1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 KERR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT 9 Special Session 10 Thursday, February 28, 2008 11 3:10 p.m. 12 Commissioners' Courtroom 13 Kerr County Courthouse 14 Kerrville, Texas 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 PRESENT: PAT TINLEY, Kerr County Judge H. A. "BUSTER" BALDWIN, Commissioner Pct. 1 24 WILLIAM "BILL" WILLIAMS, Commissioner Pct. 2 JONATHAN LETZ, Commissioner Pct. 3 25 BRUCE OEHLER, Commissioner Pct. 4 2 1 I N D E X February 28, 2008 2 PAGE 3 1.1 Consider/discuss, take appropriate action to adopt a policy related to Joint City/County 4 Committee for Library, Animal Control, and Airport, and appoint members to that Committee 3 5 1.2 Consider/discuss, take appropriate action on 6 full-time position for Human Resources Department 12 7 --- Adjourned 44 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 3 1 On Thursday, February 28, 2008, at 3:10 p.m., a special 2 meeting of the Kerr County Commissioners Court was held in 3 the Commissioners' Courtroom, Kerr County Courthouse, 4 Kerrville, Texas, and the following proceedings were had in 5 open court: 6 P R O C E E D I N G S 7 JUDGE TINLEY: Okay, let me call to order this 8 special meeting of the Kerr County Commissioners Court posted 9 and scheduled for this time and date, Thursday, 10 February 28th, 2008, at 3 p.m. It is a bit past that time 11 now. And, yes, we were going to do it without you, because 12 we're ten minutes late getting started anyway. First item on 13 the agenda is to consider, discuss, and take appropriate 14 action to adopt a policy related to joint City/County 15 Committee for library, animal control, and airport, and 16 appoint members to that committee. Commissioner Letz was the 17 motivating force behind this particular item, so I'll turn it 18 over to him. 19 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Well, I think I said pretty 20 much what I needed to say on Monday, but I'm interested if 21 anyone on the Court has talked to any member of the City 22 Council as to what their -- my understanding is that all they 23 decided to do was to authorize their City Manager to appoint 24 people to -- appropriate people to committees, and I'm just 25 hoping we're not -- we're not just going right past each 2-28-08 4 1 other on different planes if we're not talking about the same 2 thing. I don't know; I'm not -- that's -- 3 JUDGE TINLEY: I wish I could give you a definitive 4 answer to that. That is my understanding. And the City 5 Manager was told to move forward on it, and to move forward 6 on it on the basis of the May timeline that you mentioned. 7 There was a call for me earlier this afternoon from the City 8 Manager. I attempted to return the call; the City Manager 9 was tied up, and I left word, and I've not heard back from 10 him. He may be in there now. I've been tied up in here 11 since about 2 o'clock. So, that's what I'm waiting on, is 12 discussion with him, and I suspect that is going to be about 13 those particular matters that I just indicated. 14 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Well, then, I guess with that, 15 I mean, I'll make a motion that we approve a policy direction 16 that the City of Kerrville become the sole entity for funding 17 and operation of the Butt Holdsworth Library, Kerr County to 18 become responsible for operation and funding of Animal 19 Control throughout the county, and City of Kerrville and City 20 of Ingram will modify any ordinances related to animal 21 control in favor of adopting the county policy, and Kerr 22 County to become the sole entity responsible for funding and 23 operation of the airport. Kerr County will create an 24 independent board to oversee and operate the airport 25 consistent with the vote of the citizens of Kerr County in 2-28-08 5 1 1970. 2 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Last paragraph also. 3 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Well, actually, this is just a 4 policy. This is just a statement as to policy, and then 5 there's a committee how we do it. 6 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: I'll second the policy. 7 JUDGE TINLEY: Motion made and seconded as 8 indicated. Question or discussion on the motion? 9 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Repeat that last part? 10 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Kerr County to become the sole 11 entity responsible for the funding and operation of the 12 airport. Kerr County will create an independent board to 13 oversee and operate the airport consistent with the vote of 14 the citizens of Kerr County in 1970. My intent is -- we have 15 not heard from the Attorney General yet, I don't believe, on 16 our request. To me, I don't -- whatever the Attorney 17 General's opinion is, we still need to do the same thing, 18 which is set up an independent body to run the airport. And 19 I think that the -- you know, the Court needs to be involved 20 from a liaison standpoint, and some budget issues, if they're 21 requesting -- if that board asks us to fund it, which I think 22 they will. But I worded it this way so that if that Attorney 23 General opinion comes back and says, yes, that vote is -- is 24 valid, then we set it up as prescribed. And if it comes back 25 and says no, you can do what you want, then we set up -- or 2-28-08 6 1 put our heads together and come up with something, basically 2 coming up with the same intent, but set up an independent 3 board either way. 4 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: That's fine. 5 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Is it your thought that it 6 would take a separate, independent motion to -- it will be to 7 staff the committee, and then the report-back date? 8 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Yes. Yeah. 9 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Okay. 10 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Yeah. 11 JUDGE TINLEY: Further question or discussion on 12 that motion? 13 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I'm still not real sure 14 why -- why you want to add that language in there. I mean, I 15 guess it's okay, but it seems like to me it's really tying 16 you down. 17 COMMISSIONER LETZ: That's why I hesitated when I 18 read it, when I said the word "will." Maybe we should change 19 the word to will -- you know, will look into it, or -- you 20 know, I think it -- I think it's the best direction to go. 21 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: That's fine. 22 COMMISSIONER LETZ: I'm not trying to tie it down, 23 really, as to exactly how we do it. I think we need to look 24 at that. I think if the Attorney General says the vote is 25 valid, I think that pretty much sets the direction. 2-28-08 7 1 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Ties it down for me. 2 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: We're also on record as 3 favoring an independent board several times, in a lot of 4 discussions. 5 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: That's the thing. You're 6 sending a message that's -- 7 COMMISSIONER LETZ: I don't really -- I mean, I 8 certainly don't want this Court to be running the airport, 9 you know, by itself. I think we need an independent -- 10 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Oh, come on. (Laughter.) 11 COMMISSIONER LETZ: I'm not -- I've never said I 12 want us to do it. I want -- I think we need to set up an 13 independent body to do it that can act independently of 14 whoever, you know. 15 COMMISSIONER OEHLER: Seems to me that you might 16 just leave off some of that last paragraph, and use -- and 17 just say we're going to be responsible for funding and 18 operating the airport. 19 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: And then set it up the way 20 you -- however you want to later on. 21 COMMISSIONER OEHLER: Later on. 22 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: When it happens. 23 COMMISSIONER OEHLER: That's just a thought. I 24 mean -- 25 JUDGE TINLEY: Right now we have a motion that 2-28-08 8 1 includes that language. 2 COMMISSIONER OEHLER: I understand. 3 COMMISSIONER LETZ: I will be glad to -- I will 4 accept to delete it; doesn't make that much difference to me. 5 JUDGE TINLEY: Do you want to amend your motion? 6 COMMISSIONER LETZ: No. 7 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: No, don't do it. That's all 8 right. 9 JUDGE TINLEY: Okay. Any further question or 10 discussion on the motion? All in favor of the motion, 11 signify by raising your right hand. 12 (The motion carried by unanimous vote.) 13 JUDGE TINLEY: All opposed, same sign. 14 (No response.) 15 JUDGE TINLEY: That motion does carry. Do we have 16 any other business in connection with that particular agenda 17 item? 18 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: So, let me ask you a 19 question. Now, are you going to take that and fax it over to 20 the City today? 21 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Yes, sir. Or I think the Judge 22 and Jody will hopefully get that done. 23 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: If you can get Jody to help 24 us in some way or another. Hard to do. 25 COMMISSIONER LETZ: And I don't -- you know, the 2-28-08 9 1 committee part of this is a little bit -- that's where I'm 2 not sure what the City did. I mean, I don't -- you know, it 3 seems odd to me that they're going to have -- that the City 4 Manager's going to appoint Council members to committees. 5 Maybe that's what they told him to do. I -- and it seems odd 6 to me for us to only talk to staff on this issue, but -- so I 7 think that's a policy. And I think we need to -- I guess a 8 second motion would be that we -- well, I'll make a motion 9 after my next question. Is it easier to handle all this as 10 one set of negotiations, or split it up to liaison 11 assignments? Which will be -- Bruce will do two, and Bill 12 and I would do the airport. I mean, how -- what's the better 13 way? 14 COMMISSIONER OEHLER: How come I get two and Buster 15 has escaped? 16 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Well -- (Laughter.) 17 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: What are y'all talking 18 about? 19 COMMISSIONER OEHLER: Oh, yeah. You know, you're 20 sitting over there like you, you know -- 21 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I think you ought to just do 22 the airport with you two guys, and then if we can get through 23 that, then we'll try another one. 24 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Already got the other one 25 on board right now, the library and the animal control. 2-28-08 10 1 COMMISSIONER LETZ: To me, it's kind of a -- 2 there's -- it's a -- if they're going to agree to it, then we 3 kind of maybe break it out. I think we can do it all as one 4 right now. 5 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I do too. 6 COMMISSIONER LETZ: One policy, and see how it 7 works. And -- and if we get past that, then we get to the 8 mechanism as to how to do it, at least for the time being. 9 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: We'll call you. Stay by 10 your phone; we'll be in touch. 11 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Judge, do you have any input on 12 how you think we should proceed on this one? 13 JUDGE TINLEY: Do you see me jumping in the middle 14 of this? 15 COMMISSIONER LETZ: No, sir. That's why I, you 16 know, am trying to solicit some of your wisdom. 17 JUDGE TINLEY: I'm working on roads and bridges and 18 health insurance plans, and -- and -- 19 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Which gets back to Bruce's 20 comment. What's Buster doing? 21 COMMISSIONER OEHLER: Yeah. 22 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Oh, listen, I'm refereeing 23 between the Sheriff and the -- 24 JUDGE TINLEY: Police Chief. 25 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: -- Police Chief. 2-28-08 11 1 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Oh, that's good. 2 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Oh, I'm telling you. 3 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: That's a plate full. 4 JUDGE TINLEY: They're both armed. 5 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Y'all have sissy stuff. 6 Mine's a real thing. 7 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Those guys both have guns. 8 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Those guys both have guns. 9 COMMISSIONER LETZ: I'll make a motion that 10 Commissioner Williams and Commissioner Letz initially be on 11 the committee to work with whoever the City appoints to 12 further that policy. 13 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Second. 14 JUDGE TINLEY: Motion made and seconded. 15 COMMISSIONER OEHLER: You were quick with that one. 16 JUDGE TINLEY: Question or discussion? All in 17 favor of the motion, signify by raising your right hand. 18 (The motion carried by unanimous vote.) 19 JUDGE TINLEY: All opposed, same sign. 20 (No response.) 21 JUDGE TINLEY: That motion carries. Do we have any 22 more matters to be considered under that particular agenda 23 item? Okay, let's move to Item 2. 24 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Not sure we accomplished much, 25 but... 2-28-08 12 1 JUDGE TINLEY: Consider, discuss, and take 2 appropriate action on full-time position for Human Resources 3 Department. Ms. Hyde? My recollection is that this was 4 here, you know, two meetings ago, and it was to be rolled 5 forward to the next meeting, and it didn't get on our Monday 6 agenda. So, once it was determined that we missed that one, 7 but we were going to meet today, we put it on today's agenda. 8 MS. HYDE: The last time we talked, the -- the 9 Commissioners wanted additional time to look over the 10 information, and have time to review it and think about it 11 and ask some questions. 12 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Are you sure you want to do 13 this in open court? 14 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: I think we probably ought 15 to go to exec. 16 COMMISSIONER LETZ: I think -- well, I see two 17 issues here, or two -- not issues. Two topics. One is 18 approving a slot, and the other is looking at job 19 descriptions and who's exactly doing what, and to make sure 20 we're all, you know, on the same page as to what that 21 department is doing. And maybe that needs to come first. 22 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Well, there are -- there 23 are at least two issues, and that's why I think it probably 24 should be a discussion in executive session. The additional 25 job, in my view, ties to a clear understanding on our part of 2-28-08 13 1 what the job description's all about, and best way to 2 accomplish that is -- I've not had any independent 3 discussions with Ms. Hyde. Best way to accomplish that is 4 for us all to hear and ask questions about the document that 5 was given us. 6 JUDGE TINLEY: Well, now, if we're going to just 7 talk about job descriptions, but not individuals, vis-a-vis 8 this job or that job, I'm not sure that's appropriate for 9 executive, if you're talking about a policy matter of 10 determining a job description or whether it should or should 11 not include given duties. Now, if we're going to be talking 12 about individual employees, yeah, that's -- that's something 13 that would be appropriate for executive session. But if 14 we're going to be talking about creating a new position with 15 a new job description generally, I think that's a policy 16 matter that probably should be in the clear. 17 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Fine with me. 18 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Okay. It seems to me it 19 ties -- it ties to the request for additional personnel, but 20 you handle it any way you want to handle it. 21 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Well, I have a question, 22 just a simple boy-dummy question. I have two documents here, 23 one you gave us a few days ago, and then one we've had for a 24 good while. Which -- which is the real one for your 25 position? 2-28-08 14 1 MS. HYDE: I don't know. I don't know what you've 2 got. 3 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I think that's when you came 4 on board, or shortly thereafter. 5 MS. HYDE: I've never seen this one. 6 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Well, it's in our -- it's in 7 our files from that. And then this is what -- 8 MS. HYDE: Maybe this is what you guys used when 9 you were looking for someone. 10 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: It's -- 11 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Well, it certainly may be. 12 I'm not real sure. I just assumed that you gave us this 13 when -- 14 MS. HYDE: No, sir. 15 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: It goes back to July 10th 16 of '06, and it accompanied a court order -- whatever court 17 order that is -- that said consider and approve a plan to 18 reassign certain administrative functions of county 19 government; consider and evaluate the capability of county 20 employees who may be candidates to perform administrative 21 functions. And it had to do with setting up the -- the 22 parameters of the H.R. office or department, which 23 Commissioner Nicholson and I chaired that subcommittee of the 24 Commissioners Court. And my understanding was -- somebody 25 can correct me if I'm wrong -- that that became the basis of 2-28-08 15 1 our -- well, it did become the basis of our interview and 2 seeking out candidates who had the experience that was 3 outlined in this. And it was my understanding that that 4 became, essentially, the original job description. If that's 5 wrong, somebody correct me. 6 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Well, I sure can't correct 7 you, 'cause I'm asking the question. I'm not sure where it 8 came from. I just had it in my files, this exact same thing 9 that you have there, and I wasn't real clear where it come 10 from. I just assumed that it was a part of the first job 11 description that we had with her. Maybe not. 12 COMMISSIONER OEHLER: How does that one vary with 13 the one that she gave us the other day? 14 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: It's some difference. It's 15 some difference. 16 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: The one that Ms. Hyde gave 17 us the other day, Commissioner, is considerably -- I'd say 18 broader. Considerably broader than -- 19 COMMISSIONER OEHLER: Right. 20 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: -- than what -- 21 COMMISSIONER OEHLER: Than what was originally 22 adopted for the policy? 23 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Yes, sir. 24 COMMISSIONER OEHLER: The job description. 25 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Yeah. So, that's kind of 2-28-08 16 1 where I am. 2 JUDGE TINLEY: The creation of a new slot down 3 there, my general understanding was to place more of the 4 insurance functions over on the new individual, which would 5 allow Ms. Hyde to be able to have the time that she's been 6 trying to get for a year and a half now, I guess -- 7 MS. HYDE: Just about. 8 JUDGE TINLEY: -- to do policy and procedures, 9 safety, -- 10 MS. HYDE: Job description updates. 11 JUDGE TINLEY: -- training, and some other 12 collateral issues. But those three are enough to keep 13 somebody pretty busy, I think. 14 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: One of my questions is -- 15 and I think this is probably the reason I asked about 16 executive session, 'cause I'm just an old country boy, and I 17 may step on some toes here, and I apologize up front if I do. 18 But last year, your office actually helped me with my -- some 19 of my insurance stuff. You did personally, you know, doing 20 the -- all my paperwork and all that, and I appreciate you 21 doing that. You helped me a lot. But I realized that I 22 really shouldn't -- I should not have been bothering you with 23 that work. I should have gone to Seguin and gotten my help 24 down there, because that's why I pay them, is to do that kind 25 of work. Now -- and subsequently, since -- since your help, 2-28-08 17 1 I do go through them. I pick up the phone and call them and 2 they get 'er done, and I -- I appreciate them doing that in 3 that manner. And I'm -- and I'm thinking -- I'm thinking, 4 because your office is bogged down some with of this 5 insurance issue is because we're all going to you and not 6 going to Seguin. 7 MS. HYDE: Seguin gets some. But the outline for 8 their job and their scope is really not to have to do that. 9 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I don't know -- I don't 10 know. I've spoken with them about this. 11 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Say that again, please? 12 MS. HYDE: Well, when -- when we -- if I understand 13 correctly, they are our agents, and they're there to help us. 14 They're there to assist us, but it's not really their job to 15 do every single claim that comes through. It's not their job 16 to assist on every single employee's claim or issue. 17 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: No, I understand that. 18 MS. HYDE: Some of that stuff, really, if it's 19 straight claims, you know, straight HRA claims, then 20 probably, but when you start getting into medical 21 information, probably not. Unless -- unless you, as the 22 employee, or the employees say it's okay, they can have that 23 information. But we kind of straddle that line there. 24 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Let me follow up on 25 Commissioner Baldwin's question, because I think maybe he and 2-28-08 18 1 I both have had some similar situation -- circumstances, 2 where there is, for lack of a better word, confusion in terms 3 of who pays or whatever, or whether the claim is valid or 4 whatever the problem might be, and so that has to be 5 rectified. Not necessarily the processing of a claim, but 6 issues that arise from a claim. Now, do they do that? 7 MS. HYDE: They do some, yes. And they help us 8 with the HRA. 9 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Okay. 10 MS. HYDE: Because in the past, Process Works did 11 our HRA. That's who did our cards, and they were -- they 12 worked together on Process Works' HRA with them. That's how 13 it had been set up with the person that was doing this before 14 me. Well, the problem is, with our HRA accounts, as with our 15 insurance, we were paying too much. We overpaid, and no one 16 was monitoring it. So, we have taken most of that back in 17 the office to help insure that we don't overpay, that what we 18 do pay is accurate and correct. And we do get a lot of 19 claims -- a lot of employees. I shouldn't say a lot; there 20 have been employees, though, that instead of giving all the 21 information that they have to the physicians and to 22 physicians' -- like, the hospital, or getting things 23 corrected there, they bring it to us. So, all the refiles -- 24 we've been handling all the refiles for the last 30, 45 days, 25 because when the insurance changed over, we had to refile. 2-28-08 19 1 And I think several of y'all have had to have -- you know, 2 you get your EOB, and it says you're not an employee, and 3 that tends to get everybody real upset real quick, so we've 4 handled a lot of those. 5 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: See, if I'd have gotten a 6 notice -- if I'd have gotten a notice and it stated that I 7 was not an employee, I would call Don and ask him to 8 straighten it out, and he would. I mean, they have -- they 9 have never -- the only thing I have to go on here is just 10 personal experience. I mean, I don't know what Sally Sue's 11 doing down the hallway, you know, what her relationship with 12 your office and the insurance and all that kind of thing. 13 All I know is what my -- my experience has been, and in the 14 last year I've used our insurance a lot, as everybody knows, 15 and I've been through all kinds of little deals here and 16 there, and -- and they've never denied helping me on any 17 issue that I've ever had. I just -- in my mind, that's what 18 they're for. And, basically, the -- I asked Don about that, 19 and he basically said, "Yes, I'm your agent, and I'm here to 20 help you," and so that's who I call, and he gets it done 21 immediately. So -- and I don't know if he -- he's nice to me 22 because I'm a nice guy or what, but that's just the way it 23 works for me, you know. So, you know, with all that -- you 24 know, I'll just boil it down to bottom line. With all that 25 information that I have on myself, I'm thinking that your 2-28-08 20 1 office is doing too much of the insurance stuff when it needs 2 to be done down there. Therefore, you don't need a new 3 employee. 4 MS. HYDE: So, what I need to bring back, then, is 5 our contract to show what they're supposed to be doing or not 6 doing? Is that what y'all need to see? 7 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I don't know. I don't know 8 that that's necessary or not. I don't have any idea. I'm 9 just telling you where I'm at and what I'm seeing. 10 COMMISSIONER LETZ: We're -- I -- I spent some time 11 several weeks ago with Ms. Hyde. I think there's a need for 12 another employee down there. I mean, I don't -- I think it 13 -- or a full-time employee down there. I think it's probably 14 an interim period. I think at some point, when the part-time 15 person retires, which I assume is sometime in the coming 16 couple years, I'm not sure that we need to replace the 17 part-time person there. But I think that they're still 18 working through a backlog of information right now, and work 19 that needs to be done to get the department running. I think 20 it's a two-person department, in my mind. So, I mean, I 21 don't have a problem with authorizing going out for another 22 employee. I do have some concerns about the actual job 23 description. I think there's -- you know, and that's why I 24 say it's two different issues to me. It's not issues -- I 25 think it's -- I need to make -- make sure that, at least from 2-28-08 21 1 my standpoint, Eva and I are on the same page, that she and I 2 are in clear understanding of the words she's written, 'cause 3 that's probably -- well, that's obviously critical, how I 4 interpret them and also how she's interpreting them. I think 5 there's some that -- you can look at two things on there, and 6 I think some of them are not her responsibility and some of 7 them are. And some of them need to be qualified as to what 8 areas are her responsibility, but that's more a job 9 description issue to me for that department, which is a 10 separate issue than hiring someone. 11 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: I think that's true; it is 12 a separate issue. And if what I'm looking at here from '06 13 is not the job description, and what Ms. Hyde gave us the 14 other day is her effort to update a job description -- I 15 guess that's what it was, because you say one doesn't exist? 16 Is that what -- 17 MS. HYDE: No, sir, there wasn't one down there. 18 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Okay. Then we need to 19 reconcile that, and we need to know exactly what this is all 20 about. And I'm not going to tie up the Court with an hour's 21 worth of Q and A on that, but I think the entire Court needs 22 to understand what it's all about. And I have some questions 23 about it, and I'll be happy to try to reconcile those and 24 bring all that back to Court so everybody has a clear 25 understanding. 2-28-08 22 1 COMMISSIONER LETZ: And on Commissioner Baldwin's 2 comments, you know, I tend to agree that -- I thought that 3 talking with Seguin was the way we handled a lot of these 4 things. But I think that wasn't working real well, in my 5 mind, for certain things. I think they're still doing a lot 6 down there, as I understand what they're doing, you know, on 7 the claims. But I think it is a huge plus to our employees 8 to have someone in the courthouse, an employee of the County 9 that can -- is versed enough in insurance issues to answer 10 basic questions. Because while Commissioner Baldwin may 11 generally call Seguin, I generally call Eva. And I -- but 12 fortunately for Eva, I have very few reasons or times that I 13 call, and it's usually -- I mean, I almost never use our 14 insurance, thank goodness. 15 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: That's the way I am, too. 16 COMMISSIONER LETZ: But I think -- but one more 17 thing. But I think that we need to clearly -- more clearly 18 define what our -- whoever -- you know, Don Wallace, whatever 19 they're called, our agent, what they're doing to make sure 20 that we're getting our money's worth from their standpoint, 21 too. But I think it's -- you know, if it's a choice of being 22 done in our agent's office or here, I'd rather have it done 23 here, I think, 'cause I think we're getting better quality. 24 And I think -- and I think that's largely due to 25 accessibility. 2-28-08 23 1 COMMISSIONER OEHLER: It's a big issue. 2 COMMISSIONER LETZ: From what Eva says, they're 3 doing a lot down there. You know, I believe that. 4 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: If we're going to do it all 5 up here and they're not going to do it down there, we need to 6 fire them. 7 COMMISSIONER LETZ: I think we use both. 8 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: We don't need to be paying 9 two different people to do the same job. 10 COMMISSIONER LETZ: But I think they're doing 11 different stuff, as I understand it, down there. 12 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Well, maybe. 13 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Maybe we need to quantify 14 that, know exactly what they are doing and for what we're 15 paying. 16 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Right. 17 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Are they doing what we're 18 paying them for? Are they doing more or are they doing less? 19 And then, I guess, as far as additional help for the 20 department is concerned, I don't disagree with the basic 21 premise that that should be a two-person job -- department. 22 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Yeah, I'm there too. 23 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: I guess right now, I'm -- 24 we're three shifts apart. I'm wondering whether or not the 25 existing personnel down there could be remolded into a 2-28-08 24 1 full-time employee, which is two additional shifts, as 2 opposed to a whole brand-new five-shift person. That's kind 3 of where my problem is at the moment. 4 JUDGE TINLEY: Well, let me weigh in. 5 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Okay. 6 JUDGE TINLEY: I think if everybody were up and 7 running in that department, established, in place, going 8 forward, probably two full-time people at that point. The 9 difficulty that we have at present, as I see it, is in 10 addition to our director, we got one part-time individual 11 that does not want to be more than part-time, and, in fact, 12 is being pushed more than that individual wants to be pushed; 13 would rather maybe like to have the hours ratcheted back a 14 little bit. But we've got a bunch of things that we need to 15 get in place that are not in place. We've got some safety 16 and training issues that are coming down the pike. We've got 17 some things on the budget that are staring us in the face, on 18 a totally new procedure to do that. That's going to take a 19 considerable amount of training. That's got to be done. 20 We've got some other training issues that need to be 21 accomplished down there. And we've been fortunate enough to 22 hopefully not have too many safety problems. You can recall 23 that we -- we got a couple of awards in the last several 24 years because of the initiation of a pretty good safety 25 program. I don't want to drop that, for a couple reasons. 2-28-08 25 1 Number one, it gave us some pretty significant discounts on 2 -- we got one, effectively, cash award of about $18,000, as I 3 recall, initially. 4 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Mm-hmm. 5 JUDGE TINLEY: And then we got some other 6 considerations in our insurance coverage. Our safety 7 program, I think, is going to be directly responsible for 8 what our comp expenditures are. And those have gotten 9 better, but if you don't stay on top of them, they'll go the 10 other direction. I think we need to transition to do 11 something now to get those programs established. I'm not 12 aware of any intended phase-out or retirement by our 13 part-time person. If -- you know, if that's going to occur 14 within the next year to two years, that might work out just 15 fine to -- that individual being phased out, and then we got 16 a two-person department and everything up and running. But I 17 want to get this stuff up and running, because I think it's 18 essential that we do so. I think it's very, very important 19 that we do so. The insurance issue, while -- I think the 20 direct responsibility of dealing with the carriers is with 21 Wallace, I think the H.R. office is an interface for our 22 employees. It's not mandatory, but I think it's comforting 23 to them to know that there's a friendly face, a knowledgeable 24 individual that they can talk to, that'll keep things moving 25 for them, and I -- and I think that's helpful. I don't think 2-28-08 26 1 it's required, but I think it is helpful, and I think that's 2 a good function. 3 COMMISSIONER OEHLER: Well, it has been very 4 beneficial to be able to have somebody here to talk to, and 5 not have to try to get somebody on the phone. That is really 6 -- it works -- probably works better for us to do it than it 7 would for a regular employee, being as we kind of make those 8 decisions about, you know, how we're going to -- what we're 9 going to have and how much, you know, we're going to spend 10 for it. 11 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: No, that's true. 12 COMMISSIONER OEHLER: I mean, I -- I have to 13 believe that that's -- we have a lot better luck with that 14 than a lot of employees would. And -- and you can go down or 15 call and get an answer pretty quickly to what you need to do, 16 or what she can do to help you get -- get whatever claim you 17 have or whatever process needs to be followed to make sure a 18 claim is submitted properly. 19 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: I don't disagree with that. 20 As a matter of fact, Eva's working on a problem I'm 21 encountering right now, and I appreciate that. 22 COMMISSIONER OEHLER: Whether that's -- whether 23 that is mandatory that she do that, she is doing it, and is 24 doing a good job of it, and I would hate to see some of that 25 go by the wayside to let happen some of the things that she's 2-28-08 27 1 been supposed to do for a year and a half, and hasn't been 2 able to because of a lot of these other things. And also 3 dealing with other elected officials and -- and personnel 4 problems, which I think is part of what she's supposed to be 5 doing, and she's done a -- spent a lot of time on that, and I 6 believe the result of those things have really helped our 7 elected officials and department heads do things and follow 8 the law so that we don't wind up getting lawsuits sometime 9 later if it's not handled properly. So, you know, I do see 10 the need for it. I'm down there quite a bit, and there's 11 usually a lot going on, and -- and it goes on every day. So, 12 anyway, I -- I think the justification for a full-time is -- 13 is there, and I kind of feel like the Judge, that, you know, 14 maybe once you get all these things and a lot of this stuff 15 nailed down, you get the policy and the procedures in place, 16 and -- and some other things that she's working on need to be 17 completed, and then in due time, there will -- there could be 18 two people that could handle that office, and the part-time 19 could -- could retire and do whatever, you know, she would 20 like to do. But I -- from my part of it, I think it's 21 justified. And I don't like doing things in the middle of a 22 budget year, but I believe there's enough money in the 23 part-time line item to finish it out for this year, and it 24 will be something we have to address full-time in next 25 budget. 2-28-08 28 1 COMMISSIONER LETZ: I mean, I think the way we 2 budgeted part-time, we recognized we needed a fair amount of 3 assistance down there during the year. I mean, it's not -- 4 so -- 5 COMMISSIONER OEHLER: Part-time people are hard to 6 get. 7 COMMISSIONER LETZ: That are qualified. 8 COMMISSIONER OEHLER: That are qualified to do that 9 job. 10 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I agree. 11 COMMISSIONER OEHLER: People that want to work and 12 take that kind of job are going to -- they're going to want 13 benefits, and they're going to want full-time work. You're 14 just not -- I think that's been part of the problem up till 15 now. So, I'm -- I'm in favor of going ahead and doing it and 16 getting it done, and then reevaluate it at budget time and 17 see -- see where we are at that time. And -- and see if it 18 needs to be one full-time and no part-time, or -- 19 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Well, I agree that the ideal 20 situation down there would be two full -- a director and a 21 full-time employee. I don't have any problem with that. I 22 agree with that 100 percent. But this language of the 23 halftime employee doesn't want any more, I've never heard of 24 such a thing. I wouldn't run a business like that at home. 25 If that halftime employee I wanted to turn into a full 2-28-08 29 1 employee, and they didn't want to be there, they need to go 2 somewhere else. I mean, I don't -- I don't understand that. 3 I don't understand -- it's not a way to run a government; I 4 can tell you that much. I know that. But I -- and I'm going 5 to go along with you guys. But I want to know, what are 6 these things that we need to get done? This safety program 7 and what else? 8 MS. HYDE: We've had training that we were supposed 9 to try to get done with our employees that don't know how to 10 use Excel or Word, which is the basics for any of the 11 computer programs that we've got. Training on Odyssey, 12 training on Incode when we upgrade to Incode this year. 13 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I thought we -- when we 14 bought all that stuff, we paid for the training with that. 15 MS. HYDE: That was prior to us ever being here, 16 Commissioner. 17 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Okay. 18 MS. HYDE: But it appears -- 19 JUDGE TINLEY: We did buy some of it, Commissioner. 20 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Odyssey and what else? 21 MS. HYDE: Incode. 22 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Is Incode the payroll 23 system? 24 MS. HYDE: It's the payroll side, the financial 25 side. 2-28-08 30 1 JUDGE TINLEY: Financial. 2 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Financial, okay. 3 MS. HYDE: And then also, the other part is that 4 we're trying to get the bridge between Odyssey and Incode so 5 that there's not two separate systems; the two systems talk, 6 so that all the information comes back and forth. Right now, 7 we have two different systems, so other than the Auditor, the 8 Treasurer, and the H.R. office, everybody else is using 9 Odyssey, which is the court systems, and right now the two 10 systems don't talk. So, the financials, you -- you're 11 basically, in a nutshell, keeping two sets of books to 12 combine into one set of books. And that all comes with 13 training. What we've heard and what we've seen is that, even 14 though there were -- there was training and there was 15 implementation, perhaps it wasn't done to what the County 16 truly needed, and how it was needed. 17 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Okay. What else? 18 MS. HYDE: The safety program, and we've already 19 been doing safety -- 20 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Training and Odyssey and 21 Incode, and what else? 22 JUDGE TINLEY: Policies and procedures. 23 MS. HYDE: Policies, procedures, and guidelines. 24 Understanding FMLA and federal rules and regulations, 25 Understanding COBRA, understanding what we have to do and 2-28-08 31 1 what we can't do as elected officials or department heads to 2 represent the County. 3 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: So, that goes back to the 4 training. 5 MS. HYDE: Yes, sir. 6 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: You understand all those 7 things, and you're going to come train all the -- 8 MS. HYDE: We've been doing it. 9 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: -- elected officials. 10 MS. HYDE: We've been doing it. 11 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Okay. I'm just trying -- 12 I'm trying to -- several of us have mentioned the things that 13 we need to get done. If we hire this new person, which is 14 what we're here for today -- 15 MS. HYDE: Yes, sir. 16 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: -- then that will relieve 17 you so you can get these things done, and I'm trying to 18 figure out what "these things" are. And, so -- 19 MS. HYDE: Those are -- those are several of the 20 things that need to be done. 21 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: All right. Could -- and I'm 22 not trying to be mean. I'm just trying to -- I'm going to 23 hold you accountable -- 24 MS. HYDE: Absolutely. 25 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: -- for this. And that would 2-28-08 32 1 be -- I need to know -- if somebody stops me on the street 2 and asks me about it, I need to know what to tell them about 3 these other things that we're doing. So, you need to -- and 4 you and I can squat down under an oak tree and do -- and do 5 it that way, if you like. 6 MS. HYDE: Absolutely. 7 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I need to know. I'd like a 8 list of those things, and you can just talk and I'll write, 9 of those things. And then I'm going to ask you when you're 10 going to get -- when each one will be done, completed. 11 MS. HYDE: Sure. 12 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Okay, thank you. 13 MS. HYDE: No problemo. 14 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: I want to ask a question. 15 Are we talking about five additional shifts for the remainder 16 of this budget year, and then we address the whole issue 17 again at budget time? Or are we talking about an eight-shift 18 department ad nauseam? 19 COMMISSIONER LETZ: In my mind, it's -- at budget 20 time, we look at that whole situation. I'd like to -- and 21 that's -- I want to look more at the current part-time 22 person, find out what the plans are and what she wants and 23 all that stuff, which I think is probably an executive 24 session item. 25 JUDGE TINLEY: I think we have that option 2-28-08 33 1 available to us with every single employee of this county 2 come budget time, really. 3 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Yeah. 4 JUDGE TINLEY: That's not new. 5 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: No, it's nothing new, 6 Judge, you're right. But sometimes when we take an action, 7 it is perceived that it's locked in stone for the rest of the 8 world, and that's not -- let's not go down that -- 9 COMMISSIONER LETZ: We get a little chisel out 10 and -- 11 JUDGE TINLEY: Each of us is not locked in stone, 12 nor is anyone else. 13 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: No, I'm talking about the 14 issue, not us. Then I also want to have the opportunity to 15 go over this job description with Ms. Hyde, clearly 16 understand it, and so that we can bring it back to court and 17 it can be understood by everybody and adopted as the policy 18 and job description for that department head. 19 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Department head and department. 20 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Yes, sir, fine. 21 COMMISSIONER LETZ: I agree with everything said 22 over there. What's the classification for this new employee 23 going to be? 24 MS. HYDE: It'll be a starting position, be a 14-1. 25 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Okay. I'll make a motion to 2-28-08 34 1 authorize the -- 2 JUDGE TINLEY: 14-1? 3 MS. HYDE: I'm going to start it at a 14-1, because 4 if we're not -- if we're not -- if I don't prove to the Court 5 that this is a viable position, then it's going to be 6 dropped, and I can't -- I'm not going to be able to hire 7 someone thinking they're not going to have a job in six 8 months. 9 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: What's 14-1 translated to 10 dollars and cents? 11 MS. HYDE: Not much. So, I'm going to go back down 12 to an entry-level person. 13 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: That's kind of why I'm 14 asking the question. 15 JUDGE TINLEY: Can you get someone that -- 16 MS. HYDE: Probably not. 17 JUDGE TINLEY: -- is even decently trainable for 18 that job? 19 MS. HYDE: Probably not. 20 JUDGE TINLEY: As a 14-1? 21 MS. HYDE: Not if I'm going to require some H.R. 22 experience and insurance, no. 23 JUDGE TINLEY: Well, why are we talking about a 24 14-1, then? 25 MS. HYDE: Well, because I'm worried that if I 2-28-08 35 1 can't prove that this position's needed, and they -- and we 2 whack the position, then that hurts somebody too. 3 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: At what rate of pay is your 4 part-time employee right now? 5 MS. HYDE: She's in the 17-5, 17-6 range. 6 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Somewhere between 14-1 and 7 17-5 is the answer, isn't it? 8 JUDGE TINLEY: I don't think 17-1 -- 9 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Yeah, that's too high. 10 COMMISSIONER OEHLER: 17-1? 11 COMMISSIONER LETZ: I think I'd be more -- I was 12 happy before when you said 14-1; that's why I jumped on it so 13 quick; I liked the 14. 14 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: You liked that, didn't you? 15 COMMISSIONER LETZ: I liked 14. To me, it's more, 16 I would say, a 15. 17 JUDGE TINLEY: If you hire a 14 or a 15, that's 18 what you're going to get, and it's not going to be someone 19 that's going to be able to do the job. 20 MS. HYDE: For $24,000 a year, you're not going to 21 get an H.R. -- an H.R./insurance person. 22 MS. HARGIS: Hmm-mm. 23 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Then why -- why would it be 24 recommended? 25 COMMISSIONER LETZ: What's a 15-1? 2-28-08 36 1 MS. HYDE: $24,000. 2 JUDGE TINLEY: 17-1? 3 MS. HYDE: 17-1 is $27,000. 4 JUDGE TINLEY: I think that's -- that's floor. Do 5 you think you can get somebody decent at that -- 6 MS. HYDE: I might be able to get someone from 7 Schreiner. That's what I've been trying to work on, seeing 8 if I can't get someone fresh out of school, which means 9 there's going to be some turnover until we can prove this 10 position is a viable and needed position. But right now, I 11 don't think that I've proved to the Court that this is a 12 viable or needed position. 13 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: No, I don't think that's 14 the case at all. At least -- I can't speak for the whole 15 Court; I can only speak for myself. I don't think that's the 16 case at all. My issue is whether that person, at whatever 17 the starting salary is, whether we're talking about a 18 five-shift department plus you, or an eight-shift department. 19 That's the only issue in my mind. If we're going to do it, 20 then let's set the base salary so that you can find somebody 21 to do the job. 22 MS. HYDE: If we want to set a base salary for 23 someone that can do the job, you're looking at 30,000 to 24 32,000. 25 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: On second thought... 2-28-08 37 1 (Laughter.) 17 is in the 27 range? 2 JUDGE TINLEY: Mm-hmm. 3 COMMISSIONER LETZ: I think it's far too much. I 4 think to have -- I mean, and part of my thinking is partly 5 the other part-time spot down there, too. I mean, I think 6 two 17's are too much in that department, and H.R. Director. 7 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: What's a 16 to start? What 8 is that? 9 MS. HYDE: 25. 10 COMMISSIONER LETZ: I mean, I would rather go with 11 either a 15 or a 16, and if the person has a lot of 12 experience, you can bump it up or kick it up on the -- make 13 it a 15-3. 14 MS. HYDE: Based upon experience. 15 COMMISSIONER LETZ: 3 or 4. 16 JUDGE TINLEY: Can you, again, even get them to 17 look at it at 15 or 16? 18 MS. HYDE: I don't know. I can run it and see. I 19 don't think so. I mean, -- 20 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: I don't think you'd get 21 anybody at 14, so -- 22 COMMISSIONER LETZ: No, not for that. 23 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: I clearly understand. 24 JUDGE TINLEY: I'm not sure you can get somebody at 25 17 that's really what you're looking for. 2-28-08 38 1 MS. HYDE: Most H.R. professionals have got a 2 four-year degree. 3 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Say that again? 4 MS. HYDE: Most H.R. professionals have got a 5 four-year degree, or they've got 10-plus years of experience. 6 COMMISSIONER LETZ: I have a pretty good feeling -- 7 I think you do, probably, too -- for what businesses in the 8 area pay. And I think there are businesses in the area that 9 are paying in that 25 to 30 range for -- you know, not for a 10 management position; for, you know, a spot -- someone who's 11 taking and dealing with these types of issues. I think we 12 can get there at a 15-5 or 15-3 or something -- 13 MS. HYDE: I checked with the hospital and the 14 City, Avery, Mooney, and 30 to 32 is where their range is 15 right now. 16 JUDGE TINLEY: Entry? 17 MS. HYDE: Yes, sir, starting out. 18 COMMISSIONER LETZ: I know people at Avery that are 19 under 30, and quite a bit of responsibility. So -- depends 20 on what you're asking. I mean -- 21 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Are we talking about an 22 insurance person? 23 MS. HYDE: Mm-hmm. 24 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Only? We're not talking 25 about an H.R. person? 2-28-08 39 1 MS. HYDE: Well, if you look at the job 2 description, Commissioner, I'm not -- 3 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Yeah. 4 MS. HYDE: I don't understand -- 5 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I do. 6 MS. HYDE: -- why, in the past, when we hire folks, 7 we put them in this little box and they're not cross-trained. 8 This person is going to be cross-trained in payroll just like 9 Jackie has been cross-trained in insurance, so I've got -- I 10 can have both ways here. 11 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: That makes sense. 12 MS. HYDE: And that's what -- you know, when I was 13 interviewed, and multiple times with -- you know, with y'all, 14 we don't want people that just have this one little toolbox 15 and that's all they can touch. So, I'm looking towards -- 16 you know, the County's going to continue to grow, and we need 17 people that -- that are intelligent and can do the job, and 18 can do more than just a single thing. 19 COMMISSIONER LETZ: I think you have to keep in 20 mind, though, what -- where our staffing levels are in other 21 departments. I think if -- all of a sudden, if -- you know, 22 and I'm not -- and I don't have the full book in front of me 23 right now as to whose -- you know, to look at whose -- you 24 know, I don't want to pick out names, or -- or even a 25 position. But, I mean, I think most of our employees require 2-28-08 40 1 a skill. We're looking for someone with a skill here, and it 2 can be -- may have to be taught some, but, I mean, I think 3 that we need to make sure that we're in line with -- this 4 position with other departments, whether it be in the 5 District Clerk or the Tax Assessor's office or wherever. I 6 think you just have to look at -- and maybe 17 is right, but 7 I just -- I need to look at numbers. I need to look at some 8 other jobs. 9 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Give me three numbers; 10 16-1, 16-5, 17-1. 11 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: 17-1 is 32-something. 12 MS. HYDE: 16-1 is $12.36 an hour, 25,709. 13 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: That's 16-1, 25,709? 14 MS. HYDE: Yes, sir. 15 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Is 16-5 somewhere in the 16 middle? 17 MS. HYDE: 16-5 is 28,376 -- 378. 18 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: 17-1? 32? 19 JUDGE TINLEY: 27. 20 MS. HYDE: And a 17-1? 21 JUDGE TINLEY: 17. 22 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: 17-1. 23 MS. HYDE: 27,011. 24 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Really? 25 JUDGE TINLEY: Mm-hmm. 2-28-08 41 1 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: 17-1 is less than a 16-5? 2 JUDGE TINLEY: Sure. 3 MS. HYDE: Yes, sir. 4 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: That won't work. Go up on 5 those numbers. To me, it seems it has to be somewhere around 6 16-5 if you're going to attract anybody. 7 JUDGE TINLEY: That's 28 -- about 28,5? 8 COMMISSIONER OEHLER: Well, if you get somebody, 9 say, at 28,5, and get them trained, and they could -- you 10 know, give them more responsibilities as time goes on. They 11 could climb up the ladder a little bit if they're -- if 12 they're good enough to justify it and can take on the extra 13 duties. Be kind of a training ground, a proving time for 14 somebody that would get hired. If you can get them to come 15 to work to start with. That's the key. 16 COMMISSIONER LETZ: I -- personally, I'd rather 17 start at 16-1, and make some allowance depending on the 18 qualifications of the person. Also, we can -- the County's 19 got a good package. Our benefit package is pretty darn 20 strong, and I think that counts for quite a bit. (Cell phone 21 rang.) Sorry. 22 COMMISSIONER OEHLER: At least it's not Looney 23 Tunes. 24 COMMISSIONER LETZ: That's right. 25 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: It's not mine; it's on my 2-28-08 42 1 desk. 2 MS. HYDE: If it's not off the thing, keep in mind 3 that y'all have been asking me for a job description, so this 4 is -- this is my first attempt at giving you a job 5 description. 6 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: I want to sit with you and 7 go over that. 8 MS. HYDE: Absolutely. I mean, I wouldn't expect 9 you guys to say -- but on the flip side, I think that this -- 10 this is pretty darn accurate on some of the stuff that we've 11 been doing down there, which is probably outside the scope of 12 what you thought when -- when we interviewed and things like 13 that. Is that a fair statement? 14 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Yeah, that's a very fair 15 statement. That's a magnificently fair statement. 16 JUDGE TINLEY: What was that motion you seconded, 17 Commissioner Baldwin? 18 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I don't know. I completely 19 lost track of everything. 20 JUDGE TINLEY: I see. 21 COMMISSIONER LETZ: I don't think we have a motion. 22 I think he just seconded one. 23 COMMISSIONER OEHLER: That's what I remember. 24 COMMISSIONER LETZ: I make a motion that we 25 authorize a full-time employee for Human Resource Department 2-28-08 43 1 at 16-1. 2 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: How many times do I have to 3 second it? 4 JUDGE TINLEY: Okay. We have a motion and a 5 second. Question or discussion on that motion? 6 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Discussion being, if it doesn't 7 work, come back. 8 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Well, that's a good point. 9 You know, if it evolves that you cannot attract the kind of 10 person that you need and want, then we obviously have to talk 11 to you about it. 12 JUDGE TINLEY: Further question or discussion on 13 the motion? All in favor of the motion, signify by raising 14 your right hand. 15 (The motion carried by unanimous vote.) 16 JUDGE TINLEY: All opposed, same sign. 17 (No response.) 18 JUDGE TINLEY: The motion carries. 19 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: We'll set an appointment 20 and go over the job description. 21 JUDGE TINLEY: Anything else? 22 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Judge, I would like -- I do 23 have an announcement to make. Thank you very much. A little 24 bird flew through today and was telling me about this coming 25 Saturday, and out on the courthouse lawn here, in recognition 2-28-08 44 1 of Texas Independence Day, there'll be a Toast of Texas at 2 1 o'clock. That's all I know. 3 COMMISSIONER LETZ: What are we toasting -- what 4 are we going to be toasting with? What's in the glass? 5 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: That's kind of -- that's 6 confidential information. 7 COMMISSIONER OEHLER: Probably going to be water or 8 tea. 9 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: Are we adjourned, before I 10 make my next comment? 11 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Bill, I am -- I am in the 12 middle of something here. 13 COMMISSIONER WILLIAMS: I'm sorry. 14 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: But I'm through now. 15 JUDGE TINLEY: The little bird that flew through my 16 window whispered Jose Cuervo. 17 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: 1 p.m. 18 JUDGE TINLEY: But the bird that flew through was a 19 crow, so you could expect that. 20 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Yeah. 21 JUDGE TINLEY: Anything else, gentlemen? We'll be 22 adjourned. 23 (Commissioners Court was adjourned at 4:02 p.m.) 24 - - - - - - - - - - 25 2-28-08 45 1 STATE OF TEXAS | 2 COUNTY OF KERR | 3 The above and foregoing is a true and complete 4 transcription of my stenotype notes taken in my capacity as 5 County Clerk of the Commissioners Court of Kerr County, 6 Texas, at the time and place heretofore set forth. 7 DATED at Kerrville, Texas, this 29th day of February, 8 2008. 9 10 JANNETT PIEPER, Kerr County Clerk 11 BY: _________________________________ Kathy Banik, Deputy County Clerk 12 Certified Shorthand Reporter 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2-28-08