1 1 2 3 KERR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT 4 Regular Session 5 Tuesday, February 20, 2018 6 10:30 a.m. 7 Commissioners' Courtroom 8 Kerr County Courthouse 9 Kerrville, Texas 78028 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 PRESENT: TOM POLLARD, Kerr County Judge HARLEY BELEW, Commissioner Pct. 1 24 TOM MOSER, Commissioner Pct. 2 JONATHAN LETZ, Commissioner Pct. 3. 25 BOB REEVES, Commissioner Pct. 4 2 1 I-N-D-E-X 2 NO. PAGE 3 1.1 Consider, discuss and take appropriate 3 action to approve official bond of Kerr 4 County Precinct 2 Constable, Kyle Schneider. 5 1.2 Administer Oath to Kerr County Precinct 2 4 Constable, Kyle Schneider. 6 1.3 Consider, discuss and take appropriate 6 7 action for the Court to consider adopting a policy for installation and maintenance 8 of private driveways in Kerr County. 9 *** Adjournment. 7 10 *** Reporter's Certificate. 8 11 * * * * * * 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 3 1 JUDGE POLLARD: Okay, it's Tuesday, February 2 the 20th, 2018. It's 10:31 a.m., the Kerr County 3 Commissioners' Court is in session. This is a special 4 Commissioners' Court today so we don't have all the 5 other normal things to go through. Let's get right to 6 the agenda. 7 Item 1.1 consider, discuss and take 8 appropriate action to approve the official bond of Kerr 9 County Precinct 2 Constable, Kyle Schneider. 10 Commissioner Moser. 11 COMMISSIONER MOSER: Judge, I'm kind of at a 12 loss for that, but I think that bond has been submitted, 13 and Kyle has been selected and appointed by this Court 14 to fill the interim until it's put on the ballot, so the 15 bond is in place, and I make a motion that we accept the 16 bond. 17 COMMISSIONER BELEW: Second. 18 JUDGE POLLARD: Been moved by Commissioner 19 Moser, seconded by Commissioner Belew to accept the 20 bond. Is there any further discussion or comment? 21 COMMISSIONER LETZ: We have seen the bond, I 22 take it? 23 JUDGE POLLARD: It's right here. 24 COMMISSIONER MOSER: It's right there. 25 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Wanted to make sure we 4 1 had the bond. 2 COMMISSIONER MOSER: We got the bond. 3 JUDGE POLLARD: All right, those in favor of 4 the motion signify by raising their right hand. It's 5 four zero, unanimous. Okay, I'll sign here. 6 And somebody who is the J.P. of the precinct 7 going to step forward and swear him in? 8 COMMISSIONER REEVES: Judge Mitchell said 9 she would do the honors. 10 JUDGE POLLARD: Do you got a copy of the 11 oath? 12 JUDGE MITCHELL: Yes, Sir, I do. 13 If I can get you to read that, and sign 14 this. 15 (Kyle Schneider complying.) 16 JUDGE MITCHELL: Okay, raise your right 17 hand. 18 COMMISSIONER MOSER: Turn around so that 19 lady can get your picture. 20 (Kyle Schneider was sworn in by Judge Kathy 21 Mitchell as Constable Precinct 2.) 22 JUDGE MITCHELL: Thanks, Constable. 23 COMMISSIONER MOSER: Very good. 24 (Applause.) 25 JUDGE MITCHELL: Another signature. 5 1 CONSTABLE SCHNEIDER: Is this where I sign 2 my paycheck away to y'all? 3 Thank you, Commissioners. 4 COMMISSIONER MOSER: Congratulations, Kyle. 5 JUDGE MITCHELL: And you are done. 6 CONSTABLE SCHNEIDER: We are done. 7 COMMISSIONER MOSER: Your phone is ringing. 8 CONSTABLE SCHNEIDER: I left it in the 9 truck. 10 COMMISSIONER MOSER: I got your cell phone 11 number. 12 JUDGE MITCHELL: May my daughter take a 13 picture real quick? 14 (Photographs taken.) 15 COMMISSIONER MOSER: Judge Hoyne is going 16 out to put you to work. 17 JUDGE POLLARD: All right, the next one I 18 guess is the addendum to Special Commissioners' Court 19 agenda. Approval agenda 1.3 consider, discuss and take 20 appropriate action for the Court to consider accepting a 21 policy for installation and maintenance of private 22 driveways in Kerr County. Precinct 1, 2, 3 and 4. 23 COMMISSIONER REEVES: Judge, I think we also 24 have a workshop pertaining to that, and what if we 25 recess the Court meeting until we complete the workshop, 6 1 and then come back. Call the workshop into session, 2 then we could come back to it. 3 JUDGE POLLARD: All right, is that 4 agreeable? 5 COMMISSIONER MOSER: Uh-huh. 6 JUDGE POLLARD: We'll stand in recess then 7 to go to the workshop. 8 (Workshop.) 9 JUDGE POLLARD: Adjourn the workshop and go 10 back into open session. 11 COMMISSIONER LETZ: All right, I'll make a 12 motion -- will you call 1.3. 13 JUDGE POLLARD: Uh-huh. 14 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Okay. I make a motion 15 that we instruct Road and Bridge that the County policy 16 will be that we no longer maintain private driveways. 17 COMMISSIONER BELEW: Second. 18 COMMISSIONER MOSER: Install and maintain. 19 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Install and maintain. 20 COMMISSIONER MOSER: Right. 21 JUDGE POLLARD: Second agree to that install 22 and? 23 COMMISSIONER BELEW: Yes, Sir. 24 JUDGE POLLARD: All right, it's been moved 25 by Commissioner Letz, seconded by Commissioner Belew 7 1 that it's now the County policy not to install or 2 maintain private driveways. Any further discussion? 3 That's on the right-of-way, right? 4 COMMISSIONER LETZ: Right. Within the 5 County right-of-way. 6 JUDGE POLLARD: All right. Any further 7 discussion or comment? There being none, those in favor 8 signify by raising your right hands. It's four zero, 9 unanimous. One abstention, myself. 10 COMMISSIONER MOSER: We got a sixth vote out 11 there. 12 JUDGE POLLARD: Road and Bridge also voted 13 two votes. All right, is there another motion? 14 COMMISSIONER LETZ: I think that's it. 15 COMMISSIONER MOSER: That's it. 16 JUDGE POLLARD: All right, if there's no 17 further business for the Commissioners' Court in this 18 open session, we're adjourned. 19 * * * * * * 20 21 22 23 24 25 8 1 STATE OF TEXAS * 2 COUNTY OF KERR * 3 I, DEBRA ELLEN GIFFORD, Certified Shorthand 4 Reporter in and for the State of Texas, and Official 5 Reporter in and for the County Court of Kerr County, do 6 hereby certify that the above and foregoing pages 7 contain and comprise a true and correct transcription of 8 the proceedings had in the above-entitled Commissioners' 9 Court. 10 Dated this the 20th day of February, A.D. 11 2018. 12 13 /s/DEBRA ELLEN GIFFORD Certified Shorthand Reporter 14 No. 953 Expiration Date 12/31/2018 15 * * * * * * 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25