1 1 2 3 4 5 6 KERR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT 7 Regular Session 8 Monday, January 11, 2016 9 9:00 a.m. 10 Commissioners' Courtroom 11 Kerr County Courthouse 12 Kerrville, Texas 78028 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 PRESENT: TOM POLLARD, Kerr County Judge H. A. "BUSTER" BALDWIN, Commissioner Pct. 1 24 TOM MOSER, Commissioner Pct. 2 JONATHAN LETZ, Commissioner Pct. 3 25 BOB REEVES, Commissioner Pct. 4 2 1 I-N-D-E-X 2 PAGE 3 *** Commissioners' Comments 5 4 1.1 Consider, discuss and take appropriate 9 action regarding possible upgrade to the 5 security system at the courthouse; security presentation by Ralph Price with SecureTech 6 Systems, Inc. 7 1.2 Consider, discuss and take appropriate 19 action to authorize Nelson Lewis 8 Construction Company to close Quail Valley Road at the intersection of Ranchero Road 9 for installation of a wastewater main for the Kerrville South Wastewater Project 10 Phase VI from 1/18/2016-1-22-2016, Precincts 1 and 2. 11 1.3 Consider, discuss and take appropriate 23 12 action on revision of the Kerr county Juvenile Detention Facility Policy and 13 Procedure Manual. 14 1.4 Consider, discuss and take appropriate 25 action on receipt of a 2004 Ford from the 15 Kerr County Juvenile Board and determine the best use of the vehicle. 16 1.5 Report from the Hill Country District 27 17 Junior Livestock Show Association regarding upcoming event. 18 1.6 Consider, discuss and take appropriate 32 19 action to approve Resolution to authorize procurement for consultant services to 20 administer the County's awarded 2015 Texas CDBG Colonia Construction Fund Project 21 Contract #7215045, Center Point/East Kerr Wastewater Project. 22 1.7 Consider, discuss and take appropriate 34 23 action to authorize County Judge to sign documents related to execution of the 2015 24 Texas CDBG Colonia Construction Fund Project Contract #7215045, Center Point/East Kerr 25 Wastewater Project. 3 1 I-N-D-E-X 2 PAGE 3 1.8 Consider, discuss and take appropriate 36 action to submit an amendment request, 4 Change Order Number 1, Environmental Reevaluation, and Amendment 1 to engineering 5 contract to Texas Department of Agriculture for Texas Community Development Block Grant 6 Project 7214025, Kerrville South Wastewater Project, Phase VI, Precincts 1 and 2. 7 1.9 Update regarding Kerr County Market Days 38 8 and the Hill Country Swap Meet. 9 1.10 Consider, discuss and take appropriate 41 action to fill one vacant/budgeted position 10 in the Maintenance Department. 11 1.11 Consider, discuss and take appropriate 42 action to replace fire alarm system at the 12 courthouse. 13 1.12 Consider, discuss and take appropriate 46 14 action on improvements to concession stand at the Hill Country Youth Event Center. 15 1.13 Consider, discuss and take appropriate 48 16 action to designate Commissioners' and Judge's liaison appointments for various 17 functions for calendar year 2016. 18 1.15 Consider, discuss and take appropriate 50 action on Resolution regarding Gravel 19 Quarries in Kerr County. 20 1.16 Consider, discuss and take appropriate 62 action to appoint/reappoint members to 21 the ESD #2 Board. 22 1.17 Consider, discuss and take appropriate 63 action to file a request for Kerr County 23 pro rata distribution of proceeds from the Tobacco Settlement Permanent Trust Account. 24 25 4 1 I-N-D-E-X 2 PAGE 3 1.18 Consider, discuss and take appropriate 64 action to reconsider Court Order #35371 4 regarding the Rural Project Plan under consideration by the Texas Department of 5 Transportation. 6 4.1 Pay bills. 70 7 4.2 Budget Amendments. 70 8 4.3 Late bills. 71 9 4.4 Approve and accept Monthly Reports. 71 10 3.1 Action Agenda. 72 11 *** Adjourned 74 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 5 1 On Monday, January 11, 2016, at 9:00 a.m. 2 a regular meeting of the Kerr County Commissioners' 3 Court was held in the Commissioners' Courtroom, Kerr 4 County Courthouse, Kerrville, Texas, and the following 5 proceedings were had in open court: 6 P-R-O-C-E-E-D-I-N-G-S 7 THE COURT: Okay, it's Monday, January 8 the 11th, 2016, and Kerr County Commissioners' Court is 9 in session. Hey, is this mike effective out there? 10 AUDIENCE: Yes, yes. 11 THE COURT: A new mike so everybody can 12 hear what we're whispering up here. Good. 13 Okay. Commissioner Moser will lead us 14 in the prayer and the pledge. 15 (Prayer and pledge of allegiance.) 16 THE COURT: Okay. This is the part of 17 the agenda that is for the public. Anybody wishing to 18 come forward and speak on something that is not on the 19 agenda, then step up to the podium, state your name and 20 address, and please limit your talk to three minutes. 21 Is there anyone? There being none, we 22 go to the next part, which is the commissioners and/or 23 the County Judge may use this time to recognize 24 achievements of persons in their precincts, or to make 25 comments or matters not listed on the regular agenda. 6 1 We'll start with Precinct 1, Commissioner 2 Baldwin. 3 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Yes, Sir. I do have 4 one item here I want bring up, and I do this on a 5 regular basis about our Collections Department. You 6 know, government is on a day to day basis, is always 7 concerned and working on the spending side of the 8 monies, and we have a collections department here that 9 has -- when a Judge assesses a fine to someone, a lot of 10 times they walk out the door, and we never see a nickel 11 of it. But our collections people have kind of rolled 12 up their sleeves, and the judges have gotten behind 13 them, and law enforcement's behind them, and has gone 14 out and collects those fines and fees for us. 15 And I have a report here from just this last 16 year, the District Court's collections include 2014, 17 collected four hundred thousand dollars, and this last 18 year they collected 415,697 dollars. That's a lot of 19 money, fellows. And so I guess they're not in here, but 20 we'll at some point we're going to put our arms around 21 them and thank them for their hard work, because this is 22 a -- really a big deal. And just asking this Court to 23 please focus on this, and if there's any way we can 24 enhance this program we need to do that. 25 Also, on this there's a note, handwritten 7 1 note here from Judge Emerson that says, and it's to us, 2 it says just a note to praise the diligence of Teri 3 Lyle. Please note 3 -- 3.86 increase in the County 4 comparison. So anyway, it's a good deal. And I want to 5 say thank you to them, and we need to really get this 6 thing going. 7 THE COURT: So that's almost a four percent 8 increase. 9 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Yes, Sir, it is. 10 THE COURT: Okay, sounds good. Anything 11 else? 12 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: No, Sir. Thank you. 13 THE COURT: Mr. Moser. 14 COMMISSIONER MOSER: Yeah. It's on the 15 agenda, but the only thing I have is a lot of citizens 16 in Precinct 2, are very interested I'll put it that way, 17 in the authorities going -- continuing going along the 18 Guadalupe River. And I know there are some things 19 that'll happen in the state that do not happen here that 20 I think -- but we'll discuss that later. But there's 21 just a lot a lot of interest in that. 22 THE COURT: Okay. Commissioner Letz. 23 COMMISSIONER LETZ: I'll just add one thing 24 to what Commissioner Baldwin said about the collections 25 department. One thing he didn't mention was that Kerr 8 1 County is still one of the leading counties in the 2 amount of collection. If you look at other counties 3 about our size, I don't know what they do, but they just 4 let their money just sit out there; we don't do that. 5 And this all goes back to a gentleman who came to us ten 6 years ago, I guess, or so and wanted to create a 7 collections department, and got us moving. And then 8 it's moved on forward, and still is and we're going to 9 do the same thing down there. 10 The only other thing is stock show time. 11 School shows from this past weekend, good turn out 12 there. But fun time of year. 13 COMMISSIONER REEVES: The only comment I got 14 as far as stock show because Mr. Bollier is here, but 15 don't forget Friday morning, courthouse grounds, cowboy 16 breakfast, and be number one on the cowchip toss event. 17 You got the reputation to uphold, Commissioner Baldwin. 18 MR. BALDWIN: I'll bet the trophy stays in 19 this courthouse. We won't let them have it if they win 20 it or not. 21 MR. MOSER: I saw Counselwoman White 22 practicing. 23 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Oh, did you? 24 AUDIENCE: I'm bringing my white gloves. 25 THE COURT: I did want to mention if you 9 1 had trouble finding a parking place this morning it's 2 just Judge Harris in County Court at Law is up there 3 borrowing courtroom number two, I believe it is, and 4 she's trying a CPS case up there, and they -- the jury 5 panel had a really good turnout for a change, and the 6 courtroom is busting at the seams. There are a lot of 7 folks up there, and that's why you had trouble finding a 8 parking place. 9 Okay, let's go to Item Number 1.1 on the 10 agenda. Consider, discuss and take appropriate action 11 regarding possible upgrade to the security system at the 12 courthouse; security presentation by Ralph Price with 13 SecureTech Systems. Mr. Price. 14 MR. PRICE: Yes, Sir. First off I'd like to 15 thank y'all for your time. Excuse me, I'm coming down 16 with a cold. First off let me tell you a little bit 17 about myself and the company. Again by name's Ralph 18 Price and as you can see I'm not your typical 25-year 19 old salesman trying to sell the County something it may 20 not need or may need. I'm actually a retired chief of 21 police in this great State of Texas, and the company 22 hired me to go around to Commissioners' Courts just like 23 this to upgrade the system. 24 SecureTech has been around for about 25 25 years, they're based in Irving. Their manufacturer of 10 1 the system itself is actually in Richardson, Texas, so 2 they are definitely a Texas-base homegrown company. 3 I got involved with them when I bought this 4 system for my police department, and when I've decided 5 to retire, they called me and said we have a project if 6 you feel that you need to do something. So that's why 7 I'm in front of y'all doing this presentation. 8 THE COURT: Which department were you? 9 MR. PRICE: Argyle. 10 THE COURT: Okay. 11 MR. PRICE: Now whether the commissioners 12 know or some of them know, I go to these -- this is 13 about my 25th Commissioners' Court, and you'd be 14 surprised what you have here in the courthouse are the 15 panic buttons that go directly to the sheriff and his 16 personnel's radios. What that does for you is it's an 17 instant connect. What used to take minutes, now takes 18 about two to three seconds before law enforcement is 19 informed that there's a problem. 20 What you have or whether you may -- you may 21 know this or may not, you've actually been our customer 22 for over a decade. The system though that you have in 23 place now is just old and antiquated, and that's why I'm 24 in front of all of y'all right now. 25 In 2014 they come up with a new WAVE system. 11 1 And I could probably talk about the system for an hour, 2 but I'm only going to hit a few of the high points and 3 then I'll let you ask me some questions. Some of the 4 improvements that they've made to the system -- of 5 course it's all technology driven. 6 Back when y'all had your first system 7 installed here, you know, it was top of the line, state 8 of the art system. That being said, technology's grown 9 so much in the last ten years you can understand why 10 that's antiquated now. 11 A couple of new features on the new system 12 that everybody will like is the texting and the 13 e-mailing portion. So now when you hit the button, it 14 not only goes to law enforcement, but everyone in the 15 building would get an e-mail letting them know that 16 there's a problem, where that problem is, and there 17 probably be some kind of statement on that e-mail 18 saying, you know, lock your doors, shut your lights out, 19 don't come out until you get the all clear. 20 What had happened in the past is if there is 21 a problem somewhere in the courthouse you hit the 22 button, the Sheriff and all of his men know that there's 23 a problem, but the county clerk's office don't -- didn't 24 know. So what would happen is either the problem 25 wherever it may be, could go from that down to the other 12 1 office, to the clerk's office, or wherever in the 2 building, and they wouldn't know what was going on. Or 3 someone from the building could walk into the problem 4 itself. So now with the instant e-mailing feature takes 5 care of some of your emergency management for the 6 building itself. 7 So the texting the Sheriff and the 8 commissioners will all like that, too, because even 9 myself as a law enforcement officer, sometimes I'd leave 10 my radio at my desk, but what I always would have was my 11 phone, so now they have another way of getting the 12 information. It's not only going out over the radio, it 13 is actually being texted to the phone numbers that the 14 commissioners wish to be texted. 15 Just a couple more of the other features 16 that I think are important on this is the reliability 17 factor of the new system. With technology being as it 18 is, they've added these new smart buttons. We change 19 out all your buttons. We call them smart buttons 20 because they communicate now with the system itself. 21 In the past we've had problems with after a 22 few years of people not changing the batteries. And 23 then we get a call the system's not working, go down and 24 find out it just needed a battery change. Now with the 25 new buttons, the buttons themselves will text the system 13 1 administrator, whoever the Judge appoints over the 2 system, and it will tell that person hey I need a 3 battery. A text would come out and it would say battery 4 low, button three, courtroom one. So you never have to 5 worry about changing the batteries, it'll actually tell 6 you when they need to be changed. 7 Now, with all that being said these new 8 buttons are more reliable, and don't get me started on 9 all this IT stuff, because I'm not an IT guy, but they 10 tell me these 900 megahertz buttons are more reliable 11 than the old buttons, and they have a further range on 12 them also. 13 Some other features that come with the 14 system is we take calls that the system is down and we 15 would go to the County that called us, and we would find 16 that someone had unplugged the system. The system 17 itself has a day and a half battery backup, so if the 18 power goes out, you have a day and a half before the 19 system actually goes down. Hopefully the problem's 20 taken care of in that day and a half period. 21 But with that being said, if the old system 22 got unplugged because a lot of times it's in a closet or 23 office and someone's cleaning up, after a day and a half 24 it goes dead, so we go down there and sure enough it was 25 unplugged. But now the system is smart enough to know 14 1 when it's unplugged or has power loss and it's going to 2 text the system administrator and let them know 3 immediately if it loses power. So he knows one or two 4 things has happened to the system right then, either the 5 courthouse has lost power, which he should be aware of, 6 or the power's on and he gets that text message that he 7 knows to go to the system and check to see what the 8 problem is, why somebody would have unplugged it. 9 And I know that sounds farfetched, but it 10 has happened quite a few times, because the old system, 11 like I said, it's usually put in a closet somewhere. 12 I've found them in offices. Amarillo has there's in the 13 break room of the upstairs portion of their building. 14 So wherever it's at that's just part of it. 15 Again, I've given you the handouts. There's 16 so much more that this system does, but I'm going to 17 open it up for the questions to the commissioners. Yes. 18 COMMISSIONER MOSER: So I've got some 19 questions. 20 MR. PRICE: Yes, Sir. 21 COMMISSIONER MOSER: First of all, a 22 question and short answer for the Sheriff. Do we have 23 problems with our existing system? 24 SHERIFF HEIRHOLZER: No. 25 COMMISSIONER MOSER: Second thing is, I'm a 15 1 strong believer in better's plenty good. If we've got 2 something that's good we're going to make it better. 3 Okay, and I believe in advancing technology, sounds 4 really great what you have here. But I look at your 5 handout, there's a lot of systems involved. There's 6 a -- there's a relay circuit board, there's all kinds of 7 transmitting systems. There's a security building 8 automated system. 9 So I have a couple of questions. What if 10 this system were to go down, which it will, okay, how do 11 we get service for this, who do we call? 12 MR. PRICE: You -- we are the company. 13 COMMISSIONER MOSER: Yeah, I know, but where 14 are you? 15 MR. PRICE: We're in Irving, Texas. 16 COMMISSIONER MOSER: Oh, but that's a long 17 way away? 18 MR. PRICE: I -- 19 MR. MOSER: The system we have is pretty 20 simple, okay. So if we -- and the second thing I have 21 is how long has this system been in operation? 22 MR. PRICE: Ten years. 23 COMMISSIONER MOSER: Oh, I didn't hear. 24 MR. PRICE: Ten years. 25 COMMISSIONER MOSER: Ten years. 16 1 MR. PRICE: And Commissioner, I understand 2 your question -- 3 COMMISSIONER MOSER: I haven't finished yet. 4 MR. PRICE: Oh, okay. 5 COMMISSIONER MOSER: Another question is, 6 you mention reliability, and there's something called 7 availability. That means when we need a system to be 8 available to be working, what percentage of the time is 9 it available to work reliably? And so do you have a 10 number for that? 11 MR. PRICE: For the buttons themselves? 12 COMMISSIONER MOSER: For the availability of 13 the system. If a hundred percent means you just are -- 14 you know it's going to work at all times. Now, most 15 systems don't have a hundred percent availability to 16 work. Your television set doesn't, your automobile 17 doesn't. Nothing that we have really has a hundred 18 percent availability to be operational at all times. 19 Does your system or do the manufacturer of your system 20 have any number or availability of the system to be 21 effective and operable? And if you don't know it's 22 okay, just say you don't know. Okay. 23 MR. PRICE: Okay. 24 COMMISSIONER MOSER: Okay. 25 MR. PRICE: You asked me about three 17 1 questions there. 2 COMMISSIONER MOSER: No; I just asked about 3 availability. 4 MR. PRICE: Okay, availability, I don't have 5 it, I don't have a percentage. 6 COMMISSIONER MOSER: Okay. You answered 7 that question. What's the cost? 8 MR. PRICE: The Judge has the cost there. 9 There's a -- there's a proposal in there for the system. 10 COMMISSIONER MOSER: Okay. 11 MR. PRICE: And if you'd like me to answer 12 some of the questions that you were asking at the very 13 first. I understand. Like I said this is not my first 14 rodeo, standing in front of the commissioners trying to 15 get them to buy something that is working right now. 16 Here's the problem, and I usually don't tell 17 them -- tell the commissioners this unless I'm asked 18 directly. The old system and we could go all look at it 19 right now, if everyone in here on this front panel here 20 is old enough to remember what a ceramic capacitor is, 21 that's what that old system has in it, ceramic 22 capacitor, that's what the old system has in it. They 23 do not make ceramic capacitors anymore. 24 So that is why when the system goes down, 25 and it will go down, because there's some kind of 18 1 degradation in ceramic capacitors. We already knew 2 this, that's why they came up with the new system. And 3 when that system does go down we cannot fix the system. 4 So at that time you're forced to either get rid of 5 SecureTech who you've had as a customer for years, or do 6 the upgrade anyway. 7 The best way that myself can put it to the 8 commissioners and the Judge, even so I can understand 9 it, that's not a tech, but there's people in here right 10 now that have flip phones. That flip phone works great, 11 and it does what it's supposed to do, make phone calls. 12 But it does that right up until the time that you pick 13 it up, and you dial it and it doesn't work any longer. 14 Well once that happens, no one can fix your flip phone. 15 That means you gotta go buy a new one. Hopefully the 16 time that you are picking that phone up to make that 17 call it's not to 911 emergency, and now your flip phone 18 doesn't work. That's what we do not want to see in our 19 customers. 20 Your system is more than ten years old. I 21 believe its about 12 or 13 years old. It's time to 22 upgrade the system. We do not want something to happen 23 here in your County and you push that button, and 24 realize that the system has gone down. It's just old, 25 that's all there are is. There's probably not a 19 1 computer in this building right now that is 12 years 2 old, and there's a reason for that. And that's why I 3 stand before commissioners. 4 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Can we move this along a 5 little bit. I appreciate the presentation. 6 THE COURT: This Court's going to rely on 7 the Sheriff. He's in my mind part of the courthouse 8 security. I, you know, suggest you visit with him 9 outside of this meeting. If he thinks it's an 10 appropriate thing that we should pursue he'll request it 11 in our budget, and that's going to be our process. 12 MR. PRICE: Okay. 13 THE COURT: Just for the record, the cost 14 that you indicated was $14,125.00. 15 MR. PRICE: Yes. 16 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Thank you. 17 THE COURT: Thank you very much. 18 MR. PRICE: Is the Sheriff here today? 19 Sheriff, do you have a few minutes to talk to me? 20 SHERIFF HEIRHOLZER: Not right now. 21 MR. PRICE: Thank y'all very much. 22 THE COURT: Uh-huh. Thank you. 23 We'll go to item 1.2. Consider, discuss 24 and take appropriate action to authorize Nelson Lewis 25 Construction Company to close Quail Valley Road at the 20 1 intersection of Ranchero Road for installation of a 2 wastewater main for the Kerrville South Wastewater 3 Project Phase VI from 1-18-2016 to 1-22-2016. 4 MR. HASTINGS: Thank you. Nelson Lewis was 5 awarded the contract a few months ago, and the beginning 6 of this construction is going to be the installation of 7 the sewer under Ranchero Road. They're requesting to 8 close Quail Valley at its intersection with Ranchero 9 Road for about a week, from the 18th through the 22nd, 10 next week, in Precincts 1 and 2. 11 They do have a letter that I received this 12 morning from the manager of the Mini Mart there, and 13 what they'd like to do is while it's closed right there 14 at the intersection is to divert traffic through the 15 parking lot of Mini Mart. 16 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Are you saying that 17 Mini Mart wrote you a letter and they okayed that? 18 MR. HASTINGS: Nelson Lewis typed up a form 19 letter for them and they signed it saying they were okay 20 with it, yes, Sir. 21 THE COURT: Providing they stop and buy a 22 six pack of cokes or something on the way. 23 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Be their only way out 24 is the parking lot of the grocery store. 25 COMMISSIONER MOSER: So I move that we allow 21 1 that. And especially since the Mini Mart and Fritz 2 Corporation, whatever their name is, Mini Mart 3 Corporation, has agreed to that. And as far as for a 4 short period of time, and that we make sure that we 5 notify all the residents in that area that that's going 6 to be done. 7 MR. HASTINGS: Yes. 8 THE COURT: And how will that be done? 9 MR. HASTINGS: That will be done by door 10 hangers. 11 COMMISSIONER MOSER: Okay. All right for 12 everybody along Quail Valley? 13 MR. HASTINGS: Yes, Sir. 14 COMMISSIONER MOSER: Okay. 15 THE COURT: Is there a second? 16 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I'll second it. 17 COMMISSIONER LETZ: I have a question. 18 THE COURT: Yes, go ahead. 19 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Where is Quail Valley in 20 relation to Nimitz. 21 MR. HASTINGS: It's a block or two. 22 SHERIFF HEIRHOLZER: Past. 23 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Past. 24 MR. HASTINGS: Yes, Sir. 25 COMMISSIONER LETZ: I mean that's my biggest 22 1 concern is, you know, the school traffic in Nimitz. I 2 don't know if there's something they can do before and 3 after, during that period to facilitate this. I mean if 4 it needs to be done it needs to be done, but we also 5 need to coordinate with KISD to let them know what we're 6 going to do, because I think that's a busy road. And if 7 it's that close to Nimitz there will be kids walking and 8 things going on, we really need to take care of that. 9 MR. HASTINGS: And I coordinated last week 10 with KISD transportation. My concern was buses. And 11 they don't send -- because Quail Valley is a dead-end 12 road, a cul-de-sac, they avoid sending a full-size bus 13 down that road to collect anybody. But they indicated 14 it would not be a problem, they appreciated the heads 15 up. 16 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Okay, thank you. 17 THE COURT: All right. It's been moved and 18 seconded that the -- close that portion of, I guess it's 19 Ranchero Road, Quail Valley, near Ranchero -- all of 20 Ranchero Road from January 18th, 2016 through January 21 22nd, 2016. Is there any further discussion? 22 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Let me ask you this, 23 Charlie, what if those -- what if they run into bad 24 weather and things happen to where we have to run over 25 that time frame? Are we going to be able to -- you 23 1 going to come back and talk to the commissioners about 2 it or -- 3 MR. HASTINGS: If we got into some really 4 bad weather that for some reason it will cause a delay 5 for any reason at all, I'd be on the phone with both 6 commissioners as soon as possible and let you know. 7 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Okay. 8 THE COURT: Any further comments or 9 questions or discussion? There being none, those in 10 favor of the motion signify by raising your right hand. 11 It's four zero, unanimous. All right. 12 1.3, consider, discuss and take appropriate 13 action on revision of the Kerr County Juvenile Detention 14 Facility Policy and Procedure Manual. Mr. Davis. 15 MR. DAVIS: Good morning, Your Honor, 16 Commissioners, these are changes that are recommended by 17 the TJJD, they're changes in standard. We're merely 18 incorporating the changes in standard of the State 19 statute into our policy procedure manual. They have 20 been approved -- reviewed and approved by the County 21 Attorney. And in answer to your questions, I would ask 22 for approval of the amendments to the policy and 23 procedure manual. 24 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I move for approval. 25 COMMISSIONER MOSER: Second. 24 1 THE COURT: Moved and seconded for approval 2 of revisions to the Kerr County Juvenile Detention 3 Facility Policy and Procedure Manual. And is there any 4 further discussion, comments or questions? 5 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I have a question. 6 It seems like we see you every week with something like 7 this. Does the State not make their -- put out a new 8 policy book once a year, or is this a continual thing? 9 How does that work? 10 MR. DAVIS: A few elements in play. One, to 11 answer your question, no, they do not give us a sample 12 policy book at all. The policy procedures are developed 13 based on the standards set by TJJD. Now those standards 14 traditionally had changed once a year. Now they're 15 changing them at least twice a year. So that's going to 16 be an increase from one change policy procedure to two 17 for their -- for their part. 18 We also are in the process, as you may 19 recall, of incorporating the prior policy and procedures 20 into this manual as those are updated and as we are able 21 to have those incorporated. You're going to see those 22 come in, that would be the second thing. 23 The third thing is, obviously, any in-house 24 change that we're recommending to our policy procedure 25 that's why you're seeing many more changes in policy and 25 1 procedure. You'll see me on those issues much more 2 often. 3 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Thank you. 4 MR. DAVIS: Thank you. 5 THE COURT: Any further comments or 6 questions? There being none those in favor of the 7 motion signify by raising your right hand. It's four 8 zero, unanimous. 9 Item 1.4, consider and discuss and take 10 appropriate action on receipt of a 2004 Ford from the 11 Kerr County Juvenile Board and determine the best use of 12 that vehicle. Mr. Davis. 13 MR. DAVIS: Judge, in December last year the 14 juvenile board returned this vehicle, it is a 2004 Ford 15 police interceptor. After purchasing a new vehicle 16 returned this vehicle back to the County for the 17 County's uses or its disposal of, however the County 18 sees fit. I can tell you the vehicle has a hundred and 19 thirty-three dollars -- miles on it. It is in fact a 20 police receptor. It does have a cage and a camera 21 system in it. 22 The vehicle's a vehicle that is still an 23 operational vehicle that I can say is a good vehicle for 24 the most part. The issue that we had with it is we do 25 not feel comfortable transporting juveniles out of 26 1 county with the vehicle. As far as in-county use, I 2 feel very comfortable and confident with this vehicle. 3 And then we'd represent to this Court that I believe 4 it's a safe vehicle. 5 It's just something we have no -- to 6 transport -- a juvenile probation officer to 7 transporting a child some big distance. I was not 8 comfortable with that. I think it's a good vehicle, and 9 what the trade-in value is I have no idea. But it could 10 be utilized possibly by the Sheriff or some other 11 office. 12 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Move for approval. 13 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Second. 14 THE COURT: Moved and seconded for approval 15 of the receipt of a 2004 Ford from the Kerr County 16 Juvenile Board. Any further discussion or comments or 17 questions? 18 COMMISSIONER REEVES: Commissioners, your 19 motion is to just accept the vehicle and then we'll 20 determine what the -- 21 COMMISSIONER BALDIN: That's correct. 22 COMMISSIONER REEVES: -- to put it at a 23 later date. 24 COMMISSIONER: I understand that the agenda 25 refers to determine the best use of the vehicle. I 27 1 don't care one way or the other. 2 SHERIFF HEIRHOLZER: I think it's something 3 that Jason and I could visit with, it's possibly one I 4 could use for an investigator, or it's possibly one he 5 could use, but I'd rather visit with Jason about it, and 6 see the vehicle and see what y'all want to do later. 7 THE COURT: So just accept it and you see 8 how it works for you. All right. Any further questions 9 or comments? All those in favor signify by raising your 10 right hand. It's four zero, unanimous. 11 MR. DAVIS: Thank you. 12 THE COURT: All right. Let's go to 1.5, 13 report from the Hill Country District Junior Livestock 14 Show Association regarding upcoming events. Mr. Bauer. 15 MR. BAUER: Good morning, gentlemen. It's 16 good to see y'all this morning. Appreciate the 17 opportunity to come before you as president of the Hill 18 Country District Junior Livestock Show and kind of give 19 you an, I guess, a state of the union address that we do 20 every year. 21 But it's that time of year, so I advise you 22 to dig out your warm clothes, we haven't had much of a 23 winter yet but you do know during the week of stock show 24 it's generally as Commissioner Reeves who's referred to 25 last year the perfect storm all the time. I've tried to 28 1 encourage him from using that term, but it's liable to 2 be a little cold. 3 But we're exited, we'll have the 72nd annal 4 Hill Country District Junior Livestock Show beginning on 5 January the 17th and running through the 23rd, so we're 6 running that full week again. Continuing to grow and 7 get stronger as we go along. 8 Schedule, we start Sunday, we move in gilts 9 and angora goats, we show them on Monday. Tuesday we 10 have the Ag Mech. Wednesday we have the breeding sheep 11 show. Thursday's our county shows. Friday is the 12 district show, and Saturday is the pay off for the kids, 13 and this is our big sale. 14 So anytime during that week we encourage you 15 to come out, watch these youth, not only just from Kerr 16 County, but from 33 surrounding counties. These are 17 topnotch kids. 18 Many of you have been there before, you've 19 seen them, a great bunch of kids. We're always proud 20 and what I tell the people is watching them walk into 21 that ring. I was told a story from one of the school 22 shows this weekend, a young man probably about a second 23 grader, received a second place ribbon and just went to 24 arm pumping, was excited he got something, that's the 25 payoff. 29 1 These kids are our future in agriculture, 2 our leaders down the road, so come out and support them 3 if you can. 4 Our County entries this year, we have 610 5 entries. It's about stable of where it's been. I think 6 we're all four entries from that. Our District entries, 7 we have 3,193 total entries, all those done by about 8 1300 exhibitors. This year we've added an additional 9 stage show -- 10 THE COURT: Up or down? 11 A. I'm sorry. District is up about two hundred plus 12 entries, so that's where our growth has been. Some of 13 that coming from the fact that we did add another 14 state -- another statewide show. We have three 15 statewide shows now. The angora goats, the ag 16 mechanics, and this year we added the breeding sheep. 17 They are now all statewide shows. So we've seen some 18 increases there. 19 Last year for the first time we were able to 20 invite venders to show their wares and sell and so forth 21 in the event center. This year, that continues to grow. 22 We have 27 as of Saturday night. And we're still 23 getting more in this week. So that venue will be a lot 24 fuller, a lot busier as well. So we're glad to see that 25 aspect of the show grow as we continue. 30 1 All this is, we've said before, is done 2 through volunteer help. Volunteer hours have been 3 stacked up pretty good. I know we pretty well got pens 4 set up in record time this year. We called in schools 5 and Ag teachers and a couple of businesses, and their 6 work forces for a few days, and all the pens and 7 everything are set up. We've worked closely with Jake, 8 we appreciate what he's done, had a little input, he's 9 watching and learning and we look forward to continuing 10 that relationship and growing relationship with him as 11 well. 12 We want to thank the Road and Bridge 13 Department and the Maintenance Department. Tim's guys 14 as well, they've helped again, and will continue to help 15 through the show. We appreciate what they do. And 16 commissioners and Judge, we appreciate y'all's support. 17 We know that what we do is not possible without your 18 support and your efforts as well. 19 So again, we invite you to come out, watch 20 these kids, come back and visit with us. Commissioner 21 Reeves alluded to the kickoff Friday morning. Get up 22 just a little bit earlier for some folks, for those 23 involved in stock show it's pretty well normal get-up 24 time, six o'clock out here on the Courthouse square. 25 Tacos, and cow chip throwing contest, turkey bowling, 31 1 and goat milking. So fun time to kick it off. 2 Thank y'all very much, look forward to 3 seeing all of you out there. If you have any questions. 4 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Thank you very much. 5 THE COURT: I'd like to say that it's fun to 6 go out and watch all of those kids. My -- one of my 7 favorite portions of it is this Ag mechanics thing and 8 it's a state-wide thing. Wow, these kids are really 9 innovative, that's really fun to go through there. You 10 see lots of barbecue pits which are which are near and 11 dear to my heart, and a lot of fancy trailers with all 12 kind of fancy stuff on them. They build implements to 13 go on tractors that nobody's ever built. They build 14 furniture. 15 Last year one guy took one of the fallen 16 cypress trees that had been washed down the flood over 17 in Bandera, and made a table out of that thing. It was 18 about ten feet long, it was, and absolutely gorgeous. 19 So they make furniture, all kind of things. It's really 20 fun to go through there. And the kid stays with the 21 project after the show. And when you walk by to look at 22 it, they'll give you a tour of it and tell you how he 23 did it and what it's made of, all that. Listen, it's a 24 lot of fun. And it's well worth going out there to see, 25 and I urge you to do that. As well as the rest of the 32 1 the show. These kids are really something. 2 And I want to again say that since I've been 3 County Judge, and Juvenile Judge, I have not had one of 4 these kids come through my Court. So that speaks well 5 for the program, okay. Judge Tinley told me in the 13 6 years that he preceded me, he never had one of them come 7 through his Court either. So this is a fine project, 8 it's very, very worthwhile. And I urge the public to 9 support it. Thank you very much. 10 All right. Anybody else have anything? 11 COMMISSIONER LETZ: No. 12 THE COURT: All right. Thank you, Sir. 13 Let's go to item 1.6, consider, discuss and take 14 appropriate action to approve Resolution to authorize 15 procurement for consultant services to administer the 16 County's awarded 2015 Texas CDBG Colonia Construction 17 Fund Project Contract #7215045, Center Point/East Kerr 18 Wastewater Project. Commissioner Letz and Moser. 19 COMMISSIONER MOSER: You want me to do this? 20 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Please. 21 COMMISSIONER MOSER: Thank you, Judge. The 22 County received a grant from Texas Department of 23 Agriculture for five hundred thousand dollars, and this 24 is for the East Kerr County, Center Point wastewater 25 system. And the particular grant is to hook up 33 1 individual properties okay to the sewer system once it's 2 installed. 3 Commissioner Letz and myself, and Charlie 4 have been working with everybody on this team making 5 sure that we can have a compatible schedule so when we 6 can use these funds, and when we get monies from the 7 Water Development Board for the actual construction of 8 the sewer system. 9 So what this does is this is a resolution, 10 one step in about six steps to take the appropriate 11 action for us to have a contract with someone to provide 12 the administrative services for this. This is same type 13 of thing exactly that we used for services in Kerrville 14 South. And in that phase Grant Works has done that, but 15 all the does is just let us go out and secure the 16 services. So I so move. 17 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Second. 18 THE COURT: All right, it's been moved and 19 seconded to approve the procurement for consultant 20 services to administer the County's awarded 2015, Texas 21 CDBG Colonia Construction Fund Project, contract number 22 7215045. Is there any further discussion or comments or 23 questions? 24 COMMISSIONER MOSER: So approve the 25 resolution? 34 1 THE COURT: Yes, it is to approve the 2 resolution. 3 COMMISSIONER LETZ: A comment that this is a 4 -- I don't think you said this, Commissioner Moser. 5 Grant Works has been -- handled Kerrville South all 6 along and did a great job. We have not officially hired 7 Grant Works for this project, and it is the step to do, 8 go out for bid. We may or may not hire Grant Works, but 9 it's that for that we're really going out there is 10 really try and get all administrative parts to go, and 11 on this first day. 12 THE COURT: All right. Any further 13 questions or comments? 14 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: You would still have 15 to deal with a low bid program. 16 COMMISSIONER MOSER: The Texas Department of 17 Agriculture has the detailed criteria. You have to have 18 a selection committee and you have to have a selection 19 criteria, and they use that criteria to select. 20 THE COURT: Anything else? There being 21 none, those in favor of the motion signify by raising 22 your right hand. It's four zero, unanimous. 23 1.7, consider, discuss and take appropriate 24 action to authorize the County Judge to sign documents 25 related to execution of the 2015 Texas CDBG Colonia 35 1 Construction Fund Proje4ct Contract #7215045, Center 2 Point/East Kerr Wastewater project. Commissioner Letz 3 and Moser. 4 COMMISSIONER MOSER: Well, this is the 5 second step, the first step is approving the resolution, 6 the second step is approving a selection criteria, 7 selection committee, etc., so this is just the 8 authorization of the next step. So I so move. 9 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Second. 10 THE COURT: Been moved and seconded. Now we 11 go to the next step, which is set forth in 1.7 of the 12 agenda, consider, discuss and take appropriate action to 13 authorize County Judge to sign documents related to 14 execution of the -- I'm not going to read all of that 15 stuff again. Is there any further discussion? 16 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Yes. I just want to 17 clarify one thing. We did this on I believe a previous 18 application as well, but there are a lot of different 19 forms and documents, and appointments and things that 20 need to come on, and rather than have to list each one 21 of those individually on a future agendas, this is to 22 approve you, we've approved the resolution, we've 23 approved the the receipt of the funds, are proceeding 24 with the closing. And we have made no steps for us to 25 actually deal with each one of those, and the subject of 36 1 the County attorney, the County Judge the authority to 2 execute those future documents. 3 THE COURT: All right. Any further 4 discussion? Okay. 5 COMMISSIONER MOSER: All right. Okay, good. 6 THE COURT: Been seconded. All right, those 7 in favor of the motion signify by raising your right 8 hand. It's four zero, unanimous. 9 1.8, consider, discuss and take appropriate 10 action to submit an amendment request, Change Order 11 Number 1, environmental reevaluation of Amendment 1 to 12 engineering contract to Texas Department of Agriculture 13 for Texas Community Development Block Grant Project 14 7214025, Kerrville South Wastewater Project, phase VI, 15 Precinct 1 and 2. Katie Falgoust. 16 MS. FALGOUST: Hi, good morning. So in your 17 packets there's an amendment requesting including the 18 resolution. And I guess I wanted to find out if there's 19 any questions. Basically this is required because 20 there's a change in beneficiaries along with changes in 21 quantities and items in the performance statement, and 22 some changes in the budget. 23 COMMISSIONER MOSER: Let me put this in 24 perspective. This is for Kerrville South, correct? 25 MS. FALGOUST: Correct. 37 1 COMMISSIONER MOSER: We made some changes. 2 We received a half a million dollar grant for that 3 Precinct 1 and 2 to do a final set of work over there. 4 We made some changes in the number of connections, okay. 5 We also made some changes in putting up permanent 6 installation for a backup generator to be installed at 7 the lift station on Quail Valley. Quail Valley seems to 8 be popular road today. 9 And so what this does, is just approve 10 the -- the modifications to the agreement with the Texas 11 Department of Agriculture, so -- and it's all in the 12 budget. Everything's still -- we just changed some 13 items in the budget from construction to attachments, 14 hookup of individual properties. So I so move. 15 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Second. 16 THE COURT: All right. It's been moved and 17 seconded that we take appropriate action to submit an 18 amendment request, Change Order Number 1, Environmental 19 reevaluation, and Amendment 1 to engineering contract to 20 Texas Department of Agriculture for Texas Community 21 Development Block Grant Project 7214025, Kerrville South 22 Wastewater Project, Phase VI, Precinct 1 and 2. 23 Is there any further discussion, comments or 24 questions? There being none, those in favor of the 25 motion signify by raising your right hand. It's four 38 1 zero, unanimous. 2 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Thanks. 3 THE COURT: Item 1.9 on the agenda, update 4 regarding Kerr County Market Days and Hill Country Swap 5 Meet, with LuAnn Anderson. Good morning, Ma'am. 6 MS. ANDERSON: Good morning. Thank you for 7 time on your agenda this morning. I guess it's a little 8 different, I'm really here I think to say goodbye, at 9 least for market days at the courthouse square. 10 We've enjoyed 14 incredible years of your 11 support, your assistance, tremendous city staff to work 12 with us in every way. And I -- I think the time has 13 come that the Market Days are going to make a change. 14 The weather has been horrible this past year. We've 15 been rained out, we've been blown out, we've been froze 16 out, we've about been burned out, and we're moving 17 inside. As you know we've been out at the Event Center 18 now. 19 This will be our fourth year with Hill 20 Country Swap Meet. Had a little bit of a slow start, 21 but it's really taken off now. And so after the October 22 Market Days got rained out here at the courthouse, we 23 just invited those market days' folks to come out and 24 set up at the swap meet, and it was great. It went 25 really well there, the facility is perfect. We couldn't 39 1 have asked for a better turnout, a better outcome after 2 what we experienced with the weather. 3 So in 2016 both events will be held 4 concurrently but remain separate. Because of the size 5 of the facility, we're going to continue the swap meet 6 as it has been over on one side, and we're going to put 7 the Market Days on the other side. And its original 8 design and intent and that is in all original arts and 9 crafts events. 10 Like I say today is kind of sad, because it 11 has been a wonderful time here at the courthouse. 12 Commissioner Baldwin, Commissioner Letz partnered with 13 us and helped us in support of this since the very first 14 day. And we are tremendously grateful for that. The 15 County staff. In all my years working with local 16 government, I've never seen a better one. They're 17 competent, they're friendly, they're always ready there 18 to help. 19 Like I said, we're sad to be leaving but 20 we're excited about the new possibilities. We're 21 getting very good response from customers and from 22 vendors. You know to see this event -- combined event 23 grow and just move on to the next generation of Kerr 24 County Market Days. Thank you. Any questions I'd be 25 happy to answer. 40 1 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Yeah, and I remember 2 the first time you walked in through that door, and a 3 little rocky road there for a while. But you know John 4 Grimes has always had concerns about our citizens 5 parking over there in the parking lot. I'm going to 6 take the credit for y'all moving out so we're going to 7 let him know today that I have ended this stuff we don't 8 have to do. 9 But hey, I've got a question. How does this 10 fit with your -- with you managing the facility? Do 11 they just automatically keep what you're doing, what 12 they've been doing? 13 AUDIENCE: Right. They're under contract, 14 right, for the year. 15 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: And so for the end of 16 the year what did you do? 17 AUDIENCE: Just renegotiate the contract. 18 THE COURT: Good. 19 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I've been to your 20 facility out there, I've been to your functions out 21 there a couple times and it's really neat, it's really 22 neat. 23 MS. ANDERSON: It's a lot of fun. We have a 24 good time with it. 25 COMMISSIONER LETZ: I'll make a comment. 41 1 You know, LuAnn's done a fantastic job for people. A 2 lot of work, and it's been great. 14 years for the 3 community everyone got a lot out of it. And I wish 4 y'all the success in the new endeavor. At the same time 5 I think its a great idea to move it out to the facility. 6 MS. ANDERSON: It's made for something like 7 that. And knowing it will be -- continue to be a great 8 success. I thank you very much. 9 THE COURT: Item 1.10, consider, discuss and 10 take appropriate action to fill one vacant/budgeted 11 position in the maintenance department. Mr. Bollier. 12 MR. BOLLIER: Yes, Sir. Morning, Judge. 13 Morning, Commissioners. I had a person retire and all 14 I'm asking for is to approve a -- replace that position. 15 THE COURT: So move? 16 COMMISSIONER LETZ: So move. 17 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: And second. 18 THE COURT: So moved and seconded that 19 the -- authorize to replace the person that's retiring 20 in the maintenance department. And any further 21 discussion, comments? Yes, Sir. 22 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Does the salary goes 23 back to the Number 1 thing? Steps and all that? 24 MR. BOLLIER: Yes, Sir. 25 THE COURT: Any further comments or 42 1 questions? If not, those in favor of the motion please 2 signify by raising your right hand. It's four zero, 3 unanimous. 4 Item 1.11, consider, discuss and take 5 appropriate action to replace fire alarm system at the 6 courthouse. Mr. Bollier? 7 MR. BOLLIER: Yes, Sir. We've been fighting 8 this issue now for several years. We have a 9 Fairday(phonetic) system out there. They no longer make 10 parts for it. The way we get parts is there just happen 11 to be a gentleman that's in Connecticut that sells it 12 out of his garage, and that is the truth, and TotalCom 13 just happens to have a relationship with this guy. But 14 Fairday makes no more. They haven't been in service for 15 years now. Our system is a 1982 model, I believe. 16 So Christmas day we had an issue. Well, 17 we've had issues before, but we have false fire alarms 18 and fire department come up here. Well, if this 19 continues, we're -- sooner or later going to get charged 20 for all of this. And I've had -- on Christmas day I had 21 to have TotalCom come in, and we replaced seven heads 22 upstairs and with old heads. This will only fix the 23 problem for a little while. We put band aids on it and 24 band aids on it. And now it's time to do something 25 about it. 43 1 We have no protocol when the five alarm goes 2 off. Nobody knows when to get out of the building, 3 and/or when not to, you know. So we need to get a new 4 fire alarm put in the courthouse so we can start some 5 sort of protocol to where we can have a fire drill to 6 where people can learn to get out of the courthouse. 7 That is a liability, that is a great big liability the 8 way it is right now. I hear the fire alarm goes off, 9 shit, it's the alarm who cares, and they just sit down 10 because it just doesn't work. 11 So I've talked to the Auditor about the 12 problem. I don't -- and I have -- I think you have a 13 backup sheet there with a price of a new one. We may 14 have to get -- we will probably have to get the Fire 15 Marshall involved in this, because I think that there 16 are some places upstairs and around the building that we 17 will -- we may have to add a fire alarm smoke detector, 18 too. And TotalCom has given y'all that, and TotalCom is 19 aware of our system, they know where everything is. 20 They would get rid of the fire alarm that's all the way 21 up on top of the building in the old jail, that system 22 will go away. We would only have one system right down 23 here on the first floor. 24 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Tim, would you read 25 that amount into the record, please. 44 1 MR. BOLLIER: It's 21 thousand -- 2 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: $912.23? 3 MR. BOLLIER: Yes. And it may go up just a 4 little bit if we -- if the Fire Marshall makes us add 5 smoke detectors. 6 COMMISSIONER REEVES: What I might suggest 7 is let's find out -- I'm not saying we don't need this, 8 because I was here I guess it was the third day before 9 Christmas eve when the alarms went off, and the 10 Sheriff's administrator was here, she was working very 11 hard to get help to silence, and the security and 12 maintenance, and they just kept going off. 13 And as Mr. Bollier said, they went off 14 several times during that Christmas time. What I would 15 like to see is let's -- before we authorize the money, 16 let's -- and have to come back and authorize more, and 17 the fire marshal says we need x, y and z, let's get the 18 fire marshal, Mr. Bollier, find out what it is, and that 19 way you authorize it all at one time so we don't have to 20 stop and say no we can't do it until we come back and 21 get more money, and let's just get it done. 22 He's right, this system with one control 23 upstairs, one downstairs. I watched the difficulty in 24 resetting it. And you had to have people on phones, 25 calling up to do it exactly at the same time. So I'd 45 1 like to. Let's get -- find out exactly what we have to 2 have and authorize all the funds at one time. 3 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I agree with you. 4 That's good thinking for a redneck. 5 COMMISSIONER REEVES: Thank you. I just -- 6 COMMISSIONER MOSER: What is the cause of 7 the failure? 8 MR. BOLLIER: Smoke detector. 9 COMMISSIONER MOSER: A smoke detector 10 failed? 11 MR. BOLLIER: Yes, Sir. 12 COMMISSIONER MOSER: And you couldn't shut 13 the system off? 14 MR. BOLLIER: We could not find the 15 detector, because it's a long -- 16 SHERIFF HEIRHOLZER: Let me explain this. 17 See, this courthouse has been added onto numerous times, 18 and system's been adapted through all those years, and 19 it's kind of piecemealed together, and that's why you 20 actually had combined two systems into one, from when we 21 had juvenile detention upstairs. 22 The big issue with this whole thing, too, is 23 not only -- and I agree totally with Tim, this thing's 24 totally outdated and has to be replaced. It's also tied 25 into our yearly jail inspection and is going to the jail 46 1 inspection, because we have holding cells inside this 2 courthouse. So all of this does have to be done. 3 Sooner the better. 4 COMMISSIONER MOSER: That answered my 5 question, Tim, thank you. 6 THE COURT: Any further discussion or 7 questions? 8 MR. BOLLIER: I'll bring it back, I'm going 9 to call them today. 10 THE COURT: All right we'll pass it until 11 then. Okay. 12 Item 1.12, consider, discuss and take 13 appropriate action on improvements to concession stand 14 at the Hill Country Youth Event Center. Jake 15 Williamson. 16 MR. BOLLIER: You get up there, big boy. 17 MR. WILLIAMSON: Good morning to the Court. 18 Thank you for your time. I'm here to talk to you about 19 further improvements to the concession area, for an ice 20 machine as well as some sinks, and other equipment 21 needed for this concession area. I'm looking at 22 transferring funds from the ice machine to the sink 23 fund, so that I can go and purchase those sinks and get 24 that installed, because I did have some savings from the 25 ice machine. 47 1 COMMISSIONER REEVES: So you had money left 2 over. How much money did you have left over? 3 MR. WILLIAMSON: Approximately three hundred 4 dollars. 5 COMMISSIONER REEVES: And that will cover 6 what you need for the sinks? 7 MR. WILLIAMSON: Yes. That will cover for 8 the sinks. We'll have hot/cold water, as well as hand 9 wash. It's a functional basin. Any if I can get those 10 approved, and I can get down to Standard(phonetic) this 11 week and I can have that installed before the weekend 12 before the stock show. 13 COMMISSIONER REEVES: And it's money we've 14 already approved, you're not asking for additional 15 money, you're asking -- just asking to move from one 16 spot to another? 17 MR. WILLIAMSON: Correct. So I just ask 18 that you move it as Commissioner Reeves stated. 19 THE COURT: Move. 20 COMMISSIONER REEVES: Second. 21 THE COURT: It's been moved and seconded 22 that you have approval from Commissioners' Court to move 23 the fund from I think you called it the ice maker fund 24 over to the sink fund. These have been previously 25 approved. 48 1 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Basically what we're 2 doing, we're modifying the equipment. 3 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Into a sink fund. 4 THE COURT: A sink fund. All right. Is 5 there any further discussion? There being none those in 6 favor signify by raising your right hand. It's four 7 zero, unanimous. 8 Item 1.13, consider, discuss and take 9 appropriate action to designate Commissioners' and 10 Judge's liaison appointments for various functions for 11 calendar year 2016. 12 In the agenda package is the one for 2015. 13 Is there any discussion or any changes on that, or do we 14 want to just approve it again for 2016? 15 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Let's leave it the way 16 it is, I think. 17 COMMISSIONER REEVES: I'm good for one. 18 COMMISSIONER MOSER: It's fine. I move for 19 approval the way it is. 20 THE COURT: All right, been moved. 21 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Seconded. 22 THE COURT: Permission to remove the 2015 23 liaison appointment, renew that for the calendar year 24 2016 unchanged. Is there any further discussion? 25 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Yes. I want to bring 49 1 up the AACOG issue. As you know, I love that operation, 2 and been down there for 20 years or so, and -- but I'm 3 leaving. So if you need -- when you're unable to go or 4 schedule, whatever, and you need an alternate to go down 5 there, I think it's time we pass the ACCOG around a 6 little bit. 7 THE COURT: I already started in 2015 8 backing off. I wanted to make sure you were there when 9 your son graduated from the academy down there, and you 10 were at or about the ACCOG meeting at or about that time 11 or close to that time, so you'll notice that I backed 12 off on it. And I intend to do that for this year. 13 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Okay. Thank you very 14 much. 15 THE COURT: Next year. So that you -- 16 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Okay. Are you firing 17 me is what you're saying? 18 COMMISSIONER MOSER: No; we're assuming 19 you're going to be here until January first, 2017. 20 COMMISSIONER REEVES: That's why I took it. 21 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: You and I need to 22 talk. Very good. Thank you. 23 THE COURT: All right. It's been moved and 24 seconded, remove the 2015 liaison appointments 25 forwarding it to 2016. Is there any further discussion? 50 1 There being none those in favor signify by raising your 2 right hand. Four zero, unanimous. 3 Time for about a ten-minute break. 4 COMMISSIONER REEVES: Yes. 5 (Break.) 6 THE COURT: I'm asking for decorum. Let's 7 close the doors and everybody have a seat. 8 Item 1.14. I understand that the lady that 9 asked for that hearing before the Commissioners' Court 10 had called in and asked to withdraw the agenda item. 11 So we'll skip 1.14 and go to 1.15. 12 Consider, discuss and take appropriate action on 13 Resolution regarding Gravel Quarries in Kerr County, 14 Texas. Commissioner Moser. 15 COMMISSIONER MOSER: Thank you, Judge. As I 16 indicated before we began the agenda items today, 17 there's a lot of interest by many of the residents in 18 Precinct 2, Precinct 3 also, and in other parts of the 19 county, about the mining of gravel along the Guadalupe 20 River. It's something that -- that I think the Court 21 appropriately recognizes personal property rights of 22 whoever owns that property and be able to do what they 23 wish. 24 On the other hand it's clearly a detrimental 25 effect to the beauty of the Hill Country. It has 51 1 potential detrimental affects to pollution of the 2 Guadalupe River and of the air. And all of those things 3 are under the authority and purview of the Texas 4 Commission on Environmental Qualities. 5 There some places in the State, and the 6 Brazos River that has had such sanction passed by the 7 State Legislature, to preclude of mining of gravel along 8 various areas in the Brazos River. So I'm going to 9 propose a resolution by the Court, and I'd like to read 10 it into the record, for consideration of the Court, 11 regarding gravel quarries in Kerr County, and this is in 12 general. 13 Whereas, gravel quarries may have a positive 14 impact on the economy of Kerr County, and whereas the 15 gravel quarry operators have been and attempt to be good 16 neighbors, and whereas gravel quarries are detrimental 17 on the visual beauty of the landscape, and whereas 18 gravel quarries can be detrimental to air, water and 19 noise quality, and whereas gravel quarries when located 20 near housing developments can impact property values, 21 and whereas there are no local requirements and 22 regulations regarding reclamation of the land once the 23 quarry operations are complete, and whereas Kerr County 24 has no authority to regulate gravel quarry operations 25 outside the flood plain administration, and whereas the 52 1 Texas Commission on Environmental Qualities TCEQ, is the 2 permitting authority for such operations, and whereas 3 the Court acknowledges and supports the rights of 4 property owners; therefore be it resolved that the Kerr 5 County Commissioners' Court encourages existing and 6 potential gravel quarry owners and operators to minimize 7 the negative impact to the beauty of the landscape and 8 to the quality of air, water and noise, and to not 9 locate gravel quarries in close proximity to existing 10 residential developments, schools, businesses -- and 11 businesses, and that when gravel quarry operations are 12 complete, the land be returned to the original or better 13 condition than existed before the quarry operation 14 began, and be it further resolved that the Kerr County 15 Commissioners' Court does hereby urge the Texas State 16 Legislature to enact legislation similar to Senate Bill 17 number 1354, dated 17 June, 2005, related to the 18 protection of water quality in watersheds threatened by 19 quarry activities, establishing a pilot program in 20 certain portions of the Guadalupe River, watershed and 21 providing penalties. 22 So that's the proposed resolution. 23 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I'd like for you to 24 highlight or just read it again, the whereas Kerr County 25 has no authority. Would you read that to me one more 53 1 time? 2 COMMISSIONER MOSER: Whereas Kerr County has 3 no authority to regulate gravel quarry operations 4 outside the flood plain administration. 5 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Yeah. We have no 6 authority to regulate. 7 COMMISSIONER MOSER: That's to the best of 8 my knowledge, according to the County attorney, and 9 other people that I've talked to in my research, we have 10 no authority to regulate that. 11 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: And then I'm not sure 12 about -- I'm not sure about adopting something asking 13 the legislature to pass a bill that's similar to 14 something, and I mean I -- I don't know, I've never read 15 the thing and I don't know what it says, what we'd be 16 adopting, what we'd be voting for. 17 I think what you're saying is that that 18 basically protects water and air, which they already do 19 of course. And as far as that is concerned, you have 20 the federal people that are involved in those things as 21 well. 22 COMMISSIONER MOSER: Yeah, this bill that 23 was passed by the legislature is for -- is to have 24 regular restrictions in particular areas of the Brazos 25 River, not overall. Okay. So -- and I think in reading 54 1 that Bill, it was in our package here for everybody to 2 read. It would be for them to consider this area, as 3 being unique, okay. And to take additional legislative 4 action if appropriate, to further restrict the 5 operations. We don't have the authority; but the State 6 legislature does. 7 COMMISSIONER LETZ: May I comment on the 8 section involving the S.B. 1354, some of you 9 Commissioners, Commissioner Baldwin, is my experience 10 to -- is to delete this out of that, and come back and 11 have a specific bill, and come back with a bill and ask 12 him to create a bill for us, very specific to the areas 13 we're talking about. I think it's a good idea. I 14 support the idea. I'd just rather have it as -- I don't 15 want to get lost here. That's something that needs to 16 be very specific. 17 COMMISSIONER MOSER: I think that's a good 18 recommendation, and I will modify the motion to withdraw 19 that further -- we have resolve, be further resolved. 20 Okay. And to follow through with our State 21 representatives. And see if we can't do -- to drafting 22 something specifically. 23 COMMISSIONER LETZ: I'll second the 24 resolution. 25 THE COURT: All right. Any further comments 55 1 or discussion about it? 2 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: No, no, Judge. When 3 this thing first hit, there was a particular letter, a 4 particular letter writer that kind of backhandedly took 5 a swipe at this Court for not standing up and opposing 6 it and all those kind of things. We have no authority. 7 We've already been through this before. And the great 8 State of Texas tells us to shut up and sit down, we'll 9 be able to take care of things. That's basically what 10 they said. 11 So it just kind of -- when I say -- when I 12 see these great authorities out there, you know, guys 13 that can run a golf course kinda, that knows our 14 business better than we do, it just -- it infuriates me 15 that we don't step out there and take a stand 16 immediately, and let the public know what our authority 17 is and what our authority is not. 18 COMMISSIONER MOSER: Let me add something to 19 what Commissioner Baldwin's saying, which I hundred 20 percent agree with, I'm going to post a town hall 21 meeting and right now the tentative date is January 22 27th, which is a Wednesday at six p.m. at the exhibit 23 hall, and it's for the purpose that Commissioner Baldwin 24 suggested and here's what our authority is. 25 We also have some major concerns with the 56 1 Texas Department of Transportation. I've invited them 2 to be there. And they said they will be there, talk 3 about traffic and what will happen along highway 27 as 4 Commissioner Letz and I have spoken about several times, 5 about the increased traffic and reduced safety. Or 6 increased safety hazards, let me put it this way, with 7 the operations which we encourage all that activity out 8 there. 9 But at the same time we need to recognize a 10 lot of people travel on a very narrow road, so we ask 11 them to be there, ask the Texas Commission on 12 Environmental Quality to be there. We want to clearly 13 delineate what the County can and cannot do, and what 14 the property rights are. And I've invited Martin 15 Marietta to be there to discuss their plans. I think 16 they have some plans that hopefully will mitigate some 17 of the impact. 18 I know our Lady of the Hills High School was 19 concerned about this operation within very close 20 proximity to their school, as are a lot of people that 21 have homes that have been there for years. So I think 22 they have an interest, as does UGRA. So it's going to 23 be a true town hall meeting and hopefully everybody can 24 and will be there. And the purpose is just to let 25 everybody understand what it is okay, and what -- and 57 1 what it is and what it isn't. So I think communication 2 is important. 3 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Are you going to 4 invite us? 5 COMMISSIONER MOSER: I've been thinking 6 about it. 7 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Free beer? 8 COMMISSIONER MOSER: Well, that's 9 negotiable. 10 THE COURT: I think Mrs. White has expressed 11 an interest to say something about this issue. 12 MRS. WHITE: Judge and Commissioners, I'm 13 not here as a representative. I'm on city counsel, I do 14 serve on city counsel, but I just wanted to let you all 15 know and I've spoken with a couple of you who asked that 16 this is on the agenda for the meeting time night at six 17 o'clock at City Hall to discuss annexation of this 18 particular property. I didn't know about it until 19 Friday night when I received my packet. But apparently 20 the Mayor has put it on the agenda, to begin 21 negotiations and actually the process of annexation. 22 I appreciate your efforts, Mr. Moser, to 23 have a town hall meeting and have input, and I would 24 advise and suggest that anybody here who's interested 25 come to that meeting and offer your information and your 58 1 insight. 2 You're exactly right from what I understand 3 you not have jurisdiction; of course the city would if 4 they annexed. I have some questions for our City 5 Manager, and I'll reserve those for our meeting tomorrow 6 night. But just as an informational piece of 7 information it will be on the agenda. I wanted everyone 8 here and all of you to know. Thank you. 9 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: If the City annexes 10 then you have ordnance-making powers and -- 11 MRS. WHITE: Yes. 12 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: -- be able to control 13 land. 14 MRS. WHITE: Well, actually in the agenda -- 15 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Land usage. 16 MRS. WHITE: I don't have the exact 17 verbiage, but that is mentioned as part of the agenda, 18 would be to in fact restrict that language as used. I 19 don't know if it's that word, but that's the intent. I 20 don't know if you passed an ordinance, of course there's 21 a time frame involved in that. I don't know exactly 22 what the mayor meant. If there are just the ordinances 23 that he's looking at for zoning, or other developmental 24 options that he might have. I'll have some questions 25 about voluntary annexation, and any other kind of 59 1 negotiations that may or may not have gone on prior to 2 this effort on the City Council. 3 But I don't know what stage, and this is 4 going to be one of my questions, that they're in as far 5 as their permitting process with TCEQ. I don't know any 6 of the players with Martin Marietta, but they'll be a -- 7 I presume, a quite lengthy discussion I would think on 8 that tomorrow night. 9 So I would hope in an effort to work 10 together as we always hope to do with City and County, 11 that any questions, any comments, your points of view, 12 be expressed one way or another at the meeting, and 13 outside of the meeting to the leaders of the City. 14 Thank you. 15 COMMISSIONER REEVES: Mrs. White, if I may, 16 I notice too on the agenda, and I understand you just 17 saw the package, but if I read it right, it's from Oak 18 way to Split Rock Road, that -- so that takes in I think 19 it says what a hundred and 90 some odd acres? 20 MRS. WHITE: A hundred and 94, I think, some 21 odd acres. Specifically, I believe it is this project. 22 You know, I think Guadalupe Heights is in between and 23 they're not in the city limits. And I don't know if -- 24 there wasn't anything in the plan for any other area 25 that I saw except for that. 60 1 COMMISSIONER REEVES: Thank you. 2 COMMISSIONER LETZ: So the way you 3 understand it is just to annex that area between Oak Way 4 and Splitrock, but not Guadalupe Heights? 5 MRS. WHITE: That's correct. 6 COMMISSIONER LETZ: For the residential 7 area. 8 MRS. WHITE: That was the map that was given 9 to me, right. 10 COMMISSIONER MOSER: Okay. 11 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Thank you, Miss 12 White. What you do, we appreciate you. 13 MRS. WHITE: Thank you for what you do. 14 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Mr. Baldwin opened the 15 door about the letter. I just want to make kind of a 16 general comment, that that letter struck me a little bit 17 as well. I think as you pointed out that several years 18 ago this the Court went to the legislature to get 19 additional authority for some areas, and specifically 20 the gravel quarry is one of them, and had similar type 21 development and the county's control or the authority of 22 the county in this little -- in this area, and very 23 specifically the Hill Country actually. And as the 24 associate -- also the realtor association or homeowner's 25 association are the reasons that didn't happen. So I 61 1 find it a little bit ironic that a developer is 2 criticizing us when they fought tooth and nail to give 3 us the authority that may help us. So I just thought it 4 should be mentioned. 5 THE COURT: Follow the money. 6 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Right. Okay. 7 THE COURT: I think it is a consensus that 8 we pass this thing for now for further consideration 9 later for rewording later on, a little bit later. 10 COMMISSIONER MOSER: No. Let me amend the 11 last -- and it would be further resolved that Kerr 12 County Commissioners do hereby urge the Texas State 13 legislature to enact legislation relating to protection 14 of water quality in watersheds threatened by quarry 15 activities establishing the pilot program in certain 16 portions of the Guadalupe watershed, and provide 17 penalties, and I'll just take out the similar to Senate 18 Bill Number 1354, dated 17 June 2005. 19 THE COURT: That's your motion? 20 COMMISSIONER MOSER: That's my motion. 21 THE COURT: Is there a second? 22 COMMISSIONER LETZ: I'll second it. 23 THE COURT: Then moved and seconded that the 24 resolution as submitted, but amended the last paragraph 25 of the body of the motion, the last further resolve, as 62 1 amended to say further resolve that Kerr County 2 Commissioners' Court does hereby urge the Texas State 3 Legislature to enact legislation related to the 4 protection of water quality in watersheds threatened by 5 quarry activities, establishing a pilot program in a 6 certain portion of the Guadalupe River watershed, and 7 providing penalties. Is that the way you want it to 8 read now? 9 COMMISSIONER MOSER: That's correct. 10 THE COURT: All right. Is that the 11 understanding that's what the motion is and a second to 12 the motion as is. All right. Any further discussion or 13 questions about it? If not those in favor of the motion 14 signify by raising your right hand. It's four zero, 15 unanimous. All right. 16 Item 1.16. Consider, discuss and take 17 appropriate action to appoint/reappoint members to the 18 Emergency Services District Number 2 Board. 19 Commissioner Reeves. 20 COMMISSIONER REEVES: Yes, thank you. At 21 this time I'd like to reappoint Rene Huffaker to a 22 two-year term to the ESD Unit Number 2, and also to 23 appoint a new member Walter Lee Hall to the same term. 24 And that's in the form of a motion. 25 THE COURT: Second. 63 1 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: And second. 2 THE COURT: And whoever Commissioner Reeves 3 just mentioned, reappoint number one, and appoint -- 4 appointment of I believe Hall you said? 5 COMMISSIONER REEVES: Walter Lee Hall. 6 THE COURT: To the board. 7 COMMISSIONER REEVES: I didn't know his 8 first name either, Commissioner. 9 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Well, I just have a 10 little father who can make fun of him now. 11 THE COURT: All right. Is there any further 12 discussion, comments or questions regarding the motion? 13 There being none those in favor of the motion signify by 14 raising your right hand. It is four zero, unanimous. 15 1.17, consider, discuss and take appropriate 16 action to file a request for Kerr County pro rata 17 distribution of proceeds from the Tobacco Settlement 18 Permanent Trust Account. Mrs. Doss. 19 MRS. DOSS: Good morning. 20 THE COURT: Good morning. 21 MRS. DOSS: Years ago the Texas legislature 22 created the Tobacco Settlement Permanent Trust Account 23 as a cooperative project between the Texas Department of 24 Health, which is now the Department of State Health 25 Services, and the State Comptroller of Public Accounts 64 1 in order to provide mental health departments, hospital 2 districts and local governments, a portion of the 3 payments from the State Tobacco Settlement. These funds 4 can be used by recipients to offset dollars they have 5 dedicated to indigent health care. 6 Every year we file an application or a 7 request to the State, which is requesting Kerr County's 8 pro rata distribution of the proceeds from the Tobacco 9 Settlement Permanent Trust Account, and I'm asking for 10 authorization to complete and file application. 11 COMMISSIONER LETZ: So move. 12 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Second. 13 THE COURT: Been moved and seconded that the 14 Kerr County request pro rata distribution of proceeds 15 from the Tobacco Settlement Permanent Trust Account. Is 16 there any further discussion or comments? 17 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: There's millions and 18 millions and millions of dollars from that. 19 MRS. DOSS: Yes, Sir. 20 THE COURT: It's unbelievable. 21 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: You know it's almost 22 like a lottery. 23 THE COURT: Any further questions or 24 comments? There being none, those if favor of the 25 motion signify by raising your right hand. It's four 65 1 zero, unanimous. 2 Item 1.18, consider, discuss and take 3 appropriate action to reconsider Court Order Number 4 35371, regarding the Rural Project Plan under 5 consideration by the Texas Department of Transportation. 6 Commissioner Letz. 7 COMMISSIONER LETZ: As you recall we passed 8 the resolution on November 23rd. That was a -- I think 9 an effort of the City of Kerrville, Kerr County, has 10 come up with a project that we're going to move forward 11 with. We passed that resolution and two things happened 12 since then. 13 The reason I'd like to reconsider, first of 14 all when the City passed the following they changed it 15 and didn't pass the resolutions that we agreed on. The 16 change they made was that they moved the priority of 17 IH-10 and Harper Road overpass and the service roads 18 along Harper Road, as an immediate to two year priority 19 as apposed to -- we agreed to have it equal to Highway 20 27. So that was one thing. 21 The other thing was December first, we had a 22 meeting at the AG barn with TXDOT, and a project came to 23 light, to me, that was in the city limits. They chose 24 not to include it, and I didn't look at any projects in 25 the city limits, or we didn't at the time, but the 66 1 project is along Comanche Trace, an immediate turn lane 2 or widening of 173 by Comanche Trace, is a very 3 dangerous intersection, and I can fully agree with that. 4 And yes, it brings my attention to the HOA out there and 5 think it should be added as a priority project, because 6 it is a very dangerous intersection. 7 So those two changes -- well, first of all, 8 I think the one we approved, with the time lines is 9 correct. And I would just like it inserted under 10 priority projects that same of Highway 173 to have 11 Comanche Trace to 534. And I think that would be the 12 only change to it and I think we could resign the 13 resolution and just remove the city and the other end 14 off of it and it would be just from the County. 15 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I don't know, did the 16 Highway 173 issue, did it not make any of the list? 17 COMMISSIONER LETZ: No. 18 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: It's an afterthought 19 kind of thing? 20 COMMISSIONER LETZ: It is not. 21 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I agree with you, 22 that thing out there has gotten busy, really busy. 23 COMMISSIONER LETZ: It was not on -- it was 24 never discussed by anyone. And I never -- you know we 25 never would have talked about it at the County, 67 1 because we let the City do their own. 2 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: What about the Harper 3 Road I-10 thing? 4 COMMISSIONER LETZ: It's in our resolution. 5 And recommend we leave it there. 6 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Just the time frame. 7 COMMISSIONER LETZ: The time frame that we 8 had in there was two years at the overpass of Harper 9 Road and two to five years for timeline of service 10 roads. And at that time that's what they agreed to, so 11 I support leaving that as is. 12 The only change that needs to be added the 13 segment of 173 from Loop 534 to Comanche Trace. 14 COMMISSIONER MOSER: I second it. 15 THE COURT: It's been moved and seconded 16 that we add in the intersection of Comanche Trace as an 17 amendment to our previous order, is that correct? 18 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Yes. And I think my 19 motion will actually include rescinding the previous one 20 and passing a new one. I think it's cleaner that way. 21 THE COURT: All right. Is that your motion 22 then is to rescind the prior order? 23 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Yes. 24 THE COURT: And to then pass a similar 25 order, but with the same except for adding the highway 68 1 intersection on 173 at Comanche Trace? 2 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Correct. 3 THE COURT: As a priority? 4 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Right. And then -- and 5 then authorize you to sign a letter and send to TXDOT. 6 THE COURT: All right, that's the motion. 7 Then is there a second? 8 COMMISSIONER MOSER: Second. 9 THE COURT: All right, it's been moved and 10 seconded, and I'm not going to try to repeat that again. 11 I think it's already on the record, I think. And is 12 there any further discussion or comments? 13 COMMISSIONER MOSER: A comment, and a 14 question. The original resolution or recommendation it 15 clearly delineated that the priorities for the Harper 16 Road and the access lane was that of the City, the 17 priority for the County was highway 27 improvements, and 18 a -- or independent -- Kerrville Independent School 19 District was sidewalks as I recall. Those three things. 20 So those clear delineations are in there, where our 21 priorities are? 22 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Yes. That does not 23 change. 24 COMMISSIONER MOSER: And so the one we're 25 adding is for Highway 173 between 534 and Comanche 69 1 Trace. 2 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Right. 3 COMMISSIONER MOSER: That'll be how you're 4 going to word that? 5 COMMISSIONER LETZ: I think we just similar 6 to public down here probably has a second category. 7 Just says 173 to Loop 534 to Comanche Trace, and to be 8 widened, and the time for it would be two to five years. 9 COMMISSIONER MOSER: Okay, thank you. 10 THE COURT: Any further questions or 11 comments about the motion? There being none, those in 12 favor signify by raising your right hand. So it's four 13 zero, unanimous. 14 Item 1.19. Consider, discuss and take 15 appropriate action to review funding options for the 16 right-of-way acquisition, Texas Water Development Board. 17 COMMISSIONER REEVES: It's not time. 18 THE COURT: 1.20, consider, discuss and take 19 appropriate action to discuss contract negotiations -- 20 that's going to be a closed session item. 21 COMMISSIONER REEVES: 21 and 22 are as well. 22 THE COURT: 1.21, consider, discuss and take 23 appropriate action regarding upgrading security devices 24 at West Kerr Annex building. Also possibly into 25 executive session. You want to do that now or in open 70 1 session. 2 SHERIFF HEIRHOLZER: I want it in executive. 3 COMMISSIONER REEVES: I want it in executive 4 session. As long as -- with the Sheriff, I believe. 5 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: We want to pay the 6 bills. 7 THE COURT: 1.22 is also executive session. 8 All right. Let's go to page -- pay the 9 bills. 10 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: I move we pay the 11 bills. 12 COMMISSIONER REEVES: Second. 13 THE COURT: Been moved and seconded to pay 14 the bills as submitted. Any further questions or 15 comments? There being none, those in favor signify by 16 raising your hand. It's four zero, unanimous. 17 4.2, budget amendments. 18 MRS. DOSS: We have two line item transfers. 19 COMMISSIONER REEVES: Approve them. 20 THE COURT: Have a second? 21 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: Second. 22 THE COURT: Been moved and seconded for 23 approval of the budget amendments. Are there any 24 further questions or comments about it? Those in favor 25 of the motion signify by raising your right hand. It's 71 1 four zero, unanimous. 2 THE COURT: Late bills. 3 MRS. DOSS: There are no late bills. There 4 are none. 5 THE COURT: All right. Approve and accept 6 monthly reports. 7 COMMISSIONER REEVES: Yes, Sir. Constable 8 Precinct 1, month of December, 2015. J.P. Precinct 2, 9 month of December, 2015. Constable Precinct 2, month of 10 December, 2015. J.P. 3, month of December, 2015. 11 Environmental Health, Texas News abatement program case 12 reports, July through September, 2015. Environmental 13 health activity group four, December 2015. Animal 14 services, December 2015. Veteran's services, the month 15 of December, 2015. The District Clerk's office, the 16 month of December, 2015. County Clerk's office, month 17 of December, 2015. And County Treasurer payroll 18 approval, December, 2015. And is that all of them? 19 MRS. DOSS: Yes. 20 COMMISSIONER REEVES: Move for approval and 21 sign as needed. 22 COMMISSIONER MOSER: Second. 23 THE COURT: Been moved and seconded that the 24 reports as read into the record by Commissioner Reeves 25 be accepted and approved. Any further comments or 72 1 discussion? There being none, those in favor signify by 2 raising your right hand. It's four zero, unanimous. 3 Okay. 4 I guess we can go into closed session now, 5 but we may have to come back out, I suggest at 11 6 o'clock to consider items 1.9, which is scheduled at 11 7 o'clock. If we don't conclude our executive session, 8 we'll have to recess and come back out. 9 (Open session closed, and an executive 10 session was held; the record of which is contained in a 11 separate document.) 12 OPEN SESSION RESUMED 13 THE COURT: It's now about 6 minutes after 14 12, back in open session. 15 (Off the record) 16 THE COURT: Back in open session. Want to 17 take any action? 18 COMMISSIONER REEVES: I would like to make a 19 motion to authorize the sheriff to have the Guardian, is 20 that the correct system, installed with -- upgrade the 21 system at the West Kerr annex. Including in that 22 motion, would be subject to approval of legal counsel 23 and alter that the certificate of obligation money is 24 visible for that purpose, and subject to their opinions, 25 and to begin installation as he deems fit under it being 73 1 part of the security of the County. 2 THE COURT: And funded by -- that is 3 approved and funded based on counsel's opinion. 4 COMMISSIONER REEVES: That's correct. 5 COMMISSIONER MOSER: And not to exceed nine 6 thousand dollars. 7 SHERIFF HEIRHOLZER: Because the current bid 8 is $8,925, and if we want up to six buttons, it's 9 another -- 10 COMMISSIONER MOSER: Okay, not to exceed ten 11 thousand dollars. 12 COMMISSIONER REEVES: Yeah. Not to exceed 13 ten thousand dollars to upgrade the security system. 14 THE COURT: Is that your motion? Is there a 15 second? 16 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Second it. 17 THE COURT: It's been seconded as stated in 18 the motion for not to exceed ten thousand dollars, and 19 continue to put on the legal counsel's opinion about 20 where it's funded. And any further discussion? There 21 being none, those in favor signify by raising your right 22 hand. It's four for it. Unanimous. 23 THE COURT: All right. Does that conclude 24 everything today? 25 COMMISSIONER BALDWIN: It does. 74 1 THE COURT: We're adjourned. Thank you very 2 much. 3 * * * * * * 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 75 1 STATE OF TEXAS * 2 COUNTY OF KERR * 3 I, DEBRA ELLEN GIFFORD, the Official 4 Certified Shorthand Reporter in and for the Kerr County 5 Commissioners' Court, do hereby certify that the above 6 and foregoing pages contain and comprise a true and 7 correct transcription of the proceedings had in the 8 above-entitled Commissioners' Court. 9 Dated this the 22nd day of January, A.D. 10 2016. 11 12 /s/DEBRA ELLEN GIFFORD Certified Shorthand Reporter 13 No. 953 Expiration Date 12/31/2016 14 15 * * * * * * 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25