1 2 3 4 5 6 7 KERR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT 8 Regular Session (continued) 9 Tuesday, May 11, 2004 10 11:30 a.m. 11 Commissioners' Courtroom 12 Kerr County Courthouse 13 Kerrville, Texas 14 15 16 17 Final Plat of Hermosa Subdivision, Precinct 4 18 19 20 21 22 PRESENT: PAT TINLEY, Kerr County Judge 23 H. A. "BUSTER" BALDWIN, Commissioner Pct. 1 JONATHAN LETZ, Commissioner Pct. 3 24 DAVE NICHOLSON, Commissioner Pct. 4 25 ABSENT: WILLIAM "BILL" WILLIAMS, Commissioner Pct. 2 2 1 On Tuesday, May 11, 2004, at 11:30 a.m., the regular 2 meeting of May 10, 2004, of the Kerr County Commissioners 3 Court was continued in the Commissioners' Courtroom, Kerr 4 County Courthouse, Kerrville, Texas, and the following 5 proceedings were had in open court: 6 P R O C E E D I N G S 7 JUDGE TINLEY: Let me call back to order the 8 regular Commissioners Court meeting originally posted for 9 Monday, May 10th, 2004, at 9 a.m. That meeting was recessed 10 at approximately 3 p.m. on Monday, May the 10th, to be 11 reconvened this morning, Monday -- or Tuesday, May the 11th, 12 at 11:30. It's now a couple minutes after 11:30. It's my 13 understanding that the item to be brought forward on the 14 agenda this time is Item Number 4, that being consideration 15 of the final plat for Hermosa in Precinct 4. I have 16 received notification from the County Attorney's office that 17 the issue concerning the letter of credit is no longer an 18 issue; that the County Attorney has approved that letter of 19 credit, and -- and that's fine with him. The other issue 20 had to do with whether or not the calculations that the 21 engineer made were done on the -- on the two- or five-year 22 frequency. Let the record further reflect that we've just 23 been joined by Commissioner Letz, so we're all present, with 24 the exception of Commissioner Williams. Mr. Motley just 25 came in. Mr. Motley, I made the announcement that the 5-11-04 3 1 letter of credit -- you had notified the Court that that 2 letter of credit that was submitted in the Hermosa 3 Subdivision was A-OK; that you found it to be acceptable. 4 MR. MOTLEY: That's correct. 5 JUDGE TINLEY: Okay. 6 COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: I talked to Franklin 7 Johnston this morning, and he told me he'd -- the engineer 8 for Mr. Vlasek had been in contact with him and sent him 9 documents that reflected that the floodplain design -- or 10 the rainwater design was based on a five-year interval, not 11 the two-year interval, and that that was acceptable to 12 Mr. Johnston. 13 JUDGE TINLEY: I gather that we're going to 14 be receiving some sort of a corrected document, or that the 15 County Engineer -- Mr. Vlasek has something in-hand here. 16 Let the record reflect that Mr. Franklin Johnston just 17 joined us. I believe this is your category -- this is your 18 bailiwick -- 19 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I wore mine out 20 yesterday. 21 JUDGE TINLEY: -- talking about people that 22 are timely or not so timely. Commissioner Baldwin, do you 23 care to weigh-in on this? 24 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Mr. Johnston's 25 somewhat larger than I am, and -- 5-11-04 4 1 JUDGE TINLEY: I see. Okay. 2 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Is this the final, or 3 does Franklin have another one? And the reason -- 4 MR. VLASEK: That should be what Franklin 5 received. 6 COMMISSIONER LETZ: I mean, I'm not going to 7 be picky; I know it's probably -- but I think there ought to 8 be a copy in the file that's initialed with the handwritten 9 changes, as opposed to just -- it changes the document, 10 but -- 11 JUDGE TINLEY: 5 there, 5 there -- okay. 12 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Yeah. 13 MR. JOHNSTON: That's the way it was 14 delivered to me. It had a couple of handwritten -- some of 15 them were typed. I guess he overlooked a couple. 16 COMMISSIONER LETZ: I think if Mr. Vlasek 17 were to get the changes initialed and get it back to Road 18 and Bridge -- so it doesn't look like some third-party made 19 the changes. 20 JUDGE TINLEY: Okay. 21 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Considering the grief we 22 get over drainage issues occasionally up here. 23 JUDGE TINLEY: That being the case, do I hear 24 a motion that the final plat for Hermosa Subdivision in 25 Precinct 4 be approved as submitted? 5-11-04 5 1 COMMISSIONER NICHOLSON: I make that motion. 2 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Second. 3 JUDGE TINLEY: Motion made and seconded. Any 4 further question or discussion on the motion? All in favor 5 of the motion, signify by raising your right hand. 6 (The motion carried by unanimous vote.) 7 JUDGE TINLEY: All opposed, same sign. The 8 motion does carry. Are there any further items to be 9 brought forward that were not resolved yesterday, gentlemen? 10 Hearing or seeing nothing further, we will stand adjourned. 11 (Commissioners Court adjourned at 11:37 a.m.) 12 - - - - - - - - - - 13 14 STATE OF TEXAS | 15 COUNTY OF KERR | 16 The above and foregoing is a true and complete 17 transcription of my stenotype notes taken in my capacity as 18 County Clerk of the Commissioners Court of Kerr County, 19 Texas, at the time and place heretofore set forth. 20 DATED at Kerrville, Texas, this 11th day of May, 2004. 21 22 JANNETT PIEPER, Kerr County Clerk 23 BY: _________________________________ Kathy Banik, Deputy County Clerk 24 Certified Shorthand Reporter 25 5-11-04