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Justice of the Peace, Precinct 4


SMALL CLAIMS and JUSTICE CIVIL COURT occur in the same court room, are presided over by the same judge, have the same limits ($10,000) and are, in fact VERY different

If you have been sued and you don’t know what to do, you should likely contact an attorney and get some legal advice. No one at In Justice of the Peace, Precinct Four, Kerr County, Texas, is allowed to give you any legal advice EXCEPT that you should contact an attorney.


Giving one person, or party to a lawsuit, advice while the other side is not there is improper Ex Parte communication, and forbidden by Cannon 6 of the Code of Judicial Conduct.


In Justice of the Peace, Precinct Four, Kerr County, Texas, all answers to lawsuits will be in writing (Small Claims, Justice Civil or Evictions). The answer, in most but not all suits, is required by the Monday next following fourteen (14) days from the date you were served the citation notifying you of the lawsuit. Pay attention to the directions on the Citation.  If you fail to follow directions you may lose the case by Default.


Answering a lawsuit is critical and if you do not know how it is likely you are over your head already. You may represent yourself without an attorney, especially in Small Claims, but you may be in legal peril by not seeking competent legal advice. Some answers are required to be sworn to in front of the Clerk or in front of a Notary Public. Other answers may be filed without swearing to the contents or intent.


Once you have filed an answer with the Court you should send a copy to the Plaintiff. Especially in Justice Civil Court, the way someone answers a lawsuit is critical. You may need advice.


Usually, no fees are required for simply answering a civil lawsuit. If you file an answer that includes cross- actions or counter- suits some fees may be required. These answers are complicated and usually require legal advice or assistance.


Evictions may be complicated suits with critical deadlines. If you fail to perform a required action within the time required by law, you may lose by Default or be evicted immediately. You may see most of the laws concerning landlord and tenant disputes by viewing them online at Texas Statutes a service provided on the internet by the Texas Legislature. Look at the Texas Property Code then know there are certain rules that apply to evictions in the “Texas Rules of Court”. You may find a copy at the Public Library. Make sure the volume you are studying is current.


In Justice of the Peace, Precinct Four, Kerr County, Texas, we do not supply forms for answering lawsuits as the answers.

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