1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 KERR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT 9 Special Session 10 Monday, December 7, 2015 11 9:00 a.m. 12 Commissioners' Courtroom 13 Kerr County Courthouse 14 Kerrville, Texas 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 PRESENT: TOM POLLARD, Kerr County Judge H. A. "BUSTER" BALDWIN, Commissioner Pct. 1 24 TOM MOSER, Commissioner Pct. 2 JONATHAN LETZ, Commissioner Pct. 3 25 BOB REEVES, Commissioner Pct. 4 2 1 I N D E X December 7, 2015 2 PAGE 3 1.1 Interview candidate(s)/applicant(s) for the court reporter position in Commissioners Court; 4 discuss and take appropriate action to make offer(s) of employment to candidate/applicant 5 selected (Executive Session) 3 6 1.2 Consider/discuss, take appropriate action regarding approval of Kerrville South Wastewater 7 System “Temporary Construction Easements” for 302 A & B Ranchero Rd. and Park Hill Apartments, 8 815 Ranchero Rd., authorize County Judge to sign 4 9 3.1 Action as may be required on matters discussed in Executive Session 7 10 --- Adjourned 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 3 1 On Monday, December 7, 2015, at 9:00 a.m., a special 2 meeting of the Kerr County Commissioners Court was held in 3 the Commissioners' Courtroom, Kerr County Courthouse, 4 Kerrville, Texas, and the following proceedings were had in 5 open court: 6 P R O C E E D I N G S 7 JUDGE POLLARD: All right. It's December the 7th, 8 Monday, and it's now 9 -- looks like about :03 or :04 a.m., 9 and the Kerr County Commissioners Court is in session. And I 10 guess we can dispose of all the normal things -- other things 11 we do, and then go to Item 1.1. 12 COMMISSIONER MOSER: Your prerogative. 13 JUDGE POLLARD: Let's go to Item 1.1; interview 14 candidates/applicants for the court reporter position in 15 Commissioners Court, and discuss and take appropriate action 16 to make offers of employment to candidates/applicants 17 selected. Now, we want to do this in closed session? 18 COMMISSIONER REEVES: Yes. 19 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Yes. 20 JUDGE POLLARD: All right. At this time, then, 21 we'll declare that this is a closed session. Commissioners 22 Court reserves the right to adjourn into executive session at 23 any time to discuss any of the above matters listed as 24 permitted by law, including if they meet the qualifications 25 of Section 551.071, 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.078 and 12-7-15 4 1 .0785, and 551.076, 551.087, of Chapter 51 of the Texas 2 Government Code. 3 (The open session was closed at 9:04 a.m., and an executive session was held, the transcript of which 4 is contained in a separate document.) 5 - - - - - - - - - - 6 JUDGE POLLARD: All right. It's 10 -- looks like 7 about :18 a.m., and we're going to recess the closed session 8 for the moment and go back into open session. At 10 o'clock, 9 there was an item on the agenda, 1.2, and we're going to call 10 that one now for consideration. Consider, discuss, and take 11 appropriate action regarding approval of the Kerrville South 12 Wastewater System temporary construction easements for 302-A 13 and -B Ranchero Road, and Park Hill Apartments, 815 Ranchero 14 Road, and authorize the County Judge to sign same. 15 Mr. Hastings. 16 MR. HASTINGS: Thank you. Judge, I believe that 17 Jody has the easements in her possession. They're temporary 18 construction easements. They allow the contractor to get 19 onto the private side and install the sewer lateral line and 20 abandon the septic tank so that these addresses that were 21 read, 302-A and -B Ranchero Road and 815 Ranchero Road, which 22 is an apartment complex, can be connected to the Kerrville 23 South basic sewer system. And we're asking that the Court 24 authorize the Judge to sign these easements so the contractor 25 can get started. 12-7-15 5 1 JUDGE POLLARD: Okay. Can we see them? 2 MS. GRINSTEAD: They're in your backup. 3 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Charlie, let me ask you 4 right quick. Those addresses that you just gave -- or the 5 Judge gave, -- 6 MR. HASTINGS: Yes, sir? 7 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: -- that's total and 8 complete? That's all of them -- 9 MR. HASTINGS: That's all of them. 10 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: -- that's involved in this 11 section? 12 MR. HASTINGS: Yes, sir. 13 COMMISSIONER MOSER: The only other thing, if 14 there's money -- 15 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Something may pop up? 16 COMMISSIONER MOSER: Well, we had people that 17 didn't get in Phase 5, so if there is money left over, we 18 could consider that. Right now, that's not in the plan. You 19 know, there were some -- some homes on Quail Valley, I think, 20 places like that, that didn't meet the deadline for some 21 reason. So -- 22 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Are you saying that your -- 23 your constituents are a little bit slower? 24 COMMISSIONER MOSER: Yeah. They live on the south 25 side of the road -- or east side. And I -- and Heather has 12-7-15 6 1 these, and they're -- I think we've had hundreds of these 2 before, so the same type of thing, Judge. Heather hasn't -- 3 hasn't said, "Yea, verily" so we could do this. 4 JUDGE POLLARD: Well, they're temporary anyway. 5 COMMISSIONER MOSER: Right. And they're very 6 temporary, right. 7 JUDGE POLLARD: So it's not a great big -- 8 COMMISSIONER MOSER: So, I move for approval. 9 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Second. 10 JUDGE POLLARD: All right. Is there any further 11 discussion? If not, there's a motion to approve the 12 temporary construction easements for 302-A and -B Ranchero 13 and the Park Hill Apartments, 815 Ranchero, and authorize the 14 County Judge to sign same. Is that the motion? 15 COMMISSIONER MOSER: That's it. 16 JUDGE POLLARD: All right. There being no further 17 discussion, those in favor, signify by raising your right 18 hand. 19 (The motion carried by unanimous vote, 4-0.) 20 JUDGE POLLARD: It's 4-0, unanimous. Thank you, 21 sir. 22 MR. HASTINGS: Thank you, Judge. 23 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Hey, Charlie, are you going to 24 be around your office at 11 o'clock? 25 MR. HASTINGS: I can be. I'll be there. 12-7-15 7 1 COMMISSIONER LETZ: See you then. 2 MR. HASTINGS: Thank you. 3 COMMISSIONER MOSER: Thanks, Charlie. 4 JUDGE POLLARD: Okay, we're going to go back into 5 closed session now. We had recessed it. 6 (The open session was closed at 10:20 a.m., and an executive session was held, the transcript of which 7 is contained in a separate document.) 8 - - - - - - - - - - 9 (Open session resumed at 10:55 a.m.) 10 JUDGE POLLARD: Okay, I guess we're back in open 11 session. At this time, is there any -- are there any 12 motions? 13 COMMISSIONER LETZ: I'll make a motion that we 14 offer a position to Debra Gifford of court reporter, 15 full-time position, at $65,000 a year. 16 COMMISSIONER REEVES: Plus appropriate -- 17 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Plus benefits. 18 JUDGE POLLARD: Plus benefits. 19 COMMISSIONER REEVES: I will second that motion. 20 COMMISSIONER MOSER: And beginning January 1st? 21 COMMISSIONER LETZ: January 1st. 22 COMMISSIONER REEVES: Correct. 23 JUDGE POLLARD: All right. It's been moved that we 24 offer the full-time job to Debra Gifford beginning January 25 1st at the rate of $65,000 plus benefits. Any further 12-7-15 8 1 discussion? 2 COMMISSIONER LETZ: And just to clarify, in the 3 previous budget there was a stipend. There's no stipend. 4 That's for all -- for the airport, commissioners court, and 5 all the other jobs. 6 COMMISSIONER MOSER: But within 40 hours a week. 7 JUDGE POLLARD: All inclusive of the $65,000. 8 COMMISSIONER MOSER: All within 40 hours. 9 COMMISSIONER LETZ: That includes transcription 10 and -- 11 JUDGE POLLARD: Okay. 12 COMMISSIONER REEVES: All matters pertaining to the 13 job. 14 COMMISSIONER LETZ: All matters. 15 JUDGE POLLARD: Any further discussion? If not, 16 those in favor of the motion, signify by raising your right 17 hand. 18 (The motion carried by unanimous vote, 4-0.) 19 JUDGE POLLARD: It's 4-0, unanimous. 20 MS. LANTZ: Only thing, the 1st is a holiday, and I 21 need to have her in the first day of employment because of 22 the reporting stuff that we have to do. 23 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Can she come in before and date 24 it the 1st? 25 MS. LANTZ: We can get her in on the 31st. 12-7-15 9 1 COMMISSIONER REEVES: Do you need to be employed on 2 the 31st? Is that what you're saying, Ms. Lantz? 3 MS. LANTZ: No, we just have -- there's certain 4 guidelines we have to do with reporting for I.C.E. 5 COMMISSIONER MOSER: So, what is the requirement? 6 MS. LANTZ: The same day they're employed, they 7 have to fill out the paperwork. Because the 1st is a 8 holiday. We usually don't bring anybody on a holiday. 9 COMMISSIONER MOSER: Okay. So, what is your 10 recommendation? 11 MS. LANTZ: We can see them on the 31st and they 12 can start on the 31st, or they can start the following 13 Monday. 14 COMMISSIONER MOSER: Okay. 15 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Come in the following 16 Monday. 17 JUDGE POLLARD: What do you prefer? 18 MS. GIFFORD: The 31st. That will be fine with me. 19 JUDGE POLLARD: So be it. 20 COMMISSIONER MOSER: So be it. 21 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: That's New Year's Eve. 22 MS. GIFFORD: That is Thursday. 23 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I can't help that. I don't 24 set the calendars, lady. (Laughter.) 25 COMMISSIONER MOSER: Okay. Thursday, the 31st? 12-7-15 10 1 MS. GIFFORD: Yes. 2 COMMISSIONER MOSER: There you go. 3 JUDGE POLLARD: All right. Is there anything 4 further for open session? 5 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Judge, we ought to amend the 6 motion just to start December 31st. 7 COMMISSIONER MOSER: Right. 8 JUDGE POLLARD: Okay. 9 COMMISSIONER REEVES: Second that. 10 JUDGE POLLARD: It's been moved and seconded that 11 H.R. -- is H.R. listening? We'll amend the motion to so 12 reflect that, okay? Is there any further discussion on that 13 motion? Those in favor, signify by raising your right hand. 14 (The motion carried by unanimous vote, 4-0.) 15 JUDGE POLLARD: It's 4-0, unanimous. Thank you. 16 COMMISSIONER MOSER: Thank you. Congratulations. 17 JUDGE POLLARD: If there's nothing else in the open 18 session, we're adjourned. 19 (Commissioners Court adjourned at 10:59 a.m.) 20 - - - - - - - - - - 21 22 23 24 25 12-7-15 11 1 STATE OF TEXAS | 2 COUNTY OF KERR | 3 The above and foregoing is a true and complete 4 transcription of my stenotype notes taken in my capacity as 5 official reporter for the Commissioners Court of Kerr County, 6 Texas, at the time and place heretofore set forth. 7 DATED at Kerrville, Texas, this 7th day of December, 8 2015. 9 10 REBECCA BOLIN, Kerr County Clerk 11 BY: _________________________________ Kathy Banik, Deputy County Clerk 12 Certified Shorthand Reporter 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 12-7-15