaanwa ue ru.E Vnax.. '°%°• Ht~DI.(,K';: QUA RRY I Itll, U\: ~f.~. r.l: YIItYPU RO I' PM4fO h'Si:111: ' ~e,a5cmt;j:.:.:n.tn$r ir;on4'~" KRD I:S,JriO ?IN)U I t)t2n R't\C ~n.~SF: \!A IlN (iUR6 INa(1 t';'.,YIA .I'IAP Martin Marietta Materials San Antonio District 5710 W. Hausman Rd, Suite 121 San Antonio, Texas 78249 Telephone (210) 208400 Watts (800) 683-2500 December 21, 2006 Mr. Leonard Odem Kerr County Road and Bridge 4010 San Antonio Hwy Kerrville. Texas 78028 Subject: BEDROCK 104 ACRE TRACT -HAUL ROAR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Martin Marietta Matetals Southwest, Ltd. -Bedrock Quarry Kerr County Appraisal District Identification Number: R 60261 Near 5529 Highway 27, Center Point, Kerr County, Teams 78D10 Dear Mr. Odem: On behalf of Martin Marietta Materials Southwest, Ltd., (MIS I am submitting the attached floodplain development permit for a commercial project. The 5400 application fee is also 'secluded in this submittal. This cover letter selves to describe the proposed project. MMM proposes to construct a haul road across Zone A (no base flood elevations determined) of the 100-Year flood plain at the above referenced property. The Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) referenced is Map Number 4826500275 E, effective date July 19, 2000. The haul road will be constnrcted as shown on the attached figure. The proposed haul toad will cross a drainage ditch located on the eastern fence line of ate property. United States Army Corps of Engineers (USAGE) Nation Wide Permits allow this crossing without notification based on the minimal amount of impact (less than i/10 of an acre) to the drainage ditch. Therefore, no pre-consoruction correspaadence with the USAGE is required. The banks of the ditch in the area of the haul road will be gtaded to a safe slope for Ste mobile equipment. This proposed project specifically excludes mining and placement of fill (other than for the haul rasa} in the 100-year flood plain. Future mining activities are planned for areas described as l00-year floodplain in the current FIItM map. Submittals to the National Flood Insurance i'rogram (NFIP) are pending in order to correct the FIRM map representations. Mr. Leonard Odem Kerr County Road and Bridge Page 2 of 2 December 21, 2006 The permit requested by this submittal is for the haul road only. No other construction or changes to Zones A or AE are requested If you or yow staff have any questions, please feel free to call meat 210 208-4573 or Mr. Sandy Garcia at 210-208-4315. Res~{//p~ectfully submitted,6~~/n////~ ~~ /~ay' VRi+~d-- Ryan K. DeBarros l;nvirottmental Engineer Distribution: Addresses Mr. Sandy Garcia. Martin Marietta Materials Southwest, Ltd. Leonard Odom, Jr. C.P.M. Fioodplain Adminish^ator 4fllfl San Antonio Hwy. Kerrville, ?'X'78028 'etephane 830-357-2993 FAX 830-896-8481 fitnail: kcroadsna.ktc com KERB CdUNTY FLddDPLAIlV dEVELd2'MEN'T PERMiT (Valid until JANUARY 20, 2flfl7 unless significant changes of natiuat deposits occur. } fAME OF PER MIT'EE: MARTIN MARIE'I"fA MAT'ERAILS SW LTD. PERMIT NO. SFU. -022 SITS d ? - BEDROCK PLANT Ire above named permittae applied for a floadplain de~tapmeai permit on NOVF,MI3ER 29: 21%35. T$a Ken Camrty Floodplain ~dministmtor has roviewed the application, and it is his determirmtion that the proposed development is Located within an identified 10adQiatn bf Kea COtmty. be Fioodplain Administrator has reviewaci plans sad specificatiats oflhe proposed development for ceaifortuaaica with ttie avaloprtmrtt standards regcdred try karr l:ounty Flnodplaiar Managatnant regukations. Yvu a.-c hereby xit~t3asua.Eed tc, proc~xl with tirz; ellawing described work: ~~ i`(~~',_i~ ,~.3:~ ~~A~^IE).~3,AhkK.Pv_I4'}I34F[~A.i'IC=I.1, ose the nroaemty: 'o ntaintahz compliance with the development standards of Ken• trcrurrty Flavdplsi3t iVlanagarneat nin#rttixe Aood rN~tial W the dove am, you are ~ and !m eliminats ar damage P praPaked lopm hereby directed to construct Ywc proposed devaloprrxnt in ,ccor^„dance with the #allowing specie! ptovssiwrs: } 3 ... residential struchtres, the lowest floor (inchtding basement} must bo elevated to ~ feet mean son Jevel. . j 1~'ui~ it~71-residential sir'usturos, the lowest #ltrur (including baseoranz) must be olevated or flood proofed to fe$t mean gee Level ) Parntittue must submit a esrtiflcatirrn from a registaret! profassionat arCltitect, or lead surveyor that the iSnisl>ed floor level of the residential atxvcturo has been crurstructed aL the specified a~cvazion~ . }Fornon-residential flood prcwflng, a ragisterod }rmfossional eng~'rutr ar architect must certify thae t3to flood praoi'ing methods are adequate to widratand the flood pros,+wes, vetocthes, impact mId up13R fe~rcu and other 1sctass aasaciatad with base flood. ( }The foundation of the stmchue moat, at a minimum, comply with the specifications attached. )The materials used in the stnicnue must be from the list attached. ( )The water supply inlet and sanitary outlet must have an automatic hack ureter or back flow device installed ( ) Provide a certified copy of all final plans or as-built drawings to the Floodplain Administrator. (X) Other provisions (see attached list) GRAVEL MINING NOT IN STREAM CHt1NNEL NO BANK MODIFICATION. Permit ill W...Y-v~ I t / 3 of 2vq 5 ~cknowiedgem nt o Conditions by Permittee {Signature} Date 1!-~ _ .~ f K r ounty F~plain Administrator Date Leonard Odom, dr. C.F.M. Floodplain Administrator 4010 San Antonio Hwy. Kerrville, TX 78028 Telephone 830-357-2993 FAX 830-896-8481 Email: kcroadsna.ktc.com KERB COUNTY FLOODPLAIN DEVELOPMENT PERMIT (Valid for One (1}year} NAME OF PERMITEE: MARTIN MARIETTA MATERIALS SOUTHWEST, LTD. PERMIT NO. F07-002 The above named permittee applied for a floodplain development permit on February 15, 2007. The Kerr County Floodplain Administrator has reviewed the application, and it is his determination that the proposed development is located within an identified floodp-ain of Kerr County. The Floodplain Administrator has reviewed plans and specifications of the proposed development for conformance with the development standards requved by Kerr County Floodplain Management regulations. You are hereby authorized to proceed with the following described work: Bnifd an access road at ¢round level across Zone A to Sutherland Lane on the property: Parcel # R 60261 runnin¢ between CP River Road and Hwv 27 West of Sutherland Lane. To maintain compliance with the development standards of Kerr County Floodplain Management regulations and to eliminate or minimize flood daznage potential to the proposed developmem, you are hereby directed to construct your proposed development in accordance with the following special provisions: °-' )For residential structures, the lowest floor (including basement) must be elevated to feet mean sea level. ( )For non-residential structures, the lowest floor (including basement) must be elevated or flood proofed to~feet mean sea level. ( ) Permittee must submit a certification from a registered professions{ engineer, architect, or land surveyor that the fmished floor level of the residential stmcture has been constructed at the specified elevation. ( )For non-residential flood proofing, a registered professional engineer or architect must certify that the flood proofing methods are adequate to withstand the flood pressures, velocities, impact and upliR forces and other factors associated with base flood. ( )The foundation of the structure must, at a minimum, comply with the specifications attached. ( )The materials used in the strocture must be from the list attached. ( )The water supply inlet and sanitary outlet must have an automatic back water or back flow device installed. (7i:) Provide a certified copy of all final plans or as-built drawings of the access road crossing of the A Zone to khe Floodplain Administrator. (1n Other provisions (see attached list) I) Place permanent markers in the around alone the AE & A Zones of the floodolain in such a wav they are visible for the emolovees workine in the area• 2) mark on the around where the access road crosses over A Zone: 31 no minin¢ is to be done in the Zones A or AE under this »ermk• 41 no materials will be stockpiled in Zones A or AE Z/~~ 7 Dale ~~tS-u7 Date PUBLIC PARTICIPATION FORIIn FOR KERR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT ~~~ ~ 7 ~~_ INSTRUCTIONS: Fill out all appropriate blanks. Please print or write legibly. Present to the COUNTY CLERK prior to the time that the Agenda Item (or Items) you wish to address are discussed. If you are handing out any material or documents to the Court, please make sure you have one extra copy for the Clerk to ensure that one is put into the record. Telephone: - Place of Employment: ~+'lotr. s ~ \ ~n~~~s-k.r.S ~nc- Employment Telephone: ~'~v-r~C`i -G'~.n Do you represent any particular group or organization? Yes X No If you represent a group or organization, please state the name, address and telephone number of such group or organization: fY1~:r-++~ Sri T Which Agenda Item (or Items) do you wish to address: In general, are you for or against such Agenda Item (or Items)? For Against Signature NOTE: This Public Participation Form must be presented to the County Clerk prior to the time the agenda item(s) are discussed. Once you reach the podium please state your name and who/what you represent clearly far the court reporter to accurately record who you are. Name: ~~,,f ~ Jt'1~+~~r~.l PUBrLIC PARTICIPATION FORM ~ ,~ ~T FOR G '~~~~ .-- KERR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT INSTRUCTIONS: Fill out all appropriate blanks. Please print or write legibly. Present to the COUNTY CLERK prior to the time that the Agenda Item (or Items) you wish to address are discussed. If you are handing out any material or documents to the Court, please make sure you have one extra copy for the Clerk to ensure that one is put into the record. Name: x/06.... Sfrnt~G.aao Address: 8 a. oo i ~/•io y/ES r Telephone: ai o -a o8 - 7' 3 S L Place of Employment: A r,~ sit r.Q Employment Telephone: sio - ~ c i - ~ i tz Do you represent any particular group or organization? Yes / No If you represent a group or organization, please state the name, address and telephone number of such group or organization: _' /YfA~ri~.! /~1.4f/E'/jA /y/flTBt/AC3 SA„~ ~,.~ ~.,~~ TIC r~.~3o Which Agenda Item (or Items) do you wish to address: / 7 p~QMJT 1n general, are you for or against such Agenda Item (or Items)? For ~ Against Si n ture NOTE: This Public Participation Form must be presented to the County Clerk prior to the time the agenda item(s) are discussed. Once you reach the podium please state vour name and who/what you represent clearly for the court reporter to accurately record who you are.